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The World of Creatures The Beginning You think you know magical creatures?

Well think again because you're wrong. Everyone knows that they're no such things as monsters, ghosts, werewolves, vampires, fairies, mermaids, etc, etc. Well again, you're wrong. You know why because I'm a magical being. Well, actually, I'm an experiment from combining many different magical creatures together. My parents were both researchers for some science thingy and when I was a kid they did experiments on me and I knew it because I really wanted to become a mermaid. I mean who wouldn't want to be a mermaid when they were a kid? I went through hundreds of experiments and it was fun and some of them sucked and whatever. They kinda died in the last experiment while trying to turn me into a vampire, I, um, kinda sucked their blood out, I mean I didn't mean too, but I mean come on, I got turned into a vampire. Then my father's uncle said that I had to go to his house because my parents were gone and I was a homeless child. I grew up with my uncle, who said not to worry. Life was okay and you know something? Even if I went to school in the daytime, I never turned into sand like the books said when I turned into a vampire. But that all changed when some people came, they were friends of my parents and said that I had to go to this school again somewhere. My uncle said it was dangerous and said that "You shouldn't go with strangers if you don't wanna; you have to take care of

yourself from now on okay? Auntie is going to take you now, be a good girl." So I went with him, and took his words into my account. I went through different aunts and uncles that I didn't even know. They were all passing me along a long line, observing me or something. When I turned 15 years old on the 31st of Halloween everything changed yet again. I was off to my grandparents, who I didn't even know existed because my parents said that my grandparents are all dead. They lived in Massachusetts and sent a letter that they'll pick me up at the airport, I was in Washington and I swear that I've been all around the world. When I landed from my flight, a long black limo was waiting with a sign that said my name, Yuki Yamamoto. (Yeah, yeah I know my name is weird so don't mention it). The limo took me to as far; well it kinda stopped at a forest and then left me. So I walked and walked through the forest, and might I say it was beautiful. Bright green grass and trees were high and below, the sounds of nature howled through the forest, the bright sunlight shone from above the trees, and a dirt path led the way. Reaching the end of the dirt path I came to a patch of tall grass with a white patch of flowers in the middle. So I did what anyone would have done, I jumped in the middle of the white flowers. And you know what I don't think that was a good idea cause before I knew it I was in this creepy place, it was dark and you know, creepy, with ridged black trees, not even a leaf hung on to them, dark creepy houses, and there was a sign above the branch above me that said, "Welcome to Sleepy Hollow." I was like, "OMG! It's Sleepy Hollow!" And then this creepy little lady found me cause I was freaking out. She was

saying that I don't belong here and I was like, "Of course I don't belong in this creepy place!" And I just couldn't believe that such a beautiful place led to this weird place. "Hello, my dear Yuki." "AGH! Who are you?!" This old grandma appeared and she was wearing weird clothes. Like olden time wizards with their little wands sticking out from their belts, and robes with patterns on them, and pointy hats. "I'm your grandma; your grandpa couldn't make it." "No way are you my grandma. My grandparents are dead and even if you were there's no way you'd still be alive." "True, true. But I'm not a normal grandma, I'm a witch, and so was your mother, but the witch family line tends to skip a generation or two." "I don't believe you, show me some proof!" "Fine then." At that word she made some new clothes on me, a black blouse, black skinny jeans, some black shoes, and my black hair was tied up with a purple ribbon. "Okay, I believe you now. So what do you want with me?" "Oh, well I want you to attend my school for magical creatures. It's called Salem High School, they're many different courses you can take, and it's split into a day and night class for those who are unable to make classes in the day or the night."

"Um, where is it." "On in the sky." "In the what?" "In the sky, my dear." "Fine but tell me more." "I shall tell you on the way to the dorms where you'll be staying at." "Great. How are we going to get there I mean it's swap mud all around. You're not going to get another limo right?" "Heavens no! We'll be going by broom!" "Cool." I said sarcastically. My life was changing and I don't really like it for the better or the worse. Here is my story. . . . . .

A Changing Life "So what is this school about?" I asked "I'll start slowly. The school is called Cross Academy or Salem Witch High School, it is hidden deep within the forests of Massachusetts, a portal opens when someone jumps into the white flower patch, and opens up to Sleepy Hollow. The only way to get to Cross Academy is to fly up or take the invisible hybrids up a secret cloud covered route that only a few people know. You have to wear a uniform, it's black and white also it uniforms change into something warmer when it's winter or fall. You can take any course/classes, day or night. Witches are NOT the only people attending this Academy; vampires, alices (people who have different abilities), werewolves, shifters (shape shifters), fairies, half gods, wizards, angels, shadow walkers, fallen angels, zombies, benders (bend natural things water, air, etc.), Lizard men, spider women, succubus, cat people, Medusa's, slug monsters, aliens (they have a natural human form too.), elves, mermaids, sirens, re-born constellations, fighters, ninjas, mummies, pets, nymph's, dolls, ghosts, spirits (who haven't moved on yet.), half lings, Gracelings, demons, archangels, weapon changers, and more. Humans attend as well but only to become a hunter, to keep the balance of creatures in the world, or misters, to wield weapons and fighting skills to hunt down evils and also to learn some magic. Cross Academy has many clubs and sports that you can join; they're too many to tell you right now." "So why am I joining if I'm not like those other creatures?" I asked.

"You'll find out later. Now, I shall explain the classes you can take. In the day class, mostly humans attend because they cannot keep awake during the night. You will learn fighting skills to take down any kind of creatures, the rules of magical creature are: 1) No human is to be harmed in anyway by another human or creature, the same rule applies for the creatures. 2) Everyone cannot show their true form to each other. Everyone must stay in human form throughout the school days. 3) Everyone must be in at least one club. 4) NO ONE can leave Cross Academy unless for a job, visiting, school field trip, or if they asked permission to. 5) No one can fight on campus unless for school reasons or approved by school. 6) No magic used in front of normal humans or the government. 7) No eating each other. 8) Always dress in your uniform and have your ID around your neck. 9) No making fun of each other's powers, form, etc. 10) Be on time to classes! These rules are important on earth, the government knows that we are here and if they think something in the human world is messed up, they'll blame us. The elders and

the principles of the school, so everything is approved by them, including going off and on campus. The punishment is grave so don't go breaking the rules ever. Everyone is split into different classes depending on their grades. A through F and there is a S class for the top students in the classes. The S class is divided among the other classes because they cannot be found out by other students; they carry out secret missions given out from the elders." "What are the A B C things? How do you tell the difference between them?" "Well each class is different and each person will have a symbol on them. For A class it is mostly for humans or people who are smart, they focus on academics and fighting skills and have a star pin on them. B class is mostly for those who excel in sports, they have diamond symbol on them. C class is for those who excel in musical stuff, they have a heart symbol on them. D class is for those who a into technology stuff, they have a spade symbol on them. E class is for those who fail classes but are strong, they have a clover symbol on them. F class is the disguise for S class, they have yin yang pin with all the symbols on them, also this class is for those who can do anything, only a few people are in this class." "Wouldn't the other classes know that someone is different?" "No, because they think that the F class is for idiots. Anyway there is a barrier around the whole school to keep the evil hunters from killing the people who go here. I'll let you know something vampires have many enemies, they're evil vampires who can't go into the sunlight and they are truly dead, because they feed on their own kind."

"Wait that means I'm not a vampire?" "Well you are, but it's just not evil." "I wanted to ask for a while but why did everyone that I stayed with me observe me?" "I was going to tell you this later when the elders where here but the reason you were passed on to one place to another is because, you are different from all the creatures that we know. Since your parents were fusing you with different DNA of different creatures we didn't know if you were stable. So we all passed you to different magical creatures to see any signs that you were going to turn evil." "But I didn't turn evil." "Yes, you didn't. So we thought since you weren't turning into something bad we wanted you to be brought up in the right place with others kinda like you. You will be entering S class because you are different and you seem to do anything, well everything." "I want to live a normal life." "It's too late for that now; your life is going to change from now one, so do your best. Oh we're here." "Great." I sighed; this is not going to be a great year.

Meeting with Someone New I wish I died with my parents. I thought because I really didn't want to attend a weird, creepy school with others like me that I didn't even know. Even though the school looks great with all the wood, marble, granite, stone, etc, etc, etc. I really didn't want to do the same thing over and over again with my other schools, especially with magical creatures. I was eager to get to my room but I found out that I'm going to live with a family of vampires, and I swear the mom and dad there really loved kids because they have like 24 children in there house, but 2 of them seemed to be dead because of a hunter's accident. My room was normal, I mean it looked expensive but it was nice. The room was for me, and no one else. My bed was a dark purple, black walls, white carpet floor, windows with black curtains, a dark brown desk, a bookshelf, computer, a walk in closet, a bathroom was connected to my room, a TV, a sofa, and some other things. My uniform was on my bed and I got dressed. The classes they assigned to me were different from any other class that I took. AND I had a block schedule. White Day-even day Period 1: Chemistry Period 2: History of the magical creatures Period 3: Combat skills

Period 4: Magic Control Period 5: Lunch Period 6: Jail skills Period 7: Flying class Period 8: Ancient Scripture Period 9: Algebra Period 10: Potions

Black day-odd day Period 1: Weapons Period 2: Culinary Arts Period 3: Music class Period 4: Fashion Designing Period 5: Lunch Period 6: Ancient Scripture Period 7: Combat skills

Period 8: Potions Period 9: Art class Period 10: Magic Control A full schedule of stuff that I didn't know except the Algebra part. As I wondered through the school everything looked bright and colorful. Lockers lined up against the walls and the floor was all white and shiny. But the thing is that all the classrooms looked the same and the school is really big so my grandma gave me a map, which was no use because I have to sense in direction. I couldn't find the main office and then this person appeared. "Hey you lost?" this guy said, he was good looking, black hair, pale blue eyes, pale skin, the thing was that caught me the most was that a lot of people stared at him. "Yes." I said, I wasn't really a talkative person since my parents died. I only talked if I needed to, and so many of the people in my old school barely heard my voice, including the teachers. "Um, so, did you need directions?" he asked. "Yes." I answered. "So, where too?" he questioned. "Main office." "Okay, so I'll show you?" he questioned.

"Okay." We walked in silence, and I was really uncomfortable because whenever we walked people turned to look at him, and they were mostly girls. Some guys turned to look at me, but I highly doubted it because I mean look at me, I look really weird cause I have long sliver hair with that changes colors to fit my mood, white eyes that change color to fit my mood, pale skin, and I wore black everywhere. Plus I have a secret that I cannot tell anyone; I have multiple personalities. They only come out when I want to or if they have something they gotta do they will come out forcibly. Only a few people know this, it's a side effect because of all those experiments I did. "So what's your name? Oh, my name is Damien Derrick Daichi, but you can call me Derrick or any on my names. Ah, I also like any kind of sport." "My name is Yuki Yuzu Yamamoto, or call me Allora, nice to meet you." After I said that we reached the main office. "Well, see you around." Derrick said. "Yes." I walked in and sat, the elders asked me to come in. "You're the famous girl aren't you?" her name was Lora Misc. "Well I haven't seen her in a while." my uncle Mark Darwin said. "Nice to meet you grandchild." my grandpa, who I've never seen, said. "Sit down."

I obeyed and waited for further instructions. "At least she knows what to do." snarled a voice. A women appeared and she looked mad at me. She had long Auburn hair, and dark green eyes. "Now, now don't say that." my grandma appeared. "She's just like that. Anyway I have so news for you. Turns out that she has all the powers of magical creatures and can already perform the magics of all of them, she's smart and passed the pre-test, that was 50 pages long back to back, with flying colors, knows how to fight, can do anything musical and she barely need to eat. All she needs to do now is to learn how to fly, know the killings of another, shape-shifting, the history of magical creatures, and know the weaknesses of them." "She is greater then we could have imaged! exclaimed my uncle. "But she has a problem." grandma said. "She has multiple personalities, and her hair and eye color change. It's a side effect from the experiments. But as far as I know, I haven't seen a lot of it, neither has all of the others she stayed with." "Can you explain some of your personalities, Yuki?" asked my grandfather. They stared at me for a while and I stared at them, then I finally said, "I have many that even I don't know about, but I do know that every color in the world is one of my personalities, and they have different meanings, like a personality that is smart, cheerful, or kind. All I know is that I'm just an empty shell, homing all of these people inside of

me." My last sentence silenced everyone in the room, and I knew that they needed me because of what I am, to help them with something that I didn't want to. "Time to get to class, I will see you later." I said as I got up and walked right out of the room and into the hallway. My life is changing faster then I could have imaged, but I know I'll get through it all, one day.

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