You Are What You Eat 2013

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Title of project: You are what you eat!

Issue date: 14th January 2013 Hand in date: 4th March 2013 Assessment date: 28th March 2013 Lecturers: Roger Spencer / Lee Mayell Instructors: Paul Haffenden / Lewis Phillips PHOTOGRAPHERS NAME: _____________________________ Assessment units: This assignment is designed to enable you to produce evidence towards units 25 & 33. Unit 25 Studio Photography all outcomes Unit 33 Lens Based Image Making; all outcomes Task no. 1a Research (food) 1b Research (studio) Unit and grade criteria 33P1/M1/D1 25P1/M1/D1 25P2/M2/D2

2 Plan photography 3 Work safely 4 Studio shoot(s) 5 Bracket exposures 6. Get film professionally processed 7 Scan in two transparencies one to be left blank and one to form the basis of an advertisement. Make two final prints. 8 Written evaluation

33P2/M2 25P3 25 P3/M3/D3 33.P3/P4/M3/D2 25P3 33P3/M3/D2

25P4/M4/D4 33.P5/M4/D3

Materials required:

35mm transparency film/SD or CF card CD Professionally printed inkjet prints minimum 5 x 7 maximum A4.

RATIONALE: Food and cooking is big business. Wherever you look, on television, in magazines and in the supermarkets, images of tempting food surround you. One of the most popular TV programmes last year was The Great British Bake Off. Fruit and vegetables are constantly in the forefront of healthy eating campaigns. How the photographer approaches the subject can make the difference between selling a product and putting the customer off from buying it. You are asked to produce a suitable image for promoting the single food of your choice, with appropriate prop. A top quality image is required and you are expected to find an interesting subject.


1. Workbook which shows written and illustrated research into

a. specialist food photography including the use of props 33P1/M1/D1 b. the use of studio lighting and associated equipment including lens selection and control of depth of field. 25P1/M1/D1 25P2/M2/D2

2. Plan the shoot in the form of drawing and / or storyboard of your selected food paying particular attention to detail in props and lighting

3. Work safely in a studio environment. 25P3


Studio photography using two different formats for recording the images i.e. 35mm transparency film and digital. 25 P3/M3/D3 33.P3/P4/M3/D2 Bracket exposure measurement in the studio and record the information in your workbook. Make sure that the flash synchronisation speed is correct. 25 P3 Have your transparency film processed at a professional laboratory. The college will arrange this for you. 33P3/M3/D2 Scan in two of your transparency images - one will be printed for your final image (minimum size 5 x 7, maximum A4) and the other used to make an advertisement. Images taken on digital cameras will not be accepted as final prints but will be used for comparison. A written evaluation detailing the technologies and processes used. (Not a diary of events). 25P4/M4/D4 33.P5/M4/D3


6. 7.


BRIEFING NOTES: RESEARCH / workbook Based on the lectures given in class and during the relevant workshops, undertake illustrated research into specialist food photography, target audiences and props, the use of studio lighting and exposure measurement, suitable lenses and control of depth of field. Research should be taken from recipe books and magazines, not the internet. Annotated photocopies and scans will be accepted. All ideas, sketches, preliminary tests, successes and failures should be recorded and included. PHOTOGRAPHY. There will opportunities for photographers to practice in the studio before creating their final images. Magenta Group will have the use of the studios the whole day on Tuesday 5th February and Yellow Group all day on Tuesday 12th February to produce their final images.

Photographers will need to assist each other to make best use of studios, equipment and time and to ensure that everything needed (except knives) is available on the day of the shoot.

You must produce a storyboard listing a detailed lighting plan and equipment BEFORE the shoot and be totally prepared with all food and props. Identify a suitable food and photograph it creatively to fit the brief. Use appropriate prop(s) to enhance the creativity of your photography. For example; herbs / crockery / cutlery / table linen /condiments / backdrop. The target audience for your food will help you decide props.

Use two different formats e.g. 35mm and digital. Make creative use of studio lighting. Record your exposures. Remember to bracket the exposures. Record in your workbook your working practices including technical and creative decisions, highlight your best images and reasons for the final choice. Consider digital applications such as resolution when scanning, constrain proportions etc Edit and discuss your images with the lecturers/ instructors All digital work should be recorded onto a CD (there is no necessity to make digital contact sheets)

PROCESSING: Have the transparency film processed at a professional lab. It must be uncut and unmounted. This will be done over half term. PRESENTATION: From the digital images select TWO to be printed on A4 photographic quality paper (the final image and the advert). The size of the images should be no smaller than 7 x 5 and printed at an outside processing laboratory. EVALUATION
Write an evaluation on your work which discusses the suitability of each of the formats used for the job, whether or not the lighting techniques worked and any problems you had with exposure measurement. WORKBOOK - Along with all the research and written work on food photography, studio lighting and exposure measurement put the following into a plastic folder:

All transparencies

Finished prints




BTEC Level 3 Art and Design: Unit assessment and grading criteria grid
Unit 25 Studio Photography Learning outcomes:
On completion of this unit a learner should: 1 Understand the characteristics of studio photography 2 Know about studio photographic media, techniques and technology 3 Be able to make photographs in a studio 4 Be able to review own studio photography. To achieve a pass Evidence To achieve a merit grade the evidence must grade the evidence must
show that the learner is able to: show that, in addition to the pass criteria, the learner is able to:

Learner name:

Credit value: 10

This grid can be used for both formative and summative assessment Final Grade:


To achieve a distinction grade the evidence must show

that, in addition to the pass and merit criteria, the learner is able to:


P1 explain the characteristics of studio photography P2 select studio photographic media, techniques and technology

M1 analyse the characteristics of studio photography M2 outline photographic technology with associated media comprehensively when identifying techniques for making photographs in the studio M3 create studio photographs that realise planned intentions with consistent demonstration of skill in capture M4 discuss own studio photography with considered reflection upon the production process.

D1 evaluate the characteristics of studio photography D2 describe photographic technology with associated media comprehensively using correct technical language when identifying techniques for making photographs in the studio D3 create studio photographs that realise planned intentions and demonstrate sophistication in capture D4 explain own studio photography with considered reflection upon the production process using correct technical language.

P3 create studio photographs that realise planned intentions

P4 review own studio photography.

BTEC Level 3 Art and Design: Unit assessment and grading criteria grid
Unit 33 Lens-based Image Making Learning outcomes:
On completion of this unit a learner should: 1 Know about lens-based image making 2 Be able to develop ideas using lens-based technologies 3 Be able to produce final outcomes for a set brief 4 Be able to review own lens-based outcomes. To achieve a pass Evidence To achieve a merit grade the evidence must grade the evidence must
show that the learner is able to: show that, in addition to the pass criteria, the learner is able to:

Learner name:

Credit value: 10

This grid can be used for both formative and summative assessment Final Grade:


To achieve a distinction grade the evidence must show

that, in addition to the pass and merit criteria, the learner is able to:


P1 identify lens-based image making P2 develop ideas using lens-based technologies

M1 describe lens-based image making M2 purposefully produce individual ideas against a given theme or brief

D1 use examples of lensbased image making to inform ideas D2 produce original ideas and effective final outcomes against a brief, with innovative use of lensbased technologies and techniques D3 evaluate own lens-based outcomes.

P3 produce and present final outcomes for a set brief

P4 use lens-based technologies and techniques within own work P5 review own lensbased outcomes.

M3 produce and present considered final outcomes for a set brief, with coherent use of lens-based technologies and techniques M4 justify own lensbased outcomes.

This form needs to be filled in as far as is possible and given to the lecturer for signing. The bottom half will be handed in with the assignment and the top half returned to the photographer. Title of project: You are what you eat!

Completion date (work due in) : 4th March 2013

Make a note here of the time and date that you handed in this assignment and who you gave the completed work to. Keep this part for your records. Date ___________________ Handed to (name of lecturer)_____________________________ Signature of lecturer________________________________

Detach here_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ This completed assignment was handed in by (photographer name)__________________ On (date)____________________ Received by lecturer (signature)________________________

Marked (date)__________________ Work returned and feedback given (date)_____________

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