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SCHOOL BASED ASSESSMENT Roger Whyte Candidates Name:_______________________________ WordProcessing Description Task 1 Full Page Advertisement Criteria Use facilities to create Advertisement Full page letter size used Use of formatting Bold, font size, font style Borders and shading to highlight and give emphasis Use of appropriate graphics Clarity of itemization Insert relevant data about band Task 2 Letter Creation of appropriate main document Correct information included in letter parade route, the time of assembly and departure of band Correct report inserted appropriately Gratitude expressed to masqueraders in final paragraph
selection of All required merge fields in data source

# ______________________


Mks Received

1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 2 1 2 1 0 1 1 2 1 2 1 20

Use of Mail Merge facility

Task 3 - Letterhead

Task 4 -

Cover of assignment includes ALL required info. Total Marks

Two or more missing Insertion of All required merge fields in appropriate sections of document. No more than one missing merge field More than one missing merge field correct merge-consistent with primary document (More than 1 error 0 mark) appropriate picture/clip art appropriate data in header (name of company & contact info) (1 mark each) appropriate footer with words centred Document justified with left margin set to 1.5 document free of grammatical errors candidates name & #, school, subject, year & centre.

1 2 1 2



SCHOOL BASED ASSESSMENT Roger Whyte Candidates Name:_______________________________ Teachers Name ___________________________________ Date___________________________ Spreadsheet Description Criteria Appropriate formatting features: - merge&centre - correct use of border - correct use of fill color Correct use of function (IF, Lookup etc.) Relevant use of absolute cell addressing Each spreadsheet saved with specified name: - Masqueraders1 (All three 3 mks) - Masqueraders2 (Less than three 1 mk) - Masqueraders3 Task 1 Masqueraders1 Task 2 Masqueraders2 Income per section (Less than 3 sections 1 mk) Expense per section(Less than 3 sections 1 mk) Appropriate rows inserted in 1st three Sections Appropriate rows deleted from last 2 sections (0 mark if only one requirement done) Summary table of Total Income and Expenditure Perform all modifications Sort required sections correctly Column graph - Correct data used - Correct title, labels chart type etc. Pie chart - Correct chart type and title - Correct data used Mks Mks Received # ______________________ Sig_________________________________

1 1 1 1 3 1 1 3

2 2 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 20

2 2 1 1 1 1

Task 3 Masqueraders3

1 1 15

Total Marks Teachers Name ___________________________________ Date___________________________




SCHOOL BASED ASSESSMENT Roger Whyte Candidates Name:_______________________________ # ______________________

Database Description Tables Criteria Creation of three (3) tables consistent with specification Utilization of primary key - All relevant data imported correctly from spreadsheet - One data item missing - More than one data item missing # 1 Section (Correct records shown) # 2 TwentiesLadies Correct records shown - multiple criteria used # 3 Paidup - Correct records shown - Correct criteria used # 4 Rebate Correct calculated field used to produce data. (16% of Total paid) # 5 Giftvoucher Correct calculated field used to produce data. (13% of Total paid) # 5 - Correct records shown - Correct criteria used # 6 Correct delete query used to remove all records for two named revelers Group by Section Sort by last name then first name in descending order Calculate Total funds paid per Section and Grand total of payments made Calculate Average payment per Section All required fields shown Correct Title in TWO lines Mks 3 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 20 1 2 1 3 Mks Received



Total Marks Teachers Name ___________________________________ Date___________________________ 2012 2013 ACADEMIC YEAR



SCHOOL BASED ASSESSMENT Roger Whyte Candidates Name:_______________________________ # ______________________

Description Problem statement that defines the problem Representing the solution in algorithm or pseudocode

Problem Solving and Programming Criteria

Problem is clearly defined

Mks 1 1 1 1 1 2 [1] 2 [1] 1 1 1 2 [1] 1 1 2 [1]

2 [1] 1 1 2 [1] 3 [1] 1 1 1

Mks Received

Start of solution Definition of Variables - Identify all variables - Initialize all relevant variables
(0 mark for more than 2 errors)

Processing - Request for data - Storing all data *2 or more data not stored Appropriate and logical use of control structures * use in most sections of solution - Output results
(Names per section and section name. Total Persons, Total Amt Paid per Section Shown)

Constructing the trace Table

The effectiveness with which the program achieved the objective. The effectiveness with which the language features are used to achieve a working solution

ALL variables correctly identified and used Appropriate test data - Data Set Complete: (Test ALL areas) - Test SOME areas Change in values correctly demonstrated Program compiled Output is correct - output is correct for ALL values in data set - output is correct for SOME values in data set Appropriate use of features of the language - Appropriate choice of data types for ALL variables - Appropriate choice of data types for SOME variables Appropriate use of Control Structures - Appropriate initialization of variables - Appropriate use of sequence - Appropriate use of if then else construct [inefficient use of if then construct] Appropriate use of looping construct to manipulate arrays and perform other tasks - [inefficient or inappropriate use of loop construct] Clarity of program
- Program documentation through variable names; author of program; date created; simple statement of task program solves - Readability (Correctly indented; logical flow of control; easy to follow

The effectiveness to which the language features are used to achieve clarity. Total Marks

- user friendly.


Teachers Name ______________________________ Sig_________________________________ 2012 2013 ACADEMIC YEAR


SCHOOL BASED ASSESSMENT Roger Whyte Candidates Name:_______________________________ Date________________________________ # ______________________


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