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TABLE l.;l-(continued)
(m) Different modes of the start-up of plant: Initial start-up of plant Start-up of plant section when rest of plant down Start-up of plant section when other plant on-stream Start-up of plant after maintenance Preparation of plant for its start-up on demand


Shutdown Mode (884.1.4.21 0 2 Are the limits of operating parameters, outside which remedial action must be taken, known and measured? IC1 above) D3 To what extent should plant be shut down for any deviation beyond the operating limits? Does this require the installation of alarm and/or trip? Should the plant be partitioned differently? How is plant restarted? (89.6) D4 In an emergency, can the plant pressure and/or the inventory of process materials be reduced effectively, correctly, safely? What is the fire resistance of plant (889.5,9.6) 05 Can the plant be shut down safely? Check the following: (a) See the relevant features mentioned under start-up mode (b) Fail-danger faults of protective equipment (c) Ingress of air, other process materials, nitrogen, steam, water, lube oil (84.3.5) (d) Disposal or inactivation of residues, regeneration of catalyst, decoking, concentration of reactants, drainage, venting (e) Chemical, catalyst, or packing replacement, blockage removal, delivery of materials prior to start-up of plant (f) Different modes of shutdown of plant: Normal shutdown of plant Partial shutdown of plant Placing of plant on hot standby Emergency shutdown of plant
(Wells, Safety in Process Plant Design, George Godwin, London, 1980. pp. 243-244. Paragraph references refer to this book.)

For smaller plants or for supplementary purposes, steam and power can be supplied by package plants which are shippable and ready to hook up to the process. Units with capacities in a range of sizes up to about 350,0001b/hr of steam are on the market, and are obtainable on a rental/purchase basis for emergency needs. Modem steam plants are quite elaborate structures that can recover 80% or more of the heat of combustion of the fuel. The simplified sketch of Example 1.2 identifies several zones of heat transfer in the equipment. Residual heat in the flue gas is recovered as preheat of the water in an economizer and in an air preheater. The combustion chamber is lined with tubes along the floor and walls to keep the refractory cool and usually to recover more than half the heat of combustion. The tabulations of this example are of the distribution of heat transfer surfaces and the amount of heat transfer in each zone. More realistic sketches of the cross section of a steam generator are in Figure 1.4. Part (a) of this figure illustrates the process of natural circulation of water between an upper steam drum and a lower drum provided for the accumulation and eventual blowdown of sediment. In some installations, pumped circulation of the water is advantageous. Both process steam and supplemental power are recoverable from high pressure steam which is readily generated. Example 1.3 is of such a case. The high pressure steam is charged to a turbine-generator set, process steam is extracted at the desired process pressure at an intermediate point in the turbine, and the rest of the steam expands further and is condensed. In plants such as oil refineries that have many streams at high temperatures or high pressures, their energy can be utilized to generate steam or to recover power. The two cases of Example 1.4

EXAMPLE 1.2 Data of a Steam Generator for Making 250,000Ib/hr at 450 psia and 650F from Water Entering at 220F Fuel oil of 18,500Btu/lb is fired with 13% excess air at 80F. Flue gas leaves at 410F. A simplified cross section of the boiler is shown. Heat and material balances are summarized. Tube selections and arrangements for the five heat transfer zones also are summarized. The term A, is the total internal cross section of the tubes in parallel. (Steam: Its Generation and Use, 14.2, Babcock and Wilcox, Barberton, OH, 1972). (a) Cross section of the generator: (b) Heat balance:
Fuel input
To furnace tubes To boiler tubes To screen tubes To superheater To economizer Total to water and steam In air heater



335.5 MBtu/hr
162.0 68.5 8.1 31.3 15.5 285.4 Mbtu/hr 18.0 MBtu/hr


I 'Boiler


(c) Tube quantity, size, and grouping: Screen 2 rows of 2 t - h . OD tubes, approx 18 ft long Rows in line and spaced on 6-in. centers 23 tubes per row spaced on 6-in. centers S = 542 sqft A, = 129 sqft

EXAMPLE 1.2-(continued)
Superheater 12 rows of 214x1. OD tubes (0.165-in. thick), 17.44ft long Rows in line and spaced on 3 a - h centers 23 tubes per row spaced on 6-in. centers S = 3150 sqft A, = 133 sqft Boiler 25 rows of 21-in. OD tubes, approx 18 ft long Rows in line and spaced on 3a-in. centers 35 tubes per row spaced on 4-in. centers S = 10,300sqft A, = 85.0 sqft Economizer 10 rows of 2-in. OD tubes (0.148-in. thick), approx 10 ft long Rows in line and spaced on 3-in. centers 47 tubes per row spaced on 3-in. centers S = 2460 sqft A, = 42 sqft Air heater 53 rows of 2-in. OD tubes (0.083-in. thick), approx 13 ft long Rows in line and spaced on 214x1. centers 41 tubes per row spaced on 31-in. centers S = 14,800 sqft A, (total internal cross section area of 2173 tubes) = 39.3 sqft A, (clear area between tubes for crossflow of air) = 70 sqft Air temperature entering air heater = 80F


Steam out


Gas Outlet

Steam Coil Air Heater

lowncomer not Heated

Riser Heated

Figure 1.4. Steam boiler and furnace arrangements. [Steam,
Babcock and Wilcox, Barberton, OH, 1972, pp. 3.14, 12.2 (Fig. 2), and 25.7 (Fig. 5 ) ] . (a) Natural circulation of water in a two-drum boiler. Upper drum is for steam disengagement; the lower one for accumulation and eventual blowdown of sediment. (b) A two-drum boiler. Preheat tubes along the floor and walls are connected to heaters that feed into the upper drum. (c) Cross section of a Stirling-type steam boiler with provisions for superheating, air preheating, and flue gas economizing; for maximum production of 550,000 lb/hr of steam at 1575 psia and 900F.



EXAMPLE 1.3 Steam Plant Cycle for Generation of Power and Low Pressure Process Steam The flow diagram is for the production of 5000kW gross and 20,000 Ib/hr of saturated process steam at 20 psia. The feed and hot well pumps make the net power production 4700 kW. Conditions at

key points are indicated on the enthalpy-entropy diagram. The process steam is extracted from the turbine at an intermediate point, while the rest of the stream expands to l i n . Hg and is condensed (example is corrected from Chemical Engineers Handbook, 5th ed., 9.48, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1973).

A\ 1 4 6Hot well pump

F&d pump s-entropy, E t ~ . / ( l b . ) ( ~ R )

EXAMPLE 1.4 Pickup of Waste Heat by Generating and Superheating Steam in a Petroleum Refinery The two examples are generation of steam with heat from a sidestream of a fractionator in a 9 O Bbl/day fluid cracking plant, OO and superheating steam with heat from flue gases of a furnace

whose main function is to supply heat to crude topping and vacuum service in a 20,000 Bbl/daY Plant. (a) Recovery of heat from a sidestream of a fractionator in a 9000 Bbl/day fluid catalytic cracker by generating steam, Q = 15,950,000 Btu/hr. (b) Heat recovery by superheating steam with flue gases of a 20,000 Bbl/day crude topping and vacuum furnace.

STEAM 160 psig 98% quality



Q = 1.2 MBtu/hr

Q = 53.2 MBtulhr
BLOWDOWN 860 pph
Q = 9.2 MBtu/hr

WATER 17,300 pph

are of steam generation in a kettle reboiler with heat from a fractionator sidestream and of steam superheating in the convection tubes of a furnace that provides heat to fractionators. Recovery of power from the thermal energy of a high temperature stream is the subject of Example 1.5. A closed circuit of propane is the indirect means whereby the power is recovered

with an expansion turbine. Recovery of power from a high pressure gas is a fairly common operation. A classic example of power recovery from a high pressure liquid is in a plant for the absorption of CO, by water at a pressure of about 4000psig. After the absorption, the CO, is released and power is recovered by releasing the rich liquor through a turbine.



EXAMPLE 1.5 Recovery of Power from a Hot Gas Stream A closed circuit of propane is employed for indirect recovery of power from the thermal energy of the hot pyrolyzate of an ethylene plant. The propane is evaporated at 500 psig, and then expanded to 100Fand 190 psig in a turbine where the power is recovered. Then the propane is condensed and pumped back to the evaporator to complete the cycle. Since expansion turbines are expensive machines even in small sizes, the process is not economical on the scale of this example, but may be on a much larger scale.

34700 pph PYROLYZATE 500 psig 1400F 195f 5800 pph
190 psig 1 OOF



TURBINE 75% etf 204.6 HP


14. Climatic data. Winter and summer temperature extrema,

Before a chemical process design can be properly embarked on, a certain body of information must be agreed upon by all concerned persons, in addition to the obvious what is to be made and what it is to be made from. Distinctions may be drawn between plant expansions and wholly independent ones, so-called grassroots types. The needed data can be classified into specific design data and basic design data, for which separate check lists will be described. Specific design data include:

1. 5
16. 17.

1 Required products: their compositions, amounts, purities, .

toxicities, temperatures, pressures, and monetary values.

2 Available raw materials: their compositions, amounts, toxi.

cities, temperatures, pressures, monetary values, and all pertinent physical properties unless they are standard and can be established from correlations. This information about properties applies also to products of item 1. Daily and seasonal variations of any data of items 1 and 2 and subsequent items of these lists. All available laboratory and pilot plant data on reaction and phase equilibrium behaviors, catalyst degradation, and life and corrosion of equipment. Any available existing plant data of similar processes. Local restrictions on means of disposal of wastes. Basic engineering data include:
7. Characteristics and values of gaseous and liquid fuels that are to

1. 8 19. 20. 21. 22.


cooling tower drybulb temperature, air cooler design temperature, strength and direction of prevailing winds, rain and snowfall maxima in 1hr and in 12 hr, earthquake provision. Blowdown and flare: What may or may not be vented to the atmosphere or to ponds or to natural waters, nature of required liquid, and vapor relief systems. Drainage and sewers: rainwater, oil, sanitary. Buildings: process, pump, control instruments, special equipment. Paving types required in different areas. Pipe racks: elevations, grouping, coding. Battery limit pressures and temperatures of individual feed stocks and products. Codes: those governing pressure vessels, other equipment, buildings, electrical, safety, sanitation, and others. Miscellaneous: includes heater stacks, winterizing, insulation, steam or electrical tracing of lines, heat exchanger tubing size standardization, instrument locations.

5. 6.

A convenient tabular questionnaire is in Table 1.8. For anything not specified, for instance, sparing of equipment, engineering standards of the designer or constructor will be used. A proper design basis at the very beginning of a project is essential to getting a project completed and on stream expeditiously.

be used. 8. Characteristics of raw makeup and cooling tower waters, temperatures, maximum allowable temperature, flow rates available, and unit costs. 9. Steam and condensate: mean pressures and temperatures and their fluctuations at each level, amount available, extent of recovery of condensate, and unit costs. 10. Electrical power: Voltages allowed for instruments, lighting and various driver sizes, transformer capacities, need for emergency generator, unit costs. 11. Compressed air: capacities and pressures of plant and instrument air, instrument air dryer. 12. Plant site elevation. l . Soil bearing value, frost depth, ground water depth, piling 3 requirements, available soil test data.

These provide motive power and heating and cooling of process streams, and include electricity, steam, fuels, and various fluids whose changes in sensible and latent heats provide the necessary energy transfers. In every plant, the conditions of the utilities are maintained at only a few specific levels, for instance, steam at certain pressures, cooling water over certain temperature ranges, and electricity at certain voltages. At some stages of some design work, the specifications of the utilities may not have been established. Then, suitable data may be selected from the commonly used values itemized in Table 1.9.

The need for knowledge of basic physical properties as a factor in equipment selection or design requires no stressing. Beyond this, the state-of-the-art of design of many kinds of equipment and





i ii
h 0

P r n

I -



H 8H





o o

! 2

i 3


a x



TABLE 1.9. Typical Utility Characteristics
Steam Pressure (psig) 15-30 150 400 600 Saturation (F) 250-275 366 448 488 Heat Transfer Fluids Superheat PF) Driver HP 1-100 75-250 200-2500 Above 2500 Electricity Voltage 220,440, 550 440 2300,4000 4000, 13,200



Below 600 Below 750 Below 1100 Above 450

petroleum oils Dowtherm and others fused salts direct firing and electrical heating

40-80 0-50 -50-40 150-- 50 -350--150 -400--300 Below -400


chilled water chilled brine and glycol solutions ammonia, freons, butane ethane or propane methane, air, nitrogen hydrogen
Cooling Water

Supply at 80-90F Return at 115F. with 125F maximum Return at 110F (salt water) Return above 125F (tempered water or steam condensate)
Cooling Air

Supply at 85-95F Temperature approach to process, 40F Power input, 20 HP/lOOO sqft of bare surface

processes often demands more or less extensive pilot plant effort. This point is stressed by specialists and manufacturers of equipment who are asked to provide performance guaranties. For instance, answers to equipment suppliers questionnaires like those of Appendix C may require the potential purchaser to have performed certain tests. Some of the more obvious areas definitely requiring test work are filtration, sedimentation, spray, or fluidized bed or any other kind of solids drying, extrusion pelleting, pneumatic and slurry conveying, adsorption, and others. Even in such thoroughly researched areas as vapor-liquid and liquid-liquid separations, rates, equilibria, and efficiencies may need to be tested, particularly of complex mixtures. A great deal can be found out, for instance, by a batch distillation of a complex mixture. In some areas, suppliers make available small scale equipment that can be used to explore suitable ranges of operating conditions, or they may do the work themselves with benefit of their extensive experience. One engineer in the extrusion pelleting field claims that merely feeling the stuff between his fingers enables him to properly specify equipment because of his experience of 25 years with extrusion. Suitable test procedures often are supplied with canned pilot plants. In general, pilot plant experimentation is a profession in itself, and the more sophistication brought to bear on it the more efficiently can the work be done. In some areas the basic relations are known so well that experimentation suffices to evaluate a few parameters in a mathematical model. This is not the book to treat the subject of experimentation, but the literature is extensive. These books may be helpful to start:

Gas: 5-10 psig, up to 25 psig for some types of burners, pipeline gas at
1000 Btu/SCF

Liquid: at 6 million Btu/barrel

Compressed Air

Pressure levels of 45, 150, 300, 450 psig

Instrument Air 45 psig, 0F dewpoint

1 R.E. Johnstone and M.W. Thring, Pilot Plants, Models and . Scale-up Methods in Chemical Engineering, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1957. 2. D.G. Jordan, Chemical Pilot Plant Practice, Wiley-Interscience, New York, 1955. 3. V. Kafarov, Cybernetic Methods in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Mir Publishers, Moscow, 1976. 4. E.B. Wilson, An Introduction to Scientific Research, McGrawHill, New York, 1952.

1.1. Process Design A. Books Essential to a Private Library

McGraw-Hill, New York, 1984; earlier editions have not been obsolesced entirely. 4. Sinnott, Coulson, and Richardsons, Chemical Engineering, Vol. 6, Design, Pergamon, New York, 1983.
B. Other Books

1. Ludwig, Applied Process Design for Chemical and Petroleum Plants, Gulf, Houston 1977-1983, 3 vols. 2. Marks Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers, 9th ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, 1987. 3. Perry, Green, and Maloney, Perrys Chemical Engineers Handbook,

1. Aerstin and Street, Applied Chemical Process Design, Plenum, New York, 1978. 2 . Baasel, Preliminary Chemical Engineering Plant Design, Elsevier, New York, 1976.

3. Backhurst and Harker, Process Plant Design, Elsevier, New York, 1973. 4. Benedek (Ed.), Steady State Flowsheeting of Chemical Plants, Elsevier, New York, 1980. 5. Bodman, The Industrial Practice of Chemical Process Engineering, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1968. 6. Branan, Process Engineers Pocket Book, Gulf, Houston, 1976, 1983, 2 vols. 7 Burklin, The Process Plant Designers Pocket Handbook of Codes and . Standards, Gulf, Houston, 1979; also, Design codes standards and recommended practices, Encycl. Chem. Process. Des. 14, 416-431, Dekker, New York, 1982. 8. Cremer and Watkins, Chemical Engineering Practice, Butterworths, London, 1956-1965, 12 vols. 9. Crowe et al., Chemical Plant Simulation, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1971. 1 . F.L. Evans, Equipment Design Handbook for Refineries and Chemical 0 Plants, Gulf, Houston, 1979, 2 vols. 1 . Franks, Modelling and Simulation in Chemical Engineering, Wiley, New 1 York, 1972. U . Institut Fransaise du Petrole, Manual of Economic Analysis of Chemical Processes, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1981. 13. Kafarov, Cybernetic Methods in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Mir Publishers, Moscow, 1976. 14. Landau (Ed.), The Chemical Plant, Reinhold, New York, 1966. 15. Leesley (Ed.), Computer-Aided Process Plant Design, Gulf, Houston, 1982. 1 . Lieberman, Process Design for Reliable Operations, Gulf, Houston, 1983. 6 1 . Noel, Petroleum Refinery Manual, Reinhold, New York, 1959. 7 18. Peters and Timmerhaus, Plant Design and Economics for Chemical Engineers, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1980. 19. Rase and Barrow, Project Engineering of Process Plants, Wiley, New York, 1957. u . Resnick, Process Analysis and Design for Chemical Engineers, ) McGraw-Hill, New York, 1981. 2 . Rudd and Watson, Strategy of Process Engineering, Wiley, New York, 1 1968. 2 . Schweitzer (Ed.), Handbook of Separation Processes for Chemical 2 Engineers, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1979. 23. Sherwood, A Course in Process Design, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1963. 24. Ulrich, A Guide to Chemical Engineering Process Design and Economics, Wiley, New York, 1984. 25. Valle-Riestra, Project Evaluation in the Chemical Process Industries, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1983. 26. Vilbrandt and Dryden, Chemical Engineering Plant Design, McGrawHill, New York, 1959. 2 . Wells, Process Engineering with Economic Objective, Leonard Hill, 7 London, 1973.
C. Estimation of Properties 4. Mead, The Encyclopedia of Chemical Process Equipment, Reinhold, New York, 1964. 5. Riegel, Chemical Process Machinery, Reinhold, New York, 1953. 6 Thomas Register of American Manufacturers, Thomas, Springfield IL, . annual. E. Safety Aspects

1 Fawcett and Wood (Eds.), Safety and Accident Prevention in Chemical .

Operations, Wiley, New York, 1982.

2 Lees, Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, Butterworths, London, .

1980, 2 vols.

3. Lieberman, Troubleshooting Refinery Processes, PennWell, Tulsa, 1981.

4. Lund, Industrial Pollution Control Handbook, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1971. 5. Rosaler and Rice, Standard Handbook of Plant Engineering, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1983. 6. Sax, Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials, Van Nostrandl Reinhold, New York, 1982. 7 Wells, Safety in Process Plant Design, George Godwin, Wiley, New . York, 1980.

1.2. Process Equipment A. Encyclopedias 1 Considine, Chemical and Process Technology Encyclopedia, McGraw. Hill, New York, 1974. 2. Kirk-Othmer Concise Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, Wiley, New York, 1985. 3. Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, Wiley, New York, 1978-1984, 26 ~01s. 4. McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, 5th ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, 1982. 5. McKetta and Cunningham (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Chemical Processing and Design, Dekker, New York, 1976-date. 6. Ullmann, Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, Verlag Chemie, Weinheim, FRG, German edition 1972-1983; English edition 19841994(?).
B. Bibliographies

1 Fratzcher, Picht, and Bittrich, The acquisition, collection and tabulation . of substance data on fluid systems for calculations in chemical )l, engineering, Int. Chem. Eng. u() 19-28 (1980). 2 Maizell, How to Find Chemical Information, Wiley, New York, 1978. . 3. Mellon, Chemical Publications: Their Nature and Use, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1982. 4. Rasmussen and Fredenslund, Data Banks for Chemical Engineers, Kemiigeniorgruppen, Lyngby, Denmark, 1980.

C. General Data Collections

1 American Petroleum Institute, Technical Data Book-Petroleum . Refining, API, Washington, DC, 1971-date. 2. Bok and N. Tuve, Handbook of Tables for Applied Engineering Science, CRC Press, Washington, DC, 1972. 3. CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, CRC Press, Washington, DC, annual. 4. Gallant, Physical Properties of Hydrocarbons, Gulf, Houston, 1968, 2 vols. 5. International Critical Tables, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1926-1933. 6. Landolt-Bornstein, Numerical Data and Functional Relationships in Science and Technology, Springer, New York, 1950-date. 7 Lunges Handbook of Chemistry, 13th ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, . 1984. 8. Maxwell, Dura Book on Hydrocarbons, Van Nostrand, New York, 1950. 9. Melnik and Melnikov, Technology of Inorganic Compounds, Israel Program for Scientific Translations, Jerusalem, 1970. 1 . National Gas Processors Association, Engineering Data Book, Tulsa, 0 1987. l . Perrys Chemical Engineers Handbook, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1984. l 12. Physico-Chemical Propenies for Chemical Engineering, Maruzen CO., Tokyo, 1977-date.

1 AIChE Manual for Predicting Chemical Process Design Data, AIChE, .

New York, 1984-date.

2 Bretsznajder, Prediction of Transport and Other Physical Properties of .

Fluids, Pergamon, New York, 1971; larger Polish edition, Warsaw, 1962. 3. Lyman, Reehl, and Rosenblatt, Handbook of Chemical Property Estimation Methods: Environmental Behavior of Organic Compounds, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1982. 4. Reid, Prausnitz, and Poling, The Properties of Gases and Liquids, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1987. 5. Sterbacek, Biskup, and Tausk, Calculation of Properties U i g sn Corresponding States Methods, Elsevier, New York, 1979. 6. S.M. Walas, Phase Equilibria in Chemical Engineering, Butterworths, Stoneham, MA, 1984.
D. Equipment 1 Chemical Engineering Catalog, Penton/Reinhold, New York, annual. . 2 Chemical Engineering Equipment Buyers Guide, McGraw-Hill, New . York, annual. 3. Kieser, Handbuch der chemisch-technischen Apparate, Spamer-Springer, Berlin, 19341939.

13. Raznjevic, Handbook of Thermodynamics Tables and Charts ( S I Units),
Hemisphere, New York, 1976. 14. Vargaftik, Handbook of Physical Properties of Liquids and Gases, Hemisphere, New York, 1983. 1 . Yaws et al., Physical and Thermodynamic Properties, McGraw-Hill, New 5 York, 1976.


D. Special Data Collections

al., Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium Data Collection, DECHEMA, Frankfurt/Main, FRG, 1977-date. 2. Hirata, Ohe, and Nagahama, Computer-Aided Data Book of Vapor-Liquid Equilibria, Elsevier, New York, 1976. 3. Keenan et al., Steam Tables, Wiley, New York, English Units, 1969, SI Units, 1978. 4 Kehiaian, Selected Data on Mixtures, International Data Series A : . Thermodynamic Properties of Non-reacting Binary Systems of Organic Substances, Texas A & M Thermodynamics Research Center, College Station, TX,1977-date.

1 Gmehling et .

5. Kogan, Fridman, and Kafarov, Equilibria between Liquid and Vapor (in Russian), Moscow, 1966. 6. Larkin, Selected Data on Mixtures, International Data Series E, Thermodynamic Properties of Organic Aqueous Systems, Engineering Science Data Unit Ltd, London, 1978-date. I . Ogorodnikov, Lesteva, and Kogan, Handbook of Azeotropic Mixtures (in Russian), Moscow, 1971; data of 21,069 systems. 8. Ohe, Computer-Aided Data Book of Vapor Pressure, Data Publishing Co.,Tokyo, 1976. 9. Sorensen and Ark, Liquid-Liquid Equilibrium Data Collection, DECHEMA, Frankfurt/Main, FRG, 1979-1980, 3 vols. 10. Starling, Fluid Thermodynamic Properties for Light Petroleum System, Gulf, Houston, 1973. 11. Stephen, Stephen and Silcock, Solubilities of Inorganic and Organic Compounds, Pergamon, New York, 1979, 7 vols. 12. Stull, Westrum, and Sinke, The Chemical Thermodynamics of Organic Compounds, Wiley, New York, 1969. 13. Wagman et al., The NBS Tables of Chemical Thermodynamic Properties: Selected Values for Inorganic and C , and C, Organic Substances in SI Units, American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, 1982.

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