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<< | Page list | >> Categories: Window s, Manuals This page describes how to create a portable installation under Window s. This can then be used from a USB stick or a netw ork drive w ithout installing any softw are.

Utilities for image conversion may not w ork.

For this installation, I used the follow ing softw are LyX 2.0.3, standard installer (http://w w w nload) MiKTeX Portable 2.9 ( The goal is to get LyX and LaTeX running w ithout the need to install them first. This also includes the softw are bundled w ith LyX, but it does not include a PDF view er. 1. 2. 3. 4. Create a base directory somew here, say D:\portable Install LyX to this directory, w ithout latex support, creating a start menu folder and shortcuts Extract MiKTeX Portable to the folder w here you installed LyX and rename it to Miktex Open the D:\portable\LyX2.0.3\Resources\lyxrc.dist file in notepad or w ordpad, then append ;$LyXDir\miktex\miktex\bin\ to the path_prefix line, so that it looks like this:
\path_prefix "$LyXDir\bin;$LyXDir\python;$LyXDir\imagemagick;$LyXDir\ghostscript;$LyXDir\miktex\miktex\bin\"

5. Create a new textfile in D:\portable\LyX2.0.3 and paste the follow ing line in it: start bin\LyX.exe -userdir "userdir". Save it, and rename it to startLyX.bat (w ithout the .txt extension!) 6. Excecute the startLyx.bat file. This w ill start lyx. Click yes w hen you're asked if you w ant to create the userdirectory. The first start may be slow , because miktex has to dow nload additional packages first.

Free up space
You can free up some space by deleting all the files that you don't need from

Dictionary files

Thesaurus files

Documentation of MiKTeX packages Fresh install: 560MB on disk (FAT32)

Windows 7
Window s 7 new taskbar let's you pin applications to your taskbar. If you're w orking at a specific computer for a longer period and w ant to use your portable lyx, you might w ant to pin lyx to the taskbar. But remember that by doing so, you'll start lyx directly w ithout setting the userdir, like in the startLyX.bat file. To overcome this, make tw o more batch scripts in D:\portable\LyX2.0.3\: CopySettingsToLocalComputer.bat and CopySettingsFromLocalComputer.bat. CopySettingsToLocalComputer.bat
xcopy "userdir" "%appdata%\LyX2.0" /E /K /Y /I echo "Done" pause

xcopy "%appdata\LyX2.0" "userdir" /E /K /Y /I echo "done" pause

With these tw o files you can copy your settings from and to the local computer.

Using RCS version control with portable LyX

1. dow nload rcs w in binaries (, and 2. copy w in32 folder to D:\portable\LyX2.0.3 and rename to RCS. 3. Open the Resources\lyxrc.dist file in notepad or w ordpad, then append ;$LyXDir\RCS\ to the path_prefix line, so that it looks like this:
\path_prefix "$LyXDir\bin;$LyXDir\python;$LyXDir\imagemagick;$LyXDir\ghostscript;$LyXDir\miktex\miktex\bin\;$LyXDir\RCS"

4. Open startLyX.bat in notepad, and add before the line w ith start ... the follow ing tw o lines:

5. Change the timezone variable in the first line to your timezone 6. Start LyX, and reconfigure (Tools->reconfigure)

The follow ing tw eaks come from a portable installation w ith LyX 1.6. I'm not sure if this is still applicable to LyX 2.0, but I leave it here. 1. There may be an error message involving chklatex.tex, but that can be ignored. Removing the platex section from D:\portable\LyX16\Resources \ got rid of the message - but I am not sure w hy it appeared in the first place.

A portable TeX suite called LyTeX, that includes TeX Works, TeX Live, and LyX 1.6.3all portablehere: (about 400-500mb extracted)

Portable LyX
Portable LyX 2.0 is a repack of LyTeX w ith LyX 2.0 available here: {{dead link}} (about 700-800MB extracted)

A fully-functioning Tex distribution designed for a USB stick is available here: http://w w w (525MB extracted) I have tested USBTeX w ith LyX 1.6.2 and can report that is w orking w ell w ithout Admin Rights. The steps needed to do this need to be described in detail. If anyone can, please update! Window s Manuals
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