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(COMPUTER SCIENCE) SUMMARY OF UNDERGRADUATE COURSES SEMESTER 1 CODE ENG 1101 PHY 1101 PHY 1102 MAT 1102 CSC 1101 CSC 1102 COURSE DESCRIPTION English 1 Physics 1 Physics 1- lab Math-1 (Differential Calculus & Co-ordinate Geometry) Computer Fundamentals Programming Language-1 (Structured Programming Language, PASCAL, C) PREREQ. Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil CREDIT 3 3 1 3 3

Nil 3/lab TOTAL CREDIT : 16

SEMESTER 2 CODE ENG 1202 PHY 1203 PHY 1204 MAT 1205 CSC 1203 EEE 1201 SEMESTER 3 CODE ENG 2101 MAT 2101 MAT 3103 CSC 1204 CSC 2105 CSC 2106 COURSE DESCRIPTION Business Communication Math-3 (Complex Variable, Laplace Transforms & Z-Transforms) Statistics & Probability Discrete Math Algorithms System Programming (Including Assembly Language) PREREQ. ENG-1202 MAT-1205 MAT-1205 CSC-1102 CSC-1203 CREDIT 3 3 3 3 3/lab COURSE DESCRIPTION English 2 Physics 2 Physics 2 - lab Math-2 (Integral Calculus & Ordinary Differential Equation) Data Structure Electrical Circuit 1 (DC) PREREQ. ENG-1101 PHY-1101 PHY-1102 CREDIT 3 3 1

MATH-1102 3 CSC-1102 3/lab PHY-1101 3/lab TOTAL CREDIT : 16

CSC-1203 3/lab TOTAL CREDIT : 18

SEMESTER 4 CODE MAT 3101 CSC 2207 CSC 2208 CSC 2209 EEE 2103 BBA 1102 SEMESTER 5 CODE CSC 3110 CSC 3111 CSC 3112 CSC 3113 EEE 2205 EEE 2206 SEMESTER 6 CODE CSC 3214 CSC 3215 CSC 3216 CSC 3217 BBA 1204 SEMESTER 7 CODE CSC 4119 CSC 4120 CSC 4121 CSC 4122 SEMESTER 8 CODE COURSE DESCRIPTION

COURSE DESCRIPTION Mathematical Methods of Engg. Programming Language-2 (Object Oriented Programming Language C++) Introduction to Database Operating System 1 Electronic Devices Principles of Accounting



CSC-2105 3/lab CSC-1203 3/lab CSC-2106 3/lab PHY-1203 3/lab ENG-1202 3 TOTAL CREDIT : 18

COURSE DESCRIPTION Computer Science Math Advanced Database Operating System 2 Theory of Computation Digital Logic Design Digital Logic Design Lab

PREREQ. CREDIT CSC-2105 3 CSC-2208 3/lab CSC-2209 3/lab CSC-2105 3 EEE-2103 3 EEE-2103 1 TOTAL CREDIT : 16 PREREQ. CSC-2106 CREDIT 3

COURSE DESCRIPTION Software Engineering Object Oriented Programming-1 Using JAVA Language Data Communication Compiler Design Principles of Economics

CSC-2207 3/lab EEE-2205 3 CSC-3113 3 Nil 3 TOTAL CREDIT : 15 PREREQ. CSC-3216 CSC-3215 CREDIT 3 3/lab

COURSE DESCRIPTION Computer Networks Object Oriented Programming-2 Using JAVA Language Object Oriented System Analysis & Design Computer Graphics Elective

CSC-3214 3/lab CSC-3110 3/lab 7th sem STU. 3 TOTAL CREDIT : 15



CSC 4224 CSC 4225 CSC 4226 MIS 3201 MGT 3202 CSC 4227

Field Trip & Seminar 8th sem STU. 1 Principles of Programmimg Languages CSC-4120 3 Artificial Intelligence CSC-3110/ CSC-2105 3/lab Management Information System (MIS) CSC-3111 3 Management and Organization ENG-2101 3 Project & Thesis 3 TOTAL CREDIT : 16

LIST OF ELECTIVE COURSES FOR COMPUTER SCIENCE CODE CSC 4228 CSC 4229 EEE 4105 CSC 4230 CSC 4231 CSC 4232 CSC 4233 CSC 4234 COE 4203 CSC 4235 EEE 4207 CSC 4236 CSC 4237 CSC 4238 COURSE DESCRIPTION Digital Design & Computer System Architecture Fault Tolerant Systems Telecommunication Engineering Multimedia System Development Simulation and Modelling Image Processing Basic Graph Theory Microprocessor and I.O. System VLSI Layout & Algorithms Windows Programming VHDL Knowledge Management Cryptography & Network Security Natural Language Processing PREREQ. CREDIT

EEE-2205 & EEE-2206 3 CSC-1204 3/lab CSC-3216 3/lab CSC-3215 3/lab CSC-4121 CSC-4122 3/lab CSC-1203 3 CSC-2205 3/lab CSC-2205 3/lab CSC-3215 3lab 3/lab CSC-2208 3/lab CSC-1204 3/lab CSC-4226 3/lab TOTAL CREDIT: 130


BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN COMPUTER ENGINEERIING B.Sc. (COMPUTER ENGINEERING) SUMMARY OF UNDERGRADUATE COURSES SEMESTER 1 CODE ENG 1101 PHY 1101 PHY 1102 MAT 1102 CSC 1101 CSC 1102 BAE 1101 COURSE DESCRIPTION English- 1 Physics- 1 Physics - 1 Lab. Math- 1 (Differential Calculus and Co-ordinate Geometry) Computer Fundamentals Programming Language(structured Programming Language, C) Engineering Drawing PREREQ. Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil CREDIT 3 3 1 3 3 3/Lab. 1 Total Credit: 17 SEMESTER 2 CODE ENG 1202 PHY 1203 PHY 1204 MAT 1205 CHEM1201 CSC 1204 BAE 2101 COURSE DESCRIPTION English 2 Physics 2 Physics 2 Lab. Math-2 (Integral Calculus and Ordinary Differential Equations) Chemistry Discrete math Computer Aided Design and Drafting PREREQ. ENG-1101 PHY- 1101 PHY-1102 MAT-1102 Nil MAT 1102 BAE-1101 CREDIT 3 3 1 3 3/Lab. 3 1 Total credit : 17 SEMESTER 3 CODE PHY 2105 MAT 2101 MAT 3103 EEE 1201 COURSE DESCRIPTION PREREQ. CREDIT 3 3 3 3


Physics- 3 (Engineering Nil mechanics including Robotics) Math 3 (Complex Variable, Laplace Transform and Z-transform) MAT 1205 Statistics and Probability MAT 1205 Electrical Circuits- 1 (DC) PHY 1101

EEE 1102 CSC 1203

Electrical Circuits-1 (Lab.) Data Structure

CSC 1102

1 3/Lab. Total Credit: 16

SEMESTER 4 CODE MAT 3101 CSC 2105 EEE 2101 EEE 2102 EEE 2103 BBA 1102 CSC 2106 COURSE DESCRIPTION Mathematical Methods of Engineering Algorithms Electrical Circuit 2 (AC) Electrical Circuit 2 Lab. Electronic Devices Principles of Accounting System Programming (Including Assembly Language) PREREQ. MAT 2101 CSC 1203 EEE-1201 EEE 1201 Nil CSC 1203 CREDIT 3 3/Lab. 3 1 3/Lab. 3 3/Lab.

Total Credit: 19 SEMESTER 5 CODE ENG 2102 CSC 2208 EEE 2205 EEE 2206 CSC 2207 BBA 1204 COURSE DESCRIPTION Business Communication Introduction to Database Digital Logic Design Digital Logic Design Lab. Programming language -2 (object Oriented programming language, C/C++) Principles of Economics PREREQ. ENG-1101/1201 CSC-1203 EEE-2103 EEE-2103 CSC 2105 MAT-1102 CREDIT 3 3/Lab. 3 1 3/Lab. 3 Total Credit : 16 SEMESTER 6 CODE EEE 3101 EEE 3102 CSC 2209 CSC 3215 EEE 4101 MGT 3202 COURSE DESCRIPTION Digital Electronics Digital Electronics Lab. Operating Systems 1 Object Oriented Programming-1 (Using Java Language) Control Systems Management and Organization PREREQ. EEE 2103 CSC 2103 CSC 2207 MAT 2101 BBA 1102 CREDIT 3 1 3 3/Lab. 3/Lab. 3 Total Credit: 16

SEMESTER 7 CODE EEE 4211 COE 3216 EEE 4217 CSC 4226 COE 4224 COURSE DESCRIPTION Microprocessors and I.O. System Data Communications VLSI Circuits Artificial Intelligence Elective 1 Seminar PREREQ. EEE 2205 EEE 2205 EEE-3101 CSC2105 CREDIT 3/Lab. 3 3/Lab. 3 3 1

Total Credit: 16 SEMESTER 8 CODE COE 4201 COE 4119 CSC 4122 COURSE DESCRIPTION Project and Thesis Computer Networks Computer Graphics Elective 2 Elective 3 PREREQ. COE 3216 CSC 2105 CREDIT 3 3 3 3 3 Total Credit: 15

List of Elective Subjects for Computer Engineering: EEE 4105 Telecommunications Engineering EEE 4209 Simulation and Modeling CSC 3111 Advanced Database EEE 4109 Computer Interface Design EEE 4207 VHDL in Logic Synthesis EEE 4219 Computer System Architecture EEE 4205 Microwave Engineering MIS 3101 Management Information Systems 3/Lab. 3/Lab. 3/Lab. 3/Lab. 3/Lab. 3/Lab. 3/Lab. 3/Lab. TOTAL CREDIT: 132

BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING B.Sc. ENGINEERING (ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC) SEMESTER 1 CODE PHY 1101 PHY 1102 CHEM 1101 MAT 1102 ENG 1101 CSC 1102 BAE 1101 COURSE DESCRIPTION Physics 1 Physics 1 Lab. Chemistry Math 1 (Differential Calculus and Co-ordinate Geometry) English 1 Programming Language 1 Engineering Drawing PREREQ. Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil CREDIT 3 1 3/Lab. 3 3 3/Lab. 1 Total Credit: 17

SEMESTER 2 CODE PHY 1203 PHY 1204 BAE 1201 Math 1205 CSC 1203 EEE 1201 EEE 1202 COURSE DESCRIPTION Physics 2 Physics 2 Lab. Basic Mechanical Engineering Math 2 (Integral Calculus and Ordinary Differential Calculus) Programming Language 2 Electrical Circuits 1 (DC) Electrical Circuits 1 Lab. PREREQ. CREDIT 3 1 3/Visit 3 3/Lab. 3 1 Total Credit: 17 SEMESTER 3 CODE MAT 2101 PHY 2103 ENG 1202 EEE 2101 EEE 2102 EEE 2103 BAE 2101 COURSE DESCRIPTION Math 3 (Complex Variable, Laplace Transform and Z-Transform) Modern Physics English 2 Electrical Circuits 2 (AC) Electrical Circuits 2 Lab. Electronic Devices Computer Aided Design and Drafting

PHY 1101 MAT 1102 CSC 1102 PHY 1102

PREREQ. MAT 1205 PHY 1101 ENG1101 EEE 1201 EEE 1201 BAE 1101

CREDIT 3 3 3/Lab. 3 1 3/Lab. 1

Total Credit: 18 SEMESTER 4 CODE MAT 2202 EEE 2205 EEE 2206 EEE 2207 EEE 2208 EEE 2209 EEE 2210 BBA 1102 COURSE DESCRIPTION Math 4 (Matrix, Vectors, Fourier Analysis) Digital Logic Design Digital Logic Design Lab. Electrical Machines 1 Electrical Machines 1 Lab. Analog Electronics 1 Analog Electronics 1 Lab. Principles of Accounting PREREQ. MAT 2101 EEE 2103 EEE 2101 EEE 2103 Nil CREDIT 3 3 1 3 1 3 1 3

Total Credit: 18 SEMESTER 5 CODE MAT 3101 MAT 3103 EEE 3101 EEE 3102 EEE 3103 EEE 3105 MGT 3202 COURSE DESCRIPTION Mathematical Methods of Engineering Statistics And Probability Digital Electronics Digital Electronics Lab. Electrical Power Transmission and Distribution Electromagnetic Fields And Waves Management and Organization PREREQ. MAT 2202 MAT 1205 EEE 2103 EEE2101 MAT 2202 BBA 1102 CREDIT 3 3 3 1 3 3 3

Total Credit: 19 SEMESTER 6 CODE EEE 3207 EEE 3209 EEE 3210 EEE 3211 EEE 3213 EEE 3214 EEE 3216 BBA 3213 COURSE DESCRIPTION Signal And Linear System Analog Electronics 2 Analog Electronics 2 Lab. Digital signal processing(DSP) Electrical Machines 2 Electrical Machines 2 Lab. Electronics Shop Principles of economics PREREQ. MAT 2202 EEE 2209 EEE 3101 EEE 2207 EEE 2209 BBA 3102 CREDIT 3 3 1 3/Lab. 3 1 1 3 Total Credit: 18

SEMESTER 7 CODE EEE 4000 EEE 4101 EEE 4103 EEE 4105 EEE 4106 EEE 4107 ENG 2103 COURSE DESCRIPTION PREREQ. CREDIT 1 3/Lab. 3 3 1 3 3/Lab. 3/Lab.

Project and Thesis Graduating Year Control Systems EEE 3207 Power System Analysis EEE 3103 Telecommunication Engineering EEE 3101 Telecommunication Engineering Lab. Engineering Materials PHY 2103 Business Communication ENG 1202 Elective 1 -

Total Credit: 20 SEMESTER 8 CODE EEE 4000 EEE 4211 EEE 4213 EEE 4214 EEE 4215 EEE 4217 COURSE DESCRIPTION Project and Thesis Microprocessor and I.O. system Industrial Electronics Industrial Electronics Lab. Power Stations VLSI Circuits Elective 2 PREREQ. Graduating Year EEE 2205 EEE 3209 EEE 3213 EEE 3101 CREDIT 2 3/Lab. 3 1 3/Visit 3/Lab. 3/Lab.

Total Credit: 18 List of Elective Subjects for Electrical and Electronic Engineering: EEE 4109 Computer Interface Design EEE 4207 VHDL in Logic Synthesis EEE 4219 Computer System Architecture EEE 4205 Microwave Engineering EEE 4203 Measurement and Instrumentation EEE 4209 Simulation and Modeling EEE 4221 Optoelectronic Devices 3/Lab. 3/Lab. 3/Lab. 3/Lab. 3/Lab. 3/Lab. 3/Lab. TOTAL CREDIT: 145

COURSE CONTENTS ENGLISH ENG 1101 ENGLISH 1 Practical Grammar: Phonetic Symbols; Vocabulary; Article; Adjectives; Verbs; Number, Parts of Speech; Voice; Tense; Sentences; Clause; Prepositions; Punctuation; Letters and Messages, Basic English Conversations and Pronunciation; listening.


English as a Language, Aspects of Paragraphing, Forms of Discourse (Exposition, Narration, Description, Persuasion), grammar, tenses, gerund, question forms, expressing quantity, research paper - steps, format and documentation.


This course is designed to help the students in learning the techniques and acquiring the skills needed to communicate effectively in the business world. The course deals with the basic English in the practice to communication in different business situation. Various techniques of communication such as business letters, reports, project proposal and other media form an integral part of the course. PHYSICS PHY 1101 PHYSICS 1 Mechanics: 1. Kinematics (a) Graphical representations of displacement-time, velocity-time and acceleration-time. (b) Motion in two and three dimensions - projectile motion. 2. Applications of Newton's laws of motion, Free body diagrams, Analyses of frames of trusses, Friction, Equilibrium of forces. 3. Work-kinetic energy theorem. Power, Conservative forces. Conservation of energy. 4. Conservation of linear momentum for a system of particles. Center-of-mass motion. Elastic and inelastic collision in one dimension. 5. Rotational kinematics. Angular momentum of a single particle. Conservation of angular momentum. Moment of Inertia, Balancing of rotating masses. 6. Gravitation: Gravitational field. Kepler's laws. 7. Robotics: Introduction to robotics, essential components of a robot & their kinematics, links, frames, spatial motions, programming robots, clocks, sensors, actuators and control. Thermodynamics: 1. Zeroth, 1st and 2nd law of thermodynamics. 2. Reversible and irreversible processes, Carnot cycle, Rankine cycle, Auto cycle, Diesel cycle and their Efficiency.

3. Clausius' theorem. Entropy. Absolute scale of temperature. Clausius Clapeyron equation. Thermodynamic functions. 4. Maxwell's thermodynamic relations. Problem's involving thermodynamic relations and functions. Gibb's phase rule. PHY1102 PHYSICS 1 LAB Laboratory works based on PHY 1101 PHY 1203 PHYSICS 2 Electrostatics: 1. Coulomb's Law. Electric field. And Calculation of electric field. 2. Electric flux, Gauss' law and its application in electric field calculation. 3. Electric potential and its calculation in various cases. 4. Capacitors. Calculation of capacitance. Parallel and series combination of capacitors. Electrostatic energy in a capacitor. Electrostatic field energy. Dielectrics. Current Electricity: 1. Electric current. Ohm's Law and resistance. Direct-current circuits. Kirchhoff's rules. RC circuits. 2. Magnetic field. Force on current conducting conductors in a magnetic field. Motion of a point charge in a magnetic field. The Hall effect. 3. Biot-Savart law and its applications. Ampere's law and its applications. 4. Faraday's law. Motional emf. Application of Faraday's law. LR circuit. Electromagnetic oscillations, LC and LRC circuits. Optics: 1. Lens Aberrations, Microscopes and Camera. 2. Waves- Simple Harmonic motion, Travelling and Standing waves, Doppler effect. 3. Interference of light. 4. Diffraction of waves. Diffraction from a single slit. Diffraction grating. 5. Polarization of electromagnetic waves. 6. Laser basics and applications, Optical effects in crystals, Nonlinear optics-an introductory discussion. 7. Elementary discussion on fiber optics. PHY1204 PHYSICS 2 LAB Laboratory works based on PHY1203 PHY 2105 PHYSICS 3 General Properties of Matter Elasticity, elastic constants, relation between elastic constants, surface tension, molecular theory of surface tension, capillarity, viscosity, Newton's law of viscosity, Poiseuille's formula, Stoke's formula, Hydrodynamics - equation of continuity, Bernoulli's theorem, venturimiter, Pitot tubes. Properties of Engineering Materials An introductory course in the science of engineering materials, The engineering properties (mechanical, thermal and electrical) of metals, polymers and ceramics, correlated with: (i) their internal structures (atomic, molecular, crystalline, micro-and macro-) and (ii) service conditions (mechanical, thermal, chemical, electrical, magnetic and radiative). Modern Physics

Special theory of relativity- Mass-energy relation, Quantum theory of radiation- Planck's law, de-Broglie waves, Schrodinger equation and its application. Heisenberg's Uncertainty relation, Atomic structure, Radioactivity Half-life, Nuclear fission and fusion. CHEMISTRY CHEM 1201 CHEMISTRY Atomic structure, quantum numbers, electronic configuration, periodic table. Properties and uses of noble gases. Different types of chemical bonds and their properties. Molecular structures of compounds. Selective organic reactions, Different types of solutions and their compositions. Phase rule, phase diagram of mono component system. Properties of dilute solutions. Thermo chemistry, chemical kinetics, chemical equilibrium, Ionizations of water. and pH concept. Electrical properties of solutions. MATHEMATICS MAT 1102 MATH 1 (DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS AND CO-ORDINATE GEOMETRY ) Differential Calculus: Limit, continuity and differentiability, successive differentiation of various types of functions, Leibnitz's rule, Taylor's theorem in finite and infinite forms. Maclaurin's theorem in finite and infinite forms. Lagrange's form of remainders. Expansion of functions. Evaluation of limit of indeterminate forms by L' Hospital's rule. Partial differentiation, Euler's theorem. Equations of Tangent and normal. Determination of maximum and minimum values of functions and points of inflexion. Applications, curvature, radius of curvature and center of curvature. Co-ordinate Geometry : Change of axes, transformation of co-ordinates and simplification of equations of curves. Pair of straight lines, conditions under which general equations of the second degree may represent a pair of straight lines. Homogeneous equations of second degree. Angle between the pair of lines. Pair of lines joining the origin to the point of intersection of two curves. Standard equations of circle, parabola, ellipse and hyperbola with explanations. Conic together with its Cartesian and po1ar equations. Discussions of the general equation of second degree in x and y for for representing a conic. Representation of a point in a space. Rectangular Cartesian co-ordinates. Distance and Division formulae. Direction cosines and direction ratios of a line. Angle between two lines. Projection of a segment.Projection of the joint of two points on a line. The equation of a plane, its normal form and intercept form. Angle between two planes. The equation of a line in symmetrical form. Equations of sphere, paraboloid and ellipsoid. MAT 1205 MATH 2 (INTEGRAL CALCULUS AND ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS) Integral Calculus: Definitions of integration. Integration by the method of substitution. Integration by parts. Standard integrals. Integration by the method of successive reduction. Definite integrals, its properties and its use in summing series. Walli's formula, improper integrals, Beta function and Gamma function. Area under a plane curve in Cartesian and polar co-ordinates. Area of the region enclosed by two curves in Cartesian and polar co-ordinates. Trapezoidal rule,

Simpson's rule. Arc 1engths of curves in Cartesian and polar co-ordinates, parametric and pedal equations. Intrinsic equation, volume of solid of revolution. Volume of solids of revolutions by shell method. Area of surface of revolution. Ordinary Differential Equations : Degree and order of ordinary differential equations. Formation of differential equations. Solutions of first order differential equations by various methods. Solutions of genera1 1inear equations of second and higher orders with constant co-efficients. Solution of homogeneous linear equation Applications. Solution of differential equations of the higher order when the dependent and independent variables are absent. Solution of differential equation by the method based on the factorization of the operators. MAT 2101 MATH 3 (COMPLEX VARIABLE, LAPLACE TRANSFORM AND Z -TRANSFORM ) Complex Variable: Complex number system. General functions of a complex variable. Limits and continuity of a functions of a complex variable and related theorems. Complex differentiation and the Cauchy-Riemann equations. Mapping by elementary functions. Line integral of a complex function. Cauchy's integral theorem, Cauchy's integral formula, Liouville's theorem. Taylor's and Laurent's theorems. Singular points. Residue, Cauchy's residue theorem Evaluating of residues,contour integration, conformal mapping. Laplace Transform : Definition, Laplace transformation of some elementary functions. Sufficient conditions for existence of Laplace transforms. Inverse Laplace transforms of derivatives. The unit step function. Periodic Function's. Some special theorems on Laplace transforms. Partial fraction. Solutions of differential equations by Laplace transforms. Evaluation of improper integrals. Difference Equations: The z-transforms; Application of the z-transforms to the solution of linear difference equations. MAT 3103 STATISTICS AND PROBABILITY Probability theory, discrete and continuous probability distributions, sampling theory and estimation, test of hypothesis, regression and correlation analysis, analysis of variance, decision making using probabilities, decision trees, application of game theory. MAT 3101 MATHEMATICAL METHODS OF ENGINEERING Introduction, Solution of algebraic and transcendental equations: Method of iteration, False position method, Newton-Rhapson method, Solution of simultaneous linear equations: Cramers rule, Iteration method, Gauss-Jordan Elimination method, Choleskis process, Interpolation: Diagonal and horizontal differences, Differences of a polynomial, Newtons formula for forward and backward interpolation, Spline interpolation, Integration: General quadrature formula, Trapezoidal rule, Simpsons rule, Weddles rule, Solution of ordinary differential equations: Eulers method, Picards method, Milnes method, Taylors series method, Runge-Kutta method. Least squares approximation of functions: Linear and polynomial regression, Fitting exponential and trigonometric functions. MAT 2202 MATH 4 (MATRICES, VECTORS AND FOURIER ANALYSIS) Matrices: Definition of matrix. Different types of matrices. Algebra of matrices.

Adjoint and inverse of a matrix. Rank and elementary transformations of matrices. Normal and canonical forms. Solution of linear equations. Matrix polynomials. Eigen values and eigenvectors. Vectors: Scalars and vectors; equality of vectors. Addition .and subtraction of vectors. Multiplication of vectors by scalars. Scalar and vector product of two vectors and their geometrical interpretation .Triple products and multiple products. Linear dependence and independence of vectors. Differentiation and integration of vectors together with elementary applications. Definition of line, surface and volume integrals, Gradient, divergence and curl of point functions. Various formulae, Gauss's theorem, Stoke's theorem, Green's theorem. Fourier Analysis : Real and complex forms. Finite Fourier transform. Fourier integral. Fourier transforms and their uses in solving boundary value problems. COURSE CONTENTS COMPUTER SCIENCE (CS) DEPARTMENT COE 3216: DATA COMMUNICATION COE 4119: COMPUTER NETWORKS EEE 1201: ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT 1 (DC) EEE 2103: ELECTRONIC DEVICES EEE 2205: DIGITAL LOGIC DESIGN EEE 2206: DIGITAL LOGIC DESIGN (LAB) The above mentioned courses will be offered for the Computer Science students by the Computer Engineering (COE) Department and Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE) Department. Course contents of these courses are available under the heading of COE and EEE Departments. CSC1101 COMPUTER FUNDAMENTAL Introduction to Basic concepts; Nature of computers and its evolution; Generation of computers and their applications and limitations; Computers hardware and software components; Data recording media; Computer system software; Number system; Data representation; Conversion of fractions; Binary arithmetic operations; Octal number system; Hexadecimal system; Algorithms and Flowcharting; Drawing Flowcharts; Loops and counters; Loops and trailer values; Loops and Accumulator; Switches; Number searching; Applications. CSC 1102 PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE 1 Introduction to digital computers. Programming algorithms and flow chart construction, Information representation in digital computers; Writing, debugging and running programs (including file handling) on various digital computers using C. Introduction to C- language. CSC 1203 DATA STUCTURE Internal data representation; Abstract data types, Elementary data structures: arrays, lists, stacks, queues, trees. Graphs; Advanced Data Structures; heaps, Fibonacci heaps, B-trees; Recursion, sorting, searching, hashing, storage management. CSC 1204 DISCRETE MATH

Set theory; Relations; Functions; Graph theory; Propositional calculus and predicate calculus. Mathematical reasoning, induction, contradiction and recursion, counting. Principles of inclusion & exclusion, Generating function, recurrence relations, Algebraic structures: rings and groups. CSC 2105 ALGORITHMS Techniques for analysis of algorithms, Methods for the design of efficient algorithms: divide and conquer, greedy method, dynamic programming, back tracking, branch and bound; Basic search and traversal techniques. CSC 2106 SYSTEM PROGRAMMING (INCLUDING ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE) Hardware architecture and software architecture, Instruction types and their formats; Assemble program format, Assembly process, Interrupts and system services, Addressing methods, High level control structure formation. Use of subroutines and macros, Numeric processing and string processing; Concurrent processes and high level linking; Disk geometry, file system and file I/O handling. CSC 2208 INTRODUCTION TO DATABASE This course is an introduction to data base management systems. Topics include: Basic concepts; 3-Level Architecture; The relational model: relational algebra and calculus; SQL; Database design with Normalization Theory; Introduction to query optimization: Introduction to distributed systems. CSC 2207 PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE 2 (OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE, C++) Philosophy of Object Oriented Programming (OOP): Advantages of OOP over Structured programming: Encapsulation. Classes and objects access specifiers. Static and non-static members, Constructors, Destructors and copy constructors, Array of objects, object pointers and object references, Inheritances, Single and multiple inheritance, polymorphism, overloading, abstract classes, virtual functions and overriding, Exception: Object Oriented I/O: Template functions and classes: Multi-threaded Programming. CSC 2209 OPERATING SYSTEM 1 Definitions and Terminology; History; Goals; Environment; Kernel and Service; Interrupt Processing; Processor Management; Functions; Life Cycle; Modules; Process synchronization; Deadlocks; Memory Devices; Functions; Scheduling Policies; Device Characteristics and Device Blocks; Information Management; Functions; File Organization; File systems; Backup and Recovery; Interdependencies of the 4 Management. CSC 3215 OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING 1 USING JAVA LANGUAGE Concepts of classes and objects, JAVA applications; event handling; control structures; Methods; Overloaded Methods; Single Multi-Dimension Arrays; Object Based Programming Object oriented Programming interface; polymorphism, interface and abstract classes; data structures in JAVA. Linked lists; stacks and trees; String manipulation; Introduction to graphical user interface; handling mouse and keyboard events; Exception Handling; Multi Threading; Client Server programming. CSC 4226: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE

Introduction; Knowledge representation; propositional and first order logic, interference in first order logic. Frame problem; search techniques in AI; Game playing; Planning; Probabilistic reasoning; Learning in symbolic and non-symbolic representation; Natural language processing CSC 4122: COMPUTER GRAPHIICS Graphics hardware: Display devices, input devices etc. Basic raster graphics algorithms for drawing 2D primitives: Two dimensional and three dimensional viewing, Clipping and transformations. Three dimensional object representation: Polygon surface. BSP trees Octrees Fractal Geometry Methods: Visible surface detection methods: Z-buffer method. BSP tree method. Ray easting Method. Illumination models: Polygon rendering, ray tracing visualization with height mapping, modeling surface details with texture mapping color models, Computer animations. CSC 3110: COMPUTER SCIENCE MATH Recurrent problems, Sum, Integer Functions,, Number Theory, Binomial Coefficients, Special Numbers, Generations Functions, Discrete Probability, Asymptotic, Random Numbers, Polynomial Arithmetic. CSC 3111: ADVANCED DATABASE Advanced data modeling, deductive databases, object oriented databases, Distributed and Multi-database systems; Deductive Database: Logic as a data model. Query optimization; Emphasizing the top-down and bottom-up evaluation of declarative rules. Object oriented database: Object oriented data modeling, Database and language integration, Object Algebra; Extensibility, Transactions; Object Managers, Versioning or Configuration; Active data; Non-standard applications; Research Seminar. Distributed and Multi-database System; Fragmentation design, Query Optimization; Distributed joins; Concurrency Control; Distributed deadlock detection. Emerging database technologies. Some applications using SQL. CSC 3112: OPERATING SYSTEM 2 Introduction; Fundamental view of Processor Management; Job Scheduling; Process Scheduling; Process Synchronization and Parallel Computation View; Fundamental view of information management; Techniques; Control unit and channels; I/O Controller; Scheduler and device handler; Spooling system and virtual storage; Functional view of information management; Basic file system; Access control verification, Logical file system; Allocation Strategy Module; Performance Measurement; Monitoring and Evaluation; Design principles; Tools of designing; Module interface approach and evaluation of existing operating systems. CSC 3113: THEORY OF COMPUTATION Language theory; Finite automata; deterministic finite automata; Non-deterministic finite automata. Context free language and conversion of deterministic and non-deterministic finite automata, push down automata. Context free languages; Context free grammars; Turing machines, Basic machines, configuration, computing with Turing machines; combining Turing machines. CSC 3214: SOFTWARE ENGINEERING Concepts of software engineering. Software engineering paradigms; Different phases of software; Synthesis vs. iterative design; Top-down and bottom-up design; Different design

tools; Structured and non-structured programming; Data-directed design techniques; Modular design; Design of automatic, redundant and defensive programs; Influences of languages in design process; Concepts of complexity measures; COCOMO Model; Tree model; PNR curve; Statistical model; Zipf's law and their application in Computer languages; Halstead program length formula; Graphical analysis for complexity measures; Memory requirement analysis; Processing time analysis; Testing philosophy; Test methods; Debugging; Verification, validation and certification; Choice of test data; Simulator; Arthur Laemmel's scheme; Concepts of software reliability and availability; Software repair, downtime error and faults, specification and correction; New error generation hypothesis; Estimating number of bugs in a computer program; Reliability Models; Availability models; Quality assurance; Quality measures; Different cost estimation models and their comparison: Software maintenance; Maintenance cost models; Growth dynamic models; Documentation; Software project organization, Management and communication skills. CSC 3217: COMPILER DESIGN Introduction to compiling; Basic issues; Lexical analysis; Syntax analysis; Syntax directed translation; Semantic Analysis; Type checking; Run-time environments; Intermediate code generation; Code generation; Code optimization. CSC 4120: OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING 2 USING JAVA LANGUAGE Technologies for developing software components. Client server computing with sockets and distributed objects. Dynamic interface discovery and invocation. Client-server model and its use in creating and managing window interfaces. Toolkits and libraries including X11; Microsoft foundation classes and JAVA abstract window toolkit. CSC 4121: OBJECT ORIENTED SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN Introduction to Unified Modeling Language, Use Case Diagram, Class Diagram, Relationship, Sequence Diagram, Collaboration Diagram, Activity Diagram, Project on UML. CSC 4225: PRINCIPLES OF PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES Basic Concepts of Programming Languages. Comparative study of major programming paradigms including imperative, object oriented, functional logic and concurrent programming. Principles of programming language design and evaluation; Syntax, Semantics and implementation techniques of programming languages. CSC-4227 Project & Thesis Study of problems in the field of Computer Science.


COURSE CONTENTS COMPUTER ENGINEERING (COE) DEPARTMENT CSC 1101: COMPUTER FUNDAMENTALS CSC 1102: PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE 1 CSC 1203: DATA STRUCTURE CSC 1204: DISCRETE MATH CSC 2105: ALGORITHMS CSC 2106: SYSTEM PROGRAMMING CSC 2208: INTRODUCTION TO DATABASE CSC 2207: PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE 2 CSC 2209: OPERATING SYSTEM 1 CSC 3215: OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING 1 CSC 4226: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE CSC 4122: COMPUTER GRAPHICS The above mentioned courses will be offered for the Computer Engineering students by the Computer Science Department. Course contents of these courses are available under the heading of Computer Science Department. EEE 1201: ELECTRICAL CIRCUITS- 1 (DC) EEE 1102: ELECTRICAL CIRCUITS-1 (LAB.) EEE 2101: ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT 2 (AC) EEE 2102: ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT 2 LAB. EEE 2103: ELECTRONIC DEVICES EEE-2205: DIGITAL LOGIC DESIGN EEE-2206: DIGITAL LOGIC DESIGN LAB. EEE 3101: DIGITAL ELECTRONICS EEE 3102: DIGITAL ELECTRONICS LAB. EEE 4101: CONTROL SYSTEMS EEE 4211: MICROPROCESSORS AND I.O. SYSTEM EEE 4217: VLSI CIRCUITS EEE 4105: TELECOMMUNICATIONS ENGINEERING EEE 4209: SIMULATION AND MODELING EEE 4109: COMPUTER INTERFACE DESIGN EEE 4207: VHDL IN LOGIC SYNTHESIS EEE 4219: COMPUTER SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE EEE 4205: MICROWAVE ENGINEERING The above mentioned courses will be offered for the Computer Engineering students by the Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department. Course contents of these courses are available under the heading of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department. COE 3216: DATA COMMUNICATION Fourier transforms. Modulation techniques: AM, FM, FSK, PSK, QPSK, QAM. Pulse Modulation: PAM, PCM, and PPM. Delta Modulation, Companding, Equalizer, Echo cancellation, Inter symbol interface; TDM, FDM, Error due to noise, Concept of channel

coding and capacity, Speech redundancies, DPCM, Optical communication as applied to data, Layered concept of computer network architecture. COE 4119: COMPUTER NETWORKS Protocol hierarchies; Data link control, HLDC, DLL in Internet; DLL of ATM; LAN Products; Standard IEEE 802. Switches and hubs. Bridges; FDDI, Fast Ethernet; Routing algorithm; Congestion control; Internet working. WAN; Fragmentation; Firewalls; IPV4; IPV6; ARP, RARP; Mobile IP; Network layer of ATM; Transport protocols; Transmission control protocol, connection management, transmission policy, congestion control, timer management; UDP; AAL of ATM, Network security: Cryptography, DES, IDEA; public key algorithm; Authentication; digital signature; Gigabit Ethernet; Domain Name System; Name servers; Email and its privacy; SNMP; HTTP; World Wide Web. COE 4201: PROJECT AND THESIS Study of problems in the field of Computer Engineering & Electronics..


CSC 1102: PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE 1 CSC 1203: PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE 2 The above mentioned courses will be offered for the Electrical and Electronic Engineering students by the Computer Science Department. Course contents of these courses are available under the heading of Computer Science Department. EEE 1201: ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT 1 (DC) Units, DC sources, resistance and conductance, Ohm's law, power and energy, series and parallel circuits, Kirchhoff's laws, Mesh and Nodal analysis, Y-Delta Conversion, Circuit theorems, Electrical field, Capacitors, Magnetic Circuits, Inductance, Transient analysis of R-C and R-L circuits with DC excitation. EEE 1202: ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT 1 LAB Laboratory works based on EEE 1201 EEE 2101: ELECTRICAL CIRCUITS 2 (AC) Alternating current, AC quantities, sinusoidal waveforms, AC Circuit Analysis: RC, RL, RLC series and parallel circuits, Power and Power Factor. Network Theorems. Dependent sources. Resonance and Q-factors, Polyphase systems - balanced and unbalanced, Coupled circuits, Filters. EEE 2102: ELECTRICAL CIRCUITS 2 (LAB) Laboratory works based on EEE 2101 EEE 2103: ELECTRONIC DEVICES Semiconductors, Junction diode characteristics, Bipolar Junction Transistor: characteristics, small signal low frequency h-parameter model, hybrid pi-model, Amplifiers: Voltage and Current amplifiers. Introduction to JFET, MOSFET, PMOS, NMOS and CMOS: biasing and

application in switching characteristics and application. Introduction to rectifiers, filters, regulated power supply. Introduction to IC fabrication techniques. EEE 2205: DIGITAL LOGIC DESIGN Number systems and codes, Digital logic: Boolean algebra, De-Morgan's law, Logic gates and their truth tables, canonical forms, combinational logic circuits, minimization techniques, Arithmetic and data handling logic circuit, decoders and encoders. Multiplexers and Demultiplexers. Combinational Circuit design, Flip-flops, race around problems, Counters: Asynchronous and Synchronous counters and their applications. Synchronous and asynchronous logic design: state diagram, Mealy and Moore machine. State minimization and assignments. Pulse mode logic. Fundamental mode logic design. EEE 2206: DIGITAL LOGIC DESIGN (LAB) Laboratory works based on EEE 2105 EEE 3101: DIGITAL ELECTRONICS Diode logic gates, transistor switches, transistor-transistor gates, MOS gates, Logic Families: TTL, ECL, IIL and CMOS logic with operation details. Propagation delay, Product and noise immunity, Open collector and high impedance gates. Electronic circuit for flip-flops, counters and registers, memory systems. PLAs, A/D and D/A converters with applications. S/H circuits. LED, LCD and optically coupled oscillators. Non-linear applications of OPAMPs. Analog switches. Linear wave shaping; diode wave shaping techniques; clipping and clamping circuits, comparator circuits, switching circuits. Pulse transformers pulse transmission. Pulse generation. Monostable, bistable and astable multivibrators; Schmit trigger; blocking oscillators and time base circuit. Timing circuit, simple voltage sweeps, linear current sweeps. EEE 3102: DIGITAL ELECTRONICS (LAB) Laboratory works based on EEE 3101 EEE 3103: ELECTRICAL POWER TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION Inductance of transmission lines: Flux linkage, Inductance due to internal flux, Inductance of single phase two wire lines, Flux linkage of one conductor in a group, Inductance of composite conductor lines. GMD examples; 3 phase lines with equilateral spacing and unsymmetrical spacing. Parallel circuit 3 phase lines. Use of tables. Electrical field; potential difference between points due to a charge, capacitance of a two-wire line. Group of charged conductors. Capacitances of 3 phase lines with equilateral and with unsymmetrical spacing. Effect of earth, parallel circuit lines. Resistance and skin effect: Resistance and temperature, skin effects, influence on resistance, use of table, Current and voltage relation on a transmission line, T- and pi- representation, exact solution. Equivalent circuit of a long line. Mechanical characteristics of transmission line: Sag and stress analysis; Wind and ice loading, supports at different elevation conditions at erection; effect of temperature changes. Generalized line constant: General line equation in terms of A, B, C, D constants. Relation between constants, charts of line constants, constants of combined networks, measurement of line constants. Circle Diagrams: Receiving end and sending end power circle diagrams. Voltage and power factor control in transmission systems. Tap changing Transformers; on load tap changing. Inductance regulators. Moving coil regulators; Boosting transformers. Power factor control; static condensers; synchronous condenser. Insulators for overhead lines; types of insulators, their construction and performance. Potential distribution in a

string of insulators, string efficiency. Methods of equalizing potential distribution; special types of insulators, testing of insulators. Insulated cables, cables versus overhead lines, insulating materials. Electrostatic stress grading. Three core cables; dielectric losses and heating. Modern development; oil filled and gas filled cables. Measurement of capacitance. Cable testing. Introduction to transmission line protection: over current relay and time grading, reverse power relays. Differential protection. Distant relays. Distribution: Distributor calculation, ring mains and interconnections. EEE 4101: CONTROL SYSTEMS Introduction to feedback control, terminologies with examples. Transfer function modeling of DC and AC serve and other familiar systems. Block diagram representation and simplification to canonical form by Mason's rule, Time domain specifications , unit step response. Location of poles and stability by Routh's criterion, Root locus: Construction rules, dominant poles, stability, P+I, P+D, and P+I+D compensation using root locus. Introduction to pole placement compensation. Steady state performance: types of systems, examples, steady state error and static error coefficient. Frequency response: Bode, Nyquists and Nichol's plots, Gain margin, phase margin, maximum magnitude, resonant frequency and bandwidth correlation with time response. Stability from Nyquist diagram (direct: polar plot). Gain adjustment using Nichol's chart. State space representation: formation of state equations, transfer function from state equation, stability and eigen- values of state transition matrix. Introduction to digital control. EEE 2207: ELECTRICAL MACHINES 1 DC Generation: Principles, Construction, classification, armature winding, voltage build up, armature reactions and commutation, performance and testing. DC Motor: operation, types, torque-speed characteristics, and methods of speed control. Transformers: principle, construction, cooling, vector diagrams and voltage regulations, equivalent circuit, harmonics in polyphase transformers, losses and efficiency. Induction Motor: principles of operation, structural details, equivalent circuits, speed-torque relations, losses and efficiency, circle diagram, induction generator. Synchronous generator: general outlines; salient poles and non-salient poles, armature and field cores, cooling, air gap flux, regulation, vector diagrams, armature reaction, losses and efficiency, transient conditions, parallel operation, load sharing. Synchronous Motor: Theory of operation, vector diagrams, V-curves, Tests, losses, efficiency and starting. EEE 2208: ELECTRICAL MACHINES 1 (LAB) Laboratory works based on EEE 2207 EEE 2209: ANALOG ELECTRONICS 1 Operation and small signal models of diodes. Circuit application of diodes. BJT and FET biasing and thermal stabilization ; BJT and FET at low frequencies: Hybrid pi-model for small signals. H parameters. Analysis of transistor amplifier using h-parameters, high input resistance transistor circuits; BJT and FET at high frequencies: Hybrid pi-model,. CE short circuit current gain, current gain with resistive load, single stage CE transistor amplifier response, low and high frequency response of R-C coupled amplifier, effect of harmonics on amplifiers. Regulated power supply: series voltage regulator and emitter follower regulator. EEE 2210: ANALOG ELECTRONICS 1 LAB.

Laboratory works based on EEE 2109 EEE 3105 ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS AND WAVES Review of vector analysis. (a) Electrostatics: Coulomb's law, force, electric field intensity, electrical flux density. Gauss's theorem with application, Electrostatic potential, boundary conditions, method of images, Laplace's and Poisson's equations, energy of an electrostatic system, conductor and dielectrics. (b) Magnetostatics: Concepts of magnetic field, Ampere's law, Bio-Savart law, vector magnetic potential, energy of magnetostatic system, Mechanical forces and torques in Electric and Magnetic fields. Curvilinear co-ordinates, rectangular, cylindrical and spherical coordinates, solutions to static field problems. Graphical field mapping with applications, solution to Laplace equations, rectangular, cylindrical and spherical harmonics with applications. Maxwell's equations: Their derivatives, continuity of charges, concepts of displacement currents. Boundary conditions for time varying systems. Potentials used with varying charges and currents. Retarded potentials. Maxwell's equations in different coordinate systems. Relation between circuit theory and field theory: Circuit concepts and derivations from the field equations. High frequency circuit concepts, circuit radiation resistance. Skin effect and circuit impedance. Concept of good and perfect conductors and dielectrics. Current distribution in various types of conductors, depth of penetration, internal impedance, power loss, calculation of inductance and capacitance. Propagation and reflection of electromagnetic waves in unbounded media: plane wave propagation, polarization, power flow and Poynting's theorem. Transmission line analogy, reflection from conducting and dielectric boundary display lines ion in dielectrics, liquids and solids, plane wave propagation through the ionosphere. Introduction to radiation. EEE 3207: SIGNALS AND LINEAR SYSTEMS 1 Characteristics of a linear system, methods of transient and steady state solution of differential and integro-differential equations. Network theorems. Analogous systems. Analysis by Fourier methods. Laplace transform and its application to linear circuits. Convolution integral and their applications. Matrix with simple applications in circuit: network function, poles and zeroes of a network. Distance signals and z-transform methods. System concepts: state equation and state variables for small linear systems. EEE 3209: ANALOG ELECTRONICS 2 Feedback amplifiers: classification, feedback concept, effect of feedback on transfer gain, amplifier characteristics, types of feedback, negative feedback amplifiers and their applications. Sinusoidal oscillators: conditions of self-oscillation; phase shift resonant circuit; Colpitts and Hartley oscillator, Wein bridge and crystal oscillators. Operational amplifiers (OP-AMP): Introduction to OP-AMPs, Inverting and Non-inverting amplifier, phase inverter, scale changer, integrating and differentiating circuits, adder or summing amplifier, voltage to current and current to voltage converter, voltage follower, analog electronic computation, differential, instrumentation and bridge amplifiers. AC performance of OP-AMPs: Bandwidth, slew rate, noise and frequency compensation, active filters. Untuned power amplifiers: Class A, Class B, Push-pull and Darlington pair amplifiers. Tuned voltage (R.F. and I.F.) and power (Class B, Class C) amplifiers. Modulation: Amplitude Modulation (AM) and Demodulation, Frequency Modulation (FM) and demodulation. EEE 3210: ANALOG ELECTRONICS 2 LAB. Laboratory works based on EEE 3209

EEE 3211: DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING Discrete time signals and systems. Discrete transforms: Discrete Fourier transform (DFT), Inverse Discrete Fourier Transform (IDFT), Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), Inverse Fast Fourier Transform (IFFT), The Z-transform and its application in Signal processing. Correlation and Convolution: Review of convolution, circular convolution, auto-correlation, cross correlation, implementation of correlation and convolution. Digital filters: Introduction to Finite Impulse Response (FIR) and Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) digital filters, various techniques of FIR and IIR filter design, realization of FIR and IIR filters, finite-precision effects. A brief overview of artificial neural networks, fuzzy logic and generic algorithm. MATLAB application to digital signal processing (DSP). EEE 3213: ELECTRICAL MACHINES 2 Industrial motor controls, DC generators. Armature reaction in synchronous generator. Two reaction analysis and concept of direct axis and quadrature axis reactance. Transient performances of rotating machines. Fundamentals of electromechanical energy conversions, energy storage. Generalized performance equations of machines. Interconnected system of alternators and load sharing. Excitation schemes of synchronous machines, starting of synchronous machines. Starting of induction motors, torque and speed control requirements. DC and AC motor control by traditional methods and by using SCRs. Electrical braking of DC and AC motors, Eddy current brakes. Amplidyne, Metadynes, synchronous converters, static power converters. Stepper motor principle, variable reluctance stepper motor. Electrical machine design, design factors, design principles, transformer design, design of small single phase transformers, design of single phase induction motors. EEE 3214: ELECTRICAL MACHINES 2 LAB Laboratory works based on EEE 3214 EEE 3216: ELECTRONICS SHOP Practical study of electronic equipment: radio receivers, television receivers, Audio Cassette and CD player, VCR, VCP, DVD player, satellite TV receiver system. EEE 4000: PROJECT AND THESIS Study of problems in the field of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. EEE 4103: POWER SYSTEM ANALYSIS Power network representations, per unit system of calculations, reactance of asynchronous generators and its equivalent circuit, voltage characteristics of loads, power and reactive power flow in simple systems, load flow studies of large systems using the Gauss-Seidal methods, control of voltage, power and reactive power, use of network analyzers and digital computers, symmetrical fault calculation, limitations of short circuit current using regulators. Symmetrical components- positive, negative and zero sequence networks of generators, transformers and lines, sequence network of systems, unsymmetrical fault calculations. Power system stability involving two machine systems, swing equation. Equal area criterion of stability and its applications, solution of swing equation, factors affecting transient stability. EEE 4105: TELECOMMUNICATIONS ENGINEERING Overview of communication systems, signal spectra, Amplitude modulation and demodulation: DSB-SC, SSB, VSB. Frequency modulation and demodulation: NBFM,

WBFM and Phase Modulation (PM). Pulse Modulation: PAM, PCM, Delta Modulation, Frequency division and time division multiplexing and their application. Digital Modulation systems, Modems, Introduction to teletraffic theory. Radio wave propagation, effects of ionosphere and earth's curvature. Introduction to satellite communication. Introduction to cellular mobile communication. Introduction to telephony, different types of switching, SPC and digital switching systems, time and space switching. Introduction to ATM, SDH, SONET and optical communications. RADAR and its applications. EEE 4106: TELECOMMUNICATIONS ENGINEERING LAB Laboratory works based on EEE 4105 EEE 4107: ELECTRICAL PROPERTIES OF MATERIALS Crystal structures: Types of crystals, lattice and basis, Bravias lattice and Miller indices. Introduction to Quantum Mechanics: Wave nature of electrons, Schrodinger's equation, one dimensional quantum problems, infinite quantum well, potential step and potential barrier. Heisenburg's uncertainty principle, quantum box.. Classical theory of electrical and thermal conduction: scattering, mobility and resistivity, temperature dependence of resistivity of metals and Mathlessen's rule, Hall effect, thermal conductivity. Band theory of solids: band theory from molecular orbital, Bloch theorem,, Kronig-Penny model, electron effective mass, density of states. Carrier statistics: Maxwell Boltzman and Fermi Dirac distribution, Fermi energy. Modern theory of metals; Determination of Fermi energy and average energy of metals based on energy band model and Fermi-Dirac distribution functions, classical and quantum mechanical specific heat of electrons in a metal. Dielectric properties of materials: Polarization and dielectric constant, electronic, ionic and orientational polarization, Clausius-Mosotti equation, frequency dependence dielectric constants, dielectric loss and piezoelectricity. Magnetic properties of materials: Magnetic moment, magnetization and relative permittivity, different types of magnetic materials, origin of ferromagnetism and magnetic domains. Introduction to Superconductivity: Zero resistance and Meissener effect Type 1 and Type 2 superconductor and critical current density. EEE 4211: MICROPROCESSOR AND I.O. SYSTEM Introduction to different types of microprocessors (8 bit, 16 bit etc.) Introduction sets. Hardware organization. Microprocessor interfacing. Introduction to available microprocessor IC's. Microprocessor applications. Design of digital computer subsystem. Flow of information and logical flow diagram in timing and control signals. System organization: Hardware structures. Design of control unit of digital computer. Introduction to microprogramming. Multiprogramming, real time and time sharing computer systems. Data and instructions. Data systems, addressing of operative memory. Machine instructions. Channel programs. Assembler program. Program execution. Program execution. Interrupt systems, I/O systems. Interconnection of computers. Operating systems. Control program. File handler. Program structure. Virtual memory. EEE 4212: MICROPROCESSOR AND I.O. SYSTEM LAB Laboratory works based on EEE 4212

EEE 4213: INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS Introduction to solid state devices and thyristors: (i) Schottky rectifier (ii) Zener diode (iii) Diode and transistor packages (iv) SCR and (v) TRIAC. Introduction to triggering devices: UJT, UJT relaxation oscillator, phase control circuit; Programmable UJT (PUT), PUT relaxation oscillator; Schottky diode; Silicon Unilateral Switch (SUS); DIAC; Silicon Bilateral Switch (SBS); Asymmetrical AC triggering devices. Motor Control: DC Motor braking and plugging circuits, transistor dynamic braking circuit, typical motor plugging circuit, emergency stop plugging circuit,; speed control PM/Shunt motors; electronic speed control using armature voltage control method. Solid state motor speed controller: Single transistor speed control; OP-AMP and Darlington power amplifier speed control, OP-AMP and MOSFET power amplifier control for PM/Shunt motors. SCR speed control circuits for PM/Shunt motors; simple SCR circuit, SCR plus UJT circuit variation of a pulse width modulation (PWM) speed control circuit. Speed control of series / universal motors: Series / universal motor control circuit using SCR (half wave control); TRIAC and DIAC (full wave control); TRIAC control with Hysteresis compensation, DC motor phase control; balance bridge (reversing) drive for PM or shunt motors, phase control circuit for Dc series motor. DC-DC chopper control, Basic Jones Chopper circuit. Stepper motors; stepper motors drive circuit using transistors, Darlington transistor and MOSFETs. Speed control of AC motors: Variable frequency converter block diagram, simplified single phase cycloconvereter. TRIAC control, single phase inverter, three phase six step inverter. Electronic timers. Switched mode power supplies. Voltage multipliers. Magnetic Amplifiers. Resistance welder controls. Induction heating. Dielectric heating. EEE 4217: VLSI CIRCUITS VLSI technology: Terminologies and trends, MOS transistor characteristics and equations, NMOS and CMOS inverters, DC and transient characteristics, Pass transistors and pass gates, CMOS layout and design rules, Complex CMOS gates, Resistance and capacitance, Estimation and modeling, Signal propagation, delay, noise margin and power consumption, Interconnect BiCMOS circuits. CMOS building blocks, Adders, Counters, Multipliers and barrel shifters. Data paths, Memory structures, PLAs and FPGAs. VLSI testing, Objectives and strategies. EEE 4205 MICROWAVE ENGINEERING H.F transmission lines, Smith chart, Impedance matching techniques and applications. Guided E.M. waves, Parallel plane and Rectangular waveguides, Cavity resonator. Antennas and radiation, Small current element antenna, Long straight antenna, Radiation patterns and gain. Frequency Independent and Logperiodic antennas. Antenna arrays: Broadside and Endfire array, Phase scanning of Antennas arrays. Transit time effects, Velocity modulation, Microwave tubes: Klystron amplifier, Multicavity Klystron amplifier, Reflex Klystron oscillator, Magnetron Oscillator, Traveling Wave Tube Amplifier (TWTA), Backward Wave Oscillator(BWO). EEE 4207 VHDL IN LOGIC SYNTHESIS Introduction to VHDL, historical background. VHDL design example: Behavioral, Data flow and Structural descriptions. Introduction to PLD, PLA, PAL, CPLDs and FPGA technology and implementation of various logic functions using these technologies. Basic VHDL constructs, coding styles and synthesis. Design of various combinational and sequential logic circuits using VHDL. Bus Architecture, ALU, RAM, simple processor, CPU

and various controller circuit design using VHDL as a course project. Pipelining. Implementation of FSM and ASM based design in VHDL. Writing VHDL test bench for simulation. EEE 4208 VHDL IN LOGIC SYNTHESIS LABORATORY Based on the course EEE 4207. COURSE CONTENTS BASIC ENGINEERING BAE 1101: ENGINEERING DRAWING Introduction, drafting instruments and materials, lettering, alphabet of lines, dimensioning, geometric construction, conic sections, orthographic projection, isometric and oblique views, free hand sketching, construction of scale, sections and conventions, surface development. Making plan, section and elevation of residential building. BAE 2101: COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN AND DRAFTING Safety rules, electricity rules and electricity codes. Electrical and Electronic symbols. Electrical wiring, house wiring and industrial installation wiring. Insulation measurement. Use of Meggars. Battery charging. Creating PCB layout, editing PCB layout, printing PCB layout. BAE 1201: BASIC MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Study of steam generation units and their accessories and mountings; Properties of Steam, internal energy, enthalpy and quality of steam, saturated and superheated steam, uses of steam tables, Mollier Charts. Steam power cycles, Rankine cycle, Low pressure and high pressure feed heaters. Dearerators and condensers. Second law of thermodynamics,: availability, irreversibility and entropy. Introduction to internal combustion engines and gas turbines. Steam turbines and their important accessories: low pressure and high pressure turbines, start, operation and shut down, lubrication, turbine glands and gland sealing. Steam extraction and regenerative feed heating. Introduction to pumps, blowers and compressors, refrigeration and air conditioning systems. Mixtures of air and vapor. Uses of Psychometric chart. Visit to power generating station in order to familiarize students with all the generating equipment and associated auxiliary plant equipment in operation. They must visit some selected power stations in the country under the supervision of faculty members as decided by the concerned department. The visit must be included as an essential part of the course and as such the same may be taken into consideration in grading of the students in this course.


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