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How to Influence Anyone, Alter Events, and Change Any Situation to Get Exactly What You Want

When Moses received stone tablets on Mount Sinai inscribed with writings made by a divine being, he actually received two separate sets of tablets. The first set of stone tablets was not inscribed with the Ten Commandments. Rather, they contained aphorisms of a Higher Law that held very profound and deep meanings. During his life, Moses had been initiated into an understanding of the inner, esoteric source of these aphorisms -- aphorisms that outlined principles underlying Creation and all of nature. When Moses returned from Mount Sinai with the first set of tablets containing the aphorisms, he observed the immature behavior and attitude of the Israelites. Moses realized they were incapable of understanding the principles of Creation and were in no way ready for them. So Moses destroyed the stone tablets and revealed the aphorisms to a select few. Moses returned to Mount Sinai and received a second set of tablets, tablets inscribed with lower laws that were more readily and easily understood by the Israelites. Upon those tablets were inscribed the Ten Commandments, basic laws that would provide a means for the Israelites to guide and develop themselves. The original set of stone tablets contained the principles of creation and of what is known as PSYCHOKINESIS. Mind (as well as metal and elements) may be altered psychokinetically, from state to state; degree to degree; proportion to proportion; condition to condition; point to point; vibration to vibration. Psychokinesis means the ability to influence, alter events, or change one form, species, condition, nature, or substance into another via mental processes. Therefore, Psychokinesis is the art of changing mental states, forms, and conditions into others. Psychokinesis is the Art of Mental Chemistry or Parapsychology, especially in its aspect of study called mind over matter. This is of greater significance than you can imagine. Transmutation and Alchemy are terms normally employed to designate the ancient art of the alteration of metals, particularly that of changing the base metals into gold. Transubstantiation refers to the changing of one substance into another. So the ancient masters use psychokinesis and mental alchemy as tools for self-mastery and transmuting the ego and lower mind into higher levels of spiritual consciousness and enlightenment.

Since the Universe is a Mental Creation, it means the underlying essence of the universe is MIND, and the universe itself is MENTAL. It is a huge collective thought creation of all that is as well as every living being. So we all exist in the mind of Source. Since CREATION is MENTAL in its nature, then Psychokinesis must be the art of CHANGING THE CONDITIONS OF THE UNIVERSES in their fields of space-time, matter, force, and mind, affecting the quantum potential. This Psychokinesis is really the magic of which the ancient masters has so much to say in their mystical writings and about which they gave so few practical instructions. It is time for these practical instructions to be given so that YOU TOO can learn how to master these principles of creation, as the consciousness on the planet now is ready to receive them. If all is mental, then the art which empowers one to alter mental conditions must also render the Master the controller of material conditions as well as those ordinarily called mental. When you study and MASTER Psychokinesis, you attain a level of spirituality which allows you to sever the normal bonds with which the forces of nature bind humans. Masters who have done this are able to: Know the minds of others Break the bonds of light and thus to disappear Overcome the force of gravity and levitate See into the heart of atoms Such Masters have already come before and exist here on Earth NOW. Students have witnessed myself and others working psychokinetically, healing so-called incurable diseases, manifesting impossible realities, and even bending metal with the mind and the power of psychokinesis and telekinesis. The masters DO NOT make public exhibitions of these powers or siddhis, but seek seclusion from the crowds in order to better work their way along the path of evolution. For the masters have evolved to these powers through relentless work on themselves, their DNA, and often through many incarnations and the development of their will. These powers are completely mental, and operate along the fields of higher mental function, as the universe IS mental.

All so-called psychic phenomena or remote influence operates according to the principle of Psychokinesis, and the students and practitioners of Psychokinesis work to alter mental conditions and states for the highest good of humanity. The popular affirmations and subliminals utilized by the current and predominant discipline of mental science now on the planet are quite IMPERFECT and UNSCIENTIFIC. If you have tried these, then you know that they do not really work. The majority of people that practice these are uneducated compared to the VERY FEW MASTERS, for they lack the components of knowledge upon which the work is based. The refuse to put forth the effort and work necessary to attain the knowledge in its entirety. These students lack an appetite for knowledge and thus do not hunger or thirst for it. Since they are unable to hold their attention on the knowledge, they remain pre-occupied with the self-interests of their personalities. Yet, those COMMITTED students who steadfastly study, apply, and practice DEEPLY the principles of Psychokinesis learn that this is the MASTER KEY that will unlock the entire VAULT of CREATION. Once you master it, you CAN Influence Anyone, Alter Events, and Change Any Situation to Get Exactly What You Want. Not only may the mental states of ones self be changed by Psychokinesis, the states of others may be and are constantly altered in the same way. Among the masses these changes occur for the most part, unconsciously. Most people are not even AWARE that they are being influenced. But when one understands the laws and principles, the change is often a CONSCIOUS one. The mental states of people who are not informed of the principles are extremely easy to affect. Many students and practitioners of Psychokinesis know that every material condition which depends on the state of mind of other people may be altered. This is why the most successful and influential people in the world have mastered this and have the ability to positively affect the mindset of millions of people simultaneously. They are altering Psychokinetically the states of others. The Masters understand the art and use Psychokinesis to rise above the ordinary field of cause and effect. By rising to a higher mental field, they become the causers instead of effects. The masses of people are carried along obedient to environment, the wills and desires of others STRONGER THAN THEMSELVES, heredity, suggestion, and other outward causes moving them about like PAWNS on the chessboard of life.

But the Masters, rising to a higher mental plane, dominate their moods, character, qualities, and powers as well as the ENVIRONMENT surrounding them, and become movers instead of pawns. The Masters of Psychokinesis PLAY THE GAME OF LIFE, instead of BEING PLAYED and moved about by the environment. They USE the principles instead of being used. The masters are subject to the causation of the higher fields, yet they help to RULE on their own level. The way to master the ability to affect others and your environment is to understand the Law of Vibration, as applied to the mental states of humans. All manifestation of thought, emotion, reason, will, desire, or any mental state or condition are accompanied by VIBRATIONS; a portion of which are thrown off and which tend to affect the minds of others by INDUCTION. This is the law that produces the phenomena of psychokinesis, telekinesis, telepathy, mental influence, and other forms of the action and power of mind over mind. A simple example of vibration and its effects is the influence music has on the mental states of people. The different states and modes of vibration within music can take one through the full spectrum of thought, emotion, and mental change, In addition, every thought, emotion, or mental state has its corresponding rate and mode of VIBRATION. By an effort of the WILL of the person or of other persons, these mental states may be REPRODUCED just as a musical tone may be reproduced by causing an instrument to vibrate as a certain rate. Likewise, color may be reproduced in the same way. By the knowledge of the principle of vibration applied to mental phenomena, one may immerse their minds at ANY DEGREE THEY WISH, thus gaining a perfect CONTROL over their mental states, moods, etc. In the same way they may AFFECT THE MINDS OF OTHERS, producing the desired mental states in them. In short, they may be able to produce on the mental level that which science produces on the PHYSICAL level, namely, VIBRATIONS AT WILL. This ability, of course, may be acquired only through proper instruction, exercise, and PRACTICE through the science of Psychokinesis. To truly learn how to MASTER the ART of PSYCHOKINESIS to be able to INFLUENCE OTHERS, MASTER YOUR OWN MENTAL STATE AND MOODS, and ALTER MATERIAL EVENTS AND SITUATIONS, join me for a free LIVE webinar where we will go even DEEPER into the Principles of Creation.

In the webinar, How to Influence Anyone, Alter Events, and Change Any Situation to Get Exactly What You Want, you will learn how humanity has become more or less SLAVES of heredity and environment and exhibit little or NO FREEDOM. You will realize how most people are swayed by the opinions and customs of the exterior world and also by their own emotions, feelings, and moods, thus showing very little mastery of self. You will learn how the MASTER of the Principles of Creation such as Psychokinesis can rise above this and are masters of their desires, not slaves to their environments or genetic heredity. You will understand how to DEVELOP YOUR WILL completely, so that you are not affected by outside influences, and the wills of others. You will learn how important it is the mental state at the time of death for a person as it determines the OUTCOME of events as the person makes the transition. The last thought a person has before they leave their body determines the path they follow to their next life. You will learn how there is NO SUCH THING as chance. Everything is governed by these Principles and Universal Laws of Creation. And once you understand and MASTER these principles, you master the physics of creation and can manifest anything you desire throughout your EXISTENCE. You will learn how you can use HIGHER Universal Laws to OVERCOME lower ones. You will learn how to strengthen and enlarge your WILL by accumulating KINETIC ENERGY from the field of all action and manifested creation. You will learn how to convert KINETIC energy into potential energy and store it in your WILL through meditation. You will learn how to quickly change your mood or mental state by changing your VIBRATION. This will IMMEDIATELY affect your spouse and family members and create a new COLLECTIVE reality for you all. You will learn how to alter an undesirable rate of mental vibration in your work, family, or environment by using the Principle of Opposition and concentrating on the opposite point of that which you desire to suppress. You will learn how to dissolve the undesirable by withdrawing your ATTENTION from it. You will learn how nothing escapes the Principle of Cause and Effect (Destiny), but there are many levels of the law, and you may use laws of the higher to overcome laws of the lower.

You will learn how your LIFE FORCE ENERGY is produced by the event of the bonding between NOTHING and POSSIBILITY and how this affects every aspect of what you perceive as REALITY. You will learn how the MASTERS use the Law of Neutralization to overcome the vibrations of the Ego and to rise above the ordinary levels of consciousness. You will learn how to attain a degree of POISE and MENTAL STEADFASTNESS almost impossible to believe by those who allow themselves to be swung backward and forward by the mental pendulum of moods and feelings.

These are the most advanced teachings available on the planet and this is what you have been searching for. To register for the free webinar, click the link below now: I look forward to assisting you on your path of enlightenment and true self-mastery!~ Omni-love, Toby Alexander Founder of DNA Perfection ( and author of The Great Master and Mentored by a Mahavatar: Conversations with Babaji

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