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Clenth Florentino

Engineering Management

An Interview with the Managing Director/COO of SC Global Coco Products Inc. , Mr. Emmanuel Licup, was conducted last October 5, 2012, Friday; regarding the companys management.

Visayas State University Visca, Baybay City, Leyte

Management training plays a key role in the success of a business. It helps employees understand the importance of their role in the business, introduces important skills that improve their efficiency, and motivates them to play a big role in the longterm success of the business.

Benefits of Management Training

A well thought-out, comprehensive management guidance program can be a great tool to professionalize family business management. It clearly defines the role of various employees from entry-level workers to managers in the business and makes them understand the importance of the same. It also discovers the managerial and leadership skills hidden in people.

A good business management training program encourages people to think big. It encourages employees, particularly those who are young and dynamic, to come up with new ideas and perspectives that might be of great value to the business. It helps them understand the core values of the business, gives them a good idea of the direction in which the business is going, and prepares them to play a bigger role in making the business more profitable.

In partial fulfillment of the course Engineering Management, the proponent conducted an interview with the Managing Director/COO of SC Global Coco Products, Inc. last October 5, 2012.

The Interview was planned ahead of time with the following procedures:

1. Selection of Company to be interviewed

Technical Supervisor of SPMI (Special Pulp Manufacturing, Inc.) ----- Failure

2. Drafting of Questionnaire: ( See Appendix 1) 3. Drafting of Letter: (See Appendix 2)

Signed by the Instructor and the Department Head

4. Confirmation of the Appointment-------------------------------------------------Failure

(Since the Technical Manager of SPMI, Engr. Jay Jo, has filed a sick leave for a week)

5. Alternative Companies to be Interviewed: ( Ambush Interview)

HR Manager of (Special Pulp Manufacturing, Inc.) ----------------------Failure

Manager of Visayan Oil Mill, Inc--------------------------------------------Failure

Managing Director Of SC Global Coco Products, Inc--------------------Success

6. Interview proper

Wearing of proper attire was observed.

Selection of Company to be interviewed Drafting of Questionnaire

Sending of Letter

Confirmation if the Letter is received


Interview Proper

SC Global Coco Products, Inc. was established in 2006 - a product of more than 2 decades' experience in the Philippine coconut and petroleum industries in such companies as KC Copra Trading , Worldwide Coco Products, Inc., Universal Star Petroleum Corporation and New Millennium Petroleum Corporation. Equipped with much knowledge, its founders are giving way to a company that will develop the resources available in our lush archipelago of roughly 7,100 islands and turn them into products that are beneficial to the great majority while keeping nature intact. The Philippines is one of the world's leading coconut-producing countries. No other country is more poised for coconut production than ours. Many regions in the Philippines have abundant coconut trees, providing our people with healthy food and drinks. Although Filipinos have always cherished this green fruit because of its many alternative uses, only in recent years have the coconut been elevated to a higher standing because of its health benefits that encompass many other fruits'.

SC Global Coco Products, Inc. is based in Caridad, Baybay, Leyte, Philippines, where one of the country's largest coconut populations are located. It is here, alongside our properlytrained and educated coconut farmers, where we source the best coconuts in the country for organic products of the highest quality. In this town situated within the Visayan group of islands, coconut trees are so abundant they grow from the lowest to the highest points of mountains. In this land, SC Global is perpetuating ecological balance while achieving corporate targets and fulfilling socio-cultural obligations.

As Chief Operating Officer of SC Global Coco Products, Inc. is a person that is accountable for the development of strategic marketing and sales plans to boost profits and efficiency. The person is in charge of coordinating the efforts of various departments, such as legal, finance, marketing and sales, to meet company goals.




Officer, Emmanuel S. Licup has witnessed how his

organization has changed its face and slowly accommodated itself to the needs of a more racially and ethnically diverse population.



The companys mission is to create a Filipino-owned company that produces only premier organic products of global excellence while nurturing reciprocal relationships with their clients and therefore, their customers. They strive to solidify our company's position in the market by effectively chartering strategic steps that ensure the growth of our company in all aspects. They exert effort in continuously developing their people so they may realize their full potential and cultivate their organization as one.

They envision SC Global Corporation as a leader in manufacturing organic exportquality products, confident to stand by each part and parcel that comes out of our production. It is a corporation that moves forward with continuous improvement, relying on its people and its learning from the past to shape its bright future as a pioneer in the industry. From the beginning, SC Global Coco Products, Inc. has been adamant in making sure that while our company grows, so should our farmers and employees. They contract banana and coconuts from independent farmers certified under our organic program. They provide training for their farmers on a regular basis, making sure that they are up-to-date and informed of new organic procedures. Their products have not come in contact with fertilizers or pesticides and follow global organic standards. Their coconut farms and banana plantations adhere strictly to


practices. They strive to improve the farming landscape in our province of Leyte. They believe in

empowering independent farmers and giving them a financial boost while encouraging them to plant and sustain the growth of only quality coconuts and bananas. They sustainability is the believe that future.

For the past years, they have been doing business with numerous like-minded companies from different countries. As they extend our organic practices from their farms to homes around the globe, they stay committed to the same ideals. This is why they look forward to working with companies that are one step ahead with visions that surpass profitability and at the same time, look towards the growth and good of every individual.

Speaking of the future, they promote kindness to the environment and leave as little a footprint as possible on the environment. They do this by using available resources in our area wisely and as much as we can while limiting wastage. In this way, we pass on more to the generations that come after.

Companys Strategies
SC Global Coco Products, Inc. employs a computerized system of tracing their coconuts to every certified organic coconut farm. In addition to this, every product is inspected in their Quality Assurance Department and is assigned a lot number. They conduct regular training to keep our farmers informed about the organic system.

Their employees attend regular training and seminars on food safety and organic practices.

Their marketing department is always ready to listen to your queries and suggestions. SC Global Coco Products, Inc. is certified safe and organic by external certifying bodies (Ecocert and SGS) to guarantee their pledge to you.

They can help you expand customers market because we are both Kosher and Halal certified.

Have the company already achieved its goals?

According to Mr. Licup, For the past 6 years of operation, the company has already earned more than enough to cover for the investment they have recently made and in fact the company is already expanding and building a new facility which is the coconut water factory.

How is Mr S. Emmanuel S. Licup as a manager?

How did keep the long-term goal of the company? We keep the company's long-term goals by treating this goal as our main direction and all their efforts are geared towards moving the company towards that direction.E. Licup Does he trust others to do what is needed to do the overall goals?

The company works as a team. It is always better to work as a team; delegate functions and duties and be very clear with the line of authority so that accountability can be established in the course of our day to day activities.--E. Licup Does he enjoy experimenting or innovating even if failure is possible? "Yes! Everybody in the company has the freedom to fail because it's only through that way that we learn to achieve our goals"--E. Licup Does he like to have a number of options to choose from before making any decision? As always, as a protocol. It would always be better to have alternative options to choice from when it comes to decision-making-- E. Licup How does he keep everyone on track?

By monitoring their performances closely and provide regular feedbacks. He gets shift
production reports, which come thrice a day. At the start of each day, he evaluates the performance of each shift and the quality of the product they produce. And anytime within the day should I have questions and clarifications to make or should I want modifications in the production run, immediately I amable to communicate to those who are responsibleE. Licup Does he make his values, beliefs and leadership philosophy clear to all? Yes, it helps a lot It is very difficult to move into one direction when your team doesn't believe or follow the beliefs and traditions that you want them to go through in the same manner as the management would want them to be" Does fit people to jobs or jobs to people in order to get work done efficiently?

Both, there are certain type of jobs where the available skills are not within your facility that is why multi-tasking will come in and you just have to look for those people who are willing to learn. That is when we fit people to jobs Fitting people to Jobs: Routine and repetitive tasks make worker suffer from chronic dissatisfaction. To avoid this, the following remedies may be adopted; Realistic job previews Job rotation Limited exposure Fitting jobs to people. Instead of changing the person, management may consider changing the job. This may be achieve with job enlargement and job enhancement How do you keep your subordinates motivated? Always, in regular meetings, I always see to it that those people who performed well are given recognition and appreciation, Those people who need to catch up with the rest, their attention is called and is encouraged to do so.E.Licup

Companys design control program

The Company already incorporates and utilizes the latest technology; PLC's in all system, sensors, automated alarms. Despite the advent and availability of better technology regular monitoring is still implemented.

In the company, where do the following reports? QA/QC Manager------------- Managing Director Chief Inspector---------------Managing Director
The Quality personnel have the authority to stop production if the quality requirements are not met.

Steps taken to review and evaluate customers requirements prior to accepting the order
Request the buyer to provide the company with the product specifications they want to buy from the company Compare the buyer's specification with the product specification that the company have for their product. If in case the costumer's specification is beyond and way below the range of the company's product specs.. the company now come in terms with the buyer of what level are they going to meet. otherwise, no problem.

Quality records/ documents controlled in the company:

1. Quality Assurance Product Monitoring Reports -- covers the entire operation per shift

2. Shipping, Loading, and Refilling Quality Assurance Report 3. Quality Assurance Certificates--indicates the type of quality in relation to the parameters required by the buyer Normally, Quality Assurance Reports are kept by the company within the period of 5 years that is twice more than the shelf-life of the company's product.

Company's Criteria in selecting Suppliers and Sub-contractors:

The company refers to the Supplier Accreditation and Verification Program which outlines what requirements suppliers need to provide for Supplier and Sub-contarctors to be accredited with the company

Procurement quality control activities to ensure that your ordered items conform to specified requirements
Each item that the company want to purchase whether these are packaging materials, raw materials, or supplies to the operation would each have a specification. The Purchase Order indicates the specification of each item; any delivery not conforming to this specification shall be rejected. During Deliveries the company have an incoming material inspection to be conducted before the delivery will be received. These are properly documented for purposes of traceability and lot control. The purchasing &delivery activity is part of the company's prerequisite program for a good manufacturing practice. That is why, when you deliver to SC Global that you

complied to the specification of purchase order issued to you otherwise, the delivery would be rejected.

Mr. Licups Words for students!

"Do not simply go to school because you want to have a degree, Go to School to LEARN ,learn as much as you can and be open to new technologies"

Lessons Learned: There are important lessons that the proponent learned along the conduct of the project. 1. Technical aspects of creating Business letter 2. Formulating own Questionnaire 3. Dealing and talking to people of higher position 4. Value Time 5. Being Humble 6. Patience and Perseverance

My conversation with Managing Director/COO of SC Global Coco Products, Inc., Emmanuel S. Licup, has showed that the SC Global is rather successful in meeting the major goals of the company.




1. What







company? 2. What are the primary goals/objectives of the

company? Can you say that the company has already achieved its goals? How do you manage to keep these long-term goals? Do you trust others to do what is needed to do the overall goals? 3. Do you as a manager; enjoy experimenting/

innovating even if failure is possible? 4. Do you like to have a number of options to choose from before making any decision?

5. How do you keep everyone on track? Do you monitor performances closely and provide regular feedbacks? 6. Does the company have some old and outdated ways of doing things? Are you open to challenging these? If so, how?

7. Do you make your values, beliefs and leadership philosophy clear to all? Does it help? How? 8. In order to get work done efficiently. Do fit

people to jobs or jobs to people. 9. How do you keep your subordinates motivated? 10. Can you describe your design control program.










personnel independent of other activities such as design, production, etc.? To whom do the following report to: QA Manager QC Manager Chief Inspector Do the Quality personnel have the authority to stop production if the quality requirements are not met? 12. What are the steps taken to review and evaluate requirements prior to accepting the

customers order ?


What are the quality records/documents that are

controlled in your company. What is the retention period ? 14. What are your criteria in selecting suppliers

and sub-contractors? Describe your procurement quality control activities to ensure that your ordered items conform to specified requirements. 15. What advice can you give us as a student in our studies well and as well as in


becoming future manager?

Visayas State University Visca, Baybay City, Leyte 6521-A Engr. Jay Jo Technical Supervisor SPMI, Special Pulp Manufacturing Inc. Brgy. Hilapnitan, Baybay City, Leyte 6521 October 9, 2012 Engr. Jay Jo, Supervisor:

We, Clenth Florentino and Rhea Vilbar are both fourth year Civil Engineering students. In partial fulfillment of our course in Engineering Management, our partnership was assigned to interview a staff or personnel in the management department in your company, Special Pulp Manufacturing Inc. (SPMI) related to management. In connection to this, we would like to perhaps take some of your time either on Wednesday or Thursday, October 10 and11 at your convenience to interview you on the matter. However, on such cases that our set date do not coincide with your schedule, please inform us at your earliest convenience, through the mobile numbers and e-mail printed below.


Clenth Florentino Phone: 091226777013 E-mail: Rhea Vilbar Phone: 09077824865 E-mail: Noted by: Engr. Ryan A. Padernilla Instructor 1

Engr. Epifania G. Loreto Head, Department of Civil Engineering

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