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2011 26th ESP Workshop

Summary of Presentations
Woodlands Waterway Marriott Hotel
Wednesday, April 27 Friday, April 29, 2011
Prepared by Cleon Dunham, Oilfield Automation Consulting May 6, 2011



Summary of Discussion

Purpose of this Document The purpose of this document is to summarize the main points Purpose of Cleon Dunof the technical presentations at the 2011 ESP Workshop. If this Document ham
Oilfield Automation Consulting

you wish to learn more, please review the actual papers. The papers are included in the Workshop Notebook and on the Workshop CD. If you didnt attend the Workshop, you can purchase a CD from the ESP Workshop Committee. These summaries are based on my notes. If anything is presented incorrectly, the fault is mine, not the authors and/or presenters of the papers. The lead author (of the author who presented the paper) is shown in bold color with each paper. Attendance at this years workshop:

This is the 26 ESP Workshop. The first one had 60 people. A total of more than 500 people are expected to attend this Workshop. They will come from 26 separate countries. They will represent 90 different organizations.


Opening Comments
Workshop Co-Chairs: Chairman: Rafael Lastra - Occidental Vice Chairman: John Patterson - ConocoPhillips Opening Comments Rafael Lastra
Occidental Petroleum Rafael Lastra, the 2011 ESP Workshop Chair, welcomed all attendees. He asked a representative of the Marriott Hotel to give a safety briefing.

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He announced that on Monday and Tuesday, there were three Continuing Education classes. On Wednesday Friday, there will be Technical Presentations, Breakout Sessions, and Exhibits in the Exhibit Hall. He introduced the Keynote Speaker, Mr. Mohan Chawla of Kuwait Oil Company.

Keynote Address Keynote Address Mohan Chawla

KOC Mr. Mohan Chawla of Kuwait Oil Company (KOC) gave the Keynote Address. He received his Petroleum Engineering degree in India. He represented the role of SPE in Kuwait. Global Petroleum Outlook o Kuwait is part of OPEC. o There is room for oil and gas, nuclear energy, and renewables. o There are enough reserves to last for another century. o The Industry will meet the demand caused by growth in demand. o The U.S.A. represents 25% of the worlds demand. o Concerning the concept of peak energy, there are optimists and pessimists. Reserves have increased 33% in the last two decades. o There has been much turmoil in the price since 2008. Price has ranged from $33 - $147 per bbl. Now price is $75 - $80 per bbl. and headed to $120/bbl. Saudi Arabia will increase production to address demand. The Japanese crisis has increased the price of oil. Is there a reason for fear of market fluctuations? The 2011 fluctuation is being driven by fear. But we do have spare capacity of 5.19 MM Bbl/Day. 68.8% of the spare is due to Saudi Arabia. There is 4.1 MM Bbl, if this is needed. o So, is all well? The answer is No. More transparency is needed in the industry. Demand will be 99 MM Bbl/Day by 2035. Uncertainty in the Middle East will cause higher prices this year. OPEC doesnt want to disrupt countries and cause a recession. The IEA encourages OPEC to increase production to avoid price upsets. They think a fair price is between $75 - $100 per Bbl. IEA expects the price to be about $100 per Bbl this

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year. Overview of the Kuwait Oil Industry o Kuwait has 7,000 square miles. o 3.5 MM people. o One third are nationals, the others are internationals. o It has 7.5% of the worlds oil reserves. o Kuwait Oil Company was founded in 1934. nd o Burgan is the 2 largest field in the world. o The first well is still flowing. o Kuwait Petroleum Corp. is an umbrella company with ten subsidiaries. th o KOC is the 5 largest OPEC producer. st o Iraq destroyed 730 oil wells in the 1 Gulf War. o They destroyed 80% of the processing facilities. o All well fires were put out in 10 months, even though the initial estimate was that it would take 10 years. o There are still dried oil lakes to be seen. o Kuwait has a shortage of gas. o Now produce 130 MM SCFD of non-associated gas and one BCF associated gas. o 95% of Kuwaits revenues come from oil. o They are staring some thermal recovery projects. o They are working with four companies to develop new technologies. o They have a large hiring program. o They are looking to implement automation. Role of ESPs in KOC. o KOC didnt need artificial lift until the early 1980s. o Now they are using ESPs. o They started needing them in the early 1990s. o In 1990 they had 26 ESPs. o Now they have 550 ESPs, producing 500,000 B/Day. o Still 75% of their wells are flowing. o The demand for artificial lift will rise in the future. o ESPs will be used on high rate wells. o They expect to need 1,500 ESPs by 2015/16. o They are investing in ESP technology. Summary: o KOC has a bright future. o Will have oil reserves for another century. o They need stable oil prices. o ESPs are the preferred method of artificial lift for most KOC wells.

Q. What oil price do you use to evaluate project profitability? A. We use $65 - $85 per barrel. Q. How much does the value of the U.S. Dollar affect the world price of oil? A. OPEC would like to get away from depending

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on the value of the U.S. dollar. Q. Do you use water injection? A. Yes. We produce high water cut wells with ESPs. We currently produce about 200,000 Bbl/Day water.

Session I
Surveillance, Modeling, and Testing Session Co-Chairs: Rafael Lastra Roger Brown Its coming! Update on the new International Standard for ESPs (ISO 15551-1) Large-Scale Experimental Investigation of ESP Performance with High Viscosity Fluids and Gas Shauna Noonan
(ConocoPhillips) Shauna Noonan of ConocoPhillips gave an update on the status of ISO 1555-1 for Electrical Submersible Pumping.

David McCalvin ISO Liaison

Lissett Barrios
Charles Deuel David Knowles Sandeep Patni Stuart Scott Shell E&P Ketan Sheth Baker Hughes

Lissett Barrios gave this presentation about ESP performance with high viscosity fluids and gas. Introduction o ESP performance decreases due to high viscosity and multiphase flow that can cause gas locking. o This was studied for the Perdido Booster System where an ESP caisson is used. This is a 15,000 25,000 B/D caisson. It is in 8,000 feet water depth. The separation is not highly efficient. This is based on experience in Brazil. All gas must be passed by the ESP. o Common ESP System. The burst pressure is greater than 2,000 psi. It uses 1,600 Horse Power. o Testing in the Gasmer Facility in Houston. The test facility was built in 2006 and became functional in 2007. It can handle 10,000 30,000 B/D. It can test from 1.0 400 cP oil. It can handle from 0.5 50 MMSCF/D gas. It can handle intake pressures of 250 1,000 psi. 0 It can have temperatures from 70 150 F. It uses a micro-motion meter to measure flow rate. o The test system: 1,500 HP motor. 725 series pump. Light, medium, and heavy oil. A VSD that can go up to 70 Hz. Determine pump performance degradation with an

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o increase in viscosity. Two phase flow test results: The performance with low gas volume fraction (GVF) is OK. As the GVF is increased, the performance decreases. With more GVF, the BHP decreases. At low GVF, there is no impact on pressure. As the pressure is increased, the performance improves. As the viscosity is increased, the gas handling capacity decreases. ESP manufactures should recommend or define the effect on performance of viscosity and GVF.

Q. Can you test at different speeds? A Yes. As speed increases, performance improves. Q. What is the definition of degradation? A. It is degradation from the standard head curve. Q. Can standard degradation models be used? E.g. Turpin and Dunbar? A. They are only general models. Actual testing is needed. Q. What are the downhole temperatures and viscosities at Perdido? A. Perdido has about 10 cP. Temperature is not too high. Q. How did this compare with the Autograph program? A. We matched with correlations, not with Autograph. Q. Did you do any stage-by-stage analysis? A. We could only measure for the total system. We could model on a stage-by-stage basis. Q. Is slugging a problem? A. We were dealing with a mixture. It isnt homogeneous. Q. You said that as speed increased, the performance improved. Is this due to heat? A. This will be studied in the future. Q. Why does the pump perform better at high viscosity? A. The gas is still in small bubbles so there is less gas effect. Q. At high viscosity with no gas the pump performance is poorer? It is easier to gas lock with lighter oil than with heavy

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Prediction Of The Transitions In TwoPhase Performance Of An Electrical Submersible Pump

Jose Gamboa Jose Gamboa gave this presentation on two-phase perfor(Multiphase System Integration) Mauricio Prado The University of Tulsa mance of an ESP. Introduction o Gas causes a decrease in the pump head curve. o This can be servere if there is slugging. o Slugging leads to more gas interference. o Prediction of the effect is a two-step process: Determine the impact on the pump impeller. Determine the impact of this on the pump head. o Two phase flow can be determined with the TUALP model. Evaluation of two-phase performance. o Need to look at performance of each stage of the ESP. o Test with flow rate of 10,000 B/D, 300 MCF/Day. Test results: o Constant gas flow rate. o Constant liquid flow rate. o At constant gas rate and decreased liquid rate, the performance decreases. o With constant liquid flow rate: Get different performance regimes. Get some mild reversals. Obtain a pump performance region map of liquid vs. gas flow rates. A question evaluated: is performance decline related to impeller design? Can this be predicted? o Models developed: Homogenous flow performance: - Small bubbles. Mild degradation. Severe degradation. Developed surge correlations. Compare with Turpin and Dunbar. - This new model is a better model. o Conclusion An improved correlation has been developed.

Q. Would using a vertical vs. a horizontal pump for the tests give better results? A. There should be no effect. T he tests used a booster pump to charge the flow into the ESP. Q. What is the effect of pressure? A. At higher pressure, the gas bubble size is decreased, and the performance is improved. Q. Is the performance related to the density of the liquid and gas? A. There is a pressure grid on the impellers. This

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needs to be studied further. Q. What is more important: density or bubble size? A. Bubble size is more important. Q. What is the impact of using a redial stage? A. This needs to be studied in the future.

Viscous and Gas effects on the Performance of Multi-stage Centrifugal Pumps

Lyle Wilson
(Baker Hughes) Ketan Sheth Donn Brown Michael Fox Baker Hughes Incorporated

Lyle Wilson presented the effects of gas on the performance of multi-stage centrifugal pumps. How ESPs differ from normal pumps. o There are in-line differences. o There are multi-stage pumps. o They are long may be up to 60 m. long. o Fluid properties affect pump performance. o Viscosity affects pump performance. Performance decreases as viscosity increases Can get less throughput at lower temperature. HP does not increase with change in pump speed. The pumps must be tested to understand their performance. o Pump speed. Performance is related to the speed of the pump. Pump efficiency decreases a speed decreases. o Volume changes. Pump head decreases as gas volume fraction increases. o Fluid is compressed as it moves through the pump. o Intake pressure increases allow more gas to be handled per stage. o Why does the pressure increase with an increase in gas flow rate? o Because its harder to compress the gas at higher pressures. o Improved gas handling pump stages give better pump performance better than turbines. o Can improve gas handling by changing the boundary of instability. Conclusions o Higher viscosity helps drive gas through the pump. o Gas handling performs better than with standard ESP pumps.

Q. Do you see the effects of emulsion? A. Emulsion is a problem. More testing is needed. Q. Do you test radial flow pumps? A. Radial pumps are better for middle to higher flow rates. Q. Can we use different control algorithms to operate gassy wells?

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A. Yes. We are doing better to detect the onset of gas locking. We can react to onset of gas locking. We are looking at approaches. It may be better to increase pump speed to work through a gas lock situation. Q. What about use of tapered pumps? A. We do consider use of tapered pumps.

Production Allocation Using ESP in the Peregrino Field

Ketan Sheth
(Baker Hughes) Helge Olsen Statoil Brazil Rui Pessoa Risa Okita Alex Crossle Baker Hughes Incorporated

Ketan Sheth reported on work the Statoil in offshore Brazil. Introduction o There are 30 wells on two offshore platforms. o There are two manifolds. o The issue is how to determine the oil flow rate for each well. o There are no flow meters. o Measurement is done by modeling the flow through each ESP. o A venturi flow meter was used to calibrate the ESP flow model. o The wells were tested in a test loop at Centrilift. o The performance of each type of pump was determined. o As viscosity increases, HP increases, efficiency decreases, and BEP decreases. o The accuracy of the flow rate estimates is +/- 3%, and +/- 1% at low viscosity. Allocation principles: o Measured pressure, fluid properties, RPM, HP, and BHP. o This is used to calculate (estimate) the flow rate. Scenarios evaluated: o Changes in water cut. o Changes in gas production rate. o Changes in pump performance. o Tests were conducted and validated with comparison with venturi meter measurements. Conclusions: o Accuracies within 3% were realized. o ESP performance models can be successfully developed.

Q. There are viscosities up to 20,000 cP. How is this modeled? How does it work? A. The models were tested up to 360 cP. Q. What is the allocation algorithm? Do you look at RPM? A. The model was developed by Statoil. It is proprietary. Q. Is the flow rate a function of the viscosity? A. It is only a function of the flow rates of water and

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oil, not of the gas. Q. Do you have to test each pump? A. The model is not generic. It is necessary to test and model each pump.

Model-Derived Flow Monitoring in an Electric Submersible Pump (ESP) Application

Tommy Denney
(Baker Hughes) Alex Crossley Baker Hughes Incorporated

This was a standby paper. It was not presented.

Session II
Dismantle, Inspection, and Failure Analysis Session Co-Chairs Atika al Bimani Tom van Akkeren A Holistic Approach to Improving ESP Run Life in the Forties Field, UKCS. Jeff Dwiggins
(Dwiggins Consulting) Cledwyn T. Hughes Paul L Nicoll Apache North Sea Ltd. Jeff Dwiggins gave a presentation on the Forties Field. Introduction: o There are five platforms in the Forties Field o Two of them have ESPs. three others use a mixture of ESP and gas-lift. o All 82 wells use artificial lift. o More than 50% use ESPs. 60% of the production is by ESP. o There are two active drilling rigs and one gorilla rig. The goal is to increase the ESP run life. o Most ESP failures are evaluated with tear downs. The top four causes of failure (16 failures per year): o 33% are caused by sand, both in and above the ESPs. o Other reasons are: high water production, poor reservoir inflow, installation problems, and manifold problems. Sand Control: o Use open-hole gravel packs. o Use sand screens. o Upgraded ESPs with Ni-Resist, silicon carbide bearings. o Use downhole check valves. o Many failures occur at start-up. Start-up. o They are developing better start-up procedures. o The Operators like the new start-up procedures. o They have an auto flow start-up function. o They use VSDs to bring the wells on slowly. o The goal is to improve run life to greater than 2 years.

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Q. What type of check valves are used? What are the problems with them? A. Use poppet valves. Have a problem with them when we do a scale squeeze. The check valves help with sand fallback. Q. Are you doing any work to minimize the number of shutdowns? A. We are trying to keep the platforms on line to minimize the number of shutdowns.

Improving Electric Submersible Pump (ESP) Performance with Root Cause Failure Analysis

Sebastiano Lapi
(ExxonMobil) Mark Johnson ExxonMobil Production Company Scott McDowell Wood Group

Sabastiano Lapi gave a presentation on the ExxonMobil ESP experience in Chad, Central Africa. Introduction: o Produce 125 MBO/Day, 700 MBW/Day. o Wells are 3,000 6,000 feet deep. o The pay zone is 200 350 feet thick. o The wells all have sand control. o There are 763 wells. o There are 672 producers; 470 with ESPs, 202 with PCPs. o There are 60 injection wells and 7 gas wells. o There are two workover rigs and two drilling rigs. o The wells have 9-5/8 casing and 4.5 tubing. o The ESPs are produced with VSDs. o They have Y tools. o They uses shrouded intakes to help with motor cooling. o They use downhole gauges. o Run life has been improving since 2006. o Problems include emulsions and reductions in productivity index. Root Cause of Failure Analysis (RCFA) o Each failure has a cause. o They analyze each failure. RCFA Process o Perform surveillance and data collection. o Pull and dismantle each failed system. o Perform failure analysis on each failure. o Plan corrective actions. Personnel o Wood Group o ExxonMobil staff o Send some units to a Service Center to be tested. o There is an incentive to improve run life. o They conduct a weekly conference between Chad, Houston, and Oklahoma City. o They use an RCFA Flow Chart. o They use a Work Book to track the process. o In the Work Book, they keep data on each stage of the operation from design, operation, pull, and teardown. o They are tracking Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).

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o They are working to improve alarm settings. Conclusions: o Run time has improved by 70% since 2006. o Wood Group and ExxonMobil management are committed to the RCFA process. o They are focusing on why a failure has occurred, rather than what failed.

Q. Why did run life decrease in May, 2010? A. Had gravel pack failures and field power upsets. We are now back to a good improvement trend on run life. Q. How do you calculate run life? A. Total number of failures divided by total number of active wells. Q. Are you looking at reliability gathering analysis? A. We are considering this, but arent there yet. Q. Do you re-run the same system after a failure or do you wait for evaluation of the cause of the failure? A. We usually have up to 10 days to respond to a failure, so we use the results of the RCFA.

Effect of Near Wellbore Condition on Electrical Submersible Pump Design Part 2

Mohamed N. Noui-Mehidi
(Aramco) J. Xiao Nabeel S. AlHabib EXPEC Advanced Research Center Saudi Aramco

Mohamed N. Noui-Mehidi gave a presentation on the effect of near wellbore conditions on the performance of ESPs. Introduction o They are looking at skin effects. o ESPs are used more than other forms of artificial lift in Saudi Aramco. o They are concerned with system reliability. o They perform system analysis and system optimization. o They use VSDs to better match the ESP output to the PIs of the wells. o They perform well testing to determine: Flow rate, skin, and reservoir kh. o They model the effects of the skin. They determine the degree of damage near the wellbore. If necessary, they perform acid jobs. They use the Darcy equation to evaluate the skin effects. They then relate the amount of skin to the number of ESP stages needed to produce the well.

Q. Do you try to increase the drawdown to reduce the amount of skin: A. This may help to reduce the amount of skin but may damage the reservoir. Q. Do you install the ESP when the well is drilled?

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A. We run tests to right size the ESP for each well. Q. Do you use underbalanced drilling to avoid skin? A. Dont know. Q. Are there ways to anticipate how much skin there will be? A. We need well testing to answer the question of how much skin there is.

Declining ESP Runlife - M Field Study

Iqbal Sipra
(Petroleum Development Oman) Saud Al-Naabi Atika Bimani Petroleum Development Oman Ghadani Adnan Centrilift ESP, Muscat

Ibal Sipra discussed declining run life in a field in Petroleum Development Oman. Introduction: o This is about the PDO M Field. o It has 84 ESPs. o The average run life is 652 days, but the target run life is 800 days. o They use surface pumps to transport the production to the facilities. o They use VSDs. o They have problems with corrosion, solids. o o The oil is 28 API. o Bubble point pressure is 1,030 psi. o They use in-line separators to handle the fluid production. o The wells flow to high pressure separators. o There are problems with foaming, CO2 and NaMetasilicate scales. o Solids are 10 40 ppm. o As ESP performance increase, the number of failures increase. Failures: o Tubing leaks 17%. o Solids 25%. o Corrosion 17%. o They perform tear downs and take photos of each failure. o For tubing corrosion. They use GRE lining. o They follow a risk and mitigation process. VSDs are not used on wells where the wells production rate is known. Old ESPs are replaced if the efficiency has decreased.

Q. What is the basis of the 800 run life target? A. This is based on historical performance. Q. Is this needed to make the wells economical? A. It is based on experience. Q. When are tubing failure occurring? What material is used? A. Normally the failures are right above the pump. We are using carbon steel.

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Q. When the CO2 increases do you get a high BHP and higher partial pressure of CO2? Have you considered rising the setting depth of the ESP? A. Good suggestion. We will consider it. Q. Where is the sand coming from? A. The reservoir is carbonate. We sometimes drill into a shale zone. We get production of solids; its not sand. Q. Why dont you use VSDs on all the wells? A. Normally we only run the wells at 50 Hz. We dont need VSDs on many of the wells. Q. Do you used chemical injection? A. We do some batch injection. Q. How does the ADU help? A. It helps to have the solids bypass the pump.

Typical Corrosion Patterns in ESP Equipment

Ignacio Martinez
(Baker Hughes) Rui Pessoa Baker Hughes Incorporated

Ignacio Martinez of Baker Hughes Centrilift gave a presentation on corrosion. Introduction: o Types of corrosion: CO2, H2S, O2, Bacteria, Galvanic, Chlorides, Water, Sulfide Stress Corrosion Cracking. Need to evaluate: o Gas quality o Water o pH o Partial pressures o Temperature o Velocity and pattern of flow o Fluid type Corrosion inhibition o O2 scavenging o H2S scavenging Chloride corrosion o Pitting o Crevices o Sulfide Stress Cracking o Fractures o Water cut o pH o Temperature o Metallurgy PREN is a factor. Recommended materials. o Use 300 Stainless Steel o Use no Copper Corrosion process o CO2 + H2O = H2CO3 + Iron = Iron Carbonate o Scale penetrates into ESP housing.

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o High pH scale is stable. o High partial pressure increases corrosion. Paint is good. If have sulfide stress corrosion cracking, recommend o NACE MR 0175-97 O2 corrosion o Dont usually have in downhole conditions. o May get if inject water with O2 in it. o In this case, use an O2 scavenger. Microbiological induced corrosion. o If have this, use biocides.

Q. What about a galvanic corrosion. A. This is not covered in this presentation. Q. Water will wet the steel at 14% H2O. or when have a water external system. A. True. Q. When does O2 corrosion occur? A. When water is stored in a tank. Can get O2 corrosion with water injection. Need to use an oxygen scavenger or a gas blanket. Q. At what temperature do we get more corrosion? o A. At 195 205 F. Q. Can corrosion occur with erosion? A. Corrosion can be more severe with erosion and the opposite can occur. Q. How about Barium Sulfate? A. You will see this when you pull the well.

Breakout Sessions
#1 ISO #2 Producing Deviated Slugging Wells
Producing Deviated Slugging Wells Coordinators: Bill Bowlin Lyle Wilson Bill Bowlin and Lyle Wilson coordinated this breakout session. Typical wells o Typically these wells are pressure depleting, below the bubble point. o Normally they have 7 7.5 casing. o Normally they are 8,000 feet deep or deeper. o Normally the horizontal section is 5,000 feet or longer. o Often the wells are fraced. Artificial lift options: o Gas-lift Wells are slugging which is a problem.

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o Sucker rod pumping Pumps dont like gas. They dont work well through curved well sections. o Jet pumping Limited applications o ESPs Can gas lock There are problems if there is more than 20% free gas All testing of ESPs is conducted in steady state conditions But here the production is pulsating. Options for using ESPs o Drill a rat hole It can be straight or slanted A shroud can be used to cool the motor Can use a recirculating pump to cool the motor Can use a gas separator below the pump intake o Complete without a rat hole Use a rotary gas separator - This wont work is the well is slugging and there are periods of no liquid. Use a separator with holes in the bottom of the pump casing Use a dip tube Use a tail pipe gas in the tail pipe goes into the pump intake Use an inverted shroud - A path is provided for the gas to flow up past the pump - Can slow the pump speed to 20 Hz if get an indication the pump is staring to gas lock - Need a 7 hole and a 5.5: shroud Use a recirculating pump Monitor the pump to control its speed, or use an open/close recirculating valve Run a long tail pipe in the horizontal section to increase the flow velocity of the liquid in the section Place an auger in the horizontal section to induce flow turbulence nd Drill a 2 vertical well to intersect the toe of the horizontal well - Produce the gas through the horizontal and pump the liquid up the vertical well

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Session III
Alternative Deployed Session Co-Chairs William Milne Robert Lannom Cost Efficient Alternative Deployed ESPs for Deep Water GoM Jrn Andre Carlsen
Alexey Pivavarski Statoil,

Jorn Andre Carlsen of Statoil presented plans that are being developed for deploying ESPs in deep Gulf of Mexico wells. Introduction o Statoil has 20,000 employees. o It works in 34 countries. o It produces 80% of the oil and gas in Norway. rd o Its the 3 largest crude oil seller in the world. th o Its the 4 largest lease holder in the Gulf of Mexico. Challenges in deep water Gulf of Mexico o Greater than 7,000 feet water depth. o Greater than 30,000 feet deep reservoir depth. o Reservoirs are sub-salt. o Wells cost more than $250 MM. o Reservoir pressure is greater than 25,000 psi. Solution o Use ESPs, with sub-sea boosting. o This can increase production rates by 15% and increase recovery. Booster pump o The well is 22 km from the host platform o The booster can increase drawdown by 6,000 psi. In-well ESPs o Used to increase production, extend the life of the well. Conventional ESP o Tubing deployed o Longer MTBF o Very high workover costs in range of $50 - $70 MM. o Estimated MTBF 3 years. Alternative deployment methods o Wireline o Coiled tubing o Cost $12 - $20 MM o Statoil is working on this o Need a holistic approach Options o Coiled tubing deployed ESP. o Install with an external cable. o Wireline deployed ESP. There is little experience with this, less than 15 installations. o Coiled tubing deployed more than 100 installations. Choice o Use internal power cable. o Work on wellhead design need 15,000 psi pressure rating.

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o Completion Use control choke. Use a downhole safety valve. Use downhole gauges. Surface vessels. o Floating vessels o Hold the coiled tubing unit and reel o Use standard configuration o BOP o Downhole safety valve Internal power cable. o Motor on top of the ESP. o Pump on bottom. o ESP 400 or 500 series. o Use 500 series with 7 tubing. o Shut-in pressure 15,000 psi, 22,000 psi max. o Need to extend run life to greater than 5 years. Design o Optimize the load range and minimize up and down thrust. o Minimize vibration o Design to tolerate operator mistakes Downhole monitoring o Pressure up to 27,000 psi. o o o Temperature up to 300 F, 145 C. o Surveillance try to predict ESP failures. o Need to decide to communicate on power line or separate communication cable Variable speed drive. o This doesnt exist for this condition. o Need a JIP to develop it. o The ESP must work in conjunction with sub-sea boosting. Timing o 2010 Design o 2012 Coiled tubing design o 2014 Coiled tubing used sub-sea o 2016 System operational

Q. Is this the Statoil wish list? A. Statoil plans to make this happen. Q. 5- year run life what needs to be done to make it happen? A. Enhanced motor, seal section, cable. Minimum influence of Operator, highly automated. Q. What size coiled tubing? What materials? A. This may not actually be conventional coiled tubing. Were looking at materials. The size depends on the size of the power cable.

ESP Chal-

Carlos Lopez

Carlos Lopez of Baker Hughes Centrilift discussed the chal-

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Paper lenges in Ultra-Deep Water Wells Lower Tertiary Reservoir in the Gulf of Mexico

(Baker Hughes) Andres Cardona Raymond OQuinn Baker Hughes Incorporated

Summary of Discussion
lenges associated with ultra-deep Gulf of Mexico wells in the Lower Tertiary Reservoirs. Introduction o The Lower Tertiary reservoir in the Gulf of Mexico is 400 x 800 miles in size. o Reservoir depth is 12,000 to 20,000 feet in the West. o Reservoir depth is 24,000 35,000 feet in the East. o Water depth is 6,000 10,000 feet. o Reservoir pressure is 20,000 23,000 psi. o Bubble point is 1,200 to 1,300 psi. Design methodology o Use Nodal Analysis o Use Autograph for ESP analysis. Planned approach o Use sub-sea boosting. o Add ESPs in the well for artificial lift. o Limit drawdown to 5,000 psi. o Add pressure with the sub-sea booster and the ESPs. ESP options. o Deploy with tubing need 7 10 year run life. o Deploy with coiled tubing reduce workover time to 20 days. Challenges o Need large casing 11.75 o Use ESP CAN. o Need new tubing hanger. Two ESP cables. Wellhead penetrator to 15,000 psi. CAN to 10,000 to 15,000 psi. Power penetration o Need auto diverter valve to bypass ESP initially. o ESP must have high production range. 3,000 15,000 B/D Need valve below ESP to isolate reservoir. o Coiled tubing design challenges. 7 tubing hanger. Dual crown plug. ESP power penetrator. Coiled tubing large enough for power cable. Coiled tubing at least 2-7/8. Summary o Recovery will be increased by 30% by adding an ESP.

Q. What is the assumption for sub-sea boosting? A. The sub-sea booster will boost pressure by 1,200 psi. It will have greater than 2,000 psi outlet pressure. Q. What is the depth limit of the coiled tubing? A. There will be 10,000 feet of C.T. Total length will be 12,000 feet.

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Q. Can you use 11-3/4 casing at this depth? A. This is being studied. Q. What voltage is needed for 1,200 HP ESP? A. 5,000 6,000 volts. Q. What is the back-up plan if the barrier valve fails? A. Baker Hughes is studying the possible contingencies. Q. Does the well design depend on the wells PI? A. Yes. Q. Does the casing size depend on it too? A. We are planning on 11-3/4 casing. We could possibly use 10-3/4 casing with coiled tubing deployment.

Geared Centrifugal Pump - Project Update

Bruce Morrow
(Harrier Technologies)

Bruce Morrow of Harrier Technologies gave an update on the geared centrifugal pump project. What is a geared centrifugal pump? o It uses a PCP drive head. o An ESP pump downhole. o A 7:1 gear box downhole to convert PCP rod ration speed to ESP speed. o No downhole electrical components. Components from bottom to top. o Intake stinger. o ESP pump. o Lower seal section. o Transmission. o Upper seal section and compensator. o Receiver. o Tubing with the PCP rod string. o PCP drive head. Unique technology o Bottom-latch pump good for gas handling. o Load carried by tubing, not the rods. o Transmission Paired helical gears. Production flows past the transmission and up the tubing. Forced oil circulation prevents overheating Helps work through gas locking. Field installation o Installed in Texas in May, 2010. 4,600 feet. 1,550 B/D Ran greater than 11 months. o Installed in New Mexico in Jan. 2011 4,600 feet. 1,400 B/D

John C. Patterson ConocoPhillips Company Michael R. Berry Mike Berry Consulting LLC

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Summary of Discussion
Efficiency greater than 50%. No installation problems. Took two hours longer than normal PCP installation. No re-start problems. Rod string test stand. o Test RPM, tension, inclination. o Use 1 rods, 3.5 tubing. o Have a window to see the rods in the test stand. o 1,000 tests have been run. o 500 PRM o 3 stabilized flow rates. o Well inclination not a problem. Target is to use this in SAGD wells at high temperature. o Designed for high temperature operation. o Will test in May, 2011 in the teat loop. Advantages of the Geared Centrifugal Pump o Better gas handling. o ESP rates at lower cost and higher efficiency. o Eliminate high cost ESP components o Use in high temperature applications. o Thanks to John Patterson and ConocoPhillips.

Q. Are there depth limits? A. 10,000 feet. Q. What is the sweet spot? A. Anywhere between surface and 10,000 feet. Q. What is the transmission: A. 7:1 speed increase. Q. What is the maximum O.D.? A. 5-inch. Q. Can it handle dog legs? A. Same as an ESP. Q. How about intake back pressure? A. Can use a gas intake. Can use a gas anchor (separator) if it is installed above the perforations. Q. What is the maximum rate? A. There is a 200 HP limit. Q. With the D channels, can you handle high oil cuts in heavy oil fields? A. There is a low differential pressure across the D channels. There is no problem with bitumen deposition. Q. If the pump is stopped, is there a problem with back spin? A. There is a back-spin brake in the PC drive head.

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Summary of Discussion
Q. Is efficiency related to pump depth? A. There is very little impact on efficiency at depth. Q. How does it work with water production? A. The efficiency is a little less than 50% when pumping water. Q. Could you use coiled tubing or wireline deployment? A. This should be possible.

Electrical Submersible Pump With Integral Pod Intake System

Kristopher Snyder
(Baker Hughes) Lyle Wilson James Fleming John Mack, SPE, Matt Wisnewski Baker Hughes Incorporated Mark Rooks Saudi Aramco

Kristopher Snyder with Baker Hughes Centrilift presented an ESP with an integral POD intake system. Introduction o Working with Saudi Aramco. o Have 753 ESPs since 2002. o Have sour gas, high GOR. o All use sub-surface packers. o No artificial lift other than ESPs. ESP program; for it they use: o No field splices. o No POT heads. o Shrouded intakes. o 513 seals. o Lower tandem motors. o Special penetrators. o Motor lead extensions (MLE) o POD hangers with four intake holes. o They get no gas breakout. o They use swage lock fittings. o Motor adapters. o 562 high volume pumps. o They stab into barrier valves. o They operate at 5,000 psi working pressure. o o Working temperature is 280 F. Validation testing: o Test at 1850 psi for four hours. o 73,000 lb. pull test. o Air test. o Spin test. All gas enters the pump. o They use typical pumps. o There is no fluid over the pump. o They use slow start-up. o The installation depth limit is 5,000 feet. o These will be installed in 2011. o Will report results at 2013 ESP Workshop.

Q. Do you have much H2S? What materials so you use? A. Use Monel, 416 Stainless Steel, 9 Chrome. We have 3 4 % H2S.

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Summary of Discussion
Q. Do you use H2S scavenging? A. We will look into this. Q. What are your termination limits? o A. We use 238 HP motors, 60 amps, up to 280 F. Q. Why use Stainless Steel, and not Monel and Lead? A. Well look into this.

New Developments in Through Tubing Conveyed Technology in the Rocky Mountains

David L. Olson
(Baker Hughes) Nicholas J. Beidas Joshua T. Prather Baker Hughes Peter Oyewole BP Exploration

David Olson of Baker Hughes Centrilift presented new developments for through-tubing deployed technology in the Rocky Mountains. Introduction o This is working with coal bed methane production. o There are erratic production rates. o High rig costs. o The fields are in pasture areas. The wells: o The wells are deviated, S shaped, horizontal. o There are long perforated intervals. Objective o Improve run life. o Improve use of power. o Monitor the VSDs. o Need real-time data to be proactive. Use ESPCPs. o Greater efficiency. o Lower power. o Better to handle solids and gas. o Operate with a VSD. o Use gear reducer from 3500 RPM with 11.5/1 reducer to 300 RPM for the PCP. o The PCPs are conveyed through tubing with a GS tool. o There is a packer above the pump. o The tubing stabs into the packer. o Can also use a mechanical lock. o Can use slick line or co-rods. Field experience: o Installed in Nov. 2005. o 3.5 tubing. o 907 days run time. o Motor failed due to erosion. o Downhole monitoring: Inlet Temperature, Motor Temp. Pressure. Set below the pump. No shroud is used. Monitor PIP, PDP, Motor T. Vibration. VSD is used to maintain constant fluid head above the pump. Analysis. o Need good power. o Need good motor run time.

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Summary of Discussion
o Through-tubing installation is reliable. o Need 7 casing. Value proposition. o Reduced intervention costs from $97,500 to $15,000. o Save up to $300,000 over all. o Have low surface profile.

Q. What happens if the sensors fail? A. Can operate by using fluid level shots. Q. What percent of the cost is the measurement system? A. 10 15%. Q. Do you use a downhole de-sander? A. Sand is separated and injected through the tail pipe. Q. How is the motor cooled? A. Have dielectric oil to protect the motor. Q. How do you pull the equipment out of the hole? A. Scale deposits inside the tubing, so can pull it OK. Q. Do you use a check valve? A. No. Q. What is the void factor on PCP to reduce run life? A. Dont know.

World's Deepest Thru Tubing Conveyed ESP's

Jennifer Julian
(BP) J. C. Patterson ConocoPhillips Company B. E. Yingst W. R. Dinkins Baker Hughes Centrilift

This paper wasnt presented.

Alternate Deployment Method for ESPs in the Cliff Head Offshore Development

John Mack
(Baker Hughes) Simon Daniel Roc Oil Co. Ltd. Travis James Baker Hughes

John Mack of Baker Hughes Centrilift presented this alternate paper as a back-up to the above paper. Introduction o This project is in Cliff Head offshore development in the Perth Basin, offshore from Perth, Australia. o It is a beautiful area, seven miles offshore. o The onshore plant is two miles from the beach, to keep the beach pristine for people to use. o Oil is exported from the plant by truck. o This is in a National Park area. No leaks are allowed. o The platforms are un-manned. ESPs are installed by coiled tubing.

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Summary of Discussion
o o o o The cable is internal in the coiled tubing. Every anchor is x-rayed to be sure it is OK. The pump is installed on bottom, below the motor. A hydraulic release is used by pressuring up on the tubing. This has been tested and works OK. o There is the motor, a seal, the pump, and an intake pressure gauge. o The intake is screened. Run life. o Run life has been greater than 2,000 days for two of the wells. o There have been some scale problems. o There were early transformer issues. Sparking. Burn spots. Needed better insulation. Conclusions: o Good reliability. o Total MTBF 2,351 days. o There have been no discharges, no spills. o 10,000,000 bbls. of oil have been produced.

Q. What is the fluid condition, the temperature? A. Low temperature. Q. How do you get such long run times? A. Pay close attention to the system. Place the cable in the coiled tubing. Q. You use dimples. Are there any cap stand effects? A. We x-rayed all anchors. There are dimples on both sides of the anchors. Q. One of the run times was only 35 days, Why? A. We had a transformer issue? Q. Do you run concurrently with live and dead wells? A We place a barrier valve on both strings. We dont use a lubricator. Q. Do you use both an isolation valve and a barrier valve? A. We rely on one valve. Q. Do you have any corrosion issues? A. No. Q. Have you considered downsizing from 7 to 5.5? A. Use of 7 was a choice so we could run cable in the coiled tubing.

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Summary of Discussion

Session IV
On the HOT Seat Session Co-Chairs Bud Missel Tommy Vineyard A Tale of Two Operating Companies, One ESP Manufacturer and a Very Hot Flow Loop Leon Waldner Leon Waldner of Nexen presented a nice story about coopera(Nexen) Shauna Noonan ConocoPhillips Wayne Klaczek C-FER Technologies Kelvin Wonitoy Baker Hughes tion on testing for a SAGD project. Introduction o SAGD Steam Augmented Gravity Drainage. o This is a very challenging environment. o There are two horizontal wells, one above the other. o Steam is injected in the top well to heat the steam chamber. o Oil flows down to the lower well where it is produced. o Validation of equipment is required. o The project involves ConocoPhillips and Baker Hughes. o They invited Nexen to participate in the project. o The testing was done at C-FERs high temperature flow loop in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. SAGD wells in Canada o There are 750 SAGD wells in Canada. o The number will double in 5 years. o o The temperatures are up to 270 C. o The vertical depth of the wells is shallow. o Some of the wells are drilled in a slant from the surface. o o The deviation is greater than 1 per 100 feet. Operating conditions o o Greater than 240 C. o o Temperatures vary more than 100 C. o The fluid is very high viscosity, greater than 1 MM cP. o There are GOR issues due to the steam. o There is water cut variability. o The downhole pressure fluctuates a lot. o There are thermal cycling challenges. o Downhole pressure can be controlled. o Young SAGD wells have low temperature. Monitoring o Need special equipment. o Need special control logic. o Must control internal temperatures to not exceed limits. Cost issues o High CAPEX. o High OPEX. o Downtime a problem. Validation program. o Objectives o Test Baker equipment at 250 C. Provide realistic test environment. o Contracts Define roles and responsibilities

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Summary of Discussion
Base on existing contracts to leverage. Test in C-FER High Temp. test loop. Simulate typical SAGD wells. Hold constant T and P. Run pump start-up tests. Run pump performance tests. Run reliability tests over time. Run electrical degradation tests. Run thermal injection tests. o Why use collaboration? More can be done and better by working together. Keys to success: - Cost sharing. - Common goals and objectives. - Strong relationships. - Financial stake in the results. - Technical resources. - Understanding costs. - Obtaining measureable results. - Ownership of results. Summary o Need to understand reliability. o Testing is expensive. o

Q. Can you use ESP Vision to evaluate the wells? A. Need lots of understanding and monitoring. Need a good system for evaluation. Q. Can you optimize the performance of the wells? A. We try to understand how to optimize SAGD wells. Q. Why are ConocoPhillips and Nexen testing and not just depending on the Manufacturer? A. To deal with the specific requirements of ConocoPhillips and Nexen. Q. Are you open to having other partners join the project? A. Couldnt answer at this time. Q. Do you plan to test with live steam? A. Dont know.

Developing a High Temperature Field with 3.75 Pump Systems

Ricardo Mazzola
(Pan American Energy) Miguel Colla Mariano Ciapparelli Pan-Energy Company

Ricaardo Mazzola of Pan American Energy presented a story about developing a high temperature field in the South of Argentina with a 3.75 pump. Introduction o The field is in the South of Argentina. o It is 1,200 miles south of Buenos Aires. o There are 2,800 producing wells. o 480 injection wells. o Produce 95,000 BOPD. o All wells are vertical.

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Daniel Santos Juan Carlos Segnini Ricardo Hector Teves Wood Group GE Oil and Gas

Summary of Discussion
o There are 15 30 productive layers per well. o They have 5.5 casing. o They are 9,000 feet deep. o They have 2,500 feet of perforated interval. ESPs o The pumps are installed below the perforations. o They use 375 series pumps. o They measure downhole pressure. o They use shrouded systems. o 170 HP motors. o High temperature downhole sensors. o De-sanders. o Three tandem seals. o 880 of the wells (90%) use 375 pumps. o Average depth 6,400 7,000 feet. o o o Temperature about 180 C (360 F). o There are some scale and sand problems. o Production from 630 1,200 B/D per well. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) o Failure index 0.19 o Run life 5 years. o MTBF 1.5 years. o Use HP isolation. o o MLE greater than 200 C. o Use hardness. o De-sanders. o o High temperature sensors, up to 410 F. o Automation Results o 900,000 B/D, mostly by ESP. o 375 series motor is OK. o Good teamwork between the Operator and Supplier. o Use teardown and inspection.

Q. Root cause of failure analysis process? A. Tear down, data base, historical data, evaluate causes of failures. Q. Do you use stage coatings? A. We use a chemical process for this. Q. What type of scale do you have? A. CACO3. Q. How do you deal with scale and sand? A. We use a scale inhibitor.

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Paper High Temperature ESP Applications in Surmont Field

(ConocoPhillips) Jeff Dwiggins Dwiggins Consulting LLC Colin Drever Laolu Adekoya Schlumberger Canada Ltd.

Summary of Discussion
ESP applications in the Surmont Field in Canada. Introduction o This is about SAGD operations in the Surmont Field in Alberta, Canada. o The extent of the field is 80 x 50 miles. o The crude oil is highly viscous. o It is necessary to add heat to reduce the viscosity so the crude can be produced. SAGD (Steam Augmented Gravity Drainage) was invented in 1978. o Steam is injected in an upper wellbore. o Production is from a lower parallel well bore. o The steam pressure declines over time. o ESPs are used to produce the wells. Project design o The wells are 550 meters deep. o The pressure is 1,500 kPa. 3 o The production rate is 250 520 M /Day. 0 o The injection temperature is 210 250 C. o The bottom hole pressure is 2,700 3,500 kPa. Challenges o High temperature o High dogleg severity o Temperature monitoring Wells o Originally drilled to be gas-lifted. 0 o Wellbore deviation 13 per 30 meters. o o Pumps are set in a deviated run of 5 per 30 meters. Instrumentation o Motor Temperature o Pressure at the bubble tube o Use new high temperature downhole gauges made by Schlumberger and other companies. o Goal is to optimize growth of the steam chamber. Wellhead o Use VSDs for control and DCSs to monitor. o Store wellhead parameters in the DCS units. Results o Seven units installed in 2010. o First three were evaluated and then four more installed. o Real time monitoring used via the VSDs and DCS units. o Used inflow measurements. o o High temperature rise up to 270 C. o The first three wells were evaluated and then the design was changed for the next four wells. o Better results were obtained with the next four wells. o o Temperature rise up to 240 C. Future o Dont design for gas-lift. o Only use ESPs.

Esteban Oliva Esteban Oliva with ConocoPhillips presented high temperature

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Summary of Discussion
Q. How is the motor temperature working with the motor oil? A. Good. Q. You do weekly analysis. Do you use the SCADA data yourself or is it done by a contactor? A. Initially it was done by Schlumberger. Now it is done by ConocoPhillips. We use pressure and temperature optimization and analysis. Q. How are the motor loads? A. They are not more than expected. Q. How about bottom-hole pressure? A. The GOR is less than expected. Q. How about bottom-hole temperature? o o A. Some are at 210 C, some at 170 C. Q. Are you using any closed-loop control? A. No closed loop control yet. Only manual control via the DCS and VSD units. Q. You are producing 1,500 3,000 Bbl/Day. Why use ESP instead of PCP? A. We are looking at the possibility of an all metal PCP with a metal stator. We are planning field trials of this. Q. You would use an all metal PCP with such high temperatures? A. We plan to try this. It has been used by others with good success. Q. Are there benefits of using a 250 C ESP vs. a 220 C unit? o A. We have decided to settle on the 250 C units. The performance of the two is similar.
o o

Use of Failure Analysis Techniques to Improve Material Selection and Performance in SAGD Wells

Haining Pan
(Schlumberger) J. Caridad Schlumberger S.G. Noonan ConocoPhillips

Haining Pan of Schlumberger gave a presentation on failure analysis to improve material selection for SAGD wells. Material selection o Schlumberger runs ESPs in SAGD wells at temperao tures above 250 C. o They use high temperature motors, and normal ESP pumps. o They have a hot loop test well. There was a crack in a bearing sleeve. o They were using a compression pump. o There were issues in the impeller stack. o They evaluated the cause of the crack in the bearing sleeve. o They performed root cause analysis; the process they used:

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Summary of Discussion
Repeated the cause of the failure. Analyzed the failure. Developed a model to predict the failure. Recommended solutions. o Tests conducted in Singapores lab in Singapore. o The crack occurred at 220 C. Caused by a compression load. It was a radial fracture. The increased temperature increased the axial load. The stress was not due to compression, but tension. The crack occurred at a notch. Used finite element analysis to evaluate the cause. They could see a concentration of hoop tensile stress due to fatigue in the radial. o A correction was implemented based on the model. Used finite element analysis to define the correction. Used a 3D model. o Predicted a failure at 225 C with the model. Redesigned the system to increase the failure temo perature up to 280 C. Future o Evaluate the new model. o Choose new materials. o Improve the long-term system reliability for SAGD wells.

Q. Have you experienced similar cracking? Could there be other causes? A. Torque is not a cause of the failure.

Enhanced ESP Motor Cooling - Design, Testing & Field Trial

Ketan Sheth
(BakerHughes) Yamila Orrego Kenneth Carmon Chevron Roshani OBryan Bruce Brookbank John Bearden Baker Hughes

Ketan Sheth of Baker Hughes gave this presentation on enhanced ESP motor cooling. Introduction o This work was done for Chevron. o Heat is generated during operation of the ESP motors. o Get a high temperature inside the motor housing. o Chevron operates more than 5,000 wells with ESPs. o o Some operate above 350 F. o They worked with the Los Alamos lab to develop a model. Benefits: o Reduce motor failures. o Double run life due better handling of high temperature. o Enhance use in SAGD projects. o Reduce scale deposition. o Get better use with heated fluid. Thermal model: o Calculate temperature at each end of the motor. Design o Base on motor temp. and fluid temp.

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Summary of Discussion
o Well and ESP configuration. o Operating conditions. o Motor characteristics, o Fluid properties. Numerical description. o Reynolds Number. o Laminar flow no mixing. o Turbulent flow convection and conduction heat transfer. Internal factors that affect motor heating. o Finned surfaces. o Optimum number of fins 36 axial fins. o Conducted computational studies. Fins give better cooling. This is on a 562 series motor. o Get an 80 F reduction in internal temperature with fins. Conclusions: o Finned motors are cooler. o They are more reliable.

Q. What is the sensitivity of gas on the cooling? A. We looked at the effects of gas. Q. What are the effects of gas? A. Gas increases turbulence and increase heat transfer. Q. What is the Reynolds Number associated with the flow of fluid? A. Get poorer heat transfer with laminar flow. Q. What is the comparison with motor size? Are you comparing apples to apples? A. We are looking at the effect of different HPs in our testing. Q. Is there an effect of a centralized motor vs. an offset motor? A. There doesnt appear to be much effect whether the motor is centralized of offset in the casing. Q. What are the effects of the fluid? A. We tested with Oil, Water, and Gas. We compared with the same Reynolds Numbers. Q. Did you consider the effect of friction loss due to the flow past the motor? A. There is a minimum effect of the small loss past the motor due to friction.

ESP Recirculation System

Leslie C. Reid This alternate paper was not presented.

(Baker Hughes)

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Paper Solves Production Issue in Granite Wash Gas Well

L. M. Irish XTO Energy Inc, N. G. Holland T. L. Howard Baker Hughes Inc

Summary of Discussion

Breakout Sessions
#1 Surveillance #2 POWER What are the Problems (Regulatory to Harmonics to Supply)? Surveillance
Coordinators: Jeff Dwiggins Greg Stephenson Esteban This was a breakout session to discuss ESP surveillance. What is surveillance? How is it used? What difference does it make? o Use it to make intelligent decisions. o Service Companies have surveillance systems they use themselves and use to provide information to Operators. o Information is power. o Have more influence. o Better use of resources, people. o ConocoPhillips uses LOWIS. o Manage by Exception. o Evaluate gas effects vs. viscosity effects. What will happen in the future? o Use automation systems for automatic control. o Nexen is willing to share data with others. o Apache places their data in a PI system. o Baker Hughes uses trend analysis. Bottom line: everyone should use enhanced surveillance systems.

Session V
Field Studies Session Co-Chairs John Patterson Craig Stair First Electrical Submersible Progressive Cavity Pump (ESPCP) Run In Ecuador Opens New Ernesto Barragn
(Andes Petroleum Ecuador Ltd.) Angel Burgos Andes PetroleErnesto Barragan with Andes Petroleum Ecuador Ltd. gave a presentation on use of ESPCP systems in Ecuador. Background o This is in the Terapac Block. o A first well was completed in 2006. o The field produces 50,000 BOPD. o The reservoir is sandstone. o 13 API.

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Paper Opportunities For Heavy Oil Production

um Ecuador Ltd. Vladimir Coello Juan Sempertegui, Baker Hughes

Summary of Discussion
17,000 Bbl/Day in the ESPCP wells. 266 cP. Sand production. Bottom water drive. Wells produce with 90% water cut. Wells are 8,000 feet deep. o Reservoir pressure is 2,644 psi. 200 F. 255 md permeability. Introduction: o Originally used ESPs. o Failed in 48 days. o Installed ESPCP in 2007. o Initial run life 130 days. o Installed upgraded ESPCP in 2009. o Used a stronger gear reducer. o Had run life of 599 days. Challenges: o Heavy oil. o Short ESP run life. o High viscosity. o Sand production o Deviated wells. o Ran PVT analysis and elastomer analysis to choose the pump metallurgy. o Conducted tests on a test bench. Solution: o Use ESPCPs. Use a simple design. High volumetric efficiency. Handle solids and high viscosity. Ne emulsions, no gas problems. o Disadvantages Heat Aromatics Had gear reducer failure was replaced with a stronger reducer. Have produced 187,000 bbls. oil extra vs. ESPs. Conclusions: o Increased run life. o Added reserves. o o Produce 13 API oil. o Perform satellite monitoring of the wells from Quito, Ecuador. o Handle unconsolidated sand. o Will use more ESPCPs. Future: o Will add more wells. o Have reserves of 5 MM Bbl.

Q. What is your Horsepower? What is the influence of VSD? A. We use 110 HP. 2150 volts. Produce 300 B/D per well. We use VSDs. We use downhole sensors.

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Summary of Discussion
Q. Do you have an issue with motor cooling? A. It is OK. We use a high temperature motor. Q. What is the comparison between the ESP motor and the ESPCP motor: A. We were using a 152 HP ESP motor. ESPCP motor is 110 HP, high temperature. Q. How did the gear reducer fail? A. We use a series 575 9/1 reducer or a series 538 11/1 reducer. A screw broke and caused the failure. Q. Do you inject chemical to reduce the viscosity? A. Yes. But sand production is a big problem. Q. Is sand production related to production rate? A. We get 30 lbs. of sand per 1000 bbls. of production. Q. How do you handle the sand at the surface? A. We have a 3 km. long flow line. We have PAD wells. Fluid flows from the PADs to the Facility. We clean the sand out of the separators.

Review of Dual ESP System Applications Following 100 Installations

Brian Scott
(Schlumberger) E. Jamieson Schlumberger

Brian Scott of Schlumberger gave a review of dual ESP applications. Introduction: o The first systems were installed in 1996. o Now there are over 100 dual ESP systems in operation in the world. o They are used as back-up systems, one to back up the other in case it fails. o They are also used to produce multiple zones in a well where the zones must be produced separately. o The dual systems consist of two ESPs in the same wellbore. o 95% of the systems are installed as back-ups. o They produce high rates. o They have high horsepower. Back-up systems: o Goal is to minimize downtime. o They have dual by-pass systems. o They use by-pass tubing. o Either unit can be operated. o It is possible to by-pass both units for reservoir logging. o They are run in 9-5/8: casing. o They use a Y tool with a plug. o Use slick line to run/pull the plugs. An auto Y tool was developed in 1998. o Dont need slick line to run/pull the tool. o No intervention is required. Dual POD system: o The production casing is isolated from reservoir fluid.

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Summary of Discussion
o Uses an auto flapper valve. Economics: o Reduce downtime when an ESP fails. o Avoid negative income due to downtime. Back-up system growth: o 33 wells in primary installations o 8 wells in secondary installations. Multi-zone ESP systems: o Pressure differences in different zones. o Need to test the zones separately. o Use dual ESPs to produce the zones separately. Two tubing strings one inside the other. No commingling. Can run the ESPs simultaneously or separately. Summary: o 100 wells with dual ESPs in the world. o Provide back-up for one another. o Can produce multiple zones are same time.

Q. What is the probability that the 2 ESP will start? A. If there is infant mortality, there may be a problem. st nd If the 1 unit is OK, the 2 until us usually OK too. Q. What is the percentage of failed units? A. There have not been enough failures to have statistics. Experience has been very good. Q. What is the run life of the 2 system? st nd A. If the 1 unit is OK, the 2 is normally OK. For the nd st 2 unit, we expect +/- 75% of the run life of the 1 unit. Q. Do you use a traditional Y tool? A. Some are different. Q. Is the thermal energy different for the upper and lower ESPs? A. This hasnt been a problem. Q. Do you run the 1 unit to failure before switching to the back-up unit? A. Normally run the lower ESP to failure and then run the upper one.
st nd

Use of MultiNeil Ferrier stage Centrif- (Wood Group ESP) ugal Surface Pumping Sys- Tim McGowan tems to OptiWood Group ESP mize CO2 EOR

Neil Ferrier of Wood Group (ESP) (GE Oil and Gas) gave this presentation on multi-stage surface pumping systems for CO2 fields. Introduction: o Using ESPs on the surface. o Gulf of Mexico Denbury Reservoir Background:

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Paper in Mature Fields


Summary of Discussion
o These fields are in the top 5 in the lower 48 U.S. states. o Use CO2 enhanced oil recovery. o Used in 13 fields. o CO2 is produced in the Jackson Dome, in Mississippi. o The Field was developed by Shell in the 1980s. o Was re-developed in 2000s. Requirements: o Need to boost CO2 pressure in the pipeline to 1,400 psi. o o The CO2 critical point is at 1070 psi at 80 F. o The CO2 properties change rapidly as temperature changes. o The pump design is complicated by the pumping conditions. Pilot test: o Conduct a 24/7 operation with no standby. o Must be flexible to adapt to seasonal changes. o Must have minimum maintenance, minimum downtime. Application: o 900 psi suction pressure, 1,400 psi discharge pressure. o o 18 MMSCFD at 65 F. o 29 stage pumps, special seals. Pilot results: o Uptime was good. o Seals had to change the seal type. Experience since 2003: o More than 100 units installed. o Have re-cycle facilities. o Use a mobile unit for injection in some fields/wells. o Built a new transfer pipeline to Houston. o Now have some industrial clients. o Expanded system and only had two days downtime during expansion process. o Use VSDs to accommodate changes in requirements. o Tractor-mounted units: Use VSDs. Can increase pressure if needed for a project. Conclusions: o There are power savings relative to using a compressor. o Save $200,000 per year, $20 MM over life of project. o Reduced maintenance relative to compressors. $2,000 per year vs. $30,000 for compressors. o Have been able to standardize on equipment.

Q. Is the intake in liquid form? A. It is always in liquid form. It must be a liquid. Q. Do you need special bearing lubrication with CO2? A. Yes. Q. Do you need any change to pumps to handle CO2? A. No.

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Summary of Discussion
Q. Do you operate at 60 Hz? A. We use a VSD and operate between 55 and 60 Hz. Q. Do you have problems with elastomers? A. We have to change the O rings. Q. When do you need to use a booster pump? A. Not sure.

Successful Application of ESPs In Bohai Bay Development

Ed Sheridan
(Baker Hughes) Dr Zia Janjua ESP Expertise Ltd; Jim McRae Sanjay Paranji, Michael Long Anadarko Petroleum Corporation

Ed Sheridan of Baker Hughes Centrilift gave a presentation on use of ESPs in Bohai Bay, offshore China. Introduction: o The field in in Bohai Bay, offshore China. o Its in 25 meter water depth. o Development started in 1999. o First production was on 2004. o Then there were 30 ESPs, 6 platforms, production flows to an FPSO. o There are 3 manned platforms. o Now there are 125 ESPs. o Cumulative production has been 100 MM barrels of oil. o The wells are horizontals. o o The crude is 12 20 API, 30 425 cP. o The water cut is 90%. ESP applications: o Contract was given to Baker Hughes Centrilift. o Hired a consultant. o The contract has shared risks and rewards. o They use performance monitoring and optimization. o It is essential to measure to be able to optimize. Challenges: o Production ranges from 2,000 9.000 B/D per well. o Have target run life of 3 5 years. o Needed lots of front-end planning. o Needed lots of training. o Use VSD and downhole sensors. Equipment from Baker Hughes o Abrasion resistant technology. o Use reservoir control valves. o Use CAN system. o Use intake sensors. o Still using the same system 8 years later. o Have added discharge sensors. o Worked to reduce inventory. o Use 3 designs, 3 ranges. o Use downhole gauge for pressure transient analysis. o Use special start-up procedures. Change 1 Hz. each 5 minutes up to 3h Hz. Then move to VSD control. o Work to maximize run life: Maximum speed allowed is 60 Hz. o Temperature is 130 C.

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Summary of Discussion
Summary: o For 180 wells, have 3.5 year average run life. o The longest has been 7 years. o Training is on-going. o Plan to continue the same process. o Focus on communication with the partners.

Q. What are the primary failure mechanisms? A. Electronics due to transients. Also had problems with penetrators. Q. Do you have water/oil emulsions? A. One well had a problem. Used chemical injection to address it. There was no appreciable increase in viscosity due to the emulsion. Q. Why did you change use of the CAN? A. To reduce cost on request by Anadarko. Q. Why did the Anadarko wells perform better than the ConocoPhillips wells in the same field? A. A better sand control system was used. Q. Why limit the speed to a maximum of 80 Hz? A. Operating between 35 Hz and 60 Hz gives good performance. There is increased sand production if go above 60 Hz. Q. Did you notice mobility of the solids? A. There was some production of fines. The sand control stopped the production of sand. Get some skin with the movement of fines. This is a small effect with the limited drawdown.

ESP Optimization in Naturally Fractured Horizontal Wells through the use of ESP Design Technology, High Resolution Data Acquisition, Surface Controls, and Innovative VSD Control Logic

Keith Fangmeier
(Hess) William McNabb Jeff Smith Logan Stoner HESS Corporation Dana Sander Baker Hughes Centrilift

Hess Corporation presented this story about innovative use of ESPs in a North Dakota field. Introduction: o This field is in North Dakota. o There is H2S and CO2 gas with the production. o The field was discovered in April, 1951. o 200 wells were drilled. o A water flood began in 1959 and was stopped in 1971. o In 1998 they started drilling horizontal wells. o They first used gas-lift, but production declined. o Then they decided to try ESPs. o The initial ESPs had a 3-year run life. o In 2009 they installed more ESPs. o Production is more than 200 B/D per well. o They inject batch chemicals to control corrosion. High resolution SCADA system: o Use 1 minute data sample rate to evaluate well and pump performance.

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Summary of Discussion
o o Have gas slugging. Use dynamic control to control the wells. Use PID control and monitor intake temperature. Need to carefully control the system to respond to varying inputs. Need upfront protection. Need to improve efficiency. Looking at another well: o Well is completed toe up and has slugging. o Need high-speed SCADA to monitor and control the VSD. o Need very close control. A third well: o It produces differently and needs different control logic. Summary: o Installed three ESP wells this year. o Each well is (very) different. o Need real-time SCADA on each wall to optimize its monitoring and control.

Q. Do use you shrouds on the pumps? A. We try to keep the design simple. So we dont use any shrouds. Q. You scan data at one-minute intervals? A. SCADA gives us one-minute data. The system gets updates once every 5 seconds. We communicate with the wells using cell phone technology. Q. Do you control on casing pressure and tubing pressure? A. We are concerned with the motor so we perform real-time control using the VSD.

Advanced ESP Completion for New Field development Dual Completion with a Permanent Magnet ESPCP and a Sucker-Rod Pump

Miguel Hidalgo

This alternative paper was not presented.

Fedor Galkin
(Borets) R. Navo BoretsWeatherford F. Kormakov N. Lunev PK Borets

This alternative paper was not presented.

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Summary of Discussion

Breakout Summary
Four breakout sessions were held two on Wednesday afternoon and two on Thursday afternoon. These are the brief summaries of these sessions
ISO ESP Document Shauna Noonan

ISO Document for ESPs.

Deviated Slugging Wells Bill Bowlin

Deviated Slugging Wells

Options o Drill a rat hole Standard or slanted. Use recirculating pump. Use gas separator. Challenging to get it drilled. o No rat hole Use a rotary gas separator. Use a dip tube. Use a tail pipe. Use an inverted shroud. Install a liner to the toe of the well. nd Drill a 2 vertical well to intersect the toe and produce the liquid. Place an auger in the horizontal to induce turbulence.

ESP Surveillance Jeff Dwiggins

ESP Surveillance
40 people attended the session. Discussed benefits of surveillance. It is needed. Newer technology is helping ot make it easier to use. There was good interactive discussion.

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Electrical Issues Sal Grande

Summary of Discussion Electrical Issues

31 people attended Topics discussed: o Power. o Lightning and surge protection. o Grounding. o Surface equipment. o Safety. o Power factor.

Closing Comments
2011 ESP Workshop Closing Comments
Closing Comments Rafael Lastra Summary of Workshop o Three continuing education courses were offered ESP 101 ESP 102 VSDs o Five Technical Presentation sessions were held 72 Abstracts were received 27 Technical Presentations were given o Four Breakout Sessions were held o Thirty Technical Exhibits were offered. Attendance o 560 people attended the Workshop a record. o 60% were from the U.S.A. 18 States represented. Most from Texas, Oklahoma, California o 40% were from international locations. Central and South America Africa Europe Middle East Door prizes o Excellent door prizes were given before or after each technical session. o The grand prize, a laptop computer, was given at the end of the closing session. o Greg Stephenson of ConocoPhillips was the winner.

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