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Project Media Across the Curriculum

Aim: The project aims to provide sta with crea5ve and innova5ve ideas for use of media technology to facilitate learning across the whole school curriculum. By training sta in the use of iPods and iPads in small pockets of the curriculum to iden5fy where developments/crea5vity can have impact for departments. Resources (including facili&es, Success Criteria training, sta development and cos&ng) Obtain the equipment to be Research the most appropriate iPod touch 4G 8GB x 5 A class set of equipment that able to run the project technology that has the most parasync doc enables learners to access a impact on learning Wireless connec@vity range of media tools for the iPads and apple TV least amount of money. In addi@on teacher equipped with iPads Find out the poten@al of the Extensive research into SB to possibly visit schools The clear plan of ac@on will project and look at what is pedagogical approaches to already using these ini@a@ves become clearer as a picture already happening using technology and the emerges of the poten@al. impact that this could have on the students. To make links to curriculum Pitch the idea to sta and ask SB to deliver idea to sta? areas and to look for the need them to submit requests for across the school. the equipment and how it could impact on their curriculum area. Bid for the iPad in their department. Target/Objec&ves Ac&on Person(s) responsible and date for comple&on SB to research and place order. Beginning of the summer term

SB to research. By Summer term

Sta inspired by the idea and SB prior to the summer term opportunity and submiOng their requests.

To begin planning 1st phase training and planning projects with measures of success in place

Implementa@on of the projects in departments.

Launch the project idea to HODs demonstra@ng the impact and highligh@ng the benets.

Planning mee@ng with Sta @me and training led by To nd that sta have found Media sta to run twilight successful sta followed by SB the technology suppor@ve of INSET training in the the delivery of the project. SB RB and GB to support these learning and simple to use or technology. As soon as the and RB to be in aQendance to sessions and to work alongside at least building their technology has been installed. iron out any issues with the sta in planning and condence in the technology. technology and to facilitate suppor@ng their ideas. To develop meaningful goals training in using the Apple mobile learning suite for sta with measurable technology to support impact. learning. Sta to develop small obtainable projects to explore crea@vity and innova@on in their delivery. Create measurable ideas looking at impact on sta and students. Sta to be given @me to To begin hearing success SB and RB to meet regularly complete their projects. SB stories based on live classroom with sta. GB to support sta and RB to divide the groups to prac@ce and that sta are with technical support specic sta with developing condence in the implementa@on. ideas, checking progress and technology to support their providing on going support. GB teaching. to support all groups technically. To aQend and deliver SB Deliver a presenta@on to To create a whole school drive SB to manage and observe the presenta@on to HODs to get sta. to use technology to enhance project. them to use the technology Planning sheet - @mescale/ delivery of the Curriculum. To Media Technician GB to and then consider their own outcome/target group/ ensure that media literacy is support the use of technology. project work using the mobile Apple mobile learning suite truly embedded in the whole HODs to innovate and deliver learning suite. To book in school Curriculum. By the end of the academic space and @me for the year review the progress and equipment to be used giving possibly follow up with further each project a @mescale and ideas. outcome.

Facilitate further project work To keep going back to HODs SB to manage across the whole school. so as a project ends another Apple mobile learning suite begins. Look to whole school Media technician to support projects that we can work on to enhance the whole school use of media technology. Branching out into other aspects of the schools provision.

To make the technology apart of our everyday considera@on when lesson planning and curriculum planning.

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