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China Market Intelligence

NPC and State Council

Transparency Commitments: An Evaluation
he National People’s Congress (NPC) and State the Administrative Rules for Special Approval of Drug
Council both announced initiatives in spring 2008 to Registration, had not. Rather, these had been posted for
increase transparency and public participation in the comment only on the websites of the agencies responsible
formulation of legislation and administrative measures. The for them—the Ministry of Commerce and State Food and
US-China Business Council (USCBC) has been tracking Drug Administration, respectively. In fact, from September
NPC and State Council compliance with their commitments 1 through December 1, these and other administrative
in this area since late summer. Based on USCBC’s review, the agencies solicited comments on 14 draft regulations that
NPC has been fairly consistent in its transparency efforts, were not posted on the designated SCLAO website.
while the State Council has been decidedly less so. Moreover, during that period, the website only listed five
laws and regulations for comment, two of which, the Social
NPC Welfare Law and the People’s Fitness Rules, were not
To promote open participation in its legislative process, economic in nature. None of the regulations posted on this
the Standing Committee of the 11th NPC announced last website have been open for comment for the full 30-day
April that it would solicit public comments on most draft period agreed to during the fourth SED.
laws and amendments reviewed by the NPC Standing In addition to the SCLAO website mentioned above,
Committee. It also stated it would “in general” post draft however, the State Council recently added a link to
laws and amendments that have gone through a first another site (
Standing Committee review on the NPC website. In to collect public comments on department
addition, it will release the draft in major media outlets, if regulations (internal regulations) and related documents. As
the Standing Committee chair determines a draft law to be of December 1, only three items—an amended draft of a
of immediate public interest. Patent Examination Directory, Procedures for Handling
In accordance with its April announcement, the NPC has Traffic Safety Violations, and Methods for Examining Land
posted several draft laws for public comment, including the Use Plans—were posted on the site.
draft Patent and Insurance laws, which were open for USCBC is aware of other regulations that the State
comment from August 29 to October 10, 2008. The NPC in Council has approved or issued since late summer without
late October read three drafts for the first time and posting for comment on the designated SCLAO website.
subsequently posted them for comment on its website: the These include the Draft Regulations for Dairy Product Safety
draft State Compensation Law, draft Earthquake Protection and the Value-Added Tax Reform Plan, which was submitted
and Disaster Relief Law, and draft Postal Law. to the State Council in September 2008, approved in
November 2008, and took effect on January 1, 2009.
State Council In addition, USCBC understands that there are other
At the fourth Strategic Economic Dialogue (SED), held in regulations, specifically the Anti-Price-Monopoly Rules and
June 2008, China agreed to three significant transparency- draft amendments to the Anti-Unfair-Competition Law, that
related points: are making their way through the legislative process but have
■ Publish for comment all draft economic regulations and not yet been posted on the SCLAO website for comment.
rules, not just those related to trade; Though the Anti-Price-Monopoly Rules may not be ready for
■ Allow at least 30 days for public comments; and comment, the State Administration of Industry and
■ Publish these measures in a single location, the PRC State Commerce has solicited comments on draft amendments to
Council Legislative Affairs Office’s (SCLAO) legislative the Anti-Unfair-Competition Law from a few chosen
information website ( organizations without posting the law for comment on either
Despite these commitments, as of early December 2008, the NPC or SCLAO websites.
few of the economic regulations and rules released for The State Council’s uneven implementation of its
comment since late summer had been posted on the commitments to transparency and public participation in the
designated SCLAO website. Though the draft Ozone regulation-drafting process warrants further monitoring.
Depleting Substances Regulations, PRC Customs Services
Guarantee Rules, and Administrative Regulations on
This article is adapted from a report that first appeared in China Market
Registration of Resident Foreign Enterprise Representative Intelligence, the US-China Business Council’s (USCBC) members-only
Offices had been posted there, others, such as the Technical newsletter. To find out more about USCBC member company benefits, see
Rules for the Circulation of Second-Hand Equipment and

12 January–February 2009

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