Discussiona and Interpretation of Results.

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Discussion and interpretation of Results Wt. of peel Wt. of vial Wt. of vial+oil Wt. of oil 110.37 g 28.75g 29.

45g 0.7g

The temperature as to which saturated vapor pressure of a liquid is equal to the surrounding atmospheric pressure is known as the boiling point. At 100C, water has a vapor pressure that reaches the standard sea level atmospheric pressure of 760 mmHg. It also follows that for pressure greater than 760 mmHg, the boiling point is above 100C and the same goes with the pressure going down, since they are directionally proportional with each other. Steam distillation uses the principle of boiling point since its required to isolate the essential oils from the sample. Proper distillation of oil requires the temperature to be lower than the required temperature, so as not to cause the organic compound to decompose and only distill the oil by itself. Dalandan rind was used in this experiment since it also belongs to the Citrus family and contains the oil needed to be extracted in this experiment. The rind sample weighed 110.37g, way below the 200g needed for extraction. The steam distillation set-up was then assembled to begin the extraction. Plaster of Paris was then applied to the areas in the set-up that are most vulnerable to vapors leaking out of the set-up. After some time, the flask with the sample started to experience color-change, from white to green, then the distillation set-up was already producing oil at a much faster pace than the other setups. It didnt take long for the oil extract to exceed the required amount (200mL) needed in the experiment. After gathering the required amount of oil needed, the extract was then transferred into a separatory funnel. The oil and aqueous layer, at first was indistinct but after some time when the separatory funnel was left to stand, a distinct layer of water and oil started to appear. The oil extract was then extracted into a small vial, which was initially weighed then was again weighed to extract the proper weight of the oil extract. The oil extract only weighed 0.7g, even though more than 200mL was gathered and extracted. There was only a small percent yield since, the oil extract weighed very small.

The oil extracted as a by-product of the fruit through pressing the peel. Orange oil is utilized for the flavoring of food and drinks. However, orange oil also consists of 90% D-limonene which is a solvent that is used in the perfume industry, aromatherapy, and used as solvent for various wood furnitures.

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