Hoodoo Crossing Article

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SugaNSpice, Dirt NDice Prt 2

Conditions, Crossing, Uncrossing, Jinxes, Curses- How to Neutralize & Reverse

Once again we meet here at the crossroads, I hope my hoodlums and hoodoolicious hoodlets enjoyed the first part to this section of Magus Opus- it was a total pleasure in pioneering hoodoo into your hearts and inquisitiveness. In case you missed the preliminary delicious slice before this article, we shall bone up on what was discussed. The paramount element of this column was a prologue to hoodoo and the differentiation between hoodoo & Vodou, the introduction of worldwide Folk Lore which has become a de rigueur ingredient in hoodoo custom and tradition and the mention of my own teachers and mentors. As stated hoodoo is an American term which originated roughly between the mid 18 th-19th century and is a diverse amalgamated folkloric practice introduced into America by the many migrating cultures from Africa, Santo Domingo, Europe, the Caribbean and even Eastern countries; an admixture of knowledge all spun in an elaborate web to form what is considered one of the most potent and powerful of practices. However, it is important to know that many other cultures have their own natural similarities to hoodoo. For example, the Balkan Witches administer eggs in their workings as with the Spanish Bruja, the Strega use urine (Chamber Lye, Waters, Soul Water) as an ingredient for love teas, potions, spells to bind a lover & effective curses in compel ruin to their target . The Mayans, Greek, Egyptians, Sicilian and Nordic sorceresses used vaginal fluids to anoint idols, talismans, tools and curios for love, protection and malign purposes. To affirm hoodoo as entirely African x American, can be regarded as ignorant; nor can it truly be considered as purely Christian unlike what many other sources in books and the internet will inform you. Hoodoo can be intergraded into your own practice to augment, enrich and empower, bringing a new flavour, a new s tyle to ensure success. Typically chants are not used in hoodoo unlike Wicca and Paganism. Instead affirmations, and simple statements of intention or even selections of Psalms and section of the Bible: the songs of Solomon , scriptures from numerous other sources are another excellent foundation for conjuration. What it all comes down to, it is what you are comfortable with. Hoodoo spells are quite simple in their application, no long drawn out ritual usually mandatory in other belief systems to perform effectual magick. Once you have your hoodoo medicine chest stocked, it then only becomes a matter of your own intuition combined with technique to quickly assemble some mojo or trick to get the job done. I suggest using a wooden box; you can sometimes find nice ones in bric-a-brac, second-hand & antique stores, emporiums and esoteric shops. Remember to thoroughly smoke them out with a smudge stick of rosemary, bay leaves and lavender or Dragons Blood Incense sticks. Simply fan the smoke over the inside and the outside of the box. Also leave a white sachet of sea salt or alum in the box to soak up any negative energy that may be absorbed during usage (refresh every week including the purging with smoke). You do not have to run out and buy expensive tools, wha tever you find out in nature will better benefit you than a flash crystal wand that can set you back a hundred dollars. Feathers, rocks, native barks/resins/leaves/roots -(if you are not sure on the native uses of trees/plants/flowers/roots contact me with what you have and I shall provide you with that information) , shells, all types of water (muddy water, rain water, storm water, river water, sea water etc), animal parts (skins, fur, skulls use gloves and treat appropriately- see my blog on Bone Preparation). Gather anything that catches your eye or that you feel intuitively you should collect . I speak to clients every day about various conditions encountered in traditional Conjure and Rootwork (hoodoo), many are not sure on initial contact wher e to begin, where to finish or what the answer is. First, we start with the condition that needs to be treated or if this cannot be deciphered a reading must be done by a reputable reader who knows a little about hoodoo and crossed conditions (curses), or if you feel confident enough, you may do this yourself using any form of divination that you are comfortable with: Tarot & Pendulum being the usual favoured. Before we get too much into conditions, crossings and jinxes allow me to define what t hese terms actually mean. Condition: This is what you or the client understands /or thinks the situation is or where they find themselves. Conditions a re not exclusive to hoodoovarious magickal systems have multiple conditions that they focus on , and, throughout the world there are a handful of conditions common to all traditions. These may be treated through prayer, ritual, candle services, spiritual counselling as well as professional services as the case may demand or call attention to. Often individuals familiar with conjure practice will have diagnosed their condition before seeking out a reader or rootworker - if the situation is not clear use divination. There is no small category to which conditions fall into, they may range from and certainly not limited to: straying lovers, lust, addiction, fear, loss of money, sickness, loss of employment/or business, marriage confliction, relationship problems, gossip & slander, law matters, behavioural problems in children, nightmares, accidents, spiritual & psychic attack, haunting & problematic energies in the home or business... in this article we shall take a look at one of the most commonly feared conditions... crossings and jinxes.

A crossing or jinxing is a curse of certain proportions - both are one and one the same, it depends on your own beliefs and traditions which term you use or the context it is used in. These can be placed intentionally or unintentionally by a person. The curse/jinx/crossing/hex can be limited to a certain area of the targets life the victim may discover their love life inflicted by problems or a rapid degeneration of money, even loss of property. They can be more comprehensive and complex to affect every aspect of their targets life, like a family curse, or contagious to pass from the target and onto family members. Curses can be placed by complete strangers who experience a moment of envy, jealousy, dislike, greed... unfortunately in many cases we disco ver that family members and blood relations are the sources of the ill -intent and illworkings. Not all people even realize they have been cursed, and to effectively be able to work against crossings the condition itself has to be identified otherwise any working will be rendered impotent and may only feed the actual crossing which has been already placed making it stronger, thus harder to remove. Easy remedies to determine crossed conditions is noticing a course of unexplained bad luck, romantic re lationships depleting or arguments arising, health issues, neurosis (anxiety, tension, pain or stress in your life), psychosis (paranoia, delusion, bad visions, terrors or unexplained fear), nervousness, feelings if insecurity, in danger, skittish, negativ e messages from people who are close to you, chest pains, headaches, accidents or animals behaving negatively towards you. In conclusion to this, most of clients have described a feeling of being off, that something is not right. Keep in mind that not al l crossed conditions are bad, but it is how you feel that determines this. Another important fact to remember is that treating crossed conditions vary greatly, and many are relatively light and unproblematic to remove...however... some can be quite detri mental, difficult to be rid off and may call for extensive ritual treatment over a long period of time. Crossings can be placed on a person by numerous methods: Crossing powder/Hot Foot Powder or Goofer Dust across pathways, doorstep, or sprinkled on item s such as door knobs, car handles (anything with direct contact) or dress their shoes and socks with these powders. Nails hammered into footprints. This method is regarded as Foot-track magic and is one of the oldest styles of cursing in many cultures, myths and legends. Be watchful for strange dusts or markings/patterns where you usually walk, if you walk to work, school or anywhere, change the route daily (if possible). Buried or hidden objects such as a bottle spell, mojo bag, or powders that have been sprinkled, strange artefacts left on doorsteps or packages in your mail box. Check around your home carrying gloves, a bottle of holy water, blessed salt water, or an infusion of protective herbs; investigate digging marks, or mounds around the perimeter of your property (usually the front yard, under front doorsteps). Study weird packages, even if it looks like rubbish to you, it could contain herbs, hairs, roots and other ingredients. These items must be dug up, the area sp rayed with the cleansing water and the object burned. Do not make skin or body contact with the item, the ashes should be buried far from your property or take to the sea and discarded. If the item cannot be found, then an uncrossing spell (e.g. a bath, rub-down, house cleansing and protections etc) must be done, and repeated 3 or 9 times along with a reversing spell or counteracting spell to neutralize the curses effects: giving it to the earth to heal. Curses can also be molasses jars, candle spells and a whole arsenal of nasty titbits available to the hands of those who wish to work wicked tricks on people. The next major question once the condition is revealed is the treatment. The answer depends on the severity of the case. This is the method known as uncrossing. There are three main principles of uncrossing, the first being the removal of the crossing, healing and protection and re-focalization. The importance of uncrossing is only common sense, without the removal of the crossing things will gradual ly only worsen, a crossed condition is seen as a spiritual problem than can affect the target on all levels of the subconscious and conscious. A crossed condition may also be more of a hindrance of the self, making the client unable to move on or have any good happen in their life, uncrossing removes all the obstacles and blockages from preventing that happy and enriched life. During the processes of removing crossed conditions, curses, hexes and jinxes- do some soul-searching and inner reflection, the cure is not only in the exclusion of these conditions but also in changing your own outlooks, habits and behaviour. Sometimes our answers are not in what others have placed but more on our own stresses, anxieties, behaviours & characteristics have brought down upon our self. Not all curses are placed by others; sometimes we place them on ourselves without really noticing it, negative energy can be our own worst enemy and this has to be taken into contemplation. First responses and suggestions in banishing crosses and jinxes is spiritual bathing. Cleansing the home and body with various herbs, water, and in some cases smoke - this is an honoured way to brighten & freshen the dwelling & soul , purge and release the negative energy and negative thoughts from ou r spaces and bodies. Blessing, cleansing and bathing is pretty much a universal first recommendation in every case where crossed conditions inflict a person or dwelling. The beauty of this method is that it doesnt encroach on the clients beliefs as many t raditional systems from Buddhism to Wicca - all use methods of cleansing, spiritual/ritual bathing and blessing to remove harmful entities, curses and ill. For health issues a blessing ritual designed to increase strength and vitality may be a benefit, a ho use blessing for someone experiencing trouble in or around the home. Protection is an integral part of dealing with crossed conditions, especially if the person believed t o have inflicted the curse is still alive and wishing them continued ill -will; protections may have to be persistent for years in order to combat the negativity being focused in their direction. There is no simple remedy for this and the client/or you have to consider that if the curse is removed, what is to s top them from placing another. Again, the matter of a transpose has the

same implication, what is sent to them can also be reversed back to sender... anyone up for hex tennis? This is known easily as reversing, it is not the same as cursing since it is the psychological definition of returning the ill/harm/crossing conditions back to the sender. Then again, if you believe in karma or the Wiccan Rede (Harm Thee None)... there can be great ramification and consequence placed upon you should a reversal be considered when you work under these spiritual guidelines- right or wrong this is measured as wishing harm on another in this milieu. You may consider a nullifying or defusing spell to direct the energies to the earth, and be healed. Think hard on your own belief values. Reverse work should be done alongside cleansing and protective work and never merely on its own. A Herbal Uncrossing Bath & Cleansing Candle Working A traditional remedy for uncrossing, jinx -breaking and purification. You will need the following: Hyssop Rue Leaves Basil Clove Pine Needles Verbena Lemon Zest Rose Petals You will also need 2 white offertory candles of natural wax (soy/beeswax/palm not paraffin). Anoint with Uncrossing Oil: I part lemon, part Bay, 1 part Rose, 1 part Dragons Blood. Burn with Uncrossing Incense: Equal parts Lavender, Rose, Verbena, Dragons Blood and Frankincense upon charcoal (or use any stick incense of either aromas for the same effect). Burn the incense whilst you work. If you believe enemies have cursed you, look up the 37 th Psalm (the famous Uncrossing Psalm) it begins with Fret not thyself with evil -doers If you feel that your bad condition is a result even in part from your own bad activities, judgments, actions in the past, look up the 51 st Psalm, where Hyssop is recommended for the purification from sin. If you are not comfortable with the Psalms, simply write down your request in your own words that the condition be lifted, removed, defused, counterbalanced or the one who put it upon you struck down. The time to begin preparation is arising before dawn, brew up the herbs in a clean, sterilized pot and make into an infusion (do not over boil- simply bring to a gentle boil then remove). Strain the liquid. If you wish to perform a house blessing after your spiritual bath save some of the water for use in your house -scrub water. Go to your bathroom, stand in your bath or shower (must also be clean) Recite the 37 th (jinx-breaking) or the 51st (purification) Psalm or whatever you feel comfortable in reciting as you pour the water over your head. Visualizing the affliction being washed down the drain, returning to the earth to be cleansed and regenerated into positive energy , being deactivated, returning to sender (whatever your wishes are to have this condition removed- you must visualize what you want done with it). When you have finished the spiritual bath, step out of the shower or bath and light the candles anointed with the Uncrossing Oil. Light the incense next. Stand between the two candles, allow yourself to dry naturally. Visualize yourself, clean, reborn, refreshed and renewed. Allow the smoke to billow around you, removing any remnants that may remain. Recite your Psalm or words again, remember to speak your words with passion. Languid utterance, dispassionate words hold no power: remember to speak from the spirit and with heart, there is much power in the voice when force and meaning is applied. After you have reci ted your passages and wishes walk away and allow the candles to burn until they extinguish no matter how long it takes. Dispose of the wax appropriately afterwards, bury in the earth or dispose of in the ocean. Spiritually Cleansing Your Dwelling of crossed Conditions, Jinxes & Negative Energies or Residues

Using the herbal tea infusion instructed as above. This is used to wash down floors, windows and paying special attention to the entry doorsteps of the abode. This is believed to greatly improve all bad conditions from the dwelling and to prevent the condition from returning. The following recipe should be made and kept on-hand for all various workings, uncrossing, protection and cleansings. You will need the following for Four Thieves Vinegar: A bottle of Cider Vinegar or Red Wine Vinega r Garlic Cloves 9 Cloves Lavender Flowers Pinch of Galangal 3 Cinnamon Sticks

9 Bay Leaves Allow all of the above to seep in the cider or red wine vinegar between 3 weeks to several weeks. Top up with more vinegar to make a sizeable amount (store in a glass jar or bottle and label with the date) If you do not have the Lavender, Galangal you can buy the others at any supermarket for an easy penny. Use what you have, however the garlic, cloves, bay and cinnamon play an important role in this basic Four Thieves Vinegar recipe for the removal of cross ed conditions, protection and cleansing of malignant energies and entities. Mix together the spiritual bath water, Four Thieves Vinegar and the first mornings urine. Sweep from the back of the premises to the front. If you have carpets, you may lightly spritz with Van Van Oil or the Uncrossing Oil as stated above. Van Van can be simply Lemongrass (slightly mashed fresh) and added to an Almond Base or to an Almond Base, 6 drops of Lemongrass Oil, 4 drops of Vanilla Oil, 1 drop of Vetivert Oil: Change the L emongrass and Vanilla measurements around if you prefer a Vanilla smells as opposed to the Lemon. Sweep out the front doorway area while the floor is still wet. Once you are done with the wash/floor water, carry whatever remains out of the house and pour i t onto the ground away from your property (do not pour down the drain or flush down the toilet). To further add potency and to make 100% sure any crossed condition has been removed; use reddening on the front doorstep; an old practice of using Red Ochre Clay for ritual/sacred purposes, this can be used for business or protection . Get up before dawn on a Monday or Friday, without speaking to anyone, wash down your doorstep with first morning Chamber Lye in a bucket of warm water, sea salt and salt petre . Scrub the area exceptionally well paying particular attention to the front step. S prinkle the red ochre or red-brick dust across the doorstep while still wet, this allows the reddening to set and it will not blow away or be easily removed . For business if you own or manage, mix cinnamon and brown sugar with the red -brick dust, or even place a line of honey across the doorway and apply red-brick dust. This will not only aid in protecting finances, business dealings but also sweeten the prospect of business to you, drawing in customers. In case you are wondering, why use urine with the exclamation of Ew gross!? Well, consider why animals mark their territory? No, I am not stating we should get down with nature, cock a leg/ squat and pee all over the place like animals in the hopes our scent will drive off rivals . The conundrum is-- male urine works best for driving off all rivals. Womens urine; works differently, if the condition is placed down by a male, the female target should not use her urine as a females scent is more alluring to the opposite sex, therefore would work as an attractant to the casters condition (if male). Females urine will only drive off other females. Another misconception on behalf of various rootworkers out there who practice hoodoo and stipulate all urine is effective t o drive off crossed conditions. But it isnt when you take into consideration the innate process of nature and the physical law of attraction. Urine is a compelling natural process obtainable by all of us: to utilize against crossed conditions, furthermore in reflection to this, the beautiful paradox of being an infamous ingredient to employ crossed conditions.

Uncrossing Reversal x Sour Name Candle You will need the following: A jumbo red candle or large pillar candle 1 kg of soy wax & 2 black candle wax dye tablets One sour lolly packet (like warheads or lemon sherbet whizz packet) Cast off Evil Reversal Ink: 75ml Red Indian Ink, 2 tsp Dragons Blood resin (powdered), 6 drops of Cinnamon Oil, 6 drops of Clove Oil Black feather or Calligraphy pen (especially for ritual use) Cast off Evil Reversal Oil : Jojoba oil or Almond oil base, 6 drops Dragons Blood oil, 6 drops Cinnamon Oil, 2 drops Clove Oil, 2 drops of Black Pepper Oil Aluminium Foil Melt the soy wax or paraffin if you cannot find soy, (however I discourage from using paraffin as it is not a natural wax and contains impurities and chemical compounds) by placing the wax in a heatproof dish over boiling water, you should never directly melt wax onto a direct heat source . Place the dye tablets into the wax; gently stir until all wax is melted. Turn off heat and carefully roll or dip the red pillar into the wax to cover the red (without melting the red candle , of course) Write the name (if you know it) of the person who has crossed you, if you do not know the name or not comfortable in your own visions of who it was, simply writ e return to sender with the ink onto the sour paper. If you cannot locate the above, already have rice paper prepared, soaked in pure lemon juice (this is the sour focus of the working: to sour their lives and sour the condition to them and not to you) and left to dry or even bake in an oven . Fix the name paper writing side down into the black wax. Continue dipping the candle until the paper is completely covered and no red wax shows through the black. You may also write their name or the same return t o sender or carve the problem onto the candle once it has dried with a rusty nail. Dress it with the Cast Off Evil Reversal Oil then apply a small amount of wax to the aluminium foil, fix the reversal candle to the wax to ensure it does not fall over. Aro und the candle you may place broken mirrors painted black, sharp ends facing the candle (if you want to be particularly devilesque) - this is mimicking invisible spiritual daggers fixed towards the sender of your condition. Further mirrors placed around the outside of the candle will block you from being seen as long as the mirror has never seen your reflection (all they will see when using divination or intuition is their own reflection). It is a means of spiritual blinding, like invisibility. Around the c andle you may further add crossing herbs or simply a circle of salt, to keep them boun d to what they originally sent preventing them from reversing it, the mirro rs will direct it straight back, albeit of retaliation .

Once the working is completed, wrap th e mirrors which surrounded the candle and wax aluminium parcel in black cloth (again these must not reflect your image) then smash with a hammer. Bury in an abandoned place, to the earth or in a cemetery either 9 am or 9pm at night. You must bestow an offering of coins, food or wine for the spirits of the wild & earth, or the Guardian of the cemetery then leave promptly without looking back. This not only employs the aid of spirits but also is a sign of respect and reverence. This concludes the first part of this section; next article will be on how to neutralize, defuse crossed conditions and ask the Earth to cleanse and evolve the curse into a positive result. This method is use d by those who believe reversing and reversal spells are like curses; inflicting harm on another person(s). This can be done with no harm or backlash of karma (if you believe in karma) coming back to bite you on the bum! It is the eco -friendly version of uncrossing. We must remember that protecting ourselves and loved ones is our right, sometimes being eco -friendly to those who do not deserve it isnt the way to combat negative magic... sometimes people need to be kicked up the ass or beaten about the head using their own foot. Until next time... see you at the crossroad s and happy hunting to all!

About the Author

Amber~Rose, also known as Ararita/Gypsy NyxRose is an skilled Rootworker x Strega x Slavic Koldun with at least 20yrs experience in various aspects of sorcery and the Occult ranging from Balkan traditions to Gypsy Folklore. Born from a strong lineage of Gypsy heritage on both sides of her family-- knowledgeable in both the lighter and darker aspects of ceremonial/ritual magic and principles ; using both energies with dual respect and balance. She is a professional conjure woman & condition worker who treats her clients with the utmost respect , care and in total confidentiality. Tarot, Tasseography, Sciomancy, Pendulum, Black Mirror & Moon Scrying are her favoured methods of divination including working with the deceased, ancestral spirits and shadow totems. For all enquiries gypsy.nyx.rose@gmail.com or visit http://southernsorcery.blogspot.com/

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