Recognition and Classification of Power Quality Disturbances Using The Wavelet-Based Neural Network

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Viet Nguyen Hoang, and Hai Tran Ky Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology

ABSTRACT In this paper, a pattern wavelet-based neural network classifier is applied to recognize power-quality disturbances such as harmonic distortion, capacitor switching, voltage sag/swell, momentary interruption, over/under voltage, and flicker. The discrete wavelet transform (DWT) is combined with the probabilistic neural network (PNN) model to construct the classifier. Firstly, the multi-resolution analysis of DWT and Parsevals theorem are employed to extract the energy distribution features of the distorted signal at different resolution levels. Next, the energy curve of the given signal is calculated and a relationship between this energy curve and the one of the corresponding fundamental component is established. Finally, the PNN classifies and identifies the disturbance type according to the energy curve deviation. The paper shows that each power quality disturbance has specific deviations from the pure sinusoidal waveform and this is good at recognizing of the type of disturbance. based was applied to classify the distorted feature time, while the wavelet-based HMM was utilized for frequency characterized feature power disturbance. ZweLee Gaing in [1] proposed a wavelet-based neural model, in which PNN was used to gain highly speed classifier, DWT was employed to extract energy distortion and duration of magnetic transient. In short, all of the above methods used DWT to extract time disturbance or frequency component, neural network to classify. They were rather complicated especially in building classifier. To overcome the advantages, we propose in this paper a recognized method using energy deviation curve, in which neural network just only locates minimum or maximum value on curve to classify all kinds of waveform. 2.



N Viet Nam, almost of the modern relay installed at main substation can measure and record voltage signal. However, all of them are not integrated function that is able to auto-recognize and classify power quality disturbances. They are necessary for operation, repair, reconstruction and project many problems in power system. So a feasibility approach to archive of this goal is to build the software, which is installed at mainframe or personal computer, the power quality engineers can use computer to access the events stored in relays memory and analyze the source of disturbances, so that an appropriate solution can be suggested as quickly as possibly. Gaouda et al. [4] presented a multi-resolution signal decomposition technique as an efficient method in analyzing transient event, in which the standard multiresolution analysis (std-MRA) curve was established for each waveform using DWT and Parsevals theorem. The std-MRA was split in to different zones where each zone could be used to detect and classify power quality phenomena. Suyra Santoso et all. [2], [3] constructed a wavelet-based neural classifier integrating the DWT, learning vector quantization (LVQ), voting scheme, and the Dempster-Shafer theory of evidence. The classifier provided a high degree of belief for identifying waveform. Jaehak Chung proposed a classifier for power disturbance using a rule-based method and a wavelet packet-based hidden Markov model (HMM). The rule-

Applying Parsevals theorem is applied to calculate the distorted energy of detailed packets that gained from invert discrete wavelet transform (IDWT) at each analyzed level. The energy distortion of given signal is compared with the sinusoidal energy, the compared result help to establish the energy deviation curve, and that is PNNs input to identify and classify. The process is illustrated in flowchart below, fig 1.
PNN Waveform DWT Parseval's theorem Energy Deviation Conclusion

Fig. 1. Processing flowchart


Making waveform

All of the waveforms in this paper are programmed by M-file in MATLAB 6.5 compiler. Square pulses are employed to clip or hold informative signal at some investigated points of time. After that, a researched waveform is synthesized by using principle of accumulation. We generated pure sine wave (frequency = 50Hz, amplitude = 1p.u), others are integrated the random function (rand), in order to have the signal with start-point, end-point and amplitude quite randomly. Wavelet Daubanchies db4 is employed to perform the IDWT with 11 levels, some waveforms and calculated results are shown in fig 3, fig 4 and fig 5. 2.2. Discrete wavelet transform

nk (t ) = 2n / 2 (2n t k ) called wavelet function or mother wavelet. nk (t ) = 2n / 2 (2n t k ) called scaling function. 0k jk are scaling coefficient and wavelet

coefficient at scale j. k is the decomposition level. DWT is different from continuous wavelet transform (CWT) in mathematical representation. In lieu of presenting a continuous signal by time (t), we can show it in series of nT. This is an advantage in technology because all digital measurements are equipped sampling block and record signal in discrete form. The analyzing waveform is concentrated on approximated packet and detailed packet in [2], [3] or on those packets thorough IDWT in [4], [5], and recently in the Zwe-Lee Gaings paper [1]. 2.3. Parsevals theorem and evaluating energy deviation

The wavelet transform is different from Fourier transform very little, if we look both in principle of accumulation aspect. In Fourier analysis, a signal is the series of infinite sine waves in which frequency is multiple of fundamental one. While wavelet analysis, a signal is broken in to finite approximations and details thorough wavelet function and scaling function . The wavelet function will generate the detailed version and the scaling function will generate the approximated version. The approximations contain low frequency, and details contain high frequency. Analysis in forward direction with down sampling, we receive approximated packets, detailed packets, and wavelet coefficients. Then we upsample and include with wavelet coefficients to reconstruct the near originally signal in the fig 2.
H n/2 H H' n samples n/4 H'

In Paservals theorem, assuming a discrete signal v(n) is the voltage that drops in two ends of the 1 resistance, then the consumptive energy of the resistance is equal to the square sum of the spectrum of Fourier transform in the frequency domain.
1 2 > v(n) = h =< N > Vh N n =< N


Where N is the length of sample, Vh are the spectrum coefficients of the Fourier transform. Applying the theorem to DWT, we obtain:
1 1 2 v ( n) = N N n =< N > J


2 J ,k


1 CTj ,k Nj k


n samples

L Analysis Decomposition DWT

L n/4


Wavelet Coefficients

L' Synthesis Reconstruction IDWT

Fig. 2. Multi-step decomposition and reconstruction

Where: XX, CT is approximation and detail, respectively, which gained thorough IDWT at each level. The first term on the right of (3) denotes the average power of approximated packet of decomposed signal. The second term gives the energy distribution features of power disturbance. In researching, we realized that all distorted energy of the given signal concentrated on the 8th level in fig 6. To build the energy deviation curve, we compare the given signal energy with the sinusoidal energy in formula below:
DL(i )% = NLPB(i ) NLSC (i ) 100 NLSC (8)

Every signal v(t) can be represented as a series of the form:

v(t ) = 0 k 0 k (t ) + jk jk (t )
k j =0 k




Where: NLPB(i): energy distribution concentrated on each wavelet transform level of signal in study. NLSC(i): energy distribution in each wavelet transform level of the correspondent

fundamental component of the signal in study. NLSC(8): energy concentrated on the 8th (the highest energy) of corresponding fundamental component of the signal in study. The energy deviation curves (DL%) are plotted in fig 3-b.

In short, we can easily take the start time ts , the end time te and calculate the disturbance duration td t d = te t s (5)

Fig. 4. Capacitor switching analysis

Fig. 5 shows the detailed version of a three levels decomposition of a harmonic. The disturbance duration can not be extracted because the signal is smooth. (a)

(b) Fig. 3. (a) Voltage sag and three levels analysis for detailed packet; (b) Detailed energy distribution and Energy deviation curve

Fig. 3a shows the detailed of a three-level decomposition (CT1 to CT3). Fig. 3b shows the detailed energy distribution at 11 levels and energy deviation curve. The detailed packets from CT1 to CT3 were plotted with positive value in fig. 3 to fig. 5. 2.4. Duration of transient:

Fig. 5. Harmonic analysis, the start point disappears in CT1

In general, when a transient disturbance occurs, we want to know how long it takes place. The transient time needs to define accurately for coordination of protective devices. Employing the DWT technique to analyze the distorted signal on 1st level decomposition of the MRA, we detect the start point and the end point thorough locating peaks on CT1 . In case of capacitor switching, the end-point is not clear in fig 4, so we detect it on CT3 .

The disturbance time is just only supporting feature in recognition whenever energy deviation curve is confused with another. 2.5. Probabilistic neural network

Probabilistic neural networks (PNN) are a kind of radial basis network suitable for classification problems.

PNN is a two layers network in fig 6. The first layer has radbas neurons. The second layer has compet neurons. The neural network in this paper has 11 neurons in input layer and 1 neuron in output layer.
Input IW 1,1 DL1 . . . DL11 11x1 |dist| p 1 b1 1x1 a 1 = radbas(|IW
1,1 -

Radial Basis Layer

Competive Layer Output

a1 LW 2,1

a2 = y

Harmonic can be generated using results taken in Power Quality Test Machine such as total harmonic distortion (THD). Capacitor switching needs maximum amplitude voltage, and damped oscillation time. Those coefficients make difficulty in generating similar practical waveform, if we use some simulating software such as ATP-EMTP, MATLAB Simulink because of existing mutual induction or coupling capacitance. After generated a set of waveform, we employed DWT and established energy deviation curve. The analysis results of typical waveforms shown in fig. 8.


a 2 = compet(|LW


- a1|)

Fig. 6. PNNs architecture (taken from toolbox/nnet/nnet.shtml) 3. APPLICATION AND RESULTS

The waveforms were generated and saved by running respective programs. By integrating random function, we shall receive the wave shapes quite different from run results before. Hence, PNN can be tested very objectively.

Fig. 8. Distorted energy distribution in each level. (a) Under voltage 0.6 pu, (b) Sine 1 pu, (c) Over voltage 1.4 pu, (d) Voltage Sag, (e) Voltage Swell , (f) Capacitor Switching, (g) Momentary Interruption, (h) Harmonic, (i) Flicker

Fig. 7. Some typical waveforms. (a) Under voltage 0.6 pu, (b) Sine 1 pu, (c) Over voltage 1.4 pu, (d) Voltage Sag, (e) Voltage Swell , (f) Capacitor Switching, (g) Momentary Interruption, (h) Harmonic, (i) Flicker

In fig 8 showed the distorted energy distribution at each level, we couldnt actually recognize the features. High frequency disturbance occurs in 4th and 5th level. Low frequency disturbance occurs in 9th and 10th level. Two clearly energy distributed at level 8 and 7 vary on wide interval in its kind of waveform. Those distributed energy directly employed in recognition that gained low effect. All of the features were quite clear when we applied (4) in calculating, results plotted in fig. 9.

The results in fig 9-i showed that all of the flickers energy deviation levels are less than zero, and minimum value concentrates on level 8. Contrary to the flicker, voltage swell in fig 9-e has the maximum energy deviation at level 8, and it occurs in positive plane. Swell and over voltage have the same energy deviation curve but they distinguish thorough duration of transient. Capacitor switching curve in fig 9 f has the maximum value in level 4 or level 5. Harmonics curve in fig 9 h also has the maximum value in level 5 or level 6, but 6th level is not always equal to zero, while the 6th level capacitor switching reaches to zero. Momentary interruption can be confused with voltage sag, actually they are quite different if we examine the 4th or the 5th carefully. The recognizing waveform problem becomes more easily when we apply the energy deviation curve. The neural network structure is simple. Neural network output is code of classification, we change from code number to language such as code 1 is pure sine wave, code 7 is flicker. We generated 50 samples (without under/over voltage) to test the PNN model (two for pure sine, eight for each kind). The successful recognition was 100%. Then, we increased the set (56 waveforms) with three over voltage and three under voltage. The successful recognition was down to 94.6% because under voltage confused with flicker. The under voltage can be distinguished between flicker, if we extract the frequency disturbance in flicker. To extract the frequency we employ other wavelet function such as Gaussian, db6 or db10. When the type of waveform increased, we should use advanced algorithm of fuzzy based neural for classification. The proposed method was written in MatLab 6.5 compiler and executed on a Pentium III 1.13GHz personal computer with 256-MB RAM. It took averagely 1.22 s for recognition each waveform. 4. CONCLUSION

The quality of extracted features can be reduced using wavelet-based neural network model. The experimental results showed that the proposed method is able to recognize and classify different power disturbance types efficiently, if we examine in large training set enough. So employing real disturbances measured by the digital recorder will be feasibility. 5. Fig. 9. Families of energy deviation curve. (a) Under voltage , (b) Pure sine, (c) Over voltage , (d) Voltage Sag, (e) Voltage Swell , (f) Capacitor Switching, (g) Momentary Interruption, (h) Harmonic, (i) Flicker REFERENCES

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