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A journey in pictures since 1998

Begun on the Commission Stage in 1998, these pictures share an ongoing story

The beginning: Commission Newspaper, Commission en Direct, March 1999

The last meeting of the first Solidarit team, February 1999. Solidarit founder, David Barnes from Australia, at back, middle right, in white.

And, in 2011, with the Missionaries of Charity soup kitchen, a Project that has been going basically every Stage since the beginning the Summer 2011 Solidarit Coordinator Shuveta Shikri in yellow, with friends.

Summer 2003 - Fair Trade promotion at a National Party gets us thinking

Helping the older folks at the home of the Little Sister of the Poor We know that when we give, we are happier in ourselves. And being happier within ourselves is one of the most important things we can have because it affects everything we do.

2001, Lovissa Lillihk (right) with friend working the Cloakroom,

Salsa Dance Lessons - raising funds and awareness of those in need. Performing here at the 2001 Spanish Party

Solidarit supports practical opportunities to help others and to be exposed to and increase understanding of humanitarian and social issues.

In 2010, 55 Solidarit cyclers rode 200km to raise awareness and funds for street children in Nepal.

Solidarit activities run by Project Leaders / Project Teams, or linked with subcommittee actions. 2003, an excursion with kids from Le Petit Chateau, Project Leader, Floris Vermeulen far right.

President Barroso joins Alexandre DAngelo (front left) and the Solar Solidarity project

Cycling from Brussels to Antwerp and Gent and back to Brussels - 2.5 days raising awareness and more than 8000 for street kids in Nepal

The word Solidarit is of course pronounced virtually the same in many different languages. It is all for one and one for all

2009, European Ball Cloakroom 3am

2008, Solidarit Calendar: Marta Borque, Anastasia Diamanti, Oana Dumitrescu, Liesa Naumann, CarolineVrancken & Hana Vranova

Promoting Fair Trade experiences at events

We all did a bit of this in solidarity for Solidarit reflecting, then sharing, then acting and then celebrating

Winter 2010/11, Central Charity fund cheque presentation for micro credit and training for women in West Bengal, India. Movers and shakers: Ciprian Begu, Ioana Leu and Zane Dziluma present cheque to Europe Third World

Your bags I presume Mesdemoiselles? (Will we ever forget the cloakroom?!)

2003, Solidarit Brussels half marathon (fundraising, pushing folks in wheelchairs for the journey?)

2006, Commissioner Potonik with a Solar Solidarity exhibition.

"The vision and commitment of Solidarit founder, David Barnes, has been a crucial constant in the growth of Solidarit over the years"

Why do we work for Solidarit and want it to grow? Because it gets us in touch with ourselves and with each other, because it helps others, because it leads by example, because these are global institutions and it would support and inspire the people in them and because it ignites the heart and the heart energy is the strongest energy we have.

Before his Stage, David met Mother Teresa who talked about physical and spiritual poverty and the happiness and meaning we get when we give this experience and message was a large part of the inspiration for starting Solidarit.

Robert Schuman said a spirit of goodwill is not enough, a structure is needed.

Brussels is one of the best places in the world to change the world.

Quotes and comments from Solidarit participants

Thanks again for all the motivation and help. For us it was really nice to work together - Solidarit was such a great experience that I'm going to miss it! There are many challenges that you have faced and worked with. It makes me smile to know of the efforts and the work you have done. 2011 Today we had the reception with the Commissioner to give the Solidarit Central Charity Fund (this Stage its for AFESIP - an association fighting against sexual exploitation of children and young women in Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam) and everyone thinks it has been a great success. People filled the room. We raised 20.000 Euro and we have more to give too. The Commissioner was very happy and supportive. Donatienne, Heidi and Maryse were there I want to thank them a lot. The Comit des stagiares congratulated us on the amount of money and on the organisation of the event and the representative from AFESIP was very happy. It's amazing because we are involving everybody here with our things, some officials for example sell pins from Solidarit to every single person they find. Besos, Amparo,2000

Solidarit is an extremely enriching and rewarding experience. It's the first time I have participated in this kind of charity activities, but I'm delighted to take part in it and hope to continue even after the Traineeship. 2005

I remember Mother Teresa's sisters; easily the best thing I did with my time as a stagiaire, office work was never really me. Solidarit made my stage, no doubt about that. Gerald, 2003

2001, Solidarit Farewell Reception.

Solidarit yoga Pub Quiz Pub Quiz

Solidarit Conference -- Women and the Right to Food, July 2011

Mark Irwin, fearless leader, Summer 2003

Solidarit is more than 'giving something back to the community its also about looking inward, challenging perceptions and choosing, sharing and living positive thoughts and values as we walk the short path of life.

and another Pub Quiz and another set of humanitarian questions to humble and enlighten us

Gerry Simpson and Valeria Passalacqua friends of Solidarit since 1998 Gerry, with ticket in his hand was technically working the cloakroom at the time

Presenting Solidarit to the Bureau des Stage and the Commission is valuable... here Ruth Mullally, Annabelle Vasseur, Lovissa Lillihook and Nial Cassidy share with the Head of Stage Office, Paschalis Papachristopolous, 2001

Cloakroom cash for those in need

Pub Quizz winners at La Fontaine, 1999 Refugee kids picnic

2005, David Barnes and the noble Jean Duriuex, RIP, a friend to Solidarit.

Mamma mia...what you do for charity ABBA, Nordic National Party

The Claokroomwere looking for a scarf back here

2012, Multi Kulti festival! Food Fair, dance workshop, culture corner & party to raise awareness & funds for a water project in Bolivia

2012, dedication, creativity and preparation for a cause the Solidarit fashion parade at the European Parliament

2011, Commission buildings, singing, Christmas time

Discussing, sharing, learning, empowering

Quotes and comments from Solidarit participants

Solidarit friends, You inspire so many people, it is rare to find such commitment and determination, thanks for sharing with us. I am working now in Mauritania. Relations with the EU suffer here; 'we are dysfunctioning' some of the EU staff say Its hard to understand how our integration programme seems to create confusion, stress and weak results Solidarits efforts go much further than Brussels they challenge the whole attitude of these Institutions in how they function, it is humanising and de-bureaucratizing having a wing of Solidarity in the Delegations could perhaps help to improve conditions for them here Many thanks, Big hug, Jess 2006 Email: sometimes the weight on people in life and the fear in the institutions is palpable... its really amazing; somehow Solidarit makes me feel its worth getting through this to help create happy tree huggers in spirit Email Response: THATs where we get the energy from to do all this. We say to ourselves, even if we struggle to implement solidarity, we can make people happier just by trying. Its all in the process, not in the result. Like life. Hmmmmm.... though i have to say that the thought of hugging a Brussels Commission official does not exactly set my potato on fire.

Solidarity with Solidarit

At the Celebration of 25 consecutive Stages of Solidarit, 2011

Good luck with the work prepared for the development of Solidarit, these bureaucrats live in an Orwellian world, they need to snap out of it and be more proactive, can't believe the nonsense they come up with, it is a thundering disgrace but yet commonplace in this troubled world, people of limited vision dominate the world's agenda and get in the way of solving a lot of the problems, HIV/AIDS in Africa being one of them, if it was their relations, their families, it would be a different story; when will they come to see that Solidarit should be something they are proud to support, its existence is proof that a bunch of highly educated and largely middle class kids from across the world are willing to get stuck in and get their hands dirty, they should be screaming this from the rafters , as we say over here, Tiocfaidh ar la, which is Irish for 'Our day will come', keep plugging away at the wall it will eventually crack. You are on a winner Gerry, Summer 2003

Solidarit half marathon team, 2003

Solidarit: you are an Inspiration to me as I am sure you are to others involved too. I feel so fortunate and yet so damn lucky. Andre 2005

The fact that the world can at times be a sad and dissatisfying place; that people occasionally feel unfulfilled or that life or the world is deeply unfair these are all reasons the principle that

Taking it to the people Solidarit sales and awareness, Winter 2007/8

there has to be more of a balance

lies deeply in the Solidarit idealism and philosophy.

Solidarit Dance Lessons for a cause

A Le Petit Chteau outing with refugee kids, Summer 2003

Solidarit Food and Cultural (and fun) Fair

Some: adventure belonging bonding ownership learning recognition defending supporting friendship some good ingredients

Connecting with the cause Bolivian dancers join us And yes Solidarit serving green tea make tea not war

With the football subcommittee and Schuman Trophy organisers - the Schuman Trophy that year helped fund projects for underprivileged children. Taking kids to the carousel for the first time in their lives

Solar Solidarity

With Petit Chateau kids, Summer 2003

Arantzazu Miralles at the Little Sisters of the Poor, 2001

From one dreamer to another, way to go! Hello Everybody! I really want to say you few words of my feeling for Solidarit. First of all in the name of the people of the Ecuadorian Amazon, thank you very much, for your unconditional work, long nights in the cloakrooms, for all the powerful sellers, for the meeting each week, the fantastic speeches (of future revolutionaries), thanks for all the people close to the projects and helped even with little things or wished us good luck. I learnt wonderful things and I have brought you with me in my memories and heart - and the people in Ecuador will be happy with the story of Solar Solidarity! I wish you the best in your life and remember when you have some troubles dont forget the words PURA VIDA! and share the good feeling of Solidarit with your friends - you can change the world with few things dont forget that! PURA VIDA para todos, Y gracias otra vez
Team players. At the 25 Stage celebration. Berlaymont, Feb, 2011.

Dear all, on 12th March, Roby & I will present Solidarit to the next stagiaires in Luxembourg intending to motivate them. Our efforts this Stage paid off & we made a good profit. It is a great satisfaction because this is the first time Solidarit activities were done in Luxembourg. For us it was really nice to work together. Our activities supported a Romania Franciscan Foundation for Children. In fact we are meeting in order to visit them - we would like to do more than just sending money and want to see and to promote their activities. It was a great experience to work for Solidarit with you! I really hope future stagiaires can continue what we started this year. Roberta 2004

Hes such a nice guy

Fair Trade display at the Charlemagne, 2003

With kids from Le Petit Chateau

Former Head of the Bureau des Stages, Joan Scott, joins in to mark and celebrate action, 1999

Running together for a cause this is fun!

Commissioner Andris Piebalgs joins in

Commissioner Vassiliou buying a calendar at the celebration for the th 25 consecutive Stage of Solidarit she bought two! 2011

On the way to visit folks who live at Gare du Nord

Central Charity Fund cheque, Summer 2011: to install a solar energy water-pump for a medical clinic in a village in western Madagascar. Movers and shakers join Shuveta Sekhri, centre, to present the cheque. Maria Hadjimichael one of the 3 fearless leaders of the 2011/12 Stage

led bravely along with Maria Aranha Moreira Sales, (in black) and in picture right, Carolina Guimaraes!

1998, the first Solidarit Clothes collection 300 big bags, collected from 53 Commission buildings

2012, Robert and friends - Congolese fashion parade to raise awareness and funds for medical equipment in the Congo

Solidarit face painting project for a good cause

Winter 98/99, a Central Charity Fund cheque presentation; 23,145 for an orphanage in the former Soviet Republic of Georgia.

Solidarit brought me closer community.

to the


It gave me contact with people who I would not normally have the opportunity to meet and talk to. It is a great sharing experience.
Preparing food packages for people living on the street

Some of the Commission en Direct Solidarit stories over the years

Solidarit conference for a cause

Linking and becoming part of the Schuman Trophy, selling refreshments and Solidarit merchandise for charity

Csilla Szab and friends sold Easter eggs (and brownies) made according to Eastern European tradition to raise funds for a water pump in Madagascar 2011 (each egg took an average 1 hour to prepare)

Solidarit fashion parade, European Parliament, helping victims of AIDS.

Solidarit has produced several cook books over the years linked to helping others with recipes from trainees all over the world - sharing a meal is a way to share life

Solidarit cup: Conscience keeps more people awake than coffee

Solidarit parties

.linked to helping others

Above, Joan Scott and Commissioner Vassiliou watch Emmanouil Athanassiou, fearless leader, Winter 2002/3, speak at th the 25 Stage of Solidarit celebrations, and below, hand art at the celebrations.

Erika, Veronika, Nadia and Leila at the Solidarity/Environment Subcommittees Fish it up` party to fund a small-scale fisheries project to improve the wellbeing of people suffering from malnutrition and unemployment.

So many Central Charity Fund causes

I just got back from the reception organised by Solidarit with Commissioner Nielson to hand over 20.000 Euro for the Central Charity Fund. That was awesome".

Ciprian Begu, fearless leader, Winter 2010/11

Inspiring speech Summer 2011 Coordinator Shuveta Shikri

Solidarit 25 Stages celebration, February 2011. L to R: Joan Scott, former head of the Bureau Des Stages, Donatienne Claeys-Bouuaert, formerly from ECHO (both of whom made beginning Solidarit possible), David Barnes and long term supporters Evalyne Soetewey and Maryse Robert (absent, Heidi Fuehrmann)

Some of the Central Charity Funds in pictures below. The Central Charity Fund has now collected over 400,000 for projects all over the world. Adding all fundraising, including National Parties, Solidarit has raised over 1.8million .

many times, many people put their best foot forward

Creativity, freedom and caring

We are many and one

Promoting a cultural night - discussion, presentation, music, dancing, food and film for an irrigation project in Bolivia do people have this much enthusiasm in the office?!

Commissioner Androulla Vassiliou, Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth, with Solidarit fashion parade at the th 25 Stage of Solidarit celebrations

Imagination, a cloakroom, a cause, a party hanging out and working with friends

Paolo Gomes, Paula Pinho and Laurie Queron at a Franco-German National Party Cloakroom. 1999.

Leila Stehlik-Barry and Silvia Segade-Sanz present a Central Chairty Fund cheque to Europe Third World - for hospital equipment and a fisheries for those suffering malnutrition and unemployment. 2012

Joining friends from the Congo in a fashion parade at the Commission, supporting childrens medical supplies

2007, at Le Petit Chateau refugee centre the Christmas celebration

Supporting a Charity Art Auction

Examples of linking with a local NGO Serve the City we can join to help the homeless, asylum seekers, disabled, elderly, children in need, victims of abuse etc. Working under a motto of We know them by their needs. What if we knew them by name?

Environment clean-up

Dancing lessons with the elderly or marginalised

Selling food at the DEVCO Charity Art Auction for Solidarity and Veronikas kitchen, where much of it was prepared

At the Solidarit Eurovision Traffic light party, jointly organized for a good cause with the Speed-dating Subcommittee 2012

Multicultural Frank Sinatra fundraising at a Euro Ball, 1999.

Visiting those who dont get visits

Some of the crowd at the celebration for the 25th Stage of Solidarit, Berlaymont building, Feb 2011.

Many hands make light work preparing food (above) and clothes (below) to take to the homeless

Closing Conference summarising solidarity activities at the end of a Stage.

Doing a long-haul bike adventure together for awareness and care.

Going out together for a good cause

And, what its all for

Copy and paste the link below to see a video of where we did it, and with who:!__photos-videos/video-diary-2010-11

Solidarit works: conscious of the responsibility to make a positive difference in our personal and global world conscious of the responsibility to motivate and encourage others to promote harmonious environments and peace conscious of the responsibility to bring hope, and to help provide practical opportunities through which the hearts, hands and minds of those involved can be applied with respect and compassion for the benefit of others

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