First Hebrew Congregation of Peekskill Bulletin - March 2009

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First Hebrew Congregation of Peekskill

Adar - Nisan 5769 / March 2009

Candle lighting Meetings and Events
Sisterhood Breakfast................ Sunday, March 1 @9:15am
March 6..... 5:33pm Board of Trustees………………Tuesday, March 3 @8:00pm
March 13…. 6:41pm Hadassah Meeting……………..Monday, March 16 @1:00pm
March 20 …. 6:48pm Basketball Fundraiser………… Sunday, March 22 @1:00pm
March 27….. 6:56pm Men’s Basketball……………….Sunday, March 29 @7:30pm
Daf Yomi Class………………. Thursdays @10:30am

Hebrew & Nursery School Events

Snow Flake Dance……………. Sunday, March 8
Purim Carnival…………………. Sunday, March 8
Vav Parent Participation…….... Sunday, March 22
Dalet/Gimmel Service………… Friday, March 27 @7:00pm
Coffee W/ Principal……………. Sunday, March 29
Model Seder…………………… Tuesday, March 31

B'nai Mitzvah…………..Mazel Tov

Shabbat Service -- Uptown
Friday Evenings……………7:00 pm Kayla Smith ………....Sat., March 14 @9:30 am
Saturday Mornings………...9:30 am
Purim: Megillah Reading
Tag Sale:
Monday, March 9 @ 7:00 pm
Sun., March 1
************* Shabbat Across America
Friday, March 20 @6:30pm
Blood Drive: ********************************
Sun., March 8 Shabbat For Everyone
Saturday, March 28th @9:30am
Daylight saving *******************************
Daily Minyan -- Downtown
starts Jazz Night
Monday thru Friday……. 8:00 am Sunday, March 7
March 09 9:00 am Saturday, March 28th @9:00pm
www.FirstHebrew.Org 1
First Hebrew Congregation of Peekskill
Uptown Synagogue Directory

1821 East Main Street Rabbi ................................ Lee Paskind

Telephone:..............(914) 739-0500 Educational Director ......... Jeffrey Wrightman..................
(914) 788-4657 .......
Fax: ........................(914) 739-0684 Administrator..................... Lisa Segal ........ 845-857-9157
Nursery School Director.... Barbara Kaufman
Nursery School President........................... Jeremy Krantz......... 736-6455
1st Vice President............. Mark Stern .............. 739-4981
Telephone:..............(914) 739-0504 2nd Vice President............ Alice Krochmal . 845-528-1684
3rd Vice President ............ David Kasdan.......... 737-8248
Downtown Synagogue Financial Secretary ........... Carol Gold
813 Main Street Recording Secretary ......... Ilene Zanchelli......... 734-8107
Telephone:..............(914) 737-8155
Committee Chairpersons
Emails Bar/Bat Mitzvah ................ Debby Bleiweis ....... 734-7623
Congregation: ....... Linda Treinish ......... 788-9798
Rabbi Paskind: Beautification/Hospitality... Daniela Rosen ........ 734-7282
Lisa Bikkur Holim...................... Daniela Rosen ........ 734-7282 Bingo................................. David Shea…………734-8231
Mark Stern .............. 739-4981
Rabbi’s Office Hours Board of Education ...........
Hebrew School ........... Laurie Baskin .......... 736-1227
Please contact office. Buildings & Grounds ......... Mark Stern .............. 739-4981
Bulletin .............................. Masoud Radparvar . 962-6702
Synagogue Office Hours .............................
Monday–Thursday: .7 am–12 noon & Capital Improvements ....... Mark Stern .............. 739-4981
1 pm–4 pm Bruce Lindenbaum.. 739-7159
Friday:.....................7 am–2 pm Cemetery .......................... Richard Zorn ........... 671-7546
_____________________________ Fund Raising..................... Steven Cohen ......... 734-2149
First Hebrew Andy Polay.............. 736-2055
Congregation of Gift Shop Arlene Kaufman ...... 232-5999
Peekskill is Alice Yasuna ........... 737-7687
affiliated with the Library Committee ............ Fran Olmsted ... 845-424-4077
United Synagogue Membership ...................... Frances Weiner....... 734-9602
of Conservative Men’s Club Co-Presidents
Judaism, Steven Cohen ......... 734-2149
Women’s League Paul Schaffer .......... 739-5714
for Conservative Programs .......................... (to be announced)
Judaism, Publicity ............................ Lili Kasdan .............. 737-8248
Federation of Ritual................................. Donald Feldman...... 736-3417
Jewish Men’s Social Action ..................... (to be announced)
Clubs, and Young Sisterhood President......... (to be announced)
Judaea United Synagogue ............ David Kasdan.......... 737-8248
******************************************** Youth Director................... (to be announced)

Please send additions, comments,

suggestions, corrections, .... to: Bulletin@FirstHebrew.Org
March 09 www.FirstHebrew.Org 2
Rabbi’s Message
-“More than Israel has kept Shabbat, Shabbat has kept Israel.” Ahad Ha’am
There is great truth in the observation that the this one day a week we change modes. If the other
Sabbath – Shabbat – has had a preservative force six days we follow God’s model as Creator, shaper of
for the Jewish people throughout our history. It is all that is – on this one day each week we are part of
one of the major institutions that has given us that creation. On this day we celebrate not that
strength and hope during our often difficult which separates us from every other creatures in the
experience as a people. Wherein lies the secret, world, but that which we have in common, that which
then, of this secret source of strength? unites us.
Abraham Joshua Heschel, in his beautiful small On Shabbat we are part of the web of all created
volume The Sabbath provides the key: while most of beings. It is this which explains the importance of
our lives are involved in space – where we live, what we do not do: actions which shape or change
where we work, moving to a better place – Shabbat part of the created world. We leave behind for one
is anchored in time. Heschel calls it “an island in day our role of maker, shaper, builder. We focus on
time.” Since we can’t see time, we often forget it our role as one of God’s creatures. On Shabbat we
exists as a separate dimension. leave the office behind. On this day we focus on our
souls, our higher self.
And all too often, we become prisoners of time.
Never more than today, our lives are controlled by to- Shabbat Across America is an opportunity for us
do lists, our ‘free time’ shrinks before the portable to share time together on this wonderful island. We
office. Translation: our home is not even sacred will pray together, sing together, and eat together.
space. There is no ‘down’ time. We must be ‘on’ One of the greatest joys of Shabbat is joining
everywhere – because we can remotely connect to together in community for our shared celebration. I
our offices, so we cannot disconnect. We can only hope you will join us on Shabbat evening, March 20
and always be at work, or on call for work. for a very special Shabbat experience. May you truly
enjoy the peace of that Shabbat and every Shabbat.
Enter Shabbat. We set this day apart with
Shabbat shalom.
symbols: candles, wine, hallah. We spend time
together sharing song, and words of Torah. And on Lee S. Paskind

Friday Night Family Shabbat Service

Schedule MAZEL TOV

Friday, March 20; Shabbat Across America to Carol & Harold Schlacter on the birth
Friday, April 17 @6:30pm of a grandson - Jace Andrew
Schlacter. Proud parents are Jodi & Ean
Friday, May 22 @6:30pm Schlacter of Rhode Island.
For more information, please call
Frances Weiner @914-734-9602, or
Sharon Memis @914-302-7767 Get Well
First Hebrew wishes a speedy recovery to:
Morton Bensky Selda Bloome Luz Corona

Happy Purim Fran Feldman

Glady Kessler
Murray Halperin
Joan Pinkerton
Esther Katz

Bar/Bat Mitzvah Students

Please send your biography to at least 5 weeks prior to the first day of
your Bar/Bat Mitzvah month to be placed in the Bulletin.

March 09 www.FirstHebrew.Org 3
President’s Message FHC’S MISSION
With a new President, administration with new Therefore, in an effort to: a) advance positive
ideas, coupled with spring approaching, I am hopeful and forward thinking, and b) fight the doomsayers
that the current economic and world conditions will of the world, I believe the time has come for FHC to
somehow start to correct themselves. Maybe it is a advance and promote, in words, our mission.
desire to be optimistic at a time when, for a lot of
I am hopeful that we can truly embrace our
people, optimism is in short supply. On the other
mission which is, in my opinion, to “Embrace,
hand, maybe it is a confirmation that after every
Support and Strengthen Judaism in Northern
storm, the sun must shine again, bringing light and
hope to those who weathered the storm. And once
the storm has passed, we, as a people, take stock of As a Jewish people we have always used words
the damage and rebuild. to advance our prayers, study, and beliefs. In my
humble opinion, what could be better than
It has always been my hope that we also take
embracing Judaism as our religion, supporting
stock of what we have going for us, and from that
Judaism and its tenets and finally, strengthening
starting point the future can hold great promise for a
Judaism’s presence in our community.
better tomorrow.
Let us all think of how we, as individuals and
While I am aware that positive rhetoric can only
FHC as an organization can EMBRACE, SUPPORT
go so far, and actions speak louder than words, I am
also aware that feelings of pessimism and negativity
also are, in a way, rhetoric. When we give our
negative feelings too much weight, they tend to Shalom,
become a self-serving prophecy that must be Jeremy Krantz, President

March B'nai Mitzvah………..Mazel Tov

First Hebrew Congregation will call the following to the Torah as B’Nei Mitzvah at
our regular Saturday morning-uptown services, 9:30 a.m. We welcome all
members of our community to join in these simchas. The families welcome all
those attending to join with them at the Kiddush following services in honor of the
Bar/Bat Mitzvahs.

Shabbat, March 14th – Kayla Smith – daughter of Holly & Douglas Smith

HELP *** Shabbat Across America *** HELP

We need volunteers to help run Shabbat Across America on Friday,
March 20th. If you are interested please contact
Alice Krochmal (845-528-1684) or call the office.

Volunteers will get certificate for community Service.

March 09 www.FirstHebrew.Org 4
Message from the Hebrew School Principal,
Dear Parents, Students, and Congregants, am a working girl, one of those striking against
intolerable conditions. I am tired of listening to
Last year in my March letter I spoke of the
speakers who talk in generalities. What we are here
connection between Purim and the concept of
for is to decide whether or not to strike. I offer a
heroism. As we look around us today and reflect on
resolution that a general strike be declared"
our daily lives, our community, our nation, and the
world one cannot help but wonder at times where the The lesson to our children is simple but deep.
heroes are. Heroes may serve as role models or While our heroes are human, and by nature flawed,
leaders they may inspire or comfort us, they may be they have much to teach us. We understand our
all or either, but in uncertain times they provide hope own flaws and accept them, while we do our best to
and a sense of purpose that transcends the self and improve and overcome them. We seek the best in
embraces something higher, something larger. all whom we know and accept their shortcomings
as we do our own. The essence of heroism resides
In exploring our biblical heroes in Judaism we find
inside each and every one of us. With the help of a
something, which on the surface, can be somewhat
nurturing community, good role models, and a
disconcerting. Abraham casts Hagar and Ishmael off
sense of our heritage our task is to find that hero
into the desert to die. Isaac while favoring Esau is
fooled by a conspiracy on the part of Jacob to steal
the birthright. Moses begins his life as our leader Bi’Shalom
after running away from murdering an Egyptian and
Jeffrey Wrightman
hiding the body. King David has one of his most loyal
soldiers put at the front of a battle where he dies in
order to steal his wife. Even Queen Esther is in some Rebecca Kissel
ways a pawn in Mordechai’s plan to save the Jews Shalom, my name is Rebecca Kissel. My Bat
who ultimately exact a terrible revenge for nothing Mitzvah is on April 4, 2009. I am doing several Bat
more than a plot.
Mitzvah projects. I will be donating 3% of the gifts
One may rightfully point out that these are but a that I receive to Mazon, an organization that is
few flaws in what were ultimately great leaders who helping to fight world hunger. I participated in Spark,
accomplished profoundly important things for our a program in which we visit the Jewish patients at
people. I would agree and further assert that is in the VA. I also plan on donating some of my hair to
their flaws that we find the essence of heroism. It is Locks for Love. I go to Copper Beech Middle School
far less difficult to maintain one’s values and beliefs and I live with my Dad, Ken, my mom, Lisa, my
in times of bounty and prosperity than in the face of
sister, Alison, and my little brother, Seth (man, a full
drought and poverty. Bravery comes easier when
one is surrounded by safety and security than when house!). I enjoy music and singing; I am in my
one is alone and the odds overwhelming. school’s chorus. I write sci-fi (or “sf” if you prefer) in
my spare time and plan on one day getting
We are a people who do not worship perfection published and maybe even on the best-selling list.
yet continue to strive for it knowing it is beyond our Some of you may have noticed a poem of mine,
reach. We accept the flawed nature of our ancestors
Siddur in one of the bulletins. I am also really into
with the knowledge that they were in the end human,
science. I plan on joining NASA when I’m old
doing the best they could with what they had. We
look up to their bravery, their dedication, their enough and heading off into space, or at least
willingness to stand up for what they believed and working in Mission Control and I do some research
seek a better life for their people. For while flawed of my own when I get a chance. (Hey, I’ll be the first
true heroes are called to and answer a higher writer in space! :p) I am practicing hard for my Bat
purpose. Mitzvah and I hope I will see you all there.
This year some of our students are studying
about Clara Lemlich, who in 1903 at the age of 17 Help support our Hebrew School
immigrated with her family to the United States from when you shop online.
the Ukraine after a Pogrom. While a devoted
Communist this young Jewish woman who toiled in a Visit the congregation’s website:
sweatshop inspired tens of thousands to work for
better working and living conditions and was a www.FirstHebrew.Org
lifelong consumer advocate. Her words and more for details.
have echoed through the ages: "I have listened to all
theMarch 09
speakers, and I have no further patience for talk. I www.FirstHebrew.Org 5
New Programs for Youngsters, Teens and Families Serve Area’s
Growing Jewish Population
“Good Morning, Good Night,” a recent free program for Dinners.
young families developed in part by FHC, showing parents First Hebrew Congregation has also increased its
how to use Jewish traditions to make mornings and family programming. We now offer a monthly Friday night
bedtime easier and more meaningful, was one of many Family Shabbat Service designed for children 8 and
programs that have been cropping up in Northern younger, with special books, activities and kiddish. All
Westchester to serve the area’s growing Jewish ages are welcome to these services. Upcoming dates
population. th
include April 17 and May 22 .

According to the Jewish Community Study of New York In a unique collaboration, First Hebrew is working with
undertaken by UJA-Federation of New York, the number of three other Conservative synagogues to launch a youth
Jewish households in Northern Westchester grew from group next fall under the auspices of United Synagogue
9.200 in 1991 to 17,400 in 2002. People in Jewish Youth, a national organization associated with METNY,
households grew from 11% of the area’s population to providing extensive programming and leadership
22%. The study showed an increase in Jewish development. Croton Jewish Center, Temple Beth Shalom
households for all of Westchester County, rising to 54,600 of Mahopac, Yorktown Jewish Center and First Hebrew
from 39,000. Jewish agencies in the area agree that the are hammering out the details that would create a
trend is continuing. professionally run youth group for Middle School and High
Since the study revealed that one-third of Northern School teens.
Westchester’s 56,300 residents in Jewish households “While the area’s Jewish population is growing, our
were under the age of 17, family outreach has become the Jewish families are spread out over different
focus of many new programs offered by Jewish groups, neighborhoods, towns and schools,” Rabbi Paskind
including First Hebrew Congregation. They range from explained. “The youth group will provide a fun way for
early childhood Jewish parenting to events that bring Jewish teens to meet, mingle and perform community
Jewish teens together in community service. service which is in keeping with the Jewish concept of
Building Our Jewish Home is a new initiative by the ‘mitzvot,’ or doing good deeds. We want to keep our teens
United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism’s New York involved in Jewish life and encourage them to do so in the
Metropolitan Region (METNY) to welcome young families future. The youth group will help strengthen their Jewish
into the Jewish community. Funded by a UJA grant, identity,” he added.
METNY is working with First Hebrew as well as with Jewish teens can now also email
Congregation Sons of Israel in Briarcliff Manor and to join other teens as these young people organize and run
Yorktown Jewish Center to offer unique programs that will community service projects. J-Teen, a UJA program, was
help Jewish and interfaith families feel more connected to launched by two Northern Westchester High School teens
Jewish life and Conservative shuls. as a response to Hurricane Katrina.
“We want to help parents feel more comfortable playing Among J-Teens recent projects, they sorted food for
an active role in their children’s Jewish education,” said the Westchester Food Bank in Millwood, and they hosted a
METNY’s Rabbi Cara Weinstein Rosenthal who, together party for children living at the Pleasantville Cottage School.
with Rabbi Paskind, hosted “Good Morning, Good Night.” Over the February school break, J-Teen organized a
“We held the workshop at Barnes & Noble,” said Rabbi Westchester delegation to join teens from around the
Paskind, “because we wanted to encourage families to country in Washington, D.C. for a leadership and advocacy
attend who might not currently be ready to come to seminar. These teens also went to Capitol Hill to lobby for
synagogue. As they grow comfortable with Jewish issues such as human rights, Israel and the environment.
traditions, it is our hope, of course, that they would come th
April 26 is National Day of Jewish Youth Service and
to synagogue.” J-Teen is looking for volunteers for their Teen Planning
Building Our Jewish Home will pilot programs that differ Committee to organize a project for Westchester. Any
in scope with each collaborating group. For example, teen wishing to participate in a J-Teen activity can do so
Congregation Sons of Israel hosted an event entitled on a project basis. Teens do not have to join a group or
“December Dilemmas” that dealt with the commit to every activity.
Chanukah/Christmas issue as well as the role of For thousands of families Shabbat Across America,
materialism in celebrating Chanukah. Ultimately, METNY organized by the National Jewish Outreach Program,
hopes to involve more synagogues in their family outreach provides a festive opportunity to join Jewish families all
programming. across the country as they celebrate Shabbat in their
At the Yorktown branch of the Rosenthal Jewish communities. At First Hebrew, for example, a special
Community Center, programs for young families continue service will be followed by dinner and dancing in the
to increase. In addition to classes for youngsters, they aisles. This year’s national annual event takes place
also offer parenting workshops and Family Shabbat March 20 Call the FHC office to RSVP at 739-0500.
March 09 www.FirstHebrew.Org 6
March 09 www.FirstHebrew.Org 7
An Evening of

with the
Andy Polay Trio
Playing the cool sounds of Duke Ellington,
Miles Davis, John Coltrane and other jazz greats

At First Hebrew
Saturday, March 28, 9pm
Enjoy free hors d’oeuvres, desserts and a cash bar
$18/person by 3/16 $22 at the door

Call Lili Kasdan, Fundraising Committee, 914-737-8248

or First Hebrew, 739-0500

Cut out and return:

Mail check payable to First Hebrew Congregation 1821 E Main S Peekskill NY 10566
Please print name
Phone number: Number of tickets/total enclosed @ $18/ person by 3/16:

March 09 www.FirstHebrew.Org 8
Sisterhood Book Club
Thursday, March 5, at 7:30 pm
Barnes and Noble in the Cortlandt Town Center
We will be Reading "Broken for you" by Stephanie Kallos---A blurb about it from Amazon is below:

"The dead, Margaret thought. They can be so loud." So muses the protagonist of this dreamy, powerful
tale of familial warring, secrets and redemption. When elderly Margaret Hughes discovers that she has a
malignant brain tumor, she refuses treatment and decides to take a nice young tenant into her huge,
lonely Seattle mansion for company. What she gets is Wanda Schultz, a tough-as-nails stage manager
who is secretly seeking the man who left her and prone to inexplicable weeping breakdowns. Wanda,
ignorant of Margaret's illness, is intrigued by the museum-like house and its eccentric owner—so when
Margaret unexpectedly invites her to a drink-champagne-and-break-the-priceless-antique-china party for
two, she's delighted. But a dark history lurks; the houseful of gorgeous antique porcelain comes from
Margaret's father's WWII pilfering of European Jewish homes. Meanwhile, Wanda's father, who deserted
her years ago, is on the road trying to heal, and Margaret's mother's ghost is haunting the Seattle
mansion, lounging about in expensive peignoirs and criticizing her only daughter. Wrestling to keep the
dead and the ghosts of their pasts at bay, the two women slowly build an extraordinary friendship, and
when Wanda discovers a talent for mosaics, the past begins to quiet. Though it takes a while to get
started, this haunting and memorable debut is reminiscent of early Atwood, peopled by lovably imperfect
and eccentric characters.

Save the date: Sunday, April 19 @10:00am

Barbara Gordon, the executive director of the NACOEJ
(North American Conference on Ethiopian Jewry)
will speak about

Plight of Ethiopian Jewry

Wine Sale
Sisterhood's Annual Passover Wine Sale!
@ the Purim carnival and at the Megillah reading

Watch your mail for

March 09 further information and order forms! www.FirstHebrew.Org 9
On March 20, 2009 tens of thousands of Jews across America will come together to eat, drink,
relax, dance, enjoy, debate and celebrate at the 13th Annual ...

On Friday night, March 20, 2009 hundreds of synagogues across the continent will take part in an historic
national Jewish event to celebrate what unifies
all Jews -- Shabbat! Everyone is invited... singles, couples, families --
all ages.

What is Shabbat Across America

Shabbat Across America/Canada is an unparalleled display of unity and Ahavat Yisrael, created in the
hope of making certain that every North American Jew will have the opportunity to celebrate Shabbat!

Imagine an entire Friday evening dinner devoted to people who want to know more about Judaism! Its
an interactive prayer service, joyous Shabbat dinner complete with song, ritual and lively discussion. It
is fun-filled evening of camaraderie that unifies Jews everywhere as one people. Tens of thousands of
Jews at hundreds of locations across North America will celebrate Shabbat together on March 20, 2009
many for the first time!

Please refer to the next page for reservation form

March 09 www.FirstHebrew.Org 10
Shabbat across America @
First Hebrew Congregation

One Evening One History

Friday March 20, 2009 @ 6:30 PM

Unite with thousands of Jews across America to celebrate a
traditional Friday evening Shabbat service and dinner. Bring
your family and friends and celebrate together. For more
information call Alice Krochmal (845-528-1684). Complete
and mail the form below by March 6, 2009.
Adults .... ....... $18 Children 10 & under ....... ..... $9 (Under 4……free)
Family ... ....... $75 After deadline .... .......….$20 (A), $10 (C), $80 (F)

Names of Adults........................................................... # of Vegetarian ..........

Names of Children ....................................................... # of Vegetarian ..........
Address......................................................................... Phone #…..................
Please make checks payable to First Hebrew Congregation and mail to: Alice Krochmal, First
Hebrew Congregation, 1821 East Main Street, Peekskill, New York 10566.

March 09 www.FirstHebrew.Org 11
"Sisterhood...Women Enjoying Jewish Life" Message from Men’s Club

"Ma nishtanah...Why is this night different On Sunday March 8th we will be having our annual
from all other nights?" We all know these blood drive between 9AM-1:30PM. Please give the
words. We repeat (or hear them repeated) every gift of life and fulfill the mitzvah of Tikkun Olam by
year. The Seder contains the answer to this donating a pint of blood. They currently have a
question. Some of us will conduct our Seders shortage of blood in our area, so if you're healthy
using old Haggadahs and some with very and up to it; please give. We will also be helping
contemporary ones. Some will conduct their out with the Purim Carnival. Thank you
Seders using a great deal of Hebrew and some will
use almost all English. Some will celebrate in Yours Truly,
large groups and some in smaller gatherings. Still, Paul Schaffer
this is our story and the time to tell it is nearly here.
In fact, as I write this, the weekly Torah
portions are being read from Exodus so we are
Sisterhood Needs Your Help!
telling this story right now. By the time you read
this, you will be planning to read and tell this story Sisterhood's January Meeting was cancelled
again on Pesach. This is the time to clean and due to inclement weather. Please join us for
shop for the holiday. This is the time to plan the our May Meeting; we will be putting together
menu and invite your guests. As the holiday our donations for Victims of Domestic
approaches, Sisterhood will be doing its annual Violence.
wine sale. We will be available to assist you with
Please bring your donations of new,
this part of your Passover planning and preparation
unopened toiletries, lotions, soaps, etc. to
at the Purim carnival and the Megillah reading.
the collection box at the entrance to the
Please contact Alice Yasuna if you have any
Hebrew School in preparation for our May,
2009 meeting.
Please join us on March 2, 2009 for our next
monthly meeting. We will be having a chocolate Thank you for your continuing generosity!
Seder, conducted by Alice Krochmal. This
promises to be fun, informative, and delicious! We
look forward to seeing you there. "Next year in
Shalom, FHC Babysitting Clearing House
Mindy Steinholz Spock
Who of us with young children isn’t looking for
Sisterhood Executive Board
a few good babysitters? FHC will continue to
list the names of our teenagers (and others)
Sisterhood e-mail List
who would like to baby-sit for other families in
If you would like to be included on Sisterhood’s e- the congregation. Of course, you will need to
mail list, please send your e-mail address to Fran pay these sitters! FHC will provide this service
Olmsted at purely as a convenience to its members and
will take no responsibility for the individuals
Remember Sisterhood’s Judaica Shop who offer their services here for pay.
Email your names and telephone numbers to:
for gifts, talitot, teffilin, yarmulkes, books, videos,
and song cassettes
Babysitters now available:
Call to make an appointment—

Arlene Kaufman 232-5999 Marli Kasdan.........

Alice Yasuna 737-7687 Jessie Meadvin.....
Ariel Rosen............
March 09 Jamie Spock……...www.FirstHebrew.Org 12
Tag Sale: Sunday, March 1

Join Sisterhood on
Sunday, March 1st @9:15am
For a
Passover chocolate Seder

Thank you FREE Babysitting will be available
once a month during the Saturday
Shabbat service.
SCHECHTER FOR SPENDING We need babysitters!
THE DAY AT FHC CLEANING We are offering ten dollars an hour
OUR UPSTAIRS CARPETS. from 9:30am-12:00ish.

For more information, please

TODAH RABAH HOWELL!!! contact Alice Yasuna,

March 09 www.FirstHebrew.Org 13
B i n g o
APRIL 2009-JUNE 2009

APRIL 22nd – MAY 20th – JUNE 17th -

Richard Zorn ............. Robin Krantz ............... Bill Rubin ........................
Susan Abrams .......... Alice Krochmal ..... Leslie Rubin....................
Avi Bendavid ............. Carol Kuczinski............ Gary Ruff ........................
Steve Brenner ........... Dawn Kuszel ............... Ellie Schaffer ..................
Amy Burckhard ......... Rochelle Madenberg ... Wayne Schechter ....

APRIL 29th - MAY 27th – JUNE 24th -

Jennifer Chervin........ Lori McDonad .............. Arleen Schefflein.............
Sharon Edelstein....... Mike Meadvin .............. Jay Schwartz ..................
Steve Cohen ............. Meryl Novor................. Beverly Schwartz ............
Robin Dolacky........... Steven Memis ............. Steve Silber ....................
Jack Dolacky............. Jay Miller ..................... Phyllis Ticker ..................

MAY 6th – June 3rd -

Donald Feldman........ Ilene Moskowitz........... Important Note: Your 2008–2009
Steven Goldman ....... Roshi Newman ............ dues include a surcharge for
Elise Graham ............ Carol Newman............. Bingo. If a member family meets
Cliff Hames ............... Mark Pancirer.............. its two-bingo requirement during
Maxine Janowitz ....... Linda Polay ................. the year, the family will receive a
credit. Similarly, if a single
MAY 13th – JUNE 10th - member meets his/her one-
bingo requirement during the
Mike Kaufman ........... Sandy Poritzky ............ year, he/she will receive a credit.
Shelley Kessler ......... Masoud Radparvar ......
Ken Kissel................. Fran Roby ................... URGENTMESSAGE — NEW
Nancy Kohel.............. Ted Ruback................. POLICY: If you are unable to
Peter Korngold .......... Bob Rubenfeld ............ attend on your scheduled Bingo
night, IT IS YOUR
Why are we asking you to donate your time to helping out with Bingo? It REPLACEMENT.
generates approximately $20,000 in revenue per year to our operation of
the synagogue. The time commitment is only about three hours on a Thank you for your continued
Wednesday night. We now start Bingo at 6:30 pm so you and our cooperation!!!! Workers should
customers can get home earlier. If you are opposed to fulfilling your report to Bingo by 6:15 pm and
obligation as a member, then pay the $400 Bingo assessment immediately are expected to stay until at least
and let Lisa know to take you off the Bingo list. As a member in good 10:00 pm
standing it is your obligation to participate in this fundraising activity. If the
congregation chooses not to continue providing Bingo to the community
and forfeiting the OPM (other people’s money), then the congregation will
need to be assessed accordingly to raise the $20,000, or determine what Visit us on the web:
services will be cut. Do your part of fundraising and show up for your
assigned Bingo night. Bring a book or magazine to read (there is time
when you are waiting). If you come late, it is still better than not coming at http://www.FirstHebrew.Org
all. Or, if you choose, send the $400.

March 09 www.FirstHebrew.Org 14
The Red Cross’s Jewish Star

The American Red Cross is indelibly In 1884, President Arthur named Barton and
associated with its founder and first president, Solomons to be the first American delegates to the
Clara Barton. Not as well known, but vital, was International Congress of the Red Cross in Geneva.
the role of Adolphus Simeon Solomons, an Delegates there, representing 37 nations, elected
American Jew whom Barton called her “good vice Solomons a vice president.
president and kind counselor.” With Barton,
Through the 1880s, Barton and others worked in
Solomons laid the foundation of America’s leading
the field to help people whose homes and lives were
humanitarian relief agency.
endangered by a series of epidemics and natural
A member of a long-established Sephardic- disaster, such as the Johnstown Flood. Solomons
American Jewish family, Adolphus Solomons was labored diligently behind the scenes in Washington
a prominent businessman in Washington, DC. In and New York, using his business, political and
the 1870s, his firm, Philip and Solomons, held the journalistic contacts to generate funds and publicity to
contract for federal printing. In 1892, Solomons heighten public awareness of the good works being
was one of the original founders of the American done by the Red Cross. The extensive
Jewish Historical Society. He was best known, correspondence between Barton and Solomons in
however, for helping to establish hospitals, public the archives of the American Jewish Historical
health programs and poor relief agencies. His Society documents their close work together.
concern for the relief of suffering drew Solomons
As famine swept the Russian empire in 1892, a
to work toward the creation of an American Red
rift developed between Solomons and Barton. By
1891, Solomons had become the American agent of
The International Red Cross had been formed the Baron de Hirsch Fund in charge of aid programs
in Europe in the early 1860s. Inspired by the for Jewish immigrants. The Baron de Hirsch Fund
ministrations of English nurse Florence Nightingale was an international philanthropy whose mission was,
during the Crimean War, a group of Europe’s and remains, to assist Jews in need. Having
leading humanitarians created a quasi-official experience with Russia’s treatment of its
agency whose activities were sanctioned by the impoverished Jews, Solomons was reluctant to
Geneva Conventions. Most of the nations of undertake American Red Cross efforts toward
Europe had signed the conventions, but an Russian relief because funds would be distributed by
isolatonist United States Senate refused to ratify the Russian Red Cross, a creature of the imperial
them. government. Solomons feared that the czarist
regime would divert humanitarian aid from those who
Through the 1870s and early 1880s, a small
needed it, especially impoverished Jews. Barton
group of Americans inspired by Clara Barton
insisted that aid pass through official channels, and
lobbied for Congressional approval of the Geneva
Saloons questioned her judgment.
Conventions. Their meetings were often held in
Solomons’ home, where he helped draft a Senate The disagreement soured their relationship, and
resolution endorsing the conventions. Eager to at the subsequent election of American Red Cross
be ready when and if their efforts were successful, officers, Barton and her supporters did not
Barton and Solomons drew up the constitution of renominate Saloons for vice president. Thus ended
the American Association of the Red Cross. At Adolphus Solomons’ official ties with the institution he
the first meetings of the organization in 1881, had done so much to establish.
Barton was elected president and Solomons a vice
president, a post he held for 11 years. I hope these wonderful articles from the American
In March 1882, the Senate finally ratified the Jewish Historical Society continue to give pride and
Geneva Conventions and President Chester A. pleasure in the accomplishments of our people.
Arthur signed them. Within days, Solomons and They are designed to inform and build pride in our
eight others issued the first American Red Cross children and in ourselves.
appeal for funds, clothing and supplies to relieve Edith Nissenblatt
the suffering caused by disastrous floods along the
lower Mississippi River. Sisterhood VP/Education

March 09 www.FirstHebrew.Org 15

Bring a Melitz Israel Educator to your Community!

Melitz educators are teaching in the United States this February and March. Contact Helen London
( now to guarantee availability for:
• Feb 22-March 8 or • March 15 - March 29

Contact Helen London if you are interested in Spring or Summer bookings. Melitz scholars are
experienced and charismatic educators who can bring dynamic interactive Israel and Jewish
peoplehood programming to participants aged 8-80.

Don't forget, if you don't see what you are looking for, Melitz will specially design and develop
programs for your specific needs.

Helen F. London, Executive Director

American Friends of Melitz Tel Aviv Turns 100!
5708 Park Heights Avenue A series of programs by Melitz
Baltimore, MD 21215
Phone: 410-735-5029 celebrating Tel Aviv.
Fax: 410-735-5002
March 09 www.FirstHebrew.Org 16
WJCS Jewish Spiritual Healing Center Offers
Support Groups
The WJCS Jewish Spiritual Healing Center is offering several
programs including Spiritual Support Groups, Spiritual
Journeying Groups and Healing Services. For information go
to and click on Jewish Connections or contact
Rabbi Pamela Wax, WJCS Spiritual Care Coordinator, at or 914-949-7699 x321.

Group Forming for Spouses of People with Mental

A support group for spouses of people with mental illness will
be meeting at New York Presbyterian Hospital in White Plains
on the third Thursday of the month from 7:30 - 9:00 PM in
Conference Room B. Group members will gain support and
coping skills and work together to understand and problem
solve to better relate to their loved ones. For information
contact Jennifer at 914- 671-1173. The Westchester Self-Help
Clearinghouse, a program of Westchester Jewish Community
Services, sponsors the group.

Share your FHC memories;

e-mail your pictures to: Bulletin@FirstHebrew.Org

Visit us on the web:

Sisterhood Meetings 5769 (2008 – 2009) @ 9:15am

Sunday, March 1…………. General meeting FHC’s Men’s Basketball Schedule

Sunday, April 19………….. Joint meeting with MC
Sunday, May 3…………….General meeting @ 7:30pm
Sunday, March 29
Sunday, April 19
Men’s Club Meetings 5769 (2008 – 2009) @ 9:15am
Sunday,, May 17
Sunday, March 8…………. Purim Carnival
Sunday, June 14
Sunday, April 19………….. Joint meeting with Sisterhood
Sunday, May 31………….. BBQ

To sponsor the Bulletin,

March 09 contact Bon Venture @ 800-364-0684 or

www.FirstHebrew.Org 17
March 09 DONATE NOW: www.FirstHebrew.Org 18
Louis Finkelstein Institute for Religious and Social
Studies of The Jewish Theological Seminary
2009 Authors Forum
"The Ethics of Health Care, Biotechnology, and the Practice of Medicine"

Have doctors lost their authority in American culture?

THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 2009, 7:30 P.M.

Speaker: Jonathan Imber,

Trusting Doctors: The Decline of Moral Authority in American Medicine
Professor of Ethics and Sociology, Wellesley College
Respondent: Dr. Nancy Berlinger, Hastings Center for Bioethics

Program will be held at

The Jewish Theological Seminary, 3080 Broadway (at 122nd Street), New York City.

Admission is free, but reservations are required:

Call (212) 280-6093 or email
Please arrive at least fifteen minutes prior to each program
to allow sufficient time for registration, and have photo ID available.
March 09 www.FirstHebrew.Org 19
Networking Group
WJCS, through their Partners in Caring (PIC) program, in conjunction with Temple Beth El of
Northern Westchester - Chappaqua, will be offering a monthly networking and discussion group
for those concerned about the economy's impact on their personal finances, or are finding
themselves out of work or concerned they will be out of work. The group will meet on the second
Tuesday of each month at 8pm and is open to anyone in the Northern Westchester Jewish

The group will be facilitated by PIC social worker Jill Schreibman. Jill, an LCSW, is an experienced
social worker who comes to us through Westchester Jewish Community Services. Jill and WJCS
can provide referral resources for programs available in Westchester County to help individuals
with needs such as credit counseling, housing, job search, bankruptcy, legal assistance, and
marital and family concerns.
You may RSVP for the group by responding directly to Jill at

Temple Beth El of Northern Westchester-Chappaqua

220 South Bedford Road Chappaqua, NY 10514



Coming to Westchester for the First Time
The JCC Maccabi GamesJCC Maccabi Games®, August 16-21
Get Involved! Be a Host Family! Be a Volunteer! Be a Sponsor!
The Games will attract over 1,400 visiting athletes and their families from the US and abroad. They
will join 300+ Westchester athletes for 5 days of thrilling sports competition, camaraderie, and
community service, when all athletes will give back to local residents in need. Opening ceremonies
will (you're invited), and athletic competitions will take place at over 50 different venues around the
County. Everyone in the Westchester community is invited to join in this phenomenal event,
whether or not they have a teen who will participate in the Games.
The organizing committee needs 700 host families to house the visiting athletes, 1,000 volunteers
to help at events the week of the Games, professionals with skills in fundraising, public relations,
graphic design, publishing, and marketing to help plan for the Games and of course financial
support to underwrite the Games. Let us know how you will participate. Visit the Westchester 2009
JCC Maccabi Games website at, or contact Steve Weisbrot, JCC
Maccabi Games Director, 472-3300, x362. Dianne Perlman is First Hebrew's liaison to the JCC for
the Maccabi Games – feel free to contact her as well at (212) 931-6228 (work) or at We need every Jewish family to help – any amount of time, support
or money
March 09 will make a difference. www.FirstHebrew.Org 20
For more information, please visit:
March 09 or contact Dianne Perlman www.FirstHebrew.Org 21
King Xerxes Statues at Persepolis, Persia

All Nations Gate at Persepolis Xerxes
These are some of the Xerxes statues at Persepolis Palace, which was built by Xerxes‘ father,
and was expanded by Xerxes.

Purim Carnival : Sunday, March 8

If you are homebound and would like books from the First Hebrew Library, please
contact Beth Shea at 734-8231 or the Bikkur Holim committee…

we are happy to deliver to you

Share your memories
Everyone has a story to tell. Most of us Edith Nissenblatt
would love to tell about our mom and dad,
One Lakeview Drive, Penthouse Six
our bubie and zadie, a loved tante and fetta,
Peekskill, New York 10566
people who fill our memory no matter how
or if you are on the Internet, send email to:
far back.
Won’t you let us in on your past? Send your
precious memories to:

March 09 www.FirstHebrew.Org 22
Don’t Use Cash!
Shop With SCRIP
and stores will donate to FHC!
At the supermarket … at the movies …
when eating out … buying clothes and gifts…

Make your purchases with the store’s own gift

card purchased through the FHC Scrip Program.

Stores donate a percentage of all gift cards

bought through SCRIP to non-profits like FHC.

Turn Purchasing Power into Fundraising at:

iTunes Macy’s CVS
Starbucks Dunkin Donuts Claire’s
Staples Home Depot Build-A-Bear
Gap Kohl’s Barnes & Noble
A&P Stop & Shop ShopRite
Movies, restaurants, & more!
Order by the end of the month for pick-up after the 10th
Visa & MasterCard accepted on orders over $500
For details call Susan Cohen 734-2149/Lili Kasdan 737-8248
March 09 www.FirstHebrew.Org 23
March 09 www.FirstHebrew.Org 24
The following Yahrzeits will be observed during the months of Adar and Nisan as
noted on the memorial plaque in our sanctuary:
Sylvia Seligson ......... Adar 1 Leonard Rubenfeld........Adar 20 Maurice Hurwitz ...................Nisan 11
Estelle Reif ............... Adar 2 Esther Shanhouse.........Adar 21 Ida Grossman ......................Nisan 13
Mary Skolsky ............ Adar 2 Irving Halperin ...............Adar 22 Seymour Goldenberg ..........Nisan 15
Betty Rubenfeld........ Adar 3 Marilyn Halperin ............Adar 22 Charles Cohen.....................Nisan 16
Elias Schneps........... Adar 4 Murray Charton .............Adar 23 Beila Kornbluth ....................Nisan 17
Israel Eisenberg ....... Adar 5 Matthew Harris ..............Adar 24 Rose Brown .........................Nisan 19
Dora Brown .............. Adar 6 Ruth Golden Pines ........Adar 24 Alex Sisser...........................Nisan 19
Wilbur Krivins ........... Adar 7 Harold Grosberg............Adar 25 Irving I. Widaen....................Nisan 20
Seymour Kaplan....... Adar 7 Miriam Domowitz...........Adar 27 Paul Lipion ...........................Nisan 21
Benjamin Sandberg.. Adar 8 Charles Newman...........Adar 27 Anne Weinger Greenberg....Nisan 21
Herbert Cohen.......... Adar 10 Sarah Grifka ..................Adar 28 Harold Zipperman ................Nisan 21
Leah Levitz Fishbane Adar 11 David Cooperman .........Adar 30 Michael Weissman...............Nisan 22
Irving Langberg ........ Adar 11 Bessie Jacobs ...............Nisan 1 Rabbi Evan C. Radler ..........Nisan 23
Sondra Gold ............. Adar 12 Steven Grabowitz ..........Nisan 2 Max Seldin ...........................Nisan 23
Rebecca Wald .......... Adar 14 Abe Gaffen ....................Nisan 4 Lillian Wertlieb .....................Nisan 24
Samuel Kahn............ Adar 16 Morris Goldberg.............Nisan 7 Max Golden .........................Nisan 25
Wilbur Krivins ........... Adar 17 Morris Hocherman.........Nisan 7 Lisa Jill Nachamie................Nisan 25
Martin Reiter............. Adar 17 Eliezer Scharfstein ........Nisan 7 Mae Olstein..........................Nisan 26
Julia Rubenfeld......... Adar 17 Betty Bensky .................Nisan 8 Alex Weiss ...........................Nisan 27
Mollie Hurwitz ........... Adar 18 Eva Halperin..................Nisan 8 Lillian Katz ...........................Nisan 28
Norman Roskin......... Adar 18 Bertha Goldberg ............Nisan 9 Sophie Birns ........................Nisan 29
Bertha Weissman ..... Adar 19 Bernie Lowenstein.........Nisan 9 George V. Kalman ...............Nisan 29
Henrietta Cooper ...... Adar 20 Sidney Zubrin ................Nisan 9 Jacob Rubenfeld..................Nisan 29
Beatrice Roskin ........ Adar 20 Alexander Baumohl.......Nisan 11 Muriel Rubenfeld..................Nisan 29

May their memory be a blessing to all

Date Converter Adar 14 ..... Tue 10-Mar Nisan 1 ..... Thu 26-Mar Nisan 17 ..... Sat 11-Apr
Adar 15 ..... Wed 11-Mar Nisan 2 ..... Fri 27-Mar Nisan 18 ..... Sun 12-Apr
Shvat 30 ... Tue 24-Feb Adar 16 ..... Thu 12-Mar Nisan 3 ..... Sat 28-Mar Nisan 19 ..... Mon 13-Apr
Adar 1 ... Wed 25-Feb Adar 17 ..... Fri 13-Mar Nisan 4 ..... Sun 29-Mar Nisan 20 ..... Tue 14-Apr
Adar 2 ... Thu 26-Feb Adar 18 ..... Sat 14-Mar Nisan 5 ..... Mon 30-Mar Nisan 21 ..... Wed 15-Apr
Adar 3 ... Fri 27-Feb Adar 19 ..... Sun 15-Mar Nisan 6 ..... Tue 31-Mar Nisan 22 ..... Thu 16-Apr
Adar 4 ... Sat 28-Feb Adar 20 ..... Mon 16-Mar Nisan 7 ..... Wed 1-Apr Nisan 23 ..... Fri 17-Apr
Adar 5 ... Sun 1-Mar Adar 21 ..... Tue 17-Mar Nisan 8 ..... Thu 2-Apr Nisan 24 ..... Sat 18-Apr
Adar 6 ... Mon 2-Mar Adar 22 ..... Wed 18-Mar Nisan 9 ..... Fri 3-Apr Nisan 25 ..... Sun 19-Apr
Adar 7 ... Tue 3-Mar Adar 23 ..... Thu 19-Mar Nisan 10 ..... Sat 4-Apr Nisan 26 ..... Mon 20-Apr
Adar 8 ... Wed 4-Mar Adar 24 ..... Fri 20-Mar Nisan 11 ..... Sun 5-Apr Nisan 27 ..... Tue 21-Apr
Adar 9 ... Thu 5-Mar Adar 25 ..... Sat 21-Mar Nisan 12 ..... Mon 6-Apr Nisan 28 ..... Wed 22-Apr
Adar 10 ... Fri 6-Mar Adar 26 ..... Sun 22-Mar Nisan 13 ..... Tue 7-Apr Nisan 29 ..... Thu 23-Apr
Adar 11 ... Sat 7-Mar Adar 27 ..... Mon 23-Mar Nisan 14 ..... Wed 8-Apr Nisan 30 ..... Fri 24-Apr
Adar 12 ... Sun 8-Mar Adar 28 ..... Tue 24-Mar Nisan 15 ..... Thu 9-Apr Iyyar 1 ..... Sat 25-Apr
Adar 13 ... Mon 9-Mar Adar 29 ..... Wed 25-Mar Nisan 16 ..... Fri 10-Apr


• To the family of Bookbinder on the loss of Lily Bookbinder.

“Hamakom Ienahem, May God comfort the mourners among all the mourners for Zion and

March 09 www.FirstHebrew.Org 25
Belated Onegs:
• Susan & Philip Yoskowitz in honor of Eric Yoskowitz's birthday on February 11
• Susan Weiler in honor of her granddaughter Laini Sohn's birthday on February 17 and son-in-law Eric
Sohn's birthday on March 2
Friday, March 6
• Carol & Harold Schlacter in honor of their son Guy Robert’s birthday on March 9
• Carol & Chuck Newman in honor of their father Ben’s birthday on March 9
• Sue Weiler in honor of her sister Irene Reiss’ birthday on March 10
• The Bleiweis family in honor of Jonathan’s birthday on March 11

Friday March 13
• Fran & Larry Miller in honor of their wedding anniversary on March 15
• Sue Weiler in honor of Fran & Larry Miller’s wedding anniversary on March 15
• Fran & Larry Miller in honor of Eric’s birthday on March 15
• Deborah Post & Jeff Stern in honor of Rita Gordon’s birthday on March 15
• Carol & Chuck Newman in honor of their mother Roshi’s birthday on March 15
• Marsha Landsberg in honor of her grandson Shai Moshe Sokolow-Silverman’s birthday on March 16
• The Feuerman-Balow family in honor of Andrew’s 18th birthday on March 18

Friday, March 20
• Marilyn & Freemont Reif in honor of Steven’s birthday on March 22

Friday, March 27
• Selda Bloome in honor of Leslie & Andrea Bloome’s wedding anniversary on March 27
• The Krantz family in honor of Amanda’s birthday on March 30
• Chaim Bender in honor of Ella’s birthday on April 2

********************************* Donations:

Yahrzeit: Judge Leonard Rubenfeld, Rachel Schild, Carol Gold & Wayne Schechter

In Honor of: Fran Feldman– from Jeffrey & Sharon Feldman & family

In memory of:
Adolph Herbst– Michael & Karen Fishelson
Fran Kaplan Bensky– George & Marilyn Berger
Visit us on the Web:

Downtown Shul: George & Marilyn Berger www.FirstHebrew.Org

To sponsor this Bulletin,
If you are homebound and would like books from
the First Hebrew Library, please contact Beth
contact Bon Venture @ 800-364-0684
Shea at 734-8231 or the Bikkur Holim committee…

we are happy to deliver to you or

March 09 www.FirstHebrew.Org 26
First Hebrew Congregation
“O p p o r t u n i t i e s f o r G i v i n g”
Yahrzeit Plaques Chapel Seats
(memorial) (engraved brass plate on seat backs)
In memory of a member……….............................$200 First three rows...........................$1,500/plate
In memory of a non-member………………………$300 Second three rows……………....$1,000/plate
In memory of and purchased by a non-member...$500 Last row…………………………..$750/plate

Tree of Life Miscellaneous

(in honor of a birth, Bar or Bat Mitzvah, wedding, special Bricks (exterior near front entrance, for any life event
anniversaries, life events, in memoriam, etc.) or message, engraved)…………………………….$150
Leaf…………….$100 Classroom named for a family member................$25,000
Rock……………$250 Library or lounge named for a family member….. $50,000
Root……………$350 Wall Plaques: please inquire
Memorial Plate..$500
Other Donation Ideas
Books Gifts of highly appreciated stock or real estate—save on
(plate on inside cover recognizes your gift and names income tax while avoiding capital gains taxes!
those you wish to honor) Scholarships—for youth programs and camps and travel
Siddurim........... $35 to Israel.
Mahzorim..........$25 ===========================================
Chumashim...... $50 Note: Recognition for all gifts will be provided in the
Bulletin (as well as on the particular item if warranted).
Library Fund
General Fund Gifts (i.e., purchases at library discretion) All donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by
Specific Purchase Gifts (i.e. book series or encyclopedia) law. Please consult your tax advisor for specific advice on
tax savings through charitable gifts.
Bikkur Holim Committee

All those interested in joining our

Bikkur Holim/Nihum Avelim committee
and fulfilling the mitzvah of visiting the
sick / comforting the bereaved, please
contact Daniela Rosen @ 734-7282

Send TORAH FUND donation cards for all occasions

$3 per card w/envelope

$25 per 10 cards w/envelopes

We have three additional new cards •Thank you

•Thinking of you Visit us on the web:
• Sympathy

Call to have card sent — $3 per card

Torah Fund Chairperson —
Shelley Kessler • 739-0781

March 09 www.FirstHebrew.Org 27
Kehilataynu Editorial Policy Email List
and Publishing Information If you’re interested in getting
emails with the weekly
announcements, please visit
The synagogue bulletin is a place not Please keep the following in mind: the website at
only for news and information about • Articles and announcements must be If you
FHC and its members, but also a received in the FHC office by the last wish to contact the
forum for members to place week of each month, five weeks before synagogue for any other
information that may be of interest to publication. business, please note that
their fellow congregants. We are • Please submit your article or the e-mail address to use is
happy to consider all articles submitted announcement via e-mail to To
to Kehilataynu; however, we reserve If you do not email Rabbi Paskind directly,
the right to edit for style, and length. In have a computer, and/or your use
addition, all articles submitted by FHC submission is not available in digital
members are labeled as such and do format, you may fax, mail, or deliver
not reflect the opinion of FHC or the your (typed) submission(s) to the
Did you know that
Board of Trustees. temple office. First Hebrew has a
Please keep the following in mind: • Please provide original copies of flyers website?
Articles and announcements must be and photos (faxed copies are not
received in the FHC office by the last suitable for reproduction)— they will be Visit for
week of each month, five weeks returned. synagogue information,
before publication. --------------------------------------------- articles, plus current and
archived issues of the
bulletin. The following
Let Everyone Know How Proud month’s bulletin is posted
shortly after it goes to the
We are of Our Children! printer, so you can read it
The Board of Education would like to honor our wonderful Bar/Bat Mitzvah without having to wait for the
students in a special way! post office to deliver it! You
can even view a printable
We would like each student to submit a brief biography (5-7 sentences) to be version of the current
placed in the synagogue bulletin. The biography could include information such as month’s calendar. Come
their Bar/BatMitzvah date, grade, school, outside interests, and should include a check it out! If you have any
short description about his/her service project; you may also include a photograph questions or comments, feel
if you like. The responsibility to write and submit this information belongs to the free to send email to
family of the child. Please do not cause unnecessary disappointment for your
children when they don’t see their names in the bulletin with their classmates. The
biography must be submitted to the editor FIVE WEEKS prior to the first day of
the Bar/Bat Mitzvah month to ensure placement in a timely fashion. Any articles
sent after that time will be placed in the next bulletin, which may be after the
Bar/Bat Mitzvah date. Please submit the biography to the bulletin at bulletin@ or you can mail or fax to the FHC office.

To sponsor the Bulletin,

contact Bon Venture @ 800-364-0684 or

If you are interested in assisting with publishing the Kehilataynu as editor, designer, writer, or any
other capacity, please contact Lisa at the office or Masoud Radparvar at

Articles for the May 2009 Bulletin are due by:

Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Articles for the April 2009 Bulletin are due by Wednesday, March 4, 2008
March 09 www.FirstHebrew.Org 28
Bon Venture ads

March 09 www.FirstHebrew.Org 29
Bon Venture ads

March 09 www.FirstHebrew.Org 30
March 09 www.FirstHebrew.Org 31
UPTOWN * 1821 East Main Street * Peekskill, NY 10566 U.S. Postage
DOWNTOWN * 813 Main Street * Peekskill, NY 10566
White Plains, NY
Permit No. 6677

Share your Simchas by Sponsoring an Oneg Shabbat

SISTERHOOD invites you to join in celebrating Shabbat by sponsoring an Oneg Shabbat. There are a
million good reasons to sponsor an Oneg — birthdays, anniversaries, engagements, weddings, bar/bat
mitzvahs, graduations, births, etc.

In order to update our files, we are asking you to fill out this form. If you have never sponsored an Oneg,
now is the time to add your name and your loved ones’ names to the pages that you see in the Bulletin, as
well as having your SIMCHA announced from the Bima.

The cost is minimal — $6.00 for one Oneg, $30.00 for five Onegs, and $36.00 for seven Onegs (one is

Remember to fill out this form and mail it with a check made out to Sisterhood FHC to:
Beth Becker, 6 Maple Court, Cortlandt Manor, NY 10567
I would like to sponsor _______Onegs.

My name as I would like to appear__________________________________________________________

Date of Event Honoree's Name(s) Occasion

1. ___________________________________________________________________________________





March 09 www.FirstHebrew.Org 32

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