Subject 11111111

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Subject- Verb Agreement:

1.Everybody ---flowers. (love)

2.One of the pens--- missing (to be).
3.U and I have--our duty (do)
4.A good boy always----his lessons (prepare)
5.We— speak the truth. (to be)
6.The man was ---for murder (hang)
7.The picture was----on the wall. (hang)
8.I have just- --a meal.(to have)
9.Neither he nor his brother- -- guilty (to be)
10.I saw the bird— in the sky (fly)
11.I heard Lila ---a song. (sing)
12.His hair--grey. (to be)
13.The old--- generally respected in our society. (to be)
14.The poor--- not always dishonest. (to be)
15.Rahim and Karim--- two brothers. (to be)
16.He and his father---- arrived here. (to have)
17.Only boys and no girls-- guilty. (to be)
18.Bread and butter--- my usual breakfast. (to be)
19.Slow but steady ---the race (win).
20.‘Star Wars’—-- a good movie. (to be)
21.Two hours---a long time. (to be)
22.Five miles-- -- a long distance to walk. (to be)
23.Every man ----a choice.(to have)
24.Each boy –--get a chocolate. (to be)
25.Each boy and each girl- --dressed in blue. (to be)
26.The boy or the girl -- -fond of sweets. (to be)
27.Either Rahim or Karim -- -done this. (to have)
28.Neither you nor I –- to blame. (to be)
29.Neither you nor I --- present there. (to be)
30.He or his friend--- guilty. (to be)
31.Either he or I –--done the mischief (to have)
32.The army –-defeated (to be)
33.The audience- --quiet. (to be)
34.There –--a lot of boys in the field. (to be)
35.Ten kilometers-- - a long way to walk. (to be)
36.My friend ----the answer to the question. (to know).
37.I saw him—-- the stairs. (climb)
38.You had better ---home (go).
39.It is I who—- to blame. (to be)
40. A trail of bloodstain (lead/leads) to the spot where the
murder was committed. .
41. The winter clothes in the hall closet (take/takes) up too
much room.
42.A basket of fancy fruit and nuts (was/were) delivered to my
43. The garbled instructions for assembling the bicycle
(was/were) almost impossible to follow.
44.Smoke from the distant forest fires (is/are) visible from miles
45. Workers at the automobile plant (begins/begin) each day
with a period of exercise.
46. The earliest date on a cemetery gravestone (appears/appear)
to be 1804.
47.The line of cars in the traffic jam (seem/seems) to extend for
48.Several boxes in the corner of the attic (contain/contains) old
family pictures.
49.Sleeping bags with the new insulation material
(protect/protects) campers even in subzero temperatures.
50.One of the crooked politicians (has/have) just (to be) jailed.
51.The poster on the wall (include/includes) rock singers,
monsters, and blond TV stars.
52.The pictures in that magazine (to be) are very controversial.
53. Everybody usually (watch/watches) the lighted numbers on
an elevator.
54. There (to be) a scratching noise coming from behind the
55. Floating near the bridge (was/were) several discarded coke
56. On the table of the doctor’s office (is/are) some magazines
that are five years old.
57.Something always (keep/keeps) me from getting to bed on
58.Nobody that I know (works/work) like Thomas.
59.Neither of the jobs offered to me (offer/offers) more than 500
60.Both of the speakers (have/has) told us more than we care to
know about water pollution.
61.Someone in her apartment (slip/slips) an unsigned valentine
card every year.
62.Each of my friends (expect/expects) to be invited.
63.not one of the three smoke detectors (was/were) working
64. Only one of all brands of waxes (stop/stops) the rust on my
car from spreading.
65. The shivering and crying of animals in the pet store
(sadden/saddens) me much.
66.The floor and cabinets in the kitchen (need/needs) to be
67. Her best friend and coach (have/has) more influence on her
than her parents do.
68.Gary is one of the people who (is/are) very private.
69.The young man who (has/have) mowed my grass for years
just left for college.
70.The ceiling in Kevin’s bedroom is covered with stars which
(is/are) arranged in the shape of the constellations.

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