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Classification : Magnetic Materials Diamagnetic Paramagnetic Ferromagnetic Antiferromagnetic Ferrimagnetic

When H 0, M=0 H=0 M 0 When H0, M= -ve, B= 0(H+M) < 0H (B0) ( ) ( dia =M/H= -ve & Small e.g., Si = -5.2 10-6

Negative r (= 1+ ) is slightly less than 1

Cause : Lenz Law to Orbiting electrons (flux change due to external field is opposed by electrons) They speeds up or down so as to generate opposite flux, i.e., -ve induced moment (hence ve M) , , ( ) (refer Griffiths, Ch. 6) They repel Mag. Field
A diamagnet placed in a non- Materials with closed shells/subshells are diamagnetic, u o uniform B0 experiences a e pe e ces e.g., e g covalent/many ionic solid (atom=0) Cu Zn etc. 0), Cu, Zn, etc force towards smaller B0. 1Fig 8.12 This repels the diamagnetic material away from magnet. EPL206-18........From Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices, Third Edition, S.O. Kasap ( McGraw-Hill, 2005)


Paramagnetic Materials
para = +ve & Small e.g., O2 gas = 2.1 10-6
a) M increases with H b) M decreases with increase in T c) Langevins theory,

a) Each individual atom possesses a permanent magnetic moment atom; due to thermal agitation there is no average moment per atom and M = 0. b) In the presence of an applied field, individual magnetic moments take alignments along the applied field and M i finite and along B li d fi ld d is fi it d l B.
2Fig 8.13

M 0 n m 2 PM = = H 3kT d) e- spin contribute to m, e) Normally metals are PM f) Interaction between neighboring spins or m is small

EPL206-18........From Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices, Third Edition, S.O. Kasap ( McGraw-Hill, 2005)

A paramagnetic material placed in a non-uniform magnetic field experiences a force towards greater fields. This attracts the paramagnetic material (e.g. liquid oxygen) towards a permanent (e g liq id o gen) to ards magnet. 3Fig 8.14
EPL206-18........From Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices, Third Edition, S.O. Kasap ( McGraw-Hill, 2005)

Pauli Spin Paramagnetism

(conduction electrons spin in Metals)

Both spin bands are Equally occupied

Spin z // B0 has lower PE

Electrons with spin dn NEAR EF finds When B0=0, Energies of the up and vacant states with spin up They flip th i i dl th i down moments i same. (n = n) Th fli their spins and lower their E d t is by 4Fig 8.14 moving to spin up-band n >n net moment along B EPL206-18........From Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices, Third Edition, S.O. Kasap ( McGraw-Hill, 2005)

Pauli Spin Paramagnetism

Net moment depends on HOW MANY ELECTRONS CHANGE BANDS Lowering of energy of Spins in Spin up band = s z B0 = B0 Increase in energy of Spins in Spin down band = s z B0 = B0 Total change = E = 2B0 All electrons in spin dn having energy within E near EF transfer ( ne per unit volume) f (= i l ) ne= g(EF)(E) = g(EF)(E) (since g(EF) = g (EF) ) Magnetic moment of dn-band by ne, and that of other by ne dn band net magnetic moment /vol = 2 ne s z
1 1 1 M 2ne s z = 2 g ( EF ) E = g ( EF ) (2 B0 ) 2 2 2 M para = o 2g ( EF ) B0 0

Pauls susceptibility Materialsis independent of Temperature EPL206-18........From Principles of Electronic spin and Devices, Third Edition, S.O. Kasap ( McGraw-Hill, 2005)

5Fig 8.14

Temperature dependence of para(T)

Curie : Curie - Weiss :


C = T

Radius=1 Langevin (1905) : each molecule/atom has same net moment (randomly oriented when H=0M(0)=0) In presence of H, alignment is opposed by thermal agitations of atoms, leading to partial alignment small positive susceptibility Effect to T: more randomization decrease of (=M/H) with T n=atoms/vol, each having moment . t / l hh i t 6Fig 8.14 No of moments dn oriented between within d dA = 2 sin d
EPL206-18........From Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices, Third Edition, S.O. Kasap ( McGraw-Hill, 2005)

With H, each moment has a PE, Ep = -H cos At T, the probability of an atom having energy Ep exp(-Ep/kT) , p y g gy p p( ) dn = K dA exp(-Ep/kT)= K 2 exp[(-H cos )/kT] sin d, where K is a proportionality factor determined by n

dn = n

With = H / kT , 2 K e cos sin d = n


Total moment along H/vol, M = cos dn

M = 2K e


sin cos d =

n e

0 cos

sin cos d

e cos sin d

Put x = cos and dx = sin d M= n xe x dx

1 1 1

e x dx

e + e 1 1 = n = n coth e e 7Fig 8.14

EPL206-18........From Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices, Third Edition, S.O. Kasap ( McGraw-Hill, 2005)

n = M0= maximum possible moment (perfect alignment, T=0)

M 1 = coth M0

2 5 coth = Langevin function = L( ) = + . ..if 1. 3 45 945 Large (low T) : L( ) 1 1 For < 0.5 L( ) st. line with slope 1/3; i.e., L( ) = /3 n n ( H / kT ) n 2 n 2 C M= = = 8Fig 8.14 = = H 3 3 3kT 3kT T
EPL206-18........From Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices, Third Edition, S.O. Kasap ( McGraw-Hill, 2005)

Ferromagnetic Materials

In a magnetized region (DOMAIN) of a ferromagnetic material such as iron all the magnetic moments are spontaneously aligned in the same direction. There is a strong magnetization vector M even in the absence of an applied field In H=0, M0 . a e a is said to possess spontaneous magnetization. 0, 0 .material s sa d o spo ta eous ag etizatio . M is NON-LINEARLY related to B or 0H At very high field M saturates FM is caused by EXCHANGE INTERCTIONS For T >TC, FM becomes Paramagnet. 8.15 9Fig Below TC, Mag. PE < kT ( alignment)
EPL206-18........From Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices, Third Edition, S.O. Kasap ( McGraw-Hill, 2005)

Antiferromagnetic (AF) Materials

In antiferromagnetic BCC crystal (Cr), the magnetic moment of the center atom is cancelled by the magnetic moments of the corner y g atoms (an eighth of the corner atom belongs to the unit cell). If H=0,M=0 (due to cancellation) AF is SMALL and +ve At T > TN (NEEL temperature), AF becomes PM Th opposite alignments are due to Quant. Mech. Exchange Forces The it li t d t Q t M h E h F
10Fig 8.16
EPL206-18........From Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices, Third Edition, S.O. Kasap ( McGraw-Hill, 2005)

Ferrimagnetic Materials Fe3O4 (Ferrites) =(Fe+2O)(Fe+32O3)

All A-atoms have their spins aligned in one direction and all B-atoms have their spins aligned in the opposite direction. Moment of A atom > that of B-atom, non-zero M in the crystal Si il to FM, for T >TC, they b Similar FM f T h become PM They have high resistivity Eddy current losses are very small they have wide applications in high frequency electronics They possess DOMAINs and exhibit BH hysteresis curves 11Fig 8.17
EPL206-18........From Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices, Third Edition, S.O. Kasap ( McGraw-Hill, 2005)

Transition Metals Fe, Co, Ni - are FM at RT Rare Earth Metals Gd (at RT) & Dy (below 85K) is FM The isolated Fe t Th i l t d F atom [A ]3d64 2 h a spin magnetic moment of 4 [Ar]3d 4s has i ti t f

Hund s Hunds rule for an atom with many electrons is based on the exchange interaction. Hunds rule : Electrons in the same n, l orbitals prefer their spins to be parallel (same ms) EXCHANGE INTERACTION is a joint consequence of PAULIs EXCLUSION principle & Electrostatic interaction. This exchange interaction forces two electrons to take ml and ms values that result in the minimum 8.18 electrostatic energy. 12Fig In an atom, EX. INT. of Electronic Materials-and Devices, Thirdsame ms but different ml EPL206-18........From Principles forces 2 e to take Edition, S.O. Kasap ( McGraw-Hill, 2005)

BAND THEORY (1933-36, Stoner, Mott & Slater applied Band theory to magnetic solids) Knowledge of TC predicts exchange field of 109 A/m for Fe These fields are 10,000 time stronger than lab fields (electromagnets) Blocal can also not yield this (M/3), e.g., Fe ( /3 1 14/3 l i ld hi ( /3) (M/3=1714/3=575 kA/m) kA/ ) Heissenberg (1928, QM) proposed q.m. exchange forces 1929, QM to H2 molecule Coulomb/Electrostatic Interaction between e-s and protons of the two nuclei is affected by the e- SPIN orientation In H2, anti-Parallel spins yields attractive forces - stable H2 Exchange force is a consequence of Paulis exclusion principle, applied to 2 atoms (2 e-s i 2 H-atoms h li d in H have same E when spins anti-//) h i i //) r r Heissenberg Exchange Energy term, Eex = 2 J ex Si S j = 2 J ex Si S j cos Jex=exchange integral, sign depends upon rat/r3d [FM: +ve J, AF: -ve J]
13Fig 8.20
EPL206-18........From Principles of predicted about it magnetic McGraw-Hill, 2005) H2-simple; Fe cannot beElectronic Materials and Devices, Third Edition, S.O. Kasap (state from its Z=26

Bethe-Slater curve
Though none of the Mn, Cu, Sn, or Al are FM, yet alloys such as MnBi, Cu2MnSn, Cu2MnAl are FM ! The exchange integral as a function of r/rd, where r is the interatomic distance and rd the radius of the d-orbit (or the average d-subshell radius). Cr to Ni are transition metals. F Gd the x-axis is r/rf where rf i the radius of the f bi For Gd, h i i / h is h di f h f-orbit.
14Fig 8.20
EPL206-18........From Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices, Third Edition, S.O. Kasap ( McGraw-Hill, 2005)

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