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Queens Game Magical Things Unseen You know if you look up into the sky during Halloween you

usually see a witch riding on her broom flying into the night. You usually think a witch looks like an old women with green skin, warts, a pointy nose, and a horrible laugh. You think you know, but you don't. Witches are real and they don't look ugly or anything. Magic is real, so are witches, you just can't see them. Witches are real, they are always human like and they live among humans. They are look like normal people besides their pointy ears, fang-like teeth, and pieced ears with small golden hoops. They live in a very special place that you all know. The Moon, or known as the 'Spirit World' or 'Magical World.' Usually when you look at the moon it's all white right? Wrong, it's just a magical barrier made by the Queen to protect the Magical World. If you go to the moon there is a gate, you have to have an invitation to enter, well open, or you will get arrested. The Magical World is amazing, it is mostly made of candy and the people who live here are named after sweets, Magical Creatures also live here as well of evils. The Queen, Queen Candy is the ruler of the Magical Kingdom. Every few years after the Queen is chosen the Queen chooses two candidates to become the new Queen, because as the Queen gets older their magical power starts to weaken due to them constantly releasing magical power to protect the barrier that surrounds the moon, these candidates are chosen by the Queen herself and they will go through the Queens Game.

These candidates will go to the human world to collect more crystallized human hearts then the other and will go through many difficult trails to prepare them to become queen and to become stronger. The candidates are given an amulet to collect the hearts. A Red Heart Shaped one or a Yellow Diamond Shaped one. These amulets will steal witch powers in the human world and you can only open them if you say the words Sugar, Sugar Rune. You will then unseal the powers which are sealed. Also to see human hearts you need peek-a-boo glasses, just put you hands up in a V against your eye. Plus, you need to know what you can collect. Crystal Hearts are heart-shaped jewels supposed to play a big role in the queen candidacy as well as in the Magic World, because it is the source of energy on their dimension, each of them has different points. Yellow colored Surprised - 5 ecure Orange colored Infatuation - 300 ecure Blue colored Respect - 3000 ecure Green colored Friendship - 350 ecure Multicolored Amusement -500 ecure Purple colored Lust - 2500 ecure Pink colored Limerence - 1000 ecure Crimson Passionate Love - 5000 ecure

Black colored Jealousy, Hatred, Fear - subtract points (and makes you die) White colored Purified Heart The candidates will have to go to the human world and go to school there, they will capture the hearts by getting the human boys and girls to like them. Only a few witches and wizards live in the human world to collect hearts for the Magical World since it's the power source of energy in the Magical World. But beware of the dangers in the human world and in the Magical Kingdom there is a evil darkness that is there. But enough about that this is about two candidates to become Queen and they are both best friends.

A Start "Hey, hurry up Minty!" said Vanilla. "I'm coming, slow down Vanilla." Minty said. These girls are the next two candidates to become the next Queen of the Magical Kingdom. Their names are Vanilla Ice and Minty Meilleure. Vanilla Ice is the kind of girl everyone loved in the magical world. Strong willed, she spoke her mind, and she could defeat a giant spider all by herself! Vanilla is the Queen's daughter, and was the girl everyone disliked but she overcame that. Because of her late mother, Minty is chosen as one of the candidates for the next queen against her best friend, Vanilla. But like their mother's before them, they were the best friends two girls could possibly be, despite their opposite personalities. To become queen, the two girls must travel to the human world and collect hearts. Hearts are crystallized emotions. To become queen, one most collect more hearts than the other. Vanilla Ice is Queen Candy's daughter and Minty Meilleure is the daughter or Cinnamon Meilleure, former candidate of the Queen's Game. Cinnamon mysteriously disappeared and no one has heard of her since. Queen Candy has chosen them to become the next Queen because they seem like good rivals.

Vanilla, even though she was raised to be a princess, was wild and loved any kind of sport. She had short blond, curly, hair, light skin and bright purple eyes. Her bright, energetic personality makes her very popular in the Magical World. She wore a purple witch dress that had a yellow bow at the bottom and a cape near her shoulders, she had a floppy purple hat and purple puffy boots. Minty, even through she grew up with wild people, was quiet and calm, she loves reading books and she can do almost anything. She had long cream-like hair that was straight with a headband that was black with a black bow and a heart inside the bow, pale snowlike skin that was cold all the time, and bright emerald green eyes that changes colors with her mood. Because of her compassion, gentleness, and cuteness, she is more popular than Vanilla with human boys, which leads Vanilla to believe that the Human World and the Magic World are opposites. She wore a white witch dress with a black belt tied at the bottom and a black and white cape, she had a floppy white hat with a black bow and black puffy boots. They were complete opposites but still best friends. They rushed into the palace and bowed down to the Queen. "Arise." said the Queen. So they did and waited in silence about what they are about to be told. The Minister of Guards walked up and started to talk, "You Vanilla Ice and Minty Meilleure will be the two candidates to become the next Queen. You will have several thing to do."

Then the Queen spoke, "You both must go to the Human World and collect their hearts, you must compete against each other to collect the most, the one who collects the most hearts will be the winner. To capture their hearts you need to make them like you and you will both store it into these amulets." A guard brought two amulets out. A Red Heart shaped amulet with purple and pink jewels surrounding the outside, in the inside a pink shaped heart in crystal was inside with more jewels decorating the inside. The other was a Yellow Diamond shaped amulet with blue jewels on the outside and on the inside a blue shaped diamond in crystal was inside with more jewels. The girls each picked a different one. Vanilla choose the Diamond amulet and Minty choose the Heart amulet. After being done with the ceremony of the Queen candidates the two witches set off to the moon, well, the reflection of it in the lake called the 'Big Pot." It connects the human and spirit world. A bright light appeared that blinded them both. When they opened their eyes they arrived in Japan and the thing was that they couldn't fly anymore, so they both fell. Screaming and screaming Vanilla tried to cast a spell but it didn't work, but then a flying purple car came and caught them. It was Rockin Robin, the superstar of the human world; he collected so much hearts every single day that he is famous in the Magical World. "Hello, ladies." he said with a smile. "I'm your guardian here when you're in the human world, let's go to your new house." and off they went into the night.

Time for School The house was located on the very top of a tall building. The house was a normal sized house, 2 bedrooms with 2 bathrooms connected to each other, and a kitchen with a living room. The outside of the house was very unique, there is a garden outside and the house looks smaller on the outside then the inside. This is where Minty and Vanilla will be living in from now on. After settling in Robin had to talk to them. "You both know who I am right? I'm Rockin Robin." Minty and Vanilla looked clueless about who this person was. So they didn't say anything. "You really don't know?" Robin asked, looking depressed. "No, we don't." said Vanilla. "Oh well, whatever. Robin said looking in despair, he thought he was very popular in the Magical World. "Anyway, you both know why you're here right?" "Yes, we know." said Minty. "Good. Then since you both are going to be busy here in the human world you both need a legal guardian to watch you because you both are still underage. You will both be enrolled into a human school to collect hearts. Use your 'Peek-a-Boo' glasses to collect those hearts."

"We know the details and such already, so when are we going to start this human school?" asked Vanilla. "Um, you'll be enrolling into 'Hanabusa Academy' and you'll both be going under different names. Vanilla Ice your new name is Vanilla Aisu; Minty Meilleure your new name is Minty Kaito. You'll be enrolled as my daughters, secretly, don't let them know I actually have children, it'll ruin my image." Robin said seriously. "Excuse me but why are you are guardian here in the human world?" asked Minty. "It's because I've been here the longest and I'm famous in the human and witch world also I know more things about the human world then the other witches that live here. But enough talk about me, I want the both of you to sleep now, you're going to transfer into Hanabusa Academy tomorrow so wake up early." Robin said. With that we dispersed into our rooms. Vanilla's room was decked in white, blue, and black, her favorite colors, in her closet there was an assortment or clothes that she liked and pj's and a big fluffy white pillow. Minty's room was decked in black, white and red, but mostly black. It was the same as Vanilla's but she a big bookshelf inside her room and lady-like clothes, boring kind of clothes, and more. They both took a bath that was inside their rooms, put on their pj's and went to bed. That morning, Minty woke up early and saw a uniform hanging on her closet. It was a pale yellow shirt with a dark brown skirt and a dark brown necktie. The yellow shirt had long sleeves, due to fall/winter, and at the end of the sleeves it was puffy, at the neck of the shirt there was a fold of dark brown with a white line, and at the bottom of the shirt it

was puffy too. The skirt was straight but it could fold out as well. Also there was a bag left hanging on there as well. At the bottom of my closet door I saw that there were shoes. They were dark brown with buckles on them. Robin left a message in them; 'The uniform goes with any kind of socks and accessories. Love Rockin Robin' Minty had to get things done before it was time to go. She prepared a bath and then toweled, dried, and straightened it, brushed her teeth, and put in her contacts, she had glasses hidden somewhere but didn't both to find them. Then she tidied up her room and put on her uniform. She put her amulet on and some black tights, underneath her skirt she put on black tight shorts. Then she went to wake up Vanilla and started breakfast. A bagel with strawberry cream cheese, orange juice, toast with butter on it, and eggs for Minty. Cereal, a glass of milk as well, bread with jam, and eggs and bacon for Vanilla. Minty and Vanilla went outside. Robin was waiting for them in his flying car. "Get in and let's go." he said and of they went to Hanabusa Academy. Hanabusa Academy was huge. There was a big black gate surrounding it, and many courtyards with a water fountain with benches around, little pots of plants here and there, trees, and a little pond hidden in the trees, the middle school, the high school, and more. The middle scholars and high scholars watched as they walked inside. All of the girls were screaming because Rockin Robin was there, he told Minty and Vanilla, "Put on your peek-a-boo glasses." They did and saw that there was so many different colors of hearts gathered. Robin picked them all up. "I'll leave these girls to you teach." he said to

the teacher with the red suit, red glasses, and red hair tied up in a bun. "Y-yes." she replied. Robin left and the teacher introduced herself. She was our new homeroom teacher. While we walked to class she explained stuff about homework, being on time, answering questions, etc, etc. When we got to class it was loud and the class was huge. We then introduced ourselves, Vanilla went first. Many of the boys there liked how she looked but changed their mind when she said, "Hey, nice to meet you all my name is Vanilla Ice," really loud, "and if you mess with me I'll whip your butt!!" A lot of the girls were laughing and the boys didn't look interested in her anymore. Then Minty went up, "Hello my name is Minty Kaito, it's very nice to meet you." Minty said those words so politely that everyone liked her. Minty was quite while Vanilla was loud, they were popular somehow. Their first day at school was done, now how about the rest of their lives . . . . . .

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