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Elaborado por la Profra. Rebeca Cruz R.

Linking words are words that link a sentence to show equality or a relationship. They are also known as discour se marker s or sequence marker s. Conjunctions are g rammatical items that join elements or clauses together in a sentence. They include; and, or, but, while, whereas, etc. Because of bad weather, the football match was postponed." L i n k i n g wo r d s h e l p yo u to connect ideas and s e n t e n c e s , s o t h at p e o p l e c a n f o l l ow yo u r i d e a s .
Giving a reason Summarising In short In brief In summary To summarise In a nutshell Due to / due to the fact that Owing to Because Because of As

SOME Examples
Giving examples: For example For instance Such as Adding information: And In addition Also Too Furthermore

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I. Complete the sentences , use : for example, or, although, but, and, so, because. A) I can play basket ball, ________________ I can not play soccer. B) Axel went to England __________ (he) visited the Big Ben. C) We can wait here _____________ we can go to the cafeteria. D) I was hungry, ______________ I bought an ice cream. E) We left the party early ______________ Ben was tired.

F) _______________ he likes soccer, he has never played it. G) There are many different kinds of programs on TV,__________ ______________sports programs, children's programs, and various types of comedy entertainment.
Answers: but, and, or, so, because, although, for example.

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