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ISS45 V7 to V8 Conversion Notes

These notes are a work in progress, please use them as a guideline not a manual!

Here are a few thoughts on the upgrade process from legacy V7 systems to ISS45 v8. STANDARDIZE. We have all been installing V7 for 15+ years at this point. Our biggest issue in Kansas has been a lack of standardization over the years. Use this opportunity to STANDARDIZE your customer base! Make it easier for the new grocery guy to learn. Use a good BASE program as a starter database. I will reference this multiple times. Reimage all POS Terminals with a good, clean, working image that includes Databar support. Install Solidcore. If you arent installing Solidcore, you should be. SETTINGS are not transferred. Period. No POST Configuration. No Coupon settings. No Restricted Sales options. No Control Checks. The conversion tools from Storenext transfers SOME data. Currently we can convert Departments, Sub Departments, Members, Bad Accounts, Enhanced Bad Accounts, Tenders and PLUs using the Storenext tool. I find it easier to IGNORE Tenders and PLUs. Tenders should be standardized at this point and it is much easier to use S4 for your PLU file. I also use this point to standardize my BASE program and use standardized control checks. I have included some SQL scripts to help clear out or update data. I have included RDS Tools for migration of some other data not included in the Storenext tool as well.

Using the Storenext V7 to V8 Migration Tool

Load customers QDX files on a V7.1.5 machine. Extract the conversion tool to C:\PCMASTER (you should have V7convrt.exe & Run V7CONVRT from PCM DOS Check the boxes you wish to output. Skip PLU and use S4 Skip anything the customer isnt using Skip Tender as this is a good time to standardize your tenders. Give your Export a Batch File Number Enter an export path. RAYAPPLE would actually be C:\PCMASTER\RAYAPPLE\

Using RDS Tools to export other data using PPMQUERY - This is BETA!!
Use PPMQUERY on your V7 machine to output certain other tables manually if you want to import them. Currently I have imports for FLIP CHARTS (PLU GROUPS), PAID OUT / ROAS and RETURN TYPES. To export ANY data using PPMQuery, do the following Copy the contents of the RDS TOOLS\PCMASTER\V7 folder into C:\PCMASTER Run PPMQuery from C:\PCMASTER Tools Menu and Load Data from System File (if this fails, stop & start services and try again)

Last Updated: 10/24/2012

ISS45 V7 to V8 Conversion Notes

These notes are a work in progress, please use them as a guideline not a manual!


On a V8.1.6 machine
Have SQL, ISS45 and your BASE program already loaded.

Cleanup Base to prepare for import From SQL Management Studio we need to clean up existing data from your BASE or it will just lump it all together or cause database key violations upon import. Copy the contents of RDS TOOLS\PCMASTER to C:\PCMASTER Delete all PLU Tables, Department, Sub Department & Group. From SQL Management open CLEAR_PLU_AND_DEP.SQL This file takes the place of CLEANPLU from the ISS45 CD. Modify Script if needed & Execute Delete all Bad Accounts & Enhanced Bad Accounts. From SQL Management open CLEAR_BAD_ACCOUNTS.SQL Modify Script if needed & Execute Delete all Cashier records from your BASE program. This also removes Checkout Bank links. From SQL Management open CLEAR_CASHIERS.SQL Modify Script if needed & Execute Importing Data from the Storenext Conversion Tool Copy the files exported from you V7 Lab machine somewhere on the V8 box Copy your BXXXXX.DAT files to C:\PROGRAM FILES\POSWARE\OFFICE\IMPORT on the V8 box Take a minute and wait for the files to process. Go to General Batches in V8 to view files. ONLY EXECUTE FILES THAT YOU NEED! Verify they contain data by clicking on them and hitting EDIT. If you Execute batches that have no data, strange things happen. V8 Members V8 Sub Depts V8 Departments V8 Bad Accounts V8 Enh Bad Act (This will fail if you have duplicate records or invalid control checks). You may need to manually edit the BXXXX.DAT file that contains your Enhanced Bad Check records and MANUALLY remove duplicate records. Upon activation of this batch, it will abort on the first duplicate it finds and wont import ANYTHING AFTER the first duplicate.

Last Updated: 10/24/2012

ISS45 V7 to V8 Conversion Notes

These notes are a work in progress, please use them as a guideline not a manual!

To import Cashiers & Tenders (If you didnt listen to me about not importing Tenders) Copy RUNUPD.BAT to C:\PROGRAM FILES\POSWARE\OFFICE\SCRIPTS Copy CASHIER.SQL and TENDERS.SQL to C:\PROGRAM FILES\POSWARE\OFFICE\SCRIPTS Run RUNUPD.BAT from C:\PROGRAM FILES\POSWARE\OFFICE\SCRIPTS Run Q-EMPTY 11 from C:\PCMASTER Run PCMCSEOD /CASBLDKY from C:\PCMASTER Import PLU information using S4 Copy your ENTIRE C:\S4V6 and X:\S4DATA folders from the V7 system to the V8 system. You may want to rename or remove NEWITMIN.PRM if it exists Change S4V6PARMS to reflect the correct S4DATA path AND ISS45 Version. Put in a current version of ELECCOUP.TBL so electronic coupon batches are built correctly. Make sure you are running current S4 code. Verify your S4MASDB and other DBs and indexes. Copy UPDATEREGFROMDB.BAT to C:\S4V6 Run UPDATEREGFROMDB.BAT to send S4 Items to ISS45 Put back NEWITMIN.PRM if you renamed it

Control Check cleanup Fix your Control Checks on departments (if you use standard CC numbers for minimum / maximum amounts. From SQL Management open UPDATE_BAD_DEP_CCNUMBERS.SQL Modify Script if needed & Execute Fix CC on Bad Accounts (if you are using standard CC numbers for bad accounts) From SQL Management open UPDATE_BAD_CHECK_CCNUMBERS.SQL Modify Script if needed & Execute ECCA (Positive Check) Import If the customer is using ECCA (positive check), you can use the ECCA conversion tool. I have included Storenexts ECCA conversion tool and document. The biggest thing to remember is to increase the size of your QDX file as by default it is only like 5000 records! Import Data created using PPMQUERY if created above (optional) Copy of PLUGROUP-HEADER.CSV, PLUGROUP_ITEMS.CSV, POROA.CSV and RETURN.CSV to C:\PCMASTER. Copy the contents of RDS TOOLS\PCMASTER\V8 to C:\PCMASTER.


Last Updated: 10/24/2012

ISS45 V7 to V8 Conversion Notes

These notes are a work in progress, please use them as a guideline not a manual!


PO / ROA DATA From SQL Management open PO_ROA_IMPORT.SQL Modify Script if needed & Execute (ALL EXISTING PAID OUTS AND ROAS IN YOUR V8 SYSTEM WILL BE CLEARED!) RETURNS From SQL Management open RETURN_IMPORT.SQL Modify Script if needed & Execute (ALL EXISTING RETURNS IN YOUR V8 SYSTEM WILL BE CLEARED!) Manually rebuild QDX files that we broke with all the SQL stuff above. From C:\PROGRAM FILES\POSWARE\OFFICE\COMPONENTS\EXE run PCMCRC /DOCRC / REBUILDQDX Keyboard Migration If the customer is using hardware keyboards, you CAN copy your keyboards from V7 to V8. DOUBLE CHECK THESE AS I HAVE ONLY DONE THIS ONCE! PRESET type keys will need to be fixed manually (especially if you are using a BASE set of tenders). Control checks will need to be fixed manually if you are using a BASE set of control checks This will kill any keyboards defined in your BASE program. Q-CLOS32 55 56 Copy KBD_DEF.QDX & PRESET.QDX into C:\PCMASTER\QDX Q-LOAD32 Restore AR Data using WinAR Copy in WinAR folder from V7 machine and run the dealer utility labeled Q-EMPTY the QDX Customer File and ReLoad from the DBF File.

Additional things to check. TAX RATE, TAX RATE, TAX RATE TEMPLATES! POST Configuration Tender specific information like cash back, etc. (or additional tenders that arent in your BASE). Fix Age restricted Departments. Verify Gift Card and Blackhawk PLUs. Double check Bonus Coupon settings.

Last Updated: 10/24/2012

ISS45 V7 to V8 Conversion Notes

These notes are a work in progress, please use them as a guideline not a manual!

Build Flip Charts (if you are doing it manually). Build Paid Outs / ROAs (if you are doing it manually) Build Return Types (if you are doing it manually) Verify ALL imported Data as both the RDS & Storenext tools are NEW. Did I mention TAX RATE? I am sure I am missing something....

Finishing Steps Run an EOD Open Cashier Utilities/Reset Password in FrontOff and reset the password for each cashier. Set the cashier passwords from the POS.

Is there something you would like me to add? Please let me know what it is and what tools may come in handy. I will be more than happy to attempt to add them.

Last Updated: 10/24/2012

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