Verbal Dieting by

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Verbal Dieting by: Stephen P.

The word dieting does not only pertain to food consumption habits of figure-conscious persons.
Dieting can also be associated with minimizing the use of words. Gone are the days when you
could flaunt your wide range of vocabulary by using highfaluting and bulks of words in writing.
Today, with the fast-paced of life, you do not want to squander time and space in writing.
To cite an example, let us have the expression “in the normal course of events” you can simply
use a single word “normally”.
What did you notice? From a 6-word expression, you could reduce it to one word without
changing the meaning of what you wanted to say.
Here are some more examples. Study them.
Wordy More Concise
due to the fact that = because
we are of the opinion = we think
reach the conclusion = concluded
Easy? Right! Let us try to do some verbal dieting on the following expressions:
1. at the distance of 100 kilometers = 1. at 100 kilometers
2. in spite of the fact that = 2. although
3. during the year of 2008 = 3. in 2008
4, in the day and age = 4. nowadays
5. in a satisfactory manner = 5. satisfactorily
Can you try it alone? Answers are found at the bottom.
1. in the near future
2. we ask your kind permission
3. a long period of time
4. at this point of time
5. at a later date
6. in the month of December
7. at all times
8. affixed his signature to
9. full and complete information
10. true facts
soon, allow us, a long time, now, later, in December, always, sign, complete information, facts
As far as writing is concerned, you could also eliminate hackneyed or old fashion expressions
that are no longer used in business writing.
Hackneyed Phrases More Effective
enclosed please find = attached is
would you be kind enough = please
on the grounds that = because
in due course = soon
and content duly noted = noted
Now try these out. Revise the following sentences so that they will be more concise.
1. The explanation is not one of a satisfactory nature.
2. It is my intention to hold a meeting with all the project engineers.
3. The president wants full and complete information for the reason that his decision is critical.
4. A new plant will be put up by the firm during the year of 1996, but advance planning is
5. Enclosed herewith please find the pertinent documents for your full and complete information.
1. The explanation is not satisfactory.
2. I intend to meet with all the project engineers.
3. The president wants the complete information for his decision is critical.
4. A new plant will be built by the firm in 1996, but planning is needed.
5. Enclosed are the pertinent documents for your complete information.
Verbal dieting is one of the elements of good writing. It aims to provide concept of precision in
writing by reducing the consumption of words without losing the substance of what you mean to
I hope you learn something today. Apply the principles and see the difference.

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