Rutgers Professional Golf Turf Management School: Two Year Certificate Program 2013-14

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Professional Golf Turf Management School

Two-Year Certicate Program

Fall Session
October 3 - December 13, 2013

Winter Session
January 6 - March 19, 2014
Llanerch, Philadelphia, PA Stephen Kay, Instructor

Presented by the NJAES Oce of Continuing Professional Education together with the Rutgers Center for Turfgrass Science

About Our Roots

Who Should Attend
Superintendents Greenskeepers Assistant Superintendents Foremen Irrigation Technicians Mechanics Spray Technicians Other golf professionals with turf management responsibilities, e.g. owners, general managers, developers Sports Turf Managers College graduates in related elds who want to quickly establish a new career path Veterans of the U.S. military

Celebrating 53 years, the success of the Rutgers Professional Golf Turf Management School is due in large measure to the values and visions of our programs creator, Dr. Ralph Engel. Engels purpose was clear, Provide a creative learning environment where golf course employees could build their skill level and knowledge base regarding the ever changing science of golf turf management. Equally clear were Ralphs values when dealing with his certicate students - mentoring rst, encouragement second, and massive exposure to the nest educators in golf turf science that he could locate. Fifty-three years later we continue to honor Dr. Engels dream of creating a world-renowned learning center for golf course employees pursuing additional certication. Thousands have visited our campus since 1961 and hundreds are currently superintendents at many of the most highly regarded courses across the United States and around the world. We welcome you to come to Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey and experience the very best we have to offer.

Why Choose Rutgers University?

Meeting Your Learning Needs
Our program has been designed exclusively for golf turf management professionals throughout North America, Europe and beyond. We have developed a partnership with SallieMae to assist with your educational loan needs. We offer many scholarships exclusively for rst year students. Returning students have even greater access to a broad portfolio of scholarship opportunities. We guarantee your tuition rate will be xed for each year of your two-year program. We offer the technical and managerial information you need to succeed as well as a university credential that is highly respected throughout the industry and around the world. Since our rst graduating class in 1962, over 2,300 golf turf professionals have graduated from our certicate program. Currently, 720 have advanced in their elds to become recognized superintendents in all 50 states and 11 countries or have become leaders in related turfgrass careers. An additional 550 plus are assistant superintendents worldwide. Our program consists of two convenient 10-week sessions over two years and a 200-hour internship of supervised eld experience. In our intensive academic format, you will concentrate on the technical knowledge required of superintendents, apply the skills presented in the classroom to eld situations, and develop essential qualities of leadership that all successful managers should master. While on campus you will meet and work collaboratively with students from some of the worlds nest golf courses and will be educated by a highly talented and dedicated team of faculty and industry professionals. Program classrooms are located in the Ralph Geiger Turfgrass Education Center, located adjacent to our turfgrass research complex; at the Holly House, nestled within a world-renowned collection of American hollies in the Rutgers Display Gardens; and in our Campus Center, central to life at the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences at Rutgers University. Students in the Rutgers Professional Golf Turf Management School will develop a network of support and friendship among their classmates, Rutgers turfgrass alumni, and golf turf industry professionals worldwide. Whenever or wherever you wish to relocate, there will be Rutgers turf alumni nearby.

Indian Hills Country Club, Mission Hills, KS Nick LaPlante, 2008 Graduate

Our program is highly recommended for those who have demonst displayed a strong commitment to advancement in a successful go minimum of two years golf course employment experienc

Oce of Continuing Professional Education - (732) 932-9271

Professional Golf Turf Management School - The Premier Educational Program For Motivated Golf Turf Professionals

Our Vision

A World of Opportunity
Todays most successful golf turf managers are professionals who understand the game of golf, who have scientic knowledge of plants and their cultivation, and who know how to maintain an aesthetically pleasing and environmentally sound course. We believe successful golf course superintendents also require the skills to work within the constraints of a budget and to communicate effectively with their customers, managers/owners, vendors, and their golf course staff. This unique educational experience will prepare you for these challenges and more.

Learning Objectives
To develop a better understanding of the science behind the cultural practices utilized by golf course superintendents To rene and develop technical skills that are applicable to the art of greenskeeping that will be immediately useful in the management of golf turf To develop and justify budgets that will best serve the needs of both your golf course customers and your facilities To improve soft skills in personnel management and communication To learn about ongoing golf turf research activities, their applications and benets at Rutgers To explore and attain national and international career opportunities in golf turf management and related industries
Red Sky Ranch, Wolcott, CO Tyler Cole, 2013 Graduate (anticipated)

Our isGoal an innovative learning environment which promotes creative Our goal to provide
opportunities for students to attain knowledge, develop skills, build self-condence and ultimately become leaders in the golf turf industry.

Where Are They Now?

Graduates of the Rutgers Professional Golf Turf Management School currently are leaders in the following industries: Golf Course Superintendents throughout the United States, Canada and Europe Owners of golf courses Agronomists Directors of professional sports turf elds and facilities Directors of corporate grounds and maintenance Directors of county and municipal parks Director of Nascar Ineld Grounds Directors and sales representatives in seed, irrigation and equipment companies

I have no doubt that without Rutgers, I would not be where I am today, so please pass on my gratitude to all the staff and faculty. - Jon White, Superintendent, Golf deDomont, Paris, France, Class of 2009

Convenient Fall and Winter Sessions

Our intensive program is designed to t conveniently around your work schedule. You have the option of attending our Fall Session from October 3 - December 13, 2013 or our Winter Session from January 6 - March 19, 2014. Program content and admission requirements for the Fall and Winter sessions are identical. Students attending their rst year in the Fall of 2013 will return for their second year in the Fall of 2014 Students attending their rst year in the Winter of 2014 will return for their second year in the Winter of 2015. Class hours are scheduled from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. weekdays for ten (10) weeks.

onstrated a proven interest in golf turf management and who have ul golf turf management career. Applicants are required to have a ience or equivalent educational or workplace experience.
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Rutgers University Faculty and Sta

Our Team of Nationally Recognized Instructors
Dr. Stacy Bonos, Assistant Professor, Turfgrass Breeding and Genetics Mr. Richard Buckley, Manager, Plant Diagnostic Laboratory Mr. Patrick Burgess, Teaching Assistant, Doctoral Candidate, Plant Biology & Pathology Mr. Joseph Clark, Principal Lab Technician, Turfgrass Research Farm Dr. Bruce Clarke, Director, Turfgrass Pathology, Center for Turfgrass Science and Extension Specialist Dr.Thomas Gianfagna, Professor, Turfgrass Physiology Mr. Josh Honig, Research Associate, Plant Biology and Pathology Dr. Richard Hurley, Adjunct Professor, Plant Biology and Pathology Mr. Edward V. Lipman, Jr., Director, Ofce of Continuing Professional Education Dr. William A. Meyer, Professor, Turfgrass Breeding Mr. James Morris, Associate Director, Ofce of Continuing Professional Education Dr. James Murphy, Extension Specialist, Turfgrass Management Ms. Sabrina Tirpak, Principal Laboratory Technician, Plant Diagnostic Clinic

Our Leadership Team

Executive Dean, School of Environmental and Biological Sciences

Executive Director, New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station (NJAES)



Dr. Richard Hurley Fran Koppell

Student/Curricula Advisor Senior Program Coordinator

Farmington Country Club, Charlottesville, VA Travis Marshall, 2013 Graduate (anticipated)

Specialists from Related Industries

Mr. Robert Dobson, Middletown Sprinkler Company, Middletown, NJ Mr. William Jamison, Communications Consultant, Toms River, NJ Mr. Stephen Kay, Owner/Golf Architect, Golf Course Design LLC, Egg Harbor City, NJ Mr. Steven Kristoph, Owner, Steven Kristoph Nursery, Englishtown, NJ Mr. Steven Langlois, Langlois Turf Consultants, Pitman, NJ Mr. Steve McDonald, Owner, Turfgrass Disease Solutions, LLC, Spring City, PA Mr. Bruce C. Neary, Owner, BCN Horticultural Services, Brick, NJ Dr. Karen Plumley, National Account Manager, Mitchell Products, Millville, NJ Ms. Marie Pompei, Sales Representative, FM Browns Sons, Inc., Sinking Spring, PA Mr. Gene Westmoreland, Assistant Executive Director/Tournament Director Metropolitan Golf Association, Elmsford, NY



Dr. William A. Meyer

Associate Director, Faculty Advisor to The Rutgers Professional Golf Turf Management School

Oce of Continuing Professional Education - (732) 932-9271

Professional Golf Turf Management School - The Premier Educational Program For Motivated Golf Turf Professionals

Golf Course Superintendents

Mr. Gary Arlio, Valley Brook Golf Course, Rivervale, NJ Mr.Tom Breiner, Verdesian Life Sciences, New York, NY Mr. Chris Carson, Echo Lake Country Club, Westeld, NJ Mr.Tim Connolly, TPC at Jasna Polana, Princeton, NJ Mr. Russell Harris, Galloping Hill Golf Course, Kenilworth, NJ Mr. Jim Lynch, Mount Olive Township Parks and Recreation, Mount Olive, NJ Mr. Jason Pierce, Heron Glen Golf Course, Ringoes, NJ
Lakota Canyon Ranch and Golf Club, New Castle, CO Jared Stueber, 2006 Graduate

Country Club of Gwinnett, Snellville, GA Vince Wood, 2012 Graduate

Grading Policy and Graduation Requirements

Student performance will be evaluated in each class based on a combination of examinations, term papers, projects, attendance, and class participation. Students should allow approximately 20 hours per week for class preparation. Certicates of Completion are awarded at our annual graduation banquet to all students who successfully complete both semesters of class work, maintain a minimum GPA of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale and who successfully complete a summer eld internship of 200+ hours. Recognition for highest honors and honors is noted on certicates.

I will always remember the guys I met from all over the country and laugh about the memories and good times we shared throughout my time spent at Rutgers. - Christopher Tegano, Class of 2012

Promontory Golf and Ranch Club, Park City, UT Steve Benally, 2012 Graduate

2012 Awards and Recognition

Dr. Richard Buckley New Jersey Turfgrass Association (NJTA), Recognition Award, 2012 Dr. James Murphy Rutgers University Executive Deans Awards, Outreach Excellence Award, 2012 Mr. Gene Westmoreland Distinguished Service Award by the International Association of Golf Administrators (IAGA), 2012

Recertication Credits
Pesticide Applicator Recertication Credits are granted by most states for students in our program who have a current pesticide applicator license. If you wish to apply for recertication credits in your state, you must ll out a form that will be provided to you on your rst day of class.

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First-Year Curriculum
Botany Turfg s a Ornamentals Bo n Bo ny of Turfgrass and Orname na M Mower Technology and Reel Grinding Gri ding i
Introduction to the structure, function, physiology, n roduct o o th str ucti , h ol gy olog grow growth and deve opme t of higher plants. owth nd evel me ow v ment i h r nt . t Look at critical aspects of mower select on, set up and ri p s r ctio and maintenance. Understand how cutting units operate to a nt n ta w ut units operate o r bett better develop a maintenance routi e that will get the most e e a ntenan e o tine hat will e ost out out of your equipment. u equip e t i

Business ommu cati Business Commun cat on ine ness muni

Lear r f s i nal ec n que Learn professional techniques to improve your arn e ve our wr tten o m ni ation skil written communication skills. atio l

P nciple Principles of Integrated Pest Control p nt g ated est Control d

Effective Communications ffective C ctiv municati cat

Revie lternat ve p roaches Review alternative approaches to pest, disease and weed v r a e est, sease eed control using conventional methods, cultural practices and ontro u n onve io al ethod cultural ract c s d r nven h ltur ctic integrated pest management (IPM) techniques. ntegrated est ma ageme gr d e P echniques. iques

Instruction an practice pub Instruction and practice in public speaking. By making nst uct o act ng. maki aki p se tation t ou c a mates presentations to your classmates, you will learn to es, will earn ll earn enhance your presentation skills whe speaking to nha e y r es nt tio ski ntat hen pea i g boar m m ers t counci m mber board members, city council members, the media ar ounci n ers, ed a a and others. the s. hers

Regional Concerns egion onal o cern e n

Students meet to discuss problems, concerns and issues tudent e o iscuss roblem ents en sc m n er and s u face o olf courses acr s e nited tates d obally faced on golf courses across the United States and globally ced ur acro s in this highly applied unit. n his h ghly p li lied nit.

Golf Gol o rse Con truction Golf Course Construction I ruc

Plan Phys o og Plant Physiology ant ys

An introduction to golf course design principles and n n oduct o ctio olf cour ou es g principles d inci s cipl construction, including contours, slopes, tee and sand on truction i cluding cont urs opes e an sand on udin cont rs, dn ntou es, and bunker o struction. bunker construction. ker tructi u t

Lear v luable for ation Learn valuable information on how turfgrass adapts to r b on h urfgr s adap gras apts a variety of environmental stresses and how to manage ar et of nviro ental tress a h ety on t l esse anag g turfgras effectively o revent d ont turfgrass effectively to prevent and control damage. rfgrass e ivel s v l e mag

Introd tion Introduction to Soils d i Soil oils l

Surv y n Surveying u v

Phys cal Physical prope es of soils, including soil text re, pertie of il n soil extur structur ensity, soil t structure, density, soil water and drainage, and soil r r sity il n rainage oi survey are e plored surveys are expl d. eys

Hands-on experienc , using current survey equipment. ience, ing urre u vey equipmen e c rrent u ent

T Turf Disease Laborat r y e ator

I gation Principles I Irriga pl

Become familiar wit the various materials, past and Be e e a iliar with h ro p esent, hat are util z present, that are uti ized in golf course irrigation g ours irrigati n rse rig tion systems. Through combination systems. Through a combination of lectures and s m ectu hands hands-on exer ises, learn the options and proper ndsxerc l a p r procedures for repair of pipes, wires, valves, sprinkler air p , v heads, and controllers. Learn how to troubleshoot oller le an d g o and diagnose wiring problems and control systems. i Develop Develo maintenance and repair skills that can be t used use throughout your career.

Hands o Hands-on experience viewing turfgrass pathogens and erience view g turfgrass pathogens and diseased ateria diseased material in our turfgrass education cent r. Learn a urfgrass duca i enter e to use a microscope for diagnostics. i oscop o nostics.

Turfgra Dise Turfgrass Disease Identica on gras d nt cation

Diagnosis and management of turfgrass diseases, including d a m f u ass diseases, including strategies and eld applications. ic ns

Turfgrass Identi s cation and Development d

Proper identication of major turfgrass species and fundamentals of grass growth and development. r

Turfgrass Maintenance

Landscape Management

Management and maintenance of landscape plants, g proper planting procedures and pruning techniques. l

Mowing, watering, fertilizing, cultivating and controlling thatch on greens and fairways for optimal effect and minimal cost.

Landscape Plants I

Turfgrass Weeds I

Identication and landscape uses of shade and d d small trees, deciduous shrubs and groundcovers.

Introduction to the most common weed problems in golf course Turfgrass.

It was by far the best choice I ever made attending Rutgers. - Brian Clair, Royal Oaks Golf Club, Assistant Superintendent Class of 2011

M Managing Your Golf Course Employees

S lf-a Self-assessment of your learning and leadership e styles, and an introduction to leadership dynamics les and mo n motivational strategies.

Mathematics for Golf Course he a Superintendents erin nd int s

Introduction to the multiple applications of ucti uction t c pp p i mathematics on and aro emat c matic round the golf course. eg

Oce of Continuing Professional Education - (732) 932-9271

Professional Golf Turf Management School - The Premier Educational Program For Motivated Golf Turf Professionals

Second-Year Curriculum
Agronomi Agronomic Characteristics of Turfgrass i S ecies and Species and Varieties Landscape Plants II e a
Identication, characterization and selection of grasses, de t cat c erization n grass reeding, ed rodu io n grass breeding, seed production, and certication are o r v wed. reviewed Identication and uses of conifers, broadleaf to s er , o d e f r evergreens, shrubs and groundcovers. hu o dcove over

Principles of Golf Course Design G u e esign

Applications Landscap Desig Applications of Landscape Design p atio ndsca

Principl Principles of landscape design and planting fo golf n ples ands e design scap an n for o f course applications. o r p licat ons. icati

T The history of golf design, review of the great r d ign, e e the reat a hitec architects of the pa golf course types, golf course ects h past, g f o rs y es, l c urse rse s h hole design styles, and famous golf hole will be esign s n fam olf holes w l discuss d discussed. u

Budgetin and Financial Manag ment Budgeting and Financial Management dgeting n nage n

Curre strategies Current strategies for projecting, monitoring and rren roje ing, o i o n a e g controlling cost controlling costs to achieve sca course goa s. r sts chiev scal ou oals

P fe sion Professional Development Sem nars onal ev opmen emina e

C Case Studies in Turfgrass Managemen ud urfgras Manag ment ass a

L r the nal criti al essons achiev nec s ar Learn the nal critical lessons to achieve necessary it s indu try-w d cred b industry-wide cr dibility among your peers golf dust w m n y r rs, g course u o e course customers and greens comm ttee. d ree comm t mmit

Stude Students work in teams to apply the knowledge they uden r n ams a l the k owle g he l have gained to solve real case proble s in turfg ass ave ained o olv e ase robl ol oblem fgra s manageme . anagement. g

P ttin Gree Const ucti n Putting Green Construction ti e ction

G lf Golf Course Construction II urs o s ru o

Const u i Construction costs, de eloping contracts, and nstr osts deve op s ontra ts, a trac r scheduling construct on projects, including ponds, chedul u o truct ctio project including pond j l on cart aths nd reens cart paths and greens. th e n

Th ourse ntroduce stud s co epts The course introduces stude ts to concepts of ro ces ud uden conc s soil physical properties in relation to the proper o hysic propert s re t on sica op h prope c nstructi n d anagemen f and-b se turfgra construction and managem nt of sand-based turfgrass r tion agem m nd-ba fgr rootzones rootzones. o nes.

Soil ertili y Soil Fert lity

Golf Go f o s M n e anc Labo atory Golf Course Maintenance Laboratory bora y

Working Workin in small groups, calibrate a wide range of all r ps, alib a d rang f g sprayers and spreaders; plant and prune trees; learn pre ers; lant and prune tree ; earn n prun e n n basic equipment maintenanc practice surveying; and c pment t ance; ra t a i ing nd perform basic irrig pe form basic irrigation troubleshooting and repairs. ting i Attend ld rips Attend eld trips to a local golf facility and visit Golf i Go H e m House, home of the USGA. e S

Lear h Learn the value of soil tests, cat on exchange capacity, e o es atio excha ge apacity, t c aci b se t r tion, H o b ology and fertility n base saturation, pH, soil biology and fertility, and , t ity, exp or t e o e i explore their roles in maintaining healthy soil and pl aint ni ntai i ealt y oi and lthy plants. l a ts

Spraye and Spreader alibrati Sprayer and Spreader Calibration prayer n pre libration b

Reduce the chance of having environmental or h nancial accidents by learning how to calculate your l o rates and set up and test your equipment.

Insect and Disease Lab nsect d isea a aboratory

Hands-on identication of insect pest and disease ands-on dentication t sect p sts sympt ms/signs t mp s symptoms/signs with emphasis on managem nt /sig m nage n geme and control strategies. d control trategies tegie

Stress Physiology

Expand on how turfgrass adapts to environmental stress and how to successfully control and prevent e damage.

Insects and Diseases of Ornamental Plants s Orna

Review diagnostic methods and management for controlling insects and diseases affecting ornamenta tal ta plants.

Turfgrass Establishment g h e

Innovative techniques and specications for seeding, spri ging and sodding along with current applications rigg n n s l o and challenges.

Irrigation Principles II

Become familiar with water supply, hydraulic principles, piping, fertigation and sprinkler layout. Discover what constitutes an efcient irrigation system and how it is measured. Learn irrigation and pump house insta tallation practices. Gain knowledge on evaluating your irrigation system, preparing presentations, interviewing and m selecting an irrigation consultant or designer, preparing ga plans and bid documents, and performing contract rf management.

Turfgrass Insects

Review diagnostic methods and management options g m for controlling turfgrass insect pests.

Turfgrass Maintenance II g
(including Work Experience) er

Review current management practices on the golf na course from student presentations covering their summer work experiences.

Landscape Design II eD

Turfgrass Weeds II

Primary focus on planting design and how distinct plant u w groups function as design elements. Natura o uralistic and interpretive styles will be explored and noteworthy t examples from famous golf courses will be used as f us s illustrations.

Identifying, managing and controlling turfgrass weeds in the golf course landscape.

Tournament Preparation Strategies m t p e

Preparing your golf course for big image tournaments c r t ts is an art - the secrets are shared here. t s h e

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Field Experience
Scholarship Programs
Thanks to the generous nancial support received from New Jerseys golf turf community and beyond, we are able to offer a signicant number of scholarships to our incoming and returning students. Scholarship awards range from $100 to $5,000 and are awarded based on a number of criteria, including academic achievement, service to the turfgrass community and nancial need. If you are interested in applying for a rst year scholarship to either our fall or winter session, you MUST complete the scholarship application form included in this years catalog and attach it with your application for admission. Please be sure your letters of reference clearly address your qualications to be awarded a scholarship.

Our students are required to participate in 200+ hours of in-service, eld experience (internship) following their rst 10-week session in the program. Not all internships are of similar length - April 1 and October 1 represent traditional start and end dates. You may complete your internship in your current position or we can assist you in locating an internship position. Internship opportunities exist at nationally recognized golf courses worldwide. Requirements for all internships include maintaining a daily log of activities, actual operation of various pieces of equipment and participation in various cultural practices. Students present their eld experience activities in written and oral reports during their second 10-week session. Intern presentations assist students with practice in organizing and presenting information publicly, while providing the opportunity to learn from the experiences of other classmates from around the United States and globally.
Loch Lomond Golf Club, Scotland Callum Wark, 2014 Graduate (anticipated)

I am thankful for all of your efforts to get me to this point. The owner holds Rutgers in high regards and was a huge consideration in hiring within. - Travis Martin, Meadow Lakes Golf Resort, Assistant Superintendent Class 2011

Student Housing
We have a wide variety of off-campus housing options available for students in our program. Students should budget between $2,500 to $4,000 for their housing expenses for each of our two ten-week sessions. Many of our housing options include laundry facilities and eatin kitchens, while others do not. Students should make housing arrangements immediately after learning of their acceptance. Like most university communities, the demand for temporary housing within central New Jersey and the New Brunswick area is great, so the best options are quickly rented.

Field Trips

Whistling Straits, Sheboygan, WI Tyson DeMeyer, 2014 Graduate (anticipated)

New Jersey is home to many of the worlds most highly-rated golf courses. During each session, students visit many of these acclaimed courses, including Pine Valley Golf Course, Trump National - Philadelphia, and Libery National Golf Course. Students will tour the USGA Museum and Archives, and go behind the scenes to meet the engineers in the testing laboratory where the USGA tests golf equipment. The USGA Museum is home to the worlds most extensive collections of golf memorabilia and literature.

The most memorable thing about Rutgers for me was the people I met and the friendships that I formed with classmates and mentors from throughout the country. - Ryan Berger, Glenmaura National Golf Course, Assistant Superintendent Class of 2010

Oce of Continuing Professional Education - (732) 932-9271

Professional Golf Turf Management School - The Premier Educational Program For Motivated Golf Turf Professionals

Student Benets and Recreation

Discounted rates at the Rutgers University Golf Course Student rates for Rutgers sporting events Purchase of a discounted University recreational pass which includes: - Indoor pools - Weight rooms - Indoor driving range - Racquetball courts - Basketball courts - Intramural sports

Rutgers has a great golf turf management program. I have nothing but good things to say about their graduates. - Peter M. Delmas, Executive Vice President of Operations, International Hospitality Management
Peter has successfully developed and managed a host of hotels, resorts and golf courses including the Waldorf-Astoria,The Helmsley Palace,Trump National Golf at Briar Hall and Showboat Casino.

Learning Resources
Chang Science Library
Students receive an introduction to Rutgers library system and all of its resources including reference material, trade publications and on-line databases.

Rutgers Learning Resource Center

Prairie Dunes, Hutchinson, KS Byron Nielsen, 2013 Graduate (Photo of Chris Ryan)

The Learning Resource Center offers students instruction in effective studying and test taking strategies. The Center also offers free group tutoring sessions for students who feel they would benet from extra assistance.

Computer Laboratories

Rutgers Turfgrass Alumni Association

The Rutgers Turfgrass Alumni Association enthusiastically supports all turfgrass management activities at Rutgers University. This active nationwide alumni network of over 2,300 members offers career opportunities to recent graduates and provides support for one another on a daily basis. Our alumni participate each year as instructors in our program and are available when and where needed. You will not nd a more dedicated community of professionals anywhere. To nd a Rutgers alumnus near you, please call Fran Koppell at (732) 932-9271 ext. 637 or contact her via e-mail at

Computer laboratories are located in the Geiger Turfgrass Education Center and at multiple sites around campus. Use of the laboratories, along with classroom internet access, are available to all students in the program. Personal computers are strongly recommended.

Hamilton Farm Golf Club, Gladstone, NJ Kyle Lenkey, 2013 Graduate (anticipated)

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Our Teaching/Research and Outreach Partnership

Undergraduate Degree Option
Rutgers University offers a four-year degree program leading to a Bachelor of Science in Plant Science, with a Horticulture/Turf Industry option at the Center for Turfgrass Science (CTS). Some of our students select a research option which provides excellent preparation for graduate school.This program is designed for students who desire a more indepth study in applied science and entry into the turfgrass industry upon graduation. Our turf students are encouraged to take a Summer Co-op internship working at a golf course, sod farm, or sports eld. We can arrange for students to experience a paid summer internship at some of the most respected golf courses in the world.
Rutgers Universitys School of Environmental and Biological Sciences is a professional school supporting the citizens of New Jersey. We are home to the New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station, a source of mission-oriented basic and applied scientic research and outreach for the citizens of New Jersey. Central to our service mission was the 1991 establishment of the Center for Turfgrass Science (CTS). Its purpose is to generate and disseminate knowledge and provide education in turfgrass science by fostering a nationally recognized multi-disciplinary research, educational and outreach program. Rutgers University is internationally known for its turfgrass breeding program, which consistently develops superior cultivars of cool-season turfgrasses annually. We maintain strong relations with the New Jersey turf industry and turf-related trade associations. The New Jersey Turfgrass Association, the New Jersey Chapter of the Golf Course Superintendents Association, the NJ Landscape Contractors Assocation, the Cultivated Sod Association of NJ, the Sports Field Managers Association of NJ, and the Rutgers Turfgrass Alumni Association all provide support in the form of research grants and scholarships, and work cooperatively with Rutgers to help you further your profession. One visible sign of the cooperation fostered between the University and New Jerseys turfgrass community is the Geiger Turfgrass Education Center, which is dedicated solely to turgrass education and research.

Veterans Benets

Logan River Golf Course, Logan, UT Derek Johnson, 2013 Grduate (anticipated)

For more information on the Center for Turfgrass Science (CTS), please contact: Dr. Bruce Clarke, Director Phone: (732) 932-9400 E-mail: Dr. Richard Hurley Phone: (732) 932-9375 ext. 339 E-mail: You may also visit the website at:

The United States Veterans Administration operates various education assistance programs for eligible veterans, surviving spouses or children of any war veteran killed while on duty with the Armed Forces, disabled veterans, dependents of a veteran with service that resulted in total disability, and certain members of the selected reserve. Admitted veterans are eligible for VA benets. For more information, or to obtain a form, please visit Inquiries concerning eligibility and processing of your benets for this program may be directed to or to Fran Koppell at (732) 932-9271 or

Lifetime Learning Tax Credit

Students who attend may qualify for a Lifetime Learning Tax Credit. A family may claim a credit up to $2000 maximum, equal to 20% of the rst $10,000 of educational expenses. Eligible education expenses are offset by scholarships, grants and employer-provided tax free educational assistance. The tax credit is subject to income and other limitations. For more details, consult IRS Publication 970, Tax Benets for Higher Education or discuss with your tax advisor.


Oce of Continuing Professional Education - (732) 932-9271

Professional Golf Turf Management School - The Premier Educational Program For Motivated Golf Turf Professionals
Bully Pulpit, Medora, ND Andrew Stoldorf, 2014 Graduate (anticipated)

$4,150 per each ten week session (New Jersey Residents), $4,450 per each ten week session (out-of-state) for new students. Tuition rates for our returning second year students will remain unchanged from last year: $4,000 (New Jersey Residents) and $4,200 (out-of-state).Tuition is payable upon acceptance to our program by credit card, certied check or money order.

Your Application Must Include:

Please read this information carefully.
A completed application form (included on the last page of this brochure). Please provide all information. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed. A letter of intent describing your education and work experience, why you are applying to the Rutgers program and how the course ts into your career plans. Two letters of recommendation from current or past supervisors describing your duties, responsibilities, and potential for success in our program. If you are applying for a scholarship, your qualications should also be addressed in the letters. Original copy of your high school and college transcripts or a copy of your GED certicate, as applicable. A $50 non-refundable application fee. All checks should be made payable to Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey.
The Royal Golf Club, Bahrain Jordan Fairweather, 2005 Graduate

The balance of your full tuition payment is due on or before August 30, 2013 for our Fall 2013 session or December 2, 2013 for our Winter 2014 session. In the event we do not receive your full payment by those dates, you will be assessed an additional late fee of $250. You may not begin either the fall or winter session of our program without being paid in full before the rst day of class.

NEW Session-specic

Application Deadlines
FALL 2013 July 26, 2013 WINTER 2014 August 30, 2013
We must receive your completed application by the dates listed above. If you would like an early decision on your application status, please check the appropriate box when applying. In most cases, we will respond within two weeks of receiving all required application information.

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Professional Golf Turf Management School

Three-Week Preparatory Short Course

January 6 - 24, 2014

Our intensive 15-day program is jam-packed with activities and topics that cover all aspects of golf turf management - from the basics of construction and maintenance to soil physics and employee management.

Practical training

This information can help improve the aesthetics of your course and increase your value as a turf manager.

Cost savings strategies Time saving strategies Convenience Credentials

Being able to better identify turf diseases and insects will help you avoid and resolve problems on your own, reducing the expense of outside professional assistance. Learn how to prevent mistakes - rather than repair them - through proper horticulture techniques. A condensed course requires less time away from home and the intensive winter schedule offers exibility to accommodate your work schedule. Enhance your current resume with formal golf turf management education from a nationally recognized university.

Personal attention

Our professional and supportive administrative team will facilitate a unique learning experience for you.

Job placement

Fox Hill Country Club, Exeter, PA Jim Lanza, 2013 Graduate (anticipated)

We receive over 300 job opportunities each year at courses worldwide, and regularly offer referrals to program participants and past graduates.

This broad three-week preparatory program is designed for golf turf professionals -- and for those entering the eld -- to strengthen their skills in turf science and management

Selected Topics (from our three-week course)

Introduction to Turfgrass Diseases Introduction to Irrigation Principles Turfgrass Management & Maintenance Practices Weed Identication & Control Turfgrass Morphology & Indentication

Seawane Country Club, Hewlett, NY Corey Randall, 2011 Graduate

Only $1,695 before 12/18/2013

($1,895 after)
For additional information about our Three-Week Preparatory Short Course, please call Casey Noon at (732) 932-9271 ext. 606, or contact her via e-mail at

Managing Turfgrass Insects Introduction to Soil Fertility Options Turfgrass Renovation Strategies Basics of Golf Course Construction Applications of Plant & Landscape Science

Who Should Attend

Experienced golf turf professionals and employees with at least one year of experience on a golf course including: Superintendents/Greenskeepers Assistant Superintendents Foremen Irrigation Technicians Mechanics Spray Technicians Other golf professionals with turf management responsibilities (i.e. owners, general managers, golf professionals, developers, etc.) will also benet.

Oce of Continuing Professional Education - (732) 932-9271

Professional Golf Turf Management School - The Premier Educational Program For Motivated Golf Turf Professionals We offer continuing education courses in landscape management, construction and design as well as business, equipment maintenance, tree care, pest/disease management and turf. Whether you are a professional arborist, landscape contractor, pesticide applicator, horticulturalist or even a gardening and landscape enthusiast, we have a course that will meet both your professional licensing/ certication needs and your thirst for knowledge and new skills. For more information on our landscape management short courses, please call Joe Canzano at (732) 932-9271 ext. 624, or contact him via email at

Eastward Ho Country Club, Chatham, MA Brady Klein, 2010 Graduate

Additional Short Courses oering an Alumni Discount at OCPE

Golf Course Irrigation
When your irrigation system breaks down in the heat of summer, there is no time for on-the-job training. This class delves into topics such as: piping and wiring maintenance, proper techniques for lateral and mainline repairs, transitioning to different types of pipe, communication and computer control applications and more.

Turfgrass Disease Management

Led by Turf instructor, Rich Buckley, this one-day class focuses on major turf diseases, such as Brown Patch, Summer Patch, Dollar Spot, Fairy Ring, Pythium Blight and others.You will learn the most current cultural, chemical, and biological techniques to identify and alleviate the cause of the problem, rather than repeatedly treating its symptoms.

Managing Turfgrass Insects

This one-day course will improve your ability to assess the severity of an infestation and select the right control measures based on the insects biology.

Hazardous Tree Identication

Hazardous trees pose a double danger. They are tough to recognize, and they can be costly and even deadly if not managed before an avoidable accident happens. Certied Tree Experts walk you through the step-by-step process of identifying a hazard, dealing with it, and properly documenting your ndings.

Small Engine Repair

Learn the keys to preventative maintenance and protect your equipment investment without waiting for or paying someone else to do it. You will learn the top reasons engines fail and how to maintain and perform routine repairs, without voiding your warranty. This hands-on class gives you answers to your specic questions - something a manual or video cannot deliver. Also, consider Chainsaw Maintenance and Safety or the two-day Small Engine Troubleshooting course, where you will tear down an engine in class

Athletic Field Construction and Maintenance

Whistling Straits, Sheboygan, WI Tyson DeMeyer, 2014 Graduate (anticipated)

Maintaining healthy and safe athletic elds starts with understanding your own individual turf and soil requirements. This two-day course explores construction, renovation, establishment and maintenance of athletic elds, and it will benet both experienced athletic eld managers, as well as newcomers.

Visit our website -


Applications also available online:

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First-Year Scholarship Application

You must complete this application to be considered for an award. All students are encouraged to apply for these scholarships. There are multiple awards available with criteria that range from academic achievement and nancial need to amount and depth of experience. Be sure to complete the scholarship application as fully as possible and return it with your admissions materials. Scholarship notications will be included with the applicants acceptance letter. Name Permanent Address Telephone E-mail


B Bachelors Degree Earned G.P.A. S Some college (one or more semesters, no degree)

A Associates Degree earned G.P.A. H School Diploma High


FINANCIAL NEED (Please explain below. Attach additional sheets if necessary.)

OTHER SCHOLARSHIPS/HONORS RECEIVED (Attach additional sheets if necessary.)

Will you be receiving your regular salary while you are attending the program? N No Y Yes Is your employer paying any portion of your tuition? N Y No Yes If yes, what percentage?


(Attach additional sheets if necessary.)


(Attach additional sheets if necessary.)

I hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge, all of the above information is correct and accurate. Signature Date

Send your completed application packet to: Rutgers Professional Golf Turf Management School, Ofce of Continuing Professional Education, 102 Ryders Lane, New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8519

Oce of Continuing Professional Education - (732) 932-9271

Professional Golf Turf Management School - The Premier Educational Program For Motivated Golf Turf Professionals

Admission Application
Name (First) Name for Name Tag Home/Mailing Address (include Street, PO Box or Apt. #) City State Work Phone E-mail address (Middle)

Please provide ALL information. Print clearly or type. Incomplete forms will not be reviewed.

Applications also available online:


Zip Code Home Phone Cell Phone




Please indicate the session for which you are applying: (select only one) Fall 2013 (Course Code AT0201CA14) W Winter 2014 (Course Code AT0201CB14) Y I would like to be considered for early admissions on my ap Yes! application. w How did you hear about The Rutgers Professional Golf Turf Management School Two-Year Certicate Program? M Code: S Mail Search Engine R O Rutgers Website Other Website R cify. Referred by a Rutgers alumnus (Please specify.) R Referred by my supervisor (Please specify.) R Referred by a colleague (Please specify.) Have you attended our Rutgers Professional Golf Turf Management School: Three-Week Preparatory Short Course? N No Y Yes Year EDUCATION High School Graduate? If no, GED? No

Yes es

N No Year

Y Yes


Final Grade Point Average (GPA)

COLLEGE OR TECHNICAL SCHOOL ATTENDED Graduated N No Y Yes If yes, Major? Degree Earned? Yes If yes, Degree? d? N No Y Final GPA Number of Credits Earned mber WORK EXPERIENCE Your Current Employer Employment Dates Full time Position held Previous Employer Employment Dates Full time Position held

Associates Bachelors Masters A B M Certicate Ea Yes ate Earned No N Y

Part time (seasonal) Supervisor Part time (seasonal) Supervisor

_____________________________________________________________ Your $50 application fee should be made payable to: Rutgers,The State University of New Jersey Or via credit card - Please circle one: Master Card Visa American Express Card # Expiration Date Name of Cardholder Billing Zip Code of credit card Billing Address Email Address Discover Security Code

Send your completed application packet to: Rutgers Professional Golf Turf Management School, Ofce of Continuing Professional Education, 102 Ryders Lane, New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8519

Visit our website -


Ofce of Continuing Professional Education New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey 102 Ryders Lane New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8519 Phone: 732/932-9271 Fax: 732/932-1187 E-mail: Website:

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A World of Opportunity in Just 20 Weeks


Scholarships To Help Pay Your Way
More than one-third of our second-year students received one or more scholarships from private, state and local organizations. Numerous rst-year students are also scholarship recipients.

Access to Alumni Database

Our international database of active alumni provides an invaluable network of contacts who know the value of your certicate.

Continuing Education Loans

Experience Building Internship Program

Opportunities to work with nationally recognized golf course superintendents throughout America and worldwide.

We have developed a partnership with SallieMae which makes it more convenient for our students to apply for a school loan.

Experienced, Award-Winning Instructors

Rutgers faculty and staff Leaders in related industries and turfgrass science Golf course superintendents

Information You Can Put To Work

Our nationally-recognized program content will help you more effectively manage the challenges faced on your golf course. The Ralph Geiger Turfgrass Education Center is located next to our turfgrass research complex.

Dedicated Administration

Outstanding Learning Environment

Our supportive and customer centered administrative team will facilitate a unique learning experience for all students.

Convenient Off-Campus Housing

Logistical Convenience

Intensive 10-week sessions require less time away from home, family, and your workplace.

Our ofce maintains an exclusive list of current housing opportunities within a short driving distance to the Rutgers University campus.

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