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Thursday, March 14, 2013

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Juvenile justice extension bill passes

State Representative
By Jadine Nollan

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Letters must be signed and include an address and daytime phone number for verification. Addresses and phone numbers will not be printed in the newspaper. Preference is given to letters of 150 or fewer words that present an original point. Letters endorsing a candidate or ballot issue will not be printed in the week prior to an election. The editor reserves the right to edit letters for length, content and readability; letters may be declined at the discretion of the editor.

We're working on the House Floor again this week, and I don't mean sweeping and mopping. I am getting behind on my chores at my own house since I am spending my weeks in OKC. We are in Session from 9 to 6 everyday pushing to get legislation through the 101 house members and over to the Senate. I got two more of my bills passed on the floor. That makes four now, and I'm batting a 1000. House Bill 1092 allows local municipalities to create city ordinances as to "if, how, when and where" utility vehicles and/ or golf carts may be used on city streets after daylights hours. Each city would also need to make necessary regulations requiring the golf cart or utility vehicle have adequate lighting and reflectors for public safety. House Joint Resolution 1023 gives the Juvenile Justice Task Force until May 2014 to com-

plete their work and make their final recommendations to improve Oklahoma's Juvenile Justice System. Simply put, they just need a little more time to complete their work. BancFirst hosted a legislative lunch attended by many of the legislators at the Phillip's Pavilion located on the grounds of the Governor's Mansion to discuss the impact of the federal regulations on the banking industry. The impact of these could limit local banks from providing loans to local businesses. I was able to speak with Sand Springs BancFirst President Randy Garland. He shared several concerns many of our local banks are facing. I rode over to the luncheon with another Representative, and we got so caught up in the presentation that we ended up being late to afternoon session. When I came running into my office, my legislative assistant informed me they were doing a quorum call. Apparently most of the representatives had been

late. Thankfully, it wasn't just me that day! Several water issues and drought prevention measures were highlighted by the Oklahoma Association of Conservation Districts during a lunch this past week. Presently, Eastern Red Cedar trees consume up to 50 gallons or more of water each day.Not only do they consume a large amount of water, but they are a fire hazard during our long, hot Oklahoma summers. Last week, House Bill 1513 passed which would allow for inmates and work release participants to harvest the trees. Langston University would then feed them to goats! Kind of a clever idea! The highlight of my week was seeing some of the local Sand Springs senior citizens that came to the Capitol for AARP Day. I had breakfast with Bob Johnson, Tom and Dorene Cole, and Pauline Perry. They got to see my new office and see me in action on the House floor. I appreciate them making the

trip to the Capitol and sharing their concerns with me. I love that they are staying active in our community. On a whim, Phil and I ran out to the Tulsa Home and Garden show this past weekend where many Sand Springs businesses were well represented. We saw Riddle's Plant Farm, Ringle Development, Keith Hilligoss' Air Solutions, and our own Sand Springs Chamber. We only had a short amount of time and didn't

get all around the Expo Center to see everyone. Next time we

need to set aside a whole day. Finally, I attended the high school's presentation of "Grease" on Sunday. There was a great turnout and everyone seemed to thoroughly enjoy the show. The cast did a fantastic job! Thanks to all involved in putting on a wonderful performance; and to Ms. Campfield for her leadership and dedication- we are lucky to have such great educators. Until next time then, God bless.

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