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UNION AS A GLOBAL ACTOR I Lecturer: Assist.Prof.Dr. Mnevver Cebeci The Capability-Expectations Gap and the EUs International Actorness Student: Meliha Zulovic November 16, 2012.

Breaking News instead of Introduction After the years of sluggish work of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia and twenty years of their unhurried activities just as the time when this text has been written, the former commander of the Croatian Army, General Ante Gotovina and Croatian Police Commander Mladen Markac1 have been released from the prison after five years. With this sudden shift in the decision of the Court for Croatian military representatives the weak relations among Serbians and Croats is expected to be more tense. As Croatia is celebrating these days, Serbian politicians and public are very upset. Vuk Jeremic 2, Serbian president of UN General Assembly has threatened that he is going to revenge for this shameful justice from Haag.3Nevertheless, the question is; are we going to face with renewed hope in European justice. Is it not too late for EU Institutions to confirm their strong will in prosecuting those who are responsible for massive crimes in Europe in 21.century? Are the expectations coming up?

General Ante Gotovina has been cleared of targeting civilian institutions during fighting against ethnic Serbs in 1995.Gotovina who had been given a 24-year sentence and Croatian police commander Mladen Marckac had been sentenced to 18-years.Source: 2 Vuk Jeremic is considered as one of most successful Serbian politicians. Jeremovic passionately protected Serbian interest concerning the Kosovo independence case so he was lobbing across the globe against recognition of the Independence of Kosovo. /comment of the author/. 3

This is the hour of Europe Since the establishment of the League of Nation in 19354 as an international organization body that should had prevent collective security in world and further events which confirmed many gaps in this attempt toward this idea, it seemed that everyone were focused on security issue firstly than at the economical one. Expectations, in the original argument, are those ambitions or demands of the EUs international behavior which derive from both inside and outside the Union.5 Trough the legislation EUs security and foreign policy summarizes regional external relations and trade, humanitarian aid with promotion of human rights and democracy, fight against criminal and a vast programs for development and cooperation. Thanks to the changes by the Lisbon Treaty in 2009. which included the appointment of an EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, who coordinates between EU countries to shape and implement foreign policy, EU can be more active in this approach. The Unions action on the international scene shall be guided by the principles which have inspired its own creation, development and enlargement, and which it seeks to advance in the wider world: democracy, the rule of law, the universality and indivisibility of human rights and fundamental freedoms, respect for human dignity, the principles of equality and solidarity, and respect for the principles of the United Nations Charter and international law. The Union shall seek to develop relations and build partnerships with third countries, and international, regional or global organizations which share the principles referred to in the first subparagraph. It shall promote multilateral solutions to common problems, in particular in the framework of the United Nations.6 Evidently, the EU like single state actors, is influenced by the shifting currents of international politics and outside the demands for the EU to act internationally whether or not it is ready to capable. Foreign crises- embargoes, wars, human suffering- impact heavily on the EU and help explain responses.7When we observe a kind of general frame which includes all functions trough the time, we can easily see that the concept itself is very good organized: The stabilization of

For detailed explanation check Dinan, Desmond Europe Recast; A History of EU. Palgrave Macmillan 2004, Introduction part and First Chapter. 5 Hill, Christopher, Closing the Capability-Expectations Gap, Seattle 1997,p 10. 6 CONSOLIDATED TREATIES, CHARTER OF FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS, General provision on the unions external action and specific provisions on the common Foreign and Security Policy, Chapter 1, Article 21., Luxembourg/ Publications Office of the European Union, 2010 7 Ginsberg, Roy, Conceptualizing the European Union as an International Actor; Narrowing the Theoretical Capability- Expectations Gap, Journal of Common Market Studies, Sept.1999.,p.435.

western Europe, managing world trade, principal voice of the developed world in relations with the South, providing a second western voice in international diplomacy with the future conceivable functions based on a replacement for the USSR in the global balance of power, regional role of pacifier and mediator of conflicts; global intervener in human rights and global economy.8So, how is it possible, after such a comprehensive policy testify such a harsh gaps? From the early days of the constitutions of European communities, the constitution of European Defense Policy as many critics stated, started with failure.9 Today, the institutional debate has two main dimensions: the pillar structure and the military- civilian divide.10 First one is the question of intergovernmentalism and supernationalism and the second one is connected with civilian police capacity as a preventive tool. The preventive tool and measures seems to become main concern of security gaps at European and international level today. This is the hour of Europe as quoted Jacques Poos, former President of EU Council in the 1990s during the beginning of the Yugoslav crisis.11This optimistic quote was probably initiated by the thinking that communist regime is finally dropping out and this is going to be opportunity for Europe to show its skills in mediating and preventing conflicts on its territory. In the 21.century, I believe, the mission of The United Nations will be defined by a new, more profound awareness of the sanctity and dignity of every human life, regardless of race or religion. (Kofi Annan) UN Secretary Kofi Annan underlined how the focus of role of the state has shifted; states are now widely understood to be instruments at the service of their peoples.12But before of this statement there were a decade of bloody war in Bosnia where EU seems to be impotent to do anything to stop killing. The security gaps were not just visible in the case of war in Bosnia; from Kosovo to Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan; it seems that only the NATO took its part in the intervention. Of course, the NATO assumes military intervention above everything, but we have to take into consideration the presence of the United Nations which are constituted to ensure peace among the

Hill, Christopher, The Capability Expectations Gap, or Conceptualizing Europes International Role, Journal of Common Market Studies, Volume 31, Sept.1993.,p.311-314. 9 For detailed explanation check Dinan, Desmond Europe Recast; A History of EU. 2nd Chapter. Palgrave Macmillan 2004. 10 Hansen, Annika Security and Defence, The EU Police Mission in Bosnia & Herzegovina, Contemporary European Foreign Policy, Chapter 10, Sage Publications, p.180-181. 11 Hill, Christopher, Closing the Capability-Expectations Gap, Seattle 1997,p 5. 12 Hansen, Annika Security and Defence, The EU Police Mission in Bosnia & Herzegovina, Contemporary European Foreign Policy, Chapter 10, Sage Publications, p.174

countries with The Security Council as a special body with the power to make binding decisions that member governments have agreed to carry out.13 Obviously, some decisions or non decisions were wrong in European security and foreign policy. Christopher Hill takes the view that the capability expectations gap is perilous because it could lead to debates over false possibilities both within the EU and between the Union and external supplicants. In further explanation Hill states that there have been plenty of ill omens trailing the initiative, most notoriously when the EU failed to prevent and later to stop the Yugoslav civil wars of the mid 1990s, an experience some see the EU as having repeated in the handling of the Darfur crisis.14It is very surprising that such an expert for security and foreign policy as Christopher Hill is, defines war in Bosnia as Yugoslav civil wars. To remind; The European Parliament stated that in July 1995. the Bosnian town of Srebrenica, which was at that time an isolated enclave proclaimed a Protected Zone by a United Nations Security Council Resolution of 16. April 1993 fell into the hands of the Serbian militias led by General Ratko Mladic and under the direction of the then president of the Republika Srpska Radovan Karadzic. During several days of carnage after the fall of Srebrenica, more than 8 000 Muslim men and boys, who had sought safety in this area under the protection of the United Nations Protection Force (UNPROFOR), were summarily executed by Bosnian Serb forces commanded by General Mladic and by paramilitary units, including Serbian irregular police units which had entered Bosnian territory from Serbia; whereas nearly 25 000 women, children and elderly people were forcibly deported, making this event the biggest war crime to take place in Europe since the end of Second World War. This tragedy is declared as an act of genocide by The International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) that took place in a UN-proclaimed safe haven, and therefore stands as a symbol of the impotence of the international community to intervene in the conflict and protect civilian population.15 Is it possible now that even those who analyze gaps inside of the system are making the same gaps?


under the terms of Charter Article 25. Those decisions of the Council are known as UN Security Council resolutions. 14 Toje, Asle, The Consensus Expectations Gap: Explaining Europes Ineffective Foreign Policy, Security Dialogue, International Peace Institute, Oslo 2008,p.123 15 The document of Srebrenica European resolution of 15. January 2009. P6_TA (2009)0028.

Instead of conclusion

The purpose of this paper is to limited to analyse in detail the expectations gaps of security police in the EU. The paper has the attempt to show the unquestionable presence of the structure, but what are the reasons of incapability to prevent some expectable or unrespectable happenings it stays unclear. Comparing the cases from different countries we may jump to the conclusion Europe is ready to prevent and protect, but from case to case. That is way expectations vary. EU won the Nobel prize in 2012. for the prevention of conflict between Germany and France.

We all know those countries were rival trough whole European history but what about some others Europeans cases? Only during the blockade of Sarajevo in 1.425 days, 11.442 civilians was killed. Lets remember the work of Francois Mitterrand, Carl Bildt or Lord Carington; if Bill Clinton did not act at the end the EU would maybe even today scrutinise about the situation on Balkan. If we are adding up all merits to somebody, why the NATO shouldnt be awarded? It is familiar to everyone the NATO is the reason for our safe dream from the 1945. Of course, when we say the NATO that means more Americans than Europeans. The NATO saved Kosovo from Bosnian destiny and still the presence of the NATO means stability on the Balkan area. The fact this decision is made by the Committee of Swedish Science Academy elected by the Parliament of Norway, the only Scandinavian country which refused to be EUs member just makes this situation more controversial. The New York Times about the issue gave its ironic suggest since Europe didnt stop not holocaust neither genocide in Bosnia, at least it could give money of the price to the Greece, the country in difficult position these days; having in its parliament representatives of Zlatna Gora the political movement confirmed that produces national leaders like Arkan who directly organised genocide and massive crimes in Bosnia and Croatia. Hypocrite face of EUs security and foreign policy goes among the Nobel Prize. It is visible at every corner; from visa liberalisation given to the Serbia firstly on Balkan, to the fact that the Head of UN General Assembly is a Serbian representative Vuk Jeremic, the character mentioned at the introduction of this paper. Im wondering, how is it possible that EU is talking about Copenhagen criteria having in their executive bodies ones who still promote differences, hatred and dominance!?

Daily newspapers Dnevni avaz, 20.octobar 2012. P.9. free translation from Bosnian language by the author

The EU is going to give the Nobel prizes money to the programs for child safety and protection. Thank you the EU. Hope some of your coins will go to the programs of Mothers of Srebrenica, those who are left without their children by your protection17.


According to the Report of The Committee of Missing persons and Genocide in Bosnia there are around 1083 children killed in Sarajevo only; around 50 000 women is killed or raped. Half of it were girls younger than 18. In the massacre in Srebrenica around 10 000 is killed in couple of days. UNPROFOR soldiers from Netherland Brigade watched and taped killing of Muslims in protected UN zone of Srebrenica. Some of their comments and jokes toward Bosnian girls are still written on the walls of the factory where civilians were locked and abused..

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