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PROJECT- YEAR ONE Title of Project: Outside of the box! Issue Date: w/c 5th November 2012 Deadline: 13th December 2012 LECTURERS: Roger Spencer/Lee Mayell Photographers NAME: ______________________________ Assessment units This project is designed to enable you to produce evidence towards completion of: Unit 3 Ideas and Concepts in Art & Design Unit 1 Visual Recording in Art and Design Unit 30 Location Photography

Task no 1. Ideas generating techniques 2. Pictograms 3. Create your own name 4. Singing Picture 5. Evaluate & Present the images

Unit and grade criteria Unit 3. P2, P3, M2 Unit 1. P1, P2, P5, M1, M2, D1 Unit 3. P2, P3, P4, M2 Unit 1. P1, P2, Unit 30, P2, P3,M2,M3,D2 Unit 3. P3, P4 Unit 1. P1, P2, P5. M1, M2, Unit 30. P2, P3, M2, M3, D2, Unit 3. P1, P3, P4, M1, M2, D1, D2 Unit 1. P1, P2, P3, P5, M1, M2, D1 Unit 30. P2, P3, M2, M3, D2 Unit 3. P4, M2, D2 Unit 1. P4, Unit 30. P4, M4, D3

Rationale Throughout history ordinary people have moved science, technology and art forward by thinking outside the box and coming up with original ideas and concepts. You will demonstrate through your own use of visual language that you are able to do the same. Tasks for the project: This project will be completed through a series of exercises as detailed. All tasks must be completed. Use appropriate equipment related to cameras such as a range of lenses, flash guns, tripods and filters as required by the individual shots and state what you have used and where. Use your newly acquired technical skills to their best advantage (correct exposure, control of depth of field, freezing or blurring movement etc.).

Task 1 - Investigate ideas generating techniques (think outside the box!)

a. Write down twenty original uses for a paperclip. The ideas must work but they may be as
innovative as you like. They can be presented as a simple list.

b. Do the same for 20 uses of a plastic 35mm film container. Remember that it has several quite
different characteristics. This time group your answers around these different qualities. Place these two sheets in your folder. c. In class several riddles will be read out to you. Do your best to solve them and then explain in writing how you managed to arrive at the answers. Some of them might seem impossible at first but by thinking differently you should be able to find the correct answers. Add these to the folder. d. Draw a pictogram (sketch with no words) for each of the following places or things to show your ability to communicate using visual language only: Dartford Bridge Gravesend Kingsmill Flour Fisheye lens Pinhole camera Task 2. Make up five more pictograms of your own (they must be three or more syllables). Clue: take original photographs of each syllable separately and combine them in Photoshop. List the answers in a different place so that you can see how effective they are when others view them. Task 3 Create your own name (six letters or more) from careful observation of found objects. Try several variations of the letters and explain in words and sketches how you generated the ideas and made your final choice. Take a photograph of each individual letter and join them together in Photoshop. Task 4 Singing Picture. Create one photograph that represents the title or lyric(s) from a song. Analyse the song and think about how to represent the meaning visually. Try to avoid the blatantly obvious. Show three examples of published photos that have used a single photo (without text if possible) to get over a message, song title or lyric and comment on how successful they are. . Task 5 - Review your final images in a written evaluation. - Present them to the group and lecturers using a suitable computer generated programme such as a Pdf. or Power Point slideshow. For all of the grading criteria please see the attached sheet.

This form needs to be filled in as far as is possible and given to the lecturer for signing. The top half will be handed in with the project and the bottom half returned to the student. Title of project: Analyse This Completion date (work due in):13th December 2012 This completed project was handed in by (student name)__________________ At (time) ____________________ On (date)____________________ Received by lecturer (signature)________________________ Marked (date)__________________ Work returned and feedback given (date)_____________

Detach here_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Title of project: Analyse This Completion date (work due in): 13th December 2012

Make a note here of the time and date that you handed in this project and who you gave the completed work to. Keep this part for your records. Time___________________ Date ___________________ Handed to (name of lecturer)_____________________________ Signature of lecturer________________________________

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