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Anaerobic digestion of slaughterhouse waste in Sweden

ke Nordberg JTI - Swedish Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Engineering

Anaerobic digestion of animal by-products: a sustainable treatment alternative


Presentation out-line
Regulations for anaerobic digestion (AD) of animal by-products (ABP) Potential biogas substrates from slaughtered animals AD of slaughterhouse waste in Sweden

Regulation (EC) No 1774/2002, applicable from 1st of May 2003 in all member states
Category 1

Specified Risk Material representing an increased risk for public health, animals and environment. Not designated for AD Manure, digestive tract content, milk, colostrum Fallen animals, slaughtered but not intended for human consumption (everything not included in Category 1 and 3) Material originating from animals fit for slaughter but not intended for human consumption. ABP from food production Catering waste (except from international transport)

Category 2 without preliminary treatment Category 2 after sterilisation with steam pressure and marking (with smell) Category 3 approved according to Article 15 (pasteurisation) Category 3 approved according to national legislation

Pig slaughtering facility

Manure Digestive tract content Cat. 2 no required treatment

Digestive tract Bones, slaughter by-products Parts of slaughtered animals Blood Cat. 2 sterilisation Sterilisation 133 C 3 bar 20 min Cat. 3 pasteurisation Pasteurisation <12 mm 60 min 70 C

Anaerobic Digester
(According to article 15)

Fallen animals Screenings and flotation sludge >6 mm (< 6 mm not covered by ABP-regulation)

End product Salmonella: 0 CFU in 25 g (5 samples) Enterobacteriaceae: 3 samples < 10 CFU/g, 2 samples < 300 CFU/g Placing on the market, trade, application to land (not pasture)

Bovine slaughtering facility

Manure Rumen content Cat. 2 no required treatment

Rumen Bones, slaughter by-products Parts of slaughtered animals Blood* (no SRM in blood stream) Cat. 3 pasteurisation Pasteurisation <12 mm 60 min 70 C

Anaerobic Digester
(According to article 15)

SRM; vertebral column and skull, intestines Screenings and flotation sludge >6 mm (< 6 mm not covered by ABP-regulation)

Cat. 1

Sterilisation/ Incineration Not intended for AD

End product Salmonella: 0 CFU in 25 g (5 samples) Enterobacteriaceae: 3 samples < 10 CFU/g, 2 samples < 300 CFU/g Placing on the market, trade, application to land (not pasture)

Calculated methane potential from slaughter of cattle and pigs divided into different waste categories (% of total methane potential) and the total amount (MJ or kWh per animal).
Rumen, stomach and intestinal Cat. 3 content (Cat. 2) (excl. blood) % of tot % of tot

Blood (cat. 3)

Cat. 2

Cat. 1 (SRM)

Total MJ/ animal 1300 140 kWh/ animal 361 39

% of tot % of tot % of tot

Cattle Pig

9 6

62 82

5 8

3 4

21 -

Potential value of gas and organic fertiliser from slaughterhouse

Gas Fertiliser Euro/ton Euro/ton Meat and bone fraction 65 18 Blood 10 4 Digestive tract +content 11 2 Sludge 22 5
Raw biogas: N: P: K: 3.3 Eurocent/kWh 0.76 Euro/kg 1.20 Euro/kg 0.33 Euro/kg

Slaughterhouse waste in Swedenlegislation background

1988 (SFS 1988:537) Meat meal from carcasses not allowed in animal fodder 1991 (LSFS 1990:51) Use of low-risk animal by-products in ruminant fodder prohibited in 1991


Existing biogas plants approved for ABP codigestion










Swedish co-digestion plants treating animal by-products

Helsingborg Kalmar Kristianstad Laholm Linkping Uppsala Vnersborg Skvde Bors Lule

Temperature Digestate
Mesophilic Thermophilic Mesophilic Mesophilic Mesophilic Thermophilic Thermophilic Thermophilic Thermophilic Mesophilic Slurry organic fertiliser Slurry organic fertiliser Slurry organic fertiliser Slurry organic fertiliser Slurry organic fertiliser Slurry organic fertiliser Solid digestate Slurry organic fertiliser Solid digestate Slurry organic fertiliser

Gas utilisation
Heat, electricity, vehicle fuel Vehicle fuel Heat, vehicle fuel Upgraded gas to grid Vehicle fuel Vehicle fuel Heat, vehicle fuel Heat, vehicle fuel Vehicle fuel Heat, electricity

Summary of capacity and treated waste in Swedish biogas plants* 2003

Treatment capacity Used capacity Planned increase of treatment capacity Manure Source-sorted household waste Source-sorted from restaurants, shops etc Slaughterhouse waste Waste from other food industry Other organic waste Water Total amount of substrate 300 000 m3 220 000 m3 125 000 m3 68 000 m3 12 000 m3 2 200 m3 101 000 m3 27 000 m3 6 000 m3 7 500 m3 223 700 m3 100 % 73 % +42 % 30% 5% 1% 45 % 12 % 3% 3% 100 %

*10 ABP-approved biogas plants (Major part treated in 7 plants)

Concluding remarks
Animal by-products are suitable for anaerobic digestion giving high gas yields and a nutrient rich organic fertilizer AD of slaughterhouse waste within the legislative framework 1774/2002 offers a safe and sustainable waste management solution Governmental subsidies for facilitating investments in AD of slaughterhouse waste is well invested money from a sustainable point of view

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