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Subject: Fluid Mechanics Branch: B.Tech (CHEMICAL) PART-A Code: 162303 Semester: III

1. State Newtons law of viscosity. According to Newtons law of viscosity, the shear stress on a fluid element layer () is directly proportional to the rate of shear strain (du/dy) and the proportionality constant being called the coefficient of viscosity (). Mathematically, it is given by = (du/dy). 2. Define surface tension and give its unit. Surface tension is the property of the apparent tension effect which occurs at the interface of a liquid and a gas or at the interface of two immiscible liquids. The origin of surface tension is explained by the mechanism of cohesive forces within a liquid. It is denoted by and has the units of N/m in SI. 3. Define Reynoldss number and its significance. It is defined as the ratio of the Inertial force (mass x acceleration) to the Viscous force (area x shear stress). It is denoted by NRe and dimensionless. Significance: For flow in a pipe, NRe< 2100 represents the flow as Laminar; NRe > 4000 represents the flow as Turbulent; for 2100 < NRe < 4000, a Transition region is found where the flow may be either laminar or turbulent. Osborne Reynolds in 1883 demonstrated the types of fluid flow and explained the above significances with respect a dimensionless number, NRe. 4. What do you mean by time dependent and time independent flow? Time independent fluids: Newtonian and Non-Newtonian fluids are time independent fluids. Time dependent fluids: For some Non-Newtonian fluids, the curve of vs. du/dy depend on how long the shear has been active. Such fluids then become time dependent and given as 1. Thixotropic Liquids break down under continued shear and on mixing give lower shear stress for a given shear rate; that is, their apparent viscosity decreases with time. These fluids are said to be Shear rate thinning. Some paints and polymer solutions are example for such fluids. 2. Rheopectic Liquids substance that behave in the reverse manner of thixotropic liquids, and the shear stress increases with time, as does the apparent

viscosity. These fluids are said to be Shear rate thickening. Bentonite clay suspensions and gypsum suspensions are example for such fluids. 5. Define skin friction and form friction. Friction appears in boundary layers because the work done b the shear forces in maintaining the velocity gradients in both laminar and turbulent flow is eventually converted to heat by viscous action. Friction generated in unseparated boundary layers is called Skin friction. When boundary layers separate and form wakes, additional energy dissipation appears within the wake, and friction of this type is called Form friction, since it is a function of the position and shape of the solid. Wake is a zone of large eddies, occurs when you place a vertical plate in the open channel of flowing fluid. 6. Explain Rayleighs method of dimensional analysis. Rayleighs method of dimensional analysis is useful when the number of variables is less. In this method, the equations are expressed in exponential forms. The dimensionless parameters are obtained by first evaluating the exponents so that equation is dimensionally homogenous, and then by grouping together the variables with like powers to form dimensional less parameter or term or group. 7. Define Kinematic similarity. Kinematic Similarity: is the similarity of motion. It is said to exist between model and prototype if ratio of velocities and acceleration at the corresponding points in the model and prototype are equal. 8. Give the final form of Hagen Poiseulle equation. The Hagen-Poiseuille law, for laminar flow in tubes, is given by hfs = Ps / = (32 L V ) / D2 where hfs is the energy loss due to skin friction. 9. Define Cavitation in a pump. The power developed by a pump depends on the difference in pressure between discharge and suction and is independent of the pressure level. From energy considerations, it is immaterial whether the suction pressure is below atmospheric pressure or well above it, as long as the fluid remains liquid. However, if the suction pressure is only slightly greater the vapor pressure, some liquid may flash to vapor inside the pump, which greatly reduces the pump capacity and cause severe erosion. Such process is called Cavitation. If the suction pressure is actually less than the vapor pressure, there will be vaporization in the suction line, and no liquid can be drawn into the pump. 10. What is meant by fanning friction factor?

Fanning friction factor f is defined as the ratio of the wall shear stress w to the product of the density and the velocity head V2/2. Mathematically, it is f = w / [ (V2/2)]. The equation of friction factor for the flow of liquids is f = 16/NRe, for laminar flow f = 0.0791 NRe-0.25, for turbulent flow in smooth pipe. PART-B 11) a) i) Write short notes on capillary action (8)

ii) A flat plate of area 1.5*106 mm2 is pulled with a speed of 0.4m/s relative to another plate located at a distance of 0.15mm from it. Find the force and power required to maintain this speed, if the fluid separating them is having viscosity as 1 Poise. (8)

OR 11)b)Describe the working principle of U- tube manometer and inclined manometer (16)

12) (a). Derive the expression for Bernoullis equation with friction and without friction. Mention the correction factors (16) Consider the cylindrical element of fluid in the figure above, inclined at an angle to the vertical, length s , cross-sectional area A in a static fluid of mass density . The pressure at the end with height z is p and at the end of heightz+zisp+p. The assumptions made in the derivation of the Bernoullis equation may be summarized as follows;
The flow is potential (in viscid flow, = 0). The flow is steady ( / t = 0).

The flow is irrotational (the flow is along a streamline). The flow is two dimensional, in the presence of gravitational forces.

The forces acting on the element are pA z acting at right - angles to the end of the face at z (p+ p )A acting at right - angles to the end of the face at z+ z mg= A sg There are also forces from the surrounding fluid acting normal to these sides of the element. For equilibrium of the element the resultant of forces in any direction is zero. Resolving the forces in the direction along the central axis gives pA z- (p+ p )A - A sgcos =0 By solving the equations, Bernoullis equation without friction:
p v2 + +z =c n t os g 2g .

Bernoullis equation between two stations 1 and 2 of fluid flow system is

p1 v p v + 1 + z1 = 1 + 1 + z1 + hL g 2 g g 2 g
2 2

Where P/( g) is the pressure head, V2/(2 g) is the velocity head or kinetic head, and Z is the potential head. Bernoullis equation with friction: Kinetic energy correction factor:

Kinetic energy based on actual velocity Kinetic energy based on average velocity

=(u3ds)/ (v3s) (Pa/) + (gZa) + (aVa2) = (Pb/) + (gZb) + (bVb2) + hf OR 12. b) i) A 25 cm diameter pipe carries oil of specific gravity 0.9 at a velocity of 3m/s. At another section the diameter is 20 cm. Find the velocity at this section and also mass flow rate of oil (8)

ii) Describe about laws of dimensional homogeneity and its property with an example. (8) Dimensional homogeneity states that every term in an equation, when reduced to fundamental dimensions, must contain identical powers of each dimension. This property of dimensional homogeneity can be useful for: 1. Checking units of equations;

2. Converting between two sets of units; 3. Defining dimensionless relationships Example: V=2gH L.HS: LT-1 R.H.S: LT-1 13) a) i) Find the discharge of water flowing through a pipe 30cm diameter placed in an inclined position where a venturimeter is inserted, having a throat diameter of 15cm. The difference of pressure between the main and throat is measured by a liquid of specific gravity of 0.6 in an inverted U-tube which gives a reading of 30cm. The loss of head between the main and throat is 0.2 times the kinetic head of the pipe. (10)

ii) Find an expression for the drag force on smooth sphere of diameter D, moving with a uniform velocity V in a fluid of density and dynamic viscosity . (6)

OR 13) b) Explain the working principles of orifice meter with a neat diagram. Derive the volumetric flow rate expression. (16)

14) a) i) Derive Darcy Weisbach formula for the head loss due to friction in a pipe line (8)

ii) Water is used to fluidized the spherical particles of density 2600 kg/ m3. The height of the fluidized bed at minimum fluidization is 1.9 m. The fractional voidage of fluidized bed is 0.50. The density of water is 1000 kg/ m3.Determine the pressure drop across the fluidized column. (8)
Solution: Given: Density of particle= 2600kg/m3 Density of fluid = 1000 kg/m3 Length=1.9m =0.5


OR 14) b) i) Mention few minor and major losses in a pipe flow.


(ii) The time periodt of a pendulum depends on the length L of the pendulum and the acceleration due to gravity g. Derive an expression for the time period. (8)

15) a) With a neat diagram explain the principle, working of a centrifugal pump, show all the components. (16)


15) b) i) Explain the working system of the Steam jet ejector with sketches


ii) Define cavitation. What are the effects of cavitation? How will you prevent the cavitation in pumps? (8) The power developed by a pump depends on the difference in pressure between discharge and suction and is independent of the pressure level. From energy considerations, it is immaterial whether the suction pressure is below atmospheric pressure or well above it, as long as the fluid remains liquid. However, if the suction pressure is only slightly greater the vapor pressure, some liquid may flash to vapor inside the pump such process is called Cavitation which greatly reduces the pump capacity and cause severe erosion. If the suction pressure is actually less than the vapor pressure, there will be vaporization in the suction line, and no liquid can be drawn into the pump.

Subject: Fluid Mechanics Branch: B.Tech (CHEMICAL) PART-A
1. Define the term fluid and flow.

Code: 162303 Semester: III

o A fluid is a substance that does not permanently resist distortion. o A fluid is a substance which is capable of flowing. o A fluid is a substance, which deforms continuously when subjected to external shearing force. o Flow is the movement of the fluid along some distance.
2. Define stream lines and stream tubes.

A streamline is an imaginary path in a mass of flowing fluid so drawn that at every point the vector of the net velocity along the streamline u is tangent to the streamline. There is no net flow across such a line; In turbulent flow, eddies do cross and re cross the streamline, but the net flow from such eddies in any direction other than that of the flow is zero. Flow along the streamline is unidirectional or one-dimensional. A stream tube is a tube of large or small cross section and of any convenient cross-sectional shape that is entirely bounded by streamlines. A stream tube can be visualized as an imaginary pipe in the mass of flowing fluid through the walls of which there in no bet flow.
3. What do you mean by kinematic viscosity of a fluid?

The ratio of the absolute viscosity to the density of a fluid (/) is called the Kinematic viscosity, which is often a useful property of a fluid. It is denoted by and has the units of m2/s in SI and stoke (cm2/s) in CGS.
4. Give the final form of Bernoullis equation with friction and without friction.

In an ideal, incompressible fluid when the flow is steady and continuous, the sum of pressure energy, potential energy and kinetic energy is constant along a stream line. Mathematically, Bernoullis equation without friction:
p1 v p v + 1 + z1 = 1 + 1 + z1 + hL g 2 g g 2 g
2 2

p v2 + +z =c n t os g 2g

Bernoullis equation between two stations 1 and 2 of fluid flow system is

Where P/( g) is the pressure head, V2/(2 g) is the velocity head or kinetic head, and Z is the potential head. Bernoullis equation with friction: (Pa/) + (gZa) + (aVa2) = (Pb/) + (gZb) + (bVb2) + hf
5. What is Dimensional analysis? List the methods also.

Dimensional analysis is a mathematical technique which makes use of the study of the dimensions for solving several engineering problems. Dimensional analysis is particularly helpful in experimental work because it provides a guide to those things that significantly influence the phenomena; thus, it indicates the direction in which experimental work should go. Dimensional analysis is generally performed by two methods namely Rayleighs method and Buckinghams method.
6. Distinguish between Particulate and Aggregative fluidization.

In Particulate fluidization, as the fluid velocity is increased the bed continues to expand and remains homogeneous for a time. The particles move farther apart and their motion becomes more rapid. The average bed density at a given velocity is the same in all regions of the bed. An example is catalytic cracking catalysts fluidized by gases. In Aggregative or Bubbling fluidization, the gas passes through the bed as voids or bubbles which contain few particles, and only a small percentage of the gas passes in the spaces between individual particles. The expansion of the bed is small as gas velocity is increased. Sand and Glass beads provide examples of this behavior
7. Write the Darcy-Weisbach equation for energy losses due to friction.

8. What is vena contracta?

The liquid flowing through the orifice forms a jet of liquid whose area of cross section is less than that of orifice. The area of jet of fluid goes on decreasing and at area of cross section is minimum. This section is approximately at a distance of half of diameter of the orifice. At this section, the stream lines are straight and parallel to each other and perpendicular to the plane of the orifice. This section is called vena contracta.
9. Define Pump.

Pump is a mechanical device which converts mechanical energy into hydraulic energy, used to transport incompressible fluids. (or) A fluid machine which operates to convert shaft power into fluid power is called a Pump. Pumps

increase the mechanical energy of the liquid by increasing its velocity, pressure, or elevation - or all three.

What is meant by priming?

PART-B 11(a) State Newtons law of viscosity and explain the detail classification of fluids with suitable example. (16) Newtonian fluids: The fluids which obeys the Newtons linear law of viscosity [ = (du/dy)] is said to be Newtonian fluids. Gases and most liquids are Newtonian. Non-Newtonian fluids: For this fluids (du/dy). Such fluids are classified as Bingham plastics: This fluid does not flow at all until threshold shear stresses, denoted byo, is attained and then flow linearly at shear stresses greater than o. Sewage sludge is the better example for such fluids. Pseudo plastic fluid: For this fluid the vs. du/dy behaviour is concave upward at low shear and becomes nearly linear at high shear. These fluids are said to be Shear rate thinning.Rubber later is an example of such fluids.

Dilatant fluid: For this fluid the vs. du/dy behaviour is concave downward

at low shear and almost linear at high shear. These fluids are said to be Shear rate thickening. Quicksand and sand-filled emulsions are example of such fluids. Thixotropic Liquids break down under continued shear and on mixing give lower shear stress for a given shear rate; that is, their apparent viscosity decreases

with time. These fluids are said to be Shear rate thinning. Some paints and polymer solutions are example for such fluids. Rheopectic Liquids substance that behaves in the reverse manner of thixotropic liquids and the shear stress increases with time, as does the apparent viscosity. These fluids are said to be Shear rate thickening. Bentonite clay suspensions and gypsum suspensions are example for such fluids. OR 11) b) i) Write short notes on inverted manometer, with a neat diagram. (8)

ii) A flat plate 0.1m2 area is pulled at30 m/s relative to another plate located at a distance of 0.01 cm from it, the fluid separating them being water with dynamic viscosity of 0.0001Ns/m2. Find out the force and power required to maintain the velocity. (8)
Soln: Given: A= 1.5 m2 du =0.4 m/s dy = 0.15*10-3 =0.1Ns/m2 By Newtons law of viscosity ; = (du /dy) = 266.6 N/m2 i) Force = * area = 400N ii) P =F* U =160W

12) a) i) State the assumptions used in equation of Continuity and Bernoullis equation (8) Assumptions in equation of Continuity:

Density of fluid a and b is constant at any cross section area Flow tube does not have boundary layer Velocity is constant across the tube Assumptions in equation of Bernoullis equation: The flow The flow The flow The flow forces. is is is is potential (in viscid flow, = 0). steady ( / t = 0). irrotational (the flow is along a streamline). two dimensional, in the presence of gravitational

ii) Explain the relationship between friction factor and Reynoldss number and relative roughness of the pipe for flow through straight pipe. (8)

OR 12) b) Water flows through a pipe AB 1.2 m diameter at 3 m/s and then passes through a pipe BC 1.5 m diameter. At C, the pipe branches. Branch CD is 0.8 m in diameter and carries one-third of flow in AB. The flow velocity in branch CE is 2.5 m/s. Find the volume rate of flow in AB, the velocity in BC, the velocity in CD and the diameter of CE. (16)

13) a) Explain the working principles of venturimeter with a neat diagram. Derive the volumetric flow rate expression. (16)

OR 13) b) (i) What are the methods of selecting the repeating variables?


(ii) The efficiency of a fan depends on the density , the dynamic viscosity of the fluid, the angular velocity , diameter D of the rotor and the discharge Q. Express in terms of dimensionless parameters. (8)

14) a) The rate of flow of water through a horizontal pipe is 0.25 m 3/s. The diameter of the pipe which is 200 mm is suddenly enlarged to 400 mm. The pressure intensity in the smaller pipe is 11.772 N/cm2. Determine i) Loss of head due to sudden enlargement ii) Pressure intensity in the large pipe (10)

iii) Find the head lost due to friction in a pipe of diameter 300mm and length 50m, through which water is flowing at a velocity of 3m/s using i) Darcy formula ii) Chezys formula for which C=60. Take for water is 0.01 stoke. (6)

OR 14) b) i) Deduce an expression for minimum fluidization velocity starting from Erguns equation. (8)

ii) Derive the expression for loss of head due to friction in pipes


15) a) i) Explain the working system of the Air lift pump with sketches OR AIR LIFT REACTOR


OR b) Classify pumps and explain about rotary pumps with a neat sketch showing all the components (16) The two major classes of pumps are Positive-displacement pumps and Centrifugal pumps. Positive displacement units apply pressure directly to the liquid by a reciprocating piston, or by rotating members which form chambers alternately filled by and emptied of the liquid. Centrifugal pumps generate high rotational velocities, then convert the resulting kinetic energy of the liquid to pressure energy. Rotary Pumps discharge liquid by continuous scooping of the liquid from the pump chamber due to rotation of one or more member within a stationary casing. These pumps can not be truly called positive displacement pumps because of the internal clearances, whatever small in almost all rotary pumps. Rotary pumps differ from centrifugal pumps in the sense that while centrifugal pumps deliver liquid by imparting velocity to the liquid stream, the rotary pumps deliver liquid by mechanical displacement of the liquid.

These pumps can handle any liquid that does not contain any abrasive material and the rate of discharge can be made varied by changing the speed of the rotor not by valves. Rotary pumps can be classified as gear, screw, lobe and vane pumps. Gear Pumps Two or more impellers given the shape of toothed gear wheels rotate in a pump casing. Shown here is a typical gear pump (Fig.). Two meshing gears of equal size rotate in a fixed casing with extremely small clearance between each other and between the surface of the impeller and the casing. One of the gears is coupled to the prime mover and the other runs free. A partial vacuum is created by the unmeshing of the rotating gears. This vacuum drags liquid into the pump. The liquid is carried around the casing to the discharge opening by the same mechanism of mechanical displacement and then forced out through this opening. A gear pump is capable of discharging liquid either way, depending on the direction of gear rotation. The common type of gears used in bear pumps are helical, spur etc. the use of straight teeth in gear pumps will induce pulsations in the discharge. And this can be eliminated by using rotors which helical teeth cut to a suitable angle. However, the end thrust introduced by helical teeth can be balanced by the use of double helical or herring bone teeth.

Advantages: 1. They are self priming. 2. The discharge is uniform for a set of rotor speed. Pulsation is negligible. 3. They do not require any check valves

4. They can pump liquid in either direction if necessary 5. They are light weight and require small space. 6. They can handle gas liquid mixtures Disadvantages: 1. They need relief valve installed on discharge line. 2. They require close clearance between the meshing gears, which makes alignment critical. 3. Shaft seals are required. 4. Pumps are prone to erosion damage by abrasive particles suspended in the liquid pumped. 5. Pumps will get damaged if run dry as the liquid handled is used to lubricate the internal moving parts. 6. They require variable speed drivers to provide changes in pumping rate. Ranges. Usually the gear pumps are low capacity pumps but special gear pumps are available whose capacity can be as high as 8200 m3/h. Normally the upper limit of pressure developed by gear pumps is 3.5 4MN/m2. However pumps are known to develop pressures as high as 35-40 MN/m2.

Subject: Fluid Mechanics Branch: B.Tech (CHEMICAL) PART-A
1. Distinguish between laminar and turbulent flow. Laminar flow: At low velocities, fluid tends to flow without lateral mixing, and adjacent layers slide past one another as playing cards do. There are neither cross-currents nor eddies. This regime is called Laminar flow. The velocity profile is parabolic, when the fluid flows through a smooth circular conduit. Turbulent flow: At higher velocities, turbulence (cross-current) appears and eddies form, which leads to lateral mixing. Such regime is called Turbulent flow. The velocity profile if nearly flat, when the fluid flows through a smooth circular conduit 2. What is meant by Newtonian and Non Newtonian fluid, give an example? Newtonian fluids: The fluids which obeys the Newtons linear law of viscosity [ = (du/dy)] is said to be Newtonian fluids. Gases and most liquids are Newtonian. (Slope at any point is 1) Non-Newtonian fluids: For this fluids (du/dy). Such fluids are classified as

Code: 162303 Semester: III

Bingham plastics: This fluid does not flow at all until threshold shear stresses, denoted by o, is attained and then flow linearly at shear stresses greater than o. Sewage sludge is the better example for such fluids. Pseudo plastic fluid: For this fluid the vs. du/dy behaviour is concave upward at low shear and becomes nearly linear at high shear. These fluids are said to be Shear rate thinning.Rubber later is an example of such fluids. Dilatant fluid: For this fluid the vs. du/dy behaviour is concave downward at low shear and almost linear at high shear. These fluids are said to be Shear rate thickening. Quicksand and sand-filled emulsions are example of such fluids. 3. Define Drag coefficient. Drag: The force in the direction of flow exerted by the fluid on the solid is

called Drag. Drag Coefficient: It is defined as the ratio of (FD/AP) to the product of the density of the fluid and the velocity head. It is denoted by CD and dimensionless. Thus, CD = (FD/AP)/[ (Uo2/2)] Where AP is the projected area of the solid body as the area obtained by projecting the body on a plane perpendicular to the direction of flow; FD is the total drag (Form drag + Wall drag), and Uo is the velocity of the approaching stream (by assumption Uo is constant is constant over AP).
4. What is the effect of temperature and pressure on viscosity of fluids? Viscosity is independent of pressure (except at very high pressure); and Viscosity tends to fall as temperature increases (for example, water viscosity goes from 1.79 cP to 0.28 cP in the temperature range from 0 C to 100 C). 5. Define Dimensional homogeneity. Dimensional homogeneity states that every term in an equation, when reduced to fundamental dimensions, must contain identical powers of each dimension. 6. Write the Chezys equation for energy losses due to friction.

7. Define Boundary layer. A boundary layer is defined as that part of a moving fluid in which the fluid motion is influenced by the presence of a solid boundary. It is a narrow region, near the solid surface, over which velocity gradients and shear stresses are large. 8. Define Equivalent pipe. Equivalent diameter Deq is defined as 4 times the hydraulic radius rH. The rH in turn defined as the ratio of the cross sectional area of the channel S to the wetted perimeter of the channel LP. Such that, Deq = 4 rH = 4 (S/ LP). An important case is the annulus between two concentric pipes. Here, the hydraulic radius rH = [ (Do2/4) - (Di2/4)] / [

Do + Di] = (Do Di)/4 & Deq = Do Di where Di & Do are the inside and outside diameters of the annulus respectively. 9. What is minimum fluidization velocity? When a fluid flows upwards through a packed bed of particles of at low velocities, the particles remain stationary. Upon further increases in velocity, conditions finally occur where the force of the pressure drop times the cross-sectional area equals the gravitational force on the mass of particles. Then the particles begin to move, and this is the onset of Fluidization or minimum fluidization. The fluid velocity at which fluidization begins is the minimum fluidization velocity based on the empty crosssection of the tower. 10.

Differentiate between rotary pump and piston pump.


(16x5=80 Marks)

11 (a) Derive an expression for variation of pressure with altitude in a fluid of constant density. (16)

OR 11) b) Define the following terms with its SI units: i) Specific gravity, specific volume, Kinematic viscosity, shear stress (4*2=8)

i) Specific gravity:It is the ratio of density of the fluid to density of standard fluid It is dimensionless number ii) Specific volume It is the ratio of volume of fluid to the mass of fluid It is the reciprocal of mass density It has the unit of m3/kg. iii) Kinematic viscosity The ratio of the absolute viscosity to the density of a fluid (/) is called the Kinematic viscosity, which is often a useful property of a fluid. It is denoted by and has the units of m2/s in SI and stoke (cm2/s) in CGS iv) Shear stress

Shear stress is defined as the shear force exerted by the flowing fluid, which acts parallel to the plane of shear, per unit area of the shearing plane. It is denoted by and has the units of N/m2.

ii) Derive the expression for capillary rise and fall.


12) (a) i) Water is flowing through pipe of 5 cm diameter under a pressure of 29.43 N/cm2 ( gauge) and with mean velocity of 2.0 m/s. Find the total head or total energy per unit weight of water at a cross section, which is 5 m above the datum line. (8)
Soln: Given: Dia of pipe = 5cm = 0.5m Pressure P=29.43*104 N/m2 Velocity = 2.0m/s Datum head = 5m
p v2 + +z =c n t os g 2g .

Pressure head = 30 m Kinetic head =0.204 m Potential head =5m Total head = 35.204m

ii) A 30 cm diameter of pipe, conveying water, branches into two pipes of diameters 20cm and 15 cm respectively. If the average velocity in the 30cm diameter pipe is 2.5 m/s, find the discharge in this pipe. Also determine the velocity in 15 cm pipe if the average velocity in 20cm diameter pipe is 2 m/s (8)

OR 12) (b) Define the equation of continuity. Obtain an expression for continuity equation for a 3- dimensional flow. (16)

13) a) The resisting force R of a supersonic plane during flight can be considered as dependent upon the length of the aircraft l, velocity V, air viscosity , air density , and bulk modulus of air K. Express the functional relationship between these variables and the resisting force. (16)

OR 13) b) i) Write a brief note on the similitude and explain the types of similarity


ii) Discuss the value of h for horizontal and inclined venturimeter given by differential U-tube manometer. (8)

14) a) Derive the expression for flow through packed bed. Discuss for high viscous shear and low viscous shear. (16)

OR b) Explain the working mechanism of fluidization with a neat diagram. What are the types of fluidization? Give the pressure drop diagram for fluidization. (16) FLUIDISATION When a fluid is passed through a bed of solid particles the pressure drop across the bed of solid particles is directly proportional to the rate of flow of the fluid. The fluid velocity is increased the pressure drop across the bed of solid particles is equal to the apparent weight of the particles per unit cross sectional area of the column and the particles move apart from one another and the particles are freely suspended in the fluid and the bed is said to INCIPIENTLY FLUIDISED BED or bed at MINIMUM FLUIDIZATION The corresponding gas or velocity is known as Minimum Fluidization. Continuous phase is known as dense or emulsion phase Discontinuous phase is known as lean or bubble phase Classification of fluidization 1.PARTICULATE or SMOOTH FLUIDISATION Liquid is used to fluidized the bed of solid particles. Solid particles continues to expand as the fluid velocity is increased and uniform fluidization characteristics are maintained in the bed. 2. AGGREGATIVE or BUBBLING FLUIDISATION Gas is used to fluidized the bed of solid particles The gas velocity is increased bubbling and channeling of gas is observed and the agitation of solid particles becomes higher and uniform fluidization characteristics are not maintained.

Pressure Drop Behavior of Fluidized beds: As VS , may and hold Dp constant L will also but its effect is much less than the effect of change in . For velocities < Vmf, the bed behaves as a packed bed. The velocity is increased past Vmf, not only does the bed expand (L increases), but also the particles move apart, and also increases to keep the Dp constant. As the velocity is further increased, the bed become more and more expanded The solid content becomes more and more dilute. Finally, the velocity becomes as large as terminal settling velocity V t of the individual particles, so the particles are blown out of the system.

Thus the velocity range for which a fluidized bed can exist is from Vmf to Vt.

15) a) Describe the working principle of a reciprocating pump with neat sketch, showing all components. (16)

OR 15) b) i) Explain the difference between fan, blower and compressor. (4) Fan, Blower and compressor are devices which convert mechanical energy to energy which are used to transport compressible fluids, especially gases (usually air). Fans discharge large volume of gas (usually air), at low pressures on the order of 0.04 atm, into open space or large ducts. Blowers are high speed rotary devices (using either positive displacement or centrifugal force) that develop a maximum pressure of about 2 atm. Compressors, which are also positive displacement or centrifugal machines, discharge at pressures from 2 atm to several thousand atmospheres. In fans the density of the fluid does not changes appreciably, and may be assumed constant. In blowers and compressors, however, the density change is too great to justify this assumption, and in discussing these devices compressible flow theory is required. ii) With a neat diagram explain the principle, working of positive displacement pump (12)

Rotary Pumps discharge liquid by continuous scooping of the liquid from the pump chamber due to rotation of one or more member within a stationary casing. These pumps can not be truly called positive displacement pumps because of the internal clearances, whatever small in almost all rotary pumps. Rotary pumps differ from centrifugal pumps in the sense that while centrifugal pumps deliver liquid by imparting velocity to the liquid stream, the rotary pumps deliver liquid by mechanical displacement of the liquid. These pumps can handle any liquid that does not contain any abrasive material and the rate of discharge can be made varied by changing the speed of the rotor not by valves. Rotary pumps can be classified as gear, screw, lobe and vane pumps. Gear Pumps Two or more impellers given the shape of toothed gear wheels rotate in a pump casing. Shown here is a typical gear pump (Fig.). Two meshing gears of equal size rotate in a fixed casing with extremely small clearance between each other and between the surface of the impeller and the casing. One of the gears is coupled to the prime mover and the other runs free. A partial vacuum is created by the unmeshing of the rotating gears. This vacuum drags liquid into the pump. The liquid is carried around the casing to the discharge opening by the same mechanism of mechanical displacement and then forced out through this opening. A gear pump is capable of discharging liquid either way, depending on the direction of gear rotation. The common type of gears used in bear pumps are helical, spur etc. the use of straight teeth in gear pumps will induce pulsations in the discharge. And this can be eliminated by using rotors which helical teeth cut to a suitable angle. However, the end thrust introduced by helical teeth can be balanced by the use of double helical or herring bone teeth.

Advantages: 7. They are self priming. 8. The discharge is uniform for a set of rotor speed. Pulsation is negligible. 9. They do not require any check valves 10. They can pump liquid in either direction if necessary 11. They are light weight and require small space. 12. They can handle gas liquid mixtures Disadvantages: 7. They need relief valve installed on discharge line. 8. They require close clearance between the meshing gears, which makes alignment critical. 9. Shaft seals are required. 10. Pumps are prone to erosion damage by abrasive particles suspended in the liquid pumped. 11. Pumps will get damaged if run dry as the liquid handled is used to lubricate the internal moving parts. 12. They require variable speed drivers to provide changes in pumping rate. Ranges. Usually the gear pumps are low capacity pumps but special gear pumps are available whose capacity can be as high as 8200 m3/h. Normally the upper limit of pressure developed by gear pumps is 3.5 4MN/m2. However pumps are known to develop pressures as high as 35-40 MN/m2.

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