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1A Nice to meet you: 1.

SAYING HELLO Exercise a: A= 2 B= 1 C= 4 D= 3

2. GRAMMAR Exercise a: Im Tom. = I am Tom. My names Janet Leigh. = My name is Janet Leigh. Youre in room 5. = You are in room 5.

3. PRONUNCIATION Exercise e: FOOD Coffee Pizza sandwich 5. SAYING GOODBYE Exercise a: Goodbye: 2 Bye: 1 Goodnight: 6 See you: 5 See you on Saturday: 4 See you tomorrow: 3 TRAVEL Airport Train station COMMUNICATION e- mail Internet computer

Exercise b: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

Friday Saturday Sunday

1B Im not English, Im Scottish! 2. LISTENING & SPEAKING Exercise a: 3, 1, 4, 2. Exercise b: 1. A. Are you English? B. No, Im Scottish. Im from Edinburgh. 2. A. Where are you from? B. Were from United States. A. Are you on holiday? B. No, we arent. Were on business. 3. A. Wheres she from Is she Spanish? B. No, she isnt. Shes Argentina. Shes from Buenos Aires. 4. A. Mmm, delicious. Is it German? B. No, it isnt. Its French.

6. VOCABULARY Exercise a:

1C His name, her name. 1. LISTENING Exercise a: Every year thousands of students travel to different countries to study English. Where do they go?. Here are the top five countries:

600,000 study English in Britain. 500,000 study English in Ireland. 120,000 study English in USA. 80,000 study English in Australia. 40,000 study English in Canada.

Exercise c: 1. Whats your name? 2. Whats your surname? 3. How do you spell it? 4. Where are you from? 5. Are you a student? 6. How old are you? 7. Whats your address? 8. Whats your postcode? 9. Whats your e-mail address? 10. Whats your phone number?

4. GRAMMAR Exercise b: Complete the chart with your, my, his, her, their, our. Im Italian. Youre in level 1. Hes the director of Studies. Shes your teacher. Were an international school. Theyre new students. 1D Turn on your mobiles! 1. VOCABULARY Exercise a: Can you see these things in your classroom?Tick (/) or cross (x). a table a board ( /) (/) My family are from Rome. This is your classroom. His name is Michael. Her name is Lucy. Our students are from different countries. Their names are Tina and Daniel.

a TV a CD player a window a door a light a picture a video walls chairs

(x ) (/) (x ) (/) (/) (x) (/) ( /) (/)

Exercise c: an address book tissues coins a mobile( phone) keys an identity card a lipstick a purse =5 =1 =8 =6 =4 =2 =3 =7

3. GRAMMAR Exercise a: Write a or an. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. a Watch. an Umbrella. a Diary. an identity card. a File.

Exercise b: Write the plural. 1. Stamp = Stamps 2. Match = Matches 3. Key = Keys

4. CLASSROOM LANGUAGE Exercise a: 6= Look at the board. 7= Open your books 1 = Close the door. 3= Read the text. 2= Go to page 84. 10= Turn off your mobile (phone). 8= Sit dawn. 4= Work in pairs. 9= Stand up. 11= Dont write. 5= Listen and repeat. 12= Dont speak ( Spanish).

Exercise c: Complete the sentences. Whats ( bonjour) in English? How do you spell it?. Where s the stress?. Can you repeat it? I dont know. I dont remember. I dont understand.

1 On a plane VOCABULARY Exercise a: Coffee =2 Tea =3 (orange juice) = 5 Coke =1 Mineral water = 4 Milk =8 Ice =6 Lemon =7



Completing a form Student registration form: First name: Liliana Surname: Arnao Perez Nationality: Peruvian. Marital status: Single. Home address: 325 cosquista street E-mail address: Mobile number: 968248751 Identity number: 47153010 Signature: English Date: Its 13 August, 2011.

1. What do you remember? Grammar: 1. a. whats your name? 2. b. Is she Polish? 3. a. where hes from? 4. b. They arent English. 5. b. Are you from paris ? Yes I am 6. a. Shes Spanish. Her names Ana 7. b. Were Italian. Our surname is Tozzi 8. a. What are these? 9. a. Its an ambrella. 10. Theyre watches

VOCABULARY Exercise a: Complete with at, from, in, off, to. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Im from Japan. Nice to meet you. Whats bonjour in English? Look at the board. Please turn off your mobile phone.

Exercise b: Match the verbs and phrases. 1. Read the text. 2. Work in pairs. 3. Listen the CD. 4. Open the door. 5. Answer the questions.

Exercise c: 1. eight 2. Ireland 3. Polish 4. Sixteen 5. we 6. they 7. where 8. lighter two Chinese Italian Forty you his how pencil seven Thailand Japanese ninety her our what purse magazine pen file Spain France eighty he my watch address lipstick look

9. newspaper book 10. listen read

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