Leadership Definittion

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Leadership Definition:

The activity of leading a group of people or an organization or the ability to do this. Leadership involves (1) establishing a clear vision, (2) sharing that vision with others so that they will follow willingly, (3) providing the information, knowledge and methods to realize that vision, and (4) coordinating and balancing the conflicting interests of all members and stakeholders. A leader steps up in times of crisis, and is able to think and act creatively in difficult situations. Unlike management, leadership cannot be taught, although it may be learned and enhanced through coaching or mentoring. Someone with great leadership skills today is Bill Gates who, despite early failures, with continued passion and innovation has driven Microsoft and the software industry to success.

Leadership at Telenor:
Telenor believes in giving its employees a good working environment so that employees perform at their best levels they are given an environment free of discrimination. At telenor several programs are offered which include 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Emotional intelligence Change management Breaking communication barriers Team work Outdoor leadership Lums/Telenor Post Graduate certificate in business management Core leadership The care and growth model Emotional Intelligence: If an employee is emotionally stable , they can manage stress and meet with the deadlines workshops are conducted so that the employees could get to know the ways to perform effectively and efficiently with under pressure issues and situations. Change Management: People are mostly of the view to work within the same working conditions but keeping an eye over todays environment where things are changing at their pace. We need to be flexible enough to resist change so Telenor gives training to their employees so that change is viewed as a natural and positive issue.

Breaking Communication Barriers: It helps employees to improve their interpersonal skills which would help them to grow within and outside the organization. Team Work: To help people understand and accept people differences and make them flexible enough to work with one vision of team rather than focusing on individual growth. Outdoor Leadership: Activities related to team building, trust building and exploration in the wilderness enables the leaders to be acquainted with them and their management skills are put to test so as they could perform well within the teams in the organization. Lums/ Telenor Post graduate certificate in Business Management This academic program focuses on product, pricing, target market, segmentation etc so that manager would be flexible enough to make strategies and it also helps in succession planning too . Core Leadership The program helps to build leaders in accordance with the Telenor Expectations so that employees can use their abilities within the perimeters of the organizations expectations. This is used for TMA to develop the Hi-pos for future positions. The Care & Growth Model This three day workshop is for all those in command positions, teaches managers and supervisors what they should be contributing to those who report to them.

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