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IBM WebSphere Portal for Multiplatforms Version 5.0.

Overview Guide
Last updated on May 12, 2005 (c) Copyright 2000, 2005 International Business Machines Corp.

Product overview What's new Product description Key features Versatile framework Customization Portlets Content Management Application integration Mobile portals Security Collaboration Components overview Accessibility features About this information Resources and support Resources for learning Additional resources Resources for learning Resources and support Directory structure Glossary Trademarks

Product overview
This section provides overview information about WebSphere Portal. Included in this section is a list of new features, a description of the product, an overview of its main components, and information about what each component provides to the overall solution. Also, information about the Information Center and links to additional information are provided.

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What's new Product description Key features Components overview Accessibility features About this information Resources and support Resources for learning

What's new
WebSphere Portal includes the following new features:

Support for new platforms In addition to the platforms that were supported by WebSphere Portal V5, you can now install this version of WebSphere Portal on the following platforms: r Microsoft Windows 2003 r RedHat Linux for zSeries 7.2 2.4 Kernel r Solaris 9 r SuSE SLES for S/390 8 2.4 Kernel See the Supported Hardware and Software topic for information on supported operating systems. Support for WebSphere Application Server V5.0.2 WebSphere Application Server V5.0.2 is required for this version of WebSphere Portal. Portal Toolkit support for WebSphere Studio V5.1 The Portal Toolkit that is shipped with this version of WebSphere Portal now supports WebSphere Studio V5.1 for portal development. Support for Lotus Sametime V3.1 You can now use instant messaging and online awareness, based on Lotus Sametime V3.1 technology. Try Lotus Workplace Web Content Management Version 1.1 Lotus Workplace Web Content Management integrates with IBM WebSphere Portal, Lotus Domino Document Manager, Lotus Workflow, and IBM DB2 Content Manager. A restricted use license is provided with this version of WebSphere Portal. For more information see products/product5.nsf/wdocs/homepage.

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Product description Key features Components overview Accessibility features About this information Resources and support Resources for learning

Product description
WebSphere Portal overview
WebSphere Portal consists of middleware, applications (called portlets), and development tools for building and managing secure business-to-business (B2B), business-to-consumer (B2C), and business-toemployee (B2E) portals. A portal is a Web site that provides users with a single point of access to Webbased resources by aggregating those resources in one place and by requiring that users log in only to the portal itself, and not to each portlet they use. WebSphere Portal can deliver Web content to WAP-enabled devices and i-Mode phones, and to various Web browsers. As an administrator, you can customize WebSphere Portal to meet the needs of your organization, users, and user groups. You can adapt the look and feel of the portal to fit the standards of your organization and to customize page content for users and groups in accordance with business rules and user profiles. Users, such as business partners, customers, or employees, can further customize their own views of the portal. Users can add portlets to pages and arrange them as they want and control portlet color schemes. By aggregating portlets in one place and giving users the power to customize their own desktops, WebSphere Portal gives users a means for doing business efficiently and with high satisfaction. Portlets are central to WebSphere Portal. As special reusable Java servlets that appear as defined regions on portal pages, portlets provide access to many different applications, services, and Web content. WebSphere Portal ships a rich set of standard portlets, including portlets for displaying syndicated content, transforming XML, and accessing search engines and Web pages. Portlets for accessing Lotus Notes, Microsoft Exchange, and instant messaging are also included. Several third-party portlets are also available. Examples include Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) portlets. WebSphere Portal also ships an API that portlet developers can use to create custom portlets.

WebSphere platform overview

WebSphere(R) is infrastructure software for dynamic e-business, delivering a proven, secure, and reliable software portfolio. Providing comprehensive e-business leadership, WebSphere evolves to meet the demands of companies that are faced with challenging business environments, such as the need for increasing operations efficiencies, strengthening customer loyalty, and integrating disparate systems. Leading customers toward dynamic e-business means WebSphere provides answers to these challenging business environments. WebSphere is the only e-business platform that can provide everything you need to build, deploy, and integrate your ebusiness, including: Foundation and Tools, Business Portals, Business Integration, and Transaction Servers and Tools. Together, these facets of the WebSphere software platform close the gap between business strategy and

information technology, allowing you to create and operate a dynamic e-business. Explore the WebSphere pyramid to discover how each side can help power your business and drive your success.

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Key features
This section provides links to descriptions of key features that expand the range, power, and usability of the entire solution.
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Versatile framework Customization Portlets Content management Application integration Mobile portals Security Collaboration

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Versatile framework
WebSphere Portal provides users a consistent view of portal applications and allows users to define specific sets of applications that are presented in a single context. Depending on the requesting device, the rendering of this application set has to vary to fulfill the requirements of the device. The tasks of the aggregation, which are repeated with each request coming from the device, are:
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Gather information about the user, the device, and the selected language. Select the active portlets from the set of applications to which the user has access. Aggregate the output of the active portlets into a coherent, usable display.

WebSphere Portal also provides the ability to create a custom navigation model, which includes such features as:
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Multilevel navigation Customized themes and skins Custom navigation - navigation tree can be contributed to by portlets themselves Custom arrangement of portlets (and thus content) on a page

Another aspect of the versatile framework is the ability to personalize a user's portal experience, using "content spots" that render subscribed content (from WebSphere Portal content publishing) based on the user and user's role in the portal.

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Key features

Customizing the user's portal experience is one of the main goals of WebSphere Portal. To achieve this, WebSphere Portal provides user and administrative portlets for customizing content and the look and layout of pages. In addition, tools are provided that allow subject matter experts to personalize content to the needs and interests of each site visitor. This topic is divided into the following subtopics:
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Customizing portal pages Personalization Universal access Related information

Customizing portal pages

Users can have one or more custom pages and access each one through a different portal page. A page can contain a group of pages that is organized for a specific purpose. Each page can have a different set of portlets. Depending on authorizations, users can change the look and feel of their pages by using skins and page layouts. Also, page navigation hierarchy is tree-based, allowing any depth of nested pages. The contents of each page can be set by the user or by an administrator. Administrators can specify that certain portlets be required, so that users are unable to move them or to remove them from the pages. Each page can have its own color scheme and column layout. Users now have the ability to rearrange portlets on a page right on the page itself, using the Show Tools option. Clicking this option exposes controls on the page around each portlet, allowing the user to adjust the position of the portlet on the page, and add or remove portlets from the page.
Cascading authorization

The permission to grant or revoke access to customize a page or portion of a page can be delegated from a portal administrator to other portal administrators or users. The right to modify a page can be determined by the administrator. Administrators can control the edit authority that other administrators have on a page and its contents. This is best explained through an example. The first administrator can determine that a page will have two columns and not allow the column layout to be modified by any other administrators. Another administrator with lesser access cannot modify the column layout but can add portlets to these columns. This administrator adds a company news portlet to column one and a stock portlet to column two. This administrator wants these portlets to be available to everyone and does not want them removed. However, additional portlets can be added to the columns. Therefore, the portlets are locked and cannot be removed by other administrators with lesser access.

Skins and themes

WebSphere Portal uses Java Server Page (JSP) templates, cascading style sheets, and images to define the look of pages. These can be modified to control visual aspects of the portal, perhaps to add company-specific brand elements or to achieve a different color scheme and visual style. The system for defining color themes and portal skins supports multiple skins per theme, additional branding elements, navigation styles, and dynamic, browser-independent cascading style sheets. Skins and themes can be applied to a page, not only to the overall portal. Different skins can be applied individually to portlets as well, so that the appearance of a portal can be finetuned to meet any user need. By using a different theme for each page, a single portal installation can give the appearance of supporting many "virtual" portals.
Branding elements

All of the visual elements of WebSphere Portal, including the masthead, the navigation areas, graphics, portlet title areas, and style sheets, can be changed to give the portal a custom look. Standard file formats, such as JPEG, GIF, CSS, and JSP files, are used for defining the look and layout of your portal. The structure of the WebSphere Portal component installation folder contains folders named "skin" and "theme", with folders "html", "wml", and "chtml". These folders contain most of the files that are used for defining the basic structure of the portal home page, its color schemes, and portlet decorations. Portal designers can copy these folders and modify their contents to create a custom look and feel. The theme administration portlet registers the new files.

The WebSphere Portal content publishing personalization component selects content for users, based on information in their profiles and on business logic. WebSphere Portal content publishing provides facilities that allow subject matter experts to select content that is suited to the needs and interests of each site visitor. These Web-based tools help companies quickly and easily leverage content that is created by business and subject matter experts. WebSphere Portal content publishing involves three basic personalization components:
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User Profile: information about users of the site, including user attributes Content Model: defines attributes about content, such as product descriptions, articles, and other information Matching Technology: engines that match users to the right content; includes filtering, rules, recommendation engines, or combinations of all three.

The WebSphere Portal content publishing and WebSphere Portal components share a common user profile and content model. The model is based on the WebSphere resource framework interfaces classes. This means that personalization rules can easily be added to portlets to select portal content and target it to WebSphere Portal registered users. The basic steps involved in personalization involve classifying site visitors into segments and then targeting relevant content to each segment. Business experts create the rules for classifying users and

selecting content, using Web-based tools. WebSphere Portal content publishing also includes a recommendation engine that provides collaborative filtering capabilities. Collaborative filtering uses statistical techniques to identify groups of users with similar interests or behaviors. Inferences can be made about what a particular user might be interested in, based on the interests of the other members of the group. Also included with WebSphere Portal content publishing are new campaign management tools. Campaigns are sets of business rules that work together to accomplish a business objective. For example, an HR manager might want to run a campaign to encourage employees to enroll in a stock purchase plan. The HR manager would define a set of rules shown to accomplish this business objective. Campaigns have start and stop dates and times and can be e-mail- and Web-page based. Several campaigns can run simultaneously and can be prioritized. Implicit profiling services can collect real-time information about site visitor actions and then construct personalization business rules using this data. To analyze the effectiveness of the site and its personalization strategies, the server provides reports for the business owner of the site. This helps the company measure the effectiveness of the business rules and campaigns in achieving its objectives. The WebSphere Personalization component selects content for users, based on information in their profiles and on business logic. WebSphere Personalization provides facilities that allow subject matter experts to select content that is suited to the needs and interests of each site visitor. These Web-based tools help companies quickly and easily leverage content created by business and subject matter experts. WebSphere Personalization involves three basic components:
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User Profile: information about users of the site, including user attributes Content Model: defines attributes about content, such as product descriptions, articles, and other information Matching Technology: engines that match users to the right content; includes filtering, rules, recommendation engines, or combinations of all three.

The WebSphere Personalization and WebSphere Portal components share a common user profile and content model. The model is based on the WebSphere resource framework interfaces classes. This means that personalization rules can easily be added to portlets to select portal content and target it to WebSphere Portal registered users. The basic steps involved in personalization involve classifying site visitors into segments and then targeting relevant content to each segment. Business experts create the rules for classifying users and selecting content, using Web-based tools. WebSphere Personalization also includes a recommendation engine that provides collaborative filtering capabilities. Collaborative filtering uses statistical techniques to identify groups of users with similar interests or behaviors. Inferences can be made about what a particular user might be interested in, based on the interests of the other members of the group. Also included with WebSphere Personalization are new campaign management tools. Campaigns are sets of business rules that work together to accomplish a business objective. For example, an HR manager might want to run a campaign to encourage employees to enroll in a stock purchase plan. The HR manager would define a set of rules shown to accomplish this business objective. Campaigns have start and stop dates and times and can be e-mail- and Web-page based. Several campaigns can run simultaneously and can be prioritized.

Implicit profiling services can collect real-time information about site visitor actions and then construct personalization business rules using this data. To analyze the effectiveness of the site and its personalization strategies, the server provides reports for the business owner of the site. This helps the company measure the effectiveness of the business rules and campaigns in achieving its objectives.

Universal access
The system of page templates, themes, skins, and portlet rendering is fully enabled for internationalization and accessibility by people with disabilities. For globally accessible portals, WebSphere Portal searches for and selects the proper JSP pages, based on the target browser and its settings for language and country.

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Key features


Portlets are a central part of WebSphere Portal. Portlets are small portal applications, usually depicted as a small box in the Web page. Portlets are developed, deployed, managed, and displayed independently. Administrators and users compose personalized portal pages by choosing and arranging portlets, resulting in customized Web pages. WebSphere Portal ships a rich set of standard portlets. See Installed portlets, under Working with portlets for a list of shipped portlets. Then, for the most up-to-date information on portlets, including the latest portlets that are available for download, visit the IBM Workplace Solutions Catalog at the WebSphere Portal Web site. This topic is divided into the following subtopics:
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Portlet applications Portlet API Portlet communications Discoverable services Related information

Portlet applications
Portlets are more than simple views of existing Web content. A portlet is a complete application, following a standard model-view-controller design. Portlets have multiple states and view modes, plus event and messaging capabilities. Portlets run inside the portlet container of the WebSphere Portal component, similar to the way a servlet runs on an application server. The portlet container provides a run-time environment where portlets are instantiated, used, and finally destroyed. Portlets rely on the WebSphere Portal infrastructure to access user profile information, participate in window and action events, communicate with other portlets, access remote content, look up credentials, and store persistent data. Generally, portlets are administered more dynamically than servlets. For example, portlet applications consisting of several portlets can be installed or removed while the WebSphere Portal component is running. The settings and access rights of a portlet can be changed by an administrator while WebSphere Portal is running, even in a production environment. Portlet modes allow a portlet to display a different user interface, depending on the task that is required of the portlet. A portlet has several modes of display that can be invoked by icons on the portlet title bar: View, Help, and Edit. A portlet is initially displayed in its View mode. As the user interacts with the portlet, the portlet can display a sequence of view states, such as forms and responses, error messages, and other application-specific states. Help mode provides user assistance. Edit mode provides a page for users to change portlet settings. For example, a weather portlet might provide an Edit page for users to specify location. Users must be logged in to WebSphere Portal to access Edit mode.

Each portlet mode can be displayed in normal, maximized, or minimized states. When a portlet is maximized, it is displayed in the entire body of a page, replacing the view of other portlets. When a portlet is minimized, only the portlet title bar is displayed on the page.

Portlet API
Portlets are a special subclass of HttpServlet, with properties that allow them to easily plug in to and run in WebSphere Portal. Portlets are assembled into a larger page, with multiple instances of the same portlet displaying different data for each user. Portlets rely on WebSphere Portal infrastructure to access user profile information, participate in window and action events, communicate with other portlets, access remote content, look up credentials, and store persistent data. The Portlet API provides standard interfaces for these functions. The portlet API defines a common base class and interfaces for portlets to cleanly separate the portlet from WebSphere Portal infrastructure. In most respects, the portlet API is an extension of the servlet API, except that it restricts certain functions to a subset that makes sense for portlets running in the context of a portal. For example, unlike servlets, portlets cannot send errors or redirects as a response. This is done only by WebSphere Portal itself, which controls the overall response page. Usually, many portlets are invoked in the course of handling a single request, each one appending its content to the overall page. Some portlets can be rendered in parallel, so that WebSphere Portal assembles all the markup fragments when all the portlets finish or time out. Portlets that are not considered thread-safe are rendered sequentially. The markup fragments that portlets produce can contain links, actions, and other content. The Portlet API defines URL rewriting methods that allow portlets to transparently create links, without the portlet needing to know how URLs are structured in the particular portal.

Portlet communications
WebSphere Portal provides a way for portlets to communicate with each other. In a production portal, portlet communication could be used to copy common data between portlets. This saves redundant typing for the user and makes WebSphere Portal easier to use. For example, one portlet might display information about accounts while a second portlet displays information about transactions that have occurred for one of the accounts over the last 30 days. To do this, the transactions portlet needs to obtain the corresponding account information when it displays the transaction details. This is accomplished by communication between the two portlets, using portlet actions and portlet messages. In this example, the account portlet creates a portlet action and encodes it into the URL that is rendered for displaying transactions. When the link is clicked, the action listener is called, which then sends a portlet message to send the necessary data. Using this event and message feature help unify portlet applications that access disparate back-end applications. WebSphere Portal provides a feature called cooperative portlets which dynamically binds portlets on a page for data exchange. See Cooperative portlets for more details.

Discoverable services
The portlet API provides an interface to enable dynamic discovery of available services. Each service is registered in a portal configuration file and is accessed from the PortletContext.getService()

method, which looks up the factory for the service, creates the service, and returns it to the portlet. This makes services available to all portlets without having to package the service code with the portlet. WebSphere Portal provides discoverable services for its credential vault, for managing persistent TCP/IP connections, and for managing the WebSphere Portal content repository. New services can be implemented by portal developers, such as search, location, notification, content access, or mail services. Portlets can also be grouped together in a portlet application. Portlet applications are distributed and deployed using Web archive files (WAR). There are portlet-specific extensions to the standard Web application deployment descriptor. WebSphere Studio Site Developer provides an excellent development, test, and debug environment for portlet applications. You can implement the Java classes for portlet classes and test and debug the Java code. WebSphere Studio Site Developer also provides tools for creating Java Server Pages, HTML pages, images, and other related portal resources. In WebSphere Studio Site Developer, the portlet can be packaged into a WAR file and easily deployed to the run-time server.

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Key features


Content management
Content management is an important part of WebSphere Portal. When companies deploy portals, they are primarily focused on content aggregation, rapid and large-scale deployment, search, and delivery of personalized content. WebSphere Portal meets content delivery needs by supporting syndicated content, by integration with Web content management systems, and by providing built-in content organizing portlets. This topic is divided into the following subtopics:
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Delivering syndicated Web content Managing Web content Document Manager WebSphere Portal content publishing Search Federated search

Delivering syndicated Web content

Syndicating content is about delivering fresh, personalized, and filtered content from multiple content sources to users. Typically, this content is news, finance, and entertainment. WebSphere Portal partners with many popular content providers. Content syndication helps to automate the publishing of electronic catalogs and other internal information and to make this information available to users through enterprise portals. A popular and useful format for syndicated news and entertainment is Rich Site Summary (RSS). Content can be published directly from the content management system into Rich Site Summary and Open Content Syndication (OCS) channels. The example portlet org.apache.jetspeed.portlets.RSSPortlet shows how this can be done. This self-syndication defines a procedure for editing, managing, and publishing sources of content.

Managing Web content

Managing Web content means creating, approving, and publishing Web content from content creators. The steps of this process include defining content types, roles, publication options, destination specifications, and workflow processes. Although each of the content management products that are in the marketplace today works differently, they are all designed to create, maintain, and publish collections of documents that can be made available to users through WebSphere Portal. To illustrate how this can be done, WebSphere Portal includes integration kits that illustrate steps for publishing RSS content from several Web content management products. Content contribution and approval operations of the Web content management system can also be accessed through portlets that are provided by their respective companies. These portlets provide a user interface for various aspects of content management, such as content submission, workflow management, content approval, and staging or publishing.

Document Manager
WebSphere Portal includes the Document Manager portlet application for contributing and sharing documents between users. Document Manager provides a simple method for storing, navigating, viewing, and searching documents and other content. Document Manager helps users organize the content they have seen, want to read, or want to share. Documents are organized into folder hierarchies. Document Manager maintains properties and attributes of documents, handles conversion of documents to other formats, and serves as an organized repository for documents of any format. Documents that are maintained in Document Manager can be searched by using the Document Manager built-in search service. Authorized users can control document modifications through a workflow process.

WebSphere Portal content publishing

Users can contribute content to a Web site on a regular or occasional basis. This includes business users creating template-driven content such as press releases or product information and graphic artists creating and editing artwork with their favorite tools. WebSphere Portal content publishing supports content contribution by means of templates (forms). It also supports the contribution of files such as images, HTML, or JSPs that are created and edited using many editing tools. WebSphere Portal content publishing provides a Web browser interface that enables users to contribute content to a site in an easy-to-use, quick, and controlled manner. This allows large teams to work together, collaborating where necessary, but with enough isolation that they are not constantly tripping over each other's changes. WebSphere Portal content publishing tools can be used to manage content that is served through the Portal Content Organizer or other portlets within WebSphere Portal. It is also possible to categorize content and to schedule importing syndicated content. WebSphere Portal content publishing manages the task lists of each user, maintains access control over what content each user can see or change, and coordinates the approval and publishing process when the content is ready. Lotus Workflow Architect is provided to graphically design one or more processes. Each step in the process is assigned to a specific user role. When the process is instantiated, a work item is put on the work queue of each person in the specified role. One of the users claims that activity, and after that user completes the step, the work is put on the next work queue as defined in the workflow.

WebSphere Portal provides integrated text search capabilities, including a search portlet, a crawler, and a document indexer. The search service can search the portal document repository and Internet content. The WebSphere Portal built-in search engine is optimized for full-text searching of small and mediumsized collections where precision is essential. It efficiently applies state-of-the-art search algorithms producing high-quality search results. The search engine supports free-text queries, with query assistance and query word completion. Search queries use advanced query operators (+ or -) to indicate keywords that must be in the document or keywords that must not be in the document. The search engine can search documents in any language and supports synonyms and stop-word lists. Search results include document summarization and search results clustering. To prepare for searching, the search engine builds a full-text index in order to search documents that are

stored in the local file system. The indexer supports multiword indexing for clarity and high precision. The index can be compressed, and lossy compression is allowed for situations where the size of the index needs to be limited. Administration portlets are provided for creating, updating, and managing the index.

Federated Search
Portlets using IBM Lotus Extended Search and IBM Enterprise Information Portal search can access and aggregate other search engines and indexes in a distributed fashion. Customers seeking support for large document collections or for searching a wide range of document types and data sources should consider using Lotus Extended Search or EIP.

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Key features


Application integration
A portal provides access to content, data, and services that are located throughout the enterprise. These services not only include predefined connectors and portlets, but also tools for creating additional connectors and portlets. Enterprise resource planning (ERP) and customer relationship management (CRM) systems are excellent candidates for portlets because efficient, personalized access to these functions provides measurable return on your portal investment. IBM provides connectors to enterprise applications, using the Java Connector Architecture (JCA). In addition, Application Portlet Builders are provided for building portlets that interact with other enterprise applications. This topic is divided into the following subtopics:
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Standard Java connectors Application Portlet Builders

Standard Java connectors

JCA is a standard architecture for integrating Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) applications with enterprise information systems that are not relational databases. Each of these systems provides native APIs for identifying a function to call, specifying its input data, and processing its output data. The goal of the JCA is to provide an independent API for coding these functions. JCA also defines a standard Service Provider Interface (SPI) for integrating the transaction, security, and connection management facilities of an application server with those of a transactional resource manager. Thus, JCA is a standards-based approach to managing connections, transactions, and secure access to enterprise application systems. IBM JCA connectors provide access to systems such as SAP, PeopleSoft, J.D. Edwards, Oracle, CICS, IMS, and Host-on-Demand. Leveraging its CrossWorlds acquisition, IBM plans to develop and integrate JCA connectors to many other systems. WebSphere Studio Site Developer provides a complete development and unit test environment for applications that use JCA connectors, Web services, and microflows. WebSphere Studio Site Developer tools include support for Web Service Definition Language (WSDL), developer versions of the connectors, the Web Services Invocation Framework (WSIF), and the microflow engine.

Application Portlet Builders

The Application Portlet Builder enables users to create portlets that can access and manipulate data in an enterprise application without requiring programming knowledge of the system. By selecting business objects that are available from the enterprise application, users can specify which data fields should be displayed in your portlet. When the portlet is created, the portlet can be made available to portal users. Two builders are included with this edition of WebSphere Portal, Domino Builder and SQL Builder. For more information, go to the IBM Workplace Solutions Catalog.

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Key features


Mobile portals
Next-generation portals will be accessible through more than desktop browsers. Access through mobile devices is becoming increasingly important. WebSphere Portal supports mobile devices by generating pages in any markup language. Three are officially supported: HTML, for desktop computers and some personal digital assistants; WML, for WAP devices, which are typically mobile phones; and cHTML, for mobile devices in the NTT DoCoMo iMode network. Support for other markup languages is easy to add. Users can customize a unique home page for each device, selecting content and applications that are most useful on the device. When the home page is requested, the page is produced by detecting the type of device that is making the request and then by assembling the portlets, each of which renders its contents in the appropriate markup language. When a user customizes the home page for a device, the portlet selection list shows only the portlets that can produce markup that is appropriate for that device. Thus, the list of available portlets for each device depends on what the portlets can actually do. Some portlets might be available for all supported devices, while others might be available only for a single device. The user interface design of each portlet also varies from device to device, so that the user's experience can be optimized on each device. Thus, the user's home page and each of the portlets might appear very different on a mobile phone from how they appear in a desktop browser.

Supporting new devices: content transformation

Using Transcoding Technology imbedded within this version of WebSphere Portal, portlets that normally produce HTML content can be made to automatically render WML and cHTML as well. By defining the transcoding PortletFilter on a portlet, the portlet HTML output can be converted to WML or cHTML, depending on the device that is making the request. See the Transcoding Technology section for more details.

Supporting new devices: clients and markups

The WebSphere Portal page aggregation subsystem supports several markup languages and recognizes certain browsers and mobile device user agent signatures, all out of the box. The framework is easy to extend to support additional markups or new devices. To support new browsers and devices, add new markup and clients using the corresponding administration portlets.

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Key features


This topic highlights some of the security features that applications and portal administrators can exploit to better protect the valuable information of the portal assets.
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Member services Administration Authentication Identifying the User Third Party Authentication Servers Single signon Credential Vault Persistent Connections Java Security Authorization Delegated Administration Related information

Member services
Centralized administration of user identities, credentials, and permissions is desirable in many environments. The portal server includes facilities for defining portal users and managing user access rights. The user and group subsystem includes Web pages where users can register and manage their own account information, administration portlets for managing user accounts and group information, plus a repository that stores all the information about portal users. It provides services to create, read, update, and delete users or groups in the repository. User profile information includes general information such as the name of the user and user ID, plus preference information such as news topics of interest, preferred language, and so on. A user might be a member of one or more groups, and groups can contain other groups. The default set of user profile attributes is based on the inetOrgPerson schema, which is supported by most LDAP directories. The user repository might consist of multiple data sources. By default, the repository consists of two data sources: it is a combination of a database and a directory server. The database might be any of the databases that are supported by WebSphere Portal. Any one of several LDAP directory products are supported, including the Netscape (iPlanet) Directory Server, Microsoft Active Directory, Novell eDirectory, Lotus Domino, and IBM Directory Server. The mapping of user profile attributes to LDAP object classes is defined using in the file wms.xml. This file specifies the names of the various data repositories and how they are navigated to retrieve user and group information. These settings are configured differently for each supported LDAP directory; if you want to try using a directory that is not supported, these values would need to be set appropriately for that directory server. The file attributeMap.xml specifies the details of how each attribute is mapped to the LDAP directory or database. This mapping file also includes metadata about each attribute such as its data type, whether it is required, whether it can have multiple values, and so on.

Administration of users and groups can be performed by users themselves ("self care") or by portal administrators. The portal server includes forms for registering new users and administration portlets for updating user and group information. The registration and self-care forms are easily modified to accommodate new attributes. You can add new data entry fields to the form, matching the field identifiers with the new attribute names. The enrollment servlet will automatically store the new data in the corresponding user attributes. The WebSphere Portal Information Center includes more information about customizing the implementation of the user repository, registration and self-care pages, and data validation classes.

Authentication is the process of establishing the identity of a user. Usually, the portal server uses the authentication services that are provided by WebSphere Application Server. Another option is to use a third-party authentication server (such as Tivoli Access Manager, WebSeal, or Netegrity SiteMinder) that has a trusted association with the application server.

Identifying the User

WebSphere Portal uses form-based authentication. Form-based authentication means that a user is prompted through an HTML form for the user ID and password for authentication when trying to access the portal. The portal server requests the application server to validate the authentication information against a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) user registry. WebSphere Application Server uses Lightweight Third Party Authentication (LTPA) as the authentication mechanism. A Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) credential is used to represent authenticated users and their group memberships. When a user tries to access a protected resource, the application server intercepts the request and redirects the request to the login form. This form posts the user ID and password to the portal that requests the application server to authenticate the user. If the user can be authenticated, a valid CORBA credential is created and an LTPA cookie is stored on the user's machine.

Third-party Authentication Servers

If your system uses another third-party authentication server, trust needs to be established between that proxy and WebSphere Application Server. This is done using a Trust Association Interceptor (TAI) module, which converts security information that is specific to the authentication proxy into a format that can be handled by the application server. The supported authentication mechanism depends on the capabilities of the third-party product. When a user tries to access the portal, the third-party authentication proxy intercepts the request and challenges the user to authenticate. After a successful login, the original user request, along with additional security information in the request header, is passed to the application server. The format and content of this information is vendor specific. WebSphere Application Server uses the TAI module (that is specific to the third-party product) to extract the necessary security information from the request header.

TAI modules for IBM Tivoli Access Manager and Netegrity SiteMinder are packaged with the portal server (all editions). The WebSphere Application Server InfoCenter includes information about creating custom TAI modules for other third-party reverse proxy servers.

Single Sign-On
The portal server provides comprehensive single signon (SSO) support. Users want to be able to log on only once, and be known to the different parts of the portal server with the same consistent user credentials. Users should not be asked to do multiple logons simply because they access different portal applications. The portal server supports single signon realms using WebSphere Application Server and authentication proxies. This means that the user needs to log on only once to gain access to all enterprise applications that are installed within the single signon realm. The WebSphere Application Server uses Lightweight Third Party Authentication (LTPA) tokens to provide single signon. When a user is authenticated, the portal server creates an LTPA single signon cookie containing the authenticated user credential. This encrypted cookie conforms to the format that is used by WebSphere Application Server and can be decrypted by all application servers in the shared domain, provided they all have the same cipher key. This cookie enables all servers in the cluster to access the user credentials without additional prompting, resulting in a seamless single signon experience for the user. To benefit from the LTPA method of single signon, the browser of the user must support cookies and have its support for session cookies enabled.

Credential Vault
Many portlets need to access remote applications that require some form of user authentication. For accessing applications outside the portal realm, portal server provides a credential vault service that portlets can use to store user ID and password (or other credentials) for a user login to an application. Portlets can use these on behalf of the user to access remote systems. The credential vault supports either local database storage or IBM Tivoli Access Manager for secure storage and retrieval of credentials. Portlets obtain credentials by obtaining a CredentialVaultPortletService object and calling its getCredential method. With the returned credential, there are two options: 1. Use passwords or keys from a passive credential, passing them in application-specific calls. Portlets that use passive credentials need to extract the secret out of the credential and do all the authentication communication with the back-end application. 2. Call the authenticate method of an active credential. Active credential objects hide the credential secret from the portlet, with no way to extract it out of the credential. Active credentials provide additional methods to perform the authentication. The latter case allows portlets to trigger authentication to remote servers using basic authorization, SSL client authentication, digest authentication, or LTPA without knowing the credential values. Using active credentials means that the portal authenticates on behalf of the portlet, and the portlet can simply use the open connection. While this might not be possible for all cases, it is the preferred technique. For secure transmission of data, portlets can request a secure session (HTTPS) for accessing Web applications.

Persistent Connections

Portlets that depend on remote connections require some way of maintaining that connection as users navigate through the portal. The portal provides a persistent back-end connection service that maintains TCP/IP connections across page changes. Some remote applications use forms-based logins and store cookies during the login form processing. The HttpFormBasedCredential can be used for handling these form-based logins and will store all the cookies that are returned as a result. For subsequent calls, the portlet can then ask the credential for an authenticated connection. This gives an HTTP connection with these cookies already set in the header. This way, portlets can maintain persistent, secure back-end connections.

Java Security
The portal server implements the Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) architecture. JAAS provides a means for authenticating subjects and for providing fine-grained access control. JAAS is part of the standard Java security model; it gives applications independence from the underlying authentication and authorization mechanisms that are being used. JAAS performs login and logout operations using a modular service provider interface. Credentials that are established through the portal server JAAS login modules include CORBA credentials, user and group distinguished names, user ID and password, and LTPA tokens. In a distributed J2EE environment, portlets can use the JAAS API to access JAAS-enabled back-end applications.

After determining the identity of the user, the portal server consults locally cached access control lists to determine which pages and portlets a user has permission to access. The portal server enforces access control to portal assets, including portlets, pages, and user groups. The access control lists are stored in the portal administration database. It is also possible to manage access control for specific resources in an external security manager, such as IBM Tivoli Access Manager or Netegrity SiteMinder. Access permissions are maintained using the Access Control administration portlet. Use this portlet to assign roles to individual users or to groups of users for specific portlets, pages, or documents. Roles are permission sets, such as the ability to view and update the corresponding item. Users can also delegate the permissions they hold to other users. When a role is assigned to a user or a group on a container (such as a page that contains portlets or other pages, or a folder that contains other folders or documents), that role is inherited downward through the hierarchy unless it is specifically blocked. This makes managing access within a document library or an area of the portal easy. Granting view access to a page or place means that other users will see pages and places when they log in. Granting view access to a portlet means that users can add it to their pages when they customize their portal experience. Granting edit access means that a user can set the portlet settings or change the contents of a page. Manage access means that a user can perform view and edit operations, and can delete the portlet or page.

Delegated Administration
Granting view access to administration portlets is an effective way of delegating certain administrative tasks to other portal users. Those users can add the administration portlets to their personal pages, and then can perform whatever task the portlet is designed to do. This way, the user does not have to be given

all administrative privileges or added to the portal administrator group. Their administrative abilities are limited to only those tasks that are covered by the authorized portlets.

Related information

Key features


Collaboration features help people in your organization work together and share information online to achieve their business goals. A collaborative portal can improve the responsiveness, innovation, competencies, and efficiency of your organization. WebSphere Portal offers features from IBM Lotus Software that enhance collaboration for portal users:
q q q q

Lotus collaborative portlets Lotus Companion Products Lotus Collaborative Components Collaboration Center

Lotus collaborative portlets

Collaborative portlets from IBM Lotus Software provide access to a variety of collaborative applications that use Lotus Notes databases that are hosted on Domino servers: the Notes and Domino portlet offers Mail, Calendar, To Do, Notes View, TeamRoom, and Discussion, while the Domino Web Access (iNotes) portlet offers Mail, Calendar, To Do, Contacts, and Notebook. Other portlets from IBM Lotus Software include Quick Appointment, Quick e-Mail, and Web Page. Still others, such as Inline QuickPlace, offer additional features when you have chosen to integrate Lotus Companion Products in your portal environment.

Lotus Companion Products

You can enhance the collaborative features of WebSphere Portal and add features such as people awareness and information discovery to Lotus business portlets, by choosing to install and enable any of the following companion products for advanced collaboration from IBM Lotus Software:

Lotus Sametime adds the online status indicator to people links and adds actions to people link menus. Lotus QuickPlace provides access, from a collaborative portlet, to the QuickPlace server and the team workspaces that it hosts. Lotus Discovery Server adds actions to people link menus and provides access to Knowledge Map components from collaborative portlets. The expertise location feature of Discovery Server is available from within the Discovery Server portlets and from the added people link actions.

Lotus Sametime features

When Sametime is enabled in your portal configuration, portal users can work with the complete set of people awareness functionality, which includes instant messaging and application sharing through emeetings. With Sametime enabled, people appear with a dynamic online status indicator, and their names appear as hyperlinks. People link menus include the following options:
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Chat Add to Contact List


You might choose not to enable Sametime in your portal configuration. If Sametime is not enabled, then people awareness functionality will be restricted to the following features:
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People's names appear as hyperlinks, but with no people awareness icon next to each name People menus still appear when a user clicks a name shown as a hyperlink, but menu options are limited to the following actions, which are native to WebSphere Portal (or to Lotus Discovery Server) and are not Sametime actions: r Send E-mail r Show Profile (if Lotus Discovery Server is installed) r Find Documents Authored By (if Lotus Discovery Server is installed)

Lotus QuickPlace features

The availability of QuickPlace portlets is not affected by the portal configuration option to enable or disable QuickPlace, because portlets launch applications and services that are independent of portal configuration. As long as a QuickPlace server is available for selection and you have installed and configured the QuickPlace portlet application, portal users can add instances of QuickPlace portlets to portal pages or use QuickPlace portlets in the portal pages where they participate.
Lotus Discovery Server features

When Discovery Server is enabled in your portal configuration, portal users have access to the Knowledge Map of your enterprise content repositories and expertise profiles for the people in your enterprise. Discovery Server extends the basic content and people awareness of WebSphere Portal to include the following features:

People link menus include actions for getting additional information about people and documents: r Show Profile (Discovery Server expertise locator and affinity generation component) This action displays the person's profile of business card information, contact information, affinities, current job, and background. r Find Documents Authored By (Discovery Server Knowledge Map features) This action launches Knowledge Map Search of all documents that the person has authored. The WebSphere Portal navigation bar includes the Expertise Profile icon, which opens the people profiles that are generated and maintained by the Discovery Server. Discovery Server portlets are available for installation, configuration, and deployment: r Knowledge Map portlet r Search Results portlet r Mini-Search portlet

Lotus Collaborative Components

Lotus Collaborative Components are Java APIs that provide the building blocks for integrating the functionality of Domino, Lotus Sametime, Lotus QuickPlace, and Lotus Discovery Server into portals and portlets. Using Lotus Collaborative Components, application developers can design and implement user interface extensions in portals and portlets that extend the functionality of Lotus Software collaboration products. The primary goal of Lotus Collaborative Components is to provide the data for the portlet user interface and to allow developers to execute actions on installed Lotus products. Lotus Collaborative Components

include no platform-specific code, hide the configuration details of Lotus Software products that are installed in the enterprise, and (except for the PeopleService tags) are user-interface neutral. Application developers can add collaborative functionality to a portlet without having to know the details of server configuration and with total control of user interface design and implementation. These benefits make Lotus Collaborative Components effective for implementing mobile applications.

Collaboration Center
Collaboration Center comprises the following portlets, which offer integrated features to improve user productivity, and can be deployed in WebSphere Portal in addition to Lotus Collaborative Components and Lotus collaborative portlets.
q q q q q

People Finder portlet My Lotus Team Workplaces (QuickPlace) portlet Lotus Web Conferencing (Sametime) portlet Sametime Contact List portlet Sametime Who Is Here portlet

Related information
q q q q q

Planning for collaboration People awareness Collaborative Components API Collaboration Center Key features


Components overview
This section describes each of the components that is shipped with WebSphere Portal and explains the role each component plays in the overall solution. Note: Consult the product license for specific terms of entitlement for the software components that are shipped with your edition of WebSphere Portal. Usage restrictions apply for some software.

Components and products included with WebSphere Portal Version 5.0.2 r WebSphere Portal r WebSphere Portal content publishing r Lotus Collaborative Components r Portal Toolkit r IBM WebSphere Application Server, Enterprise Version 5.0 Fix Pack 2 r IBM Directory Server Version 5.1 r DB2 Enterprise Edition, Enterprise Server Edition Version 8.1 Fix Pack 1 r IBM WebSphere Studio Site Developer Version 5.1 r WebSphere Translation Server Version 5.0 Additional products and components included with WebSphere Portal Extend Version 5.0.2 r Collaboration Center Version 5.0 r IBM Lotus Domino Enterprise Server 5.0.12 r Instant messaging and online awareness, based on Lotus Sametime 3.0 technology r Virtual teamrooms based on Lotus QuickPlace 3.0.1 technology r IBM Tivoli Web Site Analyzer Version 4.5 r IBM Lotus Extended Search 4.0 Additional products to use with WebSphere Portal r IBM Tivoli Access Manager for e-business Version 4.1 r IBM Content Manager r Lotus Discovery Server Product and component matrix

Products and components included with WebSphere Portal

This section provides information about the products and components that are included with WebSphere Portal.

WebSphere Portal
WebSphere Portal is a J2EE(TM) application that runs on WebSphere Application Server. Its main function is to serve the WebSphere Portal framework to the desktops and mobile

devices of portal users. WebSphere Portal creates an environment that provides the connectivity, administration, and presentation services required. WebSphere Portal includes several new functions and enhancements that make it easier to design, administer, and use.

WebSphere Portal content publishing

WebSphere Portal content publishing (WPCP) provides a Web-content management solution that gives nontechnical users greater control over content that is published to portals and Web sites. Users benefit from the combined power of having one place to manage content for their Portal environment or other Web sites and an easy-to-use Web interface. This interface puts content management back into the hands of nontechnical business users and provides them with tools such as personalization rules, templates, workflow, and versioning, that make the content creation process simple, yet controlled. WPCP decreases Web maintenance and administration costs, increases sales and profits by deploying timely and personalized content, and improves efficiency by getting all content that is produced in an enterprise to the Web. WPCP includes a variety of functions. The core part of WPCP involves the content creation process. The Web browser interface enables users to contribute content to a Web site with little training in a simple and controlled manner. The solution allows large teams to work together, jointly where necessary, but with enough isolation to manage content changes in their respective work groups until they are ready to share them with the extended contribution team. Versions of changed content can be stored in the versioning repository for later reuse. WPCP manages the task lists of each user, maintains access control over what content each user can see or change, and coordinates the approval and publishing process when content has been approved. This is all accomplished through a workflow process that can be customized to meet the needs of each individual customer. WPCP includes two personalization technologies to dynamically tailor Web content to meet the needs of different users and groups. These include rules-based filtering to display selected content to targeted users and matching techniques that extract visitor behavior and tailor the content within individual portlets based on that behavior. This technology creates a customized user experience for improved employee productivity and more effective consumer messaging. To augment the personalization features, WPCP provides a reporting mechanism. This functionality assesses the effectiveness of business rules and builds reports for the WPCP user to leverage when analyzing the impact of targeted content on consumers. The reporting mechanism provides data to Web site managers to help them revise targeting strategies based on user response to content they have received.

Lotus Collaborative Components

Lotus Collaborative Components are UI-neutral API methods and tag libraries that allow developers who are writing portlets for WebSphere Portal to add Lotus Software collaborative functionality to their portlets. Application developers who are using Collaborative Components can design and implement UI extensions that leverage the features of Domino, QuickPlace, Sametime, and Lotus Discovery Server.

Portal Toolkit

Portal Toolkit provides the capabilities to customize and manage the enterprise portal and create, test, debug, and deploy individual portlets and Web content. Templates enable developers to quickly and easily create their own portlets. Debugging and deployment tools shorten the development cycle. Sample portlets that demonstrate best programming practices are also provided. Portal Toolkit plugs into WebSphere Studio Site Developer or WebSphere Studio Application Developer, which provides a comprehensive framework for the development of e-business applications. A copy of WebSphere Studio Site Developer is included, and it is licensed for use only with Portal Toolkit. Consult the product license for details.

IBM WebSphere Application Server Version 5.0 Fix Pack 2

IBM WebSphere Application Server is a Web application server that provides J2EE services for the WebSphere Portal environment. It executes the Java portlets, JavaBeans, JavaServer(TM) Pages (JSP) files, and Enterprise JavaBeans (EJBs) that are used by WebSphere Portal. This component is the platform on which WebSphere Portal runs. Usage restrictions apply. Consult the product license for details.

IBM Directory Server Version 5.1

IBM Directory Server is a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) directory that runs as a stand-alone daemon. In the WebSphere Portal environment, it stores, updates, and retrieves user-specific data that is related to authentication, such as user IDs and passwords.

DB2 Enterprise Edition, Enterprise Server Edition Version 8.1 Fix Pack 1
DB2 Enterprise Edition is a Web-enabled relational-database management system. In the WebSphere Portal environment, DB2 stores portal configuration data, and portal-specific data, access-control data, and user data.

IBM WebSphere Studio Site Developer Version 5.1

IBM WebSphere Studio Site Developer is an integrated development environment (IDE) for building, testing, and deploying J2EE applications. It provides integrated development support for building J2EE applications with HTML pages, servlets, JavaServer Pages, and EJBs. It also creates Web service applications with open standards, generates XML documents from DTDs, and enables a collaborative team development environment. It enables end-to-end local and remote testing and creates high-quality applications using wizards, code generators, and best practices.

WebSphere Translation Server Version 5.0

Translation Server is a machine translation (MT) offering that helps you remove language

as a barrier to global communication and e-commerce. Translation Server enables enterprises to provide Web pages, e-mail messages and chat conversations in multiple languages, in real time. Specifically designed for enterprise use, the Translation Server allows companies to leverage their existing Web infrastructure to provide content to users in their native language, at a fraction of the cost of professional translation. Based on IBM machine translation technology, Translation Server is designed for scalability on multiple platforms. Translation Server can run on a dedicated server, using RMI and Java (R) protocol to communicate with the WebSphere Application Server. Web page HTML content can also be translation-enabled to support HTTP servers from Netscape, Apache, Microsoft, or IBM. Translation Server consists of:

MT engines for translating text from one language to another language (such as English to Spanish) User Dictionary Manager tools that allow specific words to be added to a domain (for example, tuning for a specific application or adding of slang or domain-specific phrases and terms) Support for WebSphere Application Server and HTTP servers from Microsoft, Netscape, Apache, and IBM

Additional products and components included with WebSphere Portal Extend

The following components are included with WebSphere Portal Extend.

Collaboration Center Version 5.0

WebSphere Portal featuring Collaboration Center capabilities offers an integrated framework of e-workplace components for finding, connecting, and working with people:

People Finder portlet r Directory Connector r Sample configuration My Lotus Team Workplaces (QuickPlace) portlet Lotus Web Conferencing (Sametime) portlet

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Using these components, users have immediate access to a searchable directory of people that is integrated with their workplaces and their e-meetings within the collaborative portal. Users can find people in the directory, see their online status, and interact with them using instant messaging and other actions that are provided by people links. In addition to search features, the People Finder provides views of each person's directory record and his or her place in the organizational context. People links are visible in workplaces and e-meetings to make employee interaction fast and easy, improving personal and organizational productivity.

IBM Lotus Domino Enterprise Server 5.0.12

IBM Lotus Domino Enterprise Server and Notes is groupware software that provides

messaging and collaboration features. Notes is the e-mail, calendaring, group scheduling, Web access, and information management client. Domino is the integrated messaging and Web application server. Domino Directory can provide your primary corporate directory or the secondary LDAP service that complements another LDAP service (for example, IBM Directory Server, Windows 2000 Active Directory, or Sun ONE) in your portal environment. As a secondary LDAP service, Domino Directory provides user access to Notes-based information sources for Collaborative Components and collaborative portlets. Usage restrictions apply. You are authorized to install and use Domino solely and exclusively in connection with your use of Sametime and QuickPlace. Consult the product license for details.

Instant messaging and online awareness, based on Lotus Sametime 3.0 technology
Instant messaging and online awareness (also known as people awareness), are available. Using Sametime, portal users can discover if others are available to chat, receive e-mail, share applications and other tools in an e-meeting or Web conference, and, if Lotus Discovery Server is enabled, find documents authored by others and display expertise profiles from the Knowledge Map. Usage restrictions apply. For example, the e-meeting capabilites of Sametime are not licensed for use. Consult the product license for details.

Virtual teamrooms based on Lotus QuickPlace 3.0.1 technology

A Web-based solution is available for creating team workspaces for collaboration. Using QuickPlace, portal users can work securely with colleagues, suppliers, partners, and customers. QuickPlace provides teams with workspaces where they can reach consensus through discussions, collaborate on documents, and coordinate plans, tasks, and resources. Usage restrictions apply. For example, you are authorized to install and use QuickPlace solely and exclusively with WebSphere Portal. A separate license is required to access QuickPlace from a source other than WebSphere Portal. Consult the product license for details.

IBM Tivoli Web Site Analyzer Version 4.5

IBM Tivoli Web Site Analyzer is a Web application that captures and analyzes Web site data to provide useful reports about visitor traffic, visitor behavior, site usage, site content, and site structure. You can build customized reports from predefined report elements or you can build custom reports that collect information specific to your site. Installed as a Web application on WebSphere Application Server, Tivoli Web Site Analyzer allows you to create trend reports that show Web site visitor traffic, site usage growth, and changes over time. The new enhancements in Tivoli Web Site Analyzer include integrated support for WebSphere Portal. This support includes specific report elements that enable you to analyze portal usage data, such as a ranking of the portal pages viewed by visitors and

portal login trends. Using this integration involves configuring the portal to generate application level logs, importing the logs to Tivoli Web Site Analyzer and creating reports.

IBM Lotus Extended Search 4.0

IBM Lotus Extended Search is a Web-based solution that supports searching across distributed, heterogeneous, structured, and unstructured data sources through a single point of access. Although it does not require you to create a central index for the sources that you want to search, Lotus Extended Search serves as a complimentary solution to products that provide indexing services, such as Lotus Discovery Server. By entering a single request from a Web browser, you can search potentially thousands of data repositories and the Internet and, at the same time, locate people with expert knowledge. Lotus Extended Search handles the logistics that are required to access many diverse sources simultaneously without requiring you to know any details about the various search interfaces. It also produces a single, ranked result set that contains responses from multiple sources. Links in the result set enable you to go directly to documents of interest or download attachments. Lotus Extended Search can search and retrieve documents from the following types of sources:
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q q q

q q q

18 popular Web search sites and News sites Lotus repositories such as Notes databases, Domino.Doc libraries, QuickPlace places, and Lotus Discovery Server knowledge maps Mail systems such as those managed by Lotus Notes and Microsoft Exchange Instant messaging systems such as Sametime Relational databases such as DB2, Oracle, Sybase, MS SQL-Server, and other ODBC-compliant databases Document management systems such as IBM DB2 Information Integrator for Content (Enterprise Information Portal) File systems LDAP-compliant directories Full text indexes such as those created with WebSphere Portal, Domino Domain Index, Microsoft Index Server, and Microsoft Site Server.

With the Lotus Extended Search C++ and Java application programming interface (API), you can extend support to other types of sources that you need to search, such as proprietary, commercial, or legacy databases in your enterprise that are not mentioned in the preceding list.

Additional products to use with WebSphere Portal

The following products are not included with WebSphere Portal, but they can enhance the features and functions provided.

IBM Tivoli Access Manager for e-business Version 4.1

IBM Tivoli Access Manager for e-business is an authorization and management solution that scales across the entire enterprise. A robust and secure policy management tool for e34

business and distributed applications, it addresses the challenges of escalating security costs, growing complexity, and the need for uniform security policies across platforms. Tivoli Access Manager unites core security technologies around common security policies to help reduce implementation time and management complexity, thereby lowering the total cost of security-enhanced computing.

IBM Content Manager Version 8.2

IBM Content Manager is an unstructured content management system that is optimized for large collections of large objects, from scanned images, facsimiles, and PC files to XML and rich multimedia and Web content. IBM Content Manager also provides folder management and document workflow and provides the content infrastructure for applications from call centers, high-volume claims processing, and accounts payable, to e-commerce catalogues and e-learning.

Lotus Discovery Server

Lotus Discovery Server is a comprehensive knowledge server that lets portal users search or browse for information and subject matter experts from multiple locations, collaborate with colleagues instantly, increase knowledge sharing and decrease time spent looking for needed resources - all from a Web browser. Lotus Discovery Server finds content, discovers relationships, locates expertise and returns more accurate results through automated collaborative filtering based upon usage. It does this on a backdrop of collaborative tools that instantly link people through awareness and instant messaging.
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Search and find answers quickly while avoiding information overload. Identify documents, people, and places with a single search across your entire organization. Capture and quickly catalog information and intellectual assets to avoid duplicate work. Identify the experts for collaboration - on demand - to improve decision cycle times and to leverage skills across departmental and geographical boundaries.

Product and component matrix

The following table shows the products and components that are packaged in each WebSphere Portal offering. You might have purchased only one of these offerings; however, all available WebSphere Portal offerings are shown for comparison purposes. Product or component WebSphere Portal IBM WebSphere Application Server Enterprise Edition IBM Directory Server Lotus Collaborative Components Portal Toolkit IBM WebSphere Studio Site Developer Express X X X X X X Express Plus X X X X X X Enable X X X X X X

Extend X X X X X X

DB2 Enterprise Edition IBM Lotus Domino Enterprise Server Lotus QuickPlace Lotus Sametime Collaboration Center WebSphere Portal content publishing (including Personalization) WebSphere Translation Server IBM Lotus Extended Search IBM Tivoli Web Site Analyzer

X X X * * X X X

X X * * X X X X X

*Sametime and Quickplace are limited portal use only.

Related information
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What's new Product description Key features Accessibility features About this information Resources and support Resources for learning


Accessibility features
Accessibility features help a user who has a physical disability, such as restricted mobility or limited vision, to use software products successfully. These are the major accessibility features in WebSphere Portal:

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You can use screen-reader software and a digital speech synthesizer to hear what is displayed on the screen. You can operate most features using the keyboard instead of the mouse. When appropriate, the documentation for specific product features contains additional information about accessibility.

Related information
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What's new Product description Key features Components overview About this information Resources and support Resources for learning


About this information

This Information Center is for planners, installers, administrators, developers, and others who plan to install, configure, administer, and develop for WebSphere Portal. WebSphere Portal provides a comprehensive solution for your business. The information in this Information Center is designed to help you design and implement your portal solution. Because every portal deployment is unique, it is important to also refer to the the Additional resources section for links to other information about WebSphere Portal. There are links to IBM Redbooks, articles, and much more. Portal administrators should have experience supporting Internet servers running on UNIX-based or Windows operating systems. In addition, installers and administrators should have skills in database software, general networking, and firewalls. Portlet developers should have Java programming skills.
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Information Center change history Conventions

Information Center change history

Edition Date Updates Corrections to various topics including: q Managing documents > Document Manager > Running Document Conversion Services on an AIX server (new) q Installing > Web Server q Installing > Database > Configuring databasees > DB2 q removed Customizing Web Clipper q Customizing the portal q Using Active Directory and SSL q Securing your portal > LDAP > Setting up LDAP over SSL q Additional Resources > Resources and Support q Troubleshooting Collaboration Center q Creating a vertical cluster on a single machine q Installing WebSphere Portal in a cluster environment Corrections to various topics including: q Administering > Portal Administration portlets q Troubleshooting Document Manager and Productivity Components q Troubleshooting Administration

Edition 12

March 2, 2005

Edition 11

January 4, 2004


Edition 10

December 7, 2004

Corrections to various topics including: q Troubleshooting databases q Configuration task reference q Troubleshooting WebSphere Portal installation q Changing WebSphere Portal schema in the database q added topic: Slow login when using Active Directory as LDAP q Troubleshooting LDAP and Security q Can Lotus Collaborative Environments share an LDAP server? q Changing the WebSphere Portal URI q Searching multiple object classes in WebSphere Portal q Managing Documents Corrections to various topics including: q Web clipping q Installing WebSphere Portal in a cluster environment q Enabling Security > Configuring LDAP q Developing portlets > IBM Portlet API > Configuration objects Corrections to various topics including: q Changing LDAP hostname in a cluster q Configuring Document Manager q Member Manager Configuration q Setting up SSL for WebSphere Portal

Edition 9

November 2, 2004

Edition 8

October 5, 2004

Edition 7

Corrections to various topics including: q Changes to Struts Application q Deploying customized themes and skins q Setting up SSL for WebSphere Portal September 3, 2004 q Hardware and software requirements q Portlet API tag quick reference q Tags used by the portal JSPs Corrections to various topics including: q Installing WebSphere Portal in a cluster environment q Improving Performance q Installing q Moving from a test to production server using the XML configuration interface q Configuring WebSphere Portal for Active Directory q Using IBM Content Manager as a datastore for Document Manager

Edition 6

August 5, 2004


Edition 5

July 7, 2004

Corrections to various topics including: q Supported hardware and software q Installing WebSphere Portal q Configuring your Web server q Tivoli Access Manager q Clustering q Creating databases and users for DB2 q Machine Translation q Configuring security q Improving performance q Packaging the JARS in your portlet WAR file q Configuration property reference q Migrating credential vault Update of the Information Center and provided translated on the Web. Refer to the WebSphere Portal Version 5.0.2 release notes for change history details.

Edition 4

January 23, 2004

Edition 3

Update of the Information Center and provided translated on the Web. December 12, 2003 Refer to the WebSphere Portal Version 5.0.2 release notes for change history details. Update to the Information Center for WebSphere Portal Version 5.0.2. November 21, 2003 Refer to the WebSphere Portal Version 5.0.2 release notes for change history details. October 29, 2003 Initial Information Center that was translated and included on the WebSphere Portal Version 5.0.2 product CDs.

Edition 2

Edition 1

Following are some conventions that can help you interpret the information that is provided in this Information Center:

File names, directories, and commands appear in Courier font. For example: r File name: install.bat r Directory: /opt/WebSphere/PortalServer r Command: startServer WebSphere_Portal Variables are either italicized, enclosed in brackets, or both. For example: r http://<>/wps/portal The following variables are used to indicate a root installation directory: r WebSphere Portal root installation directory: <wp_root> or wp_root r WebSphere Application Server root installation directory: <was_root> or was_root Directories are shown with forward slashes (/), unless operating-system specific information is

provided. On Windows systems, you should use backward slashes (\) when typing at a command line, unless otherwise noted. Operating-system specific information is provided. For example: r UNIX: ./ backup-main-cfg-file r Windows: WPSconfig.bat backup-main-cfg-file Tips on how to use specific topics are marked with a green check. For example:

How to use this planning section

Most topics include a Related information section that links to other relevant topics. See the last section for an example. When the term UNIX is used, this implies all UNIX-based operating systems that are supported. Refer to Supported hardware and software for more information.

Related information
q q q q q q q q

What's new Product description Key features Components overview Accessibility features Resources and support Resources for learning Trademarks


Resources and support

In addition to the Information Center, you can locate product documentation on the WebSphere Portal CDs or on a separate Information CD that is shipped with WebSphere Portal. Important: It is recommended that you use the installation program to install the software that is included with WebSphere Portal. For more information, see Installing. If you elect to use the installation programs that are provided with a component, refer to this information to locate specific product documentation. WebSphere Portal Enable includes the following products:
q q q q q q q

WebSphere Portal IBM WebSphere Application Server IBM HTTP Server IBM Directory Server DB2 Enterprise Edition IBM Rational Application Developer WebSphere Translation Server

WebSphere Portal Extend adds the following products:

q q q q q

IBM Lotus Domino Enterprise Server Lotus Sametime Lotus QuickPlace IBM Tivoli Web Site Analyzer IBM Lotus Extended Search

WebSphere Portal Enable includes the following products:

WebSphere Portal
Product documentation

WebSphere Portal product documentation is available to view and download from the Web. As updates are received the product documentation on the Web is updated, therefore it is important to always check the Web for the most current information. In addition to this Information Center, online files supplement the information in this Information Center. Examine these files before you install WebSphere Portal. They contain vital information about application and performance issues.

Information Center The WebSphere Portal Information Center includes introduction, planning, installing, configuring, administering, and developing topics. Release Notes
42 Release notes describe compatibility issues, feature differences from earlier versions of WebSphere Portal, and how these differences might affect current products. Release notes also contain information about any known problems and their workarounds. Supported hardware and software Supported hardware and software shows the software products, operating systems, and hardware that WebSphere Portal supports. Supported versions, fixes, and special notes are included.

Additional information available on the Web

Product documentation, supplemental information, late breaking news, release notes, hints & tips, support, and downloads are available on the Web at the following Web sites:

WebSphere Portal product documentation page This page contains product documentation, including Information Centers, Release Notes, and other supplemental information, for all offerings and releases of WebSphere Portal. WebSphere Portal support page This site contains Hints & Tips, workarounds for problems identified after release, downloads, and more. WebSphere Portal Zone This site contains articles, tutorials, JavaDoc, and more to help you make the most of your portal. WebSphere Portal Web site This site provides information about WebSphere Portal and the WebSphere platform of products. IBM Software Support page You can access this extensive Web-based support through the IBM Software Support portal and search by product category or by product name. For example, if you are experiencing problems that are specific to WebSphere Application Server, select Products A-Z and locate WebSphere Application Server. The WebSphere Application Server Support page appears. IBM Software Support Guide This information provides the numbers to reach a duty manager, the numbers of service site hotlines, and the numbers of service site managers.

WebSphere Application Server

On the Web: additional information, downloads, support, and documentation are available on the Web site.
q q q

Product site: Documentation site: Support site:



Additional information, downloads, support, and documentation are available on the Web site.
q q q

Product site: Documentation: Support site:

IBM Directory Server

On the Web: additional information, downloads, support, and documentation are available on the Web site.
q q

Product site: Documentation:

DB2 Enterprise Edition

On the Web: additional information, downloads, support, and documentation are available on the Web site.
q q q

Product site: Documentation: Support site:

Application Developer
On the Web: additional information, downloads, support, and documentation are available on the Web site.
q q

Product site: Support site:

Translation Server
On the Web: additional information, downloads, support, and documentation are available on the Web site.
q q q

Product site: Documentation: Support site:

WebSphere Portal Extend adds the following products:

On the Web: additional information, downloads, support, and documentation are available on the Web


Web site:

On the Web: additional information, downloads, support, and documentation are available on the Web site.
q q

Web site: Support site:

On the Web: additional information, downloads, support, and documentation are available on the Web site.
q q

Web site:$first Support site:

Notes/Domino and Extended Products Portlets

On the Web, additional documentation for setting up Domino-based portlets is available in the Domino and Extended Products 6.5.1 Integration Guide. Includes planning information, as well as streamlined server and portlet installation and configuration procedures tailored to a pilot configuration.

Web site: Domino and Extended Products 6.5.1 Integration Guide

Tivoli Web Site Analyzer

On the Web: additional information, downloads, support, and documentation are available on the Web site.
q q q

Product site: Documentation site: Support site:

Lotus Extended Search

On the Web: additional information, downloads, support, and documentation are available on the Web site.
q q

Web site: Support site:

Related information
q q

Additional resources Resources for learning




Resources for learning

Use the following links to find relevant supplemental information. The information resides on IBM and nonIBM Internet sites, whose sponsors control the technical accuracy of the information. These links are provided for convenience. Sometimes, the information is not specific to the WebSphere Portal product, but is useful all or in part for understanding the product. When possible, links are provided to technical papers and IBM Redbooks that supplement the broad coverage of the release documentation with in-depth examinations of particular product areas. View links to additional information about:
q q q q q q q q q

Planning, business scenarios, and IT architecture Installation scenarios Programming model and decisions Programming instructions and examples Programming specifications Additional applications Administration Support Related information

Planning, business scenarios, and IT architecture


IBM WebSphere Developer Domain The home of technical information for developers working with WebSphere products. You can download WebSphere software, take a fast path to developer domain zones, such as WebSphere Portal, WebSphere Application Server, or WebSphere Studio, learn about WebSphere products through a newcomers page, tutorials, technology previews, training, and IBM Redbooks, get answers to questions about WebSphere products, and join the WebSphere community, where you can keep up with the latest developments and technical papers. IBM WebSphere Developer Domain: WebSphere Portal Zone Technical information for developers and administrators of WebSphere Portal. WebSphere Portal home page $ The IBM WebSphere Portal home page contains useful information, including support links and downloads for interim fixes, tools, and trials. IBM WebSphere software platform home page The IBM WebSphere software platform home page introduces WebSphere products and describes how companies can easily transform to an e-business, with software that can grow as fast as the business it supports. Guide to WebSphere Portal
47 This document provides an overview of the WebSphere Portal product technology, including its business and technical benefits. It is intended to help customers, independent software vendors, and application architects understand and plan their use of WebSphere Portal. Concepts such as portlets, portal applications, content, security, user management, administration, collaboration, and more are described, including highlights of related products that can be used with WebSphere Portal. developerWorks: IBM Patterns for e-business The IBM developerWorks site is the source for IBM patterns for e-business, a set of tested, reusable intellectual assets that you can use to design and implement your e-business network and architecture. WebSphere Portal Collaborative Components, REDP0319 This IBM Redbook discusses the collaborative capabilities that are included within the WebSphere Portal offering. It covers: - An introduction to the WebSphere Portal Family and the concept of collaborative portlets - Installation- and deployment-oriented topics for getting a collaborative WebSphere Portal environment up and running - Details around the Collaborative Portlets available out-of-the-box with WebSphere Portal - Details and best practices for the usage of the Collaborative Components API available with Portal - including several sample collaborative Portlets that leverage this API. Enterprise Business Portals II with Tivoli Access Manager, SG24-6556-00 c2c8b29bfd41ec8c85256c22006e7655?OpenDocument This IBM Redbook describes how to build an integrated enterprise business portal with Tivoli Access Manager Version 4.1, WebSphere Portal Version 4.1.2, mySAP Workplace, and the SAP Enterprise Portal. It also describes how to implement a federated single signon solution within a Web Services scenario. A Secure Portal using WebSphere Portal V5 and Tivoli Access Manager, SG24-6077-00 nsf/9445fa5b416f6e32852569ae006bb65f/3d96ba9fea9a252985256d6e0064f0f7?OpenDocument The focus of this publication is the security aspect of the WebSphere Portal single access point with centralized authentication and authorization. Other aspects of security like auditing, firewall, and DMZ are not in the scope of this document. IBM WebSphere Portal V4.1.2 in a Linux Environment, REDP0310 This IBM Redbook helps you plan, install, and administer the WebSphere Portal Version 4.1.2 offering product in a Red Hat Linux environment so that existing enterprise applications can be accessed from portlets using the IBM WebSphere Portal product. Integrating Host Applications with e-business Portals, REDP0191 This IBM Redbook helps you integrate existing host enterprise applications so that they can be accessed from portlets using the WebSphere Portal product. Access Integration Pattern using IBM WebSphere Portal Server, SG24-6267-00 This IBM Redbook provides an example and guidelines for the Access Integration pattern. It shows

how the pattern works and documents the tasks required to build an example of it. - Part 1 of the redbook guides you through the process of choosing an application and run-time pattern to deliver the desired functionality of the Access Integration pattern. - Part 2 of the redbook provides a set of guidelines for building your portal application, including discussion of application design, application development and systems management. - Part 3 of the redbook demonstrates how to portalize an existing application and develop personalized portlets. The sample uses LDAP for external authentication and WebSphere Security for authorization. Deploying QuickPlace, SG24-6535-00 This IBM Redbook shows you how to install, configure, and deploy QuickPlace in your organization. It gives step-by-step installation instructions for the QuickPlace server and describes how to configure it to use the current directories of your organization. IBM WebSphere Application Server V5.0 System Management and Configuration: WebSphere Handbook Series, SG24-6195-00 nsf/9445fa5b416f6e32852569ae006bb65f/738c2b6bd8dce36185256bd5004e1fd4?OpenDocument This IBM Redbook provides an overview of the architecture, topology options, and new features of WebSphere Studio Application Developer Version 5 and WebSphere Studio Application Developer Network Deployment Version 5. In addition, it describes how to install, configure, and perform ongoing management of the WebSphere environment. IBM WebSphere V5.0 Security WebSphere Handbook Series, SG24-6573-00 d630ec33fde5486785256b5f007ecac5?OpenDocument This IBM Redbook describes how to design, develop, and deploy secure e-business applications using WebSphere Studio Application Developer Version 5. It includes a detailed overview of WebSphere Application Server V5 Security, including J2EE security, modules and components of a J2EE enterprise application, and programmatic security techniques. It also describes end-to-end security solutions where WebSphere Studio Application Developer V5 is part of an enterprise solution, including including integration between WebSphere Studio Application Developer V5 and Tivoli Access Manager . Working with the Sametime Client Toolkits, SG24-6666-00 f2b73cdd644ac8a485256acc005ca7c7?OpenDocument This IBM Redbook is for developers and architects who want to use Sametime functionality in applications based on Java, C++, COM, or HTML and JavaScript. It explores capabilities offered by the different Sametime client toolkits, which you can use to add functionality to existing applications and to create powerful new applications that enable real-time collaboration. It discusses eventbased programming, Sametime services, and the Sametime Place architecture.

Installation scenarios

WebSphere Portal V4.1 Windows 2000 Installation, REDP3593 This IBM Redbook helps you plan, install, and administer the WebSphere Portal Version 4.1.2 offering product in a Microsoft Windows 2000 environment, so that existing enterprise applications can be accessed from portlets using the IBM WebSphere Portal product.

WebSphere Portal V4.1 AIX 5L Installation, REDP3594 This IBM Redbook helps you plan, install, and administer the WebSphere Portal Version 4.1.2 offering product in an IBM AIX 5L environment so that existing enterprise applications can be accessed from portlets using the IBM WebSphere Portal product. Installing WebSphere Portal Enable V4.1.2 in a Windows Proof of Concept Environment With WebSphere Portal V4.1, you can quickly install a proof-of-concept environment with security, scalability, and customization options already in place. This paper walks you through the installation of WebSphere Portal Version 4.1.2 and its prerequisite components.

Programming model and scenarios


Designing e-business Solutions for Performance This white paper describes how the design or implementation of an e-business application can affect performance. Managing Web Site Performance This white paper contains tips and techniques for developers building applications that use session persistence. It also helps administrators to tune the WebSphere Application Server product appropriately for these applications.

Programming instructions and examples


IBM developerWorks IBM developerWorks contains many excellent resources for developers, including tutorials on Web development-related topics. There is an excellent tutorial on the JDBC API. IBM Redbooks The IBM Redbooks site contains many WebSphere Application Server related documents. Servlets and JavaServer Pages - A Tutorial Tutorial from the author of Core Servlets and JavaServer Pages.

Programming specifications

Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) For more information about JAAS specifications, visit the Sun site that is previously mentioned. Portlet specification For more information about portlet specifications, visit the Sun sponsored site that is previously mentioned. J2EE information For more information about J2EE specifications, visit the Sun site that is previously mentioned.
50 property The following Java 2 SDK, Standard Edition 1.4 Web site describes the private property, which also works in Java 2 SDK, Standard Edition 1.3. class The Networking section of this Java 2 SDK, Standard Edition 1.4 Web site describes a change in the behavior of the class.

Additional applications

IBM Workplace Solutions Catalog The portlets that are described in this IBM Workplace Solutions Catalog are provided by many parties, including IBM. The portlets are listed by IBM in this catalog for your information purposes only. Each of the portlets has an applicable user license agreement. The terms and conditions under which a specific portlet can be used and the responsibilities of the user and the portlet provider are described in the user license agreement for that portlet.


Best Practices Zone on WSDD The WebSphere Best Practices Zone is a collection of best practices for administering WebSphere Application Server. Over time, the zone is intended to grow to include best practices for using other WebSphere software products, and to cover more topics. Use the feedback mechanism to submit your best practice suggestions. The IBM Glossary of Computing Terms This glossary defines technical terms that are used in many IBM products. It is not a comprehensive resource of all IBM computing terms. This resource is provided for information purposes only and is updated periodically. IBM takes no responsibility for the accuracy of the information it contains.


WebSphere Portal Support page Take advantage of the Web-based Support and Service resources from IBM to quickly find answers to your technical questions. Here you will find support downloads, hints & tips, product information, and redbooks. IBM Software Support page You can access this extensive Web-based support through the IBM Software Support portal and search by product category or by product name. For example, if you are experiencing problems that are specific to WebSphere Application Server, select Products A-Z and locate WebSphere Application Server. The WebSphere Application Server Support page appears. IBM Software Support Guide
51 This information provides the numbers to reach a duty manager, the numbers of service site hotlines, and the numbers of service site managers.

Related information

Additional resources


Additional resources
Additional information that can help you install, configure, or administer the products provided with WebSphere Portal is available. You can locate information on the WebSphere Portal Web site and other IBM Web sites, and you can read the product documentation that is provided on the WebSphere Portal CDs.

Related information
q q q

Resources for learning Resources and support Directory Structure


WebSphere Portal

Directory structure
This topic shows the naming conventions used to denote the location of files on the portal server and the types of resources you can find in those directories.

WebSphere Portal directory structure

Throughout this documentation, the install location for the portal server component of WebSphere Portal is noted as wp_root. The following table shows the default location if it is not otherwise specified during installation: Operating system AIX Linux Solaris Windows Location /usr/WebSphere/PortalServer /opt/WebSphere/PortalServer /opt/WebSphere/PortalServer C:\Program Files\WebSphere \PortalServer

The portal server has the following directory structure after installation:

wp_root Root directory for WebSphere Portal | + _uninst Files used to uninstall WebSphere Portal | +-- app Transcoding tag library definition in the /wps.ear/wps.war/ WEB-INF/tld subfolder | +-- bin WebSphere Portal tools | +-- cloudscape Cloudscape database files | +-- config Portal configuration files | +-- deployed Copies of the .ear and .war files for installed portlet applications. | +-- dev Resources for portlet developers, including Struts | +-- doc WebSphere Portal Information Center and Javadoc | +-- IBMTrans Transcoding component |

+-- installableApps | +-- installedApps directory structure | +-- launchPad | +-- license | +-- log | +-- migration of WebSphere Portal | +-- odc | +-- package | +-- pb | +-- portletscripts | +-- shared | | | +-- app | | | +-- config | | | | | +- services | | | +-- nls | | | +-- WEB-INF | | | +- tld | +-- uninstall | +-- version | +-- wmm users | +-- wpcp | +-- wts

WAR files prior to deployment Active portlet applications extracted to the WAR file

Images used by the WebSphere Portal Launchpad WebSphere Portal license agreement WebSphere Portal log files Scripts used to assist in migrating from previous releases

Productivity components Response files and utilities for install Propery broker files for cooperative portlets XML files for installing portlets individually

WebSphere Portal runtime JARs, TLDs, and other resources Portal configuration files Portal services configuration files (*.properties) WebSphere Portal NLS files Resources for the WebSphere Portal Portal JSP taglibs Resources for uninstalling WebSphere Portal and components Version information for various components Member Manager configuration, including attributes of portal

WebSphere Portal Content Publisher runtime and resources Resources for Transcoding Technology

WebSphere Application Server directory structure

Throughout this documentation, the install location for WebSphere Application Server is noted as was_root. The following table shows the default location if it is not otherwise specified during installation:

Operating system AIX Linux Solaris Windows

Location /usr/WebSphere/AppServer /opt/WebSphere/AppServer /opt/WebSphere/AppServer C:\Program Files\WebSphere \AppServer

The WebSphere Portal enterprise application is installed to the following location within WebSphere Application Server's path:

The WAR file directory structure for the WebSphere Portal enterprise application contains the following resources.
wps.war | +-- c2a | +-- dtd | +-- html | +-- images | +-- menu | +-- META-INF | +-- peopleawareness | +-- screens | | | +-- markup_name | |-- skins | | | +-- markup_name | |-- themes | | | +-- markup_name | +-- WEB-INF

Cooperative portlet resources Document Type Definitions (DTDs) for Portal Server HTML files for the portal Graphics for the portal Files for MenuService Metadata for the portal Web application Files for PeopleService Screen JSPs for the portal Subdirectory for each markup type Skin JSPs for the portal Subdirectory for each markup type Theme JSPs for the portal Subdirectory for each markup type Resources for the Portal Server Web application


Directories for languages

The following shows the languages supported by WebSphere Portal and the directories used for storing locale-specific resources. These directories are used in portlet Web application directories and in the WebSphere Portal enterprise application (themes, skins, and other Web application resources). Language (locale) Arabic Danish English French Greek Hungarian Japanese Norwegian Portuguese Russian Simplified Chinese Swedish Directory /ar /da /en /fr /el /hu /ja /no /pt /ru /zh /sv Language (locale) Czech Dutch Finnish German Hebrew Italian Korean Polish Brazilian Portuguese Spanish Traditional Chinese Turkish Directory /cs /nl /fi /de /iw /it /ko /pl /pt_BR /es /zh_TW /tr


Refer to the IBM terminology Web site for glossary terms for this product and related products.


Notices and trademarks

(c) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2000, 2005. All rights reserved. U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication, or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

AIX, DB2, IBM, RS/6000, SecureWay, Tivoli and WebSphere are trademarks of the IBM Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. Lotus, Notes, Domino, QuickPlace, Sametime, Lotus Discovery Server are trademarks or registered trademarks of Lotus Development Corporation and/or IBM Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. Documentum is a trademark of Documentum, Inc. Interwoven and TeamSite are trademarks or registered trademarks of Interwoven, Inc. Java and all Java-based trademarks are trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States, other countries, or both. JDBC is a trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States, other countries, or both. Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds. Microsoft, Active Directory, Windows, Windows NT, and the Windows logo are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. Verdana is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. Vignette is a registered trademark of Vignette Corporation. This product includes software developed by the ExoLab Project ( This product includes software developed by the Java Apache Project ( Other company, product, and service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.
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