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Sultan Hashmi 1/29/13 7

MILITARY Ramses fought several battles during his reign. There were 4 campaigns against the Syrians (Hittites) without a decisive winner. The Battle of Kadesh (2nd campaign) was most notable. Ramses was ambushed and outnumbered. Yet, he managed to survive and return to Egypt where he proclaimed himself a hero. TEMPLES Abu Simbel was built to commemorate the victory at Kadesh. It was carved into the mountain and meant to intimidate the Nubians. Pi-Ramesses, where Ramses lived (Exodus occurred here). Another temple was Ramesseum also showed the Hittites defeated. This art was used a propaganda to support Ramses power and position.

Sultan Hashmi 1/29/13 7

LEGACY Died at the age of 90. He had severe dental problems/ arthritis. He reigned 66 years during which he built extensively in Egypt and Nubia, founded to new capital of Pi-Ramesses, created the worlds first peace treaty with the Hittites. 9 pharaohs would take his name after Ramses death, but none could surpass his achievements.

FAMILY Ramses was married to Nefertari. He also had 200 wives, 96 sons and 60 daughters. He outlived much of his family.

Use the previous page and History Alive pages 78-79 to complete the following. Write complete sentences with specific details from the texts. DO NOT PLAGARIZE. PARAPHRASE USING YOUR OWN VOCABULARY. Be thorough in your answers. Input Charts are the primary source for Unit Exams (30% HISTORY category), use as study guide. PROMPT 1.) Who did Ramses battle several times without a decisive victory? 2.) What happened in the Battle of Kadesh? YOUR ANSWER He battled the Hittites several times with out a decisive victory. At the battle of Kadesh, he was ambushed and out numbered but when he got back to Egypt he had told the citizens that he was a hero and had beaten the Hittites. He built the Abu Simbel temple to honor the victory of the battle of Kadesh. The temple was used as propaganda to support Ramses power and position. A lot of pharaohs took on his name because he was considered a hero to the Egyptians because he defeated the Hittites in combat. The reason he is called Ramses the great is because he had ruled for more than 60 years more than any other pharaoh, he was a great military and built many monuments. In his youth, he had fought along side his father in a war with the Hittites. The Egyptians battled the hittites several times. Every time they fought there was a decisive victory. The Hittites also ambushed and out

3.) What temple was built to honor the victory of the Battle of Kadesh? 4.) What was temple art used for? 5.) Why did so many pharaohs take on Ramses name? 6.) Using the first paragraph in the textbook, explain why Ramses is called The Great. 7.) Describe Ramses military experience as a youth. 8.) Describe the interactions between the Egyptians and the Hittites during his reign.

Sultan Hashmi 1/29/13 7

9.) What is evidence of Ramses diplomatic side? 10.) Analyze how Ramses is portrayed in the painting on the bottom of page 78. 11.) Detail the feature of the temple at Abu Simbel. You will need to use multiple paragraphs from the text to complete answer this prompt. 12.) Explain how Ramses the Great influenced any TWO aspects of GRASS

numbered the Egyptians at the battle of Kadesh but he hat told Egyptian citizens that he had won. The evidence of Ramses diplomacy is that he had made a peace treaty with the Hittites. He is portrayed as a big king beating the Hittites running them over on his chariot and shooting them with his bow and arrow. The temple at Abu Simbel had four giant statues at the entrance and on the inside there were three large hallways that people passed through to reach the man room. The main room had four statues. He influenced government by pretending that he had beaten the Hittites. He had influenced arts by making a temple filled with art.

Sultan Hashmi 1/29/13 7

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