Computing and Informatics - An 203/ad303: Postal Test Paper - 1 MARKS:100 DURATION:3 Hours

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POSTAL TEST PAPER - 1 MARKS:100 Answer all the questions. This is an open book test. You may use our study material while answering this test. Please send Xerox copy of your answers to ( Upto one week before start of examinations) Director (Evaluation Programme ), AMIE(I) Study Circle (Regd.), P.B. No. 77, Sultan Tower, Roorkee- 247667 (a) What is computer? Write a schematic diagram of a computer and explain its various components. (b) Write a short note on CPU. What are the steps taken by CPU to execute an instruction? (c) Explain (i) RAM (ii) ROM (d) Write short note on system software. Q.2 (5) (5) (5) (5) DURATION:3 Hours


(a) Perform the following conversions: (i) (475)10 into binary (ii) (512.5)10 into binary (iii) (ABCD)16 into (10) octal (iv) (10101101)2 into decimal. (b) Prove the following identities: (i) A.B + A.C = (A + C).(A + B) (ii) (A + B)(A + C) = AC + AB (5) (c) What do you understand by flip flop? Describe SR flip flop. (5) (5)


(a) What are various functions of an operating system?

(b) Briefly explain with reference to DOS following commands (i) DIR (ii) FILE (iii) COPY (iv) FORMAT (5) (c) What is Unix? How does it differ from DOS? (d) What is internet? What are its applications? Q.4 (a) Write a program in C to find the largest number out of any three given numbers.

(5) (5) (5)

(b) Write a program in C to solve the quadratic equation ax + bx + c = 0 where a, b, c are supplied from the keyboard. (5) (c) Write a C++ program that reads the temperature in Celsius and displays it in Fahrenheit. (d) Write a program in C to find factorial of a given number. Q.5 Multiple choice 1. The advantages of time shearing system is (a) Faster program execution (b) Shearing of a terminal among a number of users. (c) Many users may use the system together. (d) None of the above 2. A Compiler is (a) A combination of computer hardware (b) A program which translates from one high level language to another one (c) A program which translates from one high level language to a machine language. (d) None of the above

(5) (5) (2 x 10)

EVALUATION PROGRAMME 3. The advantage of 2s complement notation is (a) more numbers can be represented (b) both addition and subtraction can be performed (c) requires simple hardware for arithmetic. 4. E-commerce is a / am (a) economy in business (b) computer aided business (c) computer software (d) none of these 5. BIOS (Basic Input / Output System) (a) tests computer when system is started (b) tests memory only (c) tests CPU only (d) none of these 6. 7. In a Boolean algebra A + A + A + A+ A is the same as (a) 5A PASCAL is a (a) low level language (b) machine language (c) high level language (d) natural language 8. In a URL in stands for (a) Input (b) India (c) Input source (d) None of these 9. In a program flow chart the symbol (a) Start / Stop symbol (b) Input / output symbol (c) Decision symbol (d) Processing symbol 10. Which of the following expression is wrong? (a) A + A.B = A (b) A.(A + B) = A (c) (A + B).(A + B ) = B (d) none of these

(b) mA

(c) A

(d) Infinity


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