Fame - March 14, 2013 at 10:52 Am

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March 14, 2013 at 10:17 am # I think Ichigos hollow was created during Uraharas training, way back.

Besides Aizen is a curious person. There is a possibility that everything is according to his plan, through the hogyoku. But that hollow isnt supposed to be inside Ichigo, he isnt born yet. Does he know Isshin will be the father of Maskis child? Could he make the hygyoku make that happen? If everything is according then Ichigo is also part of the plan, and he isnt born yet. But the hogyuku is supposed to be with Urahara, and Urahara doesnt know its real power. He might even have planned to plant it inside Rukia to give Ichigo shinigami power, and the rest of the story until the final fight. But he was along the way reacting to the events just like everyone and didnt know everything, so the real god that controls everything is the hogyoku, even Aizen is under its influence. Reply

Fame - March 14, 2013 at 10:52 am # Me too, but then we learnt its a Fullbring thing and hollows are somehow formed when a pregnant mother is attacked by a hollow? At times I think, Bleach went from making sense, to wtf

Ilith'Bah - March 14, 2013 at 11:08 am # If powers can be acquired just through a particular training, then as a consequence that any human can go through that training to acquire Shinigami Powers. While we know that Ichigo could acquire them only because he was already a Shinigami. The same goes for Fullbringers, they must have been infected with hollow soul in order to display their powers. We already know that Ichigo has Quincy and Shinigami powers through his parents, plus Ginjou said that his hollow powers were acquired just like the other fullbringers. So why should Ichigo have acquired hollow powers only in that deep hole? They manifested for the first time that time, but how can we be sure that they were born that time? Hichigo itself said that he and Zangetsu were a single thing from the very beginning, and Ichigo has Shinigami powers since he was born. To me we have been mislead to believe something that was never intended to be just like that. Fame - March 14, 2013 at 10:09 am # The only explanation that works is that HM is considered a part of the Living World, not

a separate realm. Which is the complete opposite to what we were told. I.e Limbo. Maybe translation fucked up somewhere in the series. We believe HM, LW, Hell and SS to be separate places/realms when really its just SS, LW and Hell. Now my theory on this, since Quincy can eradicate a being completely, then only they have jurisdiction in Hell, and their task is to balance souls there with those of the LW. The quicny version of the Reiokyu is the Fifth Field. Reply

Sakanade - March 14, 2013 at 10:36 am # Just let Mayuri do the math. Reply

Fame - March 14, 2013 at 10:49 am # the last time a sociopath did the maths 6 million jews where massacred -.- (r.i.p) maybe ss was going through an economic depression
Soifon because she is too much of a talkative and less of power and Komamura is atleast faithful and humble MmmSaviorPandaGodRemix - March 14, 2013 at 3:51 am # Why is everyone hatin on the puppy? Reply gingold - March 14, 2013 at 3:53 am # because for his very big stature, he seems negligible. MmmSaviorPandaGodRemix - March 14, 2013 at 3:58 am # I can understand that but come on, hes a wolf-man. Akash - March 14, 2013 at 4:02 am # It would have been great on Kubos part had he showed us what led to komamuras wolf appearence gingold - March 14, 2013 at 4:03 am # whos only biggest accomplishment so far is defeating a fraccion of barragan. soi fong took on barragan himself and was nearly successful, albeit shrieked like a sissy when barragans acid breath reached her hand. ha ha ha. yeah, i dont like soi fong too. omaeda is much better than her. MmmSaviorPandaGodRemix - March 14, 2013 at 4:04 am # Based on my theory on how you would get a wolf-man, i think its best he didnt. Akash - March 14, 2013 at 4:09 am #

Agreed.. based on his skill set and popularity it was good decision not to do him.. However, there is some inconsistency considering that he was the only soulreaper to have animal features.. MmmSaviorPandaGodRemix - March 14, 2013 at 4:10 am # Yeah his usefullness can be called into question, but when have the words Ban-Kai ever yeilded the desired results?

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Niko - March 14, 2013 at 10:39 am # We know for sure that HM lies between living world and SS and apparently the number of souls in SS must never be bigger than that in HM. Its confusing. I think I wont be able to explain that. Reply

Sakanade - March 14, 2013 at 10:55 am # The transference of souls is ONE way only, from HM and LW to SS. Its balance for the sake of numbers. When SS residents die they dont get transferred to living world. ITS NOT A CYCLE. I really dont know what happens when there is too many on one scale, how will it break? Reply

Fame - March 14, 2013 at 10:58 am # http://bleach.wikia.com/wiki/Hell Reply

Ilith'Bah - March 14, 2013 at 11:01 am # Maybe there is no balance to keep. Maybe its just a Lie. Reply

Fame - March 14, 2013 at 11:11 am # mind = blown

Sakanade - March 14, 2013 at 11:14 am # Its confusing, thats why the sociopath Mayuri should do the math. Reply

Sakanade - March 14, 2013 at 11:44 am # This explains the balance of souls: http://www.mangareader.net/94-500-3/bleach/chapter-46.html Note: Mayuri oblitirated souls in Soul Society to balance the hollows that was oblitirated by the quincy. Reply kisuke urahara - March 14, 2013 at 11:46 am # I had this idea and still have that the SK is too involved in ichigos birth. Hope kisuke will make an appearance there too. Its unlikely that hed miss something like that. Did anyone think of Naruto and the nine-tail-fox at the end of this(bleach) ch? I mean how Naruto came into existence. I know its a stretch but it may resemble that somehow. I dont think Aizen is capable of making that thing. Also does a shinigamis sperm carry spiritual pressure? If so, are a female quincys eggs protected by Vollstandig? Is this why quincy can live so long, theyre cells are protected, boosting their immune systems? Doesnt this totally void the analysis that Shinigami are dead? If not and Ichigo is really half-dead half-alive isn;t he technically a Zombie? Does the number of asuchi Oetsu can make correlate with his sperm count? I could find 101 inconsistencies in Bleach if someone was willing to pay me. If and when I do, Bitch better have muh money.

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