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Creating value

from carbon
by John Van D. Lewis, Ph.D., CINCS & Mark L. Chapman, Carbon Credit Capital

Dr. John Van D. Lewis, former member of the US delegation to the Kyoto
Protocol, gives an insider’s perspective on policy mechanisms and approaches
to creating and reaping carbon-removal benefits from land use, land-use
change and forestry. Mark Chapman provides the perspective of an emerging
project development and carbon credit brokerage company on carbon
reduction through renewable energy installations.

The monetisation of carbon in the wake of the enter the atmosphere from emerging industrial
Kyoto Protocol marks the transition in carbon nations and tropical deforestation. In fact, relative to
dioxide from simply a chemical compound to a industry, population growth and rural poverty are
valuable, tradable commodity. Humans have making an increasing contribution towards global
manipulated the carbon cycle through industrial warming.The masses of the planet’s rural poor with
development for over 150 years. As a result of no choice but to clear forest land for subsistence
which, the cycle’s continued equilibrium can no farming, and limited or no access to electricity, has
longer be taken for granted. Most geo and bio- surpassed 2 billion in number. In order to maximise
physicists agree that the carbon cycle, the source of the Kyoto Protocol’s impact on the mitigation of
life on earth, is being thrown increasingly off balance greenhouse gas emissions, it is essential for policy
and the global warming cycle is being exacerbated makers, multi-lateral NGOs and financial investment
by human activities.The United Nations Framework bodies to understand the current state and lifestyles
Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) of the developing rural poor. Equally important
attempts to respond to global warming by mitigating knowledge for the latter group are the investments
the concentration of greenhouse gases in the and forecasted returns associated with financially
atmosphere. Its approach is to make the most- supporting sustainable renewable energy and
industrialised countries responsible for taking the agricultural projects.
initial steps towards a better carbon balance.Within
the UNFCCC’s Clean Development Mechanism Carbon at the community level
(CDM) framework, mitigation of greenhouse gas Most of the planet’s 2 billion rural poor inhabitants
concentrations is addressed through sequestration know that slash and burn agriculture will leave their
of carbon currently in the atmosphere, as well as children more vulnerable to poverty than they
further reduction of carbon emissions from current already are, and that fossil fuel usage for lighting
sources. needs consumes far too much of their budget, if
The concentration of carbon dioxide in the they even have a budget at all. If people are clearing
atmosphere can be mitigated in two ways. First, it the land to farm annual staple food crops, it is
can be captured for underground storage or because they have not found a practical and
removed through the increased photosynthetic sustainable alternative to these livelihoods.What
action of additional biomass on the ground, known should they eat while they wait for soil fertility to
as bio-sequestration. In this case, plants constitute improve and water-conserving fruit or oilseed trees
“carbon sinks”. Second, industrial, engine or forest- to grow? What guarantee do they have that the local
related carbon dioxide emissions from any kind of powers-that-be will let them keep such newly fertile
fire can be reduced through measurable remedial land once those trees ripen? Where are there stable
actions: induced combustion efficiencies, conversion markets for those tree products that can guarantee
to kinetic (in some cases, nuclear) and solar energy them adequate income with which to buy food for
sources. their families, and where are their cost-effective
In evaluating the stability of the carbon cycle and alternatives to kerosene usage and diesel generators
the extent of future global warming, we arrive at a at home?
crucial consideration. Even if the current industrial Unless these problems for rural poverty
economies neutralise their carbon dioxide reduction can be solved, cleaner industry practices
footprints, large quantities of carbon dioxide will will have limited restorative affects on the planet’s

carbon balance. Fortunately, a carbon dioxide offset local, as well as clean eco-friendly fuel sources such
contract on such land can, in and of itself, solve as landfill gas capture, hydropower, bagasse, biomass
some of the socio-economic impediments to and solar power. Essential to the viability of such
sustainable landscape management. If the rural poor projects is the need to capitalise on a local resource
can eat and keep their land-holding in the meantime, that can be supplied reliably and at minimal
the poorest farmers will be the first to try and transport cost beyond that which currently exists.
intensify the carbon stored in the soil and farm Bio oil and electricity generating facilities in Brazil
vegetation.They know that the longer-term tend to be located adjacent to saw mills that can
sustainability of their farm-based livelihood depends supply a large tonnage of biomass residues as fuel
upon the soil fertility and water conservation made supply. Rice husk and mustard seed residues are
possible by the increased vegetation. A Kyoto- widely available in India and thus prime-candidate
catalysed clean energy source nearby or solar panels biomass supplies for clean energy in a country
installed on the roof will also change the rural where more than 60% of the rural poor has no
community standard of living. electricity. Enhancing the reliability and transparency
For the average developing-community individuals of renewable projects are steps toward bringing the
who know existence only near the poverty line, the rural masses and project financiers into the global
recent valuation of carbon promotes sequestration warming mitigation arena at a functioning level.
or clean energy projects at the local level, and thus
translates into sustainable revenue.These projects Carbon accounting and project
bring opportunities for local community individuals finance barriers
to be hired as planters, cultivators or foresters who Using carbon measuring, monitoring and verification
bring seedlings to maturity during the years of systems to automate a carbon accounting system for
plantation growth. During that growth process the land use, land-use change and forestry will reduce
tended forestry specimens will enter a fruit and by- the costs and uncertainties of measuring carbon
product bearing phase which signals the second dioxide removal “sinks” and offsets.This should
sustainable revenue stream for local individuals.While allow more tropical agricultural credits to move
maintaining the integrity of the tree itself, and thus through the CDM process. It will also allow
the carbon sequestration credit potential, the locals subsequent rounds of protocol negotiations to
may non-destructively reap fruit and fallen leaves and consider avoided deforestation as a measurable, and
branches for use as conversion into private thus viable, emissions reduction methodology.
consumption, or sale to the bio oil or biomass fuel Monitoring technologies are able to verify tree
pellet market. It is with this on-farm carbon that an growth and species propagation, but how can the
international public good, carbon dioxide removal, end to roaming slash-and-burn practices be ensured
becomes a very private good.This fundamental fact of at a level that inspires institutional investment and
sustainable agriculture should be built upon as we opens more trading floors to another valuable
seek permanent solutions to the global warming carbon venue?
problem. The monitoring of actual carbon movement and
The first step to accomplishing this is to open up control within a renewable energy system is
all global emissions markets to well-measured, on- captured largely in the project’s design.The biomass
farm carbon sink credits.The carbon flux in all land fuel sources are analysed for their carbon content
use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF) has to prior to entry into the facility, hydro and wind
be accurately modelled and measured before a bio- power projects are monitored for the carbon
sequestration offset timetable can be established and leakage that occurs in their construction, and in
contracted with an industrial offset buyer.Advance each case the project activity is compared to a
funding for these activities can feed the participating status quo carbon baseline that it aims to abate. In
farm family while the tree crops grow. That contract each of these energy projects, design and verification
can be used to protect the land tenure claims of the engineers perform due diligence assessments to
tree-planting farmers. Finally, the industrial offset ensure that carbon measurements and offsets are
purchaser can use its global economic influence to evaluated and valued legitimately.
ensure that markets for the chosen tree products
remain transparent and equitable. The marketplace for carbon offsets
When examining sustainable energy projects Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions trading markets
from the community perspective, the value that are developing out of, and alongside, the Kyoto
carbon brings to the local individual is embodied in a Protocol. Carbon dioxide (CO2), the principal GHG
source of electricity that is reliably generated from culprit in global warming, is the most heavily traded

GHG in these markets. By emphasising more-easily focused on the functionality and benefit of a carbon
measured CO2 reductions, including clean energy sequestration or carbon avoidance project and the
substitution for fossil fuels, to the virtual exclusion marketplace for the credits generated from such
of CO2 removals, including land use, land-use change endeavors. It is the project financing lynch pin that
and forestry practices, in “non-industrialised” (mostly definitively makes it possible for these projects to be
tropical) countries, the Kyoto Protocol misses an tied to reliable investments and better economic
important global warming mitigation opportunity. opportunity in developing regions of our world.
Part of Kyoto’s hesitation in crediting avoided
deforestation carbon removals as eligible offsets Value in, value out
comes from a legitimate concern over the Any supermarket, amusement park or biomass
complexity of measuring carbon fluxes out over a energy project that is erected is made possible by an
diverse landscape. Unfortunately, these measurement investment body that not only has the financial
uncertainties make it even more difficult for Kyoto resources to support such an endeavor, but that also
to recognise a deforestation baseline scenario foresees some form of return for their risk in
against which emissions reductions from forest choosing to become involved. It is this return that
protection actions might be calculated for credit. embodies the second looking glass through which
Thus, yet another large scale global warming carbon’s value is examined. Not all project financiers
mitigation opportunity is being neglected as tropical are seeking to meet emissions quotas for
deforestation increases exponentially. compliance with Kyoto requirements, but they
So up to this point, the preservation of forest choose to become involved by taking equity stakes
lands, although deemed highly important by in projects because both the compliance and
members of environmental communities, has not voluntary credit markets are showing greater
been regarded as an eligible project practice by the promise as worthwhile trading frameworks.
CDM Executive Board.The reason for this omission Well-established technology corporations are
of avoided deforestation as an approved seeing the potential in proactively engaging in the
methodology has to do with contention over emerging carbon markets and taking a branding
measuring such projects and their carbon credits, as opportunity.When accounting for research and
well as a weaker mechanism for generating social development, capital startup and incidentals, the
enterprise in developing regions where financial cost of implementing a fossil fuel alternative
a/reforestation and energy projects do.The power facility is higher than simply maintaining the
European Union Emissions Trading Scheme (EU-ETS) status quo energy supply. Alternatively, the upfront
has blocked crediting of an umbrella of forestry investment has a potential for significant return
projects, including those that are CDM-approved. when considering the marketability of being an early
“This exclusion includes agroforestry, mover in the CDM process, the Corporate Social
silvopastoral, and community forestry projects that Responsibility bolstering that follows association
have the potential to transform low-carbon with a developing world or eco-friendly activity, and
degraded landscapes into diverse, high-carbon of course the option to own or purchase carbon
productive systems. As a result of this exclusion credits generated from such projects.
LULUCF projects are relegated to markets in which The stability of the CDM process and trading
prices are substantially lower.” This poses a circular schemes relies upon investors, government bodies
problem of “who concedes first”: Is it that trading and project developers taking risks in the near term.
schemes must be opened to unproven projects and The uncertainties of Kyoto’s longevity unveiled in
thus show a promise of return for credits generated the first commitment period must be met with
from forestry projects before financing and support willingness to take financial risks, semi-transparent
of the projects occur, or, must project financiers take operating procedures and information sharing
the risk initiative and prove to the carbon between knowledge networks and project
community that such projects are reliable and developers. Healthy competition and profit can still
profitable? Regardless of a project being be amassed in this market structure so long as
sequestration or avoidance based, options do exist experts on technology procurement and its transfer
for up-front contracts to be signed for the sale of a to developing regions can be tied to on-the-ground
certain number of credits at roughly €6 per carbon professionals who have invested their own
credit, or sold at a much higher price in a spot- resources in following and understanding the CDM
market approach as the credits become validated process. As Paul Desanker, UNFCCC delegate from
each year. Malawi, points out with regard to a global CDM
This discussion of “creating value from carbon” has project track record, “capacity building needs to be

tied to specific project ideas, project funding and • Haskett, Jonathan. “Landscape Carbon and
national institutional frameworks”. Technology Development Initiative.” 2006
transfer from developed-world entities, acting as
project finance, need also continue as an opportunity • Desanker, Paul V “The Kyoto Protool and the
for project efficiency to rise and for key global CDM in Africa: A good idea but …” May 2006,
investment bodies to take a dedicated stance on FAO Document Archive,
participation in project sponsorship.
There is no shortage of financing that can be Paul V. Desanker is a Chair of the Miombo
allocated to sustainable agricultural and renewable Network, Malawi, and participant in the
energy projects.The gap in technology and resource UNFCCC as a Malawi delegate and member of
transfer thwarting the forward movement of the the Least Developed Countries Expert Group
CDM process occurs when investment bodies (LEG).
cannot locate the proper on-the-ground expertise
network in a certain region or find the lowest-risk
project developer with a strong track record of Authors:
previous CDM process experience.There are limited John Van D. Lewis, Ph.D. Chief Operating Officer
guarantees when venturing into new markets; CINCS (the Climate Investment Network
however a large amount of value is available to those for Carbon Sequestration)
project developers, communities and investment Email:
bodies that make even the most basic risk-hedging Tel: +1 (212) 925 8106
maneuvers and connections with experts in the Website:
clean development and carbon trading mechanisms
that are opening wider to the world by the day. Mark L. Chapman, Director of
Marketing & Communications
References: Carbon Credit Capital
• Practical Action “Energy and Poverty”, Email: Tel: +1 (212) 925 5697
• Chapra, Anuj “Low-Cost Lamps Brighten the Website:
Future of Rural India.” The Christian Science
Monitor, Jan 2006,World Resource Institute. 561 Broadway Suite 6A New York
cost-lamps-brighten-the-future-of-rural-india 10012

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