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Department of Mechanical Engineering MEP341 Thermal Engineering Laboratory (0-0-3) II Semester 2012-2013 Laboratory Instructions Jan 8, 2013 Each

sub-group shall conduct three sets of experiments. Four weekly turns shall be associated with each set of experiment. At most two sub-groups can work on one set of experiments at the same time. However, each subgroup working on a given set at the same time shall have different rigs/devices to work on.
Each set will have certain primary objectives and some other secondary objectives. Brief description of each set along with broad titles is given below. The students will be required to identify the primary as well as the secondary objectives associated with each experiment. Set I: Analysis of simple cooking devices using first and second law of thermodynamics. In the laboratory there are several cooking devices available. Some of these use thermal energy generated by combustion of fuels and some others operate on electrical energy. Each sub-group is required to select one device of the former kind and one of the latter. The equipment required and plan of experiment for carrying out the first and second law analysis of these devices should be worked out by each sub-group. A pressure cooker is also provided in the lab along with a pressure gauge. The students should try to think how it can be used for learning some concepts related to steam and use them in their experimental work. Set II: Experimental studies of various concepts related to Conduction, Convection and Radiation. In many situations, all three modes of heat transfer play an important role. In this set, the emphasis would be on study/verification of fundamentals associated with the three modes of heat transfer. Two sub-groups can work on this set together. Out of the two, one will be required to work out an experiment around a pin-fin while the other sub-group will be required to identify various ways in which these fundamentals can be studied using two rigs : one for (conduction and) convection and the other for radiation. Set III: Experiments related to applications of thermodynamics and heat transfer.

Two setups will be utilized for these experiments: (i) heat exchanger experimental setup, (ii) air turbine experimental setup. In your first turn, think about what your detailed objectives should be for these experiments and then decide what measurements you will take and what procedure you will follow.
Prior to taking observations, the work by each sub-group must include identifying the relevant instruments, understanding the working principle of each instrument, understanding several aspects of the concerned rig, planning the experiments, preparing observations tables, making a schematic of the rig, and carrying out the basic error analysis. Subsequently, the observations must be carefully recorded, the relevant calculations done with sample calculations shown neatly and the final report prepared in a format decided by all members of the sub-group together. Each member must participate in every aspect of the work. Final report, which must be hand-written, must be submitted at the end of the third turn of the given set while the power point presentation can be prepared after the third turn as home work and presented in the fourth turn by all members of the group together. The entire work including preparatory work and final observations must be recorded in A4 size sheets and filed in a folder. This folder must be available with the sub-group in all the turns of the experiment. Please come to the lab after having prepared well on the proposed set of experiments. Study the fundamentals well and bring relevant textbooks with you.

Evaluation The various components on which each student/sub-group will be evaluated are as follows: Sincerity, background preparation for the class and clarity on fundamentals, organization of work, rigour of work, team work, report and presentation. Topics for Self-study Errors in Experimentation Systematic and Random errors; Precision and Accuracy of Measuring Instruments; Uncertainty Analysis Basic Principles of the Following Measuring Instruments Temperature: Thermocouples, Resistance Temperature Detectors (RTDs), Thermistors Pressure: Manometers, Bourdon Gauge, Pressure Transducers. Fluid Flow (Volume flow rate and velocity): Pitot Probe, Pitot-Static Probe, Turbine Flowmeters, Venturimeter, Orificemeter, Vane type Anemometer, Hot wire Anemometer, Rotameter, Laser based systems (LDV, PIV) Torque: Different types of Dynamometers belt, eddy current, hydraulic. Force: Load Cells. References 1. E.O. Doeblin, Measurement Systems Application and Design, McGraw Hill. 2. J.W. Dally, W.F. Riley and K.G. McConnell, Instrumentation for Engineering Measurements, John Wiley & Sons. 3. B.C. Nakra and K.K. Chaudhary, Instrumentation, Measurement and Analysis, Tata McGraw Hill. 4. 5. Any other book on instrumentation and measurements from the library (several books are available). 6. F.P.Incropera and D.P.Dewitt, Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer, John Wiley and Sons. 7. Dhar, P.L., Engineering Thermodynamics A Generalized Approach, Elsevier, New Delhi. 8. Moran, M.J. and Shapiro, H.N., Engineering Thermodynamics, John Wiley & Sons, Singapore. 9. Sonntag, R.E., Borgnakke, C. and van Wylen, G.J., Fundamentals of Thermodynamics, John Wiley & Sons, Singapore. 10. Cengel, Y.A. and Boles, M.A., Thermodynamics : An Engineering Approach, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi. 11. T.D. Eastop and A. Mcconkey, Applied Thermodynamics for Engineering, Prentice Hall.

MEP341ThermalEngineeringLaboratory Lab Report Group : Subgroup :

Experiment No. Title :

Date of Conducting the Experiment:

Entry No. 1 2


Date of Report Submission:

TAs Initials (after report correction)

Instructors Signature with Date

Grade/Marks (to be given by the instructor):


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