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Bombay Management Association

DANDEKER TROPHY (Team Presentation Award)

Summary, Criteria & Evaluation

After the Independence of our country, the management movement moved with a rapid speed. With the help of foreign management institutions namely, MIT and Harvard - two management institutions were established in India at Ahmedabad and Calcutta by the Government of India. However, the Indian professionals and entrepreneurs thought it differently and established management associations all over the country. The first of it was established in Bombay, namely, the Bombay Management Association under the leadership of late Mr. N. Dandeker. Mr. Dandeker was an ICS Official, heading the Income-tax Department in Madras and came to Bombay to take over as Managing Director of the Associated Cement Companies Ltd. Mr. Dandeker was the first Indian President of the Bombay Chamber of Commerce, the Founder-President of BMA and the Founder President of AIMA (All India Management Association). He was a prolific writer and a public speaker as well as a scholar. Mr. Dandeker was a Member of the Parliament and associated with the erstwhile Swathantra Party. BMA found it proper to institute a Trophy in his memory, the Dandeker Memorial Trophy.


January 9, 2012 Topic Managing when the chips are down: Margins, Volumes or ---- Venue : Sydenham Institute of Management Research , B Road Churchgate Mumbai. Date : Thursday 23rd Feb 12 Time : 9.30 am onwards The Institutes offering two-years full time MMS programme of the University of Mumbai and / or PGDBM programme approved by AICTE are eligible to participate in this Competition. 2) Fees: Rs.1500/- per team to be sent along with the Registration form. Cheque to be drawn in favour of Bombay Management Association. 3) Each Institute would be represented by a maximum of Two Teams (final presentation will be made by maximum 3 students) from MMS / PGDBM. i.e. each Institute can sponsor two Teams of 3 Students each from MMS / PGDBM (AICTE approved). 4) Institutes intend to participate in the competition are requested to fill up Registration Form along with fees and send it latest by Tuesday, 14th February 2012. 5) Based on the presentation of 10 minutes before a panel of Judges, six teams will be shortlisted . The final round will be held post lunch 6) The venue is Sydemham Institutte of Management studies, Research and Entrepreneurship Education, Churchgate, Mumbai 400 020 from 9.30 a.m.onwards on Thursday, 23rd February, 2012. 7) The presentation time limit per team is 10 minutes only ( Teams are requested to keep time limit in min) 8) Necessary audiovisual facilities will be provided for this purpose. Participants may bring pen drives OR CDs for their presentations. Hard copy of presentation may be submitted on day of competition. 9) 5/10 minutes are allotted for questions and answers. Questions will be asked by the judges only. 10) The evaluation in terms of marks shall be done on the following basis: Evaluation Criteria:

1. Introduction & Conclusion 2. Depth of Content 4. Supportive examples /Research 5.Effective Presentation completed in time
11) 12)

20 Marks 40 Marks 20 Marks 20 Marks Total 100 Marks


The winning team will be awarded the coveted Revolving Dandeker Trophy. Entries will be excluded from the competition in the event of failure to meet registration deadlines. 13) The decisions of the judges will be considered final and binding on all the participants. 14) Non-compliance of the rules and procedures may lead to disqualification of the team. 15) Topic for Presentation: Managing when the chips are down -Margins,

Volumes or -----
Final Stage: Fill in the Submission Form and submit it along with the cheque latest by Tuesday, 14th Feb. 2012 at the address mentioned below: Executive Director Bombay Management Association 9 Podar House, A Road, Churchgate, Mumbai: 400 020 Tel:: 2204 7650 / 2204 9698 Fax: 22024743 Email: and




Theme: Managing when the chips are down Margins, Volumes or ----
Host and Venue: (By previous years winner) Sydemham Institutte of Management Studies,
Research and Entrepreneurship Education, Churchgate, Mumbai 400 020 from 9.30 onwards on Thursday, 23rd February, 2012 Phone: 22021862/ 22855596

To Executive Director Bombay Management Association 9 Podar House, A Road, Churchgate, Mumbai: 400 020 Phone: 2204 7650 / 2204 9698 Fax: 22024743 Email: Please find our registration details as per following: (To be submitted on or before 14 th Feb.2012) along with fee of Rs. 1500 /Name of the Institute: _________________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Phone Numbers: ____________________________________________________________ Email: ____________________________________________________________________ Name of the Faculty Coordinator/Contact Person: __________________________________ Mob. No. & Email Id of the Faculty Coordinator/Contact Person: ___________________________________________________________________________ Details of the participating students: MMS / PGDBA No. Name (Surname first) Email ID 1 2 3 We here by register ourselves in the Dandekar Trophy Competition 2011 -12 organised by the Bombay Management Association and shall abide to the Rules and Regulations of the Dandekar Trophy Competition from time to time. Our cheque for Rs 1500/- per team is enclosed. Name of the Director: _______________________________________________________ Tel. Nos.__________________________ Signature: _____________________ Mobile No.____________________________ Date: _____________________ [Rubberstamp/Seal of the Institute] Phone Numbers

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