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C x0 := x ( x1 , x2 ,..., xn ) R n ; xi ( x0i , x0i + ), i = 1,..., n

Show that a finite collection of points in Rn is closed.

Prove that the open cube

} is an

open subset in Rn.

Give an example of an infinite countable union of points in R which is closed. Give an example of an infinite countable union of points in R which is neither closed, nor open. Can there be an open set in R , which is a union of coutably-many points?
n n Consider the following function d : R R R , defined by d ( x , y ) = sup i (ai | xi y i |) , where ai > 0, i = 1,..., n are some fixed positive numbers. Show that this function satisfies the axioms for distance on Rn. Show that every function on Rn, continuous relative to the usual Euclidean distance is also continuous with respect to this new one and vice-versa. 2 2 Show that the function f ( x, y ) = x y is continuous at the point (0,0), using directly the definition of continuity.

Show that the above function is differentiable at (0,0), using directly the definition of continuity.
n Prove that if a function f : R R is differentiable at a point

x 0 , then it is continuous
xyz and of the x + y2 + z2

at this point. Calculate the derivative (differential) of the function f ( x, y, z ) =


f ( x, y ) = ( xy, e xy ,1)

2 2 Find the gradient vector field of the function f ( x, y ) = x y . Draw this vector field and its flow lines.

Find the equation of the tangent plane to the surface given by the equation 3y 2 z 2 x2 + + = 2 at the point (1,1,-3/2). 4 9

Find all vector fields in R n of the form F ( x ) = f (|| x ||) x , possibly not defined at x = 0 , for which div F = 0 everywhere (except at x = 0 ). Hint: Calculate grad || x || . Calculate grad f (|| x ||). Prove that div ( fF )=f div F + F grad f.
Let F ( x ) =|| x || x be an n-dimensional vector field. Can it be written as the gradient of some scalar field (x ) ? If yes find (x ) , if not prove that fact.

2 2 ds , Let ( x ) = x + y be a scalar field. Find . Find the line integral C

where the curve C is the one in the previous problem. (Hint: Be smart!)
Find all vector fields in R 2 of the form F ( x ) = f ( x ) e1 , where e1 is the unit vector (1,0) and f (x ) is a scalar function, for which div F = 0 everywhere. Now find an additional condition so that curl F = 0 everywhere.

a b F ds Consider the vector field F ( x ) = ( y, x ) . Find curl F . Find the line integral C b a , where the curve C is the ellipse given by the equations x = a cos t , y = b sin t , t [ 0,2 ] . Can F be written as the gradient of some scalar field? n f ds = 0 , for any curve Prove that for any C function f ( x ), x R , we have C C belonging to the level set f ( x ) = a = const .

2 2 2 ds , Let ( x ) = x + y + z be a scalar field. Find . Find the line integral C

where the curve C is given by the equations x = sin 2t , y = cos 2t , z = t / 2, t [0,1] . (Hint: Be smart!)
Let F ( x ) =|| x || 3 x be an n-dimensional vector field. Can it be written as the gradient of some scalar field (x ) ? If yes find (x ) , if not prove that fact.

F ds , where is the vector field from the previous problem Find the line integral F

and the curve C is given by the equations x = sin 2t , y = cos 2t , z = t / 2, t [0,1] . (Hint: Try being smart!) Suppose that a fluid is rotating around the z-axis. The particles of the fluid are moving in perfect circles with speeds proportional to the square of the distance to the z-axis. Write the

vector field of the velocities for this fluid. Calculate the curl and divergence of this vector field.

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