UAS Bahasa Inggris FILKOM

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Subject Jurusan Fakultas Waktu Dosen Kode Soal

: Bahasa Inggris 1 : S1/T1 : Ilmu Komunikasi, UNBAJA : 60 menit : Fadilla Oktaviana, M.Pd : A1

A. Pilihan ganda 1 20 1. Beside cipher text, computer also provides a plain text. What is the meaning of plain text? a. A secret text resulting from encryption process. b. A text that can be read by anybody. This text is not secured yet. c. A text that have function to write a document. d. A set of rule to encrypt a document 2. Cryptography is already used since ancient era. Julius Caesar used cryptography to secure his message from his enemy. What is synonym of secure? a. Save c. Security b. Safe d. keep 3. Cryptography is already used since ancient era. Julius Caesar used cryptography to secure his message from his enemy. He replaced a character with its next three characters. The word he refers to a. Cryptography c. Julius Caesar b. Ancient era d. Enemy 4. A person who is master in cryptography? a. Cryptographer c. Cryptographist b. Cryptograp d. Kryptos 5. Using a set of rule called algorithm, the plain text is changed into cipher text. What is the main subject of this sentence? a. Algorithm c. The plain text b. Using a set of rule d. cipher text The text is for the question number 6 10 Electronic mail, often abbreviated as e-mail, email, or eMail, is any method of creating, transmitting, or storing primarily text based human communication with digital communications system. Unlike conventional mail, email is much faster (conventional mail is sometimes called snail email by email users). Email both similarities and differences with more conventional postal services. First, messages are posted electronically to individuals at specific addresses much like conventional mail. The address denotes the computer that the individual employs as a mail server. A mail server

is like a local post office: it is a computer that sends and receives electronic mail for a specific network. An email message is made up of several parts such as header; it contains information about the sender, the routing and the time of the message. The header always contains a subject line. This is a very important part of the message and you should always include a subject line. Some folks sort their messages by subject, so it is rude to not include a subject. The subject line indicates the purpose or content of the message. Message body, where you write your message. Signature, which identifies the sender. This part is optional and must be set up inside of your email software. 6. The conventional mail is called... a. Email c. Black mail b. Snake mail d. Snail mail 7. An email message is made up of... except a. Server c. Message body b. Header d. signature 8. Commercial offers sent to our email without our request is called... a. phising c. worm b. spam d. bomb 9. In message header, To is for the... a. Recipients address b. Senders address

c. Topic d. time

10. The subject line indicates the purpose or content of the message. What is verb from this sentence? a. The subject c. The purpose b. The line d. Indicates 11. What does Internet stand for... a. Internetworked Network b. Internetwork c. International Networking d. International Network 12. Choose the correct sentence below a. She is writing the letter. b. She is write the letter. c. She write the letter d. She written the letter. 13. The physical devices in a computer are a. Tools c. Software

b. Hardware

d. motherboard

14. One of these is not a malware. a. Worm c. Logic bomb b. Trojan horse d. Win vista 15. Visual display unit is another term of a. Printer c. Scanner b. Monitor d. television 16. What does NIC stand for... a. Network Interface Computer b. Network Interface Card c. Network International Computer d. Network International Card 17. Roni ........ to the party last night a. Come c. is Coming b. Comes d. came 18. the word computer is a. a noun b. a verb

c. an adverb d. an adjective

19. change this sentence into passive sentence Andri uses a computer for writing a document a. A computer used by Andri for writing a document b. A computer is used Andri for writing a document c. A computer is used by Andri for writing a document d. A computer used Andri for writing a document 20. This method is called wireless. It means... a. With wire b. With cable c. Without cable d. Lack of wire B. Essays 21 - 25 Match the terms with the definition 21. Fake program = 22. Password stealer = 23. keylogger = 24. remote monitoring =

25. Virus generator = The definitions a. b. c. d. e. A tool for creating a virus instantly A program designed for stealing password A program that can control other computer remotely A program designed to record all keyboard keystroke into a log file A program imitating a real program but it has destructive features that makes fun for the creator

--Good Luck

Subject Jurusan Fakultas Waktu Dosen Kode Soal

: Bahasa Inggris 1 : S1/T1 : Ilmu Komunikasi, UNBAJA : 60 menit : Fadilla Oktaviana, M.Pd : B1

A. Pilihan Ganda 1-20 The text is for the question number 1 - 5 Electronic mail, often abbreviated as e-mail, email, or eMail, is any method of creating, transmitting, or storing primarily text based human communication with digital communications system. Unlike conventional mail, email is much faster (conventional mail is sometimes called snail email by email users). Email both similarities and differences with more conventional postal services. First, messages are posted electronically to individuals at specific addresses much like conventional mail. The address denotes the computer that the individual employs as a mail server. A mail server is like a local post office: it is a computer that sends and receives electronic mail for a specific network. An email message is made up of several parts such as header; it contains information about the sender, the routing and the time of the message. The header always contains a subject line. This is a very important part of the message and you should always include a subject line. Some folks sort their messages by subject, so it is rude to not include a subject. The subject line indicates the purpose or content of the message. Message body, where you write your message. Signature, which identifies the sender. This part is optional and must be set up inside of your email software. 1. The conventional mail is called... a. Email c. Black mail b. Snake mail d. Snail mail 2. An email message is made up of... except a. Server c. Message body b. Header d. signature 3. Commercial offers sent to our email without our request is called... a. phising c. worm b. spam d. bomb 4. In message header, To is for the... a. Recipients address b. Senders address

c. Topic d. time

5. The subject line indicates the purpose or content of the message. What is verb from this sentence?

a. The subject b. The line

c. The purpose d. Indicates

6. What does NIC stand for... a. Network Interface Computer b. Network Interface Card c. Network International Computer d. Network International Card 7. Roni ........ to the party last night a. Come c. is Coming b. Comes d. came 8. the word computer is a. a noun b. a verb

c. an adverb d. an adjective

9. change this sentence into passive sentence Andri uses a computer for writing a document a. A computer used by Andri for writing a document b. A computer is used Andri for writing a document c. A computer is used by Andri for writing a document d. A computer used Andri for writing a document 10. This method is called wireless. It means... a. With wire b. With cable c. Without cable d. Lack of wire 11. Beside cipher text, computer also provides a plain text. What is the meaning of plain text? a. A secret text resulting from encryption process. b. A text that can be read by anybody. This text is not secured yet. c. A text that have function to write a document. d. A set of rule to encrypt a document 12. Cryptography is already used since ancient era. Julius Caesar used cryptography to secure his message from his enemy. What is synonym of secure? a. Save c. Security b. Safe d. keep 13. Cryptography is already used since ancient era. Julius Caesar used cryptography to secure his message from his enemy. He replaced a character with its next three characters. The word he refers to

a. Cryptography b. Ancient era

c. Julius Caesar d. Enemy

14. A person who is master in cryptography? a. Cryptographer c. Cryptographist b. Cryptograp d. Kryptos 15. Using a set of rule called algorithm, the plain text is changed into cipher text. What is the main subject of this sentence? a. Algorithm c. The plain text b. Using a set of rule d. cipher text 16. What does Internet stand for... a. Internetworked Network b. Internetwork c. International Networking d. International Network 17. Choose the correct sentence below a. She is writing the letter. b. She is write the letter. c. She write the letter d. She written the letter. 18. The physical devices in a computer are a. Tools c. Software b. Hardware d. motherboard 19. One of these is not a malware. a. Worm c. Logic bomb b. Trojan horse d. Win vista 20. Visual display unit is another term of a. Printer c. Scanner b. Monitor d. television

C. Essays 21 - 25 Match the terms with the definition 21. Password stealer = 22. Virus generator = 23. Fake program = 24. remote monitoring =

25. keylogger = The definitions a. b. c. d. e. A tool for creating a virus instantly A program designed for stealing password A program that can control other computer remotely A program designed to record all keyboard keystroke into a log file A program imitating a real program but it has destructive features that makes fun for the creator

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