Chap 6 Addressing Study Questions

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CCNA Exploration Chapter 6 Addressing. Study questions. Answers in white font. Select and change colour to see them.

Reminder just in case. 21 (2^1 or 2 to the power 1) = 2 22 (2^2 or 2 to the power 2) = 2 x 2 = 4 23 (2^3 or 2 to the power 3) = 2 x 2 x 2 = 8 24 (2^4 or 2 to the power 4) = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 = 16 25 (2^5 or 2 to the power 5) = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 = 32 26 (2^6 or 2 to the power 6) = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 = 64 27 (2^7 or 2 to the power 7) = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 = 128 28 (2^8 or 2 to the power 8) = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 = 256

How is an IPv4 address normally written? As dotted decimal four decimal numbers separated by dots. E.g. What is an octet? A group of 8 bits (binary digits) in an IP address. Each octet is converted to one decimal number so that the address can be written conveniently. The IP address is in two parts. The bits on the left (high order) represent the: Network part The bits on the right (low order) represent the: Host part. What is the largest number that can be held in one octet (8 bits)? 255 (11111111 in binary) Convert the binary number 10011101 to decimal. 157 Convert the binary number 11110000 to decimal. 240 Convert the decimal number 224 to binary. 11100000 Convert the decimal number 200 to binary.




11001000 Convert the IP address to binary. 11000000101010000001010000001111

What are the three types of IP address in the range of a network? The first (lowest number) address is the network address. The last (highest) number address is the broadcast address. The other addresses are host addresses. What information does the network prefix give? The number of bits in the network portion of an IP address. If a host IP address is and the prefix length is /24, what are the network address and broadcast address of the hosts network? Network address, broadcast address If a host IP address is and the prefix length is /16, what are the network address and broadcast address of the hosts network? Network address, broadcast address If a host IP address is and the prefix length is /24, what are the network address and broadcast address of the hosts network? Network address, broadcast address A host IP address is and the prefix length is /28. How many bits of the last octet are in the network part of the address? 4 The host address and prefix are the same as in the previous question. Write the last octet in binary showing all 8 bits. 00001001 The host address and prefix are the same as before. The network address has all the bits in the host part set to 0. What is the last octet of the network address written in binary? 00000000




The host address and prefix are the same as before. What is the network address written as four octets of decimal? The host address and prefix are the same as before. The network address has all the bits in the host part set to 1. What is the last octet of the network address written in binary? 00001111 The host address and prefix are the same as before. What is the broadcast address written as four octets of decimal? A host IP address is and the prefix length is /28. What are the network address and the broadcast address of the hosts network? Network address, broadcast address A host IP address is and the prefix length is /28. What are the first and last host addresses of the network? First host, last host A host IP address is and the prefix length is /22. What are the network address and the broadcast address of the hosts network? Network address Broadcast address What is a unicast packet? A packet sent to one IP address a single host. What is a broadcast packet? A packet sent to all hosts on a network. What is a multicast packet? A packet sent to a selected group of hosts. What destination IP address would a host use for a limited broadcast to hosts on its own network?




A host is using the broadcast address to send a directed broadcast to hosts on the network, which is the other side of a router. Will the broadcast reach the hosts? Only if the router is configured to forward the broadcast message. By default it will not. Give three examples of the use of broadcast messages. Mapping upper layer addresses to lower layer addresses Requesting an address Exchanging routing information by routing protocols Which IPv4 addresses are used for multicasts? to Which IPv4 addresses are not currently used to address hosts, but are reserved for experimental purposes? to What is the difference between public addresses and private addresses? Public addresses can be used over the Internet. A public address must be unique in the world, so their use is controlled. Private addresses are not routed over the Internet. Their use is unrestricted on networks that do not require Internet access. What are the blocks of private addresses? to ( /8) to ( /12) to ( /16) What is the name of the service that can allow hosts on a network using private addresses to have the use of a public address or addresses to access the Internet? Network Address Translation. Why are hosts never given IP addresses with the first octet 0? is used in default routes to mean any address. This use reserves the whole of the network so that it cannot be used for hosts. What is special about the address This is the loopback address, used by hosts to direct messages to themselves. This use reserves the whole network so that no hosts can be given addresses starting with 127.




Which other addresses have special uses and are not routed over the Internet? Link-Local Addresses to ( /16) and TEST-NET Addresses to ( /24). What is classful network addressing? Originally IPv4 addresses were organised into classes A, B and C, giving different sizes of network. In class A, how much of the IP address is in the network part, and what is the range of numbers in the first octet? 8 bits (one octet), first octet 1 - 127 In class B, how much of the IP address is in the network part, and what is the range of numbers in the first octet? 16 bits (two octets) , first octet 128 - 191 In class C, how much of the IP address is in the network part, and what is the range of numbers in the first octet? 24 bits (three octets) , first octet 192 - 223 What are the subnet masks for class A, class B and class C? Class A, class B, class C We now use classless addressing, so why is it still useful to learn about classful addressing? Operating systems on PCs and routers still assume that the default subnet masks for the classes will be used unless they are configured differently.

Give three reasons why the allocation of IP addresses in a company network should be planned and documented carefully. Preventing duplication of addresses Providing and controlling access Monitoring security and performance What is static IP addressing and which devices are normally given static addresses?




The address is configured manually by an administrator. Servers, printers, routers, switches and generally any hosts that need to be contacted by other devices should have static addresses because static addresses stay the same. What is dynamic IP addressing and why is it used for the majority of workstations? The IP address is assigned automatically by a DHCP server. The address is given on a temporary lease and returned for re-use if the lease is not renewed. It is used because static addressing is time consuming and can result in duplication of addresses unless records are kept very carefully. Dynamic addressing needs no further input from the administrator once it has been set up, and it checks to avoid duplicate addresses. It is also useful where workstations e.g. laptops are regularly added to the network and removed from it. Why should the host addresses within a network be split into blocks of adjacent addresses, with one block for workstations, one block for servers, one block for network devices etc? Blocks of addresses can be excluded from the DHCP pool and used for static addresses. Blocks of addresses make it easier to monitor traffic to different types of device. It is easier to configure translation to public addresses for use over the internet. It is easier to configure security. Which network address should be given to the default gateway? The default gateway (router interface) is normally given either the first or the last host address on a network. The choice of first or last should be consistent throughout an organisation that has several networks. What is IANA? Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) is in charge of allocating IP addresses. It used to allocate them directly to organisations. Now it allocates them to regional registries which then allocate them to organisations, usually via an ISP. What was the main reason for developing IPv6? The shortage of IPv4 addresses. How many bits are in an IPv6 address, and how are they written? 128 bits, written as 8 hexadecimal values separated by conons. What are the advantages of IPv6 over IPv4? Much larger address space (more addresses)




Simpler packet header to improve and speed up packet handling Supports extensions and options which should increase scalability and longevity Better quality of service mechanisms Security capabilities integrated.

The subnet mask gives the same information as: The prefix What does a binary 1 in the subnet mask mean? The corresponding bit in the IP address is in the network part. What does a binary 0 in the subnet mask mean? The corresponding bit in the IP address is in the host part. A host is configured with a subnet mask Write the subnet mask in binary and write down the prefix that gives the same information. 11111111 11111111 00000000 00000000 /16 (because the first 16 bits of the IP address are in the network part.) Which decimal numbers can appear in subnet masks, and why? 0, 128, 192, 224, 240, 248, 252, 254, 255 These are the only numbers that can be made from 8 bits where all the 1s come at the beginning and all the 0s come at the end. What results do you get from the following logical operations on bits? 0 AND 0 = 1 AND 0 = 0 AND 1 = 1 AND 1 = 0 AND 0 = 0 1 AND 0 = 0 0 AND 1 = 0 1 AND 1 = 1 If you take the IP address of a host and perform a bit-by-bit logical AND with the hosts subnet mask, what do you get? The network address of the hosts network. Why does the host that originates a message carry out the logical AND operation?




It finds its own network address and checks to see if the destination host is on the same network. If so, then it sends the message direct to the destination host. If not, then it sends the message to the default gateway for forwarding. Which networking device carries out the logical AND, and why? A router does a logical AND on the destination IP address of each incoming message and the appropriate subnet mask. It does this to find out which network the message should go to. A host has IP address and subnet mask What is the network address of the hosts network? A host has IP address and subnet mask What is the network address of the hosts network? A host has IP address and subnet mask What is the network address of the hosts network? A host has IP address and subnet mask What is the network address of the hosts network? There are many good subnet calculators available. Why are you learning to subnet and to carry out logical AND without a calculator? A network administrator needs to understand the principles involved. You will not be able to use any kind of calculator in the CCNA exam.

You start with the network You borrow 2 bits from the host part for subnetting. How many subnets can you have? How many hosts can you have on each subnet? Give the network address with its prefix, subnet mask, broadcast address and range of host addresses for each subnet. (Try to work this out. Do not just copy answers from the curriculum.) 4 subnets 62 hosts on each subnet




Network address

Subnet mask 2 2 2 2

Broadcast address

Host addresses to to to to

You start with the network You need 5 subnets. How many bits will you borrow? How many subnets will this give you? How many hosts on each subnet? Borrow 3 bits, giving 8 subnets. (2 bits would give 4 subnets, so not enough.) 5 bits remain for host addressing. 25 = 32 but take two off for network and broadcast address, so 30 host addresses on each subnet. An organisation has 80 hosts in the London office, 20 hosts in Cardiff, 15 hosts in Belfast and 150 hosts in Edinburgh. There are 5 WAN links connecting the offices. You need to plan the addressing. There will be one subnet for each office and one for each WAN link. Where will you start when you divide up your address space into subnets? Start with the Edinburgh subnet because it has most hosts. (Then do London, Cardiff, Belfast, and the WAN links last.) Warning. Page 6.5.2 of the curriculum has a misprint. The formula for the number of usable hosts should be: Usable hosts = 2n 2 (or 2^n 2) and not Usable hosts = 2 n - 2 Suppose that you have borrowed 2 host bits for subnetting to create 4 subnets. You now want to split one of the subnets into 2 smaller subnets. How can you do this? Borrow an extra bit (adds 1 to the prefix, converts another bit of the (binary) subnet mask to 1.) What is another name for subnetting the subnets? Variable Length Subnet mask (VLSM) Why was this technique of subnetting the subnets introduced? Classical subnetting has all the subnets the same size. This is very inefficient if some subnets have a lot of hosts but others are point to point links with only 2 hosts. VLSM allows subnets to be different sizes.




What is the most efficient prefix for a point to point WAN link? And what is the equivalent subnet mask? /30 This allows two host addresses. Use the online activities to practice calculations.

You ping and get a reply. What does this tell you? IP is properly configured on the host. (This is the loopback address.) You ping the default gateway and get no reply. Does this mean that the default gateway address is wrong? No necessarily. The router might be configured not to respond to pings for security reasons. What does traceroute tell you that ping does not? The address of every router along the route. What is the purpose of ICMP? It provides control and error messages for the TCP/IP suite of protocols.





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