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NICKNAME Granite City Dark Continent Herring Pond Land of the Golden Fleece Land of the Kangaroo Gateway

y of Tears Island of Pearls Cockpit of Europe White City Land of Thunderbolt Land of Lilies Land of Maple Windy City Pearl of Antilles Sugar Bowl of the World Gift of the Nile Land of Thousand Lakes Key of the Mediterranean Pillars of Hercules Land of the Eskimos Emerald Island Pink City

PLACE Aberdeen Africa Atlantic Australia Australia Mandeb Bahrain Belgium Belgrade Bhutan Canada Canada Chicago Cuba Cuba Egypt Finland Gibralter gibralter Greenland Ireland Jaipur

Land of the Rising Sun Garden of England Hermit Kingdom Land of Morning Calm Port of Five Seas Land of the Golden Pagoda Land of Canals Land of Tulips Land of Windmills City of Skyscrapers Empire City Land of the Midnight Sun City of Dreaming Spires Holy Land City of Brotherly Love Quaker City City of Seven Hills Eternal City City of the Golden Gate Land of Cakes Venice of the North Playground of Europe Land of the White Elephant World's Loneliest Island Sick Man of Europe City of Canals

Japan Kent Korea Korea Moscow Myanmar Netherland Netherland Netherland Newyork Newyork Norway Oxford Palestine Philadelphia Philadelphia Rome Rome San francisco Scotland Stockholm Switzerland Thailand Tristanda Cuntra Turkey Venice

Queen of the Adriatic Island of Cloves

Venice zanzibar

City of Magnificent Distances Newyork

List of Epithets

SI. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Geographical Epithets Bengal's Sorrow Blue Mountains Britain of the South City of the Golden Gate City of Dreaming Spires

Location Damodar River Nilgiri Hills New Zealand San Francisco (USA) Oxford (UK)

City of Magnificent Distance Washington, DC, USA City of Sky - Scrapers New York

SI. No. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Geographical Epithets City of Seven Hills City of Palaces China's Sorrow Cockpit of Europe Dark Continent Rome


Kolkata Huang Ho Belgium Africa

SI. Geographica No l Epithets . 13. Eternal City


SI. Geographica No l Epithets . 45. Land of Midnight Sun 46. Land of Thousand Lakes




14. Emerald Island



SI. Geographica No l Epithets . 15. Empire City


SI. Geographica No l Epithets .


New York, 47. Land of U.S.A. Maples Lhasa, Tibet Kent, England


16. Forbidden City 17. Garden of England

48. Land of White Thailand Elephant 49. Mysore Tiger Tippu Sultan

18. Gate of Tears Bab - el - 50. Manchester of Mumbai mandeb, India Jerusalem 19. Garden City Chicago 51. Manchester of Coimbatore Tamil Nadu 52. Never Never Land 53. Paradise on Earth Prairies of N. Australia Kashmir Valley ( India )

20. Gateway of India 21. Gateway of Tamilnadu



SI. Geographica No l Epithets .


SI. Geographica No l Epithets . 54. Pearl of the Pacific


22. Gift of the Nile Egypt

Guayaquil Port of Ecuador

23. Granite City

Aberdeen, 55. Playground of Switzerland Scotland Europe New York 56. Playground of Kashmir India Cuba

24. Great Broadway 25. Great Whiteway 26. Granary of South India

Broadway, 57. Pearl of the New York Antilles Tanjore 58. Pillar of Hercules 59. Pink City


27. Hearing Pond Atlantic Ocean 28. Hermit Kingdom 29. Holy Land Korea


60. Quaker City

Philadelphia , U.S.A. Venice, Italy


61. Queen of the

SI. Geographica No l Epithets .


SI. Geographica No l Epithets . Adriatic


30. Island Continent 31. Island of Cloves 32. Island of Pearls 33. Key to Mediterranea n 34. Lady with a lamp


62. Queen of the Arabian Sea 63. Roof of the World 64. Saint of the Gutters 65. Sickman of Europe



Pamirs, Central Asia Mother Teresa Turkey



Florence Nightingal e

66. Spice Garden Kerala of India

35. Land of Lakes Scotland

67. Sugar Bowl of Cuba the World 68. Venice of the East Alappuzha, India

36. Land of the Golden


SI. Geographica No l Epithets . Fleece 37 Land of the Golden Pagoda


SI. Geographica No l Epithets .



69. Venice of the North

Stockholm, Sweden

38. Land of Kangaroo 39. Land of Lilies


70. White City

Belgrade, Yugoslavia Chicago, U.S.A. Guinea Coast


71. Windy City

40. Land of Korea Morning Calm 41. Land of Thunderbolt 42. Land of Five Rivers 43. Land of Rising Sun Bhutan

72. White Man's Grave

73. World's Bread Prairies of Basket N.America 74. World's Loneliest Island Tristanda Cuntra

Punjab, India Japan

SI. Geographica No l Epithets . 44. Yellow River


SI. Geographica No l Epithets .


Huang Ho

Surname Bengals Sorrow

Na me Da mod ar Rive r Nilgi ri Hills New York Rom e Oxf ord Kolk ata

Blue Mountains

City of Sky-scrapers City of Seven Hills City of Dreaming Spires City of palaces

City of Golden Gate

San Fran cisc o Was hing ton D.C. Quit o(S. Ame rica) Hwa ng Ho Belg ium Afric a Irel and Rom e New York Lha sa (Tib et)

City of Magnificent Buildings

City of Eternal Springs

Chinas Sorrow

Cockpit of Europe Dark Continent Emerald Isle Eternal City Empire City Forbidden City

Garden City Gate of Tears

Chic ago Stra it of Bab -el Man deb Mu mba i Eqy pt Abe rdee n (Sco tlan d) Kor ea Atla ntic Oce an Jeru sale m Aust

Gateway of India

Gift of the Nile Granite City

Hermit Kingdom Herring Pond

Holy Land

Island Continent

ralia Island of Cloves Zan ziba r Bah rein (Pee sian Gulf ) Gibr alter Scot land Aust ralia Can ada Nor way Finl and Bhu tan Thai land Punj ab

Isle of Pearls

Key of the Mediterranean Land of Cakes Land of Golden Fleece Land of Maple Leaf Land of Midnight Sun Land of the Thousand Lakes Land of the Thunderbolt Land of white Elephant Land of Five Rivers

Land of Thousand Elephants Land of Rising Sun Loneliest Island

Laos Japa n Trist an De Gun ha (Mid Atla ntic) Osa ka Stra it of Gibr altar Cub a Swit zerl and Phil adel phia Veni ce The

Manchester of Japan Pillars of Hercules

Pearl of the Antilles Playground of Europe

Quaker City

Queen of the Adriatic Roof of the World

Pam irs Rose Pink City Sugar bowl of the World Venice of the North Jaip ur Cub a Stoc khol m Chic ago Gui nea Coa st of Afric a Hua ng Ho (Chi na)

Windy City Whirtemans grave

Yellow River

General Knowledge

01 The first Prime minister of Bangladesh was Mujibur Rehman 02 The longest river in the world is the Nile

03 The longest highway in the world is the TransCanada 04 The longest highway in the world has a length of About 8000 km 05 The highest mountain in the world is the Everest 06 The country that accounts for nearly one third of the total teak production of the world is Myanmar 07 The biggest desert in the world is the Sahara desert 08 The largest coffee growing country in the world is Brazil 09 The country also known as country of Copper is Zambia 10 The name given to the border which separates Pakistan and Afghanistan is Durand line 11 The river Volga flows out into the Capsian sea 12 The coldest place on the earth is Verkoyansk in Siberia 13 The country which ranks second in terms of land area is Canada 14 The largest Island in the Mediterranean sea is Sicily 15 The river Jordan flows out into the Dead sea 16 The biggest delta in the world is the

Sunderbans 17 The capital city that stands on the river Danube is Belgrade 18 The Japanese call their country as Nippon 19 The length of the English channel is 564 kilometres 20 The worlds oldest known city is Damascus 21 The city which is also known as the City of Canals is Venice 22 The country in which river Wangchu flows is Myanmar 23 The biggest island of the world is Greenland 24 The city which is the biggest centre for manufacture of automobiles in the world is Detroit, USA 25 The country which is the largest producer of manganese in the world is China & South Africa 26 The country which is the largest producer of rubber in the world is Malaysia 27 The country which is the largest producer of tin in the world is China 28 The river which carries maximum quantity of water into the sea is the Mississippi 29 The city which was once called the `Forbidden City was Peking

30 The country called the Land of Rising Sun is Japan 31 Mount Everest was named after Sir George Everest 32 The volcano Vesuvius is located in Italy 33 The country known as the Sugar Bowl of the world is Cuba 34 The length of the Suez Canal is 162.5 kilometers 35 The lowest point on earth is The coastal area of Dead sea 36 The Gurkhas are the original inhabitants of Nepal 37 The largest ocean of the world is the Pacific ocean 38 The largest bell in the world is the Tsar Kolkol at Kremlin, Moscow 39 The biggest stadium in the world is the Strahov Stadium, Prague 40 The worlds largest diamond producing country is South Africa 41 Australia was discovered by James Cook 42 The first Governor General of Pakistan is Mohammed Ali Jinnah 43 Dublin is situated at the mouth of river Liffey

44 The earlier name of New York city was New Amsterdam 45 The Eifel tower was built by Alexander Eiffel 46 The Red Cross was founded by Jean Henri Durant 47 The country which has the greatest population density is Monaco 48 The national flower of Britain is Rose 49 Niagara Falls was discovered by Louis Hennepin 50 The national flower of Italy is Lily 51 The national flower of China is Narcissus 52 The permanent secretariat of the SAARC is located at Kathmandu 53 The gateway to the Gulf of Iran is Strait of Hormuz 54 The first Industrial Revolution took place in England 55 World Environment Day is observed on 5th June 56 The first Republican President of America was Abraham Lincoln 57 The country famous for Samba dance is Brazil 58 The name of Alexanders horse was Beucephalus

59 Singapore was founded by Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles 60 The famous British one-eyed Admiral was Nelson 61 The earlier name of Sri Lanka was Ceylon 62 The UNO was formed in the year 1945 63 UNO stands for United Nations Organization 64 The independence day of South Korea is celebrated on 15th August 65 `Last Judgement was the first painting of an Italian painter named Michelangelo 66 Paradise Regained was written by John Milton 67 The first President of Egypt was Mohammed Nequib 68 The first man to reach North Pole was Rear Peary 69 The most famous painting of Pablo Picasso was Guermica 70 The primary producer of newsprint in the world is Canada 71 The first explorer to reach the South Pole was Cap. Ronald Amundson 72 The person who is called the father of modern Italy is G.Garibaldi

73 World literacy day is celebrated on 8th September 74 The founder of modern Germany is Bismarck 75 The country known as the land of the midnight sun is Norway 76 The place known as the Roof of the world is Tibet 77 The founder of the Chinese Republic was San Yat Sen 78 The first Pakistani to receive the Nobel Prize was Abdul Salam 79 The first woman Prime Minister of Britain was Margaret Thatcher 80 The first Secretary General of the UNO was Trygve Lie 81 The sculptor of the statue of Liberty was Frederick Auguste Bartholdi 82 The port of Banku is situated in Azerbaijan 83 John F Kennedy was assassinated by Lee Harry Oswald 84 The largest river in France is Lore 85 The Queen of England who married her brotherin-law was Catherine of Aragon 86 The first negro to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize was Ralph Johnson Bunche

87 The first British University to admit women for degree courses was London University 88 The principal export of Jamaica is Sugar 89 New York is popularly known as the city of Skyscrapers 90 Madagascar is popularly known as the Island of Cloves 91 The country known as the Land of White Elephant is Thailand 92 The country known as the Land of Morning Calm is Korea 93 The country known as the Land of Thunderbolts is Bhutan 94 The highest waterfalls in the world is the Salto Angel Falls(Venezuela) 95 The largest library in the world is the United States Library of Congress Washington DC 1. The largest museum in the world is the American Museum of Natural History. 2. The lowest mountain range in the world is the Buena Bhaile. 3. The country known as the Land of Cakes is Scotland. 4. The place known as the Garden of England is Kent. 5. The tallest tower in the world is the Burj Khalifa, Dubai.

6. The country famous for its fish catch is Japan. 7. The old name of Taiwan was Farmosa. 8. Montreal is situated on the bank of River Ottawa. 9. The city of Bonn is situated in Germany. 10. The literal meaning of Renaissance is Revival. 11. Julius Caesar was killed by Brutus. 12. The title of Desert Fox was given to Field Marshal Erwin Rommel. 13. The largest airport in the world is the King Khalid International Airport, Saudi Arabia. 14. The city in Russia which faced an earthquake in the year 1998 was Armenia. 15. The largest bay in the world is Hudson Bay, Canada. 16. The largest church in the world is Basilica of St. Peter, Vatican City, Rome. 17. The largest peninsula in the world is Arabia. 18. The largest gulf in the world is Gulf of Mexico. 19. The tallest statue in the world is the Motherland, Volgograd Russia. 20. The largest railway tunnel in the world is the Oshimizu Tunnel, Japan. 21. The worlds loneliest island is the Tristan da cunha. 22. The word Quiz was coined by Jim Daly

Irishman. 23. The original meaning of Quiz was Trick. 24. The busiest shopping centre of London is Oxford Street. 25. The residence of the Queen in London is Buckingham Palace. 26. Adolf Hitler was born in Austria. 27. The country whose National Anthem has only music but no words is Bahrain. 28. The largest cinema in the world is the Fox theatre, Detroit, USA. 29. The country where there are no Cinema theatres is Saudi Arabia. 30. The worlds tallest office building is the Sears Tower, Chicago. 31. In the year 1811, Paraguay became independent from Spain. 32. The cross word puzzle was invented by Arthur Wynne. 33. The city which was the capital of the ancient Persian Empire was Persepolis. 34. WHO stands for World Health Organization. 35. WHO (World Health Organization) is located at Geneva. 36. FAO stands for Food and Agriculture Organization. 37. FAO is located at Rome and London. 38. UNIDO stands for United Nations Industrial Development Organization. 39. UNIDO is located at Vienna.

40. WMO stands for World Meteorological Organization. 41. WMO is located at Geneva. 42. International Civil Aviation Organization is located at Montreal. 43. The Angel Falls is located in Venezuela. 44. The Victoria Falls is located in Rhodesia. 45. Ice Cream was discovered by Gerald Tisyum. 46. The number regarded as lucky number in Italy is thirteen. 47. Napoleon suffered from alurophobia which means Fear of cats. 48. The aero planes were used in war for the first time by Italians. (14 Oct.1911) 49. Slavery in America was abolished by Abraham Lincoln. 50. The Headquarters of textile manufacturing in England is Manchester. 51. The famous Island located at the mouth of the Hudson River is Manhattan. 52. The founder of plastic industry was Leo Hendrik Baekeland. 53. The country where military service is compulsory for women is Israel. 54. The country which has more than 10,000 golf courses is USA. 55. The famous painting Mona Lisa is displayed at Louvre museum, Paris. 56. The earlier name for tomato was Love

apple. 57. The first President of USA was George Washington. 58. The famous words Veni Vidi Vici were said by Julius Caesar. 59. The practice of sterilization of surgical instruments was introduced by Joseph Lister. 60. The number of countries which participated in the first Olympic Games held at Athens was nine. 61. Mercury is also known as Quick Silver. 62. Disneyland is located in California, USA. 63. The country which built the first powerful long range rockets is Germany. 64. Sewing Machine was invented by Isaac M. Singer. 65. Adding Machine was invented by Aldrin. 66. The national emblem of Spain is Eagle. 67. Archimedes was born in Sicily. 68. The total area of Vatican City is 0.272 square kilometers. 69. The largest temple in the world is Angkor Wat in Kampuchea. 70. The largest dome in the world is Louisiana Superdome, New Orleans, USA. 71. The largest strait in the world is Tartar Strait. 72. The Mohenjo-Daro ruins are found in Larkand District of Sind, Pakistan. 73. The largest city of Africa is Cairo.

74. The founder of KODAK Company was Eastman. 75. The Cape of Good Hope is located in South Africa. 76. The Heathrow Airport is located in London. 77. The neon lamp was invented by Georges Claude. 78. The last letter of the Greek alphabet is Omega. 79. The place known as the land of Lincoln is Illinois. 80. The US state Utah is also known as Beehive state. 81. The Kalahari Desert is located in Africa. 82. The Patagonian desert is located in Argentina. 83. The person known as the father of aeronautics is Sir George Cayley. 84. The most densely populated Island in the world is Honshu. 85. The two nations Haiti and the Dominion Republic together form the Island of Hispaniola. 86. The largest auto producer in the USA is General Motors. 87. The largest auto producing nation is Japan. 88. The famous ?General Motors? company was founded by William Durant. 89. The country that brings out the FIAT is Italy. 90. The first actor to win an Oscar was Emil

Jannings. 91. The first animated colour cartoon of full feature length was Snow White and Seven Dwarfs. 92. The first demonstration of a motion picture was held at Paris. 93. The first country to issue stamps was Britain. 94. The actor who is considered as the biggest cowboy star of the silent movies is Tom Mix. 95. The Pentagon is located at Washington DC. 96. The worlds largest car manufacturing company is General Motors, USA. 97. The worlds biggest manufacturer of bicycles is Hero cycles, Ludhiana. 98. The worlds oldest underground railway is at London. 99. The White House was painted white to hide fire damage. 100. The largest oil producing nation in Africa is Nigeria. 101. The longest river in Russia and Europe is Volga River. 102. The first Emperor of Germany was Wilhelm. 103. The last French Monarch was Louis Napoleon III. 104. History is Bunk was said by Henry Ford. 105. The term astrology literally means

Star Speech. 106. Togo is situated in Africa. 107. Coal is also known as Black Diamond. 108. The first Boxer to win 3 gold medals in Olympics was Laszlo Papp. 109. The first ruler who started war games for his soldiers was Genghis Khan. 110. The first cross word puzzle in the world was published in 1924 by London Sunday Express. 111. The lightest known metal is Lithium. 112. The Atacama Desert is located in North Chile. 113. The oil used to preserve timber is Creosote oil. 114. The founder of USA was George Washington. 115. The first talkie feature film in USA was The Jazz Singer. 116. The chemical name of laughing gas is Nitrous oxide. 117. The US state Mississippi is also known as Tar Heel state. 118. The US state Indiana is also known as Volunteer state. 119. The US state Missouri is also known as Hoosier state. 120. The US state West Virginia is also known as Blue Grass state. 121. The US state known as Pine Free

State is Vermont. 122. The US state known as Mountain state is Pennsylvania. 123. The US state known as Land of 1000 Lakes is Arkansas. 124. The popular detective character created by Agatha Christie is Hercule Poirot. 125. The Pakistani President who died in an air crash was Zia-ul-Huq. 126. Yoghurt means Fermented milk. 127. Yankee is the nickname of American. 128. The International court of Justice is located in Hague, Holland. 129. The headquarters of World Bank is located at Washington DC. 130. Victoria Falls was discovered by David Livingstone. 131. The technique to produce the first test tube baby was evolved by Patrick Steptoe and Robert Edwards. 132. The oldest residential university of Britain is the Oxford University. 133. The name of the large clock on the tower of the House of Parliament in London is called Big Ben. 134. Prado Museum is located in Madrid. 135. The number of keys in an ordinary piano is Eighty eight. 136. Man is a Tool Making Animal was said by Benjamin Franklin.

137. The term anesthesia was coined by Oliver Wendell Holmes. 138. The first man to reach Antarctica was Fabian Gottlieb. 139. The Kilimanjaro volcano is situated in Tanzania. 140. The invention that is considered to have built America is Dynamite. 141. Words that contains all the vowels: Authentication, Remuneration, Education, Automobile, Miscellaneous and many more. 142. Words that contain all the vowels in order: Facetious and Abstemious. 143. Words that contain all the vowels in reverse order: Uncomplimentary, Unproprietary, Unoriental and Subcontinental. 144. Words with no vowel in them: Myth, Fly, Sky, Dry, Cry, Rhythm, Crypt. 145. Which country declares independence on 18th Feb 2008? Kosovo. 146. Who was the founder of the kindergarten education system? German educator Friedrich Froebel. 147. What is the scientific name of Vitamin C? Ascorbic Acid 148. What is the full form of GPRS? General Packet Radio Service 149. Which was the first university established in the world? Nalanda University 150. What is full form of CEO, CFO & CIO

titles? Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer & Chief Information Officer.

News Papers/ Journals

Al-Hilal Al-Balagh Amrit Bazar Patrika Bengal Gazette (India's first news

Abul Kalam Azad Abul Kalam Azad Shishir Kr. Ghosh & Motilal Ghosh

paper, 1780) Bombay Chronicle Comrade Commonweal Essays in Indian Economics Free Hinduatan Hindu Hindustan Times Hindu Patriot Harijan

J. K. Hikki

Firoze Shah Mehta Mohammed Ali Annie Besant Mahadev Govind Ranade Tarak Nath Das Vir Raghavacharya & G. S. Aiyar K. M. Pannikar Girish Chandra Ghosh M. K. Gandhi

Hindustan Indian Mirror Indian Socialist Independent Keshri Kranti Kavivachan Sudha Mooknayak

Madan Mohan Malviya Devendra Nath Tagore Shyamji Krishna Verma Motilal Nehru Bal Gangadhar Tilak Mirajkar, Joglekar, Ghate Bhartendu Harishchandra B. R. Ambedkar

Mirat-ul-Akhbar (First Persian News Ram Mohan Roy Paper) Maharatta New India Native Opinion Nav Jeevan Punjabi Prabudha Bharat Pratap Bal Gangadhar Tilak Bipin Chandra Pal V. N. Mandalik M. K. Gandhi Lala Lajpat Rai Swami Vivekananda Ganesh Shankar Vidyarthi

Rast Goftar (First News Paper in Dadabhai Naoroji

Gujrati) Statesman Sandhya Som Prakash Sudharak Samvad Kaumudi (Bengali) Talwar (in Berlin) Tahzib-ul-Akhlaq Udbodhana Vande Mataram Vichar Lahiri Robert Knight B. B. Upadhyaya Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar G. K. Gokhle Ram Mohan Roy Birendra Nath Chattopadhyaye Sir Syyed Ahmed Khan Swami Vivekananda Aurobindo Ghosh Krishna Shastri Chiplunkar Bhupendra Nath Datta & Barindra Kumar Ghosh M. K. Gandhi


Young India

Newspapers/Magazines and their Editors Newspaper/Magazine The Hindu The Times of India Editor-in-Chief Siddarth Varadarajan Jaideep Bose

Indian Express

Shekhar Gupta

The New Indian Express Prabhu Chawla Hindustan Times India Today Outlook Tughlaq Sanjoy Narayan Aroon Purie Vinod Mehta Cho Ramaswamy

Current Information on Newspapers Feature Total number of newspapers registered in India as on 31.03.2011 Newspaper 82,222

The largest number of newspapers/periodicals registered Hindi in any Indian language The largest circulated daily The second largest circulated daily The largest circulated periodical The largest circulated multi-edition daily The second largest circulated multi-edition daily The state with the largest number of registered newspapers Eenadu (Telugu) The Hindu (English) The Hindu Weekly The Times of India (English) Eenadu (Telugu) Uttar Pradesh

January - World's Important Days Day January 1 January 6 January 24 January 26 January 27 January 28 January 30 Day's Name Global Family Day World Day - War Orphans National Girl Child Day of India January 24 International Customs day International Holocaust Remembrance Day Data Protection Day World Leprosy Eradication Day

Worlds Important Days - International Days - and Observance Days for the month of January February - World's Important Days Day February 2 February 4 February 5 February 6 February 12 Day's Name World Wetland Day World Cancer Day Kashmir Day International Day against Female Genital Mutilation Darwin Day

February 12 February 14 February 20 February 21 February 22 February 23

World Day of the Sick Valentines Day World Day of Social Justice International Mother Language Day World Scout Day World Peaces and Understanding Day

Worlds Important Days - International Days - and Observance Days for the Month of February March - Worlds Important Days Day March 4 March 8 March 13 March 13 March 15 March 20 March 20 March 21 March 21 March 21 Day's Name World Day of the Fight Against Sexual Exploitation International Womens' Day World Kidney Day World Rotaract Day World Consumer Rights Day International Day of the Francophonie World Day of Theatre for Children and Young People World Sleep Day World Forestry Day International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.

March 22 March 23 March 24 March 24 March 25 March 27

World Water Day World Meteorological Day World TB Day International Day for Achievers International Day of Remembrance Victims of Slavery and Transatlantic Slave Trade World Drama Day

Worlds Important Days - International Days - and Observance Days for the Month of March April - Worlds Important Days Day April 2 April 4 April 7 April 7 April 12 April 17 April 18 April 21 April 22 April 23 Day's Name World Autism Awareness Day International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action World Health Day International Day of Reflection on the Genocide in Rwanda World Aviation & Cosmonautics Day World Haemophilia Day World Heritage Day World Creativity and Innovation Day Earth Day World Book and Copyright Day

April 24 April 25 April 26 April 28 April 29

World Lab Animals Day World Malaria Day World Intellectual Property Day International Workers Memorial Day World Dance Day

Worlds Important Days - International Days - and Observance Days for the Month of April May - Worlds Important Days Day May 01 May-03 May-03 May-03 May-04 May-04 May 05 - First Sunday in May May-05 May-08 May-08 May-09 Day's Name May day - Labour Day Press Freedom Day International Sun Day World Asthma Day Coal Miners Day International Firefighters' Day World laughter Day - First Sunday in May World Athletics Day World Red Cross Day and Red Crescent Day Remembrance and Reconciliation for Lost Lives Second World War World Thalassaemia Day

May-10 May-12 May-13 May-14 May-15 May-17 May-18 May-18 May-19 May-20 May-21 May-22 May-23 May-24 May-28 May-28 May-29 May-31

World Mother Day International Nurses Day International Criminal Court Day Bone and Joint Day International Day of the Families World Information Society Day World Hyper Tension Day World Museum Day World Hepatitis Day World Metrology Day World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development International Day for Biological Diversity World Turtle Day Commonwealth Day Anti-Narcotics Day Engineers Day International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers World Anti Tobacco Day

Worlds Important Days - International Days - and Observance Days for the Month of May

June - Worlds Important Days Day June 1 June 4 June 5 June 8 June 8 June 12 June 14 June 15 June 16 June 17 June 18 June 20 June 21 June 23 June 23 June 26 June 26 Day's Name International Childrens Day International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression World Environment Day World Brain Tumors Day World Ocean Day World Day Against Child Labor World Blood Donor Day World Fathers Day International Integration Day World Combat Day to Desertification and Drought International Picnic Day World Refugee Day World Music Day International Olympic Day United Nations Public Service Day International Day against Drug abuse and Illicit Trafficking International Day in Support of Victims of Torture

Worlds Important Days - International Days - and Observance Days for the Month of June July - Worlds Important Days Day July 1 July 1 July 2 1st Saturday of July July 6 July 11 July 28 Day's Name International Joke Day Doctor's Day World Sports Journalists Day International Day of Cooperatives World Zoonoses Day World Population Day World Nature Conservation Day

Worlds Important Days - International Days - and Observance Days for the Month of July August - Worlds Important Days Day August 1 August 3 August 6 August 6 August 9 August 9 August 12 Day's Name World Breast-feeding Week Friendship Day Anti Nuclear Day Hiroshima Day Nagasaki Day International Day of the Worlds Indigenous People International Youth Day

August 13 August 15 August 19 August 19 August 20 August 23 August 26

World Left Hander's Day International Mourning Day World Humanitarian Day World Photography Day World Mosquito Day International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and Its Abolition Namibia Day

Worlds Important Days - International Days - and Observance Days for the Month of August September - Worlds Important Days Day September 2 September 8 September 10 September 11 September 15 September 15 September 16 September 19 September 21 September 21 Day's Name Coconut Day World Literacy Day World Anti-Suicide Day World First Aid Day International Day of Democracy International Day of Engineers World Ozone Day International Talk Like a Pirate Day World Peace Day World Alzheimer's Day

September 22 September 22 September 22 September 24 September 24 September 25 September 26 September 26 September 27 September 28 September 28 Last week of September

World Car Free Day World Rose Day - Welfare of Cancer Patients Car Free Day World Heart Day World Clean-up Day International Grab Hand Day Day of the Deaf European Day of Languages World Tourism Day Right to Know Day World Rabies Day World Maritime Day

Worlds Important Days - International Days - and Observance Days for the month of September October - Worlds Important Days Day October 1 October 1 October 1 October 2 October 2 Day's Name World Vegetarian Day International Day of the Elderly World Hepatitis Day World Animal Day World Ostony Day

October 2 October 3 October 4 October 5 October 6 (or second Saturday of October) October 8 October 9 October 10 October 12 October 12 October 13 October 14 October 15 October 15 October 15 October 16 October 16 October 17 October 20

International Day of Non-Violence World Habitat Day World Animal Welfare Day World and International Teachers Day World Hospice and Palliative Care Day World Humanitarian Action Day World Postal Day World Mental Health Day World Sight Day World Arthritis Day International Day for Natural Disaster Reduction World Standards Day Global Hand Washing Day World White Cane Day-guiding the Blind International Day of Rural Women World Food Day World Anaesthesiologists Day World Trauma Day World Osteoporosis Day

October 24 October 24 October 24 October 30

UN Day World Development Information Day World Polio Day World Thrift Day

Worlds Important Days - International Days - and Observance Days for the Monther of October November - Worlds Important Days Day November 1 November 5 November 6 November 8 November 9 November 14 November 16 November 17 November 19 November 19 November 20 November 20 November 21 Day's Name World Vegan Day World Interact Day International Day for Preventing the Exploitation of the Environment in War and Armed Conflict World Radiographer Day World Freedom Day World Diabetes Day International Day for Tolerence International Students Day World Toilet Day International Men's Day Universal Childrens Day Africa Industrialization Day World Fisheries Day

November 21 November 21 November 25 November 25 November 29 Third Sunday of November

World Hello Day World Television Day International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women International Meatless International Day of Solidarity with Palestinian People World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims

Worlds Important Days - International Days - and Observance Days for the Month of november December - Worlds Important Days Day December 1 December 2 December 2 December 3 December 3 December 5 December 7 December 9 Day's Name World AIDS Day World Computer Literacy Day International Day for the Abolition of Slavery International Day of People with Disability World Conservation Day International Volunteer Day for Economic and Social Development International Civil Aviation Day The International Day Against Corruption

December 10 December 10 December 11 December 14 December 18 December 20 December 29

International Day of Broadcasting Human Rights Day International Mountain Day World Energy Day International Migrants Day International Human Solidarity Day International Biodiversity Day

Worlds Important Days - International Days - and Observance Days for the Month of

National Days in January

National National National National National National National National Bath Safety Month Blood Donor Month Braille Literacy Month Hobby Month Hot Tea Month Oatmeal Month Slow Cooking Month Soup Month

January 1 First Foot Day Z Day Global Family Day January 2 Run up the Flagpole and See if Anyone Salutes Day National Buffet Day National Cream Puff Day

January 3 Festival of Sleep Day Fruitcake Toss Day National Chocolate Covered Cherry Day January 4 Trivia Day National Spaghetti Day Humiliation Day World Braille Day January 5 National Bird Day National Whipped Cream Day January 6 Bean Day Cuddle Up Day National Shortbread Day January 7 Old Rock Day National Tempura Day
January 8

Bubble Bath Day Male Watcher's Day National JoyGerm Day National English Toffee Day World Literary Day
January 9

Play God Day National Apricot Day

January 10

Peculiar People Day National Bittersweet Chocolate Day

January 11

Step in a Puddle and Splash Your Friend's Day International Thank You Day
January 12

Feast of Fabulous Wild Men Day National Pharmacist Day National Marzipan Day
January 13

International Skeptics Day Make Your Dream Come True Day Blame Someone Else Day National Peach Melba Day
January 14

Dress Up Your Pet Day National Hot Pastrami Sandwich Day

January 15

National Hat Day National Strawberry Ice Cream Day Ice Cream Sundae Game
January 16

National Nothing Day Hot and Spicy Food International Day National Fig Newton Day
January 17

Ditch New Years Resolutions Day Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday Blessing of the Animals at the Cathedral Day

January 18

Thesaurus Day Winnie the Pooh Day

January 19

National Popcorn Day

January 20

National Buttercrunch Day Penguin Awareness Day National Cheese Lover's Day
January 21

National Hugging Day Squirrel Appreciation Day National Granola Bar Day
January 22

National Answer Your Cat's Question Day National Blonde Brownie Day
January 23

National Pie Day National Handwriting Day Measure Your Feet Day
January 24

Beer Can Appreciation Day Compliment Day Eskimo Pie Patent Day National Peanut Butter Day
January 25

Opposite Day National Irish Coffee Day

January 26

Spouse's Day Australia Day National Pistachio Day National Peanut Brittle Day
January 27

Chocolate Cake Day Punch the Clock Day Thomas Crapper Day
January 28

Fun at Work Day National Kazoo Day Rattle Snake Round-Up Day National Blueberry Pancake Day
January 29

National Puzzle Day National Cornchip Day

January 30

National Inane Answering Message Day Escape Day National Croissant Day World Leprosy Day
January 31

Backward Day Inspire Your Heart with Art Day Child Labor Day National Popcorn Day

National Days in Febuary

National Hot Breakfast Month

American Heart Month An Affair to Remember Month Black History Month Canned Food Month Creative Romance Month Great American Pie Month National Cherry Month National Childrens Dental Health Month National Grapefruit Month National Weddings Month National Macadamia Nut Month National Snack Food Month February 1 National Freedom Day Serpent Day National Baked Alaska Day February 2 Ground Hog Day Purification Day February 3 The Day the Music Died Cordova Ice Worm Day National Carrot Cake Day February 4 Create a Vacuum Day Thank a Mailman Day National Homemade Soup Day National Stuffed Mushroom Day February 5 National Weatherman's Day Disaster Day February 6

Lame Duck Day February 7 Wave All Your Fingers at Your Neighbor Day Send a Card to a Friend Day Charles Dickens Day National Fettuccine Alfredo Day
February 8

Boy Scout Day Kite Flying Day National Molasses Bar Day
February 9

Toothache Day National Bagels and Lox Day

February 10

Umbrella Day National Cream Cheese Brownie Day

February 11

Don't Cry over Spilled Milk Day Make a Friend Day White T-Shirt Day National Peppermint Patty Day
February 12

Abraham Lincoln's Birthday Plum Pudding Day Darwin Day

February 13

Get a Different Name Day Dream Your Sweet Day National Tortellini Day

February 14

Ferris Wheel Day National Organ Donor Day Valentine's Day National Heart to Heart Day National Cream-Filled Chocolates Day
February 15

Candlemas National Gum Drop Day Singles Awareness Day

February 16

Do a Grouch a Favor Day National Almond Day

February 17

Random Acts of Kindness Day National Indian Pudding Day Champion Crab Races Day
February 18

National Battery Day

February 19

National Chocolate Mint Day

February 20

Cherry Pie Day Hoodie Hoo Day Love Your Pet Day
February 21

Card Reading Day National Sticky Bun Day International Mother Language Day

February 22

George Washington's Birthday Be Humble Day Walking the Dog Day International World Thinking Day National Cook a Sweet Potato Day National Margarita Day
February 23

International Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day Tennis Day National Banana Bread Day
February 24

National Tortilla Chip Day

February 25

Pistol Patent Day National Chocolate-Covered Peanuts Day National Clam Chowder Day
February 26

Carnival Day National Pistachio Day Tell a Fairy Tale Day

February 27

International Polar Bear Day No Brainer Day National Chocolate Cake Day National Strawberry Day
February 28

Floral Design Day Public Sleeping Day National Chocolate Souffle Day

February 29

Leap Day National Surf and Turf Day

National Days in March

National Sauce Month National Noodle Month Irish American Month Music in Our Schools Month National Craft Month National Frozen Food Month National Irish American Heritage Month National Nutrition Month National Peanut Month National Women's History Month Poetry Month Red Cross Month Social Workers Month National Flour Month National Caffeine Awareness Month National Celery Month March 1 National Pig Day Peanut Butter Lovers' Day National Fruit Compote Day International Day of the Seal International Association for Women of Color Day March 2 Old Stuff Day National Banana Cream Pie Day March 3 I Want You to be Happy Day If Pets Had Thumbs Day National Anthem Day

Peach Blossom Day National Cold Cuts Day March 4 Holy Experiment Day Hug a GI Day National Poundcake Day March 5 Multiple Personality Day National Cheese Doodle Day March 6 Dentist's Day National Frozen Food Day National White Chocolate Cheesecake Day
March 7

National Crown Roast of Pork Day National Cereal Day

March 8

Be Nasty Day International Women's Day National Peanut Cluster Day

March 9

Panic Day National Crabmeat Day

March 10

Middle Name Pride Day Festival Of Life In The Cracks Day National Blueberry Popover Day
March 11

Johnny Appleseed Day Worship of Tools Day Oatmeal Nut Waffles Day
March 12

Girl Scouts Day Plant a Flower Day Alfred Hitchcock Day National Baked Scallops Day
March 13

Ear Muff Day Jewel Day National Coconut Torte Day

March 14

Learn about Butterflies Day National Potato Chip Day National Pi Day World Book Day
March 15

Everything You Think is Wrong Day Ides of March Incredible Kid Day Dumbstruck Day Buzzard's Day National Peanut Lovers Day National Pears Helene Day
March 16

Everything You Do is Right Day Freedom of Information Day National Artichoke Heart Day
March 17

Submarine Day

Saint Patrick's Day

March 18

Goddess of Fertility Day Supreme Sacrifice Day National Lacy Oatmeal Cookie Day
March 19

Poultry Day National Chocolate Caramel Day

March 20

International Earth Day Extraterrestrial Abductions Day Proposal Day National Ravioli Day World Frog Day
March 21

Fragrance Day National French Bread Day World Down Syndrome Day
March 22

National Goof Off Day World Day for Water

March 23

National Chip and Dip Day Near Miss Day National Organize Your Home Office Day National Melba Toast Day World Meterological Day
March 24

National Chocolate Covered Raisin Day

March 25

Pecan Day Waffle Day National Lobster Newburg Day

March 26

Make Up Your Own Holiday Day Spinach Festival Day National Waffle Day National Nougat Day
March 27

National "Joe" Day National Spanish Paella Day

March 28

Something on a Stick Day National Black Forest Cake Day

March 29

National Mom and Pop Business Owners Day Smoke and Mirrors Day National Lemon Chiffon Cake Day
March 30

National Doctor's Day I am in Control Day Take a Walk in the Park Day Turkey Neck Soup Day
March 31

Bunsen Burner Day National Clam on the Half Shell Day

National Days in April

National Fresh Celery Month National Humor Month International Guitar Month Keep America Beautiful Month Lawn and Garden Month Poetry Month National Pecan Month National Welding Month Records and Information Management Month Stress Awareness Month National Soft Pretzel Month National Soyfoods Month April 1 April Fool's Day International Fun at Work Day International Tatting Day One Cent Day National Sourdough Bread Day April 2 International Children's Book Day National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day Reconciliation Day April 3 Don't Go to Work Unless it's Fun Day Tweed Day National Chocolate Mousse Day April 4 Hug a Newsman Day Walk Around Things Day School Librarian Day National Cordon Bleu Day
April 5

Go for Broke Day National Raisin & Spice Bar Day

April 6

Plan Your Epitaph Day Sorry Charlie Day National Caramel Popcorn Day
April 7

National Coffee Cake Day No Housework Day World Health Day

April 8

All is Ours Day Draw a Picture of a Bird Day National Empanada Day
April 9

Name Yourself Day Winston Churchill Day National Chinese Almond Cookie Day
April 10

Golfer's Day National Siblings Day National Cinnamon Crescent Day

April 11

Eight Track Tape Day Barbershop Quartet Day National Submarine Day National Cheese Fondue Day
April 12

Big Wind Day - this day blows me away! Russian Cosmonaut Day National Licorice Day
April 13

Blame Someone Else Day Scrabble Day National Peach Cobbler Day International Special Librarian's Day
April 14

Ex Spouse Day International Moment of Laughter Day Look up at the Sky Day National Pecan Day Reach as High as You Can Day National Hot Cross Bun Day
April 15

Rubber Eraser Day Titanic Remembrance Day National Glazed Ham Day
April 16

National National National National

April 17

Eggs Benedict Day Librarian Day Stress Awareness Day Baked Ham with Pineapple Day

Blah, Blah, Blah Day National Cheeseball Day Pet Owners Independence Day
April 18

International Juggler's Day Newspaper Columnists Day National Animal Crackers Day
April 19

National Garlic Day

April 20

Look Alike Day Volunteer Recognition Day National Pineapple Upside-down Cake Day
April 21

Kindergarten Day National Chocolate-Covered Cashews Day

April 22

Girl Scout Leader Day National Jelly Bean Day Earth Day
April 23

Lover's Day National Zucchini Bread Day Take a Chance Day World Laboratory Day Read Me Day April National Cherry Cheesecake Day
April 24

Pig in a Blanket Day

April 25

East meets West Day World Penguin Day National Zucchini Bread Day
April 26

Executive Admin's Day (Secretary's Day) Hug an Australian Day National Pretzel Day Richter Scale Day
April 27

Babe Ruth Day National Prime Rib Day Tell a Story Day
April 28

Great Poetry Reading Day Kiss Your Mate Day National Blueberry Pie Day
April 29

Greenery Day National Shrimp Scampi Day

April 30

Hairstyle Appreciation Day National Honesty Day National Oatmeal Cookie Day

National Days in May

Date Your Mate Month Foster Care Month National Barbecue Month National Bike Month National Blood Pressure Month National Hamburger Month National Photograph Month National Recommitment Month National Salad Month Older Americans Month National Chocolate Custard Month National Egg Month National Salsa Month National Strawberry Month May 1 May Day Loyalty Day

Mother Goose Day International Save the Rhino Day National Chocolate Parfait Day May 2 Baby Day Brothers and Sisters Day Fire Day May 3 Lumpy Rug Day World Press Freedom Day National Raspberry Popover Day National Chocolate Custard Day May 4 Bird Day National Candied Orange Peel Day Renewal Day International Tuba Day May 5 Cinco de Mayo National Hoagie Day Oyster Day International Midwives Day
May 6

Beverage Day National Tourist Appreciation Day National Nurses Day No Diet Day National Crepe Suzette Day
May 7

National Tourism Day International Tuba Day National Roast Leg of Lamb Day

May 8

Iris Day No Socks Day V-E Day World Red Cross Day Have a Coke Day National Coconut Cream Pie Day
May 9

Lost Sock Memorial Day

May 10

Clean up Your Room Day International Migratory Bird Day

May 11

Eat What You Want Day Twilight Zone Day

May 12

Fatigue Syndrome Day International Nurses Day Limerick Day National Nutty Fudge Day
May 13

Frog Jumping Day Leprechaun Day National Apple Pie Day IEEE Global Engineering Day
May 14

National Dance Like a Chicken Day National Buttermilk Biscuit Day

May 15

National Chocolate Chip Day Police Officer's Memorial Day International Day of Families
May 16

Love a Tree Day National Sea Monkey Day Wear Purple for Peace Day
May 17

Pack Rat Day National Cherry Cobbler Day

May 18

International Museum Day No Dirty Dishes Day Visit Your Relatives Day National Cheese Souffle Day
May 19

Boy's Club Day Frog Jumping Jubilee Day National Devil's Food Cake Day
May 20

Be a Millionaire Day Pick Strawberries Day Eliza Doolittle Day National Quiche Lorraine Day
May 21

National Memo Day National Waiters and Waitresses Day World Day for Cultural Diversity
May 22

Buy a Musical Instrument Day National Vanilla Pudding Day International Day for Biological Diversity
May 23

Lucky Penny Day National Taffy Day World Turtle Day

May 24

National Escargot Day World Schizophrenia Day

May 25

National Missing Children's Day Tap Dance Day National Brown-Bag-It Day World Towel Day
May 26

Sally Ride Day Grey Day National Blueberry Cheesecake Day

May 27

Sun Screen Day Body Painting Arts Festival

May 28

Amnesty International Day National Hamburger Day

May 29

End Of The Middle Ages Day

May 30

Water a Flower Day My Bucket's Got A Hole In It Day

May 31

National Macaroon Day Save Your Hearing Day World No Tobacco Day

National Days in June

National Papaya Month Aquarium Month Candy Month Dairy Month Fight the Filthy Fly Month Gay Pride Month National Accordion Awareness Month National Adopt a Cat Month National Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Month Rose Month Turkey Lovers Month National Iced Tea Month June 1 Dare Day Flip a Coin Day National Hazelnut Cake Day June 2 National Bubba Day National Rocky Road Day June 3 Repeat Day National Chocolate Macaroon Day June 4

Applesauce Cake Day Hug Your Cat Day Old Maid's Day June 5 World Environment Day Festival Of Popular Delusions Day National Gingerbread Day
June 6

National Gardening Exercise Day National Yo-Yo Day Teachers Day National Applesauce Cake Day
June 7

National Chocolate Ice Cream Day

June 8

Best Friends Day Name Your Poison Day World Ocean Day
June 9

Donald Duck Day National Strawberry-Rhubarb Pie Day

June 10

Iced Tea Day National Yo-Yo Day International Day Against Drug Abuse
June 11

Hug Holiday King Kamehameha Day National German Chocolate Cake Day

June 12

Red Rose Day Machine Day National Peanut Butter Cookie Day
June 13

Sewing Machine Day Kitchen Klutzes of America Day National Juggling Day International Children's Day
June 14

Flag Day Pop Goes The Weasel Day National Strawberry Shortcake Day World Blood Donor Day
June 15

Smile Power Day

June 16

Fresh Veggies Day National Hollerin' Contest Day National Fudge Day International Day of the African Child
June 17

Eat Your Vegetables Day Watergate Day National Apple Strudel Day National Cherry Tart Day
June 18

Go Fishing Day International Panic Day National Splurge Day

June 19

World Sauntering Day

June 20

Ice Cream Soda Day World Refugee Day

June 21

Finally Summer Day Go Skate Day Cuckoo Warning Day National Peaches and Cream Day
June 22

National Chocolate Eclair Day

June 23

National Columnists Day National Pink Day National Pecan Sandies Day
June 24

Swim a Lap Day Museum Comes To Life Day National Pralines Day
June 25

Log Cabin Day National Catfish Day National Strawberry Parfait Day
June 26

Beautician's Day Forgiveness Day National Chocolate Pudding Day

June 27

Sun Glasses Day National Columnists Day

June 28

Insurance Awareness Day Paul Bunyan Day World War I Commemoration Day
June 29

Camera Day Hug Holiday Waffle Iron Day National Almond Buttercrunch Day
June 30

Meteor Day

National Days in July

National Picnic Month National July Belongs to Blueberries Month National Anti-Boredom Month Unlucky Month for weddings National Cell Phone Courtesy Month National Hot Dog Month National Ice Cream Month National Baked Bean Month National Culinary Arts Month July 1 Canada Day Creative Ice Cream Flavors Day International Joke Day Build A Scarecrow Day National Gingersnap Day

July 2 I Forgot Day World UFO Day Visitation Of The Virgin Mary Day National Anisette Day July 3 Compliment Your Mirror Day Disobedience Day Stay out of the Sun Day National Chocolate Wafer Day July 4 National Country Music Day Sidewalk Egg Frying Day Tom Sawyer Fence-Painting Day National Barbecue Day
July 5

Work-a-holics Day National Apple Turnover Day

July 6

National Fried Chicken Day

July 7

Chocolate Day National Strawberry Sundae Day National Macaroni Day

July 8

Video Games Day National Milk Chocolate with Almonds Day

July 9

National Sugar Cookie Day

July 10

Teddy Bear Picnic Day Clerihew Day National Pina Colada Day
July 11

Cheer up the Lonely Day World Population Day National Blueberry Muffin Day
July 12

Different Colored Eyes Day Pecan Pie Day

July 13

Barbershop Music Appreciation Day Embrace Your Geekness Day Fool's Paradise Day
July 14

Bastille Day Pandemonium Day

July 15

Tapioca Pudding Day Cow Appreciation Day Respect Canada Day

July 16

International Juggling Day World Snake Day

July 17

National Peach Ice Cream Day Ice Cream Sundae Game Yellow Pig Day

July 18

National Caviar Day National Ice Cream Day

July 19

National Raspberry Cake Day Flitch Day

July 20

Moon Day Ugly Truck Day National Ice Cream Day Ice Cream Sundae Game National Lollipop Day
July 21

National Junk Food Day National Tug-Of-War Tournament Day National Creme Brulee Day
July 22

Hammock Day Ratcatcher's Day National Penuche Day

July 23

National Hot Dog Day Vanilla Ice Cream Day Ice Cream Sundae Game
July 24

Amelia Earhart Day Cousins Day

July 25

Culinarians Day

Threading the Needle Day National Hot Fudge Sundae Day

July 26

All or Nothing Day Aunt and Uncle Day National Bagelfest

July 27

Take Your Pants for a Walk Day

July 28

National Milk Chocolate Day National Hamburger Day

July 29

National Lasagna Day Cheese Sacrifice Purchase Day

July 30

National Cheesecake Day Activities for a Cheesecake Day Party Father-in-Law Day
July 31

Mutt's Day Parent's Day National Raspberry Cake Day

National Days in August

Admit You're Happy Month Family Fun Month National Catfish Month National Eye Exam Month National Golf Month

Peach Month Romance Awareness Month Water Quality Month August 1 National Raspberry Cream Pie Day Friendship Day August 2 National Ice Cream Sandwich Day August 3 National Watermelon Day August 4 U.S. Coast Guard Day Twins Day Festival National Chocolate Chip Day
August 5

Work Like a Dog Day National Mustard Day

August 6

Wiggle Your Toes Day National Root Beer Float Day Click here for a Game
August 7

Sea Serpent Day National Lighthouse Day Raspberries 'n Cream Day
August 8

Sneak Some Zucchini onto Your Neighbor's Porch Day National Frozen Custard Day Universal and International Infinity Day

August 9

Book Lover's Day National Polka Festival National Rice Pudding Day Inernational Day of the World's Indigenous People
August 10

Lazy Day National S'mores Day International Biodiesal Day

August 11

Presidential Joke Day Son and Daughter Day National Raspberry Bombe Day
August 12

Middle Child's Day International Youth Day

August 13

International Left Hander's Day Blame Someone Else Day

August 14

National Creamsicle Day World Lizard Day

August 15

Relaxation Day National Lemon Meringue Pie Day

August 16

National Tell a Joke Day Bratwurst Festival

August 17

National Thriftshop Day National Vanilla Custard Day

August 18

Bad Poetry Day National Ice Cream Pie Day

August 19

Aviation Day Potato Day National Soft Ice Cream Day

August 20

National Radio Day National Chocolate Pecan Pie Day

August 21

Senior Citizen's Day National Spumoni Day

August 22

Be an Angel Day National Tooth Fairy Day National Pecan Torte Day
August 23

Ride the Wind Day National Spongecake Day International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition
August 24

Vesuvius Day Knife Day National Peach Pie Day

August 25

Kiss and Make Up Day National Banana Split Day Ice Cream Sundae Game
August 26

National Dog Day Women's Equality Day National Cherry Popsicle Day
August 27

Global Forgiveness Day Just Because Day Petroleum Day National Pots de Creme Day
August 28

Race Your Mouse Day National Cherry Turnovers Day

August 29

More Herbs, Less Salt Day

August 30

Frankenstein Day Toasted Marshmallow Day

August 31

National Trail Mix Day

National Days in September

National Mushroom Month Classical Music Month Hispanic Heritage Month

Fall Hat Month International Square Dancing Month National Blueberry Popsicle Month National Courtesy Month National Piano Month Chicken Month Baby Safety Month Little League Month Honey Month Self Improvement Month Better Breakfast Month National Papaya Month National Potato Month National Rice Month September 1 Emma M. Nutt Day September 2 National Beheading Day September 3 Skyscraper Day National Welsh Rarebit Day September 4 Newspaper Carrier Day September 5 Be Late for Something Day Cheese Pizza Day
September 6

Fight Procrastination Day Read a Book Day

September 7

Neither Rain nor Snow Day

September 8

International Literacy Day National Date Nut Bread Day Pardon Day
September 9

Teddy Bear Day

September 10

Sewing Machine Day Swap Ideas Day

September 11

Make Your Bed Day No News is Good News Day National Hot Cross Bun Day
September 12

Chocolate Milk Shake Day National Video Games Day National Pet Memorial Day
September 13

Defy Superstition Day Fortune Cookie Day National Peanut Day Positive Thinking Day Uncle Sam Day International Chocolate Day
September 14

National Cream-Filled Donut Day

September 15

Make a Hat Day Felt Hat Day National Creme de Menthe Day International Software Freedom Day
September 16

Collect Rocks Day Step Family Day Mayflower Day Mexican Independence Day National Play Doh Day Working Parents Day Stay Away From Seattle Day National Cinnamon-Raisin Bread Day International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer
September 17

National Apple Dumpling Day Citizenship Day Constitution Day

September 18

National Cheeseburger Day National Pancake Day National Play-Dough Day

September 19

International Talk Like A Pirate Day National Butterscotch Pudding Day International Day of Peace
September 20

National Punch Day

September 21

International Peace Day Miniature Golf Day

World Gratitude Day International Banana Festival National Pecan Cookie Day
September 22

Business Women's Day Elephant Appreciation Day Hobbit Day Dear Diary Day National White Chocolate Day World Car Free Day
September 23

Checkers Day Dog in Politics Day

September 24

National Cherries Jubilee Day Festival Of Latest Novelties

September 25

National Comic Book Day National Comic Book Day

September 26

Johnny Appleseed Day National Good Neighbor Day National Pancake Day
September 27

Crush a Can Day

September 28

Ask a Stupid Question Day National Good Neighbor Day National Strawberry Cream Pie Day

September 29

Confucius Day Poisoned Blackberries Day International Inventors Day

September 30

National Mud Pack Day National Mulled Cider Day

National Days in October

National Caramel Month National Apple Month Adopt a Shelter Dog Month American Pharmacist Month Apple Jack Month Awareness Month Breast Cancer Awareness Month Clergy Appreciation Month Computer Learning Month Cookie Month Domestic Violence Awareness Month Eat Country Ham Month International Drum Month Lupus Awareness Month National Diabetes Month National Pizza Month National Vegetarian Month National Popcorn Popping Month Sarcastic Month Seafood Month National Cookbook Month National Dessert Month National Pasta Month National Pickled Peppers Month National Pork Month National Pretzel Month October 1

World Vegetarian Day International Music Day International Day for the Elderly October 2 National Custodial Worker Day Name Your Car Day World Farm Animals Day World Habitat Day October 3 Techies Day Virus Appreciation Day World Temperance Day October 4 National Golf Day National Frappe Day National Taco Day World Animal Day October 5 Do Something Nice Day World Teacher's Day National Storytelling Festival National Apple Betty Day October 6 Come and Take it Day Mad Hatter Day Physician Assistant Day German-American Day National Noodle Day October 7 Bald and Free Day World Smile Day

October 8

American Touch Tag Day

October 9

Curious Events Day Fire Prevention Day Leif Erikson Day Moldy Cheese Day National Dessert Day
October 10

National Angel Food Cake Day World Mental Health Day

October 11

It's My Party Day Take Your Teddy Bear to Work Day National Sausage Pizza Day
October 12

Cookbook Launch Day Old Farmer's Day International Moment of Frustrations Scream Day
October 13

International Skeptics Day National Peanut Festival National Pumpkin Festival

October 14

Be Bald and Free Day National Dessert Day

October 15

White Cane Safety Day National Mushroom Day

October 16

Bosses Day Dictionary Day World Food Day

October 17

Wear Something Gaudy Day National Pasta Day International Day for the Eradication of Poverty
October 18

No Beard Day National Chocolate Cupcake Day

October 19

Evaluate Your Life Day

October 20

National Brandied Fruit Day

October 21

Babbling Day Count Your Buttons Day National Pumpkin Cheesecake Day
October 22

National Nut Day

October 23

National Mole Day Tv Talk Show Host Day National Boston Cream Pie Day
October 24

National Bologna Day

United Nations Day

October 25

Punk for a Day Day World Pasta Day

October 26

National Mincemeat Day Mule Day

October 27

National Tell a Story Day Navy Day

October 28

Plush Animal Lover's Day National Chocolate Day

October 29

Hermit Day National Frankenstein Day National Oatmeal Day International Internet Day
October 30

National Candy Corn Day Mischief Night

October 31

Increase Your Psychic Powers Day Carve a Pumpkin Day

National Days in November

Aviation History Month

Child Safety Protection Month International Drum Month National Adoption Awareness Month National Epilepsy Month National Model Railroad Month NAtional Novel Writing Month Native American Heritage Month Peanut Butter Lovers Month Real Jewelry Month National Sleep Comfort Month National Fun with Fondue Month National Georgia Pecan Month National Pepper Month National Raisin Bread Month November 1 All Saint's Day November 2 All Soul's Day Look for Circles Day Deviled Egg Day November 3 Housewife's Day Sandwich Day November 4 King Tut Day Waiting For The Barbarians Day National Candy Day November 5 Gunpowder Day Guy Fawkes Day National Doughnut Day
November 6

Marooned without a Compass Day Saxophone Day National Nachos Day

November 7

Bittersweet Chocolate with Almonds Day

November 8

Cook Something Bold Day Dunce Day World Town Planning Day
November 9

Chaos Never Dies Day

November 10

Forget-Me-Not Day USMC Day National Vanilla Cupcake Day

November 11

Veteran's Day Air Day

November 12

Chicken Soup for the Soul Day National Pizza With The Works Except Anchovies Day
November 13

National Indian Pudding Day Sadie Hawkins Day World Kindness Day
November 14

Operating Room Nurse Day

National Guacamole Day

November 15

Clean Your Refrigerator Day America Recycles Day National Philanthropy Day National Spicy Hermit Cookie Day
November 16

Button Day Have a Party With Your Bear Day International Day for Tolerance
November 17

Electronic Greeting Card Day Homemade Bread Day Take A Hike Day World Peace Day
November 18

Occult Day
November 19

Have a Bad Day Day

November 20

Absurdity Day Beautiful Day Universal Children's Day National Peanut Butter Fudge Day
November 21

False Confession Day World Hello Day World Television Day

November 22

Go For a Ride Day Start Your Own Country Day

November 23

Eat a Cranberry Day National Cashew Day

November 24

Use Even If Seal is Broken Day

November 25

National Parfait Day International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women
November 26

Shopping Reminder Day National Cake Day

November 27

Pins and Needles Day National Bavarian Cream Pie Day

November 28

Make Your Own Head Day Red Planet Day National French Toast Day
November 29

Electronic Greetings Day Square Dance Day National Chocolates Day

November 30

Stay At Home Because You Are Well Day National Mousse Day

International Computer Security Day

National Days in December

Bingo Month Write a Friend Month December 1 Eat a Red Apple Day World Aids Awareness Day National Pie Day December 2 National Fritters Day December 3 National Roof over Your Head Day December 4 Santas' List Day Wear Brown Shoes Day National Cookie Day
December 5

Bathtub Party Day Repeal of the 21st Amendment Day National Sacher Torte Day International Volunteers Day
December 6

St. Nicholas Day Mitten Tree Day Put on your own Shoes Day National Gazpacho Day
December 7

International Civil Aviation Day Letter Writing Day National Cotton Candy Day Pearl Harbor Day
December 8

National Brownie Day Take it in the Ear Day

December 9

Christmas Card Day National Pastry Day

December 10

International Human Rights Day Festival For The Souls Of Dead Whales
December 11

National Noodle Ring Day

December 12

National Ding-a-Ling Day Poinsettia Day National Ambrosia Day

December 13

Ice Cream Day Ice Cream Sundae Game Violin Day National Cocoa Day
December 14

National Bouillabaisse Day

December 15

Bill of Rights Day National Lemon Cupcake Day

December 16

National Chocolate Covered Anything Day

December 17

National Maple Syrup Day Underdog Day

December 18

Bake Cookies Day National Roast Suckling Pig Day

December 19

Look for an Evergreen Day Oatmeal Muffin Day

December 20

Go Caroling Day Games Day

December 21

Forefather's Day Humbug Day National Flashlight Day Look on the Bright Side Day
December 22

National Date-Nut Bread Day National French Fried Shrimp Day

December 23

Festivus Roots Day

National Pfeffernuesse Day

December 24

National Chocolate Day National Egg Nog Day

December 25

Christmas Day National Pumpkin Pie Day

December 26

Boxing Day National Whiners Day National Candy Cane Day

December 27

Make Cut Out Snowflakes Day National Fruitcake Day

December 28

Card Playing Day

December 29

Pepper Pot Day

December 30

National Bicarbonate of Soda Day Festival Of Enormous Changes At The Last Minute
December 31

Make Up Your Mind Day Unlucky Day

India's Population 2012

Current Population of India in 2012 Total Male Population in India Total Female Population in India Sex Ratio Age structure 0 to 25 years

1,220,200,000 (1.22 billion) 628,800,000 (628.8 million) 591,400,000 (591.4 million) 940 females per 1,000 males

50% of India's current population

Currently, there are about 51 births in India in a minute. India's Population in 2011 India's Population in 2001 Population of India in 1947 1.21 billion 1.02 billion 350 million

Current Population of India 2012

Rank State or union territory Population (2011 Census) Density (per km) Sex ratio

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Uttar Pradesh Maharashtra Bihar West Bengal Andhra Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Tamil Nadu Rajasthan Karnataka Gujarat Odisha Kerala Jharkhand Assam Punjab Haryana Chhattisgarh Jammu and Kashmir Uttarakhand Himachal Pradesh

199,581,477 112,372,972 103,804,637 91,347,736 84,665,533 72,597,565 72,138,958 68,621,012 61,130,704 60,383,628 41,947,358 33,387,677 32,966,238 31,169,272 27,704,236 25,353,081 25,540,196 12,548,926 10,116,752 6,856,509

828 365 1102 1029 308 236 555 201 319 308 269 859 414 397 550 573 189 56 189 123

908 946 916 947 992 930 995 926 968 918 978 1,084 947 954 893 877 991 883 963 974

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 UT1 UT2 UT3

Tripura Meghalaya Manipur Nagaland Goa Arunachal Pradesh Mizoram Sikkim Delhi Puducherry Chandigarh Andaman and Nicobar Islands Dadra and Nagar Haveli Daman and Diu Lakshadweep India

3,671,032 2,964,007 2,721,756 1,980,602 1,457,723 1,382,611 1,091,014 607,688 16,753,235 1,244,464 1,054,686

350 132 122 119 394 17 52 86 9,340 2,598 9,252

961 986 987 931 968 920 975 889 866 1,038 818









UT6 UT7 Total

242,911 64,429 1,210,193,422

2,169 2,013 382

618 946 940

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