Infor MyDay Metrics and Reports UserGuide

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Infor MyDay Metrics and Reports

User Guide

Contacting Infor................................................................................................................................13 Finance..............................................................................................................................................15 Metrics.............................................................................................................................................15 Average Amount of Payments Processed....................................................................................15 Average Collection per Day..........................................................................................................15 Bad Debts Written Off by Business Unit......................................................................................16 Bad Debts Written Off by Reason Code......................................................................................16 Bad Debts Written Off by Period..................................................................................................16 Collection Time Average..............................................................................................................17 Discounts after Due Date.............................................................................................................17 Invoices Processed Amount.........................................................................................................18 Invoices Processed Count...........................................................................................................18 Invoice Variances.........................................................................................................................18 Late Payments by Period.............................................................................................................19 Late Payments Percentage..........................................................................................................19 Net Amount Paid per Week..........................................................................................................20 Net Amount to be Paid.................................................................................................................20 Open AR Credit Notes.................................................................................................................21 Open Invoices Amount by Week Ending......................................................................................21 Open Invoices Count by Week Ending.........................................................................................21 Overdue Payments.......................................................................................................................22 Overdue Receivables...................................................................................................................22 Payment Count by Week Ending..................................................................................................23 Payments by Payment Methods...................................................................................................23 Receipts by Payment Method......................................................................................................24 Receivable Forecast....................................................................................................................24 Top Five Open Receivables.........................................................................................................25 Uncollected AR............................................................................................................................25 Reports............................................................................................................................................25

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Accounts Payable Aging Analysis Report....................................................................................25 Aging Report................................................................................................................................26 Average Days Payable Outstanding Report.................................................................................26 Bad Debts Written Off Report......................................................................................................27 Credit Comparison Report...........................................................................................................27 Customer Payment Summary Report..........................................................................................28 Discounts by Supplier Report......................................................................................................28 Disputed Invoices Report.............................................................................................................29 Dunning Letters Report................................................................................................................29 Invoices Paid After Discount Due Date Report............................................................................30 Payment Forecast Report............................................................................................................30 Supplier Payment Summary Report............................................................................................30 Supplier Performance Report......................................................................................................31 Top Five Open Receivables Report.............................................................................................31 Tasks...............................................................................................................................................32 Changing settings for Average Amount of Payments Processed.................................................32 Changing settings for Average Collection per Day.......................................................................32 Changing settings for Bad Debts Written Off by Business Unit...................................................33 Changing settings for Bad Debts Written Off by Reason Code...................................................33 Changing settings for Bad Debts Written Off by Period...............................................................34 Changing settings for Collection Time Average...........................................................................34 Changing settings for Discounts after Due Date..........................................................................35 Changing settings for Invoices Processed Amount......................................................................35 Changing settings for Invoices Processed Count........................................................................36 Changing settings for Invoice Variances......................................................................................36 Changing settings for Late Payments by Period..........................................................................37 Changing settings for Late Payments Percentage.......................................................................38 Changing settings for Net Amount Paid per Week.......................................................................38 Changing settings for Net Amount to be Paid..............................................................................39 Changing settings for Open AR Credit Notes..............................................................................39 Changing settings for Open Invoices Amount by Week Ending...................................................40

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Changing settings for Open Invoices Count by Week Ending......................................................40 Changing settings for Overdue Payments....................................................................................41 Changing settings for Overdue Receivables................................................................................41 Changing settings for Payment Count by Week Ending...............................................................42 Changing settings for Payments by Payment Methods................................................................42 Changing settings for Receipts by Payment Method...................................................................43 Changing settings for Receivable Forecast..................................................................................43 Changing settings for Top Five Open Receivables.......................................................................44 Changing settings for Uncollected AR.........................................................................................45 Changing settings for Accounts Payable Aging Analysis Report.................................................45 Changing settings for Aging Report.............................................................................................46 Changing settings for Bad Debts Written Off Report...................................................................46 Changing settings for Credit Comparison Report........................................................................46 Changing settings for Customer Payment Summary Report.......................................................47 Changing settings for Discounts by Supplier Report...................................................................47 Changing settings for Disputed Invoices Report..........................................................................47 Changing settings for Dunning Letters Report.............................................................................48 Changing settings for Invoices Paid After Discount Due Date Report.........................................48 Changing settings for Payment Forecast Report.........................................................................49 Changing settings for Supplier Payment Summary Report..........................................................49 Changing settings for Supplier Performance Report....................................................................49 Changing settings for Top Five Open Receivables Report...........................................................50 Purchasing........................................................................................................................................51 Metrics.............................................................................................................................................51 Amount Purchased from Supplier................................................................................................51 Average Purchase Price of Item..................................................................................................51 Contract Spent.............................................................................................................................52 Contract Utilization.......................................................................................................................52 Invoice Variances.........................................................................................................................53 Late Receipts...............................................................................................................................53 Open Purchase Order Amount....................................................................................................54

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Overdue Receipts........................................................................................................................54 Processed Purchase Orders........................................................................................................54 Processed Purchase Order Lines................................................................................................55 Processed Requisitions...............................................................................................................55 Purchase Order Process Time.....................................................................................................56 Receipt Performance Count.........................................................................................................57 Requisition Approval Time...........................................................................................................57 RFQ Line Results.........................................................................................................................58 Top Five Items..............................................................................................................................58 Top Five Suppliers by Amount.....................................................................................................58 Reports............................................................................................................................................59 Compared Quotations Report......................................................................................................59 Converted Requisitions Report....................................................................................................59 Evaluate Purchase Contracts Report...........................................................................................59 Open Purchase Order Receipts Report.......................................................................................60 Open Purchase Orders Report....................................................................................................60 PO Inbound Scheduling Report...................................................................................................61 Receipts Not Yet Invoiced Report.................................................................................................61 Tasks...............................................................................................................................................61 Changing settings for Amount Purchased from Supplier.............................................................61 Changing settings for Average Purchase Price of Item................................................................62 Changing settings for Contract Spent..........................................................................................62 Changing settings for Contract Utilization....................................................................................63 Changing settings for Invoice Variances......................................................................................63 Changing settings for Late Receipts............................................................................................64 Changing settings for Open Purchase Order Amount..................................................................65 Changing settings for Overdue Receipts.....................................................................................65 Changing settings for Processed Purchase Orders.....................................................................66 Changing settings for Processed Purchase Order Lines.............................................................66 Changing settings for Processed Requisitions.............................................................................67 Changing settings for Purchase Order Process Time..................................................................67

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Changing settings for Receipt Performance Count......................................................................68 Changing settings for Requisition Approval Time........................................................................68 Changing settings for RFQ Line Results......................................................................................69 Changing settings for Top Five Items...........................................................................................69 Changing settings for Top Five Suppliers by Amount...................................................................70 Changing settings for Compared Quotations Report...................................................................70 Changing settings for Converted Requisitions Report.................................................................71 Changing settings for Evaluate Purchase Contracts Report........................................................71 Changing settings for Open Purchase Order Receipts Report....................................................72 Changing settings for Open Purchase Orders Report.................................................................72 Changing settings for Purchase Order Inbound Scheduling Report............................................73 Changing settings for Receipts Not Yet Invoiced Report..............................................................73 Sales..................................................................................................................................................75 Metrics.............................................................................................................................................75 Average Revenue by Sales Representative.................................................................................75 Gross Sales Profit........................................................................................................................75 Lead Generation..........................................................................................................................76 Lost Sales....................................................................................................................................76 Opportunity Forecast...................................................................................................................77 Opportunity to Close....................................................................................................................77 Pipeline by Stage.........................................................................................................................78 Pipeline Probability by Stage.......................................................................................................78 Sales Order Bookings..................................................................................................................79 Sales Order Line Processed........................................................................................................79 Top Customers by Revenue.........................................................................................................80 Top Grossing Customers.............................................................................................................80 Top Grossing Products.................................................................................................................80 Top Products by Revenue............................................................................................................81 Top Sales Executives by Revenue...............................................................................................81 Reports............................................................................................................................................82 Invoiced by Salesperson Report..................................................................................................82

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Lead Management Report...........................................................................................................82 Monthly Sales Details Report......................................................................................................82 Number of Sales Order Lines Report..........................................................................................83 Opportunity by Territory Report....................................................................................................83 Opportunity Won vs. Lost Report.................................................................................................83 Pipeline by Month Report.............................................................................................................84 Pipeline by Probability by Sales Executive Report.......................................................................84 Pipeline by Product Group Report...............................................................................................84 Pipeline by Stage Report.............................................................................................................85 Service Level Report....................................................................................................................85 Short Shipments Percentage Report...........................................................................................85 Tasks...............................................................................................................................................86 Changing settings for Average Revenue by Sales Representative..............................................86 Changing settings for Gross Sales Profit.....................................................................................86 Changing settings for Lead Generation.......................................................................................87 Changing settings for Lost Sales.................................................................................................87 Changing settings for Opportunity Forecast................................................................................88 Changing settings for Opportunity to Close.................................................................................88 Changing settings for Pipeline by Stage......................................................................................89 Changing settings for Pipeline Probability by Stage....................................................................89 Changing settings for Sales Order Bookings...............................................................................90 Changing settings for Sales Order Line Processed.....................................................................90 Changing settings for Top Customers by Revenue......................................................................91 Changing settings for Top Grossing Customers...........................................................................91 Changing settings for Top Grossing Products..............................................................................92 Changing settings for Top Products by Revenue.........................................................................92 Changing settings for Top Sales Executives by Revenue............................................................93 Changing settings for Invoiced by Salesperson Report...............................................................93 Changing settings for Lead Management Report........................................................................94 Changing settings for Monthly Sales Details Report....................................................................94 Changing settings for Number of Sales Order Lines Report........................................................94

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Changing settings for Opportunity by Territory Report.................................................................95 Changing settings for Opportunity Won vs. Lost Report..............................................................95 Changing settings for Pipeline by Month Report..........................................................................95 Changing settings for Pipeline by Probability by Sales Executive Report....................................96 Changing settings for Pipeline by Product Group Report............................................................96 Changing settings for Pipeline by Stage Report..........................................................................96 Changing settings for Service Level.............................................................................................97 Changing settings for Short Shipments Percentage Report........................................................97 Reference..........................................................................................................................................99 Date Shortcuts................................................................................................................................99

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Copyright 2009 Infor

All rights reserved. The word and design marks set forth herein are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Infor and/or its affiliates and subsidiaries. All rights reserved. All other trademarks listed herein are the property of their respective owners. Important Notices The material contained in this publication (including any supplementary information) constitutes and contains confidential and proprietary information of Infor. By gaining access to the attached, you acknowledge and agree that the material (including any modification, translation or adaptation of the material) and all copyright, trade secrets and all other right, title and interest therein, are the sole property of Infor and that you shall not gain right, title or interest in the material (including any modification, translation or adaptation of the material) by virtue of your review thereof other than the non-exclusive right to use the material solely in connection with and the furtherance of your license and use of software made available to your company from Infor pursuant to a separate agreement (Purpose). In addition, by accessing the enclosed material, you acknowledge and agree that you are required to maintain such material in strict confidence and that your use of such material is limited to the Purpose described above. Although Infor has taken due care to ensure that the material included in this publication is accurate and complete, Infor cannot warrant that the information contained in this publication is complete, does not contain typographical or other errors, or will meet your specific requirements. As such, Infor does not assume and hereby disclaims all liability, consequential or otherwise, for any loss or damage to any person or entity which is caused by or relates to errors or omissions in this publication (including any supplementary information), whether such errors or omissions result from negligence, accident or any other cause. Trademark Acknowledgements All other company, product, trade or service names referenced may be registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective owners.

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Copyright 2009 Infor

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Contacting Infor

If you have questions about Infor products, go to Infor365 Online Support at If you do not have an Infor365 account, click Register now, and complete the registration. You will receive a log-on ID and password within 24 hours. When you access Infor365, you have these options: To access Infor knowledge bases, incidents, documentation, software downloads, and community discussion forums, click one of the links on the top menu of the home page. To add an incident, select one of these options from the Incidents menu: Add Product IncidentSpecify your product, version, and other details, to send your report directly to the support group. Add General Information RequestUse this option for all other requests. To find the Customer Support telephone number for your region, click Contact Infor in the top right corner of the home page, specify a product name, and click Search. If we update this document after the product release, we will post the new version on Infor365. We recommend that you check this Web site periodically for updated documentation. If you have comments about Infor documentation, contact

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Contacting Infor

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Average Amount of Payments Processed
This metric plots the average amount of payments processed per period on a column graph.The X-Axis shows the period. The Y-Axis is the amount. Calculation Average amount of payment in a period = total amount in base currency processed in a specific period/total number of payments in a specific period. Business event This metric changes whenever an amount is paid for the payable. Task To customize this metric, refer to: "Changing settings for Average Amount of Payments Processed" on page 32

Average Collection per Day

This metric plots the average collection per day on column graph. The X-Axis shows the last 5 days of collection. The Y-Axis shows the received amount. Average collection per day is the average received amount collected for the last five days. Calculation Average collection per day = total received amount base currency/total number of receipts. Business event This metric changes whenever one of the following happens: A new receivable is created. An amount is paid or partially paid for a receivable.

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Task To customize this metric, refer to: "Changing settings for Average Collection per Day" on page 32

Bad Debts Written Off by Business Unit

This metric represents bad debts written off by business unit and per period of time. Bad debts defines accounts receivable that are most likely to remain uncollectible and are therefore written off. Bad debts show as an expense on the company's income statement and therefore reduce net income. The X-Axis shows the business unit and period. The Y-Axis is the written off amount. Business event This metric changes whenever a receivable is written off. Task To customize this metric, refer to: "Changing settings for Bad Debts Written Off by Business Unit" on page 33

Bad Debts Written Off by Reason Code

This metric represents bad debts written off by reason code for a given period of time. Bad debts defines accounts receivable that are most likely to remain uncollectible and are therefore written off. Bad debts show as an expense on the company's income statement and therefore reduce net income. Business event This metric changes whenever a receivable is written off. Task To customize this metric, refer to: "Changing settings for Bad Debts Written Off by Reason Code" on page 33

Bad Debts Written Off by Period

This metric represents bad debts written off for a specified period of time. Bad debts defines accounts receivable that are most likely to remain uncollectible and are therefore written off. Bad debts show as an expense on the company's income statement and therefore reduce net income. Business event This metric changes whenever a receivable is written off. Task To customize this metric, refer to:

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"Changing settings for Bad Debts Written Off by Period" on page 34

Collection Time Average

This metric plots the average time (in days) for collections grouped by period. The days-to-collect for a single invoice is the number of days between the document creation date (invoice date) and the date on which the last payment was made. The collection time average is the average number of days for collecting a receivable in each financial period. Calculation Receivable document date is the document creation date. Last payment date is the date on which the last payment was received. Number of days is the last payment date - document date. Business event This metric changes whenever an amount is paid for a receivable. Task To customize this metric, refer to: "Changing settings for Collection Time Average" on page 34

Discounts after Due Date

This metric plots late discounts by sales location. When a discount is given after the discount date, the discount is considered late. If a discount is given after the discount date, the discount is considered late. Calculation Example: a receivable has an amount of $1000. The due date of the receivable is July 30, 2009. If the receivable is paid before July 18, 2009, there is a discount of two percent on the receivable. If a payment is received from the customer on July 20, 2009 - which is after the given discount date - and a discount of two percent is still given to the customer, it is considered as a late discount. Business event Payment received for a receivable with a late discount. Task To customize this metric, refer to: "Changing settings for Discounts after Due Date" on page 35

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Invoices Processed Amount

This metric represents the sum of approved invoices vs. sum of unapproved invoices for a range of periods. The X-Axis is the time in months. The Y-Axis is the invoice amount. Calculation Sum of approved invoices = total amount where status of invoice is approved. Sum of unapproved invoices = total amount where status of invoice is unapproved. Business event This metric changes whenever a supplier invoice is fully or partially paid. Task To customize this metric, refer to: "Changing settings for Invoices Processed Amount" on page 35

Invoices Processed Count

This metric represents the number of approved invoices versus the number of unapproved invoices for a range of periods. The X-Axis is the times in months. The Y-Axis is the number of months. Calculation Count of approved invoices = count of invoices whose invoice status is approved. Count of unapproved invoices = count of invoices whose invoice status is unapproved. Business event This metric changes whenever a supplier invoice is created. Task To customize this metric, refer to: "Changing settings for Invoices Processed Count" on page 36

Invoice Variances
This metric plots the invoice variances for a period on a column graph. The X-Axis is the time in months. The Y-Axis is the amount. Price variance of the invoice receipt value is the difference between the invoiced amount and the purchase order value. The difference is caused by a price variance, that is, the vendor charged you less (positive value) or more (negative value) for the material, as against the prices stipulated in the purchase order. Calculation Invoice amount = line extended amount.

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Receipt amount = invoiced quantity * line unit price. Variance amount = receipt amount - invoice amount. Business event This metric changes whenever there is a difference between the price of the purchase order and an invoice received. Task To customize this metric, refer to: "Changing settings for Invoice Variances" on page 63

Late Payments by Period

This metric provides information about payments that are made after the payment date over a period in form of a column graph. Invoices paid after the payment due date are treated as late payments. The metric considers the invoice statuses paid or partial paid. The X-Axis shows the period. The Y-Axis is the paid amount in base currency. Calculation Sum of all paid amounts paid after the payment date are taken as input to the graph. Business event This metric changes whenever a payment is made after the due date. Task To customize this metric, refer to: "Changing settings for Late Payments by Period" on page 37

Late Payments Percentage

This metric provides information about payments that are made after the payment date, over a period, in the form of a gauge graph. Invoices paid after the payment due date are treated as late payments. The metric considers the invoice statuses paid or partial paid. Calculation Late payments (in percentage) = sum (paid amount paid after payment date in base currency)/sum (all paid amounts in base currency) * 100 The numerator shows only late payments. The denominator shows all the paid invoices. Business event This metric changes whenever a payment is made after the due date.

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Task To customize this metric, refer to: "Changing settings for Late Payments Percentage" on page 38

Net Amount Paid per Week

This metric represents the net amount paid per week for a location on a column graph. The X-Axis shows the weeks. The Y-Axis is the net amount paid. Net amount is the resultant amount paid after the deductions from the gross qualified amount of invoices; the amount paid to the supplier by taking discounts or other deductions into account. Calculation Net amount paid = the sum of all net paid amounts in a week. Business event This metric changes whenever a supplier invoice is fully or partially paid. Task To customize this metric, refer to: "Changing settings for Net Amount Paid per Week" on page 38

Net Amount to be Paid

This metric shows the open, disputed, and hold invoices that are not yet paid, for a period of time plotted on a bar chart. The X-Axis shows the time in weeks. The Y-Axis is the amount. Calculation Open Invoices are invoices with a status other than closed, paid, unapproved and disputed. Disputed invoices are invoices with a status of disputed. Hold invoices are invoices with a status of hold. Business event This metric changes whenever a payable is recorded. Task To customize this metric, refer to: "Changing settings for Net Amount to be Paid" on page 39

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Open AR Credit Notes

This metric shows the open credit notes amounts for the current quarter. A credit note or credit memo is a document used to adjust or rectify errors made in a sales invoice that has already been processed and sent to a customer. A credit note can be thought of as a negative invoice. Business event This metric changes whenever a credit note is raised or linked to an invoice. Task To customize this metric, refer to: "Changing settings for Open AR Credit Notes" on page 39

Open Invoices Amount by Week Ending

This metric represents outstanding invoices amount by type (open, hold and disputed) for a week, for a period of time. The metric highlights trends of the supplier performance. For example, a growing trend in disputed or on hold invoices reflects problems in invoicing, products, or shipments. Open invoice is the outstanding (unpaid) accounts payable invoices not in a disputed or hold status. Disputed invoice is the outstanding (unpaid) accounts payable invoices where the invoice amount is disputed with the supplier. Hold invoice indicates that the invoice is not addressed for unknown reasons. Calculation Open invoices = sum of invoice amounts with a status other than closed, paid, unapproved, disputed, and hold. Disputed invoices = sum of invoice amounts with the status disputed. Hold invoices = sum of invoice amounts with the status hold. Business event This metric changes whenever a new supplier invoice is processed or a supplier invoice is fully or partially paid. Task To customize this metric, refer to: "Changing settings for Open Invoices Amount by Week Ending" on page 40

Open Invoices Count by Week Ending

This metric represents open, hold and disputed invoices count for a period. The metric is plotted on a bar graph.

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An open invoice is an outstanding (unpaid) accounts payable invoice not in a disputed or hold status. A disputed invoice is an outstanding (unpaid) accounts payable invoice where the invoice amount is disputed with the supplier. A hold invoice indicates that the invoice is not addressed for unknown reasons. Calculation Open invoices = count of invoices with status other than closed, paid, unapproved. Disputed invoices = count of invoice amounts with the status disputed. Hold invoices = count of invoice amounts with status hold. Business event This metric changes whenever a new supplier invoice is processed or a supplier invoice is fully or partially paid. Task To customize this metric, refer to: "Changing settings for Open Invoices Count by Week Ending" on page 40

Overdue Payments
This metric represents the payments that are overdue for a week for a period of time. The X-Axis shows specified weeks. The Y-Axis shows the amount in overdue payments. Overdue payment is the invoice for which the payment date has lapsed. Calculation The graph is generated based on the following formula: Sum of payable amount = total payable amount of the invoices that are approved, open, partial paid, or vouchered. Business event This metric changes whenever a supplier invoice becomes overdue. Task To customize this metric, refer to: "Changing settings for Overdue Payments" on page 41

Overdue Receivables
This metric shows information about the overdue receivable amounts and disputed amounts on a stacked column graph. Calculation Disputed amount = receivable amount when receivable status is disputed. Overdue amount = sum of (receivable amount) when the current date > the due date.

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Business event This metric changes whenever one of the following happens: A receivable (which falls in the given selection range) status is changed to disputed. A receivable (which falls in the given selection range) is paid /partially paid. Task To customize this metric, refer to: "Changing settings for Overdue Receivables" on page 41

Payment Count by Week Ending

This metric represents the number of payments made by week, for a given a period of time. The metric allows the accounts payable manager to evaluate the workload for a period. The X-Axis shows specified weeks. The Y-Axis shows the number of payments. Calculation Number of payments = total number of payments in a week. Business event This metric changes whenever a supplier invoice is fully or partially paid. Task To customize this metric, refer to: "Changing settings for Payment Count by Week Ending" on page 42

Payments by Payment Methods

This metric shows the total amount of payments grouped by mode of payment. The different modes of payment are: Electronic fund transfer is a form of payment made through the internet that performs the same function as a conventional paper check. Check is a written, dated, and signed instrument that contains an unconditional order from the drawer that directs a bank to pay a definite sum of money to a payee. Bank draft is a type of check where the payment is guaranteed to be available by the issuing bank. Cash is legal tender or coins that can be used in exchange of goods, debt, or services. Credit card is a card that allows someone to make a purchase on credit. Debit card is an electronic card issued by a bank that gives bank clients access to their accounts to withdraw cash or pay for goods and services. Procurement card is a card used for purchases, usually for a company, government, or other organization . Calculation Payments = sum of all payments group by payment method.

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Business event This metric changes whenever a supplier invoice is fully paid or partially paid. Task To customize this metric, refer to: "Changing settings for Payments by Payment Methods" on page 42

Receipts by Payment Method

This metric plots the total amount received by the payment method in the form of a pie chart. The payment method indicates the mode used to make a payment. Calculation Cash is the percentage of all the receipts received in the form of direct cash. Check is the percentage of all the receipts received in the form of a check. Credit card is the percentage of all the receipts received by credit card. Debit card is the percentage of all the receipts received by debit card. Draft is the percentage of all the receipts received by draft. Electronic funds transfer is the percentage of all the receipts received online. Business event When a payment is made against a receivable, the metric changes. Task To customize this metric, refer to: "Changing settings for Receipts by Payment Method" on page 43

Receivable Forecast
This metric plots data about the receivable forecast amounts of the next four weeks in a column graph. The X-Axis shows the due date. The Y-Axis is the receivable forecast amount. Calculation Receivable Forecast Amount = sum of (receivable amount) when the current date < due date and the total amount is not equal to the received amount. Business event This metric changes whenever a new receivable (with a due date in the given selection range) is created, or a receivable (with a due date in the given selection range) is paid/partially paid. Task To customize this metric, refer to: "Changing settings for Receivable Forecast" on page 43

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Top Five Open Receivables

This metric shows the top five customers that have the maximum open receivables (invoice balances). Business event This metric changes whenever one of the following happens: When a new invoice is created for a particular customer, the open receivable amounts for the customer increases by the open amount of the new invoice. When a payment is made toward an invoice, the open receivables amounts for the customer decreases by the amount of payment made. Task To customize this metric, refer to: "Changing settings for Top Five Open Receivables" on page 44

Uncollected AR
This metric plots the information of the uncollected accounts receivable of different regions for a period in the form of a column graph. The open amount of the receivable is shown. Business event This metric changes whenever one of the following happens: A new receivable is created. An amount is paid for the receivable. Task To customize this metric, refer to: "Changing settings for Uncollected AR" on page 45

Accounts Payable Aging Analysis Report
This report displays the aging analysis of the cumulative open amount of invoices for a supplier. Aging analysis is calculated by comparing a user's input date with the payment due date of the supplier invoice.

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Calculation Current is if the payment due date is later than the input date; the total gross invoice amount of all the invoices against the supplier are accumulated. 0-30 days is if the payable invoice is overdue by 0-30 days with respect to the user input date, the total gross invoice amount of all the invoices against the supplier are accumulated. 31-60 days is if the payable invoice is overdue by 31-60 days with respect to the user input date, the total gross invoice amount of all the invoices against the supplier are accumulated. 61-90 days is if the payable invoice is overdue by 61-90 days with respect to the user input date, the total gross invoice amount of all the invoices against the supplier are accumulated. Over 90 days is if the payable invoice is overdue by more than 90 days with respect to the user input date, the total gross invoice amount of all the invoices against the supplier are accumulated. Task To customize this report, refer to: "Changing settings for Accounts Payable Aging Analysis Report" on page 45

Aging Report
This report shows the aging analysis of the cumulative open amount of invoices for a customer. Aging analysis is calculated with respect to user input date and compares the payment due date of the invoice against the supplier. This report shows the cumulative receivable amount of customer invoices. The receivable amount is grouped in different aging buckets as per invoice's age. The age of an invoice is calculated by due date. The report is sorted by customer name. Calculation This report is generated with respect to users input date or current date. Not Yet due means the receivable is not yet due. 1-30 days means the receivable is overdue by 1-30 days with regard to the user input date. 31-60 days means the receivable is overdue by 31-60 days. 61-90 days means the receivable is overdue by 61-90 days. Over 90 days: means the receivable is due for over 90 days Business event This report changes whenever an invoice has a receivable amount; the cumulative sum of receivables of invoices for a customer is shown in its corresponding age bucket. Task To customize this report, refer to: "Changing settings for Aging Report" on page 46

Average Days Payable Outstanding Report

This report shows the days payable outstanding for the company in the time period specified by the user.

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Calculation Open invoice amount = the sum total of the payable amount for all Invoices that in the time period specified by the user. Total invoice amount = the sum total of the total invoice amount for all invoices in the time period specified by the user. DPO = open invoice amount/total invoice amount * 365 Business Event This report changes whenever one of the following occurs: A new payable is created. An amount is paid for the payable. Task To customize this report, refer to: Changing Settings for Days Payable Outstanding Report

Bad Debts Written Off Report

This report shows the sum of the amount written off, the sum of the invoice amount, the sum of the balance remaining by the customer, and the total account receivable written off. Business event This report changes whenever a receivable is written off. Task To customize this report, refer to: "Changing settings for Bad Debts Written Off Report" on page 46

Credit Comparison Report

The report shows the average days overdue, allowed credit limit, receivable amount, overdue amount, and maximum aging duration. Calculation Amount due = the sum of receivable amount. Amount over due = sum of (receivable amount) where the due date<current date. Average days overdue = sum of (current date - due date)/number of overdue invoices. Business event The report changes when any of these events occur: The customer paid some of the total amount or the full amount A new invoice is created

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The due date has passed The customer's credit limit has been modified Task To customize this report, refer to: "Changing settings for Credit Comparison Report" on page 46

Customer Payment Summary Report

This report shows the average day's payment, average day's outstanding, average day's overdue, open amount, paid amount, and overdue amount per customer. Calculation DSO = (open amount/total amount) * 365. Open amount = the sum of receivable amount. Average days outstanding = sum of (current date - invoice date)/number of invoices outstanding. Amount paid = sum of (received amount + discount given). Average days for payment = sum of (last payment date - invoice date)/ number of invoices paid. Overdue amount = sum of (receivable amount) where due date<current date. Average days overdue = sum of (current date - due date)/number of overdue invoices. Business event The report will change when the following events occur: The customer paid some of the total amount or the full amount. There is the creation of a new invoice. The due date has passed. Task To customize this report, refer to: "Changing settings for Customer Payment Summary Report" on page 47

Discounts by Supplier Report

This report displays the days past discount date, days discount date available, sum of discount taken, sum of discount offered, and the sum of the discount lost by supplier for a period. Calculation Total amount of the payable = total amount. Balance remaining on the payable = payable amount. Total discount allowed = discount allowed. Total discount taken = discount taken.

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Discount lost = discount allowed for already paid amount - total discount taken where total paid amount = (total amount - payable amount). Discount allowed for already paid amount = total paid amount * discount allowed/total amount. Days past discount date = number of days passed after the allowed discount date and current date. Days discount available = number of days still available to avail the discount from the current date to the given discount date. Task To customize this report, refer to: "Changing settings for Discounts by Supplier Report" on page 47

Disputed Invoices Report

This report shows the accounts of all the disputed invoices. The invoices are shown per customer, per period. The total disputed amount per customer and per period is shown. Business event This report changes whenever an invoice status is changed to disputed. Task "Changing settings for Disputed Invoices Report" on page 47

Dunning Letters Report

This report prints the reminder letter which includes the particulars of all the payments that are due by a specific customer that are past the payment due date. Calculation Days past due = current date - document due date. Business event An invoice is displayed on the dunning letter whenever that invoice has an open balance and is past the due date. Task To customize this report, refer to: "Changing settings for Dunning Letters Report" on page 48

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Invoices Paid After Discount Due Date Report

This report displays the invoices paid after the discount due date. The report enables the A/P Manager to identify the number of invoices not paid in time, and as a result, not eligible for the discount. Calculation The subtotal of a supplier is the sum of discount lost, discount taken, and discount allowed. Task To customize this report, refer to: "Changing settings for Invoices Paid After Discount Due Date Report" on page 48

Payment Forecast Report

This report displays the information about the cash outflow at periodic future intervals. The report enables the AP Manager to calculate the amount payable to suppliers. It helps the AP Manager to meet the payment schedules on time and helps to maintain credibility with the suppliers. Calculation This report displays the payment forecast analysis by considering the discount due date as input date. Net amount payable = invoice gross amount - discount amount. Task To customize this report, refer to: "Changing settings for Payment Forecast Report" on page 49

Supplier Payment Summary Report

This report shows how the supplier is being paid by the organization and gives summary information about the supplier payments. Calculation The report is generated based on the following formulas: Open amount = sum (payable amount) for a supplier where the status is not equal to closed or paid. Amount paid = sum (total amount - payable amount) for a supplier where the status is equal to paid, partial paid or closed. Overdue amount = sum (payable amount) for a supplier where status is not equal to closed or paid, and due date is earlier than today's date. Average days outstanding = (sum (document creation date - today's date)/number of invoices outstanding) where the status is not equal to closed or paid. Average days overdue = (sum (due date - today's date)/number of invoices overdue) where the status is not equal to closed or paid, and due date is less than today's date.

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Average days for payment = (sum (document date - status date)/number of paid invoices) where the status is equal to paid, partial paid or closed. Days payable outstanding = (sum (payable amount in base currency)/sum (total amount base currency))* 365. Business Event This report changes whenever a payable is recorded. Task To customize this report, refer to: "Changing settings for Supplier Payment Summary Report" on page 49

Supplier Performance Report

This report ranks the suppliers by the total amount paid along with the discounts earned and discounts lost for a range of payment dates provided by the user. The report is sorted by paid (base) currency Calculation Total amount of the payable = total amount. Balance remaining on the payable = payable amount. Total discount allowed = discount allowed. Total discount taken = discount taken. Discount lost = (discount allowed for already paid amount) - total discount taken where total paid amount = (total amount - payable amount). Discount allowed for paid amount = total paid amount * discount allowed/total amount. Paid amount = paid amount. Task To customize this report, refer to: "Changing settings for Supplier Performance Report" on page 49

Top Five Open Receivables Report

This report shows the top five open receivables amount of a customer for each document and the document due date. Documents with a status of open and partially paid are eligible for amount receivable. The report is sorted by sub total of receivable amount. Business event When a new invoice is created for a particular customer, the open receivable amounts for the customer increases by the open amount of the new invoice. When a payment is completed for an invoice, the open receivables amounts for the customer decrease by the amount of payments made.

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Task To customize this report, refer to: "Changing settings for Top Five Open Receivables Report" on page 50

Changing settings for Average Amount of Payments Processed
1. From the Home page, click the down arrow in the top right corner of the specified metric module. 2. Select Settings. 3. Specify the information as required: Module Name The module name for the metric defaults here. You can change this name to anything you like, and it becomes the title of the metric page. It is a good idea to keep the title short enough so that it easily fits in the title area of the page. This field is not case sensitive; the system displays the metric name in capital letters. Specify the accounting entity. Specify a date range or select a date range from the list of values. Between - Inclusive includes the dates you specify and all the dates in between. For example, if the date range you specify is 01/01/2008 to 01/31/2008, the system retrieves data for all dates between those two dates including those two dates. Specify the purchase location. Specify the supplier.

Accounting Entity Last Payment Date (Between-Inclusive)

Purchase Location ID Supplier ID

4. Click Save to save your changes and return to the metric.

Changing settings for Average Collection per Day

1. From the Home page, click the down arrow in the top right corner of the specified metric module. 2. Select Settings. 3. Specify the information as required: Module Name The module name for the metric defaults here. You can change this name to anything you like, and it becomes the title of the metric page. It is a good idea to keep the title short enough so that it easily fits in the title area of the page. This field is not case sensitive; the system displays the metric name in capital letters. Specify the accounting entity.

Accounting Entity

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Customer ID Sales Location ID

Specify the customer. Specify the sales location.

4. Click Save to save your changes and return to the metric.

Changing settings for Bad Debts Written Off by Business Unit

1. From the Home page, click the down arrow in the top right corner of the specified metric module. 2. Select Settings. 3. Specify the information as required: Module Name The module name for the metric defaults here. You can change this name to anything you like, and it becomes the title of the metric page. It is a good idea to keep the title short enough so that it easily fits in the title area of the page. This field is not case sensitive; the system displays the metric name in capital letters. Specify the accounting entity. Specify the customer. Specify a date range or select a date range from the list of values. Between - Inclusive includes the dates you specify and all the dates in between. For example, if the date range you specify is 01/01/2008 to 01/31/2008, the system retrieves data for all dates between those two dates including those two dates. Specify the sales location.

Accounting Entity Customer ID Written Off Date (Between-Inclusive)

Sales Location ID

4. Click Save to save your changes and return to the metric.

Changing settings for Bad Debts Written Off by Reason Code

1. From the Home page, click the down arrow in the top right corner of the specified metric module. 2. Select Settings. 3. Specify the information as required: Module Name The module name for the metric defaults here. You can change this name to anything you like, and it becomes the title of the metric page. It is a good idea to keep the title short enough so that it easily fits in the title area of the page. This field is not case sensitive; the system displays the metric name in capital letters. Specify the accounting entity. Specify the customer.

Accounting Entity Customer ID

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Written Off (Between Inclusive)

Reason Sales Location ID

Specify a date range or select a date range from the list of values. Between - Inclusive includes the dates you specify and all the dates in between. For example, if the date range you specify is 01/01/2008 to 01/31/2008, the system retrieves data for all dates between those two dates including those two dates. Specify the reason. Specify the sales location.

4. Click Save to save your changes and return to the metric.

Changing settings for Bad Debts Written Off by Period

1. From the Home page, click the down arrow in the top right corner of the specified metric module. 2. Select Settings. 3. Specify the information as required: Module Name The module name for the metric defaults here. You can change this name to anything you like, and it becomes the title of the metric page. It is a good idea to keep the title short enough so that it easily fits in the title area of the page. This field is not case sensitive; the system displays the metric name in capital letters. Specify the accounting entity. Specify the customer. Specify the sales location. Specify a date range or select a date range from the list of values. Between - Inclusive includes the dates you specify and all the dates in between. For example, if the date range you specify is 01/01/2008 to 01/31/2008, the system retrieves data for all dates between those two dates including those two dates.

Accounting Entity Customer ID Sales Location ID Written Off Date (Between-Inclusive)

4. Click Save to save your changes and return to the metric.

Changing settings for Collection Time Average

1. From the Home page, click the down arrow in the top right corner of the specified metric module. 2. Select Settings. 3. Specify the information as required: Module Name The module name for the metric defaults here. You can change this name to anything you like, and it becomes the title of the metric page. It is a good idea to keep the title short enough so that it easily fits in the

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Accounting Entity Customer ID Last Payment Date (Between - Inclusive):

title area of the page. This field is not case sensitive; the system displays the metric name in capital letters. Specify the accounting entity. Specify the customer. Specify a date range or select a date range from the list of values. Between - Inclusive includes the dates you specify and all the dates in between. For example, if the date range you specify is 01/01/2008 to 01/31/2008, the system retrieves data for all dates between those two dates including those two dates. Specify the sales location.

Sales Location ID

4. Click Save to save your changes and return to the metric.

Changing settings for Discounts after Due Date

1. From the Home page, click the down arrow in the top right corner of the specified metric module. 2. Select Settings. 3. Specify the information as required: Module Name The module name for the metric defaults here. You can change this name to anything you like, and it becomes the title of the metric page. It is a good idea to keep the title short enough so that it easily fits in the title area of the page. This field is not case sensitive; the system displays the metric name in capital letters. Specify the account entity. Specify the customer. Specify a date range or select a date range from the list of values. Between - Inclusive includes the dates you specify and all the dates in between. For example, if the date range you specify is 01/01/2008 to 01/31/2008, the system retrieves data for all dates between those two dates including those two dates. Specify the sales location.

Accounting Entity Customer ID Document Date (Between-Inclusive)

Sales Location ID

4. Click Save to save your changes and return to the metric.

Changing settings for Invoices Processed Amount

1. From the Home page, click the down arrow in the top right corner of the specified metric module. 2. Select Settings. 3. Specify the information as required:

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Module Name

Accounting Entity Purchase Location ID Status Effective Date (Between-Inclusive)

The module name for the metric defaults here. You can change this name to anything you like, and it becomes the title of the metric page. It is a good idea to keep the title short enough so that it easily fits in the title area of the page. This field is not case sensitive; the system displays the metric name in capital letters. Specify the accounting entity. Specify the purchase location. Specify a date range or select a date range from the list of values. Between - Inclusive includes the dates you specify and all the dates in between. For example, if the date range you specify is 01/01/2008 to 01/31/2008, the system retrieves data for all dates between those two dates including those two dates. Specify the supplier.

Supplier ID

4. Click Save to save your changes and return to the metric.

Changing settings for Invoices Processed Count

1. From the Home page, click the down arrow in the top right corner of the specified metric module. 2. Select Settings. 3. Specify the information as required: Module Name The module name for the metric defaults here. You can change this name to anything you like, and it becomes the title of the metric page. It is a good idea to keep the title short enough so that it easily fits in the title area of the page. This field is not case sensitive; the system displays the metric name in capital letters. Specify the accounting entity. Specify the purchase location. Specify a date range or select a date range from the list of values. Between - Inclusive includes the dates you specify and all the dates in between. For example, if the date range you specify is 01/01/2008 to 01/31/2008, the system retrieves data for all dates between those two dates including those two dates. Specify the supplier.

Accounting Entity Purchase Location ID Status Effective Date (Between-Inclusive)

Supplier ID

4. Click Save to save your changes and return to the metric.

Changing settings for Invoice Variances

1. From the Home page, click the down arrow in the top right corner of the specified metric module.

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2. Select Settings. 3. Specify the information as required: Module Name The module name for the metric defaults here. You can change this name to anything you like, and it becomes the title of the metric page. It is a good idea to keep the title short enough so that it easily fits in the title area of the page. This field is not case sensitive; the system displays the metric name in capital letters. Specify the accounting entity. Specify the buyer. Specify a date range or select a date range from the list of values. Between - Inclusive includes the dates you specify and all the dates in between. For example, if the date range you specify is 01/01/2008 to 01/31/2008, the system retrieves data for all dates between those two dates including those two dates. Specify the purchase location. Specify the supplier.

Accounting Entity Buyer ID Invoice Date (Between-Inclusive)

Purchase Location ID Supplier ID

4. Click Save to save your changes and return to the metric.

Changing settings for Late Payments by Period

1. From the Home page, click the down arrow in the top right corner of the specified metric module. 2. Select Settings. 3. Specify the information as required: Module Name The module name for the metric defaults here.You can change this name to anything you like, and it becomes the title of the metric page. It is a good idea to keep the title short enough so that it easily fits in the title area of the page. This field is not case sensitive; the system displays the metric name in capital letters. Specify a date range or select a date range from the list of values. Between - Inclusive includes the dates you specify and all the dates in between. For example, if the date range you specify is 01/01/2008 to 01/31/2008, the system retrieves data for all dates between those two dates including those two dates. Specify the purchase location. Specify the supplier.

Payment Due Date (Between-Inclusive)

Purchase Location ID Supplier ID

4. Click Save to save your changes and return to the metric.

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Changing settings for Late Payments Percentage

1. From the Home page, click the down arrow in the top right corner of the specified metric module. 2. Select Settings. 3. Specify the information as required: Module Name The module name for the metric defaults here. You can change this name to anything you like, and it becomes the title of the metric page. It is a good idea to keep the title short enough so that it easily fits in the title area of the page. This field is not case sensitive; the system displays the metric name in capital letters. Specify the accounting entity. Specify a date range or select a date range from the list of values. Between - Inclusive includes the dates you specify and all the dates in between. For example, if the date range you specify is 01/01/2008 to 01/31/2008, the system retrieves data for all dates between those two dates including those two dates. Specify the purchase location. Specify the supplier.

Accounting Entity Due Date (Between-Inclusive)

Purchase Location ID Supplier ID

4. Click Save to save your changes and return to the metric.

Changing settings for Net Amount Paid per Week

1. From the Home page, click the down arrow in the top right corner of the specified metric module. 2. Select Settings. 3. Specify the information as required: Module Name The module name for the metric defaults here. You can change this name to anything you like, and it becomes the title of the metric page. It is a good idea to keep the title short enough so that it easily fits in the title area of the page. This field is not case sensitive; the system displays the metric name in capital letters. Specify the accounting entity. Specify a date range or select a date range from the list of values. Between - Inclusive includes the dates you specify and all the dates in between. For example, if the date range you specify is 01/01/2008 to 01/31/2008, the system retrieves data for all dates between those two dates including those two dates. Specify the purchase location. Specify the supplier.

Accounting Entity Last Payment Date (Between-Inclusive)

Purchase Location ID Supplier ID

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4. Click Save to save your changes and return to the metric.

Changing settings for Net Amount to be Paid

1. From the Home page, click the down arrow in the top right corner of the specified metric module. 2. Select Settings. 3. Specify the information as required: Module Name The module name for the metric defaults here. You can change this name to anything you like, and it becomes the title of the metric page. It is a good idea to keep the title short enough so that it easily fits in the title area of the page. This field is not case sensitive; the system displays the metric name in capital letters. Specify the accounting entity. Specify a date range or select a date range from the list of values. Between - Inclusive includes the dates you specify and all the dates in between. For example, if the date range you specify is 01/01/2008 to 01/31/2008, the system retrieves data for all dates between those two dates including those two dates. Specify the purchase location. Specify the supplier.

Accounting Entity Payment Due Date (Between-Inclusive)

Purchase Location ID Supplier ID

4. Click Save to save your changes and return to the metric.

Changing settings for Open AR Credit Notes

1. From the Home page, click the down arrow in the top right corner of the specified metric module. 2. Select Settings. 3. Specify the information as required: Module Name The module name for the metric defaults here. You can change this name to anything you like, and it becomes the title of the metric page. It is a good idea to keep the title short enough so that it easily fits in the title area of the page. This field is not case sensitive; the system displays the metric name in capital letters. Specify the accounting entity. Specify the customer. Specify a date range or select a date range from the list of values. Between - Inclusive includes the dates you specify and all the dates in between. For example, if the date range you specify is 01/01/2008 to

Accounting Entity Customer ID Document Date (Between-Inclusive)

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01/31/2008, the system retrieves data for all dates between those two dates including those two dates. Sales Location ID Specify the sales location.

4. Click Save to save your changes and return to the metric.

Changing settings for Open Invoices Amount by Week Ending

1. From the Home page, click the down arrow in the top right corner of the specified metric module. 2. Select Settings. 3. Specify the information as required: Module Name The module name for the metric defaults here. You can change this name to anything you like, and it becomes the title of the metric page. It is a good idea to keep the title short enough so that it easily fits in the title area of the page. This field is not case sensitive; the system displays the metric name in capital letters. Specify the accounting entity. Specify the purchase location. Specify a date range or select a date range from the list of values. Between - Inclusive includes the dates you specify and all the dates in between. For example, if the date range you specify is 01/01/2008 to 01/31/2008, the system retrieves data for all dates between those two dates including those two dates. Specify the supplier.

Accounting Entity Purchase Location ID Status Date (Between-Inclusive)

Supplier ID

4. Click Save to save your changes and return to the metric.

Changing settings for Open Invoices Count by Week Ending

1. From the Home page, click the down arrow in the top right corner of the specified metric module. 2. Select Settings. 3. Specify the information as required: Module Name The module name for the metric defaults here. You can change this name to anything you like, and it becomes the title of the metric page. It is a good idea to keep the title short enough so that it easily fits in the title area of the page. This field is not case sensitive; the system displays the metric name in capital letters. Specify the accounting entity. Specify the location.

Accounting Entity Purchase Location ID

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Status Date (Between-Inclusive)

Specify a date range or select a date range from the list of values. Between - Inclusive includes the dates you specify and all the dates in between. For example, if the date range you specify is 01/01/2008 to 01/31/2008, the system retrieves data for all dates between those two dates including those two dates. Specify the supplier.

Supplier ID

4. Click Save to save your changes and return to the metric.

Changing settings for Overdue Payments

1. From the Home page, click the down arrow in the top right corner of the specified metric module. 2. Select Settings. 3. Specify the information as required: Module Name The module name for the metric defaults here. You can change this name to anything you like, and it becomes the title of the metric page. It is a good idea to keep the title short enough so that it easily fits in the title area of the page. This field is not case sensitive; the system displays the metric name in capital letters. Specify the accounting entity. Specify a date range or select a date range from the list of values. Between - Inclusive includes the dates you specify and all the dates in between. For example, if the date range you specify is 01/01/2008 to 01/31/2008, the system retrieves data for all dates between those two dates including those two dates. Specify the purchase location. Specify the supplier.

Accounting Entity Payment Due Date (Between-Inclusive)

Purchase Location ID Supplier ID

4. Click Save to save your changes and return to the metric.

Changing settings for Overdue Receivables

1. From the Home page, click the down arrow in the top right corner of the specified metric module. 2. Select Settings. 3. Specify the information as required: Module Name The module name for the metric defaults here. You can change this name to anything you like, and it becomes the title of the metric page. It is a good idea to keep the title short enough so that it easily fits in the title area of the page. This field is not case sensitive; the system displays the metric name in capital letters.

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Accounting Entity Customer ID Due Date (Between-Inclusive)

Specify the accounting entity. Specify the customer. Specify a date range or select a date range from the list of values. Between - Inclusive includes the dates you specify and all the dates in between. For example, if the date range you specify is 01/01/2008 to 01/31/2008, the system retrieves data for all dates between those two dates including those two dates. Specify the sales location.

Sales Location ID

4. Click Save to save your changes and return to the metric.

Changing settings for Payment Count by Week Ending

1. From the Home page, click the down arrow in the top right corner of the specified metric module. 2. Select Settings. 3. Specify the information as required: Module Name The module name for the metric defaults here. You can change this name to anything you like, and it becomes the title of the metric page. It is a good idea to keep the title short enough so that it easily fits in the title area of the page. This field is not case sensitive; the system displays the metric name in capital letters. Specify the accounting entity. Specify a date range or select a date range from the list of values. Between - Inclusive includes the dates you specify and all the dates in between. For example, if the date range you specify is 01/01/2008 to 01/31/2008, the system retrieves data for all dates between those two dates including those two dates. Specify the purchase location.

Accounting Entity Payment Date (Between-Inclusive)

Purchase Location ID

4. Click Save to save your changes and return to the metric.

Changing settings for Payments by Payment Methods

1. From the Home page, click the down arrow in the top right corner of the specified metric module. 2. Select Settings. 3. Specify the information as required: Module Name The module name for the metric defaults here. You can change this name to anything you like, and it becomes the title of the metric page. It is a good idea to keep the title short enough so that it easily fits in the title area of

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Accounting Entity Payment Date (Between-Inclusive)

the page. This field is not case sensitive; the system displays the metric name in capital letters. Specify the accounting entity. Specify a date range or select a date range from the list of values. Between - Inclusive includes the dates you specify and all the dates in between. For example, if the date range you specify is 01/01/2008 to 01/31/2008, the system retrieves data for all dates between those two dates including those two dates. Specify the payment type. Specify the purchase location. Specify the supplier.

Payment Type Purchase Location ID Supplier ID

4. Click Save to save your changes and return to the metric.

Changing settings for Receipts by Payment Method

1. From the Home page, click the down arrow in the top right corner of the specified metric module. 2. Select Settings. 3. Specify the information as required: Module Name The module name for the metric defaults here. You can change this name to anything you like, and it becomes the title of the metric page. It is a good idea to keep the title short enough so that it easily fits in the title area of the page. This field is not case sensitive; the system displays the metric name in capital letters. Specify the accounting entity. Specify the customer. Specify a date range or select a date range from the list of values. Between - Inclusive includes the dates you specify and all the dates in between. For example, if the date range you specify is 01/01/2008 to 01/31/2008, the system retrieves data for all dates between those two dates including those two dates. Specify the sales location. Specify the payment method.

Accounting Entity Customer ID Last Payment Date (Between-Inclusive)

Sales Location ID Payment Method

4. Click Save to save your changes and return to the metric.

Changing settings for Receivable Forecast

1. From the Home page, click the down arrow in the top right corner of the specified metric module.

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2. Select Settings. 3. Specify the information as required: Module Name The module name for the metric defaults here. You can change this name to anything you like, and it becomes the title of the metric page. It is a good idea to keep the title short enough so that it easily fits in the title area of the page. This field is not case sensitive; the system displays the metric name in capital letters. Specify the accounting entity. Specify the customer. Specify a date range or select a date range from the list of values. Between - Inclusive includes the dates you specify and all the dates in between. For example, if the date range you specify is 01/01/2008 to 01/31/2008, the system retrieves data for all dates between those two dates including those two dates. Specify the sales location.

Accounting Entity Customer ID Due Date (Between-Inclusive)

Sales Location ID

4. Click Save to save your changes and return to the metric.

Changing settings for Top Five Open Receivables

1. From the Home page, click the down arrow in the top right corner of the specified metric module. 2. Select Settings. 3. Specify the information as required: Module Name The module name for the metric defaults here. You can change this name to anything you like, and it becomes the title of the metric page. It is a good idea to keep the title short enough so that it easily fits in the title area of the page. This field is not case sensitive; the system displays the metric name in capital letters. Specify the accounting entity. Specify a date range or select a date range from the list of values. Between - Inclusive includes the dates you specify and all the dates in between. For example, if the date range you specify is 01/01/2008 to 01/31/2008, the system retrieves data for all dates between those two dates including those two dates. Specify the sales location.

Accounting Entity Document Date (Between - Inclusive)

Sales Location ID

4. Click Save to save your changes and return to the metric.

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Changing settings for Uncollected AR

1. From the Home page, click the down arrow in the top right corner of the specified metric module. 2. Select Settings. 3. Specify the information as required: Module Name The module name for the metric defaults here. You can change this name to anything you like, and it becomes the title of the metric page. It is a good idea to keep the title short enough so that it easily fits in the title area of the page. This field is not case sensitive; the system displays the metric name in capital letters. Specify the accounting entity. Specify the customer. Specify a date range or select a date range from the list of values. Between - Inclusive includes the dates you specify and all the dates in between. For example, if the date range you specify is 01/01/2008 to 01/31/2008, the system retrieves data for all dates between those two dates including those two dates. Specify the sales location.

Accounting Entity Customer ID Due Date (Between Inclusive)

Sales Location ID

4. Click Save to save your changes and return to the metric.

Changing settings for Accounts Payable Aging Analysis Report

1. From the AP Manager role page, click the link for Accounts Payable Aging Analysis. 2. When the report opens, select Edit Parameters. 3. Specify the information as required: Purchase Location ID Supplier ID Document Date Specify the purchase location. Specify the supplier. Specify a date range. Between (Inclusive) includes the dates you specify and all the dates in between. For example, if the date range you specify is 01/01/2008 to 01/31/2008, the system retrieves data for all dates between those two dates including those two dates. Specify the accounting entity.

Accounting Entity

4. Click Ok to save your changes and return to the report.

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Changing settings for Aging Report

1. From the AR Manager role page, click the link for Aging Report. 2. When the report opens, select Edit Parameters. 3. Specify the information as required: Customer ID Document Date Specify the customer. Specify a date range. Between (Inclusive) includes the dates you specify and all the dates in between. For example, if the date range you specify is 01/01/2008 to 01/31/2008, the system retrieves data for all dates between those two dates including those two dates. Specify the customer ID. Specify the accounting entity.

Customer ID Accounting Entity

4. Click Ok to save your changes and return to the report.

Changing settings for Bad Debts Written Off Report

1. From the AR Manager or VP Finance role page, click the link for Bad Debts Written Off. 2. When the report opens, select Edit Parameters. 3. Specify the information as required: Location ID Customer ID Written Off Date Accounting Entity Specify the location. Specify the location. Specify the date. Specify the accounting entity.

4. Click Ok to save your changes and return to the report.

Changing settings for Credit Comparison Report

1. From the AR Manager role page, click the link for Credit Comparison. 2. When the report opens, select Edit Parameters. 3. Specify the information as required: Location ID Customer ID Document Date Accounting Entity Specify the location. Specify the customer. Specify the document date. Specify the accounting entity.

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4. Click Ok to save your changes and return to the report.

Changing settings for Customer Payment Summary Report

1. From the AR Manager role page, click the link for Customer Payment Summary. 2. When the report opens, select Edit Parameters. 3. Specify the information as required: Location ID Customer ID Document Date Specify the location. Specify the customer. Specify a date range. Between (Inclusive) includes the dates you specify and all the dates in between. For example, if the date range you specify is 01/01/2008 to 01/31/2008, the system retrieves data for all dates between those two dates including those two dates. Specify the accounting entity.

Accounting Entity

4. Click Ok to save your changes and return to the report.

Changing settings for Discounts by Supplier Report

1. From the AP Manager role page, click the link for Discounts by Supplier. 2. When the report opens, select Edit Parameters. 3. Specify the information as required: Purchase Location ID Supplier ID Discount Date Accounting Entity Specify the purchase location. Specify the supplier. Specify the discount date. Specify the accounting entity.

4. Click Ok to save your changes and return to the report.

Changing settings for Disputed Invoices Report

1. From the AR Manager role page, click the link for Disputed Invoices. 2. When the report opens, select Edit Parameters. 3. Specify the information as required: Customer ID Location ID Specify the customer. Specify the location.

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Disputed Date

Accounting Entity

Specify a date range. Between (Inclusive) includes the dates you specify and all the dates in between. For example, if the date range you specify is 01/01/2008 to 01/31/2008, the system retrieves data for all dates between those two dates including those two dates. Specify the accounting entity.

4. Click Ok to save your changes and return to the report.

Changing settings for Dunning Letters Report

1. From the AR Manager role page, click the link for Dunning Letters. 2. When the report opens, select Edit Parameters. 3. Specify the information as required: Customer ID Location ID Due Date Specify the customer. Specify the location. Specify a date range. Between (Inclusive) includes the dates you specify and all the dates in between. For example, if the date range you specify is 01/01/2008 to 01/31/2008, the system retrieves data for all dates between those two dates including those two dates. Specify the accounting entity.

Accounting Entity

4. Click Ok to save your changes and return to the report.

Changing settings for Invoices Paid After Discount Due Date Report
1. From the AP Manager role page, click the link for Invoices Paid After Discount Due Date. 2. When the report opens, select Edit Parameters. 3. Specify the information as required: Purchase Location ID Supplier ID Payment Date Specify the purchase location. Specify the supplier. Specify a date range. Between (Inclusive) includes the dates you specify and all the dates in between. For example, if the date range you specify is 01/01/2008 to 01/31/2008, the system retrieves data for all dates between those two dates including those two dates. Specify the accounting entity.

Accounting Entity

4. Click Ok to save your changes and return to the report.

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Changing settings for Payment Forecast Report

1. From the AP Manager role page, click the link for Payment Forecast. 2. When the report opens, select Edit Parameters. 3. Specify the information as required: Purchase Location ID Supplier ID Payment Due Date Specify the purchase location. Specify the supplier. Specify a date range. Between (Inclusive) includes the dates you specify and all the dates in between. For example, if the date range you specify is 01/01/2008 to 01/31/2008, the system retrieves data for all dates between those two dates including those two dates. Specify the accounting entity.

Accounting Entity

4. Click Ok to save your changes and return to the report.

Changing settings for Supplier Payment Summary Report

1. From the AP Manager role page, click the link for Supplier Payment Summary. 2. When the report opens, select Edit Parameters. 3. Specify the information as required: Supplier ID Purchase Location ID Document Date Specify the supplier. Specify the purchase location. Specify a date range. Between (Inclusive) includes the dates you specify and all the dates in between. For example, if the date range you specify is 01/01/2008 to 01/31/2008, the system retrieves data for all dates between those two dates including those two dates. Specify the accounting entity.

Accounting Entity

4. Click Ok to save your changes and return to the report.

Changing settings for Supplier Performance Report

1. From the AP Manager role page, click the link for Supplier Performance. 2. When the report opens, select Edit Parameters. 3. Specify the information as required: Supplier ID Specify the supplier.

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Payment Date

Accounting Entity

Specify a date range. Between (Inclusive) includes the dates you specify and all the dates in between. For example, if the date range you specify is 01/01/2008 to 01/31/2008, the system retrieves data for all dates between those two dates including those two dates. Specify the accounting entity.

4. Click Ok to save your changes and return to the report.

Changing settings for Top Five Open Receivables Report

1. From the AR Manager role page, click the link for Top Five Open Receivables. 2. When the report opens, select Edit Parameters. 3. Specify the information as required: Due Date Accounting Entity Specify the due date. Specify the accounting entity.

4. Click Ok to save your changes and return to the report.

50 | Infor MyDay Metrics and Reports User Guide


Amount Purchased from Supplier
This metric displays the total purchases by amount for a supplier for a period of time, plotted on a bar graph. The status must be planned, open, ordered, pending, or closed to be included. The X-Axis shows the month. The Y-Axis is the amount. Calculation This metric is generated based on the following formula: Amount = total amount of all the active purchase orders with a status of planned, open, ordered, pending or closed for a given period. Business event This metric changes whenever a purchase order is made active with a status of planned, open, ordered, pending or closed. Task To customize this metric, refer to: "Changing settings for Amount Purchased from Supplier" on page 61

Average Purchase Price of Item

This metric represents the trend of average purchase price of an item for a period of time. The status must be not equal to unapproved, dispute, hold, or pending to be included. The X-Axis shows the period. The Y-Axis is the average purchase price. Calculation This metric is generated based on the following formula: Average Price = average unit price of items in a period. Business event This metric changes whenever a purchase order is made active.

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Task To customize this metric, refer to: "Changing settings for Average Purchase Price of Item" on page 62

Contract Spent
This metric represents the contract not available, the contract linked, and the contract available but not the linked amounts, for a period. The metric is plotted on a stack bar graph. The X-Axis shows the contract ID. The Y-Axis is the amount. Calculation Contract amount = gross amount on the contract x. Invoice amount = sum of invoice amount whose contract id = x. This metric adds both amounts. Business event This metric changes whenever a payment is made for a purchase order which is linked to a contract. Task To customize this metric, refer to: "Changing settings for Contract Spent" on page 62

Contract Utilization
This metric represents the total amount purchased by period, classified by contract as follows: Purchase order is linked to a contract. No contract is available for the item, supplier combination. Contract is available but not linked. This metric considers orders whose status is not equal to cancelled. Purchase contracts can be used as a basis for purchase orders. A purchase order can be linked to a purchase contract, if a contract exists for the particular supplier, item combination or can be unlinked. The X-Axis shows the period. The Y-Axis is the amount. Calculation Contract unlinked is the contract is available but not linked for a purchase order. Contract linked is the contract is linked for a purchase order. Contract unavailable is the contract is not available for a purchase order. Period is the period is calculated based on the purchase order date. Amount is the total purchase order amount for contract unlinked, contract linked, and contract unavailable.

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Business event This metric changes whenever there is a purchase order entry. Task To customize this metric, refer to: "Changing settings for Contract Utilization" on page 63

Invoice Variances
This metric plots the invoice variances for a period on a column graph. The X-Axis is the time in months. The Y-Axis is the amount. Price variance of the invoice receipt value is the difference between the invoiced amount and the purchase order value. The difference is caused by a price variance, that is, the vendor charged you less (positive value) or more (negative value) for the material, as against the prices stipulated in the purchase order. Calculation Invoice amount = line extended amount. Receipt amount = invoiced quantity * line unit price. Variance amount = receipt amount - invoice amount. Business event This metric changes whenever there is a difference between the price of the purchase order and an invoice received. Task To customize this metric, refer to: "Changing settings for Invoice Variances" on page 63

Late Receipts
This metric plots the number of receipts received too late for a period of time, providing visibility to overall supplier delivery performance. The X-Axis shows the period. The Y-Axis is the number of late receipts. Calculation Too Late = sum of the receipts not reached on the expected time. Task To customize this metric, refer to: "Changing settings for Late Receipts" on page 64

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Open Purchase Order Amount

This metric shows the total amount for all open purchase orders over a given period of time. It considers the statuses planned, ordered, unapproved, and pending. The X-Axis shows the periods. The Y-Axis is the open amount. Business event This metric changes whenever a purchase order is raised or changed. Task To customize this metric, refer to: "Changing settings for Open Purchase Order Amount" on page 65

Overdue Receipts
This metric plots the number of overdue receipts for a period of time if the open quantity is greater than zero. The X-Axis shows days. The Y-Axis is the number of overdue receipts. Calculation Number of overdue receipts = all the receipts with a planned receipt that has passed and are not yet received. Business event This metric changes whenever there is an overdue receipt. Task To customize this metric, refer to: "Changing settings for Overdue Receipts" on page 65

Processed Purchase Orders

This metric shows the number of purchase orders closed in a particular week if the status is equal to closed. The X-Axis shows the weeks. The Y-Axis is the number of purchase orders. Business event This metric changes whenever the purchase order line is logistically closed. Task To customize this metric, refer to: "Changing settings for Processed Purchase Orders" on page 66

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Processed Purchase Order Lines

The metric shows the number of purchase orders lines closed in a particular week. This metric considers orders whose status is equal to closed. The X-Axis shows the period. The Y-Axis is the number of purchase orders. Business event This metric changes whenever the purchase order line is logistically closed. Task To customize this metric, refer to: "Changing settings for Processed Purchase Order Lines" on page 66

Processed Requisitions
This metric represents the requisitions converted or canceled for a period of time. The metric is plotted on a bar chart. This metric considers orders whose status is either converted or canceled. Requisition is a purchase requisition which includes the standard material and the non-standard material, cost, or service requirements. Purchase requisition information includes name, department, location, purchase office, and approver in the header section. The requisition line detail includes item, supplier, quantity, price, and amount. Purchase requisitions can be converted only into: Purchase orders Requests for quotation (RFQ) The procedure is designed for the non-purchasing user; someone who might not know the standard procedures in purchasing. For example, engineers can order material and/or services, but they do not need to understand the entire purchasing process. Before a purchase requisition can be converted to a purchase order or an RFQ, it must be approved by an approver. An approver is a valid employee or department authorized to approve requisitions. Purchase requisition statuses is a purchase requisition status that determines the actions you can perform during the purchase requisition procedure. A purchase requisition can have one of the following statuses: Created is when the requisition is entered and saved by the requester. Approved is when the requisition or requisition line is approved by the approver. An approved requisition can be resubmitted for further approval, or it can be converted. Modified is when after a requisition is rejected, it can be modified by changing the header or line information. The modified requisition can be resubmitted for approval. Canceled is when a requisition with the status created, modified, or rejected can be canceled by the requester. A canceled requisition cannot be changed.

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Rejected is when the approver did not accept a submitted requisition. A purchase requisition can be rejected even when the status is submitted or approved. Converted is when the requisition is approved and a conversion type is linked to the requisition. During the conversion process, the status is assigned. From the summary report, you can find the processed requisitions with a status of converted and canceled. This report displays the number of requisitions that are converted and canceled. The X-Axis shows the periods. The Y-Axis is the number of converted and canceled requisitions. Calculation Converted requisitions are requisitions with a status set to converted. Canceled requisitions are requisitions with a status set to canceled. This metric adds both numbers. Business event This metric changes whenever requisitions are converted or canceled. Task To customize this metric, refer to: "Changing settings for Processed Requisitions" on page 67

Purchase Order Process Time

This metric represents the lead time (process date - order date = lead time) of purchase orders, that are closed, in a particular month if the status is equal to closed. The X-Axis shows the period. The Y-Axis is the lead time. A purchase order can have the following statuses: Created is when the order is waiting for commingling or approval. Approved is when the order is approved. Modified is when the order is modified after the approval, because order lines are included or adapted. Therefore, the purchase order must be approved again. Sent is when the order is sent to the supplier and is waiting to be received. In Process is when the order is in one of the various stages of the receipt procedure. Canceled is when all lines in the order are canceled. Closed is when all steps are completed in the procedure for the purchase order type in order management. Business event This metric changes whenever a purchase order is closed. Task To customize this metric, refer to: "Changing settings for Purchase Order Process Time" on page 67

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Receipt Performance Count

The metric plots the number of receipts received on time, too early and too late for a period of time, providing visibility to overall supplier delivery performance. The X-Axis shows the period. The Y-Axis is the number of receipts. Calculation On time = sum of receipts received on time, that is, the goods are received on the planned receipt date. Too early = sum of the receipts received earlier than the expected date, that is, the goods are received earlier than the planned receipt date. Too late = sum of the receipts not received on the expected date, that is the goods are received after the planned receipts date. Business event This metric changes whenever there is a purchase order and receipts entry. Task To customize this metric, refer to: "Changing settings for Receipt Performance Count" on page 68

Requisition Approval Time

This metric represents the lead time (maximum lead time, minimum lead time, and average lead time) for a period of time, plotted on a line graph. This metric considers orders with a status of approved, rejected, cancelled, converted, pending, or closed. Requisition approval time is the time required to approve the requisitions made in the purchasing process. There must be at least one approver and one requisition. The approval chain might contain several levels of approvers, each with authority to approve, deny, or recycle requests. Finally, a requisition is dispatched to the necessary vendor, and receipt of this shipment is tracked. The approver can approve, recycle (request changes), or deny the requisition. The X-Axis shows the weeks. The Y-Axis is the number of purchase orders. Calculation Maximum lead time is the maximum number of days( or duration) between the creation date and final approval date. Minimum lead time is the minimum number of days( or duration) between the creation date and final approval date. Average lead time is the average number of days( or duration) between the creation date and final approval date. Business event This metric changes whenever the purchase order line is logistically closed.

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Task To customize this metric, refer to: "Changing settings for Requisition Approval Time" on page 68

RFQ Line Results

This metric plots the number of Request for Quotation (RFQ) lines with a status of cancelled, working, and processed, over a period of time on the stacked column graph. The X-Axis shows the periods. The Y-Axis is the number of RFQ lines with status cancelled, working, and processed. Business event This metric changes whenever an RFQ is generated or an action is taken on it. Task To customize this metric, refer to: "Changing settings for RFQ Line Results" on page 69

Top Five Items

This metric displays the top five items based on the total invoice amount for a range of periods. Calculation The graph is generated based on the following formula: Sum of total amount = total amount where the status of the invoice is not unapproved. Business event This metric changes whenever invoices and vouchers are received from the supplier and a voucher is paid. Task To customize this metric, refer to: "Changing settings for Top Five Items" on page 69

Top Five Suppliers by Amount

This metric lists the top five suppliers based on the total invoice amount for a range of periods. Calculation The graph is generated based on the following formula: Sum of total amount = total amount where status of invoice is not unapproved.

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Business event This metric changes whenever a supplier invoice is entered or updated. Task To customize this metric, refer to: "Changing settings for Top Five Suppliers by Amount" on page 70

Compared Quotations Report
This report shows the request for quotations (RFQ) per item. The report is sorted by RFQ ID(document ID) and RFQ Line. Task To customize this report, refer to: "Changing settings for Compared Quotations Report" on page 70

Converted Requisitions Report

This report shows the requisitions that are converted for a period of time. After the requisition is approved, it can either be converted to purchase orders or requests for quotation (RFQ). The report is sorted by requisition ID (document ID). Calculation Converted requisitions shows all the requisitions that have the status converted. Task To customize this report, refer to: "Changing settings for Converted Requisitions Report" on page 71

Evaluate Purchase Contracts Report

This report lists different items covered under contract for a range of suppliers, buyers, or purchase orders for a time period. The report displays the contract beginning date and end date, the quantity purchased to date, and the quantity remaining prior to the contract expiration. The report is sorted by contract ID.

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Calculation If the current date is earlier than the effective date, the below formula is used to calculate time elapsed: Difference = (expected quantity - agreed quantity)/agreed quantity * 100. Otherwise, the purchase order is one. Progress = time elapsed * 100 percent. Expected quantity = ordered quantity/time elapsed. Business event This report changes whenever there is a purchase order entry. Task To customize this report, refer to: "Changing settings for Evaluate Purchase Contracts Report" on page 71

Open Purchase Order Receipts Report

This report shows all the open receipts including the partial receipts over a period of time. The report is sorted by supplier name. Calculation Open and back order quantity = if open quantity or back order quantity is present, then fill 1 or 0; therefore, the open and back order quantity calculated field should be greater than 1. Business event This report changes whenever there is a purchase order, receipts, or invoice entry. Task To customize this report, refer to: "Changing settings for Open Purchase Order Receipts Report" on page 72

Open Purchase Orders Report

This report lists all the open purchase order lines. Order lines that are cancelled, closed, or unapproved are not included in the report. The report is sorted by buyer name, supplier name, and purchase order ID (document ID). Business event This report changes whenever there is a purchase order entry. Task To customize this report, refer to: "Changing settings for Open Purchase Orders Report" on page 72

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PO Inbound Scheduling Report

This report shows all the open purchase orders that show the ordered quantity whose receipts are not yet complete, over a period of time. The report is sorted by required date (line planned receipt date). Business Event This report changes whenever there is a purchase order entry. Task To customize this report, refer to: "Changing settings for Purchase Order Inbound Scheduling Report" on page 73

Receipts Not Yet Invoiced Report

This report shows all the open receipts that are not yet invoiced over a period of time. Calculation Open and back order quantity is if the open quantity or the back order quantity is present, then fill 1 or 0; therefore, the open and the back order quantity calculated field should be greater than 1. Task To customize this report, refer to: "Changing settings for Receipts Not Yet Invoiced Report" on page 73

Changing settings for Amount Purchased from Supplier
1. From the Home page, click the down arrow in the top right corner of the specified metric module. 2. Select Settings. 3. Specify the information as required: Module Name The module name for the metric defaults here.You can change this name to anything you like, and it becomes the title of the metric page. It is a good idea to keep the title short enough so that it easily fits in the title area of the page. This field is not case sensitive; the system displays the metric name in capital letters. Specify the accounting entity.

Accounting Entity

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Order Date (Between-Inclusive)

Supplier ID

Specify a date range or select a date range from the list of values. Between - Inclusive includes the dates you specify and all the dates in between. For example, if the date range you specify is 01/01/2008 to 01/31/2008, the system retrieves data for all dates between those two dates including those two dates. Specify the supplier.

4. Click Save to save your changes and return to the metric.

Changing settings for Average Purchase Price of Item

1. From the Home page, click the down arrow in the top right corner of the specified metric module. 2. Select Settings. 3. Specify the information as required: Module Name The module name for the metric defaults here. You can change this name to anything you like, and it becomes the title of the metric page. It is a good idea to keep the title short enough so that it easily fits in the title area of the page. This field is not case sensitive; the system displays the metric name in capital letters. Specify the accounting entity. Specify a date range or select a date range from the list of values. Between - Inclusive includes the dates you specify and all the dates in between. For example, if the date range you specify is 01/01/2008 to 01/31/2008, the system retrieves data for all dates between those two dates including those two dates. Specify the item. Specify the supplier.

Accounting Entity Document Date (Between-Inclusive)

Item ID Supplier ID

4. Click Save to save your changes and return to the metric.

Changing settings for Contract Spent

1. From the Home page, click the down arrow in the top right corner of the specified metric module. 2. Select Settings. 3. Specify the information as required: Module Name The module name for the metric defaults here.You can change this name to anything you like, and it becomes the title of the metric page. It is a good idea to keep the title short enough so that it easily fits in the title area of the page. This field is not case sensitive; the system displays the metric name in capital letters. Specify the accounting entity.

Accounting Entity

62 | Infor MyDay Metrics and Reports User Guide


Effective Date (Between-Inclusive)

Specify a date range or select a date range from the list of values. Between - Inclusive includes the dates you specify and all the dates in between. For example, if the date range you specify is 01/01/2008 to 01/31/2008, the system retrieves data for all dates between those two dates including those two dates.

4. Click Save to save your changes and return to the metric.

Changing settings for Contract Utilization

1. From the Home page, click the down arrow in the top right corner of the specified metric module. 2. Select Settings. 3. Specify the information as required: Module Name The module name for the metric defaults here. You can change this name to anything you like, and it becomes the title of the metric page. It is a good idea to keep the title short enough so that it easily fits in the title area of the page. This field is not case sensitive; the system displays the metric name in capital letters. Specify the accounting entity. Specify the item. Specify a date range or select a date range from the list of values. Between - Inclusive includes the dates you specify and all the dates in between. For example, if the date range you specify is 01/01/2008 to 01/31/2008, the system retrieves data for all dates between those two dates including those two dates. Specify the purchase contract. Specify the purchase office. Specify the supplier. Specify the warehouse.

Accounting Entity Item ID Order Date (Between-Inclusive)

Purchase Contract ID Purchase Office ID Supplier ID Warehouse ID

4. Click Save to save your changes and return to the metric.

Changing settings for Invoice Variances

1. From the Home page, click the down arrow in the top right corner of the specified metric module. 2. Select Settings. 3. Specify the information as required: Module Name The module name for the metric defaults here. You can change this name to anything you like, and it becomes the title of the metric page. It is a good idea to keep the title short enough so that it easily fits in

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Accounting Entity Buyer ID Invoice Date (Between-Inclusive)

Purchase Location ID Supplier ID

the title area of the page. This field is not case sensitive; the system displays the metric name in capital letters. Specify the accounting entity. Specify the buyer. Specify a date range or select a date range from the list of values. Between - Inclusive includes the dates you specify and all the dates in between. For example, if the date range you specify is 01/01/2008 to 01/31/2008, the system retrieves data for all dates between those two dates including those two dates. Specify the purchase location. Specify the supplier.

4. Click Save to save your changes and return to the metric.

Changing settings for Late Receipts

1. From the Home page, click the down arrow in the top right corner of the specified metric module. 2. Select Settings. 3. Specify the information as required: Module Name The module name for the metric defaults here. You can change this name to anything you like, and it becomes the title of the metric page. It is a good idea to keep the title short enough so that it easily fits in the title area of the page. This field is not case sensitive; the system displays the metric name in capital letters. Specify the accounting entity. Specify the buyer. Specify the item. Specify the purchase location. Specify a date range or select a date range from the list of values. Between - Inclusive includes the dates you specify and all the dates in between. For example, if the date range you specify is 01/01/2008 to 01/31/2008, the system retrieves data for all dates between those two dates including those two dates. Specify the supplier. Specify the warehouse.

Accounting Entity Buyer ID Item ID Purchase Location ID Receipt Date (Between-Inclusive)

Supplier ID Warehouse ID

4. Click Save to save your changes and return to the metric.

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Changing settings for Open Purchase Order Amount

1. From the Home page, click the down arrow in the top right corner of the specified metric module. 2. Select Settings. 3. Specify the information as required: Module Name The module name for the metric defaults here. You can change this name to anything you like, and it becomes the title of the metric page. It is a good idea to keep the title short enough so that it easily fits in the title area of the page. This field is not case sensitive; the system displays the metric name in capital letters. Specify the accounting entity. Specify the buyer. Specify the item. Specify a date range or select a date range from the list of values. Between - Inclusive includes the dates you specify and all the dates in between. For example, if the date range you specify is 01/01/2008 to 01/31/2008, the system retrieves data for all dates between those two dates including those two dates. Specify the supplier.

Accounting Entity Buyer ID Item ID Order Date (Between-Inclusive)

Supplier ID

4. Click Save to save your changes and return to the metric.

Changing settings for Overdue Receipts

1. From the Home page, click the down arrow in the top right corner of the specified metric module. 2. Select Settings. 3. Specify the information as required: Module Name The module name for the metric defaults here. You can change this name to anything you like, and it becomes the title of the metric page. It is a good idea to keep the title short enough so that it easily fits in the title area of the page. This field is not case sensitive; the system displays the metric name in capital letters. Specify the accounting entity. Specify the item. Specify a date range or select a date range from the list of values. Between - Inclusive includes the dates you specify and all the dates in between. For example, if the date range you specify is 01/01/2008 to 01/31/2008, the system retrieves data for all dates between those two dates including those two dates. Specify the supplier.

Accounting Entity Item ID Planned Receipt Date (Between-Inclusive)

Supplier ID

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4. Click Save to save your changes and return to the metric.

Changing settings for Processed Purchase Orders

1. From the Home page, click the down arrow in the top right corner of the specified metric module. 2. Select Settings. 3. Specify the information as required: Module Name The module name for the metric defaults here. You can change this name to anything you like, and it becomes the title of the metric page. It is a good idea to keep the title short enough so that it easily fits in the title area of the page. This field is not case sensitive; the system displays the metric name in capital letters. Specify the accounting entity. Specify the buyer. Specify a date range or select a date range from the list of values. Between - Inclusive includes the dates you specify and all the dates in between. For example, if the date range you specify is 01/01/2008 to 01/31/2008, the system retrieves data for all dates between those two dates including those two dates. Specify the purchase office. Specify the supplier.

Accounting Entity Buyer ID Order Status Date (Between-Inclusive)

Purchase Office ID Supplier ID

4. Click Save to save your changes and return to the metric.

Changing settings for Processed Purchase Order Lines

1. From the Home page, click the down arrow in the top right corner of the specified metric module. 2. Select Settings. 3. Specify the information as required: Module Name The module name for the metric defaults here. You can change this name to anything you like, and it becomes the title of the metric page. It is a good idea to keep the title short enough so that it easily fits in the title area of the page. This field is not case sensitive; the system displays the metric name in capital letters. Accounting Entity Specify the accounting entity. Buyer ID Specify the buyer. Item ID Specify the item. Period (Between-Inclusive) Specify a date range or select a date range from the list of values. Between - Inclusive includes the dates you specify and all the dates in between. For example, if the date range you specify is 01/01/2008

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Purchase Office ID Supplier ID Warehouse ID

to 01/31/2008, the system retrieves data for all dates between those two dates including those two dates. Specify the purchase office. Specify the supplier. Specify the warehouse.

4. Click Save to save your changes and return to the metric.

Changing settings for Processed Requisitions

1. From the Home page, click the down arrow in the top right corner of the specified metric module. 2. Select Settings. 3. Specify the information as required: Module Name The module name for the metric defaults here. You can change this name to anything you like, and it becomes the title of the metric page. It is a good idea to keep the title short enough so that it easily fits in the title area of the page. This field is not case sensitive; the system displays the metric name in capital letters. Specify the accounting entity. Specify the approver. Specify the buyer. Specify a date range or select a date range from the list of values. Between - Inclusive includes the dates you specify and all the dates in between. For example, if the date range you specify is 01/01/2008 to 01/31/2008, the system retrieves data for all dates between those two dates including those two dates. Specify the purchase location.

Accounting Entity Approver ID Buyer ID Process Date (Between-Inclusive)

Purchase Location ID

4. Click Save to save your changes and return to the metric.

Changing settings for Purchase Order Process Time

1. From the Home page, click the down arrow in the top right corner of the specified metric module. 2. Select Settings. 3. Specify the information as required: Module Name The module name for the metric defaults here. You can change this name to anything you like, and it becomes the title of the metric page. It is a good idea to keep the title short enough so that it easily fits in the title area of the page. This field is not case sensitive; the system displays the metric name in capital letters.

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Accounting Entity Purchase Location ID Status Date (Between-Inclusive)

Supplier ID

Specify the accounting entity. Specify the purchase location. Specify a date range or select a date range from the list of values. Between - Inclusive includes the dates you specify and all the dates in between. For example, if the date range you specify is 01/01/2008 to 01/31/2008, the system retrieves data for all dates between those two dates including those two dates. Specify the supplier.

4. Click Save to save your changes and return to the metric.

Changing settings for Receipt Performance Count

1. From the Home page, click the down arrow in the top right corner of the specified metric module. 2. Select Settings. 3. Specify the information as required: Module Name The module name for the metric defaults here. You can change this name to anything you like, and it becomes the title of the metric page. It is a good idea to keep the title short enough so that it easily fits in the title area of the page. This field is not case sensitive; the system displays the metric name in capital letters. Specify the accounting entity. Specify the buyer. Specify the item. Specify the purchase location. Specify a date range or select a date range from the list of values. Between - Inclusive includes the dates you specify and all the dates in between. For example, if the date range you specify is 01/01/2008 to 01/31/2008, the system retrieves data for all dates between those two dates including those two dates. Specify the supplier. Specify the warehouse.

Accounting Entity Buyer ID Item ID Purchase Location ID Receipt Date (Between-Inclusive)

Supplier ID Warehouse ID

4. Click Save to save your changes and return to the metric.

Changing settings for Requisition Approval Time

1. From the Home page, click the down arrow in the top right corner of the specified metric module. 2. Select Settings. 3. Specify the information as required:

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Module Name

Accounting Entity Final Approval Date (Between-Inclusive)

The module name for the metric defaults here.You can change this name to anything you like, and it becomes the title of the metric page. It is a good idea to keep the title short enough so that it easily fits in the title area of the page. This field is not case sensitive; the system displays the metric name in capital letters. Specify the accounting entity. Specify a date range or select a date range from the list of values. Between - Inclusive includes the dates you specify and all the dates in between. For example, if the date range you specify is 01/01/2008 to 01/31/2008, the system retrieves data for all dates between those two dates including those two dates.

4. Click Save to save your changes and return to the metric.

Changing settings for RFQ Line Results

1. From the Home page, click the down arrow in the top right corner of the specified metric module. 2. Select Settings. 3. Specify the information as required: Module Name The module name for the metric defaults here. You can change this name to anything you like, and it becomes the title of the metric page. It is a good idea to keep the title short enough so that it easily fits in the title area of the page. This field is not case sensitive; the system displays the metric name in capital letters. Specify the accounting entity. Specify the line status. Specify a date range or select a date range from the list of values. Between - Inclusive includes the dates you specify and all the dates in between. For example, if the date range you specify is 01/01/2008 to 01/31/2008, the system retrieves data for all dates between those two dates including those two dates. Specify the supplier.

Accounting Entity Line Status Status Effective Date (Between-Inclusive)

Supplier ID

4. Click Save to save your changes and return to the metric.

Changing settings for Top Five Items

1. From the Home page, click the down arrow in the top right corner of the specified metric module. 2. Select Settings. 3. Specify the information as required:

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Module Name

Accounting Entity Purchase Location ID Document Date Time (Between-Inclusive)

The module name for the metric defaults here. You can change this name to anything you like, and it becomes the title of the metric page. It is a good idea to keep the title short enough so that it easily fits in the title area of the page. This field is not case sensitive; the system displays the metric name in capital letters. Specify the accounting entity. Specify the purchase location. Specify a date range or select a date range from the list of values. Between - Inclusive includes the dates you specify and all the dates in between. For example, if the date range you specify is 01/01/2008 to 01/31/2008, the system retrieves data for all dates between those two dates including those two dates.

4. Click Save to save your changes and return to the metric.

Changing settings for Top Five Suppliers by Amount

1. From the Home page, click the down arrow in the top right corner of the specified metric module. 2. Select Settings. 3. Specify the information as required: Module Name The module name for the metric defaults here. You can change this name to anything you like, and it becomes the title of the metric page. It is a good idea to keep the title short enough so that it easily fits in the title area of the page. This field is not case sensitive; the system displays the metric name in capital letters. Accounting Entity Specify the accounting entity. Purchase Location ID Specify the purchase location. Status Date Specify a date range or select a date range from the list of values. (Between-Non-Inclusive) Between - Non-Inclusive does not include the dates you specify; just all the dates in between. For example, if the date range you specify is 01/01/2008 to 01/31/2008, the system retrieves data for all dates between those two dates but does not include those two dates. Supplier ID Specify the supplier. 4. Click Save to save your changes and return to the metric.

Changing settings for Compared Quotations Report

1. From the Purchasing Manager role page, click the link for Compared Quotations. 2. When the report opens, select Edit Parameters. 3. Specify the information as required:

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Supplier Item Creation Date Buyer ID Accounting Entity

Specify the supplier. Specify the item. Specify the creation date. Specify the buyer. Specify the accounting entity.

4. Click Ok to save your changes and return to the report.

Changing settings for Converted Requisitions Report

1. From the Purchasing Manager role page, click the link for Converted Requisitions. 2. When the report opens, select Edit Parameters. 3. Specify the information as required: Requisition Date Specify a date range. Between (Inclusive) includes the dates you specify and all the dates in between. For example, if the date range you specify is 01/01/2008 to 01/31/2008, the system retrieves data for all dates between those two dates including those two dates. Specify the approver department . Specify the approver. Specify the requisition. Specify the buyer. Specify the item. Specify the supplier. Specify the accounting entity.

Approver Department Approver ID Requisition ID Buyer ID Item ID Supplier ID Accounting Entity

4. Click Ok to save your changes and return to the report.

Changing settings for Evaluate Purchase Contracts Report

1. From the Purchasing Manager role page, click the link for Evaluate Purchase Contracts. 2. When the report opens, select Edit Parameters. 3. Specify the information as required: Supplier ID Purchase Office Buyer ID Contract ID Effective Date Specify the supplier. Specify the purchase office. Specify the buyer. Specify the contract. Specify a date range. Between (Inclusive) includes the dates you specify and all the dates in between. For example, if the date range

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Accounting Entity

you specify is 01/01/2008 to 01/31/2008, the system retrieves data for all dates between those two dates including those two dates. Specify the accounting entity.

4. Click Ok to save your changes and return to the report.

Changing settings for Open Purchase Order Receipts Report

1. From the Purchasing Manager role page, click the link for Open Purchase Order Receipts. 2. When the report opens, select Edit Parameters. 3. Specify the information as required: Required Date Specify a date range. Between (Inclusive) includes the dates you specify and all the dates in between. For example, if the date range you specify is 01/01/2008 to 01/31/2008, the system retrieves data for all dates between those two dates including those two dates.. Specify a range of purchase orders. Specify a range of buyers. Specify a range of warehouses. Specify a range of suppliers. Specify the item. Specify the accounting entity.

Purchase Order ID Buyer ID Warehouse ID Supplier ID Item ID Accounting Entity

4. Click Ok to save your changes and return to the report.

Changing settings for Open Purchase Orders Report

1. From the Purchasing Manager role page, click the link for Open Purchase Orders. 2. When the report opens, select Edit Parameters. 3. Specify the information as required: Item ID Buyer ID Supplier ID Order Date Specify the item. Specify the buyer. Specify the supplier. Specify a date range. Between (Inclusive) includes the dates you specify and all the dates in between. For example, if the date range you specify is 01/01/2008 to 01/31/2008, the system retrieves data for all dates between those two dates including those two dates. Specify the accounting entity.

Accounting Entity

4. Click Ok to save your changes and return to the report.

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Changing settings for Purchase Order Inbound Scheduling Report

1. From the Purchasing Manager role page, click the link for Purchase Order Inbound Scheduling. 2. When the report opens, select Edit Parameters. 3. Specify the information as required: Required Date Specify a date range. Between (Inclusive) includes the dates you specify and all the dates in between. For example, if the date range you specify is 01/01/2008 to 01/31/2008, the system retrieves data for all dates between those two dates including those two dates. Specify a range of purchase offices. Specify a range of warehouses. Specify a range of suppliers. Specify the buyer. Specify the item. Specify the accounting entity.

Purchase Office ID Warehouse ID Supplier ID Buyer ID Item ID Accounting Entity

4. Click Ok to save your changes and return to the report.

Changing settings for Receipts Not Yet Invoiced Report

1. From the Purchasing Manager role page, click the link for Receipts Not Yet Invoiced. 2. When the report opens, select Edit Parameters. 3. Specify the information as required: Receipt Date Specify a date range. Between (Inclusive) includes the dates you specify and all the dates in between. For example, if the date range you specify is 01/01/2008 to 01/31/2008, the system retrieves data for all dates between those two dates including those two dates.. Specify the purchase office. Specify the buyer. Specify the warehouse. Specify the supplier. Specify the item. Specify the accounting entity.

Purchase Office ID Buyer ID Warehouse ID Supplier ID Item ID Accounting Entity

4. Click Ok to save your changes and return to the report.

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Average Revenue by Sales Representative
This metric plots the average sales revenue by sales representative for a given period. It considers all invoices, except those with a status of pending. The X-Axis shows the sales representative. The Y-Axis is the amount. Calculation Average revenue = sum of extended amount base currency/number of orders per representative. Business event This metric changes whenever a sales invoice attains a status other than pending. Task To customize this metric, refer to: "Changing settings for Average Revenue by Sales Representative" on page 86

Gross Sales Profit

This metric plots the sum of the gross sales profit per period on a bar graph. It considers all invoices except those with the status of pending. The X-Axis shows the amount. The Y-Axis is the period. Calculation Gross profit = sales revenue - cost of goods sold. Business event This metric changes whenever a sales invoice is created in the system. Task To customize this metric, refer to: "Changing settings for Gross Sales Profit" on page 86

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Lead Generation
This metric plots the number of leads generated and the respective status for a particular time period. The X-Axis shows the number of leads. The Y-Axis is all the statuses of the leads. There are six statuses that a sales lead can have. New is the starting stage of every sales lead. Working is the sales representative is working with a lead and no conclusion about the sale is reached. Qualified is a conclusion is made towards the success of the sales lead. Successful is the sales lead has turned into a paying customer. Dead is a sale could have been made, but the potential customer did not purchase the products or services. Opportunity created is the sales lead is converted to an opportunity. A lead can have only one status at a time. Business event This metric changes whenever an opportunity is created in the system. Task To customize this metric, refer to: "Changing settings for Lead Generation" on page 87

Lost Sales
This metric represents the sum of the sales orders amount, quotes amount, and opportunities amount lost in a particular period by a sales executive. The metric is plotted on a bar chart. The X-Axis shows the amount lost. The Y-Axis is the sales executive. Calculation Opportunity Lost Amount = total amount for opportunities with the status lost. Quote Lost Amount = Total Amount for Quotes with the status lost. Sales Order Lost Amount = total amount for sales orders with the status canceled. Business event This metric changes whenever an opportunity attains a status of lost or a sales quote attains a status of lost or when a sales order attains a status of canceled. Task To customize this metric, refer to: "Changing settings for Lost Sales" on page 87

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Opportunity Forecast
This metric plots the summed amounts of opportunities, marked to be added to forecasts, by period. It considers only the opportunities that are active and with a status of the forecasted set to yes. The X-Axis shows the amount. The Y-Axis is the period. Opportunity forecasting eliminates time-consuming manual processes and ensures accuracy and consistency. Advanced forecasting allows sales organizations to monitor the business in real-time, meet sales goals, increase revenues, and decrease costs. From the opportunity forecast metric, sales teams can proactively address sales trends, shortfalls, and opportunities for increased revenues. Using predefined, configurable charts and reports, sales forecasting allows sales managers and teams to perform these tasks: Manage revenues by account, opportunity, product line, project, partner, division, organization, or employee. Conduct comprehensive matrix organization forecasting and sales team revenue allocation. Run real-time analyses of revenues, profit margins, and close dates, and perform real-time, dynamic forecasting and rollups. Manage recurring revenues in multiple currencies, with automatic currency conversion and localized units of measure. Calculation Amount = sum of total amount of the opportunities in base currency. Period = month and year of estimated close date of the opportunity. Business event This metric changes whenever an opportunity with a status of active and forecasted set to yes is created in the system. Task To customize this metric, refer to: "Changing settings for Opportunity Forecast" on page 88

Opportunity to Close
This metric represents the sum of active and won opportunities amounts based on the estimated close date. The graph is plotted on a bar graph. The X-Axis shows the opportunity status. The Y-Axis is the opportunity amount. Calculation Won = total amount for opportunities with the status won. Active = total amount for opportunities with the status active.

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Business event This metric changes whenever an opportunity attains the status of won or active. Task To customize this metric, refer to: "Changing settings for Opportunity to Close" on page 88

Pipeline by Stage
This metric represents the total amount of all the opportunities in the pipeline, grouped by stage. It is plotted on a column graph. This metric considers all opportunities with a status of active. The X-Axis shows the stage. The Y-Axis is the amount. Calculation Amount = sum of the total amount of all opportunities in a particular stage. Stage = current stage of the opportunity. Business event This metric changes whenever an opportunity is created in the system. Task To customize this metric, refer to: "Changing settings for Pipeline by Stage" on page 89

Pipeline Probability by Stage

This metric plots the probable sales amounts in the pipeline for each opportunity stage. The X-Axis shows the stage. The Y-Axis is the amount. Every sales process is defined by specific stages. Each sales stage has certain activities and deliverables, or tasks that must be completed before the opportunity is advanced to the next sales stage. The steps or stages of a sales process vary from company to company but generally include these steps: 1. Prospecting - In this step, a potential customer for a product is identified. The prospect is a customer (person, organization, buyer) even before the sale is made. 2. Qualification - In this step, the potential customers are screened to check if they meet the relevant criteria as potential purchasers. Sales professionals must know a set of discrete data to determine whether the prospect can be qualified.The data can include business needs, authorization to transact business (financial or operational), money or budget, and an economic buyer. The economic buyer determines who benefits the most (or loses the most) in case the goods or the services are acquired (or not acquired). 3. Proposal - The sales proposal is a written offer from a sales person or a selling organization to the prospect. The proposal can contain the specification, prices, terms and conditions, and warranty arrangements. The proposal can form the basis for the subsequent business contract. Proposals can range from a one page letter or a price list, to several hundred pages of detailed specifications.

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When a proposed offer is accepted by the buyer, the proposed offer creates a legally binding document for the buyer and the seller. 4. Negotiation - Negotiation is the trading of concessions including price reductions between supplier and customer, for a supply contract (sale) so that it is acceptable to both supplier and customer. 5. Closing - Closing is the process of concluding a sale. Closing is the final step of a transaction. The term is used to describe the achievement of the desired outcome, which might be an exchange of money or acquiring consent. Calculation Amount = total amount of the opportunity. Business event This metric changes whenever an opportunity is created in the system. Task To customize this metric, refer to: "Changing settings for Pipeline Probability by Stage" on page 89

Sales Order Bookings

This metric represents the sum of the sales revenue per period. The metric is plotted on a bar graph. It considers all sales orders except those with a status of blocked or canceled. The X-Axis shows the amount. The Y-Axis is the period. Business event This metric changes whenever there is a sales order other than one with a status of canceled or blocked. Task To customize this metric, refer to: "Changing settings for Sales Order Bookings" on page 90

Sales Order Line Processed

This metric plots the total number of sales order lines processed in a given period. It considers all sales order lines with a status of partial shipped, shipped and invoiced. The X-Axis shows the period. The Y-Axis is the total number of sales lines processed. Business event This metric changes whenever a sales order line attains the status of partial shipped, shipped, or invoiced. Task To customize this metric, refer to: "Changing settings for Sales Order Line Processed" on page 90

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Top Customers by Revenue

This metric represents the top five customers in terms of the sales revenue, in the descending order on a pie chart. It considers all invoices, except those with a status of pending. Business event This metric changes whenever a sales invoice is created in the system. Task To customize this metric, refer to: "Changing settings for Top Customers by Revenue" on page 91

Top Grossing Customers

This metric represents the top five customers in terms of the gross profit, in descending order on a pie chart. This metric considers all invoices except the ones with a status of pending. The X-Axis shows the opportunity status. The Y-Axis is the opportunity amount. Calculation Sales revenue = income from sale of goods and services. Sale cost = expense of goods and services. Gross profit = sales revenue - sales cost (cost of goods sold). Business event This metric changes whenever a sales invoice is created in the system. Task To customize this metric, refer to: "Changing settings for Top Grossing Customers" on page 91

Top Grossing Products

This metric represents the top five products based on the gross profit. The products are listed in descending order of the gross profit. The metric is plotted on a pie chart. It considers all invoices except the ones with a status of pending. The X-Axis shows the amount. The Y-Axis is the period. Calculation Sales revenue = income from sale of goods and services. Sales cost = expense of goods and services. Gross profit = sales revenue - sales cost.

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Business event This metric changes whenever a sales invoice is created in the system. Task To customize this metric, refer to: "Changing settings for Top Grossing Products" on page 92

Top Products by Revenue

This metric represents the top five products based on the sales revenue, in descending order. It is plotted on a pie chart. This metric considers all invoices except those with a status of pending. Calculation Sales revenue = income from sale of goods and services. Sales cost = expense of goods and services. Gross profit = sales revenue - sales cost. Business event This metric changes whenever a sales invoice is created in the system. Task To customize this metric, refer to: "Changing settings for Top Products by Revenue" on page 92

Top Sales Executives by Revenue

This metric represents the top five sales executives by revenue, in descending order. The metric is plotted on a pie chart. It considers all invoices except the ones with a status of pending. Business event This metric changes whenever a sales invoice is created in the system. Task To customize this metric, refer to: "Changing settings for Top Sales Executives by Revenue" on page 93

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Invoiced by Salesperson Report
This report shows invoices sent out by salespeople. It is sorted by salesperson name. Task To customize this report, refer to: "Changing settings for Invoiced by Salesperson Report" on page 93

Lead Management Report

This report displays the sales lead information and the source information from which the lead is generated. This report is sorted based on the sales lead source in ascending order. A sales lead can have one of the following statuses: New is the starting stage of every sales lead. Working is when the sales representative is working with a lead and no conclusion about the sale is reached. Successful is when the sales lead has turned into a paying customer. Qualified is when the potential customers are screened to check that they meet the relevant criteria as potential purchasers; for example, their financial status is checked and their needs for the product assessed. Dead is when a sale could have been made but the potential customer did not purchase the products or services. Opportunity created is when the sales lead is converted to an opportunity. Task To customize this report, refer to: "Changing settings for Lead Management Report" on page 94

Monthly Sales Details Report

This report displays monthly sales details for items. The sales order lines that are cancelled are not included in the report. The report is sorted on promised delivery date in ascending order for an item (sorted in ascending order) under a particular accounting entity.

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Calculation If the sales order line status is not canceled, all the sales order information is displayed. Task To customize this report, refer to: "Changing settings for Monthly Sales Details Report" on page 94

Number of Sales Order Lines Report

This report displays the total amount of the sales order lines according to the parameters. Task To customize this report, refer to: "Changing settings for Number of Sales Order Lines Report" on page 94

Opportunity by Territory Report

This report displays the opportunity by territory. The report displays the territory, sales manager, sales executive name, opportunity description, estimated close date, status, stage, probability, total amount, and weighted amount. It is sorted based on the estimated close date and stage in ascending order. Calculation Weighted amount = total amount *probability. Task To customize this report, refer to: "Changing settings for Opportunity by Territory Report" on page 95

Opportunity Won vs. Lost Report

This report represents all the opportunities that are either won or lost for a date range, grouped by territory. Calculation The amount of the opportunity is plotted against the status.The report considers only those opportunities where the amount is greater than or equal to the amount specified in the parameter. Task To customize this report, refer to: "Changing settings for Opportunity Won vs. Lost Report" on page 95

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Pipeline by Month Report

This report displays the total amount and weighted amount of all opportunities in the pipeline by month by stage. The report is sorted based on monthly period for estimated close date in ascending order for all stages. Calculation Weighted amount = total amount base currency * probability. Total amount base currency is the amount of the opportunity in base currency. Probability is the winning probability percentage. Task To customize this report, refer to: "Changing settings for Pipeline by Month Report" on page 95

Pipeline by Probability by Sales Executive Report

This report displays the total amount and weighted amount of all the opportunities in the pipeline by probability by sales executive. Calculation Weighted amount = total amount base currency * probability. Total amount base currency = the amount of the opportunity in base currency. Probability is the winning probability percentage. Task To customize this report, refer to: "Changing settings for Pipeline by Probability by Sales Executive Report" on page 96

Pipeline by Product Group Report

This report displays the opportunity pipeline by product bundle by stage. The report is sorted based on the product group in ascending order. Calculation Total amount base currency is the amount of the opportunity in base currency. Total amount is the amount of the opportunity in transaction currency. Weighted amount is the total amount of opportunity * probability. Probability is the winning probability percentage.

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Task To customize this report, refer to: "Changing settings for Pipeline by Product Group Report" on page 96

Pipeline by Stage Report

This report displays the total amount and the weighted amount of all opportunities in the pipeline by stage by territory. The report is sorted based on stage, in ascending order. Calculation Weighted amount = total amount base currency * probability. Total amount base currency is the amount of the opportunity in base currency. Probability is the winning probability percentage. Task To customize this report, refer to: "Changing settings for Pipeline by Stage Report" on page 96

Service Level Report

This report shows late and on time sales order shipments. It considers all shipments that are shipped or invoiced. This report looks at all of the shipment lines linked to a sales order line and presents a summary of the sales order lines where the latest actual ship date is later than the promised ship date. Calculation If the sales order line status is shipped or invoiced, all the sales order information is displayed. If the promised ship date of a sales order line is earlier than the actual ship date (of the latest shipment) then that sales order line is late. Business event This report changes whenever the sales order line attains the status shipped or invoiced. Task To customize this report, refer to: "Changing settings for Service Level" on page 97

Short Shipments Percentage Report

This report looks at all of the shipment lines linked to a sales order line and presents a summary of the sales order lines where the aggregated shipped quantity is less than the ordered quantity.

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Calculation If the shipped quantity for a sales order line is less than the ordered quantity, that sales order line is short shipped. Business Event This report changes whenever the status of a sales order line changes to shipped or invoiced. Task To customize this report, refer to: "Short Shipments Percentage Report" on page 85

Changing settings for Average Revenue by Sales Representative
1. From the Home page, click the down arrow in the top right corner of the specified metric module. 2. Select Settings. 3. Specify the information as required: Module Name The module name for the metric defaults here. You can change this name to anything you like, and it becomes the title of the metric page. It is a good idea to keep the title short enough so that it easily fits in the title area of the page. This field is not case sensitive; the system displays the metric name in capital letters. Accounting Entity Specify the accounting entity. Invoice Date (Between - Specify a date range or select a date range from the list of values. Inclusive) Between - Inclusive includes the dates you specify and all the dates in between. For example, if the date range you specify is 01/01/2008 to 01/31/2008, the system retrieves data for all dates between those two dates including those two dates. Sales Representative ID Specify the sales representative. 4. Click Save to save your changes and return to the metric.

Changing settings for Gross Sales Profit

1. From the Home page, click the down arrow in the top right corner of the specified metric module. 2. Select Settings. 3. Specify the information as required:

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Module Name

Accounting Entity Customer ID Invoice Date (Between Inclusive)

Item ID Sales Executive ID

The module name for the metric defaults here. You can change this name to anything you like, and it becomes the title of the metric page. It is a good idea to keep the title short enough so that it easily fits in the title area of the page. This field is not case sensitive; the system displays the metric name in capital letters. Specify the accounting entity. Specify the customer. Specify a date range or select a date range from the list of values. Between - Inclusive includes the dates you specify and all the dates in between. For example, if the date range you specify is 01/01/2008 to 01/31/2008, the system retrieves data for all dates between those two dates including those two dates. Specify the item. Specify the sales executive.

4. Click Save to save your changes and return to the metric.

Changing settings for Lead Generation

1. From the Home page, click the down arrow in the top right corner of the specified metric module. 2. Select Settings. 3. Specify the information as required: Module Name The module name for the metric defaults here. You can change this name to anything you like, and it becomes the title of the metric page. It is a good idea to keep the title short enough so that it easily fits in the title area of the page. This field is not case sensitive; the system displays the metric name in capital letters. Specify the accounting entity.

Accounting Entity

4. Click Save to save your changes and return to the metric.

Changing settings for Lost Sales

1. From the Home page, click the down arrow in the top right corner of the specified metric module. 2. Select Settings. 3. Specify the information as required: Module Name The module name for the metric defaults here. You can change this name to anything you like, and it becomes the title of the metric page. It is a good idea to keep the title short enough so that it easily fits in the title area of the page. This field is not case sensitive; the system displays the metric name in capital letters.

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Accounting Entity Customer ID Document Date (Between-Inclusive)

Status Reason Code

Specify the accounting entity. Specify the customer. Specify a date range or select a date range from the list of values. Between - Inclusive includes the dates you specify and all the dates in between. For example, if the date range you specify is 01/01/2008 to 01/31/2008, the system retrieves data for all dates between those two dates including those two dates. Specify the status reason code.

4. Click Save to save your changes and return to the metric.

Changing settings for Opportunity Forecast

1. From the Home page, click the down arrow in the top right corner of the specified metric module. 2. Select Settings. 3. Specify the information as required: Module Name The module name for the metric defaults here.You can change this name to anything you like, and it becomes the title of the metric page. It is a good idea to keep the title short enough so that it easily fits in the title area of the page. This field is not case sensitive; the system displays the metric name in capital letters. Specify the accounting entity. Specify a date range or select a date range from the list of values. Between - Inclusive includes the dates you specify and all the dates in between. For example, if the date range you specify is 01/01/2008 to 01/31/2008, the system retrieves data for all dates between those two dates including those two dates.

Accounting Entity Estimated Close Date (Between - Inclusive)

4. Click Save to save your changes and return to the metric.

Changing settings for Opportunity to Close

1. From the Home page, click the down arrow in the top right corner of the specified metric module. 2. Select Settings. 3. Specify the information as required: Module Name The module name for the metric defaults here. You can change this name to anything you like, and it becomes the title of the metric page. It is a good idea to keep the title short enough so that it easily fits in the title area of the page. This field is not case sensitive; the system displays the metric name in capital letters. Specify the accounting entity.

Accounting Entity

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Customer ID Estimated Close Date (Between - Inclusive)

Sales Executive ID

Specify the customer. Specify a date range or select a date range from the list of values. Between - Inclusive includes the dates you specify and all the dates in between. For example, if the date range you specify is 01/01/2008 to 01/31/2008, the system retrieves data for all dates between those two dates including those two dates. Specify the sales executive.

4. Click Save to save your changes and return to the metric.

Changing settings for Pipeline by Stage

1. From the Home page, click the down arrow in the top right corner of the specified metric module. 2. Select Settings. 3. Specify the information as required: Module Name The module name for the metric defaults here. You can change this name to anything you like, and it becomes the title of the metric page. It is a good idea to keep the title short enough so that it easily fits in the title area of the page. This field is not case sensitive; the system displays the metric name in capital letters. Specify the accounting entity. Specify a date range or select a date range from the list of values. Between - Inclusive includes the dates you specify and all the dates in between. For example, if the date range you specify is 01/01/2008 to 01/31/2008, the system retrieves data for all dates between those two dates including those two dates. Specify the sales executive. Specify the stage.

Accounting Entity Estimated Close Date (Between - Inclusive)

Sales Executive ID Stage

4. Click Save to save your changes and return to the metric.

Changing settings for Pipeline Probability by Stage

1. From the Home page, click the down arrow in the top right corner of the specified metric module. 2. Select Settings. 3. Specify the information as required: Module Name The module name for the metric defaults here. You can change this name to anything you like, and it becomes the title of the metric page. It is a good idea to keep the title short enough so that it easily fits in the title area of the page. This field is not case sensitive; the system displays the metric name in capital letters.

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Accounting Entity Estimated Close Date (Between - Inclusive)


Specify the accounting entity. Specify a date range or select a date range from the list of values. Between - Inclusive includes the dates you specify and all the dates in between. For example, if the date range you specify is 01/01/2008 to 01/31/2008, the system retrieves data for all dates between those two dates including those two dates. Specify the stage.

4. Click Save to save your changes and return to the metric.

Changing settings for Sales Order Bookings

1. From the Home page, click the down arrow in the top right corner of the specified metric module. 2. Select Settings. 3. Specify the information as required: Module Name The module name for the metric defaults here. You can change this name to anything you like, and it becomes the title of the metric page. It is a good idea to keep the title short enough so that it easily fits in the title area of the page. This field is not case sensitive; the system displays the metric name in capital letters. Accounting Entity Specify the accounting entity. Customer ID Specify the customer. Item ID Specify the item. Sales Executive ID Specify the sales executive. Sales Order Date (Between Specify a date range or select a date range from the list of values. - Inclusive) Between - Inclusive includes the dates you specify and all the dates in between. For example, if the date range you specify is 01/01/2008 to 01/31/2008, the system retrieves data for all dates between those two dates including those two dates. 4. Click Save to save your changes and return to the metric.

Changing settings for Sales Order Line Processed

1. From the Home page, click the down arrow in the top right corner of the specified metric module. 2. Select Settings. 3. Specify the information as required: Module Name The module name for the metric defaults here. You can change this name to anything you like, and it becomes the title of the metric page. It is a good idea to keep the title short enough so that it easily fits in

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the title area of the page. This field is not case sensitive; the system displays the metric name in capital letters. Accounting Entity Specify the accounting entity. Customer ID Specify the customer. Item ID Specify the item. Sales Executive ID Specify the sales executive. Sales Order Date (Between Specify a date range or select a date range from the list of values. - Inclusive) Between - Inclusive includes the dates you specify and all the dates in between. For example, if the date range you specify is 01/01/2008 to 01/31/2008, the system retrieves data for all dates between those two dates including those two dates. 4. Click Save to save your changes and return to the metric.

Changing settings for Top Customers by Revenue

1. From the Home page, click the down arrow in the top right corner of the specified metric module. 2. Select Settings. 3. Specify the information as required: Module Name The module name for the metric defaults here. You can change this name to anything you like, and it becomes the title of the metric page. It is a good idea to keep the title short enough so that it easily fits in the title area of the page. This field is not case sensitive; the system displays the metric name in capital letters. Accounting Entity Specify the accounting entity. Invoice Date (Between - Specify a date range or select a date range from the list of values. Inclusive) Between - Inclusive includes the dates you specify and all the dates in between. For example, if the date range you specify is 01/01/2008 to 01/31/2008, the system retrieves data for all dates between those two dates including those two dates. Item ID Specify the item. Sales Executive ID Specify the sales executive. 4. Click Save to save your changes and return to the metric.

Changing settings for Top Grossing Customers

1. From the Home page, click the down arrow in the top right corner of the specified metric module. 2. Select Settings. 3. Specify the information as required:

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Module Name

The module name for the metric defaults here. You can change this name to anything you like, and it becomes the title of the metric page. It is a good idea to keep the title short enough so that it easily fits in the title area of the page. This field is not case sensitive; the system displays the metric name in capital letters. Accounting Entity Specify the accounting entity. Invoice Date (Between - Specify a date range or select a date range from the list of values. Inclusive) Between - Inclusive includes the dates you specify and all the dates in between. For example, if the date range you specify is 01/01/2008 to 01/31/2008, the system retrieves data for all dates between those two dates including those two dates. Item ID Specify the item. Sales Executive ID Specify the sales executive. 4. Click Save to save your changes and return to the metric.

Changing settings for Top Grossing Products

1. From the Home page, click the down arrow in the top right corner of the specified metric module. 2. Select Settings. 3. Specify the information as required: Module Name The module name for the metric defaults here. You can change this name to anything you like, and it becomes the title of the metric page. It is a good idea to keep the title short enough so that it easily fits in the title area of the page. This field is not case sensitive; the system displays the metric name in capital letters. Specify the accounting entity. Specify the customer. Specify a date range or select a date range from the list of values. Between - Inclusive includes the dates you specify and all the dates in between. For example, if the date range you specify is 01/01/2008 to 01/31/2008, the system retrieves data for all dates between those two dates including those two dates. Specify the sales executive.

Accounting Entity Customer ID Invoice Date (Between Inclusive)

Sales Executive ID

4. Click Save to save your changes and return to the metric.

Changing settings for Top Products by Revenue

1. From the Home page, click the down arrow in the top right corner of the specified metric module. 2. Select Settings.

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3. Specify the information as required: Module Name The module name for the metric defaults here. You can change this name to anything you like, and it becomes the title of the metric page. It is a good idea to keep the title short enough so that it easily fits in the title area of the page. This field is not case sensitive; the system displays the metric name in capital letters. Specify the accounting entity. Specify the customer. Specify a date range or select a date range from the list of values. Between - Inclusive includes the dates you specify and all the dates in between. For example, if the date range you specify is 01/01/2008 to 01/31/2008, the system retrieves data for all dates between those two dates including those two dates. Specify the sales executive.

Accounting Entity Customer ID Invoice Date (Between Inclusive)

Sales Executive ID

4. Click Save to save your changes and return to the metric.

Changing settings for Top Sales Executives by Revenue

1. From the Home page, click the down arrow in the top right corner of the specified metric module. 2. Select Settings. 3. Specify the information as required: Module Name The module name for the metric defaults here. You can change this name to anything you like, and it becomes the title of the metric page. It is a good idea to keep the title short enough so that it easily fits in the title area of the page. This field is not case sensitive; the system displays the metric name in capital letters. Customer Specify the customer. Invoice Date (Between Specify a date range or select a date range from the list of values. Between - Inclusive) - Inclusive includes the dates you specify and all the dates in between. For example, if the date range you specify is 01/01/2008 to 01/31/2008, the system retrieves data for all dates between those two dates including those two dates. Item Specify the item. 4. Click Save to save your changes and return to the metric.

Changing settings for Invoiced by Salesperson Report

1. From the Sales Manager role page, click the link for Invoiced by Salesperson. 2. When the report opens, select Edit Parameters.

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3. Specify the information as required: Invoice Date Sales Executive ID Customer ID Accounting Entity Specify the invoice date. Specify the sales executive. Specify the customer ID. Specify the accounting entity.

4. Click Ok to save your changes and return to the report.

Changing settings for Lead Management Report

1. From the Sales Manager or VP Sales role page, click the link for Lead Management. 2. When the report opens, select Edit Parameters. 3. Specify the information as required: Date Assigned Accounting Entity Specify the date assigned. Specify the accounting entity.

4. Click Ok to save your changes and return to the report.

Changing settings for Monthly Sales Details Report

1. From the Sales Manager role page, click the link for Monthly Sales Details. 2. When the report opens, select Edit Parameters. 3. Specify the information as required: Promised Delivery Date Specify a date range. Between (Inclusive) includes the dates you specify and all the dates in between. For example, if the date range you specify is 01/01/2008 to 01/31/2008, the system retrieves data for all dates between those two dates including those two dates. Specify the accounting entity.

Accounting Entity

4. Click Ok to save your changes and return to the report.

Changing settings for Number of Sales Order Lines Report

1. From the Sales Manager role page, click the link for Number of Sales Order Lines. 2. When the report opens, select Edit Parameters. 3. Specify the information as required: Sales Order Date Specify the sales order date.

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Item ID Customer ID Accounting Entity

Specify the item. Specify the customer. Specify the accounting entity.

4. Click Ok to save your changes and return to the report.

Changing settings for Opportunity by Territory Report

1. From the Sales Manager or VP Sales role page, click the link for Opportunity by Territory. 2. When the report opens, select Edit Parameters. 3. Specify the information as required: Stage ID Status Estimated Close Date Accounting Entity Specify the stage. Specify the status. Specify the estimated close date. Specify the accounting entity.

4. Click Ok to save your changes and return to the report.

Changing settings for Opportunity Won vs. Lost Report

1. From the VP Sales role page, click the link for Opportunity Won vs. Lost. 2. When the report opens, select Edit Parameters. 3. Specify the information as required: Actual Close Date Amount Accounting Entity Specify the actual close date. Specify the amount. Specify the accounting entity.

4. Click Ok to save your changes and return to the report.

Changing settings for Pipeline by Month Report

1. From the Sales Manager role page, click the link for Pipeline by Month. 2. When the report opens, select Edit Parameters. 3. Specify the information as required: Status Estimated Close Date Customer ID Specify the status. Specify the estimated close date. Specify the customer.

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Stage Accounting Entity

Specify the stage. Specify the accounting entity.

4. Click Ok to save your changes and return to the report.

Changing settings for Pipeline by Probability by Sales Executive Report

1. From the VP Sales role page, click the link for Pipeline by Probability by Sales Executive. 2. When the report opens, select Edit Parameters. 3. Specify the information as required: Status Stage Customer ID Sales Executive ID Estimated Close Date Accounting Entity Specify the status. Specify the stage. Specify the customer. Specify the sales executive. Specify the estimated close date. Specify the accounting entity.

4. Click Ok to save your changes and return to the report.

Changing settings for Pipeline by Product Group Report

1. From the Sales Manager role page, click the link for Pipeline by Product Group. 2. When the report opens, select Edit Parameters. 3. Specify the information as required: Estimated Close Date Product Group Stage ID Status Customer ID Accounting Entity Specify the estimated close date. Specify the product group. Specify the stage. Specify the status. Specify the customer. Specify the accounting entity.

4. Click Ok to save your changes and return to the report.

Changing settings for Pipeline by Stage Report

1. From the Sales Manager role page, click the link for Pipeline by Stage.

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2. When the report opens, select Edit Parameters. 3. Specify the information as required: Status Estimated Close Date Customer ID Stage Accounting Entity Specify the status. Specify the estimated close date. Specify the customer. Specify the stage. Specify the accounting entity.

4. Click Ok to save your changes and return to the report.

Changing settings for Service Level

1. From the VP Sales role page, click the link for Service Level. 2. When the report opens, select Edit Parameters. 3. Specify the information as required: Status Customer ID Actual Ship Date Specify the status. Specify the customer. Specify a date range. Between (Inclusive) includes the dates you specify and all the dates in between. For example, if the date range you specify is 01/01/2008 to 01/31/2008, the system retrieves data for all dates between those two dates including those two dates. Specify the accounting entity.

Accounting Entity

4. Click Ok to save your changes and return to the report.

Changing settings for Short Shipments Percentage Report

1. From the Sales Manager role page, click the link for Short Shipments Percentage. 2. When the report opens, select Edit Parameters. 3. Specify the information as required: Promised Ship Date Specify a date range. Between (Inclusive) includes the dates you specify and all the dates in between. For example, if the date range you specify is 01/01/2008 to 01/31/2008, the system retrieves data for all dates between those two dates including those two dates. Specify the line status. Specify the item. Specify the customer. Specify the accounting entity.

Line Status Item ID Customer ID Accounting Entity

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4. Click Ok to save your changes and return to the report.

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Date Shortcuts
These are the defintions for date shortcuts when used with the default Between -Inclusive operator: Today selects all records with the current date. Yesterday selects all records for the prior day. Tomorrow selects all records for the next day. Last x Days selects records with the current day plus a prior number of days specified by x. Next x Days selects records with the current day plus the next number of days specified by x. Week selects records with the current week; on 6/17/08 this would display records from 6/15/08 to 6/21/08. Week-to-date selects records for the current week up to the current day. Last x Weeks selects records with the current week plus a prior number of weeks specified by x. Next x Weeks selects records with the current week plus the next number of weeks specified by x. Month - selects records for the current month as defined in the financial calendar. Month-to-date selects records for the current month up to the current day. Last x Months selects records with the current month plus a prior number of months specified by x. Next x Months selects records with the current month plus the next number of months specified by x. Quarter selects records for the current quarter as defined in the financial calendar. Quarter-to-date selects records for the current quarter up to the current day. Last x Quarter selects records with the current quarter plus a prior number of quarters specified by x. Next x Quarter selects records with the current quarter plus the next number of quarters specified by x. Year - will select records for the current year as defined in the financial calendar. Last x Year selects records with the current year plus a prior number of quarters specified by x. Next x Year selects records with the current year plus the next number of years specified by x. Year-to-date selects records for the current year up to the current day.

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