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GameBoys Cologne Guide. Version 1.

Forward by EEZerik......................................................................................................... 2 GameBoy's Ultimate Guide to Cologne........................................................................... 3 Online Cologne resources ................................................................................................. 4 For Body Wash/Etc ....................................................................................................... 4 How to Apply ..................................................................................................................... 4 Tips ................................................................................................................................. 5 Dealing with your Atomizer: By Hysteria....................................................................... 5 Setting your frame: What it's all about........................................................................... 6 How to develop your nose: ............................................................................................... 7 Popular Colognes: ............................................................................................................. 8 Angel Men (or A*Men) Thierry Mugler ........................................................................ 9 Acqua Di Gio Giorgio Armani...................................................................................... 10 Armani Black Code Giorgio Armani ........................................................................... 11 Armani Giorgio Armani ............................................................................................... 12 Black Kenneth Cole ...................................................................................................... 13 Black Jeans *Discontinued Versace ............................................................................ 14 Blue Jeans Versace....................................................................................................... 15 Brit Burberry ................................................................................................................. 16 Bvlgari ph Bvlgari ........................................................................................................ 17 CerrutiSi Nino Cerruti .................................................................................................. 17 Chrome Loris Azzaro ................................................................................................... 18 Cool Water Davidoff..................................................................................................... 19 Dark Blue Hugo Boss ................................................................................................... 20 Dior Homme Christian Dior ......................................................................................... 21 Dolce & Gabbana ph Dolce & Gabbana ...................................................................... 22 Envy Gucci.................................................................................................................... 23

Fahrenheit Christian Dior ............................................................................................ 24 Individuel Mont Blanc .................................................................................................. 25 L'Eau D'Issey Issey Miyake......................................................................................... 26 Le Male Jean Paul Gautier ............................................................................................ 27 Life Aramis ................................................................................................................... 28 Nobile *Discontinued Gucci ......................................................................................... 28 M7 Yves Saint Laurent ................................................................................................. 29 M7 Fresh *Discontinued Yves Saint Laurent .............................................................. 30 Marc Jacobs Marc Jacobs............................................................................................. 31 Obsession Calvin Klein................................................................................................. 32 Original 1910 Everlast.................................................................................................. 32 Pi Givenchy................................................................................................................... 33 Pi Fresh Givenchy ........................................................................................................ 35 Reaction Kenneth Cole ................................................................................................. 35 Rive Gauch Yves Saint Laurent.................................................................................... 37 Romance Silver Ralph Lauren...................................................................................... 37 Tommy .......................................................................................................................... 38 Unforgivable Sean John................................................................................................ 39 Woods *Discontinued Abercrombie and Fitch ............................................................. 41 Very Irresistible Givenchy............................................................................................ 42 Very Sexy Victoria's Secret........................................................................................... 42 Very Sexy 2 Victoria's Secret........................................................................................ 44 Creating your own Scent By Vincent Chase................................................................. 44

Forward by EEZerik How does one choose a fine wine? Through practice? By spending thousands upon thousands of dollars? Maybe. But what if you needed some suggestions so you could purchase your parents that flawless anniversary-wine or a nice bottle for your brothers wedding and you hadn't a clue? Youd want a manual to have the information at your fingertips - I know I would. Gameboys Ultimate Guide to Cologne gives you the wherewithal to not only smell good, but to feel good. Maybe you like chocolate, or peaches and cream, or the smell of lumpy waffles made by your Aunt Jemima that brings back crisp autumn memories. Whatever the case, THE GUIDE is an undeniably useful reference tool - a manual that should be referred to over and over again. It has helped me become a more discerning purchaser of colognes to elevate my game that much further. With the tips included in THE GUIDE, you WILL smell good. And when she comes over to your place at the end of the night, you will FEEL good - I know I would. -EEZerik

GameBoy's Ultimate Guide to Cologne

A comprehensive list of colognes that have been mentioned on this site. When applicable forum members have been quoted and credited with their input. The Cologne Guide is on version 1.4 (Version 1.5 update in progress...) New to this update: I am working on aesthetic changes to help discern positive feedback from negative feedback and to up the readability. New for V.1.3: M7, Very Irresistible & Cool Water have been added. New comments have been added where available. New and clearer images have been added/updated. And a new post on the 'Inner game of Cologne' has been moved to the fore-front. New for V.1.4: Kenneth Cole Black and Gucci Envy were added as-well-as more info on existing scents. Also has been added with a discount code for 10% off. - GameBoy

Praise for The Cologne Guide: Brass - "Thank you GameBoy...And Hysteria: Yesterday, this girl complemented me on my cologne (I was wearing my new Gavenchy) And then went on to say, "That not many guys no how to wear cologne properly".... YOU GUYS ROCK!!!!!!" Lafora - "I think most guys dont' invest enough time to sample fragrances before they purchase the one or two that they wear all the time...It's just another piece of accessories or expression of oneself. Some people like to put crazy looking shirts on, some people spritz non-generic fragrances. Colognes aren't just a random pair of socks you put on :P think of it as more like a tie or cufflinks." micro - "GameBoy, Your info is very helpful. Before reading your posts I would just spray whatever cologne I had and go. " Hawkish GameBoy youre the fucking man! I have been looking for a guide like this for some time and it puts it all in perspective. ..Now I have all the other times thanks to you! Props man. Major props! peace

I'd also like to thank Hysteria, Vincent Chase, Brass, EEZerik, fad3r, Lafora and everyone else who contributed - and continue to contribute - great and valuable information. This guide is a living document that evolves out of all of your input. Thank you. -GB

*Below are several online retailers that I have frequented. I can attest to using each vendor without incident and would recommend them to all members.

Online Cologne resources: *Save 10% with discount code FRAGSVE until the end of the year!

For Body Wash/Etc:

*Note: Prices on all brands/fragrances will vary depending on the website you visit. E.g.: I recently saved $20 more on a 4.2 oz. bottle of Marc Jacobs by comparing each site against the other. If you hunt for a bargain - you will find one.

How to Apply:
Aside from reacting to your bodies own chemicals (pheromones and oils), cologne reacts to heat. Body-heat specifically. When applying; you want to target the areas of your body that product the most heat and are exposed to air. You want to trigger and release the scent in the most effective ways. So, where are these magical locations? -Wrists and upper arms -Neck -Elbows -Behind the ears -Chest (if exposed) in that order. You can also spray the back of your knees and Big-Ben (as one forum member referred to it) if you like, but the effect will be largely lost.

*Note: Do not spray cologne behind your ears - it will come off way too strong. Instead; spray your wrists/the palm of one hand at close range - then swipe your finger in it and apply behind ears.

-Do not apply cologne to wet skin. The cologne will dissipate incredibly fast and you will be left with a minor residue on your skin. (A residue that doesnt smell that good at close range.) -Applying moisturizer before hand will help your cologne to last longer. -Do not rub your wrists together after you spray them. The friction and heat will increase the colognes breakdown in a bad way. -If you are layering scents (applying more than one cologne to create a custom or richer scent) wait several seconds from the time you apply the first cologne to apply the second... This will allow the first scent to settle and bond with your skin before introducing the second. -Rotate you cologne. Be that adventurous guy whos got it all-together. Youre stylish, classy and refined. You have different colognes to match the occasion/outfit/mood. Have a variety and wear them to match. Women (and everyone else) will take note. Its one of those incredibly sexy/confident/thoughtful details that stand out for being subtle.

Dealing with your Atomizer: By Hysteria

There's a whole art and science to applying fragrance and there is no "one proper way". First I'll describe my method. I apply moisturizer to my chest, neck, and wrists. This makes the fragrance last longer on your skin. If you have dry skin, your skin will drink the juice and the scent won't project properly. Moisturizers "saturate" your skin, and the oils help to preserve the scent. Don't ask me why it works... it just does. So as a rule of thumb, just avoid dry skin on the areas you intend to apply your fragrance. If your bottle is a spray (atomizer) bottle, note how it sprays. Does it shoot like a water pistol? Does it really create a huge blast of fine mist? Does it go in a concentrated pattern, or does it "shotgun" and spread out over a larger area? How much does it shoot out? The thing is that no two atomizer mechanisms work exactly the same, so I have to calibrate my application for each individual fragrance I have. I also have to keep in mind the strength of the fragrance. Some are just made stronger

than others. For example, Chanel Pour Monsieur sits very close to the skin and is an intimate fragrance. But something like Azzaro Visit projects very powerfully and lasts a long time. Like alcoholic drinks, they also come in various concentrations. Concentrated perfumes are the strongest and most expensive, followed by eau de parfum, eau de toilette, and finally eau de cologne. So go easy on the trigger for the stronger stuff. Giorgio Armani Acqua Di Gio happens to be pretty potent, and it's easy to go overboard with it, not to mention the fact that everybody and their brother reeks of it in the bars and clubs. When a girl can TASTE it on you when she's kissing your neck, that's generally NOT a good thing. Yuck!! -Hysteria

Setting your frame: What it's all about

I view Cologne and fragrances as the icing on the cake. The entire thing has to look right, but this is one of those last little details that can tip something from 'good' to 'great! Showing that you take extensive care of yourself down to the very last detail, that you are a guy who's got it all together, that you are a MAN goes a long way to subtle DHV. Simply being a certain way because YOU want to be - not to get the approval of others is what it's all about. That's my frame. I get complimented on my choice of scents from women, but usually in isolation (And when you DO get that compliment you know you're in like sin.) Scents have an attitude of their own. They are such a minor detail that they speak volumes about your personality. (This is similar to shoes - because it's something that is often overlooked, you can use them to tell a lot about a person. Watches and sunglasses too.) These little accent pieces are - as Cuba said in Jerry McGuire 'The Quam'. It's an ultimate statement about the quality of life - your expectations - and the level that you operate at. Cologne should match, compliment, and enhance your persona. Are you in an aggressive mood? Are you relaxed today? Do you feel active and fresh? There are scents that can inspire these feelings within you or serve to project that image into the minds of others. Tommy T feels like a warm summer day to me. I see blue jeans and a white t-shirt without shoes on. H.O.T. Always screams for attention with a spicy aggressive attitude. (Couple that with a well-tailored suit and a loud shirt/tie combo and you'll make one hell of a statement)

Very Irresistible says that you're a guy who knows how to stand out just enough. Brit fits a casual office setting for me and could easily become a standard fragrance for the working man. It says 'corner office'. Taking the time to find what works for you is one more way of distinguishing who you are and carving your own identity. It's one more level of refinement and that extra push that helps to set you apart from everyone else around you.

How to develop your nose:

Try to relate your fragrance choice to the music that you listen to:
Are there times that you're in a bad fuckin' mood and you just want to listen to something loud and angry? I know I've had my moods where all I want to hear is Master of Puppets, but then there are times when I want to get pumped up... Say you're on your way to the club and want to get in state; what would you listen to then? For me, I have a couple of mix-cds that have some Ying-Yang twins/DJ Dopey/Oakenfold - the kind of stuff that gets me pumped-up and moving around. Do you see how this relates to the fragrances that you'd wear? In the first case; I am using Metallica to compliment a pissed-off 'break a fuckers' face' mood. I'm already in that state and I use music as a tool to enhance and refine my current state. But if I'm in that same mood, and I want to chill-out, I have a few CDs designed to change my mood towards a more mellow state. In fact, I have one music mix that makes it impossible to stay angry (if anyone want the track-listing - send me a PM). Like my mixes that energize me for the club, this music is designed to change the way that I'm feeling. The thing is, in each of the above the music that I am using to enhance or alter my mood is specific to me, my personality, and my specific likes. and you have to relate to fragrance in the same way if you're looking to garner the same effects. As you refine your tastes and gain more experience with various scents, you'll start to visualize where you would like to wear them, or what moods they will start to enhance. For example: A couple of weeks ago I was at Saks and my guy Omar was showing me a few of their new scents - one of which I really liked. The problem was that I couldn't see when I would wear it. While it was a very nice/original scent, there wasn't a place for it in my line-up. On the other hand, I have smelled some scents and though 'damn, that'll be perfect when I'm going out at night! Each of the above is taken from my own personal tastes. While I might listen to "Like a stone" (Audioslave) / "Interstate Love Song" (STP) / "Nature Boy" (Miles Davis) When Im depressed, I have friends who listen to "Angie" (Cover by Tory Amos) or "Until it Sleeps" (Metallica)

It's up to you and what you are feeling. This is an expression of your personality. As such - I'm reluctant to tell you what scents I use when, because that would be imposing my tastes (tastes that have developed out of who I am and my own inner self) upon you, and that doesn't help you to grow. If, after reading all of that, you still want a few suggestions - here goes: Go to your local department store (and if you can, choose a Saks 5th, Bloomingdales, Barneys - something that will have a more exotic range of scents) and find 2 very different fragrances that you love (or at least 'kind of like). Don't worry about when/how you'll wear them, just buy them right there and then. After you get them home and add them to your cabinet, you'll start to take each out at different times. Pay attention to what you start wearing and when. You'll notice that 'I'm in the mood to wear ____ today. OR it seems like a _____ occasion." Then watch what happens the next time you go testing. You'll notice new things and your frame will have changed. Now you'll see that _____ fills the gap between those scents you already have. Or that _____ would be a better night-time cologne than the _____ you're already using. It's a developmental process. It takes time, and you'll get better and more refined (read: Snobbish) as time goes on.

Popular Colognes:
A comprehensive list of all colognes mentioned on this site and different forum member's opinions on each:

Angel Men (or A*Men)

Thierry Mugler

*See also: Very Sexy by Victoria's Secret A new interpretation of long-lasting fragrance. Top notes: peppermint, lavender and patchouli Middle notes: coffee, tonka and vanilla Base notes: caramel, chocolate and musk. Suitable for day-time wear. Price 1.7 oz. - $45.00 3.4 oz. - $90.00 *only available in collector's edition. What others have said:

Thumbs Up
GameBoy - "I like A*Men a lot, and yes it is very 'tasty' (good word Brass). The bottle also looks pretty cool. In general I think this smells a lot like Very Sexy by Victorias Secret. Both contain chocolate and caramel which is unusual in cologne and make it quite appealing to women. " Lafora - "Apply with care as I find this thing needs VERY little dosage. Love this scent as well for evenings and nights" Hysteria - "It took me a VERY long time to like this one though, and it is VERY VERY strong and it's a totally weird smell, nothing like how a "typical man" should smell. Depending on your nose and your taste, you might think it smells like tar, chocolate, "new car smell", Pine-Sol cleaner, fish, or an ice cream sundae." RuMbLe - "Its got an awesome smell to it" Asian - "Amen was the first cologne I ever owned, because I wanted something unique and not fruity. But it was a bit heavy for a high schooler. Definitely chocolaty, though. " Brass - "Its very tasty cologne, which is the best way to describe it. Its very enjoyable to wear and great for just casual days. At least thats what I wear it for and it seems to do great. What is weird about it is the more you wear this cologne the more you enjoy it. The smell it grows on you, its now my cologne of choice."

Thumbs Down
Ain't nothin' wrong with A*Men.


Acqua Di Gio
Giorgio Armani

*see also: Very Irresistible by Givenchy Has a strong citrus tone combined with a hint of rosemary and offers a spicy aquatic freshness. Men prefer its summer feel and women like the fresh scent. It is recommended for casual wear and summer days. Price: 1.7 oz. - $32.99 3.4 oz. - $53.99 What others have said:

Thumbs up
Mardy - aqua de Gio is the best cologne I have not met a girl who didnt like it. Get it. The_Shezzler - its pretty good stuff Slide - "I wear Aqua....but it depends on the occasion and audience...21 to 25....I'll always wear Aqua" Weatherman - "I use aqua de Gio. My friends refer to it as my "crack for women" because when I go to a party, I will be off in a room somewhere just hanging out, and girls will follow the scent into the room to find out who is wearing it" HenrikJ - "Im using Armani at work... its so perfect."

Thumbs Down
EEZerik - overplayed though. Maybe for good reasonbut could remind them of their

ex/bad experience. Widen horizons Method - I used to wear aqua, honestly man it smells cheap and old man-ish find an original cologne dont use aqua di Gio GameBoy - Its always good to have Acqua around - basically every woman loves it. I do NOT recommend using it as a first impression however. It isnt unique enough. . Hysteria - today I gave Acqua Di Gio a good test. I'll be honest... it does smell pretty good. I can understand why guys (and the ladies) might like it. And it has decent longevity.... It's too linear and not challenging enough. It smells common. The scent is completely inoffensive (which most people will like) but therefore it's not daring enough for my tastes. I like fragrances with a bit of an edge. I do consider myself to peacock with unique fragrances although wearing Acqua Di Gio isn't my way to do it. Sorry guys. Token - "I'll agree with a lot of the posters about aqua... it smells nice sure, I like it, but EVERY single one of my friends has it" Lafora - "I bust the sales assoc' at Sephora's and Sears all the time when they push Aqua di Gio at me. There are literally 80 colognes in the store and they sell me THE most generic one? Come on. That's one bottle I'll NEVER put in my wardrobe just cuz everyone and their grandpa has it " Machismo - "The most boring and dated fragrance known to man, and if you do get it, it I assure you will be able to find a spotty 14 year old in the club who also is wearing it."

+ 5, -7

Armani Black Code

Giorgio Armani

A fresh, spicy composition which opens on notes of lemon and bergamot, leading to a heart of olive flower. The base features Tonka bean and guaiacum wood. Price 1.7 oz. - $44.50 2.5 oz. - $59.00

What others have said:

Thumbs Up
Angel - "Armani Black Code is real good stuff... girls eat it up, plus its not overbearing" Token -"Armani Black Code is what I wear most of the time and chicks do like it a lot from what I've seen."

Thumbs Down
Ain't nothin' wrong with Code


Giorgio Armani

A luxurious, fruity fragrance. Explores essences of lemon, mandarin and basil, blended with notes of cedar, musk and sandalwood. Recommended for romantic settings. Price: 1.7 oz. - $39.50 3.2 oz. - $62.50 What others have said:

Thumbs up
GameBoy - While not in heavy rotation I think most men would benefit from adding this scent to their arsenal. Many women swoon for a rich, musky, complex scent and Armani hits that mark dead-on. This is the scent I lent my wing for his first romantic

evening with his desperate housewife. The woodsy tones blend well into the background and help to spice up this otherwise musky scent.

Thumbs Down
Eyes - "I tried it & I thought it smelt generic & cheap, too much like alcohol & not enough smell."

+ 1, -1

Kenneth Cole

*See also: Hugo Dark Blue A clear, fresh & elegant fragrance for man. Exudes with star anis, vetiver, evergreen & amber. Blends with notes of angelica & cumin. Suitable for daywear. Price 1.7 oz. - $43.00 3.3 oz. - $41.00 *Yes, this size can be found cheaper right now. What others have said:

Thumbs Up
Jack Handy - "I've been rocking Kenneth Cole Black. I love it. It seems to leave a memorable scent. One girl asked me a few days later what I was wearing nights earlier." Dr. Zeus - "I'm a big fan Kenneth Cole Black." Eventide - "My night cologne, I love it. A fairly strong scent that I think is somewhat distinctive and pleasant smelling but not complex. The scent seems to improve a few minutes after the application. It has great longevity and will still retain most of the smell hours later."

Thumbs Down
GameBoy - "This one kind of let me down; the quality of the ingredients doesnt seem to be very high and because of this it isn't a very complex scent. (After smelling Hugo Dark Blue - they seem very similar) This cologne was launched as having a very distinctive 'leather' quality, but I just dont get that from it. It's a little woodsy, a little spicy and has good staying power however. In other words; it's a good scent, but not what was promised."

+3, -1

Black Jeans *Discontinued


See also: Rive Gauche by YSL. A Sharp, Spicy, Lavender, Amber Fragrance. This Masculine Scent Possesses A Blend Of Natural Citrus, Rosemary, Geranium, Musk And Vetiver. Price: 2.5 oz. - $36.99 *Only size found on 3 sites. What others have said:

Thumbs up
GameBoy - I like Black Jeans. I usually layer it with a more musky scent (Like DnG) What really makes this scent is the light woodsy tones. At first, I admit to not liking it. However, after the cologne had a few moments to breath, it really opens up and gains a level of depth that you look for in fine cologne." Hysteria - "I wore Versace Black Jeans again today. It's rather similar to Yves Saint

Laurent Rive Gauche Pour Homme, which I already have. I can't justify owning both, but I will continue to enjoy my sample vial until it's finished. "

Thumbs Down
Ain't nothin' wrong with Black Jeans.


Blue Jeans

A masculine & woody fragrance for man Top notes: citrus, bergamot, galbanum, juniper & geranium Middle notes: rose, nutmeg, jasmine & violet Base notes: cedar, iris wood, sandalwood & vanilla Delivers a distinctive & sexy charm Suitable for daywear Price 2.5 oz. - $35.00 *Only size found on 3 sites. What others have said:

Thumbs Up
GameBoy - "This one is very similar to Black Jeans, but with a fresh top note to replace the rough spiciness of Black. Blue Jeans has a note of lemon supported by Orange in the beginning that holds you throughout. It's the woodsy spice below that evolves throughout the dry down. This has more weight and character than many of the new 'fresh' scents. Update: I tried it again today for the first time in months: I pull a strong hint of Babypowder (and baby powder has been show to create good feelings or even arousal in

women. I intend to Field-test this more for reactions"

Thumbs Down
Ain't nothin' wrong with Blue Jeans.



*See also: Gucci Envy A naturally pre & contemporary fragrance Top note: Green Mandarin, Ginger, Bergamot, Cardamom Middle note: Nutmeg, Cedar, Wild Rose Base note: Oriental Woods, Gray Musk, Tonka Bean Recommended for modern men Price 1.7 oz. - $32.50 3.3 oz. - $44.99 What others have said:

Thumbs Up
GameBoy - "Brit fits a casual office setting for me and could easily become a standard fragrance for the working man. It says 'corner office'." bloodgroove - "I also tried Burberry Brit for men... it has a warm spiciness to it that doesn't smell over eager. It's a slow build type of cologne, the type women swoon over. Good for clubbing because it can overcome smoke and BO."

Thumbs Down
Ain't nothin' wrong with Brit.



Bvlgari ph

Classified As a Refreshing, Oriental, and Woody Fragrance. This Masculine Scent Possesses A Blend Of Rosewood, Pepper, Musk, And Tea. Accompanied By Watery And Spicy Notes. It Is Recommended For Daytime Wear. Price: 1.7 oz. - $50 3.4 oz. - $77.50 What others have said:

Thumbs up
GameBoy - This is a very light scent. Id recommend it for active daytime use. It has a very clean, refreshing quality about it. The best part? Its a very unique and rare fragrance. I dont know anyone else who wears it - that lets you stand-out [in a good way]

Thumbs Down
Ain't nothin' wrong with Bvlgari ph.


Nino Cerruti

Aromatic, Fougre: Ginger, Litsea Cubeba, Cedar, Copahu Balm, Rosemary, Geranium & Moss. Price 1.3 oz. - $35.00 3.0 oz. - $35.90 What others have said:

Thumbs Up
Legato - "Bought it today... cerruti si! It kicks ass! Very warm and smooth scent, I love it."

Thumbs Down
Ain't nothin' wrong with CerrutiSi.


Loris Azzaro

Built on a dominant citrus and musk accord, the fragrance arouses freshness and vigor. Top note: Lemon, Petitgrain, Rosemary, Pineapple. Middle note: Coriander, Jasmine, Cyclamen, Orris. Base note: Cedar wood, Moss, Tonka, Musk Price 1.7 oz. - $32.99 3.4 oz. - $41.99 What others have said:

Thumbs Up Thumbs Down

Ain't nothin' wrong with Chrome


Cool Water

A clear, fresh & elegant fragrance for man. Top notes are lavender, rosemary and menthe with bergamot; Middle notes are jasmine, chevrefeuille, geranium, sandalwood, iris and oak moss; Base notes are musk with ambergris clements. Price 1.3 oz. - $21.50 2.5 oz. - $38.50 4.2 oz. - $29.99 What others have said:

Thumbs Up
bloodgroove - "It's a staple and it smells fucking great on me... I think it's a must have for any man that smells good in cool scents." Eventide - "My day cologne, light, fresh, and airy. Great for work, working out at the gym, and everyday errands on the town. I feel the scent tends to wear out in a few hours and doesn't have the best longevity after application."

GameBoy - "It's cool water, what needs to be said? Other than Acqua it's the number one selling cologne. Women love it, guys love it, and you can buy it cheep now. Why don't you own this?"


Dark Blue
Hugo Boss

*See also: Kenneth Cole Black A refreshing, woody, mossy fragrance. This masculine scent possesses a blend of citrus oranges, oak moss, sandalwood and patchouli

Price: 2.5 oz. - $23.99 4.2 oz. - $39.99 What others have said:

Thumbs up
Orleans - I wear nothing but Hugo Boss - Dark Blue. Every woman I know has complimented me on it. Almost changed to a new scent when I ran out and told my exgirlfriend she ran out and bought me a new bottle.

Thumbs Down
GameBoy - "I had to go to Boss just to try this and my impression wasn't that good... I was expecting more. It turns out to smell a lot like Kenneth Cole Black. They're both rather thin scents that try and do a lot but don't quite reach the depth that they shoot for."

+ 1, -1

Dior Homme
Christian Dior

A truly rare fragrance experience for men Suggests sophistication & uniqueness Begins with a perfect blend of sweet blast of iris, cocoa & amber Fades into slightly powdery floral scent with a mere hint of lavender A woody finish of vetiver & patchouli

Price 1.7 oz. - $35.90 3.4 oz. - $45.90 What others have said:

Thumbs Up
GameBoy - "I really like this scent. The tobacco helps project a 'bad boy' image well, while the woody top notes help to say that you're also a man of class. I find that I instinctively reach for this when Im wearing my leather jacket."

Thumbs Down
Ain't nothin' wrong with Dior Homme

Neutral Score +1

Dolce & Gabbana ph

Dolce & Gabbana

A refined, masculine balance of sophisticated scents. Base Scent: Cedar, Tonka bean, Sandalwood, Musk. Primary scents: Lemon, Clary Sage, Lavender, Tarragon. Secondary: Coriander, Pepper, Geranium, Cinnamon. Suitable for casual wear but recommended for evenings. Price: 2.5 oz. - $31.99 4.2 oz. - $39.99 What others have said:

Thumbs up
GameBoy - I expected a richer scent with this one. What I found was a bland (but nice) musk scent. In fact, because it is so smooth, I find it layers well with other colognes." Psicor - "I have been using Dolce and Gabbana for about 2 years and, I can say for my experience that women love it, its my best fragrance right now. Give a try is very powerful cologne; also you can use it all the time because it fits many occasions." Vincent Chase - "...It's a great scent blending woods with citruses as well as pleasant odorants in the vein of spices, peppers and musk.

Adonis - I followed recommendation from David Ds stuff, He had recommended Dolce-and-Gabbana, me and a group of mates went the perfume section of Myers and were trying the stuff out. Dolce and Gabbana is good cept the girls dont really like it but the guys do So if you get this one, u might want to watch your back. Brass - "A more refined smell for special occasions. Not really a Scent I use when going to the bar. I also notice the gay guy (or sexually different) at my bar likes it when I wear it..."



*See also: Burberry Brit. Contains Oriental scents with deep, woodsy notes with a blend of spices: Top note: Mandarin, Coriander, Pepper, Rosewood; Middle note: Rose, Jasmine, Carnation, Sandal; Base note: Patchouli, Vetiver, Leather, and Vanilla. Perfect for casual wear. Price 1.7 oz. - $30.00 3.4 oz. - $31.99

What others have said:

Thumbs Up
X-ICE - "I like Gucci envy it really works well and have had may compliments for when I wear it and girls love it!!! Every girl who u get near or ask the opinion for I've never had a girl say its not great!"

Hysteria - "Gucci Envy for Men is nice. It's pretty linear and doesn't develop throughout the day, but still enjoyable. " Psicor - "It smell like a women perfume I don t know if this is good or bad.


Christian Dior

Contains bergamot, lemon, lavender Accented with violet, cedar and leather Perfect for casual and formal use Price 1.7 oz. - $39.50 3.4 oz. - $53.40 What others have said:

Thumbs Up
storeslem - "Somewhat flowery and very green, with a distinct touch of engine oil. ... I do get some compliments and people sometimes recognize it too."

Thumbs Down
Ain't nothin' wrong with Fahrenheit

Neutral Score

Mont Blanc

Hints of juniper berries, orange blossom and amber Price 1.7 oz. - $30.10 2.5 oz. - $40.00 What others have said:

Thumbs Up
bloodgroove - "This stuff is cool with a musky twinge (as I recall) and but smooth like all get out. You can put a fair amount on and it won't get to be too much. When my GF came home and smelled it on me she begged to get fucked. I wouldn't wear it at a club or bar since it's somewhat subtle but it got a great reaction that I'm not about to forget." Psicor - "guuuua what a response I do the cologne opener in a 18 years teen model look a like and she immediately melt for the smell and start to iois me it she also like platinum egoiste But say that if she have to select one that women like I have to go for mont blank"

Thumbs Down
Ain't nothin' wrong with Individuel.


L'Eau D'Issey
Issey Miyake

Top fragrance notes are juniper, bergamot and lavender; Middle notes are sage, coriander and freesia; Base notes are sandalwood, moss and cedar. It is recommended for romantic use. Price 2.5 oz. - $48.50 4.2 oz. - $61.50 *On top of the 10% discount at - they are having a 15% off on this cologne. What others have said:

Thumbs Up
Deep - "I picked up a bottle at Bloomingdales about a year ago... and would highly recommend" G.Q. - "I like L'eau D'Issey, it's a very formal scent, [I wouldn't wear it during the day.] With hints of citrus, spice, amber and woods, it's intoxicating!" Deviate - "I use issay miakye to it has the best success with the ladies." SoopaStah - "Lesser known by men, but widely recognized brand by women (pronounced EE-say me-YAW-kee). More of a sweeter smelling cologne. A good changeup... " italostud - "good smell, but possible problems with it being too common. The smell seemed to last a good 4 or 5 hours." HenrikJ - "When I'm going out its Issey Miyake - its so perfect." ChokE - "By far the best cologne out there. I have not met one woman who completely falls in love with that smell. It's sweet, light, and playful. Fucking fantastic."

Thumbs Down
Ain't nothin' wrong with L'Eau D'Issey


Le Male
Jean Paul Gautier

Blend with the top notes of wormwood, bergamot and cardamon Heart notes of lavender, orange blossom, cinnamon and cumin Base notes of wood, musk, amber and vanilla. Meant for daytime wear. Price 2.5 oz. - $45.00 4.2 oz. - $63.50 What others have said:

Thumbs Up
TheDuke - "JP Gauthier Le Male is good" Jrock24 - "Le Male is def my favorite." Psicor - "Jean Paul Gautier [Le Male] is very good stuff"

Hysteria - "Le Male. That's the homoerotic bottle shaped like a bust."



Contains Orange, Lime, Bergamot, Tangerine, Violet, Pepper, Cardamom, Mint, Leather, Patchouli, Oak Moss, Vetiver, Musk Price: 3.3 oz. - $36.99 *Only size found on 2 sites. What others have said:

Thumbs up
silverback - my normal everyday cologne

GameBoy - "I was surprised by this one - I expected a lighter, more citrus based scent, but the pepper overpowers the fragrance and comes off as the dominant note."


Nobile *Discontinued

This green citrus is a classic blend of citrus, lavender, vetiver, and musk. Price: 1 oz. - $49.99 2 oz. - $75.00 What others have said:

Thumbs up
GameBoy - "I found a local store that still carries this (in the bay area) and picked up a bottle. It is a very green scent but has some musky undertones giving it a very '80s' feel. Most of my friends like it a LOT." Hysteria - I have a decant of Gucci Nobile. It's a very green scent, reminiscent of a freshly mowed lawn.

Thumbs Down
Ain't nothin' wrong with Nobile.


Yves Saint Laurent

A luxurious, classic masculine fragrance infused with of bergamot, mandarin & woody note. Perfect for daytime or evening wear. Price 1.7 oz. - $37.00 3.3 oz. - $49.50

What others have said:

Thumbs Up
GameBoy - "The spicy/woodsy tones work better at night and it manages to grab a good share of attention without being too over-blown." Phoenix1 - "Have been using Yves Saint Laurent M7 for ages now because it is just an amazing smell and girls seem 2 adore it! Highly recommend it!" Hysteria - "YSL M7 is indeed a masterpiece and a frickin' amazing design house... unfortunately, distribution is rather limited in North America, which is okay by me considering I won't smell my YSL favorites on everybody and their brother."

Thumbs Down
Ain't nothin' wrong with M7.


M7 Fresh *Discontinued
Yves Saint Laurent

A lighter/"fresher" version of M7 Price 1.7 oz. - N/A 3.3 oz. - N/A What others have said:

Thumbs Up
bad_religion_au - "at first I didn't like the smell... 40 minutes later I caught a whiff of it and just felt oh so sexy. Really must say it grew on me... might be my first purchase "

Thumbs Down
Ain't nothin' wrong with M7 Fresh.


Marc Jacobs
Marc Jacobs

Contains Italian bergamot, cypress, spices, fig leaves, Indonesian patchouli, and deep musk. Id recommend it for casual or office wear (Unless you wear a suit to work.) Price: 2.5 oz. - $24.89 4.2 oz. - $46.99 What others have said:

Thumbs up
**Styles** - I got this cologne after I heard good reviews from it. And deadest its the best cologne out there, I has getting really good feedback from it, its a bit pricey, but soooo worth the money, trust me you will stand out in the crowd with this One, its unique and not something you will smell very day, its also a nice smelling cologne, not over the top just right Adonis - I followed recommendation from David D's stuff, He had recommended Mark Jacobs. Me and a group of mates went the perfume section of Myers and were trying the stuff out. I had asked a few girls opinions and the said Mark Jacobs was good. Rick - Marc Jacobs is the one of the best I have GameBoy - I've been describing this cologne to people as 'powdery', and on that note there is really nothing else to fill this void like Marc Jacobs. It has a very pleasant, airy, clean sense about it. I imagine that this will come in handy when chilling on the couch or other close-quarters casual settings. Its not try-hard at all. It just seems right.

bloodgroove - "MJ does fine on me... I've had it on all day and I still like the smell."

Thumbs Down
dstar - "Man....that one made me check my underpants."

+ 5, -1

Calvin Klein

Description and when to wear Price 1.7 oz. - $37.00 3.3 oz. - $49.50 What others have said:

Thumbs Up
Brass - "I find it a very spicy smell, which I do enjoy wearing for casual events and the bar."

Thumbs Down
Ain't nothin' wrong with Obsession


Original 1910

Notes: Mandarin, Grapefruit, Lavender, Lemon, Geranium, Nutmeg, Cypress, Cinnamon, Patchouli, Leather, Tonka Bean, Modern Musk. Style: Seductive. Masculine. Intense. Price 1.7 oz. - $36.00 3.3 oz. - $48.00 *Only size found. What others have said:

Thumbs Up
Vincent Chase -

Thumbs Down
GameBoy -

Neutral Score


Classified as an intense and sensual fragrance Blended with woody oriental With the notes of basil, pine needle and infinium For intelligence, courage and contribution men Price EDT 1.0 oz. - $28.00 1.7 oz. - $37.50 3.4 oz. - $40.99 Price EDP *Limited Edition 1.0 oz. - $34.99 What others have said (EDT version only):

Thumbs Up
Oneiricon - "Pi was recommended to me by a good female friend of mine who absolutely swoons over the scent. The vanilla notes are especially yummy. I like it."

GameBoy - "The way I describe Pi is 'frothy'. It's like the aroma coming off of a Vanilla Blondie desert at Applebees. Smooth, creamy and sweet describe this one. I could see wearing it, but not very often. - It's also worth mentioning that Vanilla is a scent proven to increase blood flow to the genitals in women. Think about it..." Vincent Chase - "It's got this thick sweetness through its entire life, although during each stage you can detect an attempt at masculinity. There's some citrus to it, but again a sweet citrus, like a mandarin or tangerine, some woody notes and a bit of pine. It's masculine enough to be a cologne but it's got to be the sweetest thing I've ever smelled...I agree, it is a good cologne, no doubt about that, the scents are well blended and the composition is well-thought out. It's just not my style, too sweet." Hysteria - "A powerful vanilla bomb. Very sweet. Tried it once to see what all the fuss is about. I'll have to try it again to see if it's worth it.



Pi Fresh

Masculinity, sensuality & confidence. Opens with sparkling notes of lemon, plum & vanilla. With notes of amber, cedar, sandalwood & leather follow. Suitable for daytime wear. Price 1.7 oz. - $29.50 3.3 oz. - $35.00 what others have said:

Thumbs Up Thumbs Down

Ain't nothin' wrong with Pi Fresh.

Vincent Chase - "Apparently there is a crisper and cleaner version, but Ive yet to smell it."

Kenneth Cole

A fruity fragrance for men who love fun & pleasure Impresses you with hints of youthfulness, energy & warmth Notes of Mandarin, Grapefruit, Green Apple, Muguet, Crisp Melon Rind Blended with Musk, Patchouli, & creamy Sandalwood Perfect for day & evening wear Price 1.7 oz. - $41.00 3.3 oz. - $38.50 *The larger size can be found cheaper right now. What others have said:

Thumbs Up Thumbs Down

Brass - "very sweet & Fruity smell that reminded me of a day at the beach with a Scone...The scent does not last long at all. I was very disappointed"

Neutral Score

Rive Gauch
Yves Saint Laurent

*See also Black Jeans by Versace A fresh, warm woody fragrance for man Top notes: bergamot, star anise & rosemary Middle notes: geranium leaves, lavender & clove bud Base notes: patchouli, vetiver & gaiac wood Enjoys the distinctive & cooling scent all year round Perfect for daywear Price 2.5 oz. - $37.00 4.0 oz. - $52.00 What others have said:

Thumbs Up Thumbs Down

Lafora - "crap.. Spritzed some when I got home on my wrist and man, I can't stand it."


Romance Silver
Ralph Lauren

A chic, oriental woody fragrance. Contains exotic herbs & spices. Perfect for casual wear. Price: 1.7 oz. - $44.00 3.4 oz. - $65.00 What others have said:

Thumbs up
Dashing - I use this and tell hbs how much my ex-girlfriend paid for itand yes I bought it.

Thumbs Down
Ain't nothin' wrong with Silver.


Tommy "T"
Tommy Hilfiger

A masculine scent consisting of woody notes exquisitely designed to meet the needs of a working man. This fragrance is recommended for daytime wears. Price: 1.7 oz. - $35 3.3 oz. - $55 What others have said:

Thumbs Up
Hawkish - "I have used Tommy "T" for most of high school and college being the active guy I am and its great!"

GameBoy - "This has to be the 'cleanest' scent I have ever smelled. Just having it on makes me want to go outside and wash my car or play football in the park. You want to be active when you have it on."

Thumbs Down
Psicor - "Yuck. What a synthetic and disgusting scent."

+1, -1

Sean John

Notes: Sicilian Lemon, Italian Bergamot, Green Mandarin, Moroccan Tangerine, Grapefruit, Juniper Leaves, Birch Leaves, Champagne Accord, Mediterranean Air Accord, Tuscan Basil, Florentine Iris, Clay Sage, Lavender, Cashmere Accord, Australian Sandalwood, Amber, Tonka Bean, Rum. Style: Visceral. Luxurious. Masculine. Price - EDT 2.5 oz. - $55.00 4.2 oz. - $75.00 Price - EDP *Limited Edition 2.5 oz. - $300.00 What others have said:

Thumbs Up
GameBoy - "The EDP seems to be MUCH better than the EDT from what Ive smelled. (Something about the quality of sandalwood and sea kale in that concoction helps to tone down the 'ass' flavor and lend it actual depth.)"

Thumbs Down
bloodgroove - "Unforgivable smells like citrussy ass. The high note was all citrus with some other stuff underneath that I didn't bother to figure out. I about gagged. " GameBoy - "When I took a wing out to Bloomingdales a couple weeks back to get some new colognes: the sales lady tried to mace us with it and I believe my reply was "Oh, fuck that!" to which she laughed and agreed with my assessment."

Why I (GameBoy) will not buy Unforgivable:

According to The NPD Group, the fragrance has averaged $1.5 million in retail sales per week since its February launch, more than double the business of a typical launch. Sources estimate the brand will reach $20 million in retail sales by the end of June. "Its official now - we are 200 percent above plan and Unforgivable is flying out of the stores," said Combs. This is similar to Acqua in that it will soon be everywhere. Do you really want to blend in? Or would you rather stand out?


Woods *Discontinued
Abercrombie and Fitch

Deep spices intermingle with resinous wood notes for a sophisticated aroma. Price 1.7 oz. - $34.95 *Only size found. What others have said:

Thumbs Up
dannym13 - "I get so many compliments with it its amazing."

GameBoy - "I really like that bottle...


Very Irresistible

A dynamic fragrance with depth. Delivers fresh, edgy, bright & long lasting scent: Fresh, green top notes of natural mint leaf & grapefruit zest; Sensual, warm core notes of sesame seed & mocha; woody, highly masculine base notes of hazel wood & Virginia cedar. Perfect for all occasions Price 1.7 oz. - $41.00 3.4 oz. - $55.00 What others have said:

Thumbs Up
GameBoy - "Very Irresistible says that you're a guy who knows how to stand out just enough. I've been calling Irresistible 'Acqua version 2.' It's like Acqua, but better." Brass- "I just got a bottle of "Givenchy very irresistible" and I must say it is damn nice smelling." italostud - "...gets a thumbs up from the ladies!"

Thumbs Down
Ain't nothin' wrong with Very Irresistible


Very Sexy
Victoria's Secret

*See also: A*Men by Thierry Mugler A spicy citrus blend, has top notes of tangerine, pink lime and bergamot leaves Price: 3.3 oz. - $44.99 *Only size found on 3 sites. What others have said:

Thumbs up
TrueStory - Very Sexy is good def. remember buying it silverback - Ive gotten many compliments on Very Sexy as well. PrivateParrot - I have found that Very Sexy for men is the best. I get it at Victorias Secret. I always get compliments on it. Eggman17 - Very Sexy for men, sold at Victoria Secret is pretty good. I wear it a lot, and always get compliments by women. Entice - "Very sexy works wonders. I didn't even realize until I started getting so many compliments." Asian - "I switched to very sexy, which girls seem to dig." Bass - "I like that cologne very much as well. I drove all the way to the states to get it... It something the ladies really like. I use it when I'm going out at night and I want to smell really good."

Thumbs Down
Ain't nothing wrong with Very Sexy


Very Sexy 2
Victoria's Secret

A spicy citrus blend, has top notes of tangerine, pink lime and bergamot leaves. The heart mixes lime wood, cinnamon bark and sage. Vetiver and orange flower comprise the dry down. Price 3.3 oz. - $39.99 *Only size found on 3 sites. What others have said:

Thumbs Up
GameBoy - "I find that VS2 is a little lighter and a 'fresher' scent with a bit of added spice to it." MyWayne - "Just a personal preference I really like the smell of Victorias Secret Very Sexy for Him 2. My last steady GF loved it as well as her friends on of them actually made her BF switch to it."

Thumbs Down
Ain't nothin' wrong with VS2

Creating your own Scent By Vincent Chase

I make my own scented oils that I use as cologne, it ensure that I like the fragrance and the scent lasts longer than an ordinary cologne, additionally Im practically guaranteed that no one else will smell like I do.

Currently I'm trying to mix vanilla, lavender, lemon, mint and chile oils, the smell, at first, is very sweet and just feels creamy flowing into the nostrils, then it has a bit of a bite and pleasant burn. Just thought I'd mention scented wearable oils as a cologne alternative. Great stuff GB, Im looking forward to the next "big post," anything worth writing a new topic on, by you, should be worth the time and a useful read. Most people don't want to go through the trouble of making their own oils so Ill tell you how to make your fragrance itself. Additionally, making a fragrance can be a great date, invite the girl to go shopping with you, have her pick out 5-6 essential oils she likes and take them home, pick up a large bottle of triple filtered vodka, Bacardi is my choice. First you're going to need the oils, for this scenario I will assume you have either made your own or purchased the essential oils of your choice. Essential oils can be found at many, many different stores and have a variety of uses, let's assume you want to make a heliotope, peppermint and vanilla concoction. You need a dropper, a small funnel and a bottle that you can fit the liquid into and keep securely tighten (for multiple tiny batches get 2 dra bottles, otherwise one or two larger containers will work best and hey, you can always transfer it into a smaller container later.) In a medium container mix about once ounce of vodka about 10-15 of your "base" scent, in this case let's make it heliotrope, and let it stand for about 10-30 minutes alone. (this is going to be a more feminine scent, you probably shouldn't wear this one =P) now add another ounce of vodka and distribute as you wish about 20 drops of the other scents, I would use 8 vanilla and 6 peppermint, but it depends on how strong the scents are, what you find appealing and how you want it to smell. Now seal the container and shake with vigor. Let it stand sealed for about another 10-30 minutes afterwards and then open her up and take a whiff, if you want it to smell more masculine add some rum, some ginger extract and some lime zest (that's the rind) and let it sit in sunlight, sealed, for about 1 week at least. It should be noted that the vodka is added to thin the mixture, the thicker the mixture (the more vodka omitted) the stronger the scent will be (less oil needed) and the longer it will last. Woman prefer a lighter feel and thus I made this concoction lighter, additionally lighter fluids spray easier so if your container has a spray nozzle you may want to lighten it, otherwise replace the 2 ounces of vodka with one ounce (split it into .5 and .5 for mixing purposes) of almond oil, almond oil isn't very scented but find one with the "most minimal" scent so as to not dilute or contaminate the other scents. Then just place a finger over the opening of the bottle, or dip a finger into, and dab the fragrance on your "heat spots," behind the ears, on the neck, the elbow joint and your palms are good places.

If you want to make your own oils you can use scent transfer methods like these taken from

"Infused Oils Herbal oils are made by extracting the herbal constituents and volatile oils from the herbs for a later use. Any vegetable oil will do, yet olive, almond, canola, and sesame oils are the best. Herbal oils can be added to recipes, used for cooking, or massaged into sore body parts. Herbal oils can be infused by two methods; cold infusion and hot infusion. Cold Infused Oil 1. To begin, tightly fill a large sealable jar with selected herb flowers or leaves. 2. Cover herbs with selected oil and screw on lid. 3. Place jar on a sunny windowsill for approximately one month, shaking daily. 4. Strain the mixture into a container, and transfer into a dark bottle. 5. Place in a cool, dark place. Hot Infused Oil 1. To begin, place a ratio of 2 cups oil to 1 cup of dried herbs/ 2 cups fresh herbs, in a glass bowl over a pot of simmering water. 2. Slowly heat on low for approximately 3 hours, and strain into a bowl. 3. Transfer liquid into dark bottles, cap, and place in a cool, dark place." BagelHole Article

But to distill your own essential oils you need a still, or something like it. I was searching the internet for the one I have and found it on, here's the one I own: a quick search of the site revealed this larger kit, however, it's infinitely cooler and more professional looking, but besides impressive looks it's about $100 more. It uses the siphon principle, is much larger, and comes with laboratory grade materials and who can resist Erlenmeyer flasks?! Hunh?! ...I guess you can you stiff, =P Anyhow, thats about all there is to it! If you've got anymore questions that I can answer, or if I didn't give you enough info then feel free to ask. Good luck y'all! -Vincent Chase

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