Glosario Normas SIA (Suiza)

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Technical terms
In the present code the technical terms defined below are used. General technical terms are defined in SIA 260. Specific technical terms are defined in SIA 261 to 267.

Acceleration force
Anfahrk raft fo rce due au dmarrage forza di stacco

Force resulting from the acceleration of vehicles.

Axle group
A chslastgruppe groupe de charges dessieu carico per gruppo dassi

Group of two or more axle loads.

Axle load
A chslast charge dessieu carico per asse

Load applied by one axle through two or more wheels.

Braking force
B remskraft fo rce due au freinage forza di frenat o

Force resulting from the deceleration of vehicles.

Contact surface
Aufstandsflche surface dapplication superficie dapplicazione

Surface over which a concentrated force is applied to the structure.

Dead load
Eigenlast poids proper peso proprio

Load due to the mass of the structure.

Design earthquake
Bemessungsbeben sisme de dimensionnement terremoto di dimensionamento

Earthquake to be assumed in seismic design, whose effect is described by means of the design spectrum.

Design spectrum
Bemessungsspektru m spectre de dimensionnement spettro di dimensionamento

Value of horizontal ground acceleration used in the earthquake dimensioning situation, based on the elastic response spectrum and related to the acceleration of gravity, presented as a function of the period of vibration and the deformational behaviour of the structure. Planned maximum speed for the use of a railway or road section.

Design speed
Ausbaugeschwindigkeit vitesse de base velocit di base

Elastic response spectrum

Elastisches Antwo rtspektru m spectre de rponse lastique spetro elastico di risposta

Maximum displacement of a single degree of freedom system with a specific damping ratio and eigenfrequency under a given excitation. Simplified method of structural analysis for earthquake action, applicable to sufficiently stiff and regular structural systems.

Equivalent force method

Ersatzkraftverfahren mthode des fo rces de remplacement metodo della forza sostitutiva

SIA 261, Copyright 2003 by SIA Zurich

Explosion explosion esplosione

Volume expansion having a destructive effect due to the fast chemical reactions of a material and the subsequent formation of gases and their rapid spread. Area of building covering one or more floors, enclosed by bounding structural members in such a way that the spread of the fire to other parts of the building is prevented during the critical fire action. Ability of a structural member to ensure the required structural safety, to prevent the spreading of fire and/or to limit the temperature rise for a given period under standard fire conditions. Correlated actions to be considered together either as leading or as accompanying actions, such as vehicle loads, acceleration, braking and centrifugal forces. Collision of a moving body with the structure.

Fire compartment
B randabschnitt compartiment coupe-feu compartimento tagliafuico

Fire resistance
Feuerwiderstand rsistance au feu resistenza al fuoco

Group of actions
Einwirkungsgruppe groupe dactions gruppo dazioni

Anprall choc u rt o

Live load
Nutzlast charge utile carico utile

Load arising from the use of a structure.

Last charge carico

Force acting on a structure due to gravity.

Load model
Lastmodell modl de charge modello di carico

Idealised representation of the effect of loads and forces on a structure.

Nosing force
Schlingerk raft fo rce de lacet forza di sepeggiamento

Equivalent static force to take into account the lateral impact resulting from the rolling motion of track vehicles.

Operational load factor

Betriebslastfaktor facteur de correction (fatigue) fattore di correzione (fatica)

Factor for fatigue verification taking into account the volume and the composition of traffic, the structural system and the number of stress reversals. Effect of the forces applied to a structure or structural member in a controlled manner through the tensioning of prestressing steel. Factor to take into account the deformational behaviour of a structure under earthquake action.

Vo rspannung prcontrainte p recompressione

Response factor
Verhaltensbeiwert coefficient de rponse structurale coefficiente di comportamento

Response spectrum method

Antwo rtspektrumverfahren mthode du spectre de rponse metodo dello spettro di risposta

General method of structural analysis for earthquake action, in which the structural vibrations excited by the design earthquake and their contribution to the global dynamic behaviour of the structure are investigated. Reciprocal of probability of recurrence of a given event within a specified period of time.

Return period
Wiederkehrperiode priode de retour periodo di ritorn o

SIA 261, Copyright 2003 by SIA Zurich

Self-weight of non-structural elements

Au flasten poids propre des lments non-porteur peso proprio degli elementi non portanti

Loads generated by non load-bearing components (e.g. roofing, surfacing and coverings, partitions and linings, handrails, safety barriers, parapets and kerbs, wall cladding, suspended ceilings, thermal insulation and sealing) or permanent fittings (e.g. elevators and escalators, technical installations for heating, ventilation and air conditioning, electrical equipment, pipes without their content, cable ducts) as well as, for example, by earth fill or track ballast. Air temperature at the location of a structure.

Site temperature
Ortstemperatur temprature du lieu temperatura del luogo

Snow load
Schneelast charge de neige carico della neve

Load due to snow.

Usable area
Nutzflche surface utile superficie utile

Area in a building planned for a particular use.

SIA 261, Copyright 2003 by SIA Zurich



Technical terms
In the present code the specific technical terms defined below are used. General technical terms used here are defined in SIA 260 and SIA 261. Additive
Zusatzstoff ajout aggiunta

Fine pozzuolanic or latent hydraulic substance for influencing concrete properties.

Zusatzmittel adjuvant additivo

Chemical substance which is added during the mixing process to influence the concrete or grout properties.

Gesteinsk rnung granulat aggregat i

Mixture of grains of different sizes, obtained from natural sources or through the recycling of construction materials or artificially produced, for use in concrete or mortar. Transmission length required to transfer the reinforcing force to the concrete.

Anchorage length
Verankerungslnge longueur dancrage lunghezza dancoraggio

Anchorage zone
Ankerzone zone dancrage zona di ancoraggio

Highly stressed zone in the immediate vicinity of a prestressing anchorage.

Bar bundle
Stabbndel groupement de barres fascio darmature

Two or three contacting reinforcing bars running in the same direction.

Bar spacing
Stababstand espacement des barres interasse dei ferr i

Distance between axes of parallel reinforcing bars.

Compression field
Dru ck feld champ de compression campo di compressione

Parallel stress field of uniaxial compression with uniform stress intensity.

Beton bton calcestruzzo

Construction material produced of cement, aggregate (maximum grain size greater than 4 mm) and water, possibly with the addition of additives and admixtures, which acquires its properties through the hydration of the cement. Layer of concrete applied to an existing structural member.

Concrete overlay
berbeton surbton calcestruzzo di ricoprimento

Cover concrete
berdeckungsbeton bton denrobage calcestruzzo di copriferro

Layer of concrete between reinforcement and concrete surface.

SIA 262, Copyright 2004 by SIA Zurich

Cover of reinforcement
Bewehrungsberdeckung enrobage de larmature copriferro

Distance between the surface of the reinforcement and the surface of the concrete.

Cover reinforcement
berdeckungsbewehrung armature de peau armatura del copriferro

Additional reinforcement within the cover concrete.

Kriechen fluage scorrimento viscoso

Strain increase due to persistent stress.

Designed concrete
Beton nach Eigenschaften bton perfo rmance spcifie calcestruzzo a prestazione garantita

Concrete whose required properties and additional requirements are the responsibility of the producer.

Umlenkelement lment de dviation deviatore

Structural member for deviating prestressing tendons.

Hllrohr gaine guaina

Metal or plastic tube for sheathing prestressing steel.

Edge distance of reinforcement

Randabstand der Bewehrung distance au nu de larmature distanza armatura - superficie

Distance between the axis of the reinforcement and the surface of the concrete.

Edge element
Randelement zone de bord zona di borda

Strengthened edge zone of a shear wall.

Effective depth
statische Hhe hauteur statique altezza statica

Distance between the axis of gravity of the tensile reinforcement and the compressed edge of the cross-section.

Endurance limit
Dauerfestigkeit limite de fatigue limite di fatica

Fatigue strength corresponding to an unlimited number of stress reversals.

Ausrstung equipement infrastruttura

Parts of the construction works, such as carriageway joints, bearings, drains, railings etc., which are usually installed afterwards.

Exposure class
Expositionsklasse classe dexposition classe desposizione

Classification category for structural members which describes the environmental influences and the resulting risks with respect to durability. Fan-shaped stress field of uniaxial compression with variable stress intensity.

Fcher ventail ventaglio

SIA 262, Copyright 2004 by SIA Zurich

Fatigue strength curve

Betriebsfestigkeitskurve courbe de rsistance la fatigue curva della resistenza alla fatica

Double logarithmic representation of the fatigue strength as a function of the number of stress reversals.

Fibre reinforced concrete

Faserbeton bton renfo rc de fibres calcestruzzo fibrorinforzat o

Concrete with reinforcement in the form of admixed metallic, non-metallic, inorganic or organic fibres, which in comparison with the maximum grain size of the aggregate are of similar length and very thin. Fatigue strength for a limited number of stress reversals.

Finite fatigue life

Zeitfestigkeit rsistance la fatigue resistenza alla fatica

Force spreading zone

K raftausbreitungszone zone de diffusion des fo rces zona di diffusione della forza

Zone adjacent to an anchorage zone which serves to spread the prestressing force within the structural member.

Fresh concrete
Frischbeton bton frais calcestruzzo fresco

Concrete after mixing, as long as it can be worked, prior to achieving stability of form.

Fllgut matriau dinjection materiale diniezione

Construction material for filling ducts.

Hardened concrete
Festbeton bton durc i calcestruzzo indurito

Concrete which has largely or completely hardened.

Heavyweight concrete
Sch werbeton bton lourd calcestruzzo pesante

Concrete with a density of over 2600 kg/m3.

Lightweight concrete
Leichtbeton bton lger calcestruzzo leggero

Concrete with a density of 800 to 2000 kg/m3.

Mrtel mortier malta

Construction material produced of cement, aggregate (maximum grain size no greater than 4 mm) and water, possibly with the addition of additives and admixtures. Highly bi- or triaxially stressed zone within a stress field.

Knoten nud nodo

Normalweight concrete
Normalbeton bton normal calcestruzzo normale

Concrete with a density of 2000 to 2600 kg/m3.

berfestigkeit surrsistance s ov raresistenza

Difference between the characteristic strength value and the strength assumed under earthquake action.

SIA 262, Copyright 2004 by SIA Zurich

Precast concrete element

Betonfertigteil lment prfabriqu elemento prefabbricat o

Reinforced or prestressed concrete member which is prefabricated at a factory or on site and is subsequently installed in its final position. Concrete whose composition and constituent materials are prescribed to the producer.

Prescribed concrete
Beton nach Zusammensetzung bton composition prescrite calcestruzzo a composizione

Vo rspannung prcontrainte p recompressione

Effect of the forces applied to a structure or structural member in a controlled manner through the tensioning of prestressing steel.

Prestressed concrete
Spannbeton bton prcontraint calcestruzzo precompresso

Concrete whose reinforcement consists partially of tensioned prestressing steel.

Prestressing anchorage
Spannverankerung ancrage de prcontrainte testa dancoraggio

Structural member for applying and anchoring a prestressing force.

Prestressing force
Spannkraft fo rce de prcontrainte forza di precompressione

Tensile force which is applied to prestressing steel for the purpose of prestressing.

Prestressing steel
Spannstahl acier de prcontrainte acciaio di precompressione

Steel in the form of wires, strands and bars which is suitable for use in a prestressing tendon or for pretensioning.

Prestressing system
Spannsystem systme de prcontrainte sistema di precompressione

Prestressing tendons and deviators together with associated equipment such as jacks and grouting equipment.

Prestressing tendon
Spannglied unit de prcontrainte cavo di precompressione

Reinforcing element consisting of tensioned prestressing steel, prestressing anchorages, duct and grout.

Spannbettverfahren prcontrainte par fils adhrents p re-tensione

Prestressing method in which the prestressing steel is tensioned before concreting.

Reinforced concrete
Stahlbeton bton arm calcestruzzo armat o

Concrete whose reinforcement consists of reinforcing steel.

Bewehrung armature armatura

Insertions in concrete, usually of reinforcing steel and prestressing steel.

Reinforcing steel
Betonstahl acier darmature passive acciaio darmatura

Steel which is suitable for use as non-prestressed reinforcement.


SIA 262, Copyright 2004 by SIA Zurich

Relative rib area

bezogene Rippenflche surface relat ive projete des nervures superficie relat iva delle nervature

Ratio between the projected area of the ribs and the surface area of reinforcing steel bars.

Relaxation relaxation rilassamento

Stress decrease in prestressed steel whose length is kept constant.

Spritzbeton bton projet calcestruzzo spruzzat o

Concrete produced by dry- or wet-mixing and placed and compacted by spraying.

Schwinden retrait ritiro

Decrease in the volume of concrete caused by drying, and, at low water-cement ratios, due to hydration of the cement.

Steel fibre reinforced concrete

Stahlfaserbeton bton renfo rc de fibres mtalliques calcestruzzo con fibre dacciaio

Fibre reinforced concrete with steel fibre reinforcement.

Stress field
Spannungsfeld champ de contrainte campo di tensione

Model of the force flow within the structural member or structure, represented by nodes, compression fields, struts, fans and ties.

Stress redistribution
Schnittgrssenumlagerung redistribution des sollicitations ridistribuzione degli sforzi

Change in the internal forces and moments of a statically indeterminate system determined on the assumption of linear elastic behaviour, characterised by superposition of a self-equilibrating stress state. Narrow compression field with high stress intensity.

Dru ckstrebe bielle de compression biella in compressione

Verification section
Nach weisschnitt section de contrle sezione di verifica

Section for which the punching resistance is determined.

SIA 262, Copyright 2004 by SIA Zurich




Technical terms
In addition to the terms defined in SIA 260 and SIA 261, the following specific technical terms are used in the present code. Annular rivet
Schliessringbolzen r ivet anneau ribattini ad anello

Special means of connection whereby a cold ring is forced over the grooved shaft of a rivet.

Stranggussprofil barre dacier coul en continu acciaio prodotto in colata continua

Semi-finished product used in the hot-rolling of steel sections.

Cold crack
Kaltriss fissure froid cricche a fredd o

Local rupture caused by the cooling of a weld.

Detail category
Kerbgruppe catgorie de dtails categoria dintaglio

Group of notch details with identical fatigue strength.

Effective cross-section
Bemessungsquers chnitt (wirksamer Quers chnitt) section efficace sezione effetiva

Member cross-section used in the calculation of stresses based on Hookes Law; compared with the gross cross-section, the effective cross-section is reduced to an effective width to take into account the non-uniform distribution of stresses due to shear and buckling deformations. Bolts with small fabrication tolerances and minimal play in the bolt holes.

Fitted bolt
Passsch rauben boulons ajusts bulloni calibrat i

Flat products
Flacherzeugnisse p roduit plat s p rodotti piatti

Plates, wide plates and profiled sheeting.

Fracture toughness
B ru chzhigkeit tenacit duttilit

Temperature-dependent ability of a material to dissipate energy at rupture.

Full geometric section

Berech nungsquers chnitt section de calcul sezione di calcolo

Determinant cross-section of a member used in structural analysis, in particular, in the calculation of internal forces and moments; in most cases identical to the gross cross-section. Entire cross-section perpendicular to the member axis not taking into account reductions in the cross-section (for example, bolt holes).

Gross cross-section
B ruttoquers chnitt section brute sezione lorda

SIA 263, Copyright 2003 by SIA Zurich

Lamellar tearing
Lamellares Aufreissen arrachement lamellaire rottura lamellare

Rupture due to tension in thickness direction of a rolled product.

Doppelungen doublures s fogliatura

Lamellar discontinuities generally parallel to the surface of a rolled product.

Net section
Nettoquers chnitt section nette sezione netta

Remaining cross-section to transmit stresses, taking into account reductions in the cross-section (for example, bolt holes); refers most often to a part of an element loaded in tension and is not necessarily perpendicular to the member axis. Construction detail with a configuration that exerts a defined influence on the fatigue strength.

Notch detail
Kerbfall dtail de construction effetto dintaglio

Semi-rigid connection
Halbsteife Knotenpunkte assemblages semi-rigides nodi semi rigid

Joint between members with load-dependent flexibility that influences significantly the behaviour of the structure.

Schlupf glissement scorrimento

Deformation in joints between members caused by bolt clearance.

SIA 263, Copyright 2003 by SIA Zurich



Termes techniques
En plus des termes techniques dfinis dans les normes SIA 260, SIA 261, SIA 262 et SIA 263, dautres termes, dfinis ci-aprs, sont utiliss dans la prsente norme. Adhrence
Verbund Sistema misto Bond

Transfert de force avec glissement relatif limit linterface des deux composants.

Assemblage mixte
Verbundanschluss Giunzione mista Composite joint

Assemblage entre un lment structural mixte et tout autre lment structural, dans lequel les armatures et le bton contribuent la rsistance de lassemblage. Partie saillante obtenue par dformation froid des faces planes des tles profiles et destine amliorer ladhrence mcanique entre la tle profile et le bton. Coefficient destin transformer une section de bton en une section quivalente dacier.

Sicke Nervatura Embossment

Coefficient dquivalence
Betonwertigkeit Coefficiente dequivalenza Equivalence coefficient

Verbundmittel Connettore Shear connectors

Elments de liaison, situs linterface dun lment structural mixte, qui limitent le glissement relatif et empchent la sparation des deux composants contigus. Systme dassemblage possdant une rigidit et une rsistance suffisante permettant la transmission des efforts rasants.

Verdbelung Connessione Shear connection

Connexion partielle
Teilweise Verdbelung Connessione parziale Partial shear connection

Connexion dun lment structural mixte dont la rsistance ultime est limite par ladite connexion.

Connexion totale
Volle Verdbelung Connessione totale Full shear connection

Connexion dun lment structural mixte dont la rsistance ultime nest pas limite par ladite connexion.

Construction mixte
Mischbauweise Costruzione in sistema misto Mixed structure

Ossature mixte pouvant comporter des lments structuraux en acier, en bton ou mixtes acier-bton.

SIA 264, Copyright 2003 by SIA Zurich

Dalle mixte
Blech verbunddecke Soletta di lamiera con calcestruzzo collaborante Composite slab

Elment structural mixte horizontal plan, sollicit principalement en flexion, dans lequel des tles profiles: sont utilises comme coffrage permanent capable de supporter le poids du bton frais, les armatures et les charges de construction, sunissent ensuite structuralement au bton durci et agissent comme tout ou partie de larmature de traction de la dalle. Rapport du nombre de connecteurs dune connexion partielle au nombre de connecteurs dune connexion totale.

Degr de connexion
Verdbelungsgrad Grado di connessione Degree of shear connection

Effet mixte
Verbundwirkung Azione collaborante Composite action

Assemblage des divers lments dune section, faits de matriaux diffrents, conduisant une rsistance ultime pour lensemble de cette section. Effort intrieur agissant linterface de deux composants de la section dun lment structural mixte, dans le sens porteur.

Effort rasant
Lngsschubkraft Forza di taglio longitudinale Longitudinal shear

Elment structural mixte

Verbundbauteil Elemento strutturale misto Composite member

Elment stuctural avec des composants en bton et en acier de construction assembls par des connecteurs.

Montageuntersttzung Sostegno di montaggio Propping

Appuis temporaires du composant en acier dun lment structural mixte, durant le stade de construction, situs entre les appuis dfinitifs de cet lment. Connecteur cylindrique muni dune tte et soud larc lectrique sur les profils mtalliques.

Goujon ( tte)
Kopfbolzendbel Connettore a taglio Headed stud connector

Verbundfuge Interfaccia fra acciaio e calcestruzzo Interface

Surface de contact entre deux composants contigus faits de matriaux diffrents.

Plancher mixte
Verbunddecke Soletta mista Composite floor

Plancher compos de profils mtalliques et dune dalle en bton ou mixte, solidariss par une connexion rsistante au cisaillement. Pont dont le tablier en bton est li au moyen de connecteurs des poutres matresses en acier.

Pont mixte
Verbundbr cke Ponte in sistema misto Composite bridge

SIA 264, Copyright 2003 by SIA Zurich



Termes techniques
La prsente norme utilise les termes techniques et spcifiques dfinis ci-dessous. Les termes plus gnraux sont dfinis dans les normes SIA 260 et SIA 261. artes vives
s charfkantig a spigoli viv i sharp arris

quarris sans flaches.

aboutage dentel
Keilzinkenverbindung giunto a pettine finger joint

Assemblage coll de deux quarris ou de deux lments en bois coll dont les extrmits ont t dcoupes en dents de scie, de mme inclinaison et de mme profil, qui sinterpntrent. Zone extrieure de la section dun tronc, distinguer du cur (duramen) et de lcorce.

aubier, bois daubier

Splint, Splintholz albu rn o sapwood

bois contrecoll
Sperrholz legno compensato p ly wood

Assemblage coll dau minimum 3 couches de planches de bois massif ou de panneaux dont la direction des fibres des couches extrieures est parallle et dont celle des couches intrieures est dcale de 90. Bois dbit de section rectangulaire.

bois quarris
Kantholz legname squadrato squared timber

bois lamell
B rettstapel legno lamellare laminated timber

lment de bois constitu de planches parallles sur champ lies mcaniquement entre elles sur toute leur longueur.

bois lamell coll BLC

B rettschichtholz (BSH) legno lamellare incollat o glued laminated timber

lment de bois constitu de planches parallles colles. Autres dnominations: poutres Hetzer, poutres en lamelles colles. lments de bois, gnralement quarris, obtenus par sciage de grumes (quarris, planches, lattes).

bois massif
Vollholz legno massiccio, segato solid timber

bois parfait, duramen

Kern, Kernholz durame heart wood

Cur des troncs o les cellules conductrices de sve ou les fibres sont soit assches, soit mortes.

SIA 265, Copyright 2003 by SIA Zurich

broche (boulon ajust)

Stabdbel (frher Passbolzen) spinotto calibrato d owel-type fastener

Tige cylindrique, gnralement en acier ou un autre mtal, un autre matriau synthtique ou du bois, insre dans un trou pralablement for et qui permet la transmission defforts perpendiculairement son axe. Classement visuel ou mcanique de lassortiment des bois afin de les trier selon des proprits mcaniques dfinies.

classe de rsistance
Festigkeitsklasse classe di resistenza strength class

classement visuel des bois

Visuelle Sortierung classificazione visuale visual grading

Classement des bois selon leur rsistance, sur la base de caractristiques dfinies visuellement.

colles, colles bois

Leime colle glues, adhesives

Substance adhsive, gnralement liquide, qui permet un assemblage par contact aprs durcissement de deux pices en bois. En raison de lemploi presque exclusif de substances liquides, on ne fera pas de diffrence entre colles et adhsifs dans la prsente norme. Matriau en forme de plaque obtenu par collage dun nombre impair de plis dont les fibres des couches extrieures sont parallles et dont les couches intermdiaires sont disposes alternativement environ 90. Goujons sollicits principalement en cisaillement et en compression. Les goujons annulaires (anneaux) sont logs dans des rainures fraises cet effet, les crampons sont enfoncs dans le bois par pression. Rapport entre la masse de bois avec une teneur en eau dfinie et son volume.

Furniersperrholz legno compensato impiallacciat o p ly wood

crampons et goujons annulaires

Einpress- und Einlassdbel annelli di congiunzione incassati / forzati toothed-plate and ring connectors

densit apparente
Rohdichte densit density

drivs du bois
Holzwerkstoffe derivati di legno engineered wood composites

lments de matriaux de grandes dimensions (plaques, poutres) obtenus par lassemblage dlments de bois plus petits tels que planches, panneaux, copeaux et fibres. Assemblage oblique de deux pices de charpente concourantes, sollicit la compression et au cisaillement simple.

Versatz giunte a dente, infiso bevel shoulder

quilibre hygroscopique
Ausgleichsfeuchte equilibro igroscopico equilibrum moisture content

Teneur en eau du bois soumis pendant une longue priode une humidit relative de lair donne pour une temprature dtermine. Ingalit dans lquarrissage dune pice de bois qui laisse apparatre une portion de la surface de la grume.

Baumkante s musso wane

SIA 265, Copyright 2003 by SIA Zurich

Bast libro bast

Couche intrieure de lcorce.

panneau de fibres
Faserplatte pannello di fibre fibre board

Matriau en forme de plaques, fabriqu laide de fibres et dclats de bois ramollis presss chaud jusqu lobtention de la densit voulue. Matriau en forme de plaque obtenu par collage et pressage chaud de particules de bois ayant une orientation alatoire qui conduit un comportement quasi isotrope.

panneau de particules
Spanplatte pannello di trucioli particle board

panneaux OSB
OSB-Platten pannello OSB oriented strand board

Oriented Strand Board. Matriau en forme de plaque obtenu par collage et pressage chaud de particules de bois lances et orientes dans chaque couche. Le comportement est donc li la direction. Matriau en forme de plaque obtenu par collage de plis de bois dont les fibres des diffrentes couches sont plus ou moins parallles. tat hygroscopique limite pour lequel les fibres du bois contiennent une quantit maximale deau adsorbe sans eau libre dans le vide des cellules. La saturation des fibres est atteinte lors de lentreposage du bois dans une atmosphre 100% dhumidit relative. Selon lessence, la teneur en eau atteint alors de 24 33%. Masse deau dans le bois, exprime en pourcentage de la masse volumique sec.

panneau stratifi
Furniers chichtholz (LVL) legno impiallacciato laminated veneer lumber

saturation des fibres

Fasersttigung saturazione delle fibre fibre saturation point

teneur en eau du bois

Holzfeuchte umidit del legno moisture content

tri mcanique des bois

Maschinelle Sortierung classificazione a macchina machine grading

Classement de rsistance du bois au moyen de machines.

SIA 265, Copyright 2003 by SIA Zurich



Technical terms
In the present code the specific technical terms defined below are used. General technical terms used here are defined in SIA 260 and SIA 261. Other specific technical terms used here are defined in SIA 262.

Ancillary components
Ergnzungsbauteile lments incorpors elementi strutturali complementari

Components, which are used to supplement the masonry, depending on the application.

Autoclave aerated concrete block

Po renbetonstein agglomr de bton cellulaire mattone in calcestruzzo poroso

Porous hydrothermally bonded concrete masonry unit using agent to form pores.

Bed face
Lagerflche assise superficie dappoggio

Top or bottom face of a masonry unit after placement according to plan.

Bed joint
Lagerfuge joint dassise fuga orizzontale

Layer of mortar between the bed faces of masonry units.

Bed joint reinforcement

Lagerfugenbewehrung armature des joints dassise armatura della fuga orizzontale

Prefabricated reinforcement for placing in bed joints.

Mauerverband appareil disposizione dei mattoni

Arrangement of the masonry units with staggering of the head or bed joints in adjacent layers.

Calcium silicate block

Kalksandstein brique silico-calcaire mattone silico calcare

Hydrothermally bonded masonry unit.

Clay brick
Backstein brique de terre cuite mattone di terracotta

Fired masonry unit.

Compressive strength of masonry

Mauerwerksdru ck festigkeit rsistance la compression de la maonnerie resistenza della mu ratura a compressione

Compressive strength of masonry determined by means of standard tests on small scale specimens under centric loading normal to the bed or head joints.

Compressive strength of masonry unit

Steindru ck festigkeit rsistance la compression des briques et agglomrs resistenza del mattone a compressione

Strength of individual masonry units determined from standard compression tests.

SIA 266, Copyright 2005 by SIA Zurich

Compressive strength of mortar

Mrteldruckfestigkeit rsistance la compression du mortier resistenza della malta a compressione

Compressive strength of mortar specimens determined from standard tests.

Concrete block
Zementstein agglomr de bton mattone di cemento

Cement-bonded masonry unit.

Concrete infill
Fllbeton bton de remplissage calcestruzzo di riempimento

Concrete of suitable consistency and of given aggregate grain size, used to infill cavities in masonry.

Damp-proof course
Feuchtigkeitssperrs chich t couche tanche l'humidit manto impermeabile

Layer of sealing strips, masonry units or other material for use in masonry to prevent the rising or penetration of water.

Double-leaf cavity wall

Zweischalenmauerwerk mur double paro i mu ratura doppia

Masonry, in which the loadbearing and protective functions are distributed between two leaves of a wall placed at a certain distance from each other; in general, the two leaves are designed differently. Expert mortar work on the bed joints, without mortar in the head joints (head-to-head contact of the faces of the masonry units). Factory-proportioned mortar delivered to site where under specified conditions water is added to the mix.

Dry head joint construction

knirs ch vermauern hourdage joints verticaux sec mu ratura con fughe verticali a secco

Dry ready-mixed mortar

Werktro ckenmrtel Mortier sec dusine malta premiscelata

Ductile masonry
duktiles Mauerwerk maonnerie ductile mu ratura dutile

Reinforced masonry with increased plastic deformation capacity.

Duration of workability
Verarbeitbarkeitszeit dure douvrabilit tempo di lavo razione

Period after mixing, during which the mortar has to be worked.

Exterior facing masonry

bewittertes Sichtmauerwerk maonnerie de parement mu ratura facciavista esterna

Facing masonry with increased durability against driving rain, moisture and frost.

Exterior web
Aussensteg me extrieure anima esterna

Material between a void and the external surface of a masonry unit.

Facing masonry
Sichtmauerwerk maonnerie apparente mu ratura facciavista

Masonry which remains exposed.

Filled joint construction

vollfugig vermauern hourdage joints pleins mu ratura con fughe verticali piene

Expert mortar work for the bed and head joints with double bedding, depending on the type of masonry or wall thickness also with single or multiple bedding.

SIA 266, Copyright 2005 by SIA Zurich

Gross area
B ruttoflche surface brute superficie lorda

Cross-sectional area of a masonry unit or masonry without deduction of the areas of voids, openings and recesses.

Vergussmrtel mortier de remplissage malta per iniezione

Pourable mix of cement, sand, water and possibly additives to infill voids.

Head joint
Stossfuge joint vertical fuga verticale

Mortar-filled joint normal to bed joint and to wall surface.

Interior facing masonry

nicht bewittertes Sichtmauerwerk maonnerie apparente non soumise aux intempries mu ratura facciavista interna

Facing masonry without increased durability against driving rain, moisture and frost.

Interior web
Innensteg me intrieure anima interna

Material between the voids in a masonry unit.

Layer height
Schichthhe hauteur dassises altezza di un corso di mu ratura

Height of a masonry unit and a bed joint.

Lightweight aggregate concrete block

Leichtzementstein agglomr de bton lger mattone leggero di cemento

Lightweight cement-bonded masonry unit.

Lightweight autoclave aerated concrete block

Po renbetonleichtstein agglomr de bton cellulaire lger mattone leggero in calcestruzzo poroso

Lightweight porous hydrothermally bonded concrete masonry unit using agent to form pores.

Lightweight clay brick

Leichtbackstein brique de terre cuite lgre mattone leggero di terracotta

Lightweight fired masonry unit.

Sturz linteau architrave

Beam-like ancillary component to bridge door or window openings in masonry.

Mauerwerk maonnerie mu ratura

Masonry units arranged in a specific way in several layers and bonded together using mortar, sometimes with added reinforcement and/or infill concrete. Masonry units and mortar as well as in some cases non-prestressed or prestressed reinforcement and/or concrete infill.

Masonry components
Mauerwerkskomponenten composants de la maonnerie componenti della mu ratura

SIA 266, Copyright 2005 by SIA Zurich

Masonry plan
Schichtenplan plan dassises piano della mu ratura

Execution plan, in which the exact arrangement and the relevant properties of the masonry components and the ancillary components are specified. Artificially produced or worked natural stone for use in masonry construction.

Masonry unit
Mauerstein parpaing (brique ou agglomr) mattone

Modulus of rupture of masonry

Mauerwerksbiegezugfestigkeit rsistance la traction par flexion de la maonnerie resistenza della mu ratura a trazione per flessione

Flexural strength of masonry determined from standard tests.

Mauermrtel mortier malta per mu ratura

Mix of anorganic binders, aggregate and water, possibly with additives and admixtures, for use in masonry construction.

Movement joint
Bewegungsfuge joint de dilatation giunto di dilatazione

Joint between two structural members, which permits a limited movement at the joint boundaries.

Non-partitioning element
nicht raumabschliessendes Bauteil lment douvrage dans un espace non ferm elemento non taglia fuoco

Structural member, which in the case of fire can be subjected to fire on several sides.

Partition wall
raumabschliessende Wand mur de sparation parete taglia fuoco

Dividing wall subjected to fire on one side, which prevents the throughflow of flames or hot gases and limits the temperature increase on the side opposite to that subjected to the fire. Layer of plaster applied to surface of masonry, providing protection and/or decorative appearance.

Verputz crpi intonaco

nachtrgliche Verfugung jointoiement ultrieur stuccatura dei giunti

Filling and finishing joints after removal of mortar from external part of joints.

Prefabricated masonry
vorfabriziertes Mauerwerk maonnerie prfabrique mu ratura prefabbricata

Masonry, which is produced in the factory or on site as an element and is assembled with the other structural members on site. Masonry, to which a specified compressive stress is applied by means of prestressed reinforcement.

Prestressed masonry
vo rgespanntes Mauerwerk maonnerie prcontrainte mu ratura precompressa

Rate of water absorption

kapillare Wasseraufnahme absorption deau par capillarit assorbimento dacqua per capillarit

Water absorption capacity of a masonry unit per unit surface area and unit time under standard conditions of submersion.

SIA 266, Copyright 2005 by SIA Zurich

Ready-mixed mortar
Werkfrischmrtel mortier frais dusine malta fresca preconfezionata

Mortar proportioned and mixed in the factory and delivered to the site.

Reinforced masonry
bewehrtes Mauerwerk maonnerie arme mu ratura armata

Masonry, in which reinforcing bars or meshes are placed in mortar or concrete infill, so that all masonry components interact to withstand the applied forces. Wall that resists in-plane horizontal forces.

Shear wall
Schubwand mur soumis au cisaillement parete resistente al taglio

Single-leaf wall
Einsteinmauerwerk maonnerie de parpaings mu ratura semplice

Masonry in stretcher or header bond, whose thickness corresponds to the width or length of a masonry unit.

Site-mixed mortar
Baustellenmrtel mortier de chantier malta prodotta in cantiere

Mortar produced on site with materials weighed and mixed there.

Sound insulating masonry

s challdmmendes Mauerwerk maonnerie insonore mu ratura insonorizzante

Masonry, which fulfils increased requirements of sound-proofing.

Standard masonry
Standardmauerwerk maonnerie standard mu ratura standardizzata

Masonry with standardised mechanical properties.

Stiffening wall
aussteifende Wand mur de contreventement parete di controventamento

Usually a wall placed perpendicular to another wall which acts as a support in resisting horizontal forces.

Zugband tirant tirante

Ancillary component to connect masonry to adjacent structural members.

Structural bond masonry

Verbandmauerwerk maonnerie de boutisses et panneresses mu ratura disposta a blocch i

Masonry, made up in the transverse direction of alternating masonry units of different or identical widths, so that the masonry units overlap in the transverse and longitudinal directions. Masonry with properties certified by the manufacturer or the supplier.

Supplier-certified masonry
deklariertes Mauerwerk maonnerie spcifie mu ratura tipo

System compatibility
Systemtauglich keit compatibilit au systme compatibilit del sistema

Ability of masonry components to interact as a system in a particular intended way, fulfilling the corresponding code requirements. Masonry with increased resistance against heat transmission.

Thermal insulating masonry

wrmedmmendes Mauerwerk maonnerie isolante thermiquement mu ratura isolante termicamente


SIA 266, Copyright 2005 by SIA Zurich

Thin layer mortar

Dnnbettmrtel mortier-colle letto di malta sottile

Mortar for use in 2 to 3 mm thick joints.

Transverse tensile force of masonry unit

Steinquerzugfestigkeit rsistance la traction transversale des parpaings resistenza del mattone alla trazione t rasversale

Compressive strength under negligible lateral restraint, determined on specimens consisting of three masonry units with intermediate layers of rubber plates with specified properties.

Unreinforced masonry
unbewehrtes Mauerwerk maonnerie non arme mu ratura non armata

Unreinforced masonry or masonry with reinforcement not considered in the verifications of structural safety and serviceability.

Veneer masonry
Vo rsatzmauerwerk maonnerie de doublage mu ratura di rivestimento

Masonry, which in general as an external skin of a building is anchored to the structure, e.g. as an external leaf of a doubleleaf cavity wall. Prefabricated hole in a masonry unit, which passes completely or partially through the masonry unit.

Loch alvole fo ro

Void ratio
Loch flchenanteil p roportion dalvoles percentuale fori-superficie

Cross-sectional area of voids in relation to the gross area.

Wall tie
Maueranker ancrage pour maonnerie staffa

Ancillary component to connect a veneer masonry with a skeleton or a wall construction.

SIA 266, Copyright 2005 by SIA Zurich




Technical terms
In the present code the specific technical terms defined below are used. General technical terms are defined in SIA 260 and SIA 261 and specific technical terms are defined in SIA 262 to 266.

Active earth pressure

aktiver Erdd ru ck pousse active spinta attiva

Least possible earth pressure which develops behind a wall when the structure moves away from the soil.

Alarm value
Alarm wert seuil d'alarme s oglia d'allarme

Value of a control parameter at which safety measures have to be carried out immediately.

Alert value
Meldewert seuil d'avertissement s oglia di sicurezza

Value of a control parameter, at which the execution work or the structure have to be monitored more closely.

Anker tirant tirante

Structural element that transmits force to the ground by means of a tensile member.

Anchor head
Ankerkopf tte du tirant testa del tirante

Part of the anchor that transmits the anchor force to the anchored structure or directly to the ground to be supported.

Anchor with a monitoring facility

Kontrollanker tirant de contrle tirante di controllo

Anchor on which checks and measurements can be carried out.

Anchor with a permanently installed load cell Anchor that is fitted with a load cell allowing measurement of Messanker the prestressing force at any time.
tirant de mesure tirante di misura

Verankerung ancrage ancoraggio

The entirety of the anchoring measures that contribute to the bearing capacity of the structure primarily by transmitting tensile forces to the ground. Pile which without displacement of the ground is installed in a previously or simultaneously drilled borehole.

Bored pile
Bohrp fahl pieu for palo trivellat o

Cased bored pile

verrohrter Bohrp fahl pieu for tub palo trivellato con rivestimento

Pile that is constructed by simultaneously or subsequently advancing the casing.

Cast-in-situ pile
Ortbetonpfahl pieu moul en place palo gettato in opera

Concrete pile that is cast directly in the ground.

SIA 267, Copyright 2003 by SIA Zurich

Coefficient of subgrade reaction

Bettungsmodul module de raction modulo di reazione

Parameter to describe the deformability of the ground at the ground surface.

Compaction pressure
Verdichtungsdru ck p ression de compactage p ressione di compattazione

Earth pressure increase due to compaction of the ground.

Compressibility modulus
Steifemodul module de dfo rmation modulo di defo rmazione

Parameter to describe the deformability of soil. The compressibility modulus Es is usually obtained from the oedometer test (zero lateral strain). Pile that resists compressive forces.

Compression pile
Dru ckpfahl pieu en compression palo a compressione

Control value
Lenkungsgrsse grandeur pilote valore di controllo

Observable or measurable parameter of a geotechnical or structural property to monitor the quality (i. e. performance) of the behaviour of the ground or the structure. Action of creeping soil or rock on an immoveable structure.

Creep pressure
Kriechdru ck p ression de fluage p ressione di scorrimento viscoso

Creep rate
Kriechmass taux de fluage tasso dello scorrimento viscoso

Slope of the time-displacement curve in a semi-logarithmic creep diagram under constant force: k = (l2 l1)/log (t 2 /t 1)

Critical height of a slope

f reie Standhhe hauteur autostable altezza critica

Height up to which a vertical, unloaded and unsupported slope remains stable.

Anschnitt t ranche trincea

Vertical or inclined slope resulting from the excavation of soil.

Deep foundation
Tieffundation fondation pro fonde fondazione pro fonda

Foundation by means of which loads and forces are transmitted to a deep layer in the ground.

Deformation modulus
Verfo rmungsmodul module de dfo rmation modulo di compressibilit

Parameter to describe the deformability of the ground. The deformation modulus EV (also designated ME) is usually determined with the plate bearing test. Resistance produced by the stiffness of the soil to a displacement of the structure.

Deformation resistance
Verfo rmungswiderstand rsistance induite par la dfo rmation resistenza alla defo rmazione

Entwsserung puisement des eaux p rosciugamento, d renaggio

Temporary or permanent measure of a technical or organic nature to remove water from the ground.

Dbel boulon bullone

Rod-like structural element that mainly resists shear forces, but can also resist tensile forces.

SIA 267, Copyright 2003 by SIA Zurich

Verdbelung boulonnage chiodatura

The entirety of the constructional measures that contribute to the bearing capacity of the structure primarily by increasing the shear resistance in the ground using dowels. Removal of water from the soil by means of drainage pipes.

Drainage system
Drainage d rainage d renaggio

Driven pile
Rammpfahl pieu battu palo battuto

Pile that is driven into the soil by ramming or vibrating, displacing the soil at the same time and in the case of grouted driven piles the pile is filled with cement grout. Geotechnical: investigation to determine the dynamic geotechnical parameters and the dynamic behaviour of the ground.

Dynamic investigation
dynamische Untersuchung reconnaissances dynamiques indagine dinamica

Earth pressure
Erdd ru ck pousse des terres spinta del terreno

The force or stress at the contact area between the soil and the structure.

Earth pressure at rest

Erd ruhedru ck pousse des terres au repos spinta del terreno a riposo

The earth pressure that acts in undisturbed or reconsolidated soil without any displacement of the structure.

Effective free tendon length

wirksame freie Ankerlnge longueur libre effective du tirant lunghezza libera efficace del tirante

Length over which the tension member is free to strain when tensioned.

Damm digue diga

Structure with slopes and a crest that results from the placement of fill material.

End-bearing pile
Standpfahl pieu appuy en pointe, pieu colonne palo di punta

Pile in which the force is transmitted to the ground mainly through the base of the pile.

Baugrube fouille scavo

Removal of material (soil or rock) at the ground surface for the purpose of erecting a structure.

Schttung remblai riport o, rilevat o

Body of soil with or without slopes created by heaping up fill material.

Fixed tendon length

Verankerungslnge longueur de scellement lunghezza del bulbo di ancoraggio

Length over which the force is transmitted through the anchorage.

Flow pressure
Fliessdru ck p ression d'coulement spinta di scorrimento

Action produced on an immovable structure by flowing soil.

Fluvial erosion
Erosion rosion erosione

Hydraulics: erosion or removal of soil caused by the seepage force of water.


SIA 267, Copyright 2003 by SIA Zurich

Fundation fondation fondazione

The entirety of the measures used to transmit the loads and forces of a structure to the ground.

Free tendon length

f reie Ankerlnge longueur libre du tirant lunghezza libera del tirante

Length between head of an anchor and the start of the fixed tendon length, which is determined by the structural and geotechnical calculations. Pile in which the force is transmitted to the ground mainly by skin friction along the shaft of the pile.

Friction pile
Reibungspfahl pieu de frottement palo ad attrito

Geotechnical model
Baugrundmodell modlisation du terrain modello geotecnico

Idealised description of the ground using geotechnical parameters.

Geotechnical parameters
Baugrundwerte paramtres du terrain de fondation parametri geotecnici

Geometrical and geotechnical parameters to describe the geological structure and properties of the ground.

Geotechnical risk
geotechnisches Risiko risque gotechnique rischio geotecnico

Hazard to a construction project, structure or an area of life resulting from the behaviour of the ground.

Geotechnical value
geotechnischer Wert valeur gotechnique valore geotecnico

Value describing a material-technological property of soil or rock.

Gravity wall
Sch wergewichtsmauer mur poids mu ro a gravit

Wall that retains water or earth material solely by means of self-weight with an insignificant bending effect.

Baugrund terrain de fondation terreno

Ground consisting of soil or rock in the area of a construction project or a foundation.

Grundwasser eau souterraine falda freatica

Water, flowing or stationary, filling the connected system of voids in soil or rock.

Groundwater control
Grundwasserhaltung interventions sur le rgime des eaux souterraines interventi sul regime della falda freatica

Temporary or permanent measure to lower, raise or regulate the water table or to relieve the pore water pressure.

Groundwater flow in slopes

Hangwasser eau de versant falda del versante

Continuous or dispersed flow of water in a slope.

Groundwater lowering
Grundwasserabsenkung rabattement de nappe ou des eaux souterraines abbassamento del livello di falda

Temporary or permanent lowering of the water table.

Grouted pile
Injektionspfahl pieu inject palo iniettat o

Pile in which during or after installation mortar or cement grouting is carried out.

SIA 267, Copyright 2003 by SIA Zurich


Homogeneous zone
Homogenbereich zone homogne zona omogenea

Zone in which the geotechnical properties lie within specified limits.

Hydraulic failure, piping

hyd raulischer Grundbru ch renard hyd raulique collasso per sifonamento

Instability involving upward flow or disintegration of soil due to water pressures or seepage forces.

Increased active earth pressure

erhhter aktiver Erdd ru ck pousse active majore spinta attiva maggiorata

Earth pressure intermediate between active earth pressure and earth pressure at rest.

Jacked pile
Presspfahl pieu fonc palo pressat o

Pile that is pressed into the ground under a static force with simultaneous displacement of soil.

Nagel clou chiodo

Type of anchor whose primary function is to transmit either tensile forces or tensile and shear forces into the ground.

Nailed soil
Nagelwand paroi cloue parete chodata

A steep slope constructed in steps and supported by nails usually together with a sprayed concrete lining acting as connecting element and providing corrosion protection. Friction force acting on pile shaft induced by soil settlement relative to the pile.

Negative skin friction, downdrag

negat ive Mantelreibung f rottement ngatif attrito laterale negat ivo

Non-prestressed anchor
ungespannter Anker tirant passif tirante passivo

Anchor which transmits mainly tensile forces to the ground. For non-prestressed anchors at time t = 0 either zero or only a small prestressing force is applied. In the case of an insufficiently reliable basis for dimensioning this offers a possible procedure for the design, execution and use of a structure, accepting certain risks, with an estimate of the behaviour and the specification of corresponding limit values including the associated monitoring and safety measures. Foundation for a column or to transmit a concentrated load or force to the ground.

Observational method
Beobachtungsmethode mthode observationnelle metodo d'osservazione

Pad footing, isolated footing

Einzelfundament semelle isole plinto isolat o

Passive earth pressure

passiver Erdd ru ck pousse passive spinta passiva

Greatest possible earth pressure which develops behind a wall when the structure moves towards the soil.

Permanent anchor
permanenter Anker tirant permanent tirante permanente

Prestressed anchor with a working life of more than 2 years or a non-prestressed anchor with a working life of more than 5 years. Slender structural element to transmit loads and forces (compressive, tensile and shear forces) to the ground.

Pfahl pieu palo

Pile foundation
Pfahlfundation fondation sur pieux fondazione su pali

Type of foundation that transmits loads and forces to the ground by means of piles.


SIA 267, Copyright 2003 by SIA Zurich

Piled raft foundation

Pfahl-Plattenfundation fondation mixte fondazione mista palo-platea

Combined foundation type by which the loads and forces are transmitted to the ground both through the raft foundation and through the piles. Water pressure acting in the pores of soil or rock.

Pore water pressure

Po renwasserd ru ck p ression interstitielle p ressione interstiziale

Prefabricated pile
vo rgefertigter Pfahl pieu prfabriqu palo prefabbricat o

Pile which before installation is fabricated in whole or in part of reinforced concrete, steel or wood.

Prestressed anchor
vo rgespannter Anker tirant prcontraint tirante precompresso

Anchor which primarily transmits tensile forces to the ground. With a prestressed anchor, after applying the tensioning force as a result of external actions only small changes of the prestressing force occur, which lie within specified limits. Foundation that stretches over the whole area of a structure or part of it.

Raft foundation
Plattenfundament radier platea di fondazione

Retaining structure
Sttzbauwerk ouvrage de soutnement opera di sostegno

Wall support system that is able to carry horizontal or vertical loads or forces and transmit them to the ground.

Retaining wall
Sttzwand paroi de soutnement parete di sostegno

Relatively slender wall which is loaded in bending and is usually supported by anchors, struts and/or the passive earth resistance. Friction force produced by seepage forces acting in the soil in the direction of flow.

Seepage force
Str mungskraft fo rce d'coulement forza di filtrazione

Sensitive soil
strukturempfindlicher Boden sol structure sensible terreno sensitivo

Soil, e. g. lacustrine deposits, whose grain structure can collapse and/or be compacted as a result of static or dynamic actions. Pile which transmits the shear forces acting transversely to the axis of the pile to the ground.

Shear pile, dowel pile

Schubpfahl pieu en cisaillement palo a taglio

Site investigation
Baugrunduntersuchung reconnaissance du terrain indagine geognostica o geotecnica

Obtaining information on the geology, geotechnical properties and behaviour of the ground, including the groundwater conditions. Man-made inclination of the ground surface produced by excavation or fill work.

Slope: artificial
Bschung talus scarpata

Slope: natural
Hang pente pendio

Natural inclination of the ground surface.

Boden sol terreno sciolto

Geotechnical: ground consisting of loose or soft material (as opposed to solid, hard rock).

SIA 267, Copyright 2003 by SIA Zurich


Soil liquefaction
Bodenverflssigung liqufaction du sol liquefazione del terreno

Loss of shear strength and stiffness in loose deposits of saturated cohesionless soil due to static or dynamic action.

Soil nailing
Vernagelung clouage chiodatura

Stabilising the ground under a structure by means of nails.

Soil resistance
Erdwiderstand rsistance du sol resistenza del terreno

Resistance of the soil to a structure when it moves towards the soil.

Soil sensitive to earthquakes

erdbebenempfindlicher Boden terrain sensible aux sismes terreno sensibile al terremoto

Soil, e. g. saturated sands, fine sands and silt, that is prone to liquefy, compact or lose its shear strength under cyclic or dynamic load. Imposed pressure due to earth resting on a structure.

Soil surcharge
Erdauflast poids des terres peso del terreno

Spread foundation
Flachfundation fondation superficielle fondazione superficiale

Shallow foundation that transmits the loads and forces mainly through the base of the foundation.

Strip footing
Streifenfundament semelle filante fondazione continua

Spread foundation whose length is substantially greater than its width; suitable for a wall or row of columns.

Absttzung blindage par tayage appogio, sostegno

Excavation: system of walings and struts (braces) providing structural support.

Swelling pressure
Quelldru ck p ression de gonflement p ressione di rigonfiamento

Pressure produced by swelling soil or rock under restrained lateral strain.

Temporary anchor
temporrer Anker tirant temporaire tirante temporaneo

Prestressed anchor with a limited working life, normally a maximum of 2 years or an unstressed anchor with a limited working life, normally a maximum of 5 years. Part of the anchor used to transmit the anchor force from the anchor head to the anchorage zone.

Zugglied armature de traction elemento a trazione

Tendon length
Ankerlnge longueur du tirant lunghezza del tirante

Distance between the anchor head and the end of the anchor.

Tension pile
Zugpfahl pieu en traction palo a trazione

Pile to resist tensile forces.

Test anchor
Versuchsanker tirant d'essai tirante di prova

Specially constructed anchor on which tests are carried out to provide the basis for selecting, dimensioning and the quality control of the working anchors.


SIA 267, Copyright 2003 by SIA Zurich

Test pile
Versuchspfahl pieu d'essai palo di prova

Pile on which pile load tests are carried out to dimension the piles used in the construction works.

Total soil resistance

Baugrundwiderstand rsistance du terrain resistenza del terreno

Limit of the resistance of the ground (passive soil resistance, ultimate bearing capacity, sliding resistance, shearing resistance). Pile bored without use of casing.

Uncased bored pile

u nverrohrter Bohrp fahl pieu for non tub palo trivellato senza rivestimento

Auftrieb pousse d'Archimde spinta d'Archimede

Vertically upwards directed hydraulic force, whose magnitude equals the amount of water displaced by the body.

Water table control

Grundwasserregulierung rgulation de la nappe regolazione del livello di falda

Temporary or permanent measure to maintain the level of the water table within a specified range.

Working anchor
Bauwerksanker tirant d'ouvrage tirante di servizio

Anchor that fulfils its structural function.

Working pile
Bauwerkspfahl pieu d'ouvrage palo di servizio

Pile that fulfils its structural function.

SIA 267, Copyright 2003 by SIA Zurich


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