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Practice after class (Test2)

Prepared for overseas medical student, grade 2012 Practice1: Suppose that there are 100 balls in an urn, among these balls 40 are black and the other 60 are white. Now 25 balls are taken out without replacement. Let X denote the number of black balls in this sample. Question0: What is the probability that the third ball is black? Question1: What is the probability that there are exactly 10 black balls in this sample? Question2: Then what distribution that this X will follow? Practice2: Again suppose that there are 100 balls in an urn, among these balls 40 are black and the other 60 are white. Now 25 balls are taken out with replacement, each time one ball is drawn. Assume that X denotes the number of black balls in this sample. Question3: What is the probability that there are exactly 10 black balls in this sample? Question4: Then find P(X=0), P(X>0) and P(X=10|X>0)? Question5: What distribution X will follow? Question6: What is the mathematical expectation of X? What is its variance? Question7: If the sampling of balls with replacement will be carried on over and over again until a black ball is drawn. And let Y denotes the number of balls have been drawn when a black ball is first taken out. What distribution Y will follow? Find P(Y=10), P(Y>1) and P(Y=10|Y>1)? Question8: If a Poisson distribution is used for the approximation of this binomial distribution, what is the distribution parameter? And what is the probability that there are exactly 10 black balls in this sample? Practice3: Suppose a discrete random variable X has a distribution law as follows:

X 2 1 2 3 , find the expectation and variance of X. P 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4

Practice4: Suppose X~N(144, 122). Question10: If Y=(X 144)/12, what is the distribution of Y? Question11: Find that P(132X168). Practice5: Suppose it is known that in a certain large human population cranial length is approximately normally distributed with a mean of 185.6 mm and a standard deviation of 12.7 mm. Question12: If one person is randomly selected from this population, what is the probability that his cranial length is measured to be between from 172.9 to 198.3? Question13: What is the probability that a random sample of size 10 from this population will have a mean greater than 190? Practice6: The IQs of individuals admitted to a state school for the mentally retarded are approximately normally distributed with a mean of 60. Question14: If the probability that a randomly selected individual has an IQ between 50 and 70 is approximately 0.6826, find the value of the standard deviation of this normal distribution? Lihai 2012-12-22, wcums teaching group of Math School, Sichuan University

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