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The Australian Institute of Quantity Surveyors

(ABN 97 008 485 809)


Issued November 2012. Status Active.

1. INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................ 3 1.1 Corporate Membership ......................................................................................... 3 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 2. Non-Corporate Membership ................................................................................. 3 Confirmation of Membership ................................................................................. 3 Diplomas of Membership ...................................................................................... 3 Attachment to Chapter .......................................................................................... 4

MEMBERSHIP GRADES ................................................................................................... 4 2.1 Standard Membership Grades .............................................................................. 4 2.2 Special Membership Grades ................................................................................. 8


APPLICATIONS FOR MEMBERSHIP AND MEMBERSHIP ADVANCEMENT .................. 9 3.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 9 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 Applications for Membership / Membership Advancement .................................... 9 Record of Experience under Approved Supervision ............................................ 10 Record of Experience without Approved Supervision .......................................... 11 Application by Invitation ...................................................................................... 11 Assessment of Professional Competence Interview ............................................ 12 Unsuccessful Applications .................................................................................. 13 Reinstatement of Lapsed .................................................................................... 13 Appeal Process .................................................................................................. 13


OBLIGATIONS OF MEMBERSHIP .................................................................................. 15 4.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................... 15 4.2 4.3 4.4 Compliance with Articles of Association, By Laws, Regulations and Codes of Professional Conduct .......................................................................................... 15 Payment of Subscriptions ................................................................................... 15 Post Nominals .................................................................................................... 16


SUBSCRIPTION AND FEES............................................................................................ 16 5.1 Definition ............................................................................................................ 16 5.2 5.3 Generally ............................................................................................................ 16 Sundry Fees ....................................................................................................... 17


DEFINITIONS .................................................................................................................. 17

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The Australian Institute of Quantity Surveyors has created the new conditions of membership to simplify the entry pathways for new members. This has followed a long period of consultation with our members.


Corporate Membership
Admission to Corporate Membership of the Institute is open to any person who has the required level of academic qualifications and recognised practical experience and has been actively engaged in any branch of the profession of Quantity Surveying, however called, and whose attainments and qualifications are recognised by Council as falling within those prescribed for Fellows, Associates and Members. Active engagement includes: The employee of a partnership or firm or individual or corporation practicing as Quantity Surveyors, or In the employment as a Quantity Surveyor of a firm actively engaged in the design, construction or development of building or engineering structures or projects, or In the employment as a Quantity Surveyor of any Government or municipal or local or other authority or public body, or A qualified Quantity Surveyor engaged as a tertiary academic. Candidates for election to corporate membership are required to pass the Assessment of Professional Competence to demonstrate the required recognised practical experience. All corporate members are required to undertake a Continuing Professional Development program by continuously updating their practical experience.


Non-Corporate Membership
Affiliate membership is provided to Quantity Surveyors, or closely allied professionals that can demonstrate a level of expertise in Quantity Surveying skills but have not achieved the pre-requisite attainments and qualifications required for Fellow, Associate or Member grades. Student membership is provided to enable the Institute to advise and guide candidates for Corporate Membership during their study and/or training. Retired membership is provided for Fellow, Associate, Member and Affiliate grades who have reached the end of their working careers in Quantity Surveying.

1.2.2 1.2.3


Confirmation of Membership
Persons admitted or elected to membership in any class shall be advised in writing by the Corporate Office. Admission to membership by Council shall not be effective until entered in the Register of Members by the Membership Officer of the Institute who may refuse to do so only if in his/her knowledge the applicant has been refused previously or has been expelled from membership by the Institute.


Diplomas of Membership
The Institute shall have power to grant Diplomas of Membership in such manner as the Council of the Institute may from time to time prescribe. Provided that every diploma on the face of it shall show that it is a diploma granted by the Institute in accordance with the Articles of Association. Diplomas shall not take effect under any statutory or public power. Every Corporate member and such other members as the Institute shall determine shall be entitled to obtain a Diploma of Membership, subject to such conditions and on payment of such subscriptions or other sums as the Council may from

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time to time prescribe. All diplomas issued shall be the property of the Institute and any person ceasing to be a member shall deliver back to the Institute his or her Diploma of Membership.


Attachment to Chapter
Members of the Institute shall ipso facto be attached to the Chapter covering the area in which they permanently reside. Members who reside outside Australia will be attached to the International Chapter. Persons elected to corporate membership may elect to remain attached to their initial Chapter even though they become permanently resident beyond their Chapter boundaries.


The Australian Institute of Quantity Surveyors has the following membership grades: Student Affiliate Associate (Not available to new members after 30 November 2012) Member Fellow Special Honorary Grades In addition to the membership grades there are different status within some of these grades. These are as follows: Retired Each of these is described more fully in their respective section of this document. Membership at all grades requires: Strict compliance with the Articles of Association, Bylaws and Code of Professional Conduct of the AIQS; Strict compliance with the AIQS Code of Ethics; A willingness to take part in AIQS affairs. Applications for membership must be made in writing to the Membership Officer using approved AIQS forms (refer AIQS website).



General Student grade membership is a probationary membership open to those who have yet to complete the pre-requite requirements of Affiliate or Member Grade membership. Prerequisites Be a student enrolled in an accredited course listed in the AIQS Tertiary Guide, and Nomination by an Affiliate, Member, Associate or Fellow grade member of good standing, or a member of their course academic staff. At the absolute discretion of the Membership Officer the following may be considered as an alternative to the above: Be a student enrolled in, a non-accredited degree or diploma course, and Nomination by a Member, Associate or Fellow grade member of good standing, or a corporate member of a Recognised Institute of Quantity Surveyors.

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Rights / Obligations This membership grade entitles the holder to all benefits open to Member Grade excepting the following: No voting rights on any issue; No nomination rights; No right to use the post-nominal initials or represent to be a professional quantity surveyor in any way accredited by the AIQS. This membership grade is an interim grade and is available for a maximum period of six (6) years unless special dispensation is applied for and granted by the Council Membership Committee (on recommendation by Chapter Council). Advancement Student grade members may advance to Affiliate Grade once they have fulfilled the prerequisite requirements of that grade. 2.1.2

Affiliate Grade
General Affiliate grade membership is open to Quantity Surveyors or closely allied professionals that can demonstrate a level of expertise in Quantity Surveying skills. Prerequisites Affiliate Grade is open to a wide variety of practitioners of Quantity Surveying. Applicants must be able to demonstrate they can satisfy one of the following sets of prerequisites: Graduates Transitioning to Member Grade Membership Pathway 1 Graduates who have obtained Approved Academic Qualifications, and Nomination by a Member, Associate or Fellow grade member of good standing, and Be engaged in the practice or teaching of Quantity Surveying, and Successful completion of an Affiliate Grade APC. Pathway 2 Graduates who have obtained a non-accredited degree or diploma course in Quantity Surveying or an allied profession, and Nomination by a Member, Associate or Fellow grade member of good standing, and Minimum two (2) years experience under approved supervision or four (4) years non-approved supervision (that can be verified by some other acceptable means), and Successful completion of an Affiliate Grade APC. The required experience must be in a minimum of one (1) of the core competence areas. Refer to AIQS Competency Standards. Rights / Obligations Affiliate Grade entitles the bearer to use the post-nominal initials AIQS (Affil.). This membership grade entitles the holder to all benefits open to Member / Associate Grade excepting the following: No voting rights on any issue; Cannot hold the following positions: o President, Vice President or Secretary at Chapter Level, or o Any position on Council. No nomination rights for membership grades above Affiliate Grade; Cannot use AIQS logo;

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Able to receive all other benefits that may be announced from time to time (e.g. discount schemes, publications, etc.). Advancement Affiliate Grade members may advance to Member Grade once they have fulfilled the prerequisite requirements of that grade. 2.1.3

Member / Associate Grade

General Member Grade membership and Associate Grade membership are identical in status and pre-requisite requirements. Existing Associate Grade members can elect to retain the Associate title or transfer to the Member title. However, no new Associate Grade memberships will be granted from 30 November 2012. All new successful applications to this grade will be awarded the Member Grade title. Member Grade membership is open to Quantity Surveyors able to demonstrate expertise in core Quantity Surveying competences. This is a corporate grade membership. Pre-requisites Member Grade membership is open to Quantity Surveyors able to demonstrate a broad range of skills across a minimum two (2) of the three (3) core competence areas combined with practical experience. Applicants must be able to demonstrate they can satisfy one (1) of the following sets of prerequisites: Pathway 1 Approved Academic Qualifications, and Nomination by a Member, Associate or Fellow grade member of good standing, and Minimum two (2) years experience under approved supervision or three (3) years non-approved supervision (that can be verified by some other acceptable means), and Successful completion of a Member Grade APC. Pathway 2 Non-accredited degree or diploma course in Quantity Surveying or an allied profession, and Completion of AIQS approved up-skilling courses, (the appropriate level of additional courses required will be determined on a case by case basis and can be provided via a variety of means), and Nomination by a Member, Associate or Fellow grade member of good standing, and Minimum two (2) years experience under approved supervision or three (3) years non-approved supervision (that can be verified by some other acceptable means), and Successful completion of a Member Grade APC. Pathway 3 An ability to prove a high level of expertise as a Quantity Surveyor, and Nomination by five (5) Member, Associate or Fellow grade members of good standing, and Minimum eight (8) years experience under approved supervision or ten (10) years non-approved supervision (that can be verified by some other acceptable means), and Hold a position of senior management responsibility in a Quantity Surveying related role, and
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Successful completion of a Member Grade APC. Rights / Obligations Member / Associate Grade entitles the bearer to use the following: The rite to use the post-nominal initials: o Member Grade MAIQS. o Associate Grade AAIQS. May attend and vote at any meeting of the AIQS; May serve on any committee and hold any office; Use of the AIQS symbols (strictly subject to the rules applicable to the use of that device); Able to receive all other benefits that may be announced from time to time (e.g. discount schemes, publications, etc.). Advancement Member / Associate Grade members may advance to Fellow Grade once they have fulfilled the prerequisite requirements of that grade. 2.1.4

Fellow Grade
General Fellow Grade membership is open to Associate and Member Grade Quantity Surveyors who are able to demonstrate superior proficiency in Quantity Surveying. This is a corporate grade membership. Pre-requisites Fellow Grade membership is open to Member and Associate Grade Quantity Surveyors able to demonstrate they can satisfy the following sets of prerequisites: Minimum ten (10) years experience at Associate or Member Grade membership, and Be a minimum of thirty-five (35) years old, and Have held a senior professional or academic position for a minimum of three (3) years, and Be able to demonstrate significant commitment to the profession of Quantity Surveying beyond normal employment requirements, (e.g. have served on an AIQS Council / Committee, having shown leadership within industry or profession beyond individual company interests, etc.), and Nomination by five (5) Fellow Grade members. Rights / Obligations Fellow Grade entitles the bearer to use the following: The rite to use the post-nominal initials FAIQS; May attend and vote at any meeting of the AIQS; May serve on any committee and hold any office; Use of the AIQS symbols (strictly subject to the rules applicable to the use of that device, able to receive all other benefits that may be announced from time to time (e.g. discount schemes, publications, etc.).

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General Life Fellow is special grade of membership created for the recognition of outstanding contributions to the AIQS over a prolonged period. Prerequisites Life Fellowship is only available via a proposal from either Chapter or Council and by unanimous vote of the Council. Rights / Obligations Life Fellowship Grade entitles the bearer to use the following: All the benefits Fellowship Grade; The rite to use the post-nominal initials LFAIQS; No requirement to pay subscriptions.


Honorary Fellow
General Honorary Fellow is special grade of membership created for persons other than AIQS members who have rendered distinguished service to the AIQS and the profession of Quantity Surveying. Prerequisites Honorary Fellowship is only available via a proposal from either Chapter or Council and by unanimous vote of the Council. Rights / Obligations Honorary Fellowship Grade is an honorary grade only and allows the bearer no role in AIQS affairs. Honorary Fellowship Grade entitles the bearer to use the following: The rite to use the post-nominal initials FAIQS (Honorary); No requirement to pay subscriptions.


Retired Status
General Retired status is open to Affiliate, Member, Associate and Fellow Grade members who have retired from the active pursuit of the profession of Quantity Surveying but wish to remain involved in AIQS affairs. Prerequisites Applicants must be able to demonstrate they can satisfy the following sets of prerequisites: Member, Associate or Fellow Grade membership in good standing, and Have bona fide ceased full time remunerative employment in the profession of Quantity Surveying or allied professions. Rights / Obligations Retired status entitles the bearer to use the following: Use of the post-nominal initials of their grade upon retirement; May attend and speak at any AIQS meeting; Reduced subscriptions, (retired members with 40+ years of continuous corporate membership are exempt for paying subscriptions); May not hold any position on Chapter or Council;

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May not vote at Annual, Special, Ordinary or General Meetings of the Institute or Chapter; No nomination rights for membership grades above Affiliate Grade; Able to receive all other benefits that may be announced from time to time (e.g. discount schemes, publications, etc.).




The Australian Institute of Quantity Surveyors considers achievement and maintenance of professional standards to be a paramount requirement of members of the Institute. Applicants should consider that the AIQS takes membership very seriously and requires high professional standards from applicants, not only in their personal and professional conduct, but also in the quality of the application itself. Admission to the Australian Institute of Quantity Surveyors is open to any person who has: Achieved the required prerequisites for the Grade being applied for, and Familiarised themselves with and unconditionally accepted the AIQS Articles of Association, By Laws, Regulations, Code of Professional Conduct and AIQS Conditions of Membership, and Completed and correctly submitted the appropriate application, and Paid all required fees and charges, and Completed all other membership requirements. Applications for membership / membership advancement must be made in writing to the Membership Officer using approved AIQS forms, (refer AIQS website). For the purposes of this procedure document the term application for membership shall apply equally to application for membership advancement and have the same requirements. Applications are to be accompanied by certified copies of all supporting documents. In all circumstances it is the applicant who is responsible for ensuring the correctness and completeness of the application. It is the responsibility of the applicant to demonstrate to the AIQS that they are suitable for membership of the applied for grade. Failure to adequately demonstrate this suitability will result in membership not being granted and application fee will not be refunded. If the applicant is not able to comply with all prerequisite requirements but wishes to apply for membership they must clearly state where they are seeking dispensation and provide reasons why the AIQS should be prepared to grant a dispensation. Dispensations for prerequisite requirements will only be granted at the sole discretion of the Council Membership Committee on recommendation by Chapter Council. Applicants should consider that that such dispensation will not normally be granted.



3.1.4 3.1.5



Applications for Membership / Membership Advancement

General Applications for membership shall be made in writing to the Membership Officer using the current Institute forms, (available from the AIQS Website), and accompanied by all required supporting information. On recommendation by Chapter Council the AIQS Council will consider and accept or reject such applications. Students memberships do not require recommendation by Chapter Council and can be recommended by the Membership Officer.

3.2.2 3.2.3

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The AIQS may reject any application for any class of membership which, in its opinion, does not demonstrate the applicants qualifications, experience and suitability for membership. If, in the opinion of the AIQS, an application is made for an incorrect class of membership, the AIQS may refer the application back to the applicant to alter the application. If an application is rejected the applicant will be notified in writing and reasons for the rejection provided. Applicants have the right of appeal in strict accordance with the AIQS Appeal Process. Applicants who have been successful shall be advised in writing by the Membership Officer. Admission to membership shall not be effective until entered in the Register of Members by the Membership Officer.




All new members shall be attached to the Chapter under whose jurisdiction they are covered under. Applications from persons who have previously applied for membership will only be considered if the information contained in the application has materially changed. Applications from persons previously expelled by the Institute will not be considered.



Record of Experience under Approved Supervision

3.3.1 In order to demonstrate to the AIQS that the applicant has the appropriate experience required for the membership grade the applicant is required to submit sufficient supporting information to prove the required level of experience and expertise for the required period under approved supervision. Approved supervision shall mean that the applicants work is supervised by a person who: Is a Corporate member of the AIQS that, as a minimum, holds the grade of membership that the applicant is applying for, and Is, in the sole opinion of the AIQS, upholds a sufficiently high standard of professionalism and supervision. Or: Is a Corporate member of a Recognised Institute of Quantity Surveying at an appropriate grade and experience level, (the experience must be in the core skills under which the applicant is applying), and Is, in the sole opinion of the AIQS, upholds a sufficiently high standard of professionalism and supervision. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure they have an appropriate Supervisor prior to making an application and that Supervisor has a proper understanding of the AIQS requirements and the Supervisors role in ensuring the applicant receives the appropriate standard and range of experience prior to making an application. It is the applicants responsibility to provide this information to the Supervisor. Under exceptional circumstances where an applicant is unable to obtain an approved or appropriate Supervisor the AIQS may allow supervision by a Mentor from outside the applicants workplace. The required credentials for the Mentor shall be as for the Supervisor. No conflict of interest must occur between the Mentor and the Applicant. It is the applicants responsibility to demonstrate the appropriate level of experience and expertise has been reached. The minimum level of supporting information required to achieve this is considered to be as follows: A letter of support from a Corporate member of the AIQS or Recognised Institute of Quantity Surveyors (approved supervision) proposing the applicant and





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confirming the applicant has completed the requirements for experience. This nominator would normally be the applicants employer or manager, and A detailed up to date CV or Resume, and A record of the applicants relevant employment including dates and role, and Sufficient support information clearly showing the applicant has the appropriate experience in the required competencies, and Referees that can verify experience and expertise.

Sufficient support information to demonstrate the applicants experience and expertise shall be supplied in accordance with the standard template (refer Appendix A) and includes the following information: List of projects separately itemised with names, type, indicative cost, role undertaken by candidate, and Detailed list of activities on each project for which the applicant was responsible, and Information clearly showing the applicant has the appropriate experience in the required competencies. It is a requirement that the appropriate experience must include a minimum of twelve (12) months experience in the jurisdiction that the applicant is applying to. At the sole discretion of the Chapter a candidate may be granted dispensation of this requirement if the Chapter believes the applicants expertise warrants the waiving of this obligation. Applicants will not normally be afforded this dispensation.



Record of Experience without Approved Supervision

In the event that the applicant cannot demonstrate the required experience has been gained under approved experience they may make the application based on experience gained without approved supervision. In this circumstance all the requirements for the Record of Experience under Approved Supervision must be met accepting that the experience was gained without approved supervision but was for the longer duration required under the relevant membership grade. It is expected that greater details will be required in the applicants submission to allow verification that the appropriate standards have been met. The record must cover the full prerequisite period and be in sufficient detail to convince the assessing team of the applicants suitability. The burden of proof rests with that applicant and acceptance of this experience is at the sole discretion of the assessing team.


3.4.3 3.4.4


Application by Invitation
In the event that Chapter Council is aware of an appropriate candidate for Affiliate, Member or Fellow grade memberships, Chapter Council may invite a candidate to apply for membership at the appropriate grade. Chapter Council must satisfy itself that the proposed candidate is appropriate and meets the criteria for membership at the appropriate grade. In such circumstances the applicant is not required to include a full record of experience with their application as their application is endorsed by the Chapter Council. However, their application must include: A completed application form, and A copy of current CV or Resume, and Nomination from two (2) Corporate AIQS members in good standing of the appropriate membership level. These members may not all be employed in the one organisation, and A letter of support from the relevant Chapter Council.

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The applicant is required to complete an APC interview.


Assessment of Professional Competence Interview

Once an applicant believes they have met all the pre-requisite requirements for eligibility to Member Grade they must submit an application for an Assessment of Professional Competence Interview. This application must be made to the Membership Officer and must include a copy of all prerequisite material. The Membership Officer will then review the information and decide if the required prerequisite for the membership grade have been met. If the Membership Officer accepts the application then an APC Interview will be scheduled. If the Membership Officer rejects an application they will provide explanation as to why the rejection has been made and provide guidance on how to proceed. Under no circumstances may an applicant be granted Corporate membership, without successfully passing an APC Interview. The specific form of an applicants APC Interview may vary depending on the specifics of their application but will all have the following minimum requirements: The interview will be carried out in English; The interview panel will be made up of a minimum of three members each of which must be a minimum of the grade being sought by the applicant and must have held that member grade for a minimum of three (3) years; The interview panel will include the relevant Chapter President, Vice President, or their nominated deputy; Members of the interview panel must not have any relationship that may be regarded significant conflict of interest with regard to the applicant. Examples may include family member, personal friend, employer, employee, supervisor, etc. If such a conflict exists the conflict of interest must be declared and the Chapter will decide if the issue is considered significant. Failure to declare the conflict of interest by any party may render the APC invalid; The interview will be a formal process requiring the Interviewing panel to complete the AIQS APC Interview Assessment Form; The onus is on the applicant to prove to the Panel that they have achieved all required prerequisites, have sufficient practical experience in the required areas of competencies and understand their obligations as a member. Regardless of the grade of membership being sought applicant will be expected to: Be able to discuss / answer questions on the applicants demonstrated work experience; Be able to discuss / answer questions on the competencies relevant to the membership grade being applied for; Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the AIQS Code of Professional Conduct; Be able to clearly articulate the advantages of engaging a professional quantity surveyor. The applicant is expected to be fully prepared for the APC Interview. If an applicant is unsure of what is required they are to refer to this document and may approach the Chapter to seek guidance.

3.6.2 3.6.3



If the applicant is aware of any reason that will affect the outcome of the APC Interview they must inform the APC Interview Panel immediately, e.g. illness, injury, disability, etc. The onus of this disclosure is on the applicant and failure to do so will invalidate this as reason to appeal the APC Interview Panels recommendation.

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The APC Interview Panel will make is its recommendation on the applicants success or failure on the merits of the interview. Successful completion of the prerequisite material shall not be taken as being sufficient for a successful application. The APC Interview Panel will make a recommendation to the relevant Chapter Council. If the recommendation is endorsed by the Chapter the recommendation will be forwarded to the Membership Officer for Council to formally accept or reject the application.



Unsuccessful Applications
When an application has failed to satisfy the Interview / Review Panel in any aspect of the application or interview, the Panel shall reject that application. The applicant shall be notified in writing of the reasons for the decision. Should the applicant wish to seek further details regarding the reasons for the applications being unsuccessful in order to assist the applicant to identify and address any perceived weakness with a view to reapplying for assessment, the applicant may approach the Chapter. Applicants may be permitted to reapply for assessment once they have addressed the reasons why their previous application was unsuccessful. This application cannot be lodged prior to six months, or more than eighteen (18) months, since the date of notice of unsuccessful application and the applicant will be required to pay a re-application fee. Applications received after eighteen (18) months will be considered as a new application and require payment of new application fees. Any new application must stand on its own merits and must include all prerequisite materials. Any re-application for membership that has not addressed the previous reasons for failure will not be considered.




Reinstatement of Lapsed
Members who have become Lapsed Members due to failure to pay annual subscription shall be eligible to apply for reinstatement at the membership grade they held prior to becoming lapsed via one of the two following paths: 1. Immediate reinstatement with continuity of membership shall apply on payment of a reinstatement fee and arrears of membership fees of up to five (5) years accompanied by a letter explaining why the membership became lapsed. 2. Submission of a new membership application together with all prerequisite information, a letter explaining why their membership became lapsed and payment of the Entrance fee. Such application will be considered by Chapter Council on its merits with a possible exception from APC requirements Should the membership grade to which they previously applied no longer exist Chapter Council may recommend the suitable current level.


Appeal Process
Appeal processes have been established to set out procedures for the submission and review of appeals on membership matters covered under the AIQS Conditions of Membership document, (this document). These processes are appropriate to ensure: Allow any errors to be addressed; Enable the AIQS to monitor the effectiveness of its procedures and promote continuous improvement; Provide a platform to show the AIQS membership processes are transparent, reasonable, practical, workable and reflect the principals of natural justice; Protect the AIQS and individuals against perceptions of bias;

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Reduce the likelihood of the AIQS and/or applicants consuming valuable resources pursuing frivolous and/or unlikely to succeed appeals arising from the misunderstanding of the membership rules. 3.9.2 The Appeals process applies equally to persons seeking to become members, or current members seeking advancement. The right to appeal against a rejected application can be made on the following grounds: An administrative error that may have occurred in the processing of an application; The process followed in considering an application was demonstratively flawed for not following the requirements of this document. There is no right of appeal for any matter not listed above. Examples of matters that are not legitimate grounds for appeal include, but are not limited to: Academic, skill or experience standards set by the AIQS; Assessment or dispute of core competencies; Applicants who disagree with an assessment outcome but cannot demonstrate a significant departure from the processes outlined in this document; Claims the AIQS standards and prerequisites are unreasonable; Failure of an applicant at the interview even if they had completed all prerequisite requirements; Minor departures from processes listed in this document where the departure has not materially affected the outcome; Matters where the intent of the appeal is based on circumventing a requirement of this document; Matters outside the AIQS jurisdiction or areas of interest. Appeals shall be submitted in writing and addressed to the Membership Officer at the official address of the AIQS Corporate Office. The appeal must: State it is an appeal submitted in accordance with requirements of this document; Specifically state on what grounds the appeal is being made and provide details with reference to the relevant clauses of this document; Provide copies of all documents on which the appeal is being made including correspondence from the AIQS. The Appeal process comprises four stages as given below: 1. Administrative Review An initial check will be carried out to determine whether any errors have occurred and whether these can be easily rectified. For simple to rectify matters, a written response will be made finalising the matter at no cost to the applicant. For matters not able to be resolved in this manner the matter shall be referred to the Vice President responsible for membership matters. The applicant will be advised of this in writing and an application fee will apply. 2. Management Review The Vice President responsible for membership matters shall review appeal to ensure it is a valid appeal as defined in this document. If the matter is not a valid reason for appeal the Vice President shall reject the appeal and notify the applicant in writing. If the appeal may be valid the Vice President then may determine the issue or refer it to a Review Committee. 3. Review Committee The Vice President responsible for membership matters may appoint an independent Committee of up to three persons experienced in membership matters to review the appeal and make a recommendation. The members of the




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committee must not include any person involved in the original assessment although they may refer to those parties for background information. The committee shall make a formal recommendation to the Vice President. 4. Provisions of Feedback Based on the information presented and, if applicable, the recommendation of the Review Committee, the Vice President shall make a determination and advise the applicant in writing. Should the appeal be rejected the Vice President shall state the outcome and explain the procedures undertaken. Should the appeal be upheld the Vice President shall explain the process to progress the application. A successful appeal does not ensue the application is successful but only that the grounds under which the application was rejected shall be reviewed. 3.9.6 Appeals must be made with ninety (90) calendar days of the date of notification of rejection of an application. Appeals made after that time shall be deemed invalid. Persons making an appeal shall be responsible for any and all costs to themselves associated with their making that appeal. In addition, an application fee will be charged for an appeal and the appeals process will not commence until the fee is received. If the fee is not received within ninety (90) calendar days of the date of notification of rejection of an application then the appeal will be deemed to be outside of the time restrictions and shall be deemed invalid. The appeal application fee is non-refundable.



4.1 Introduction
In addition to the requirements to become a member of the AIQS, continued membership at the various levels comes with ongoing obligations. Membership conditions are subject to change over time in order to maintain professional standards and the Institutes position within the industry. Members are required to keep abreast of these requirements of membership and their obligations to the Institute. It is a condition of membership that the obligation to adhere to these requirements rests with the member. Failure to adhere to the requirements and obligations of membership may subject the member to disciplinary action or expulsion. Members should make themselves aware of the following obligations of membership.


Compliance with Articles of Association, By Laws, Regulations and Codes of Professional Conduct
All persons who are members of the AIQS are bound to comply with the Articles of Association, By Laws, Regulations and Codes of Conduct of the AIQS. The Articles of Association contain compliance rules. Only persons who agree to comply with these are eligible to maintain their membership.


Payment of Subscriptions
All members (other than Student, Life Fellow and those eligible for Forty (40) Year Retired Membership) are required to have paid their subscriptions and fees. Members who have failed to pay their annual subscriptions by the due date and who have been advised in writing that their membership has lapsed are no longer members of the AIQS and are no longer entitled to use AIQS post nominals, have access to any membership benefit or in any way associate themselves with the AIQS.

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Post Nominals
Various membership grades entitle members to certain post nominals. Please refer to the Membership Grade section for details.


Use of Post Nominals Corporate members, Affiliate members, Retired members and Honorary Fellows shall be allowed to use the post nominals appropriate to their membership classification. Student members are not entitled to use post nominals and must clarify their grade when stating they are members of the institute. Lapsed Members are no longer members of the Institute and are not entitled to use AIQS post nominals in any way or in any material. They may not claim to be members of the Institute in CVs, resumes, promotional materials, tender documents, fee proposals or any other written works including business cards and letterhead. In addition, members who are CPD compliant are entitled to use the post nominals ICECA following their AIQS nominals.



5.1 Definition
Terms used hereafter and shown in italic script shall be deemed to have the meaning set out in General Conditions Clause 6. Definitions

5.2.1 5.2.2

Applicants for membership undertake to pay the appropriate Annual Subscription and Elevation, Application or Reinstatement Fee. Subscription and fees are payable in advance for a financial year running from 1 July to the 30 June the following year. Subscriptions and Fees are subject to annual review. Current fees can be found on the AIQS website. Annual Subscription Subscriptions shall be paid by the 30 June for the following year. New members joining during the year will be charged a pro-rata from the month of admission to membership. Applicants for membership only become members on payment of subscription. Attention is drawn to the following except from the Articles of Association: If the subscription of a member shall remain unpaid for a period of two (2) calendar months after it becomes due then the member may after notice of the default shall have been sent to him by the Secretary shall be deemed to have resigned his or her membership and he or she be debarred from all privileges of membership




Elevation Fee Elevation fees apply for elevation from: Affiliate grade to Member grade; Member or Associate grade to Fellow grade. There are no transfer fees for members transferring to Retired membership.


Reinstatement Fee A Reinstatement Fee will be charged when any subscription remains unpaid later than two (2) months after the due date. The Reinstatement Fee will apply to any lapsed membership.

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Application Fee Application Fees must be submitted with the application and are non-refundable and apply to: Affiliate grade, Member grade, Fellow grade members; Lapsed Affiliate, Member, Associate or Fellows submitting a new application for membership. No application requiring application fees can be considered until the fee is received.


Sundry Fees
Persons wanting a formal appeal on membership matters shall pay an appeal application fee which is non-refundable for unsuccessful appeals and refundable if the appeal is upheld. Within Australia fees will attract GST (Goods and Services Tax).


For the purposes of this document the following definition of terms are given below: AIQS means the Australian Institute of Quantity Surveyors Allied Professions are deemed to be: Estimating; Contract Administration; Architecture; Engineering; Building Surveying; Building; Project Controls; Construction Management; Project Management. Approved Academic Qualification Qualification received from a course listed in the AIQS Tertiary Guide; Qualification received from a course accredited by a Recognised Institute of Quantity Surveyors; It should be noted that, due to curricula and other factors, not all courses are considered equal. Based on the AIQS assessment of the individual course the AIQS may require candidates to complete addition AIQS approved up-skilling courses and/or additional experience under approved supervision; Non-accredited course shall be deemed to mean courses not currently listed on the AIQS Tertiary Guide but can be clearly shown by the applicant to have an equivalent curriculum and duration. It is at the sole discretion of the AIQS Vice President Membership, or their nominated representative, whether the non-accredited course will be accepted, accepted conditionally or rejected. Acceptance on any particular application will not set a precedence regarding future applications. Approved Supervision shall mean direct supervision within an organisation by an AIQS member or member of an AIQS Recognised Institute of the appropriate skill level for the grade sought. Recognised Practical Experience unless otherwise noted means the gaining of experience of required Competencies or Competency groups. Assessment of Professional Competence (APC) is the process of ensuring a candidate has the appropriate expertise to be granted membership of a particular grade. This will involve an APC Interview and a period of recognised practical experience, usually verified by submission of

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schedule of work experience, CV and letters from supervisors. Refer separate Assessment of Professional Competence Procedure. Competences means the competency standards published by the AIQS. Core Competence generally means experience in the following areas: Cost planning including estimating, cost planning, design cost advice, cost engineering, cost control, value management, feasibility studies (from project inception through to tender recommendation) Quantification including measurement of cost plans, builders quantities, trade packages, bills of quantities, schedules or rates Contract Administration including assessment of progress claims, variations, claims, EOT matters, procurement advice, contract advice Specialisation Where a membership applicant for Member Grade or higher has specialised to a sufficient degree, in the provision of services such as Tax Depreciation, Sinking Funds, Insurance Valuations, Facilities Maintenance, etc.; the applicant may make special application to an APC Interview for such specialisation to be considered in lieu of one of the pre-requisite areas of core competency. Good Standing shall mean the status of a member who has paid all AIQS fees and dues and who is not subject to any disciplinary action or penalty. Membership Officer shall mean the person appointed to that role by the AIQS. The Membership Officer may delegate all or part of the role but retains responsibility. Recognised Institutes of Quantity Surveying and Allied Professions shall mean those bodies recognised as such formally by the AIQS. The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (Construction faculty QS designation) (RICS) Institution of Surveyors, Malaysia (QS Division) (ISM) The New Zealand Institute of Quantity Surveyors (NZIQS) The Association of South African Quantity Surveyors (+ Registration) (ASAQS) The Singapore Institute of Surveyors and Valuers (SISV) The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors (QS Division) (HKIS) The Canadian Institute of Quantity Surveyors (CIQS) The Institute of Quantity Surveyors, Sri Lanka (IQSSL) Chapter as used in this document shall refer to the Chapter of the Institute to which a member is allocated. All references to Chapter for making a decision or approval of an application shall be deemed to mean the Chapter Council in their role as the Chapters representatives. ICECA refers to the International Cost Engineering Council Accredited CPD programs. Up-Skilling courses refers to Post Graduate degrees as listed in the AIQS Tertiary Course Guide or further training as determined on a case by case basis.

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eg John Smith & Associates Chartered QS

eg Sept 2005 to date


Shopping Complex

eg Preparation of pre-contract documents such as Cost plans, Pre-tender estimates, BoQs using Everest software, interpret drawings, take off measurements and quantities using QS CAD and AutoCAD softwares, bulk check quantities for BoQs etc.

Approx. $AUD

APPLICANT Name: Position Title: Employer: .................................................. ........................................................................................................ ...................................................

SUPERVISOR Name: Position Title: Employer: .................................................. ........................................................................................................ ...................................................

Qualifications: ........................................................................................................ Signature: Date ................................................... ................................................................................

Qualifications: ........................................................................................................ Signature: Date ................................................... ................................................................................

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