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What use are godlike form or mind Uncrowned by grace of speech?

That quotation from the Greek poet Homer of approaching three millennia ago shows that some things never change. If you want to make a good impression and present yourself in the most favourable light, professionally and socially, you must consider how you sound as well as how you look. You must be able to communicate your intelligence, skills and qualifications effectively, clearly and attractively. Without good speech and pronunciation, all your potential can go to waste. Our Course can teach you to speak good English well, fluently, clearly and confidently, with the standard, classic English pronunciation and without making embarrassing mistakes. We can help you ensure that what you say will always be listened to.

To learn good English speech and pronunciation you need to be able to listen to and watch good speakers speaking. You need to see close-ups on mouth-movements so that you can watch what has just been explained to you. You need to understand and see how the various sounds are made, and you need to know how to pronounce words and sentences when you see them written down. Then you need to practise yourself.

That is exactly what our Course offers with its 20 hours of superb film accompanied by a text, every word of which is presented to you on screen by top professional actors and tutors. Its like attending a first-class course in London, with the added advantage that you can repeat any sections whenever you want to. You can study the course privately in your own time at home. Or if you are already attending a language school or being taught communication and presentation skills, our Course provides the perfect complement and follow-up to what you are learning there, and will be a constantly available source of practice and reference.

Every practice screen, which usually has a beautiful and relevant picture as its background, is held for ten seconds automatically, but you can pause on any screen for as long as you like to give yourself more time, and you can go back and hear the words or sentences spoken again as often as you wish.

Our Course is always interesting, often amusing and cleverly compiled to demonstrate, practise and reinforce the pronunciations.

We dont make you learn a phonetic alphabet that you will never use in the real world. We keep to the alphabet that we actually use, beginning logically with A and ending with Z. English is not a phonetic language, and modern phonetic alphabets, though useful for academic research, are an unnecessary burden for those simply wishing to learn to speak well. Distance-learning courses are often lonely and boring, and for that reason rarely completed. Ours is in a totally different class. We want to keep you involved, and you will feel that you are participating in a play in which you have a scripted part. You will feel part of the team. The cast is big enough to give you a range of voices but small enough for you to develop a personal rapport with them. Why not meet them now by visiting Our Team?

Ours is not an easy course. Don't believe the glib claims of some courses that tell you they can teach you to speak good English or lose an unwanted accent quickly and effortlessly. Nothing worthwhile in life is easy, and English is not an easy language. But if you have the commitment and stamina to do this course and you will find it absorbing and enjoyable as well as demanding you will be astonished and delighted by what you have achieved. It is no exaggeration to say that it could change your life.

We are dedicated to the teaching, promotion and enjoyment of good English, well spoken with a good standard English accent. We teach the very best English speech and pronunciation in two ways through our English Speech and Pronunciation Course and through live Personal Tutorials.

We also combine entertainment and continuing education through our delightful Educated English Audiobook series. Our English Speech and Pronunciation Course is the foundation of our system. It is a revolutionary new all-on-film course through which top actors and tutors show you how to speak and pronounce good English fluently, correctly, attractively and confidently, with a good, standard English accent and without making embarrassing mistakes. In short, we give you a voice that will be listened to. This unique course is available either as a download or as a beautifully boxed set containing the 700-page course book and set of 14 superb DVDs, offering some twenty hours of top-class video. It is highly effective, and equally enjoyable.

We warmly welcome you to our web site. Do explore it and see what we can do for you. It is a competitive world, and good communication and presentational skills are vital. We can help you make a truly sound investment in your future! We also invite you to register your interest so that we can send your our Blog posts, keep your informed of developments and new publications, and be entered in our monthly prize draw to receive a personal downloadable copy of the next published title in our Educated English Audiobooks series! (Your details are passed to no other organisations, and you can, of course, cancel your registration at any time).

Itu kutipan dari penyair Yunani Homer mendekati tiga ribu tahun yang lalu menunjukkan bahwa beberapa hal tidak pernah berubah. Jika Anda ingin membuat kesan yang baik dan menampilkan diri dalam cahaya yang paling menguntungkan, profesional dan sosial, Anda harus mempertimbangkan bagaimana Anda terdengar serta bagaimana Anda melihat. Anda harus mampu berkomunikasi kecerdasan Anda, keterampilan dan kualifikasi efektif, jelas dan menarik. Tanpa bicara yang baik dan pengucapan, semua potensi Anda bisa sia-sia. Kursus kami dapat mengajar Anda untuk berbicara bahasa Inggris baik dengan baik, lancar, jelas dan percaya diri, dengan pengucapan, standar Inggris klasik dan tanpa membuat kesalahan memalukan. Kami dapat membantu Anda memastikan bahwa apa yang Anda katakan akan selalu didengarkan.

Untuk mempelajari pidato bahasa Inggris yang baik dan pengucapan Anda perlu untuk dapat mendengarkan dan menonton pembicara yang baik berbicara. Anda perlu untuk melihat dekat-up di mulut-gerakan sehingga Anda dapat menonton apa yang baru saja menjelaskan kepada Anda. Anda perlu memahami dan melihat bagaimana berbagai suara yang dibuat, dan Anda perlu tahu bagaimana untuk mengucapkan kata-kata dan kalimat ketika Anda melihat mereka ditulis. Kemudian Anda perlu berlatih sendiri.

Itulah apa Kursus kami menawarkan dengan 20 jam film yang luar biasa disertai dengan teks, setiap kata yang disajikan kepada Anda pada layar dengan aktor profesional atas dan tutor. Ini seperti menghadiri kursus kelas di London, dengan keuntungan tambahan bahwa Anda dapat mengulang bagian kapanpun Anda mau. Anda dapat mempelajari kursus pribadi pada waktu Anda sendiri di rumah. Atau jika Anda sudah menghadiri sekolah bahasa atau menjadi komunikasi yang diajarkan dan kemampuan presentasi, Kursus kami menyediakan pelengkap sempurna dan tindak lanjut apa yang Anda pelajari di sana, dan akan menjadi sumber terusmenerus tersedia latihan dan referensi.

Setiap layar praktik, yang biasanya memiliki gambar yang indah dan relevan sebagai latar belakang, yang diadakan selama sepuluh detik secara otomatis, tetapi Anda dapat menghentikan sebentar pada setiap layar selama Anda ingin memberikan diri Anda lebih banyak waktu, dan Anda dapat kembali dan mendengar kata-kata atau kalimat yang diucapkan lagi sesering yang Anda inginkan. Kursus kami selalu menarik, sering lucu dan cerdik disusun untuk menunjukkan, berlatih dan memperkuat pengucapan. Kami tidak membuat Anda belajar alfabet fonetik bahwa Anda tidak akan pernah digunakan dalam dunia nyata. Kami terus ke alfabet yang kita benar-benar menggunakan, mulai logis dengan A dan diakhiri dengan Z. Bahasa Inggris bukan bahasa fonetik, dan huruf fonetik modern, meskipun berguna untuk penelitian akademik, adalah beban yang tidak perlu bagi mereka yang hanya ingin belajar berbicara dengan baik. Jarak-learning sering kesepian dan membosankan, dan untuk alasan itu jarang selesai. Kita berada dalam kelas yang sama sekali berbeda. Kami ingin membuat Anda terlibat, dan Anda akan merasa bahwa Anda berpartisipasi dalam permainan di mana Anda memiliki bagian yang scripted. Anda akan merasa menjadi bagian dari tim. Cor cukup besar untuk memberikan

berbagai suara tapi cukup kecil bagi Anda untuk mengembangkan hubungan pribadi dengan mereka. Mengapa tidak bertemu dengan mereka sekarang dengan mengunjungi Tim kami?

Kita bukan saja mudah. Jangan percaya klaim glib dari beberapa program yang memberitahu Anda bahwa mereka dapat mengajar Anda untuk berbicara bahasa Inggris baik atau kehilangan aksen yang tidak diinginkan dengan cepat dan mudah. Tidak ada yang berharga dalam hidup mudah, dan bahasa Inggris bukanlah bahasa yang mudah. Tapi jika Anda memiliki komitmen dan stamina untuk melakukan kursus ini - dan Anda akan menemukan menyerap dan menyenangkan serta menuntut - Anda akan terkejut dan senang dengan apa yang telah Anda capai. Tidaklah berlebihan untuk mengatakan bahwa hal itu bisa mengubah hidup Anda.

Kami berdedikasi untuk promosi, pengajaran dan kenikmatan bahasa Inggris yang baik, baik lisan dengan aksen bahasa Inggris yang baik standar. Kami mengajarkan pidato bahasa Inggris terbaik dan pengucapan dalam dua cara - melalui Pidato Bahasa Inggris dan Kursus Pengucapan dan melalui Tutorial Personal hidup. Kami juga menggabungkan hiburan dan pendidikan berkelanjutan melalui serangkaian Audiobook menyenangkan Educated kami bahasa Inggris. Pidato Bahasa Inggris dan Kursus Pengucapan adalah dasar dari sistem kami. Ini adalah baru yang revolusioner semua-on-film saja melalui mana aktor atas dan tutor menunjukkan kepada Anda bagaimana untuk berbicara dan mengucapkan bahasa Inggris yang baik dengan lancar, benar, menarik dan percaya diri, dengan aksen, baik Inggris standar dan tanpa membuat kesalahan memalukan. Singkatnya, kami memberikan Anda suara yang akan didengarkan. Ini tentu saja unik ini tersedia sebagai download atau sebagai satu set indah kotak yang berisi buku 700-halaman kursus dan 14 set DVD yang luar biasa, menawarkan beberapa puluh jam kelas atas video. Hal ini sangat efektif, dan sama-sama menyenangkan.

Kami sangat menyambut Anda ke situs web kami. Apakah mengeksplorasi dan melihat apa yang bisa kita

lakukan untuk Anda. Ini adalah dunia yang kompetitif, dan komunikasi yang baik dan keterampilan presentasi sangat penting. Kami dapat membantu Anda membuat yang benar-benar "suara" investasi di masa depan Anda! Kami juga mengundang Anda untuk mendaftarkan minat Anda sehingga kami dapat mengirimkan kami Anda posting Blog, tetap informasi Anda perkembangan dan publikasi baru, dan dimasukkan dalam hadiah bulanan kami menarik untuk menerima salinan download pribadi dari judul yang diterbitkan berikutnya kami English Educated audiobooks series! (Rincian Anda dilewatkan ke tidak ada organisasi lain, dan Anda dapat, tentu saja, membatalkan pendaftaran Anda setiap saat).

Study Method is a program offering speaking lessons on Regular, Business, Interviewing, Traveling Lessons, along with new Listening lessons, Pronunciation lessons, Basic Grammar, and Intonation and speed of speaking tips. Here are the detailed steps on how to study using For Regular English, Business English, and Travel English 1. Start from the first lesson 2. Click on each sentence and listen to it 3. Repeat after each individual sentence. Listen and repeat until you master the sentence 4. After a series of lessons, you will see an Interactive Conversation Practice Lesson 5. Listen to the real life conversation by clicking on the Listen All button 6. Keep listening to it until you are very comfortable with both Person A and Person B 7. When you are ready, become Person A or Person B by clicking on the buttons

8. All the interactive conversations are native speed. If it is too fast for you, click on the pause button for practice 9. After you practice several times, you can practice without the pause button and speak like a native For Interview English and Useful Phrases 1. Select the Question or Topic you want to study 2. Read the explanation 3. Click on each example answer to listen to the answer or sentence For Listening Lessons 1. Click on the sound or letter you want to learn 2. Pay close attention to the instructions 3. Click on any sentence or word that is blue to hear the sound For Pronunciation Lessons 1. Click on the sound or letter you want to learn 2. Pay close attention to the instructions 3. Click on any sentence or word that is blue to hear the sound Additional Study Advice Practice until you can speak without thinking about each word If you read each section once and listen to the lesson once, you will probably finish in 10 minutes. But you will not be learning anything. Take the time to make each sentence a part of you. You should be able to say each sentence without thinking about it. Use the Interactive Conversation Practice session over and over again until you can be fluent for that category. Don't be discouraged if a lesson takes you a long time. Surround yourself with English to learn English speaking faster Download the TalkEnglish Offline Version from the English Download page and use all the conversations and dialogs with your MP3 player. Even when you're not sitting at your desk studying, you can constantly listen and practice English. The audio files will enable you to study English on the road, waiting for the bus, at the coffee shop, or practically anywhere. You won't need to leave your country to become fluent in English if you study using these methods. Having all the audio files with you will help you speak much faster! Invest your time and effort Don't believe book titles that say you can learn English in 3 months. That is a lie and only the smartest of all genius's will be able to accomplish that. More realistically, it will take quite a long time. Depending on how much time and effort you put into it, you can finish this whole site and learn how to speak English in one year. Even if it takes two years, it is a great accomplishment seeing how many users study English for 10 years without being able to speak English.

Review regularly It is normal to forget things that you do not use. Even after mastering a lesson, you should re-do the Interactive Conversation portion of that lesson on a regular basis so you don't forget it. After awhile, when those sentences are engraved in your head, you will be speaking English fluently. Ask questions anytime you want All users are welcome to view the postings on our Forums page. While studying English, you can always come into the forums page and ask questions.

Many students choose to learn English in an English-speaking country. This gives you the chance to speak English in real-life situations, and learn about a different culture. Many language schools are English only zones', meaning you cannot speak any other language. It's the best way to practice conversation in English! Read More...

Usually, English language schools offer short courses of between two weeks and one year. Some are private English language colleges, and some are located on university campuses. These support you as prepare for further study at university. Read More...

Find and compare the right English Language course for you.

Choose the right level of English language study. Do you want to use your ESL course as a pathway to university? You'll need to feel confident in spoken and written English, exam writing, research and perhaps focus on your TOEFL or IELTS preparation. If you want to learn English for work, business terms and numeracy skills will also be important. If you want to teach English as a second language, you'll need to study English for a TESOL qualification. Your English language school will also help you with accommodation and study tours, so you have a great cultural experience while you make friends with other students from all over the world. And you may be able to combine your English course with a working holiday on a student visa. We have selected 750 english courses at different levels of cost, location and reputation for you to compare and apply to online.

Tuition fees - range on average from $200 USD to over $2000 USD per week depending on the school and the course you choose Entry Requirements - Language schools have courses for all levels of English Language learners but those wishing to study specialist courses, such as IELTS Preparation, will have to prove a certain level of English ability before they can be accepted. See the course descriptions for more information on particular entry requirements

Read less... You will usually spend time in group study, practising conversation, as well as one-on-one study. You'll also use technology to practice and understand English. You should graduate with a certificate recognising your new English language skills, or prepare for the

Usually, English language schools offer short courses of between two weeks and one year. Some are private English language colleges, and some are located on university campuses. These support you as prepare for further study at university. Read More...

Find and compare the right English Language course for you.

Choose the right level of English language study. Do you want to use your ESL course as a pathway to university? You'll need to feel confident in spoken and written English, exam writing, research and perhaps focus on your TOEFL or IELTS preparation. If you want to learn English for work, business terms and numeracy skills will also be important. If you want to teach English as a second language, you'll need to study English for a TESOL qualification. Your English language school will also help you with accommodation and study tours, so you have a great cultural experience while you make friends with other students from all over the world. And you may be able to combine your English course with a working holiday on a student visa. We have selected 750 english courses at different levels of cost, location and reputation for you to compare and apply to online.

Tuition fees - range on average from $200 USD to over $2000 USD per week depending on the school and the course you choose Entry Requirements - Language schools have courses for all levels of English Language learners but those wishing to study specialist courses, such as IELTS Preparation, will have to prove a certain level of English ability before they can be accepted. See the course descriptions for more information on particular entry requirements

Read less... You will usually spend time in group study, practising conversation, as well as one-on-one study. You'll also use technology to practice and understand English.

You should graduate with a certificate recognising your new English language skills, or prepare for the TOEFL or IELTS exams. Read less...

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