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A Project Report

Submitted by


In partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of


Under the guidance of MS. HAANA, M.B.A, M.Phil. Apollo Engineering college Ponamallai, Chennai (Faculty Guide)

Apollo Engineering College Anna UNIVERSITY, CHENNAI April 2011

This is to certify that the project entitiled A Study on King Craft and its customer satisfication level, Chennai is a benefit record,a work done by Mr. Lakshmi Kanthan.A (reg. no. 1036846) in the partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree a Master Of Business Administration through Apollo Engineering College, Ponamallai, during the year 2010- 2011, the project represents the original work on the part of the candidate under the guidance.



Faculty Guide

Apollo Engineering College Ponamallai, Chennai Apollo Engineering College Ponamallai, Chennai.

The success of the project lies in the hands of many people who have helped and guided me in completing the project. I take this opportunity to express my thanks and gratitude to each and every one of them. I am grateful to thank our principal Mr.,,M.Phil., Ph.D., for having providing me with all the fabcilities to carry out my project work. I wish to take opportunity to express my sincere thanks and gratitude to my head of the departmentms,Ms.hannah,,M.Phil.,MBA., whose detailed and constructive guidance extended for the can of duty of guide

Thank you Guide.

I hereby declare that the project work entitled A study on King Craft and its customer satisfication level; Chennai is done by me as an original work for the award of any degree, associate ship, fellowship or any other similar titles

Place: Chennai Date:

Signature of the Candidate

Chapter No
I 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6

INTRODUCTION Needs of the study Scope of the study Objectives of the study Research Methodology Limitations of the study RESEARCH METHODOLOGY COMPANY PROFILE

Page No






Table No
4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3 4.1.4 4.1.5 4.1.6 4.1.7 4.1.8 4.1.9 4.1.10 4.1.11 4.1.12 4.1.13 4.1.14 4.1.15 4.1.16

Gender of respondent Age of the respondent Educational Status of the Respondent Marital Status of the Respondent Monthly Income of the respondent Bike owned by the Respondent Reasons for preferring a Particular Grills Satisfaction Level on owning a Particular Grills Previously owned Grills Reasons for change of company Recommending to Others Considering King Craft as a "Best Company" Satisfaction Level on King Craft company products Service Rendered at King Craft Branches Opinion on Market Price of King Craft Period in change of Grills, Especially King Craft Products

Page Number


4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.3 4.2.4 4.2.5 4.2.6 4.2.7 4.2.8 4.2.9 4.2.10 4.2.11 4.2.12 4.2.13 4.2.14 4.2.15 4.2.16

Gender Respontent Age of the Respondent Educational Status of the Respondent Marital Status of the Respondent Monthly Income of the respondent Bike owned by the Respondent Reasons for preferring a Particular Grills Satisfaction Level on owning a Particular Grills Previously owned Grills Reasons for change of company Recommending to Others

Page Number

Considering King Craft as a "Best Company"

Satisfaction Level on King Craft company products Service Rendered at King Crat Branches Opinion on Market Price of King Craft Period in change of Grills, Especially King Craft Products



1.1 CUSTOMER SATISFACTION:Satisfaction is a person's feelings of pleasure or disappointment resulting from comparing a product's perceived performed (or outcome) in relation to his or her expectation. In today's competitive world the customer plays are very important role customer are value maximizes. It is very important for an organization to not just offer products, it even more important for to create customers and retain them. As Peter ducker rightly pointed out that is the duty company to create customer the term satisfaction can be defined as a person feeling of pleasure of disappointment resulting from a produces received performed in relation to his or her expectations. Satisfaction is a function of perceived performance and expectations. If a performance falls that expectations of customer is dissatisfied. If the performance, Matched the expectation of the customer is higher satisfied. Many companies are aiming for high satisfaction because customers who just satisfied will definitely switch to other companies that offer better service high customer satisfaction or delight creator or emotional affinity with their brand and this in turn leads to high customer loyalty. The goal of the study is to provider ideas and suggestion for our customers satisfaction with Pass can be evaluated. This goal will be reached in a number of steps we will first provide an overview of existing concepts and schools of through from different discipline that try to explain consumes behavior and consumption pattern. The overview is followed by the presentation of frame work and tools that are used for understanding. Consumes satisfaction with product and services These framework will there be evaluated as to whether they could be used for estimating customer satisfaction with pss, and what kind of adjustments

Are necessary some elaboration on hour there tools could be used in the pss context will be provided. The study results should be treated as indicative for future more in depth studies in proposed areas The environmental impacts of ever increasing consumption throughout the world have been recently recognized. Many solutions have been proposed to combat the rising levels of consumption. One of the concepts suggested as a potential solution to reduce consumption levels is the concept.

1.2 Needs of the study:

1) 2)

Understanding the expectations the requirements of all yours customers. Determining how well your company and its competitors are satisfying there expectation and requirements. Developments service and or product standards based on your findings Examining trends over time in order to take action on a fine timely basis Establishing priorities and standards to judge how well you've met there goals.

3) 4) 5)


Scope of the study


This study helps us to know the effectiveness of the Customer satisfaction at King Craft. This is situated in Thirumullai voil. The main aim of the study is to know the customer satisfaction level of King Craft products and services. The study was stream lined only to Ornamental Grills. The researcher able to get more number of sampling units as the universe of the study was very large.


iii) iv)

1.4 Objective General Objective

To understand the customers satisfaction level on King Craft.

Secondary Objective:

To study customers feedback on the product. To analyses customers attitude forward the service. To examine the consumes behavior. To provide valuable suggestion to the company


Research design:A research design is considered as the frame work or plan for a study that guides as well as helps the data collection and analysis of data. There search design may be exploratory, descriptive and experimental. For the present study. The descriptive research design is adopted for this project. Here the views of the employees are collected so as to suggest some strategies.

Descriptive research:A descriptive study attempts to obtain a complete and accurate description of a situation. Descriptive research for this study was based on clear cut objective and formal questionnaire design.

Nature of data:The unprocessed information that a researchers collects through. various methods is called data. There are two types of data through which information is gathered, they and primary and secondary data.

Source of data: The source of data are mainly from the salaried precious and professional in King Craft in Thirumullai voil.

Primary data: The primary data was collected through the way of questionnaire and interview method.

Secondary data:The secondary data coniet of information that already exit, from different sources. These data are collected. Mainly through web site, brochures, books, Magazines etc. The sources of data use for this project is primary data. In this data collection various net worth income people are surveyed through this interview method.

Methods of data collection The method of data collection used in this project is questionnaire. The survey research war done in the form of personal interviews with the help of questionnaire. A pre determined stricture questionnaire , is administered for the policy holders.

Questionnaire design A questionnaire is simply a for malized schedule to obtained record specified and relevant information with tolerant, accruing and completeness.

Area of study King Craft in Thirumullai Voil.

Sample size The study in carry out among 50 samples of King Craft customers. Thus the sample size is 50,

Sampling Method The sampling method used in this project is "Convenient sampling"

Convenient sampling:This is where " Who is to be surveyed" is decided. The researched must define target population that will be sampled. Once this must be determined, a sampling frames is developed so that ever one in the target population has an equal chance.

1.6 Limitation In any study or research conducted there will be some limitations are associated with it for the proper understanding about the project.

The research was carried out in a short span of time (One Month), so it was not possible to widen the study. The study is also restricted due to the samples for an experiment The study has been undertaken in only or organization. All the data collections are contained by the less. Time available and the employees are busy in their work.

Chapter II

Review of literature
Customs satisfaction is an abstract concept and actual mainferation of the safe at satisfaction will vary from period to period and Product / service, The state of satisfaction defends on a number of both Psychological and Physical variable which correlate with satisfaction behavior such as return and recommend rate the level of satisfaction can also vary depending on other factors the customer, such as other products against which the customer can compare the Organisation products.

Customer retention
Quality and customer satisfaction have long been recognized as playing a crucial role for success and survival in today's competative market not surprisingly, considerable research has been conducted on their two concepts Notably, the Quality and satisfaction concepts have linked to customer behavior intention like. Purchase and loyalty intention. Customer satisfaction with Company's products or services is often seen as the key to a company's success and long term competitiveness. In the context of relationship marketing customer satisfaction is often viewed as a central determinant of customer retention. However, the few empirical investigations in this area indicate that a direct relationship between there constructs is weak or even non existent. The over a purpose of this article is to develop a conceptual foundation for investigating the customer retention process, with the use of the concept of customer satisfaction and relationship

Quality. The article involves a critical examination of the satisfaction rentation relationship and the development of more comprehensive view of the customer's Quality perception.
Over all C.S. Customer employee Knowledge employee Accuracy of billing Billing fine lines Competetive pricing Service Quality Good value Billing clarity Quick service Helpful employee Friendly employee

Satisfied customers are most likely to share their experience with other people to the order of perhaps five or six people equally well, dissatisfied customer are most likely to tell another ten people of their unfortunate experience. Further more, it is importance to realise that many customers will not complain and this will differ from one industry sector to another. Lastly, if people believe that dealing customer satisfaction, complaint is costly, they need to realise that is costly as much as 25 percent more to recruit new customers".

Improving customer satisfaction: Published standards exist to help organisation develop their current levels of customer satisfaction. The international customer service institute. (TICIS) has released the international customer service standard. (TICSS). TICSS enables organisation to four their attention on delivery excellence in the Management at the same time providing recognition at success through a 3rd party registration scheme. TICSS focus an organisation attention on delivery increases customer satisfaction by helping the organisation through a service quality model.



John A. Czepiel and larry J. Rosen berg

According to him "Abstract in, consumer satisfaction may be clustered with such key goals as profitability and social responsibility. However undisputed its importance its. Conceptualization and measurement have remind largely backward, severely limiting its value indetermining marketing strategies. This article has raised issue and suggested guidelines for research and management thinking".


Morgan & Hunt 1994

According to him "To all marketing activities directed towards establishing, developing and maintaining successful relational exchange.



According to him "Customer satisfaction refer to the feeling of satisfaction arises when consumer compare the perception of a products performance to there expectation


Hame Mark and Albinsson

According to him "Satisfaction is an over all customer attitude towards a service provider, or an emotional reaction to the difference between which customer anticipate and what the receive regarding the fulfillment of some need, goal or desire.



According to him "Customer's satisfaction refers to "A person's feelings of pleasure or disappointment.



According to him "Customer's satisfaction refer to strategic dimension from a organisation includes becoming more competitive through customer satisfactors and brand loyalty. Product and service quality brand and firm association, relative cost, new products activity and manager or employee capability and performance.



According to him "A business that focuses exclusively on customer satisfaction runs the risk of becoming on undifferentiated brand whose customers believe only that it meets the minimum performance criteria for the category long term customer retention is competitive. Markets requires the supplier to go beyond here basic satisfaction and to look for ways of establishing lies of loyalty that will help word off competitor attack".

Chapter III

KING CRAFT dates back to 1970 when Mr.Govindarajan, a Indian man foreseeing the potentional for developing India as a major centre for building steel and iron, established the company, Since then, King craft has played a vital role in the development of Indias steel industry. King Craft pioneered their way into new model grills.

KING CRAFT was the first to introduce all new grills in India. King craft was first to recognize the potential for Grills as a full and ushered in the steel era in 1971. King Craft took up the sale and distribution of grills through an agreement with Ms. Moon Light Ltd., In 1975 King Craft became the first Indian Company to indigenously manufacture iron for the surface construction .

KING CRAFT is one of the units of the KGR.Pvt,Ltd., a 530 millions conglomerate, which includes companies like Moon light, New Grill Craft, and one of the leading pioneer in Grills production. From a present product range of 2000 models in the fast growing category of IRON & STEEL, King Craft is already expanding its horizon further entering an agreement with its long times associates Grills the 2000 and 3000 series.

KING CRAFT is supplying Grills to the various customers including major manufactures like GATE, BALCONY, STAIR CASE, SWING, COTS, LAMP POST, etc.,

KING CRAFT is having manufacturing locations at Thirumullaivoyal. King Craft is also having 3 regional offices at Vellore, Thanjavure, Villupuram and service Centers across country.

All the departments and sectors are with latest technology with a team of labour. King Craft has become one of the major players to reckons with the Irion & Steel Grills market. In this long journey spanning around 30 years. The founder of King Craft is Mr. K. Karthikeyan. This is a private limited company. Now the chairman and managing Director is Mr. K.Govindarajan.

The King Craft is manufacturing Balcony, Gates, Stair case, Cots, Cast iron grills, Brass, Acrylic, Grills Accessories, etc.,

The foundation of product and the process technology from international leaders coupled with continuing emphasis on in house development and adoption to market requirement, helped King Craft to introduce many advancement in product style for the domestic and export market as well as improve manufacturing efficiency.


To achieve and maintain a high level of growth and profitability and to adequately reward shareholders who are partners in the enterprise.

To give our customer excellent value for their money through supply of quality product at competitive prices backed by good customer services.

To provide opportunities for growth in terms of remuneration as well as skill endowment and a satisfying working environment.

To be a good corporate citizen.

The continuing drive to synthesis material technology with manufacturing competence to develop innovative product solutions.

The plant is equipped with comprehensive facilities to ensure Production consistency and flexibility. An integrated approach to quality management through comprehensive training at all levels supported by full fledged test facilities ensures superior product performances and reliability. All products are rigorously tested to ensure compliance with not only all international standards.


To fulfill pollution control requirement and to maintain our commitment towards cleaner environment development of green belt by way of plating 22,000trees at various locations in avadi .The work has been executed by the social forestry department of government of Tamil nadu.

A business house or an institution cannot carry out its talk and face challenges without the assistance of a well organized office. In every modern organization right from a business concern to government department, her has to be same place and people to receive records, supply the required information to the manager and executive on to carry on other clerical work like receiving and mailing letter, maintaining files and preserving important document etc. Those works are essential for the efficient management of any organization .


The company has provided sweepers and cleaners who clean the office with medicated water twice daily. The waste materials are collected and removed at regular intervals. It is the duty of the office manager to keep the office environment clean and tidy so that the workers can work in good and clean environment, which makes them more convenience in their work place.


Equal importance is given for production and safety at KING CRAFT. Two areas safety committees are functioning effectively and contribute to the cause of refinerys safety. Representatives form the non-supervisory and supervisory staffs of all concerned section are members in the committees and take active part in the deliberation. All the safety related activities are periodically reviewed by an apex, the central safety committee, headed by director (operation).


Management is the act of getting things done through others. Management is guiding human and physical resources into dynamic organization which alter the objectives to the satisfaction of those seated and which a high degree of moral and sense of attainment on the part of rendering service. In every company, management plays the important role. KING CRAFT has become one of the best companies in producing the ornamental grills by its effective management and administration.

Fire extinguisher and fire alarms have been installed at appropriate places in the office which will be the most helpful in case of fire. There are many emergency exits also there in the company premises.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Name of the Directors Mr. Govindarajan.K Mr. Karthikeyan.K Mr. Arunachalam.K Mr. Narayana Swamy.K Mr. Arul prakasam Mr. Lakshmi Narayanan.G Mr. Lakshmi kanthan.A Mr. Lakshmi pathi.A (Alternate Director to Mr. Lakshmi narasimman) Shantha Vinoth.G Gen.(Retd.)Vidhya lakshmi Mr. Baghya Lakshmi.N Mr. Subha lakshmi K Mr. Aishwaraya Lakshmi.A Mr. Pooja Lakshmi.A Mr. Yamuna narayanan

Designation Chairman & Whole-time Director Managing Director & CEO Joint Managing Director Non-Technical Director Non-executive Director Non-executive Director Non-executive Director Non-executive Director

9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Non-executive & Independent Director Non-executive & Independent Director Non-executive & Independent Director Non-executive & Independent Director Non-executive & Independent Director Non-executive & Independent Director Non-executive & Independent Director

Mr. Govindarajan is the founder Director and Chairman of the Company. He is the President of All India Grills association (AIGA), Society of Indian Grills Manufacturers (SIGM). In recognition of his contribution to industry, Mr. Govindarajan was conferred the Award by the Union Government. Mr. Govindarajanis currently on the board of the following companies:

1. 2 3 4 5

Name of the Company

King Craft New Grill Craft KGR trading Pvt.Ltd Moon Light Solar Makes

Nature of Office
Chairman and Whole time Director Chairman and Director Chairman and Director Chairman and Director Chairman and Director


Year 1970 1975 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 Event Joint Collaboration Agreement with KING CRAFT. Shareholders Agreement signed King Craft. incorporated First Grill rolled out 100,000th New Grill produced New Grills model "accessories introduced New Grill model - "Spike" introduced 500,000th Grill produced New Grill model "Brass" introduced 1,000,000th Grill produced New Grill model - "Steel" introduced King carft 2nd manufacturing plant at Coiambattur Ornamental Grill Work Started New Grill model "ACARLIC" introduced at Ambattur Plant .
4,000,000th Grills produced 'INDIA No. 1' - largest selling Grill model

New Grill model - "HAMMER IRON" introduced One million production in one single year . 6,000,000th Grills produced Becomes the first Indian Company to cross the cumulative 7 million sales mark Accessories have emerged as the World's largest selling model for the third calendar year in a row (2000, 2001, 2002). King Craft Company Started at USA ( Georgia) Cast Iron Gate Started With One tone weight World largest Fencing Done In USA Indias leading Ornamental Grill Makers

2007 2008 2009 2010


AWARE COMPANY At King Craft, our goal is not only to sell you a Grills, but also to help you every step of the way in making your world a better place to live in. Besides its will to provide a high-quality service to all of its customers, King Craft takes a stand as a socially responsible enterprise respectful of its environment and respectful of the important issues. King Craft has been strongly committed not only to environmental conservation programmes but also expresses the increasingly inseparable balance between the economic concerns and the environmental and social issues faced by a business. A business must not grow at the expense of mankind and man's future but rather must serve mankind. "Grills that Make a Kingdom." A famous quote from our Worthy Chairman Mr.Govindarajan. Environment Policy We at King Craft are committed to demonstrate excellence in our environmental performance on a continual basis, as an intrinsic element of our corporate philosophy. To achieve this we commit ourselves to:

Integrate environmental attributes and cleaner production in all our business processes and practices with specific consideration to substitution of hazardous chemicals, where viable and strengthen the greening of supply chain. Continue product innovations to improve environmental compatibility. Institutionalise resource conservation, in particular, in the areas of oil, water, electrical energy, paints and chemicals. Enhance environmental awareness of our employees and dealers / vendors, while promoting their involvement in ensuring sound environmental management.

Quality Policy
Excellence in quality is the core value of King Craft philosophy. We are committed at all levels to achieve high quality in whatever we do, particularly in our products and services which will meet and exceed customer's growing aspirations through: Innovation in products processes and services. Continuous improvement in our total quality management systems. Teamwork and responsibility.

Safety Policy
King Craft is committed to safety and health of its employees and other persons who may be affected by its operations. We believe that the safe work practices lead to better business performance, motivated workforce and higher productivity. We shall create a safety culture in the organization by:

Integrating safety and health matters in all our activities. Ensuring compliance with all applicable legislative requirements. Empowering employees to ensure safety in their respective work places. Promoting safety and health awareness amongst employees, suppliers and contractors. Continuous improvements in safety performance through precautions besides participation and training of employees.

Chapter IV

6 Analysis and interpretation

Introduction :
This chapter data with data analysis and interpretation of the information collected by the issue of questionnaires on customer satisfaction towards King Craft with special reference to Chennai city.

The collected information are further analyzed and interpreted on different categories like age, group, income level, educational background and occupational level etc., the above characteristic have been explained with the help of tables.

Table 4.1.1

Gender of the Respondent

Gender Male Female Total Interpretation ;

No of Respondent 38 12 50

Percentage 76(%) 24(%) 100(%)

From the above table the sex of the respondent 76% (38) of the respondent are Male & 24% (12) of the respondent are the Female.

Table : 4.1.2 Age 21-30 31-40 41-50 Above 50 Total Interpretation ;

Age of the Respondent Percentage 18(%) 46(%) 30(%) 6(%) 100 (%)

No of Respondent 9 23 15 3 50

From the above table the age of respondents 46%(23) of the respondent in the age group of 31-40, 30%(15) of them are in 41-50 yrs, 18% (9) of them are in 21-30 yrs and 6%(3) of the respondent are in 50 yrs

Table : 4.1.3 Educational Status Illiterate High school level Graduate Post - Graduate Total

Educational Status of the Respondent No of Respondent 1 26 15 7 50 Percentage 2(%) 52(%) 30(%) 14(%) 100 (%)

Interpretation ; From the above table, the Educational status of the respondent 52% (26) are High school level, 30% (15) of the respondent are Graduate, 14% (7) of the respondent are Post Graduate, and 2% (1) of the respondent are illiterate.

Table : 4.1.4 Marital Status Married Un married Total

Marital Status of the Respondent No of Respondent 25 25 50 Percentage 50(%) 50(%) 100(%)

Interpretation ; From the above table, the Martial Status of the respondent, 50%(25) of respondent is both married and unmarried are in equal level

Table :4.1.5 Monthly Income Below 5000 5001-10000 10001-15000 15001-20000 Above 20000 Total

Monthly Income of the respondent No of Respondent 5 11 24 8 2 50 Percentage 10(%) 22(%) 48(%) 16(%) 4(%) 100 (%)

From the above table, Monthly Income of the respondent, 48%(24) of the respondent 10001-15000, 21% (11) of the respondent 500110000,16% (8) of the respondent 15001-20000, 10% (5) of the respondent below 5000, and respondent of 4% (2) is above 20000. Monthly Income of the respondent

Table :6 Company name Accessories Steel Cast Iron Others Total

Grills Owned by the Respondent No of Respondent 15 14 15 6 50 Percentage 30(%) 28(%) 30(%) 12(%) 100(%)

From the above table, Accessories Owned by the respondent is 30% (15) of both Steel and Brass, 28% (14) is Cast Iron and 12% (6) is others. Grills Owned by the Respondent

Table:7 Response Welding Painting Availability of Accessories Design and Trendy Total

Reasons for preferring a particular Grills No of Respondent 10 23 6 11 50 Percentage 20(%) 46(%) 12(%) 22(%) 100(%)

From the above table, Reasons for preferring a particular Grills of the respondent 46% (23) Painting, 22% (11) of the respondent is Design and trendy, 20% (10) of the respondent is Welding and 12% (6) of the respondent is availability of Accessories. Reason for preferring a particular Grills

Table: 8 Response Highly Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied

Satisfaction Level on owning a particular Grills No of Respondent 12 13 13 6 6 50 Percentage 24(%) 26(%) 26(%) 12(%) 12(%) 100(%)

Highly dissatisfied Total

From the above table, satisfaction level on owning a particular bike of 26% (13) of the respondent of both satisfied and neutral, 24% (12) of the respondent is Highly satisfied, and 12% (6) of the respondent of both dissatisfied and Highly dissatisfied Satisfaction Level on owning a particular Grills

Table:9 Response Ornamental Gate Balcony Stair Case None of the above Total

Previously owned Grill No of Respondent Percentage 32(%) 28(%) 24(%) 16(%) 100(%)

16 14 12 8 50

From the above table, previously owned Grills of the respondent is 32% (16) is Gate, 28% (14) of the respondent is Balcony, 24% (12) of the respondent is Stair Case and 16% (8) is None of the above Previously owned Grills

Table: 10 Reasons Cost Quality Design Make New to the Market Others Total 2 18 20 8 2 50

Reasons for change of company No of Respondent 4(%) 36(%) 40(%) 16(%) 4(%) 100(%) Percentage

From the above table, Reasons for change of company, 40% (20) of the respondent is Design make, 36% (18) of the respondent is Quality, 16% (8) of the respondent is New to the market and 4% (2) of the respondent both is cost and Others. Reasons for change of company

Table:11 Reasons Ornamental Gate Balcony Grills Stair Case Lamp Post Total

Recommending to others No of Respondent Percentage 34(%) 28(%) 28(%) 8(%) 100(%)

17 14 14 4 50

From the above table, Recommending to others is 34% (17) of the respondent is Ornamental Gate 28% (14) of the respondent is both Balcony Grills and Stair Case and 8% (4) of the respondent is Lamp Post . Recommending to others

Table:12 Reasons Yes No Total

Considering King Craft as a "Best Company" No of Respondent 37 13 50 Percentage 74(%) 26(%) 100(%)

From the above table, considering King Craft as a "Best Company", is 74% (37) of the respondent say Yes, and 26%(13) of the respondent say No. Considering King Craft as a "Best Company"

Table: 13

Satisfaction Level on King Craft company products No of Respondent 9 17 14 5 5 50 Percentage 18 (%) 34(%) 28(%) 10(%) 10(%) 100(%)

Response Highly Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Highly dissatisfied Total


From the above table, Satisfaction Level on King Craft company product, 34% (17) of the respondent is satisfied, 28% (14) of the respondent is Neutral, 18% (9) of the respondent is Highly satisfied, and 10% (5) of the respondent both Dissatisfied and Highly Dissatisfied Satisfaction Level on King Craft company products

Table: 14 Response Very Good Good Fair Bad Very Bad Total

Service Rendered at King Craft Branches No of Respondent 11 21 17 1 50 Percentage 22 (%) 42(%) 34(%) -(%) 2(%) 100(%)

From the above table, Service Rendered at King Craft Branches, 42% (21) of the respondent say good, 34% (17) of the respondent say fair, 22% (11) of the respondent say very good, 2% (1) of the respondent say Very Bad and None of the respondent say Bad. Service Rendered at King Craft Branches

Table: 15 Opinion on Market Price of King Craft Response Reasonable Affordable Moderate Low High Total No of Respondent 10 13 15 4 8 50 Percentage 20(%) 26(%) 30(%) 8(%) 16(%) 100(%)

From the above table, the opinion on Market price of King Craft, 30% (15) of the respondent is Moderate, 26% (13) of the respondent is Affordable, 20% (10) of the respondent is Reasonable, 16% (8) of the respondent is High and 8% (4) of the respondent is Low. Opinion on Market Price of King Craft

Table: 16 Period in change of Grills, Especially King Craft Products Years 5yrs 10yrs 20yrs 25yrs Total No of Respondent 16 25 6 3 50 Percentage 32 (%) 50(%) 12(%) 6(%) 100(%)

From the above table, the Time-period in change of Grills, especially King Craft products, is 50% (25) of the respondent in 10 Yrs, 32% (16) of the respondent in 5 yrs, 12% (6) of the respondent in 20 Yrs and 6% (3) of the respondent in 25 Yrs. Period in change of Grills, Especially King Craft Products



We found that 76% of respondents are Male. We found that 46% of respondent are in the age group (31 to 40) We found that 52% of respondents were completed High school level.

We found that Half of the respondents were Married, and Half were unmarried.

We found that 48% of the respondents earn income about 10001

We found that 30% of the respondents own Grill Makes. We found that 46% of the prefer Style and Quality. We found that 26% of the respondents are satisfied and neutral

owning a particular Grill.

We found that 32% of the respondents have previously owned Here

Home Grills.
We found that 40% of the respondents, have a reason for change of

Grill company for Quality make.

We found that 34% of the respondents are recommending the KING

CRAFT Grills.
We found that 74% of the respondents said yes for considering KING

CRAFT as a "Best company".

We found that 34% of the respondents have a satisfied level on KING

CRAFT Company products.

We found that 42% of the respondents have a good opinion on service

rendered at KING CRAFT Branches.

We found that 30% of the respondents have a moderate opinion on

market price of KING CRAFT Grills.

To attract more female Builders, the company can introduce more Grills, which can be used especially by Builders. The company can introduce Grills at cheaper cost, so that purchase ratio will increase. More number of Workers can be introduced, as the study reveals most of the customers felt that KING CRAFT service are best, compared to others. KING CRAFT company can concentrate on Grill make, while introducing new Grills, as the study revels majority respondents changed their Grills because of poor make. KING CRAFT should try to sustain its brand name. as majority of the respondent go in buying KING CRAFT for its brand name in the market. Majority of the respondent feel availability of Accessories is the uniqueness of KING CRAFT. So it should be maintained to have market equilibrium.


A study on King Craft and its customer satisfaction level

Name Address Sex

a. b.

Male Female


a. b. c. d.

21-30 yrs 31-40 yrs 41-50 yrs Above 50 yrs


Educational Qualification

a. b. c. d. e.

Illiterate High school level Graduate Post Graduate Others


Marital status
a. b.

Married Unmarried


Monthly Income

a. b. c. d. e.

Below Rs. 5000 5001 - 10000 10,001 - 15,000 15,001 - 20,000 Above 20,000


Do you own a Grills, if yes which company Grills you have KING CRAFT Moon Light Others

a. b. c.


Why do you prefer specifically, a certain kind of Grills

a. b. c. d.

Design Color and safety Availability of Accessories Quality and trendy


What is you satisfaction level on owning a particular Grills

a. b. c. d. e.

Highly satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Highly satisfied


Which company bike do you owned previously? a. KING CRAFT b. Moon Light c. New Grill Craft d. None of the above


What made you to change the company? a. cost b. Less quality c. Grill make d. New to the market e. others.


Which company would you recommend to others? a. KING CRAFT b. Moon Light c. New Grill Craft d. Others


Do you think, KING CRAFT is one among the best company?



b. No

13. If yes, what is you satisfaction level on KING CRAFT company products a. Highly satisfied b. Satisfied c. Neutral d. Dissatisfied e. Highly dissatisfied 14. What is your opinion about services rendered at KING CRAFT Branches? a. Very Good b. Good c. Fair d. Bad e. Very bad What do you think about the market price of KING CRAFT Product? a. Reasonable b. Affordable c. Moderate d. Low e. High



What is the time period; you will have a change in Grills, especially KING CRAFT products a. 5 yrs b. 10 yrs c. 20 yrs d. 25 yrs


A book on customer satisfaction and Training by Renee Evelyn. Printed on Dec 2003.

Exceptional customer service by Bill Perry. Printed on March 2005 Customer satisfaction and Delight Principles by Robert Leves. Printed on June 2004

Making Customer Satisfaction Happen by R.M.Mcnelly. Printed on Dec 1999

Apart from the books the researcher also collected details through browsing net.

The field work training focused the various aspects and the functions of the departments in KING CRAFT. It was indeed a golden Opportunity for the trainee to know the practical application of the subject in the Field work training as a Part of the trainees curriculum activity. It was real experience For the trainee and it was very useful for the future.

The organization has been making better profits. This is due to the presence of good industrial relations. The managements has been taken all the steps to create, maintain, promote and presence cordial industrial relations in the organization. The employees are provided better benefit and services and good working environment, which helps the employees to discharge their duties must be sincere and efficient.

I got a great exposure of practical application of various theoretical aspects. I had acquired confidence to face the corporate world which will be helpful in the coming years. It encourages working hard and gives a feeling of commitment and responsibility towards work. Training helps to learn about various departments and their functions. The trainee observes how a superior sub-ordinates relationship would be in the organization.The trainee had the opportunity of going through institutional training in a esteemed organization like KING CRAFT.

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