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Rekenaarstelsels 214 Computer Systems 214

Tydsduur: Duration: Eerste Eksamen Junie 2008 First Examination June 2008 Volpunte: Full marks:

Eksaminator: Examiner: Prof PJ Bakkes


Mede-eksaminator(e): Co-examiner(s): IK Peddle Sertifisering Certification

Opgestel: Set:

Gemodereer: Moderated:

Eksaminator Examiner

Mede-eksaminator Co-examiner

Instruksies: Instructions: 1. 2. 3. Beantwoord al die vrae. Answer all the questions. Sakrekenaars of selfone mag nie gebruik word nie. Pocket Calculators or cell phones may not be used. Toon alle stappe wat u volg om n vraag te beantwoord, duidelik. Indien enige inligting na u mening ontbreek, maak aannames en gaan voort. Show all steps you follow in answering a question clearly. If any information lacks in your view, make assumptions and carry on. Die punte vir elke vraag word regs van die vraagnommer in vierkantige hakies aangedui. The marks for each question are indicated to the right of the question number in square brackets


Vraag 1 (Karnaugh)/Question 1 (Karnaugh) Vind die minimum som-van-produkte vorms van die volgende funksies deur van Karnaughdiagramme vir albei gevalle gebruik te maak en sonder DeMorgan se teorema. Toon duidelik die essensile priem implikante in die Karnaughdiagramme. a) b) c) f (a,b,c) = m(0,2,4,6,7) f (a,b,c,d) = m(0,1,2,3,9,11,12,14) f (a,b,c,d) = m(5,7,12,15) + d(8,9,13)


Find the minimum sum-of-products forms of the following functions by using Karnaugh diagrams in both cases and without DeMorgans Theorem. Show clearly the essential prime implicants in the Karnaugh diagrams. a) b) c) f (a,b,c) = m(0,2,4,6,7) f (a,b,c,d) = m(0,1,2,3,9,11,12,14) f (a,b,c,d) = m(5,7,12,15) + d(8,9,13)

Vraag 2 (Shannon)/Question 2 (Shannon) Maak van Shannon se teorema gebruik om die funksie f = ab'c'd + a'bc + bd', soos hieronder getoon, te implementeer. Die veranderlikes en hul omgekeerdes is beskikbaar. Pas Shannon in alfabetiese volgorde van die veranderlikes toe. a) alleen met 2-na-1 multipleksers b) alleen met 4-na-1 multipleksers User Shannons theorem to implement the function f = ab'c'd + a'bc + bd' as shown below. The variables and their complements are available. Apply Shannons theorem in alpabetic order of the variables. a) only with 2-to-1 multiplexers b) only with 4-to-1 multiplexers


Vraag 3 (Geheue-elemente)/Question 3 (Memory elements) Teken die detail stroombane (op hekvlak) van die volgende bane asook die tyddiagramme wat die werking daarvan duidelik aantoon: a) SR grendel met NOF-hekke b) Negatief-kantgesnellerde D-tipe wipkring Draw the detailed circuits (at gate level) of the following circuits and also the timing diagrams to show their function clearly:


a) SR latch with NOR gates b) Negative edge triggered D-type flip-flop.

Vraag 4 (Kombinasiebaan-ontwerp)/Question 4(Combinatorial circuit design) Skryf die waarheidstabel neer vir die twee-bis opbrengs (v1v0) van 'n binre aftrekbaan wat 'n twee-bis positiewe getal a1a0 van 'n ander twee-bis positiewe getal b1b0 aftrek. b1b0 is altyd groter as a1a0. a, b en v dui die individuele bisse van die onderskeie getalle aan. Vereenvoudig die funksies met behulp van Karnaughdiagramme en implementeer die stroombaan deur slegs van NEN-hekke gebruik te maak. Write the truth table for the two bit output (v1v0) of a binary subtractor that subtracts a two bit positive number a1a0 from another two bit positive number b1b0. b1b0 is always larger than a1a0. a, b and v indicate the individual bits of the respective numbers. Simplify the functions with Karnaugh diagrams an implement the circuit by only using NAND gates.


Vraag 5 (Moore toestandmasjien)/Question 5 (Moore state machine) Ontwerp 'n 3-bis sinchrone teller met 'n Moore toestandmasjien en D-tipe wipkringe wat in die volgende volgorde kan tel: 000, 001, 011, 101, 010, 100, 110. Die beginwaarde van die teller is 000. 'n Sinchrone herstelbis R = 0 moet die teller op enige stadium na die beginwaarde kan herstel en stop. R = 1 dien ook as 'n indikasie dat die teller moet begin tel. Indien die teller die volle telsekwensie voltooi het, en R is nog steeds 1, moet die teller weer deur die siklus begin tel. Toon die volledige toestanddiagram, toestandtabel, Karnaughdiagramme en minimum som-van-produk funksies van die baan. U hoef nie die stroombaan te teken nie. Design a 3-bit synchronous counter with a Moore state machine and D-type flip-flops that will count in the following sequence: 000, 001, 011, 101, 010, 100, 110. The initial value of the counter is 000. A synchronous reset bit R = 0 must reset the counter to the initial value at any stage and stop the counter. R = 1 also indicates that the counter must start counting and if R is still 1 when the counter completes the count sequence, then it should start counting again. Show the complete state diagram, state table, Karnaugh diagrams and minimum sum-of-product functions of the circuit. You need not draw the circuit diagram.


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