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By 1NZ11MBA12


Profile of the company

Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited is a state-owned telecommunications company headquartered in New Delhi, India. BSNL is one of the largest cellular service provider, with over 81 million subscribers as of October 2010 and the largest land line telephone provider in India. .

To provide world class State-of-art technology telecom services to its customers on demand at competitive prices To Provide world class telecom infrastructure in its area of operation and to contribute to the growth of the country's economy.

Talent management refers to the skills of attracting highly skilled workers, of integrating new workers, and developing and retaining current workers to meet current and future business objectives. Talent management is also known as Human Capital Management Talent management is the conscious, deliberate approach undertaken to attract, develop and retain people with the aptitude and abilities to meet current and future organizational needs. Talent management brings together a number of important Human resources and management initiatives. Hence, it is very much important to retain the talents in the organization. Talent retention refers to the various policies and practices which let the employees stick to an organization for a longer period of time. It is an improved version of the job satisfaction. If an employee is engaged in his work, naturally he will be committed to it, and along with organization

How to help employees get engaged in their work?

Match job/role to personal abilities Everyone are passionate about something. And everyone has things they can do , but dont really like to. Hence it is better to match job to the personal abilities of the employees.

Thank employees for their efforts Be sure to acknowledge progress, not just results. People need to know if theyre doing what you need them to do in the way you need it to be done.

Help employees see the greater meaning and purpose in their work.

Statement of the problem

Statement of the problem is A study on talent management at BSNL The main objective of each and every organization is to reduce employee turnover by retaining their valuable employees and increase the profit of the firm by increasing the productivity of their employees. It is possible through employee retention. One of the methods to retain the valuable employees is employee engagement. Employee engagement is a step ahead than satisfaction. It is an alignment of maximum satisfaction with maximum contribution. It is figuring that how much of workers are emotionally bounded or committed to the organization. An engaged employee feels proud in working for his/her organization. They believe in the values of the company. So if the company wants to increase the productivity of the workers, and if the company wants to retain its best employees, it needs to engage its employees to the maximum. So if an organization is able to judge the engagement level of its employees towards their job it will help the organization to take adequate measures to increase the engagement level of the employees and thereby increase the profitability of the organization.

Scope of the study

Survey was conducted in the BSNL. The study is intended to:Understand the organizations goals/needs.

Understand employees experiences and expectations in their working with the organization. Enable employees participation in the study. Determine retention measure and the key drivers of talent retention. Determine key strength areas that need to be consolidated. Determine key areas for intervention to enhance talent retention.

Talent retention is one of the key contributors to an organizations growth. It has a direct impact on the quality of work and customer service as well as retention of employee.

Objectives of the study

To identify the effectiveness of existing talent retention activities at BSNL.

To identify which talent retention activity is best suited for the company.

To study the needs of employees towards talent retention.

To know the main drivers for talent retention.

To seek the opinions of the employees towards talent retention in the company.

To know the leadership styles and superior subordinate relationship which are followed in the organization.

To study the prevailing organization culture in the organization.

Sources of data
Primary data are those collected by the investigator himself for the first time and thus they are original in character. Primary data are of two types. 1. Direct data 2. Indirect data Direct data will be made through an unstructured personal interview and indirect data collection will be made through questionnaire. Secondary data are those that have been already collected by other persons for their purpose. Secondary data for this study will be collecting from websites, journals, textbooks and internet.

Sampling is one of the major tools for conducting the research. It helps in collecting, analyzing and interpreting data. . About 30 respondents in the company will be taken as sample respondents.


The study is based upon both primary and secondary data. Primary data is collected through issuing questionnaire to the employees. Questionnaire contains structured or unstructured questions. Here structured questions are asked to the employees. Unstructured questions are open ended questions that respondents answer in their own words.

Structured questions are those standardized and no variation is permitted in terms of working of questions between different interviewers. Structure questions may be multiple choice, scale etc. Here questions are having the multiple choice answers in which an employee had to select one best answer and that answer is supported with the scale 1,2,3,4, and 5. The secondary data is collected from articles, magazines, some reports, websites, and from records maintained by company.

Tools for data collection

Questionnaire and personal interview will be used to obtain the primary data. Secondary data will be collected from the company profile, journals and internet.

Plan of analysis
The data collected through questionnaires will be tabulated in percentage form and represented in the form of Graphs and Charts.

Limitations of the study

During this study, the following constraints were faced by the researcher.

Time will be the major constraint for the study.

Researcher was restricted to get samples from the entire department as they were busy with their schedule. So, if the sample size was larger, more accurate figures could have been derived.

The analysis of the questionnaire was based on the same assumptions that, if employees rated the statements in questionnaire as strongly agree then it is assumed that they are fully engaged, if they rated as agree then it is assumed that they are almost engaged, if they rated as neutral then it is assumed that they are moderately engaged/disengaged, and if they rated as disagree it is assumed that they are almost disengaged, finally if they rated as strongly disagree, it is assumed that they are fully disengaged towards work and towards company.

Results derived from this organization need not be applied in other organizations as it is based on the views of employees who are different from one another

CHAPTER SCHEME The overview of the chapter scheme is as follows.

CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION Provides details of the topic understudy and present a short theoretical background of study. CHAPTER II: RESEARCH DESIGN Gives details about the statement of the problem, scope of the study, objectives, tools and techniques used for data collection.



This chapter gives the details of the organization. CHAPTER IV: ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION Includes the analysis of the data collected in the survey. Relevant inferences are drawn from the analysis and are presented in this chapter. CHAPTER V: FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS This chapter gives the summary of the findings drawn from the survey. It also includes some recommendations.

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